Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE nnE: OMAHA. UKDM-SDAY. Al'lUU 19. iy."-
1 .
Ul llilllUll. Wt
Nebraska Urged
by Association
I)cvr1oiinrnt of Kurt. Tim
lrr on Waste Area ami
Culture of Tret-, Object
of Boily,
Arbr.r tUy i a iruuil time l con
ii)r the limit ami o.ibilitirt rl
Nrlirala'a a IrrC'groMing tatt
1 he tuljcrt t( (urcsiry ha received
rrjr little attention in Ncbr.ii.j.
liroal nl inun.l acre have iiivi'iM
the ctforl r( the husuamluiaii, mid
Ik tut ly etirrgy given to the
world wonderful wraith t( farm
lrodue. Along with frri have
moved lite cattle grower, the swine
hreedrr and the r1oikmatfr, and cat
tic, and alu-ep by million have
cone out from tint Uic tu 'red a
Iittiiff ry wrld.
Hut Nebraska i tikked with
Mhcr raalnlitir, aiming which u
the raising of useful (otjI tmibrr.
v'aie arc have long flaut.U'il their
ciiiptine in tlx luce of tiic v.prld
and Nclirjkkun have woiiiU-rcd what
to do with t'lcni. t'aretul, ;ieiitilitf
expcriiurnK have Iteen caified in, to
discover what ue may l made of
ac( arc idle.
It U now known that thru alackrr
aerrf will produce a lou. til'ul, profit-
ahle crop if put to their natural ue.
me timber is bring Rrowii i" ine
sandhill. Not a few mattered
patilu."., hut hiiiidrid and thousands
of acres of u-riiil tries. The atate
oi Nebraska own 97.00 acre in
the amlliill region, on whim nay be
grown white t inc., yellow t !ue and
jack pine. All that i rec.uircj it
plantiiiit and a little attentio.i.
In the Betsey nursery at llalsey
fi,5(Kl acre of Mantling timber, now
hut 2U year old, tree 30 feet high,
all planted since 1W2, is the living
p'oof of the statement that pine tim
ber will (row in the sand hill
1'orotry for Ncbraka has other
available uses. The farmer with a
Miiatl timber lot need never burn
corn for fuel, nor depend on cow
chins to furnish heat to cook his food
Trees are not a crop for today or
tomorrow, hut require years to ma
ture. " Now is the time to plant, that
the future may he made secure.
The Nebraska Forestry association
was formed last October by some in
terested citizens of Nebraska, its ob
ject being:
"To unite people w ho are interested
in forestry; the encouraging of the
planting and culture of trees; caring
for existing groves, orchards or plan
tations; forcstration of waste lands
of the state; stimulation of popular
interest in the science of forestry."
Membership in the society is open
to all. T. W. McCullough of Omaha
is president; Mrs. John H. Corrick
f Palisade is secretary, and Wood
ruff Ball of Valentine is vice presi
dent. Either of these will be g'ad
to answer inquiries.
Radio Factories
Meeting Demand
Production of Vacuum Tuliet
Hat Reached Maximum of
500.000 IVr Month.
That wirrle.s telephony i not a
fad, but to be of permanent
practical ue, is evident in the en
largement ul radio factories in the
rat and the large increase of their
output during the but three months.
Westinehoiue, General Electric
and Kadm Corporation of America
are the "big bugs" in the wireless
iiiduotry that are forcing ahead at
full blat in an eflort to meet the de
mand that grew overnight.
Vacuum tubes and headphones are
the greatest want in the radio line,
experts say. One local electric com
pany that deals in wireless equip
ment is $47,UK) behind in order and
will not promise shipment before JO
The manufacture of Vacuum tube
has jumped in numbers from 10.000
per month in 1921 to a maximum
of 500,000 in March of this year.
Kvery wireles "bug" knows that he
must have a vacuum tube in order
to hear clearly further than 25 miles.
So. all mu.t wait patiently until
the manufacturers are able to supply
the dealers. ,
Do not throw away your burued
out tubes. Most jobber require
that they be turned in when new
ones are purchased, . and persons
seeking the elusive bulbs often add
to their difficulties by having no old
ones to exchange for them.
Alternating Current A current
which flows, not like water in a pipe
in one direction, but first in one di
rection and then in the opposite. A
single alternation is called a "cycle."
Commercial alternating currents are
eomoosed of 60 eveles a second. The
hiumbcr of cycles in the alternating
currents used tu radio ts many thou
sands a second. .
Amplitude Every wave grows
from zero to a maximum value at its
crest. The maximum value is the
amplitude and is ascertained by
measuring the height of the wave
Audio Frequency Vibrations may
or may not be audible to the human
car. When they are audible they
have, audio frequency. Frequencies
below 10,000 cycles per second are
regarded as audio frequencies.
L. C. B., North Platte, Neb. Q.
Can you receive 350 meter waves
with a tuning coil of 2,500 to 3.00"
meters' capacity?
A. Yes, by using audiou detector
It weighs
Hve ounces
Say Ben-Gay at any drug store and
;. vou, will get a tube of the original
' French Baume Bengue (Analge
, .slque), then apply as follows: mas-
sage the area of pain with the
Baume rubbing gently at first
and then with more firmness,
j Keep a tub handy for Lumbago.
Free to Asthma and
Hay Fever Suffererr
Free Trial of a Method That Ar.,--'
one Can Use Without Discom
' fort or Loss of Time.
(We have a method for the control of
Asthma, and we want you to try it at cur
expense. No matter whether your case is
of Ion standing or recent development,
whether it is present as Hay Fever cr
chronic Asthma, you should send for a free
trial of 'nr method. No matter in what
climate you live, no matter what your age
Or occupation, if you are troubled with
asthma ir nay fever, our method should
relieve you promptly.
, We especially want to send it to thost
Apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumes, "patent smokes." etc., have failed.
Vi want to show everyone at our expense
that our method ia designed to end all
difficult breathing, all wheezing, and ail
those terrible paroxysms.
V This free offer ia too important to neg
lect a single day. Write now and begin
the method at once. Send no money.
Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today '
rou do not even pay postage.
Niagara and Hudson Sts Buffalo. N. Y.
Send free trial of your method to:
An Old Line Legal
Reserve Life
Insurance Company
showing $1.25 : $1.00 ra
' tio of assets to liabilities,
is in the market for a
. NEBRASKA. Adequate
funds supplied for bank
deposits and a partial
bank lineup ready. AP
DITIONS. Address:
Box Y 1863, Omaha Bee.
Union Outfitting Co.
Will Hold a Notable
Sale of Lace Curtains
and Panels Saturday
If You Expect to Hang New
Draperies This Spring, It
Will Pay You to Buy Now
Beautiful, airy draperies add
so much to the attractiveness of
a room that the Sale of Lace
Curtains at the Union Outfitting
Co. next Saturday is of impor
tance to any woman who plans
on beautifying her home this
spring. . .
There are Curtains for Living
Rooms, Bedrooms and Dining
Rooms, ranging from very inex
pensive grades to the more elab
orate patterns; all marked at de
cisive reductions. And, as al
ways, you make your own terms.
and fme ur lo step of amplilka
H. M. D , Grand Island, Ncb.-Q,
Why ran 1 not get muic over my
wirelett apparaiu (druribed)?
A. Srice you gr the code me
cagta you should get music. You
are not tuning in right. Trainee till
you get it. Your hook-up it (J. K. ,
Isue Arrrtt Warrant fur
O'Connor Estate Claimant
!Uting. Neb., April 18 War
rant or the arrest of the Missouri
claimant ol the estate of the late
John O'Connor of Hastings were fl
atted yrtenUy by County Judge
Turbylitl. There are 41 member of
the Minsouri group, which claim
ahare of the mate amounting to tcv
cral thousand dollar.
The warrant are iued on a com
plaint made by County Attorney Ad
dit. charging the claimant with hav
in offered a will for probate in
county court, knowintr it to be a
forged initrument. The warrant,
Mr Addie laid, will not be irrved in
Misiourl, but will be held for service
should anv of the claimant enter thi
county. The O'Connor will cae hai
been fought in the court for year.
nn rrnrl.o. April Is. K. W. P.
PamewoAd, a lorat minister, ilet-lared ta
rtar ha would atari Thursday fur W ald
ington. I. C. a'ont. Tha mlriitr sant
ha rspwtsd to tw blind soon ami that h
aml la aaa a praaldcnl hila h coul'l.
Tha minister who la past so, will carry
about 11 paun'ta ar Iuiiik with him
which ha aalt ha wnulit haul thin4 him
la a amall wagon. Ha will atari with 11.
Father Causes
Son to Confess
to Slaying Man
I'ortljml Man OLtattii Con
ffaioii of Killing of Mu
pit iaii After Three Hour'
IVrtl.nd,, Ore, April 18 R. J.
Heckrr, early today told the polire
that after quritioning for tbrct hour,
hi ion, Ruurll decker, in iail here,
the ion had confessed that he killed
Frank Bowkcr. a musician, mining
since Sunday night The father laid
hi an wa ready to lead the police
to the pot whrre Howker'a body
wa hidden. The police expected
to look for the body today.
Kiintll flecker I 2A. lie wai ar
rested yesterday alter the police laid
thrv fonnd bloodstains in hit auto
mobile, llowkcr, according to a
ktorv told the people by hi brother,
had had an appointment with flecker
Sunday night, flecker waa reported
tr have promised to deliver a quan
tity of licmor. Ilowkrr wa laid to
have left hi home here with $1,4XI
in t is pocket.
otitic llecker refused to make a
I'tatrmrnt to the police, but hi fa
thcr wa reported to have broken
doun hi reserve after the hour of
private interrogation in the jail cell
Ont State 1.11. Imilf.l tu
AttenJ Club Hotie Ojiening
Fourteen thousand Elk In le
state will be muted this wrrk to be
guest pf the Oniaha My at the
iirftum-ttide gathering of I II 14 he
held bere when the new clubhouse is
opened, Herbert Uamel, grand f
!ted ruler, announced yesterday.
The fatiiMiin Id sell flAaVMO
worth of bond 4 erect the .irmtine
at thf outhrt corner of r 'at bt
rentlt and Dodg-a street will be
taumhed nrt Monday, t Ut a
A letter of fongratulrtiiona on tbe
work undertaken by the Omaha
l'lg was ret rived yesterday by
thairnian Trimble from lirand F
altej Kuler W, W, Mountain of the
grand lodge. The letter Mluw:
"1 certainly want to congratulate
Omaha lodge on perfecting itUu
and bring able t finance a iilirme
for a li t'iry cluhhoue.
"With the program we are carry
li'K out tin year throughout Hk
d in tou'inurd, and these great 1 Us'
heme and club becoming the eivie
tcntei of their ctminmnities, stnd
ing for law and Older and that ssbu li
la .I-!,. .... ... il,a
t" w4 w w
great result that are sure tit come;
la the order,"
For up-to-date sport new real
The lire You will find it ery in
Browning King & Co.
"The Store of the Town"
W omen"
The Season's Newest
America's best known and reputed shirt that
are guaranteed by the maker and ourselves to
. the fry last stitch are to be had in our great
Spring Showing. Never before has this store
been able to place so many and varied patterns,
colorings and qualities for a satisfied selection.
"Manhattan" Shirts
, Madras, Silk Mixtures and All Silk
r $2-50 to $7-oo
Browning King' Special
, Our own high tailored shirts of madras, printed
and woven percales, oxfords, silk' mixtures, and
satin stripes. ' -
?10 to $g.00
Silk Shirt Special
An unusual variety of pure silk, jersey, broad
' ' cloth, and crepe silk shirts that sold from $7.00
to $10.00, now ;
$5.25 3 for $25;00
Collars Attached Shirts
$1.50 to $3.50
Percales, oxfords, pongee, and poplins, mostly
the new narrow collars. " White oxfords with but
ton down collar
'"Atta Boy"
If you want some swell neckwear at a bargain
price, right now is the time to buy it. Beautiful
qualities and styles of silk in 'dots, stripes, checks,
and unique weaves, that can't help but please
Specially priced, at
Browning King & Co.
15th and Douglaa Sts.
Harry H. Abbott, Mgr.
SI x 'Ul.SIL . 'LyM Wesr
focation Lamd
ltfliinesotas Ten Thousand Lakes
The Ten Thousand Lakes! Dim forest trails that
Radisson and Nicollet trod. Warm sun and warm '
sand. The soft drone of little waves. A hawk off
' yonder in the blue. Just laziness.
The Ten Thousand Lakes! A misty morning. A
long cast,and the zing-g of the reeL Water whipped
into foam,and the thrill of the long fight. A ten- .
pound muskie. ....
TheTen Thousand Lakes! Golf and boating and
swimmingdancing and horseback-riding .... a
land just made for vacation.
Lowest fares in years to VacationLandviaChicago
Great Western. Ask for the Ten Thousand Lakes
booklet,and information about hotel and boarding-
house accommodations
General Agent, Passenger Dept.
T. Minkler, District Passenger Agent
,1419 First Nat. Bank Bldg. JA ckson 0260
Thousands of Yards of Beautiful
Imported Laces
All Hand Made by Expert Lace Makers
Real Irish Lace
Chinese and Italian Filets
French Clunies
Imported from Ireland, China, Italy, France
Direct Importation Enables U$ to Offer The$e Lacet
J1P 1,1
All at About
the Regular
Real Irish and Filet Picot Edges
About ft inch to 1 inch w ide ; all handmade ; IO
fine quality; per yard, XGC
Real Irish ahd Filet Edges
1,2 inch to 1 inch wide; all handmade; QC
nor vnnl. 6tV
1 ,
Filet, Irish, Cluny Laces; Insertions
1 inch to 2 inches wide; all handmade; CO
per yard,
Filet and Irish Laces and Bands
In collar widths; all new pat- AO to 1 AO
terns; all handmade; per yard, OC X 70
Real Filet, Irish Cluny and Venise
Medallions, Inserts and Chair Backs
Small medium and large sizes; all are handmade;
Wednesday, on bargain squares, each '
5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, 98c up to 12.50
Main Floor Center
am. c'x c i r
jnner easier oaie or
Silk Dresses
300 New Spring Dresses from
our regular, stocks that for
merly sold from 25. 00 to 40.00
lor tins spe-
cial selling.
A very wide variety
of styles for after
noon, street and
sport wear are of
fered in this group. Fine Cantons
and Georgettes are heavily beaded.
Debortair cape costumes use Krepe
Knit or Vellette. Crepe de Chines
ane embroidered or may be draped
in self or contrasting materials. The
colors include many street shades
and vivid sport hues. Sizes 16 to 44.
Second Floor West
After Easter Reduction Sale, Fash
ion Show and Display
Apparel at 20 to 40
' Less Than Former Prices
Tills Includes some of tbe moat beautiful and ultra fashions
in Evening Gowns, Suits, Dinner Frocks and Cape Costumes.
Second Floor West.
Jersey Silk Bloomers
In the New Sport Length
Those who like a bloomer that comes above the knee will
be interested in these new arrivals. They are made of
heavy Jersey silk in a particularly complete saw
color range, including Emerald, Mohawk,
Peacock Blue, Navy, Brown and Black. SJ
Radium Silk Petticoats
Delightful to
skillfully cut
in the wrong
used and the
stitched hem
Henna, Tan,,
Brown, Navy
In Clever New Designs
wear under your crepe dresses for they are
on simple lines and will not flare or hunh
places. A fine soft quality of Radium is
bottoms are finished with a deep hem-
embroidered flounce. In
Gray, French
and Black.
Blue, Green,
Second Floor South
Three Silk Specials
Per Yard
Black Channeuse Several hundred yards of good firm
charmeuse in black only. A 40-inch width that would sell
in a regular way for 2.50 a yard, specially priced, per
' yard, i ' ' 1.59
Navy Blue Talfeta A splendid soft Swiss chiffon taffeta
that is heavy enough for suits, dresses or bathing suits.
This quality cost over 2.00 a yard to manufacture, but the
N36-inch width in two shades of navy blue is priced, per
yard, 1.59
Black Sport Satin This is the heaviest grade of sport
satin, in black only. Don't confuse it with other qualities
or be deceived by the low price it's a wonder. 36-inch
width, per yard, . 1.59
Main Floor Center
Boys' Clothing
Attractively Priced
Boys' Wash Suits
Extremely well made little suits in
Oliver Twist, Norfolk and middy styles,
in plain colors or a two-color combina-'
tion. Sizes 2y2 to 9 years, f C
2.95 to 4.50 values at 1 VD
Boys' Play Suits
Good looking suits in plain or colored combinations, long
or short sleeves. Sizes 2 to 8 years. p
2.00 values at 1.1 0
Boys' Percale Blouses
Full cut blouses in striped patterns of fast JQ
colors. Sizes 6 to 16 years. 85c values at 0C
Fourth Floor
Bee Want Ads Troduce Results.