WE ISEEi OMAHA. Tl'KSDAY. APRIL !. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Omaha Grain Chicago Grain Financial titl(i -. t'ete tiixif .iin..ie .... ". sal (!!.. 14 kawe ar J !: : I at I t IM4 ft lt U4 .! .: i4 Mil 1 t III III IMIJ Iteramt anal eliabaaitiaa lia'k at b tmi six. k ia, ih, . , far r ura, nJiftf st p. ., Afrit J., i-, v m, i, Hf v.u.k k. n , w ! n ,, . Vnieaj re. 8. K , , ', X, W, It?,, MM ,,. r. .s, w, h ... , m. r.. m Ry,, ', n. w Ity.. ei . . r , it, i. i. . ... , it. i v., "t ..... I , tt. W, ty 1 Teial reraini Jt i.ii'Lsirn'S ih.aI) at. jig nnp .s r ir. ii v . f . '! .' .i? it ( .. . ,ta gi ,. i ,3 ,, .. ,1- S It I i T ., ',. .. t 11 ntur A ' u-l.hv I't.kii.i Co. . ...t.t I'arkini l Ma.ri I'a.king .. Mill Y ......... a w. nm.n I, niulD I'arkll'g l o ,, ttllMHt I'scglllg i'0 II. ms Poking Co. Iiottma Itrua. i,.).ol.. Veil ... ho..t racking o. . r. I) ! inl I'arkinc ''. j..hn Hoik Hmia . Omaha Packing t o H.nioii Van Kant .. .1, II. Bulla It l. Ituirua t'o. ,. W. II. 'lik ........ K. l. Chrl.lla hull I'rnnia fc I'tan. ta .... KIIH To. ..... John llr.r ........ T J. tuahrain r u. khi( r. I. l.l j ii. ni ' " It..nai04k Bra, .... NultUan Hro, W ailhalnier I'rPl . nth'f buyei Total ...an ... m , ,, t ... 4I ... ,.. i ... T .. 41 ... It ... 91 ,.. ,. . r ... it a ... IV ... ! .. ' .. 11 .. .. 9 .. 1 .. " II .. us .. lit at .. a jua alt 444 I it it: 677 ?: :4i t'atlla naralpla. hJ. tith $i,od.rat.ly iuh of r.attl' fur lh opaninc !.. o( lha lha mrlt waa ara y tlva and lit ma ia. a atmngar. Cfu.lny aa tcry Rooil aa tula anil Uniaiul a Woal from both parkara "1 ahlppcr lurll.uUily for good lo chuie offarlnga i. no Iwal banaa on aala want t l uu Cow atulf waa alo In actlva uman. anu alionitor ami at.uketa anU flra vara In llmltnl aupuly and moved fraely A.t ...II u.i n..k'i flBulaa. cjuotiilona nn tattlr: flood lo i.holct Wvaa. 7.kitlll0; fair to gooJ nvt, ti.laW? : common lo fair bvra. IS l 7 10. good to choir yrarlinga, I7.76 6U; Itir lu good xtarllnga. f 7Jif 7.7e: com mon to fair yaarlinga. I.77.S: good lo ikolra hcifrra. J.OoJ.75i fair to good haifara. li.77.U: chol.a to prim i-owa, It lOVtiS: good to choir row. IS.WOI g.: fair to good cowa. I;.ooa.u0: com i.ion to fair con-a. ia.0tHP4.36: good to i-holp frrUcra. 17.01)0 7.76: fulr lo good fif.lrra, ID.I0W7.00: roiiimon to fair fecd ar. Ij.SOa.rii; good lo rhoL: alocki-ra, I'.'.'Hf 7.74: fair lo good alockera. IS.tiOSiP 7 10: common lo fair alookera. i.7u6.i0; a'o.-k hrlfara. 13.506 i.ii: almk i-alvaa. j "Oft J.tl; v.al calvoa. 11.00; :buil. atagi. air.. $.175 7.00. Bb.r Birir.jia. Av. Pr. No. A. 91 . 7 3S I" 10 No. rj. 14.. 30 3 1465 7 10 7 S 7 I 00 8 40 IS... J7... ?.... ri . STEEIIS AND HEIFERS. S3. 141 11. . 3.. it 1.. . 1.,. v. 4. . ' . . ...iiu ...10 ...10:7 mo 877 ..I3n ..1410 .. 400 .. 1R7 .. lit . .. S7 ..11:0 ..1210 ..1444 .. 7T . . 475 782 893 ..1470 7 40 7 75 COWS. I 00 4. 8 0 2. 10 4. 40 :. HKIFEKS. 8 5 i. t 0 . 1 ill 4. 8TOCKERS AND FEEUKRS. :t 6 80 si. BULLS. 8 7i 1. ( f.O CALVES. S 75 . i. 10 S5 7. 11 00 Hoga Rolpt. 6 300 head, nippera ro actlv again today h market open iiulng 610o higher with heavy pur Lh.e on ahlpper awount Pckerg were Klow to atart trading but later followed the ahlppera market. Light noge aold from I10.20&10.85. with top price of 8IUE0. Mixed loada and butcher eiht, lO.ooano.'JO and PWn rde. t.50? 10.10. .with extreme heavlea. $.00eS.-5. Bulk ot aalca waa 10.0010.:5. - V MUl.I. Tr. No. Av. Sh. 0 90 64. .289 70 10 00 66.. 2960 AfU i. Onulia. April 17. Huge lpl Ra.-fliila nf lira( ucrc Si call. ram M car anq oilier graiui light; tottlins; 14 can, and compared ith 114 iri Ut year. .Shipmtnli ol wheat cre light t 9 cart, but fairly hravy of corn and oat, amounting to lOo van, ai againt til can a year ago. Omaha aioili of wheat Jecrca.rd f';(M buihcli. Corn ilrcreaaed 178,- IKNt. oatt decreased o.0U) tuatii. t'nitcd Male viaibie aupply of wheat decreaied I.0.M.000 buihett. Corn decreaed 2.l59.0tW bu.hel. 0t decreased I.O'J.IHU buihclf. The srain market rrceittcd a firm undertone and an advancing tendency hi the early ciion today. Trader were generally cautioua and inclined to go alow. There w a very good demand for cli wheat in the Omaha market and urice were 3(k6c higher. Corn wai also in active demand, with pricci ii regular, aame ot the yellow going at lie lower, hile other grades were quoted liil''c higltcr. Oati told la'.a Jic up. Rye wat unchanged and barley waj unchanged to le higher. W II BAT. No. S darlt hardt 1 car. 11.4). No. I liard inlr: I tar. IIM7. No. 1 hard arintart 4 t-S car, 11.11: 1 car laniuit) ). (1,34 (avmi-dark I No. I bard lmr: 1 car, II 40 (ntar dark: 2 ar. 11.3;'. No. 1 y.llow hard: 1 car, 11.14. No. J J allow hard! 1 car. 1 1. 3 J. ' NO. t yatlow hadl 1 rap. 81.3?? 1 flF. i 'ii I car, a I . a. No. 4 yellow hard! 1 car. 11.11; I I car, 81.30. No. I aurlnt: I car ILaro-llna haul dark norinarni. ai.so. No. I miaed: I car MS par cant curumi. i car tduruml. 1 car (amutty, durum I. II. 10. iso. a nnaeo: j.j car (durum). 11,11; t cat idurum), 11.17, CORN. a No. 5 while: t rare. 63 So. No. $ white: 1 car. UUu: I -.r m:.. t car, Siv. No. I yellows J car. 1H No. 3 yallowi 10 tara. JUe; I ear !. lei bllllngl, HSir. No. 1 yellow: 1 car (apaclat billing), 5:c; 3 rare, it,c. N... S mlied: l car (near yellow), H'io: 1 fa i a. 8H4-. No. 1 murd: J car (near white), 61 He OAT9 No. ! white: 9 rare. 86 'J c. No. I while: 4 care, 3ic,u: 3 rare. ISUe. No. 4 white: 1 tar, JOc; 1 ear (muaiy), TtYB. No. 1: 1 car. He; l-i car, Se; S-5 car. Oc. Bample: 1-1 car, 13c. BARl.ET. ' No. 4: 1 ear (ehippera' wefghlal, BSo. Namule: 1 tar, eScj 1 car. 4c; 1 car. Sir. Kanaa City caah wheat unchanged from Saturday e leaf. Total vlalbl aupply; Thl Week Wheat. JS.OJO.OOO: corn. 43.04ii.000: rye. 8,675.000; oata, 61.J33.000; barley. 1.880.000. I.ant Week Wheat. S4.1S3.000: corn. -.06,010: rye. 8,700,000; oata. 63.606.000; barley. 1.6S7.0OO. Laat Tear Wheat. 17,431.000; corn. 31.. 064.000: rye. 1.G6S.000; oata, 32,407,000: lat year. 1.833.000. Total clearancea: . Wheat Today, 466,000; year ago. 1,737,. 000. Corn Today. 663,000; yea ago, 181,000. Oata Today. S41.000. Flour Today. 10,000; year ago. 14,000. Wheat and Flour Today, 601,000; year ago. 1, 790.000. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. ttanota.) Rerelnla ' Wheat Corn Oata Rye Barley Shipmenta Wheat Corn Oata Rye Barley PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. fBuahela.) Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. 719,000 1,618,000 689.000 643,000 ...1164 ...1408 ...1484 . .1487 Pr. 7 40 7 63 8 66 7 0 8 31 8 60 ;i 7 60 160 301 6 ii 6 75 35 i 50 6 75 7 15 7 76 7 50 4 15 10 00 10 50 76. .316 74. .200 Pr. t 95 10 10 10 20 10 30 No. Av. tfh. M..331 70 (S0..2SI 10 . 4..337 ... 10 IS 79. .199 ... 10 15 ! ' Sheep and Lamba Receipt. 1.000 head. Fat tamba moved today srenerally 2oc i lower on very poor demand form all Q"81"- tera All lamb offering wer wooled and ' no clipped lamba offered. Beat llrtU lamb Mid at 814.73 with bulk of lambs "moving at 814.00(6 14.50. One small lot of aprlng lamba sold at 116.60, Shearing lamba er fully steady, three loads around 95 tioui-.ds going out at 114.26. Sheep were itendy. some fair quality wooled ewes miliar at 19.36 and some clipped ewes at 88. "0, . . . Quotation on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice. 114.5014.75: fat lambs, fair to pood. 114.000)14.60; clipped lambs, 112.2o W13.23: ahearinc lamljn. 113.7514.50; Jfjtler lnmbs, 1IS.0013.75; cull .lamba, V.0012.00; fat yearlings, light. !12.60! 33.50: fnt yearlings, heavy, 19.60&10.50; fat wethera, 10.0(10' 12.00; fat ewes, light, 19.50ffll0.00; fat ewes, heavy, 18.0009.60,, FAT LAMBS. . Av, Pr. No. Av. Pr. . 5(2 fed. 75 1 4 63 138 fed 71 14 75 Chicago Livestock. Chicago. April 17. Cattle Receipts. 'JHOOO; beef steers, strong; top, 19. 2o; Mcarltngs.-19.13; bulk beef steer, 17.50foi 8 $5;-beef cowa and heifers and stockera. 16 to 25c higher; canners, , calves and bulls, steady; bulk beef cows nnd heifers. 5 B0(Sf7.00; canners and cutters, mostly 82.4004.26; bologna bulls, largely !4.2o 4.40; bulk veal calves, 16.507.00; few - lot beat calves, 17.60. ,.. .- Hogs Receipts, 30,000; opened 10 to loc higher: mostly on llKhter weights: ' closed, 6 to lOo higher on lights: others steady to 6c lower than Saturday a average; shippers bought about 6.000; holdover fairly liberal; top. 110.65; bulk, ' 19.76aM0.55; pigs, slow: steady. Sheep and Lambs Rctelpta, 9.000: fat lambs mostly !ic lower; sheep 2o to 60c lower: top. wooled lambs, llo.2o; bu It, 114 7557'15.O0; shorn top, 113.35; bulk. 5lV.7513.00: native spring lamba, 113.50 j iff 10.60 : wooled ewes, 19.00 down; shorn, 18.60 down. - Kansas City I.lva Stock. Kansas City. April ".-CattleRecelpt.. 10.000 head: beef steers and yearlings, ateady lo 16c higher; lop on both, !8.oo. heavy cows. 16.50 . in. Hofa Keceipis. Ji,w, head: market 1(ie hlaher: spots up more; bulk of no fo S?o'pound weights, 110.1 6 ;!. 26 ; top 110 30: good 526 to 300 pounders. 110 00 10.15: packer top. 110.25; ,mied. load'. nr.n an. nr Males. as. HO HT 11. i Itock pigs, steady to 10o lower: 'test 110 26: bulk desirables. 110.0010.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 7.000 head; killing classe 55 to 60o lower: mostly 60c lower! shorn Texas wethers 18.00f U : aarly top wooled lambs, 114J0; some held higher. . ' Moos City IJto Stock. Sioux City. la.. April 17. Cattle Re celota. 3.000 head: market steady: fed ateerT and yearlings. 17.00W8.50: warmed UP steers and yearlings. 5.00(gi ,.00: fat cows and heifers, 14.007.60; canners. , 13i0jf4.00; veals. 15.00ei0.O0: feeders, 13 007.00; calves, 14.607.56; feeding cows and heifera, i:.505.76; stockers, 15.00'7.25. ' Hogs Receipts. 3,000 bead: butchers. 110.10il0.25; market 15(6 23c ; higher; alow: lights. 110.25; mixed heavy. 9.,5 10.00; heavy packers, 18.739.00; stags. 1 00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 100 head; market ateady; bulk ot sales. 110.10 10.2. St. Joseph live Stock. St- Joseph. Mo April 17. Hogs Re , ceipts. 1.500 head; market 10 to 20c high er; top, 110.30; tulk. of aale. 110.00 10Cattle Receipts. 1.000 head: market ateady to strong; steers. 16.768.60: cows nd heifers, 14.S0fi8.60; calves, la.00 7.00. Sheep Receipts, 4.000 head; market dull and lower; lambs, 114.15614.76; wes, !8.50t?9.:5. t hieago Potatoa. Chicago. April 17. Potatoes Steady: receipts. 14 cars: total U. S. shipments. 144 curs; TVisconain Round White. cked. !.01.7S cwt.: Michigan Round 'Whites, bulk. ll.70?1.76 cwt.: Mlnnancta Bound Unite, sacked, 11.601.86 cwt; Idaho Rurala. sacked. 11.80 1.79 ewt..- Canada long Whitee. aarked. 11. S cwt.: New nork, dull; Florida No. 1 Spauldlnf Rose, iST.CO; .No. J. 5.:5 3S.69. Week Year Today. Ago.. Ago. ,. 34 .12 15 ,. 51 69 1 .11 1 4 . 8 2 .6 3 ,.9 69 63 ,.68 68 St ,. S 32 8 :: S. ::i . Receipts- Wheat 849.000 Corn 697.0OO Oata 444.000 shipments- Wheat 690.0mO 655. 000 Corn 731.000 S32.000 Oats 410.000 402.000 - CHICAGO RECEIPTS. , Week Carlots Today. Ago. Wheat 28 8 Corn 135 60 Oat ...101 41 , KANSAS CITV RECEIPTS, Week Oarlots Today. Ago. Wheat ..126 3 42 Corn .'. 61 38 Oata ..: 5 3 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Carlots Today, Ago. Wheat . 78 26 Corn 61 6S Oata ..,. 29 29 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlots Todas". Ago. Minneapolis 297 ' 207 uuiutn - sf Winnipeg 338 : 281 , O 31 AHA STOCKS. Buahels Today. Year Ago. Wheat j. 1,702,000 411,000 Corn , 1,460,000 1,713,000 Oats 2.664.000 Rye 904,000 Barley ............... 42,000 344.000 437,000 1.044,000 441.000 395,000 Year Ago. - 14 88 41 Year Ago. - 350 26 4 Year Ago. 210 42 40 Ago. 489 " 68 232 984,000 44.000 13,000 CHICAGO, CLOSING PRICES. By Updike 6raln Co. DO. 26p7. April 17. Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Sat. Wht. I I I I I May 1.43HI 1.45 1.39K 1.40 1.43 ' 1.43 - 1.40 1.424 July 1.26'i l.STK 1.2', 1.24i 1.26 1.26! 1.25 1.25 Sept, 1.201 1.204 1-17 1.18 1.20 1.20UI .- Rye I I I ' .1 I May 1.07H' 1.08HI 1.07 I 1.07 1.07H July 1.0.0 1.00) .00 I .99 .99 Corn j I May .6H .61 .60 .60 .61 .SI",1 .61 July .3U .65 .64 .64 .65 .65 .64 : .64, Sept. .68 .68 .68 .6-6 .67 .68 I .67 Oata I ill I Slay .38 .89 .37 , .31 .38 .38 .58 July .4114 .41 .40 .40 .41 .41 ' .40 .41 Sept. .48 .43 .62 .52 .52 Pork May 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 Lard May 10.95 10.95 10.85 10.86 10.8! July 11.20 11.25 11,13 Ill.l3 11.10 Ribs t I I May 11.40 11.60 111.40 111.40 I11.S5 July 10.80 10.85 l0.77 110.77 l0.72 New York Troduce. New York, April 17. Butter Firm; creamery, higher than extras, 88(j39c; extras, 38c; firsts. 3537c: packing stock current make No. 2. 210220, Eggs Firm; fresh gathered extra firsts, 28t'29c; fresh gathered firsts. 2527c. Cheese Weak: stats whole milk flats, fresh specials, 1718c; state whole milk flats, average run. 17c. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., April 17. Wheat Cash No. 1 northern, 11.691.62; May, 11.60; July. 11.39. Corn No. 3 yellow, 62U62C. Oats No. 3 white, 3435c. Barley 6163c. Rve No. 2. !809!c. Flax No. 1. 12.6862.72. Kansas City (.rain. Kansas City. Mo.. April 17. Wheat Cash, No. i red. 11.28 6 1.50; No. 1 red, 11.1891.11. Corn No. 2 white, 56c; No. 2 yellow, 58$58c - Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn.. April 17. Flour Unchsnged to SOo higher; family patents. I8.00tj8.60. Shipment 46.95S barrel. Bran 121.606 22.00. Kansas I'ity'llsT. Kansas City. Mo April 17. Hay Steadv to 50c lower: choic alfalfa, 124.00 626.00; No. 1 prairie. 111.60913.00: No. I timothy. 116.60 Jrl7. 50; clover, mixed, light, 118.60ei7.QQ. St. Loui Grain. St. Louis, April 17. Wheat 11.38; July. 11.21. Corn May, 68c; July, 68o Oat May, 38 he; July, 41c By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. ttmak afl WMr. Chicago. April 17. Sufficient lung wheat came out on an early bulge not only to check the advance, but temporarily rrlitve the t'gnt iiuaiwii vtlii.li hat developed in that delivery. After a range of S 1-44, the clof for May a heat wa at net wci ot .'e. Ucferred dcliveriei were otf I IS'Oi 1 I 4c. , Corn closed eay with a hjm of J-8(itJ-4c. Uat were l-4tJ 8c low. er: rye unchanged. Ston lu orden were uncovered in May wheat early, with an advance to. 51.43, price varying i-!'ti-.'C n twecn tradei. Above $1.44 there waa periient aelling by commiion house. While hort were free buy er throughout the day. the prewure continued and made a good reaction. Ruving of May and telling of July Widened the difference to 18 centi at one time. At the lat tne onicreucc wai around la .-4c. agmt Jo l--'fi 17e Saturday. The market was a big broad affair throughout the day. hang la "antlmt t. Hem rhna In aantlmant waa itoifd i iha .l.rrrtad dellveriaa. l.ong aula rthr fraly on lb belief thai thera Had P. aovawa anougn. .a ........ ... crop condition waa noted lie1 I h south-L-.iUrl demand III slow Rtcua ( lha holiday abroad. liu.noa Aire opened l3o high.r. A tlacrcaaa i aspaclad in grain In ocean paaaage for lha wk. wln to light world hlpmrnia which aggragaied around 9 Ooo.OOO buah' 1 or n-aily J.ooo.tiuo ls inaq in piai ou weak. Karly In th dy corn gnd oal war firmer with waat nd on cvotlnued wat weather oxer th gram belt. Later thay eaaed off aharply on profit taking by com. mission houae. Thar wa om Invaal mem buying of July oat by bouse with country connection. Ing In May corn transferred lhlr holding, to tha July. Cash demand a alow with receipt or 171 car and 114 car oat. Houae with eaboard connection wer good buyer of r while th selling was mainly of a local character and for Du luth. No export al wer reported. Pit Note. A leading caah man expressed th view that with present premium prevailing for May wheat ther would b plenty of wheat In many place wher now ther waa auppoaed to be little. Moreover, h stated that thera would b pltnty of stcrag room available, ocntrary to tha view of aom traders who wr long May on th theory that ther would be no room for rhet. It wa evident that short who threatened to bring wheat her from outelda market wer being forced to mk good on their threat. Mor wheat, about 130.000 buahel. -w bought after th close Saturday to come her and today It wu understood that more whet had been alao at Kanaa City nd other Missouri point. There was but little export buslneaa Th firm of O. T. Anderson Co.. holding a board of trad memberahlp. la In th hand of a receiver, th Central Trust company of llllnoia. The firm buslnea waa mostly In atock and ite open trades on the board were email and un important, with no losaee austalned. . Mlrmeapolls reported csh wheat rela tively lower and aald that th flour trade could not be worae. Winnipeg reported an active trade there, with the market tight. Cash price wer relatively steady. l)e Moines reported a heavy snow there, with farm work further retarded by weather conditions. Th emlmonthly crop report for Illi nois say that floods caused ome crop loss In several aouthwestern countlea. About 150.000 bushels more Omaha wheat was sold to com her Saturday. Shipments of wheat and corn from hfre over Sunday by laka wer small, i 245 000 and 427,000 bushels respectively. It Is unusual to see opening of navigation shipments a man as tms. New York Cotton. New York. April 17. The cotton mar ket went sharply higher In trading of Increased volume, with sentiment influ enced by the action of securities and tne belief that weather conditions over tne Easter holiday were unfavorable for the crop. Spot house, commission houses in terest, and the west bought cotton In the fore part of the seaslon. with the list rising 20 to 27 points from Thursday . closing level. Price movements stricted around midday, but in Hf.,af'';; the list auvancea "" CbcNeciljcirkEiniti. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES, tla,k . auj4 Mir. New York. Apnl l7.-To Willi ilrert the outstanding fact about lo day occurrence wa the virtual reaching of .',iw.ui(i harr by trans action in Mock, for the lint time in almost exactly two year. The con trait between the aurrotiuding cir. runiatancei of the achievement of thi week of April, I9JO, and of the achievement today U inch a to dw ture the whole ucceive change of scene in financial history iitee the war. Hut the huge trading on the Hock exchange, accompanied a it wa by alternate advance and reac tion of price, wa nut the only or the moat ngnilicaiit incident of today' market. A decline of 1-4 of 1 per cent in commercial paper brought the quota tion on the best name down to 4 1-4 per cent, which i lower than any rate quoted in Wall ttrcet since the week in which the tinted Mate de clared war ou Germany iu 1917. Wheal Market Actlv. Th Chicago wheat market. In bi'h speculation wa esrltad a en the atqck krlian and tn which valur rnovrd tnurh lll.y did In klorkh, at on lint reached II 4 par buahel for th May delivery, which waa lo above Sat urday' closing, ll',c abort last Thurs day low nd lea than So under th season' hit-beat. schng on all ef the Furopaan market ro, ilia advance in French reus, which waa particularly rapid, carrying th fiano to th hih't flaur inc Iwcamber 17, lilt, while lb Italian lit reached th heat rat aim lust Mar. In starling the day' advanc wa alower but It crossed 14.41 again ml at lb uay'a beat quotation atuod hardly lo be low th hlgheat ot th period. It yielded (lightly at th clo. however, whereas French and Italian exchange ended th day at top figure. - Treaty Signed, tn on reapect thl advaiu In French exchange attracted peculiar attention as it occurred after th cable bad mad known th aignlng of a treaty at Genoa between Ujrnuny and Ruaa'a and when much perplexity xiated tn our own finan cial quarter a to th prerlsa signifi cance of th actlou. That negotiation had for aom tlmeJ)rii in progrra for aucn a treaty, to replace the abrogate; Brest-l.ltovak agreement, wa perfectly wall known, but th fact that, signed as It wa during th ncsaion of thu Oenoa conference, tt mad Germany th first of th g rester powers to recognize the Rus sian aovlst. caused a good deal of puxslrd conjecture as to tt bearing on th whole International problem. Ther wa obvloua reason, while Judg ment wa thu reserved pending fuller overnignt information, mat unusual In terest ahould have attached to the con fident movement of French exchange in th closing hours of buaineas. The French msrket has heretofore Insisted that th rla In the Parle cheoue was an outcome of speculative buying elsewhere than on ine ran market. Hut all thl will shortly be made clear. New York Bonds N. Y. Curb Bonds 1 mmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SouthOmaha New York Stocks wT.tT7.98c.nl December a, : 17 4e. TJ. lat upturn ran in a number of uneasy shorts, but a final flurry of realization ifter prices harl gone 33 to 41 point net higher on the day, left the market a lit tle under its top at the cloae. Spot cotton quiet, 30 point advance, 18.05c for middling upland. Southern epot markets were: GiUetor. 17.46c, 25 points advance; New Orleans, 16.75c, 25 point advance: Savannah. '"Vic. unchanged; Auguata, 16.81c. 6 points kd vJnSiT Memphis, 16.75c unchanged 1; Hous ton, 17.25c, 20 points advance; Little Rock, 16.75c, unchanged. e York General. New Tork. April 17. Flour Firm; spring patents. 18.008.60; spring clears, 16.006.75; soft winter straights t .60 7.00: hard winter straights, 7.608.00. Cornmeal Dull; fine white granulated, 11.701.10: yellow, t,701.77. - Wheat Spot steady; No 2 red and No 2 hard. 11.64; No 1 Manitoba, 1161, and No. 2 mixed durum, 1.47, l t. f. track. New York to ,f"ive Corn Spot easy: No. I;'"""11; 8 white, 77 and No. 1 mixed, 77c 0 t. f. New York all rail. Oats Spot Bteady; No. 2 white, 48c. HayFirm; No. 1, 30.0032.00; Js'o. 2. 137 00(0130.00; No. 3, 125.00 27.00; hip- P,oP.ift2;6 s?ate. 1921. 20025c: ll!LrdsS;fm,daiew?t,11120n Tallow Quiet; special loose, 6c Rice Steady: fancy heart, 67c. ,- St. Ixiuls Livestock. ' . East St Louis, 111.', April 17. Cattle Receipts , 2,000; beef steers and canners. 10 to 16c higher; best steers, 7.65; weight 134 pounds; bulk. 6.757 50; yearlmgs, beef cows and bologna f "5 higher; bulk yearlings, 17.007. 76, bulk cow. 3.006.00; light vea , calve . .teady to 25o higher; practical top 17.76, bulk, 17.60; few atockers and feeder. Hogs Receipts 12,000; mostly 10 to 20c. higher: top 110.60: bulk 160 to 260 pound averages 110.4010.60; bulk light lights. e.7f,10.26; pigs opened steady: closed 60c lower; packer sows mostly 19.00. Sheep and Lambs-Receipt. 1,000; un even; mostly ateady; choice wool lamba to city butchers 115.76: choice naUve spring lambs, 116.00; good, .horn ewes, 18.00. ' Turpentine nd Holn. Savannah, Ga., April 17. Turpentine Steady; 77c; sales, 100 barrels, receipts, 357 barrels: shipments, 28 barrels; stock, 1 307 barrels. . . Rosin Firm: sales, 392 casks: receipts, 376 caaks: shipments, 4.098 casks, stock, 66QuoteC:aSBS" 14.05; I. E, F, 14.054.07; O, 14 07H'Th; I. 14.10; K. 14.15: M 14.40; N, 15.00; W, G. 15.60; W, W. 5.7o. Chicago Produce. Chicago. April 17. Butter Lower;, creamery extras. 37c; firsts, 8336c; seconds, 31ifi32c; standards, 36c. Eggs Higher: receipts, 49,728 cases: firsts, 23 23 c; ordinary first., 21 !2c; miscellaneous,- 2223c; storsge packed extras, 262$c; storage pack ed firsts, 25 25c. New York Poultry. , New York. April 17. Poultry Live, Ir regular: llroilers. 4647c: fowls, 2637c; roosters, 16c; turkeys, -2630c; chickens not quoted. Dressed steady: weatern chlckene, 27D43c; fowls. 2233c; old roostsers, 20 26c: turkeys, 40 51c. . - Kansas City Produce. Kansss City. April 17. Eggs Ln changer; first. 21c. Butter Unchanged; creamery, 19c, packing, 16c. Poultry Unchanged; hens, 22c; broil ers, 65c; roo3ters. 14 c. St. Louis Poultry. St. . Louis. April 17. Poultry Hens. 31c; springs, 64o; turkeys. 37c; ducks, 14c; geese, 15c. Butter Creamery, 34c. Eggs 22c ' Jiew York Dried Fruits. New Tork, April 17. Evaporated Ap ples Quiet: state. 1620c. Prunes Unsettled; California, 618c; Orecons. !4c. Apricots Scarce; fancy, 33e. Peaches Firm; choice, 1315r; extra choice. 16ll7c: fancy, 19420c Raisins Dull: loose muscatels. 14Hf? 16c: choice to fancy seeded, 1415c; seedless, 16 20c. Chicago Poultry. Chicago, April 1 :. Poultry Alive, low er: (owls, 24c; broilers, 40S0c; roosters. 16C Range of price of the leading atock furnished by i.ogan at Bryan, 241 I'eter Trust building: ' RAILROADS. Saturday High. Low. Close. Close. A. . T. & S. F 100 99. 100 100 B. & 0 49 46 48 47 Can. Pacific 145 143 144 U 14:1 N. Y. Central 92 l?s Chesa. & Ohio.... 66 65 Grt. Northern ... 76 75 III. Central 109 108 K. C. Southern... 27 26 Lehigh Valley ... 63 62 61 o. Pacific 24 4 N. Y. & N. H. ... 22 21 No. Pacific 78 76 C. A N. W 75 74 Penn. R. R 42 43 Reading 79 77 C, B. I. & P 46 44 So. Pacifio 91 90 So. Railway 24 23 CI.. M. & St. P... 27 25 U. P 139 158 138 138 STEKIjS i Am. . Car Fdry. . . .163'' 162 162 161 Allii-Chalmers ... 49 4S 48 49 Am. Loco 116 115 115 116 Baldwin Loco. ...119 117 117 117 ' in i K u. 32 65 81 68 76 108 27 63 24 I 75 42 7 46 if 24 27 93 65 75 108 27 63 24 22 T6 74 42 79 45 90 24 25 79 Beth. Steel Colo. F. & V. 32 31 Crucible 65 63 Am. Car Fdry.... 38 37 Lacka. Steel 66 54 Mldvals Steel .... 35 34 Pressed Steel Car. 81 80 Rep. S. & 1 56 65 Ry. Stl. Soring... 10214 101 102 Slos.-Gcrefflcld .. 43 43 43 U. 8. Steel 98 97 Vanadium 44 44 COPPERS. Anaconda 64 63 Am. S. & R. Co... 69 68 Cerro De Pa.co... 37 36 - 64 38 65 36 61 66 98 43 80 34 ' 65 38 66 36 80 61 102 43 98 42 Chili Chino Cal. & Ariz Green Cananea. Inspiration .... Kennecott .... Miami Nevada Con . . . Ray Consolidated.. 17 Seneca 14 Utah 67 OILS. General Asphalt .. 65" Cosden California Peterol., Island Oil Invincible Oil .... Moxican Peterol.. 18 29 60 29 42 ; , 32 , 29 18 42 67 20 16 Pacific Oil ,0 Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil .. Pure Oil ... Royal Dutch Sinclair Oil. Standard O., Texas Co... Union Oil... White Oil . 18 28 68 29 41 . 31 29 16 16 14 66 6 . 41 56 19 15 6S 63 39 ,i 9 34 64 30 64 ' 69 36 18 28 . 68 29 41 ai. 31 29 29 68 36 18 28 41 Chandler ..... Gener Motors . Willys-Overland Pierce-Arrow . . White Motor .. Studebaker 66 39 ...... 10 ...... 35 66 34 N. J..184 48 21 11 MOTORS. 77 76 13 12 8 8 23 ' 21 46 46 17 16 14 67 64 41 67 19 15 ' 67 65 38 9 34 64 at 180 182 20 10 20 10 76 13 8 22 46 16 16 14 66 65 42 67 19 15 59 65 39 ' 9 35 65 33 183 48 21 10 ,77. 12 8 22 45 ..120 118 119 119 RUBBER AND TIRES. 17 40 48 19 18 67 41 34 47 34 Fisk 18 37 Goodrich . 41 , 40 41 Kel-Sprlng 49 48 48 Keystone Tiro .... 19 18 19 AJax 18 17 18 U S Rubber 67 65. 66 INDUSTRIALS. Am Bet Sugar . 41 41 41 At. G. & W. 1 34 33 33 Am, Int Corp .... 48 46 46 Amor Sumatra 36 31 36 Amer Tel ........ .120. 120 120 120 American Can .... 48 48 48 49 Central Leather .. 40 . 38 -88. 40 Cuba Cane 16 1616 16 Cu Amer Sugar.. 23 22' 23 23 Corn Products.... 103 102 103 103 Famous Players... 82 81 81 82 163 163 42 96 72 47 48 84 73 76 67 71 53 43 63 95 General Electric.. Grt. No. Ore.;.... Inter. Harvester.. Am. H. & L. pfd. U. S. I. Alcohol... Inter. Paper Inter. M. M. pfd.. Am. Sugar Ref . . . . Sears-Roebuck . . . Stromsberg ...... Tob. Products Worth. Pump .... Wilson Co. West. Electrlo . . . Am. Woolen 41 96 71 - 4C 47 83 73 - 75 66 69 62 42 62 93 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil... 26 Am.'Agri. Chem., 40 Am. Linseed .... 33 Union Bag pfd.... 64 Bosch Magneto .. 47 Brklyn Rapid Tr. 24 Continental Can.. 66 Cal. Packing 78 Col. G. eV E. ...... 84 Col. Graph United Drug... National Enamel.. 69 37 United Fruit 144 143 143 144 Lorillard Tob 151 151 151 160 38 33 64 46 23 65 78 83 3 69 37 .63 ,164 41 45 96 96 71 71 47 47 47 47 84 ,82 74 73 75 76 66 68 71 69 62 63 42 43 63 63 94 94 2C .... 39 39 33 31 64 .... 46 47 23 23 65 66 78 78 83 83 3 3 69 S7. 37 91 . 1 91 38 38. 39 124 124 124 39 39 411 National Tead Philadel. Co 39 Pullman 126 Punta A. Sugar.. 39. S. l o. Rico Sugar Retail Stores 49 upSerlor Steel..., 36 St. L. A San F 80 Virginia Car Chem 84 Total sales, 2.129.000. Money Close, 3Vper cent Marka-CIose, .0035. Francs Close, .0929; Saturday .0925. Sterling Close. 14.41; Saturdays close, 14.42. 48 36 29 34 49 3S 30 34 48 49 37 29 close. (The Bee it the only Omaha newtpaper whu.li publish th of rkil clot of the New York Stock cachanj pond ) Saw York. April IT Trdwg In hand lfcv U.t.J th .ilny and irnik .Huoa rtunxa -,. I of ti pi. iwa ak, hni a malum? of lit popular laaua MM th clullUMIW llt l t'fl II.M.g Se hew b ah r,-ard taai mail lha libaity .fte, Pat tk lurtiater tn lha lii. I M f..HB l( Urgv ud wllhia) y UiMsni of rrHt mat Iii.uim. rin.k th. Moi-an and ta, ! IMrlnmnl vf lha atom 1j. I'uti h Imliv , and lha - Ilia) ! Janeu l-.ua M tha hip fnailunal Ullun at new high r "!. A iiioi. rail, hi I'aul Funvartible war rational. lu th ui.gih ut lha comma ami irfrret tliaraa, Miaaoun Ca.itte, lliwwi, Kansas and T ", MinnaM,li and M l4i. I'hirago and Ka-l-m Ini tial, t.'ria, auulliein Hallway and Ixard Air lm Imue t-oiunuutrd la 11 hisiirr average, aluinti iy many rn puriaiioiia, Tuial ) (ir value) asgirgaled llt.lt,, ' I allad ll Itanda, Vale (in ll. llll t t'lo IH l.lbarty J'.a, .. 9 73 M 14 HI l.iln M Kt. II M 7 I'll Liberty Id . ! ( j;7 l.ttiariy 3d ts, jaail Lilwrly 4'h l)MM 99 14 iH Viciuiy 44,a ..00 7 let to o0 l Victory 14 ...to. luo el lee.vi Faralga. (,trmat, Hlt and Municipal, Argentine 1 ....,oo joo lo t'hineaa liov Ity it, 6 ! 64 1 I'lty rirn aa ...1IJ 111 lit t'ity Brdeu ... 0 1 i-ity i:lirl.ti..i aa.lll 110 no 31 t'ity iopan .... 91 ! 12 City Lyons .... M 19 64 t'ity Mr. llra ,. 9 9 110 City H l Jan e..lo 103 10 30 I liy H I'aulo a ...lo iv to i t'ity Toklu is 74 "4 74 t'ity Zurich ....1124 111 ll J Dan Municipal H A. 1 11 HI 111 111 Item vf nni ... ( 7 11 69 l.yi Can a n 31.101 !'. 100 II lH)in Can it II.... 9' lsa Hut Ka Ind 47., 14 91 ( ll lut Ka Ind :.. 97 97 7 French Hep a ....to. . 107 13? French llcp ... 104 13 1 10 Jan 1st 4U 91 - 94 II I Japanese 4 ...... 7s 71 78 22 King Belgium 7.m 10! lot 4 Kill Belgium 6. .103 103 103 61 Km Denmark 6a.. 99 19 1 King Italy . ... 96 96 114 Kin Natiierland 6s 94 94 H I King Norway h...ii: n: lis 11 King Sweden (a ..100 100 100 146 I'a Lyon Med .. 6a 94 94 t Rep I'lllle s 4. ...104 104 104 i Hep I'ruguay It ,.10 106 106 13 Stat Queene 7 ,.109, 108 109 10 Stale Queen 6 ..103 102 103 7 State It CI l n s..!04 104 104 Swiss Confed 8 ...117 117 117 6 VKtiHi-l 6 32. .108 108 lot 31 I KIJHAI 5s 29. .107 107 107 239 IK OB A-1 6 37.. 102 101 102 40 U H Hrasll M ....101 107 107 108 U 8 Mexico 6a .... 70 69 69 81 U S Mexico 4 .... 61 69 61 Railway and Miscellaneous Bands. 3 Adam Express 4 . 78 71 78 7 AJx Rubber 8 ...100 100 100 60 Am Col Oil 6 .... 67 87 87 27 Am Smelt 6 91 90 90 69 Amer Sugar 6s.... 99 99 99 2 Am T T cv 6s ..114 114 114 29 Am T & T c t 5. 91 90 90 16 At T & S gen 4s.... 89 88 88 8 At T & S F adj 4s.. 83 83 83 C L 1st con 4s... 89 S8 88 At Ref ...!. ...104 104 104 60 B & O 6S 99 98 99 25 B & O cv 4h 84 83 83 1, 49 Bell Tel of Bonn 7a 108 1o 108 2 Bk Edison gen 7s I 107 107 107 8 Bk R Tr 7s ctfs stfs 79 79 7 60 Cal G & F.lcc 6s.... 93 95 95 S Can. North. 6 Vs". ... 1 1 3 110 111 68 Can. Pac del; 4a.... 81 79 80 i Cen of Georgia 6a. .loo 95 99 1 Cen Leather 6a 96 96 96 16 Cerro de Pasoo 8a. .116 J15 115 30 Chcs & Ohio c 5s.. 91 90 90 46 Ches & O cv 4s.. 86 88 86 148 C P & Q ref 6s A.. 97 97 97 60 C & E III 6s 80 80 SO 27 Chin Gt West 4s.. i3 63 63 124 C M & St P cv 4H "1 70 71 38 C M & St P ref 4. 68 67 67 ' 2 PI & X w !s 107 106 107 6 C. A N" W 6S 107 107 107 in H 6s 80 88 80 69 C R I A P rf 4s.... 82 81 81 . 17 C C C & S L gen 4s 81 79 81 27 Chile Copper 7 101 101 101 96 Chile Copper 6s.... 88 88 88 2 Colo Industrial 6s.. 78 75 76 9 loir, It Sou ref 4 Us. 87 67 87 5 Con Coal of Md J. 89 59 89 185 Consol Gas 7s Ill 109 111 9 Cuba C Sug deb 8s. 86 85 85 6 Cuban-Am Sug 8s.. 105 104 105 6 D & It a imp 6s,.. 88 84 85 - 16 Detroit Kdi ref 6s.. 10274 102 102 25 Dotroit U R'K 4s 79 79 79 2 Ulam Match 75s. ..107 107 107 T T, .4A V.,- 7U..M0R 10&14 108 104 Krla r.n 4a 67 67 67 BrOllerg avi.it KHhiiee 8 107ai'107 107 Hen 133 Fram Ind Dev 7.102 102 102 Springs 10 R.n IT.Ien rleh Es... 99A 99 99 COCka 77 OoodvesE T 8s 31. .103 102 102 Ducks 38 Goodyear T 8s 41.. 116 415 116 I Geese 26 G T Ry of Can 7s. 111 110 110 Stags 14 G T Ry of Can 6s.. 103 102 103 23 Gt Nor 7s A 108 107. 10 141 Gt Nor- 6s B 18 17 97 10 Hud & Han ref 6s A 82 81 82 3a H & M adj Inn 6s. 69 69 59 2 lilt Cent 6s ....100 100 100 SO X t It Cent ref 4s .-... 87 87 87 17 Inter Met 4s. . .. 17 163 Inter H T ref 6s.,. 66 24 Int M M s f 6s.... 97 28 Inter Pap ref 6s B 85 2 Invincible Oil 8s... 96 76 Iowa Central ref 4s 47 68 K C F S & M 4... 80 , 34 K C Southern 6s .. 88 4 Kel-Sprlng Tire 8s. 108 3 Lcka Steel 5s 23 . . "99 45 L S & M S d 4s 28. 94 7 L S & M S d 4s 31 93 12 T.ehlch Vallev 6s ..103 2 Liggett & Myers bs t no o , 9 Louis & Nash r 5sl02 102 102 15 l,ou & Nash un..4s.. 90 90 90 45 M S Ry con 6s 91 91 91 2 Mexl Petrol 8s ...105 105 105 13 M S T 1st 6s 98 J 8 6 Midvalo Steel cv 6s 87 87 14 M & S L ref 6s 48 46 8 MSP&SSM 6s 102 102, 83 MUST n. n 1 6s A. 85 86 36t MK&Tnew ad 6s A. 69 211 Mo. Pac gen 4s.... 67 ' 9 Mont Tower Bi A,. 95 2 Morris & Co 1st 4s 85 fis m n t Jtr Af inc. 5s 69 2 N Y Cent col 7s. ..106 106 106 20 N Y Cent deb 6s... 104 104 104 27 N Y Cent con 4s... 84 81 84 i N Y Kill ref 6s. .ll0 109 110 7 N Haven cv 6s 48. 73 73 73 , 6 N Y Rys ref 6s cts 37 . 37 37 6 N Y Tel deb 6s 49.106 116 105 69 N Y Tel ref OS 41.103 103 103 39 N Y W & B 4S.. 60 4h ,49)4 UN If CV 6s 108 108 108 ; 3 N & W con 4s. 88 88 88 ' 9 Nor Pc pr 1 4s... 86 .86 45 Nor Pac gen Ss... 64 63 6J 2 N S Power ref 6s A 93 93 9J 37 N W Bell Tel 7s... 107 106 107 2 Ore & Cal 1st 6s... 98 98 98 1 O S L gtd 6s ctfs.. 100 10 100 0-1 n a T, ref 4S S3 fa SO O W B B & N 4s,. 81 80 3 P Gss & Elec 5s,... 91 90 14 Pac Tel && Tel.. 6s 94 34 New Terit. April L Triieliee Ik Saw (or rurb market 14 ay r inoa, a ItaHaaetle Hand, ! (in l ! High Lw flea 1 A Hie 1'e. kae .. it , 94 Anita rk nr. tt tr tt t Aluminum la ft. 11 : I Ant I'olton I'll , tV t tt 74 Am li a Tra a..ist' ! let : Am T T ( f1...lV lV lt I Am T T ta 14 ..lt 101 11 1 Aaaean t'op la ft..0', 11 M I Aag.Am Mil t..lS iej It Armour t 1,,,ieiV 11 14 I Marua.l.ll I ,,.,,.14 Ii Si Ulh atlael I 1..,1:. It!' I'f 1 l a Nat Ry q I. . I"t 1 11 f l an I'a ia ..101 lli 11 t ( i-ol Si ! It let let I tvium ilraph ., 1 it I I'oliaol l a II Te. . . 104 14 14 I C.IO...I Tastl .., 7 t! tt It a y. Aaan ta ;t..l4 104 let II I'aara ) t o 7..,ll' lei jei 21 l.ii.pira l F a., tt 11 tt I tr.li.ral la Hk la. .104 104 104 I ilalcn till oil 7 ,,ll 11 W l"l 1 clan Asphalt ta ...t 14 lot II lloodel.h Tlr 7.. t tt tt t tirand Trunk I1. 10 10 104 fiulf till 7 10S 103! 101 It iiumbie oil it ,.,,101 "i ii 1 Inter R T 8 it.... H'l ! Ila 11 J Kaer 7e WI...10I . too et II Kannacntt c'ou 7. .10 104 10! 10 l.lbby McNeil la... tl 11 91 T Manitoba 7 tl tt 11 i; Marland raf 7s .. 17 94 tit Morris t o t . ,iu jna jn S Nat Arm 7 tt 14 t. I Nat Cla ul ..101 101 103 t Nat Leather t ...lo. loot, oo SI V T N 11 II 4l.. It 14 14 II Phil Co ia 44 t; 'S S It Phillips Pet t U.101 lot 101 It Pu a Co NJ fa ...100 oo 100 7 Itobart Ulr 7 .... tt tt tt 13 Near no ;a ::....ii 101 101 i Har. Ro 7 31.... 101 101 101 t Shaa.heen 7 ....104 104 104 8 "on ay V CI I ...lot 104 104 a w a t 7 10: ioi 101 1 Stan Oil NY 7 21.101 lot 10 Z Ntan Oil NT 7 17.101 106 ini'i 2 Hun Oil NT 7 St. 104 101 lot I Stan Oil NY 7 10.101 104 104 1 Hian Oil NT 7 11.111 101 101 It Stan Oil NT i..lo 103, 106 I Sun Oil 7a 101 101 J0I It Swift b. Co 7 it.. 101 101 101 I Swift ft Co 7 11. .103 10! 101 4 Tidal oaag 1 ...101 m ioj 15 I n Oil Prod la ...110 11 101 t l-n Ry Hav 7.. 101 101 103 1 Vacuum Oil 7 ,.,.106 104 101 Warn Hug 7 41. ...101 101 101 1 Wrt Eleo 7 ....101 101 101 . 1 Winchester 7 13.101 101 101 8 Can Nat Ry 6s ... 19 99 91 2 Char Iron 91 tl 11 t Colum Graph ctr .. 87 80 30 1 Cone Con Mine 7. 66 it H 17 Del ft Hud t( ... ! H'i 99 39 Int Ut Nor it o t9 6t 3 Lukene Steel ta ...102 101 102 171 Mo I'ao 6 WI 100 100 100 66 No Am tells 92 12 12 67 N T N H ft H J.. 81 5 ltj It No Power, ts 91 96 91 11 Saks ft Co 7 100 100 100 Foreign Bond.. !7 Argentine 7. 23.... 10 tl 100 26 French Gov 4s.... 61 11 61 Russian . 31 10 11 I Ruanlan f cir... 2 26 28 1 Russian tt. ctf.. 26 26 36 4 Swiss t 101 101 101 6 O Elberfeld 6s .... f 6 6 28 Soiasons a 88 16 II SUB Mexico 6 ..... 5! 61 63 Chicago Stocks. It u nee of price of th leading Chicago stocks rurniihea by cogan Bryan, 241 Peter. Trust building: Artnour ft Co. pfd Armour Leather com... Armour Leather pfd... Edison com Hartman l.lbby Montgomery-Ward .... Nat. Leather (new)..,. Piggley Wiggly Stewart-Warner Swift ft Co..... Swift. Int Union Carbide Wah! Wrigley Close. 96 1! ........ 88 133 15 19 10 43 79 ........101 20 67 ........ 69 102 Omaha Produce 17 '17 65 65 96 96 84 85 96 96 47 47 79 80 88 88 108 108 , 89 99 93 -94 92 92 102 102 ' 87 48 102 85 67 68 66 66 95 95 85 85 69 69 Furnished ba' Hate of Nebraska, de partment of agriculture, bureau ef mar kets and marketing: LIVE POULTRY. Wholeaal . Buying Pr. v I0.00pt0.15 .:oJ .28 .21 Broiler ... Springs Hens, light. Hens, heavy Cocks Duck. Geese Slags .10 .is a .10 .16 .24 .24 .16 "L .17 .20 Wholesale Selling Pr. J0.60ffl0.65 .25 .27 .24 .26 -..14 , j4 .19 DRESSED POULTIIT.,; .. .65 .21 .32 .20 .31 .16 .22 .21 .60 .3: .35 .33 .35 .Zt9i .21 .19 .S4' .32 . .26 .20 81 91 94 K Packard Motor Car..l"3 102 102 7 Pan-Am P & T 7s.. 98 , 6 Penn R R 6s 107 107 245 Penn It R gon 4a 90 21 Pere Mar ref 6s.... 85 1 P & 13 inc 4s 3.1 2 Port Ry' Lt & P 6s.. 85 .40 Reading gen 4s..,.. 84 2 Rio G & West 1st 4s 70 2 R I Ark & La 4s 82 73 St L 1 M & S ref 4sT9 68 St L & S F adj 6s 81 61 St L & S F Inc 6s.. 71 61 S L ft S Fp In 4s A 74 -12 St P ft K C S L 4s 83 7 S A & A P P 1st 4s 76 90 96 . 33 85 , 84 69 81 87 81 70 73 82 75 62 29 46 99 )0 104 104 104 .100 99 100 91 91 87 87 63 . . 30 .. 46 . . . 100 98 107 90 95 33 85 84 70 81 89 81 70 73 82 76 62 29 45 A L con 6s 76 SAL ad.i 6s... 89 S A L, ref 4s... 2 S S H 8s A. .... . 437 S O cv 7s..... 164 Sine Oil col 7s. 42 Sou Pac cv 4s .... 91 83 Sou Pac ref 4s 87 148 Sou Ry gen 6s ..100 99 99 84 Sou Rail con 6s .. 96 96 96 56 Sou Rail gen 4s ..: 68 66 67 21 So Po Rl Sub 7s... 98 97 98 102 Third Ave ad.i 5s.. 64 63 53 48 Tidewa Oil 6s ct.103 102 102 17 Union Pac 1st 4s.. 91 91 91 10 Union Pan cv 4s... 94 94 94 7 Union Tank Car 7s. 103 103, 103 10 Un R 1 1st 6s Pitta 87 87 87 11 V S Realty 6s .... 95 ' 94 95 23 U S Rubber 7s ..107 107 107 65 U S Rupbber 6s .. 89 88 8 67 V S Steel a f 8 ... 1 03 102 10J 25 Va Caro Ch 7s.. 99 -. 98 9Si 1 Va Caro Ch 1st 60. 98 98 98i 7 Virginia Ry 6s.... 95 94 94 1 West Electric 5s ..100 100 100 9 West Mary 1st 4s. 66 66 06 40 West Union 6s ..108 107 18 11 Wesfhouse F.lec is. 100 106 106 16 W ft I, E 4s .. 06 66 66 10 WIo Spen Steel 7s. 98 97 97 14 Wils ft V s f 7.1S 101 102 39 Wils ft lo cv 6s... 92 90 92 7 Wis Cent gen 4s.. 78 78 78 New Tork, ' bar, 66c Bar Silver. April 17.- 1 -Silver Foreign , Flx Seed. Itututh. Minn., April 17. Flax eed t:.tlti2.'o, 112.009113.00 10.00 11.00 : 7.00 t.oo 11.00 12.00 1.50 10.60 T.OOffl 8. 8.00 10.00 7.00 - 1.00 21.00 23.00 19.00 21,00 15.00. 17. 12.00 14.00 10.00 11.00 -8.00 9.00 7.00 . 1. EGGS. Selects No. 1 . . . . t No. 2 .'..... Cracks Eggs, per case. 6.25 6.60 . BUTTER. Creamery, prints. .,....,., Creamery, tubf Country, best ... .20 .24 Country, com... .17 .19 BUTTERFAT. Station price.... .26w...i. Hay Unchanged. HAY. ; Upland : prairie No 1.... No. 2 prairie No. 3 prairie Midland prairie No. 1.. No. 2 prairie No. 3 prairie Lowland prairie No. 1. No. 2 prairie Alfalfa, choice ....... No. 1 standard No. 2 '.. No. 3 Straw, o'at-. Wheat FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruit. Bananas. peri lb., 7 801 Oranges: Size 216 and larger,' 16.6006.60; size 250, !7.008.50; l 288, 17.008.00; size 324, 17.007.75. Lemons, per cox, !6.507.60. Grapefruit, per crate. 14.25 6.60. Apple: Delicious, according to size ana grade, .3.iut.oo; Home Beauties, according to size and grade, !2.362.76; Black Twig, according to alt and grade, 13T00; Wlnesap, tl.764.00; (Arkansas Blacks, according to size and grade, 12.15 O4.00; Ben Davla, according to sin and grade, I2.7D4,00; Newton Pippins, ac cording to size and grade. 12.50!. 25. Strawberries, crate 24 pint boxes, per crate.' 15.00. Flge: 24 pkge, t-oz.. 12.26; hullr. nc. lh lK49llSe Vegetables-Potatoes: Netratka Early Ohio No. 1, per cwt, 11.76; Minnesota whit stock No. 1, per cwt, 12.002.26: Colorado and Idaho white, per owt, 12.00 2.25; Red River Ohfos No. 1, per cwt., !1.902.25; Oregon Netted Gem No. 1, per cwt, 12.50; Colorado Brown Beauties No. 1, per cwt, 12.002.25. Sweet Pot toes, per bu.. tl.752.60. Celry, per doe., 75c!2.00. Lettuce: Head. per crate, !6.006.25: leaf, per doz., 7590c. Onlone: Red, per lb., 10c; yellow, per lb., 10c; Texas yellow, per crate, 16.00; Australian brown, per lb., 12c. Onion Set, per bu., !2.503.00. Cauliflower, per crate, 12.259 2.50. Cucumber, hot house, per dot.. 12. 71 3.00. Carrot, per lb.. 24c Tur nips, per lb.. 33a Prsntpe, -per lb., 23o. Beet., per lb, 33c Cab bage, new Texas, per lb., 34c. Toma toes: Per crate. 14.0004.60; per lub, 13.60. Young Southern Radlabes. per doxi, 65 75c. Young Southern Carrot, per do., 90c11.00. Young Southern Beete, per doz., 90c11.00. Young Southern Onions, per doz., 76 90c. Young Southern Tur nips, per doz., 11.00.. Spinach, per lb., 11c. Brussells Sprouts, per lb., 25c. Shal lots, per doz 6576a Green Peppers, per lb., 3035c Parsley, per doa. bunches, 4576c. Honey In combs, .per case, 16.006.00. Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as follows: No. 1 Ribs. 19c; No. 2 Ribs, 17c; No. 3 Ribs, 13c. No. 1 Loins. 26c; No. 2 Loins, 24c: No. 1 Loins, 20c. No. 1 Rounds, 16c; No. 2 Rounds, 16c; No. 1 Rounds. 13c. No. 1 Chucks, c; No. 1 Chucks, tc; No. 3 Chucks, 1c No. 1 Plates, 5c; No. 2 Plates, 6c; No. 3 Plate, 4c. - , HIDES AND WOOL. - Beef hide.: Green salted No.- 1, per lb., 6 6c; green salted No. 2. per lb., 496c; green hides, No. 1, per lb.. 34o; green hide. No. 2. per lb.. 2 30; green salted (old atock), per lb.. 23c: green aalted bull hides. No. 1, per lb., let green salted bull hides. No. 2. per lb.. -2c Horse hides: Large, each, 12.60; me dium, each. 12.00; small, each. 11.50; pohy and glues, each. 76c11.00. Sheep pelts: Green aalted, aa to alee and wool, each, 6075c; shearing, pelts, grean aalted, aa to siz and wool. each. 5 10c. Wool: Choice, fine one-half blood, per lb., 2024c; medium and three-eighths blood, per lb., 182Ic: dow and one-fourth blood, per lb., 161Cc; hurry wool per lb., I 10c , Me mbf f of Mupak CIuli to (ie Mitiatrr! Slum A miutlrel (how will be civtn thin, evening at S at the Crcighton audi tortum, Twriity-fiiili and California Mreet. by the member cf the Mn pah club, in auxiliary of St, Mary pariah, (or the bench! of the church. I he performance will be uudrr the direction of Hilly Tayntcr: Mitt Caih. erine Shanahan will officiate at the piano and Neil l ennell will act a matter of ceremonie and interlocu tor. The firtt part will include joke and tongt by eight men with a choriu of 19 voice, and the aeeond part will eon.i.t of (he following vaudeville number. Soiia duet. Marie McNeil and Mary lie vim. aitcd by the cnorut; Helen,. Swoooda. tinging comedienne; tlaiue and Lillian Hre din, phenomenal child per former ; Cape Greenaway polka, by Marcclla Hearty! vical tolo, Helen Nightin. gale; Mary Gillcu in monolog; vio lin aolo. Cecelia O. Council; dance, Mary Uroni.han, Ruth and Helen Larkin, Maud Davit, Ruth and Mary Kellev. George henton and Alice Walsh; vical durt, George and Mary Hevm, and Iritli jig by Mis Cecelia Broderick. Driver iu Collision Fined John AugutU, 1720 South Thir teenth street, aud William Hacken holz, 2635 JelTcrton street, were ar retted yettcrday after their automo biles collided at Twentieth and N itreet. Auguata was fined $15. Hackentiolz wa discharged. With Augutta were riding Beie V'aglio and Angalina Eagle, 1720 South Thirteenth street. All were slightly cut and bruised. Ends Life by Hanging Joseph Hofcr, 43, sausage maker, was found hanging by the neck in a boxcar near his home, 3922 M street, yesterday morning. He has been in poor health. He is survived by his mother, with whom he' made his home, and a brother. Anton, em ployed at the Higgins packing plant. Packer Employe Dies E. T. Sidwell, 65, for the last 20 years a department , manager at the Cudahy Packing company and a resident of Omaha for 30 years, died Sunday evening at his home, 916 South Thirty-seventh street. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 at the First Presbyterian church. Sheriffs Seize Home Brew Deputy sheriffs raided the home of Edward Zaloudek. son ot Police Sergt. John Zaloudek, who lives at Sixtieth and P streets, seizing 76 quarts of home brew. Occupants of the home were absent. Change in System of Fixing Wheal Grade Annonneed South Omaha Brevities Pollc Capt. John E. Brlgg filed yen tar.Uv for republican nomination for county commissioner from the Fourth dis trict. Women of St. Bridget parish will en tertain at a card party and dance nt Eagle hall Saturday evening.. Games will start at t. Y James Krajicek, deputy county treas urer in charge of th south omaoa oince, haa been urged by hi. friends to be a candidate for county commissioner for the Fourth district on in democratic ticket and expects to file for the nomina tion thi waek. Frank Galda. farmeri Fort Crook, was arrested yeeterday charged with. Intoxica tion, illegal poesesslon or liquor, restating an officer and obstructing an alley when he was accused of refusing ta mov nn horn and buggy from an alley at the rear of 3616 Polk street to permit a coal wagon to get by. Joe Turek. 3126 Monroe etreet. wa. gl- en 10 day. In jail; Martin Cheatny. Thirty-fourth and J atreets, and Stanley Bur ko. Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue, fined 110 each, and George McGee. 4824 South Twenty-fourth street, fined 11, on various charges of drunkenness or dis turbance on Easter Sunday. SftTiiary Wallace Kni'tM Kulfri ii f liiirttioii mid Ortifitatiou tf (,rain gt Leading Markt-I. Washington, .Vpiil J". Variou cluiigr iu wheat grade were an inmnerd by Vt rct try Wallace, alter an exhaustive Mudy of tlir griiii sit uation by Agricultural ).-ut inn nt tpeciali.tit working with a pccial connniitee beaded bv lr, John lee , tiuniT oi ,orui luknu and I'rol. L. A. I ll of Kan-.. Certain chaugcit uUo vtill be nude, Mr. Wallace announced, in the in spection rule lor the certification of hard red kpiiug and durum wheat when receive J at Mniut-Htli, Duluth and other market. These change w ill require iiispeetoi to Puir, in ad dition to the grade of the wheat, he added, adequaie intorntation a to the kind and quality of foreign ma terial other than dockage, and the amount of moisture when clfective a grading factor and a to what would be the grade of the w licit otherwise than on account of such grading factor. Under this method, the secretary said, the virtue of the wheat which had not properly been recognized at country points would be pointed out as far a possible tinder commercial inspection conditions. Changes in the standards for white wheats will be made effective July 17, the classes common white and white club being combined into one class designated white wheat, this new clat to be subdivided into three subclasses hard white, soft white and western white making the same application of the hard w hitc and soft white substitute classes as at present and designating as western wheat all white wheats or mixtures of white wheats coutaiuinc; more than 10 per cent clubs or Sonora. Soft red winter wheat, known by the sub stitute clats designation, red walla, will be designated by the term "west ern red'1 and the standards will be amended, effective July 17. Inspection rules also will be amended, it was stated, to require in spectors to state the grade that would be assigned to wheat if it were not wcevily, and in the case of garlicky wheat to show1 the amount of garlic found, which the secretary said "will give basis for price if showing the cash prices paid at the. principal terminal markets for wheat containing different quantities of gar lic." The department, it was added, will promote an intensive development and dissemination of market informa tion as to the prices of all the various qualities of what as sold on inspection and sample at the terminal cash mar ket to give country buyers and farm ers reliable detailed information so they may not be dependent upon flat or average grade price quotations. it is planned also to develop a more thorough understanding on the part of tanners and country buyers of the elements and purposes of wheat grading and the proper ap plication of the gradiiifr rules, so that they may co-ordinate sutli knowledge with the market informa tion furnished to them. - Write Fof Our FREE M0KS 0i at I t -a- a -Wk4 Munn 8. Co. Tower Rniidtnff. i-HirAr:n ti.r. Scientific Amerloan Bid... WASHINGTON', D. C. Wooltrortb Bulldins. NEW YORK Hobart Bldg.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, i i Loans on New Residences You can bow lecura building loan at thi ruta tha lowett rate in Omaha. Wa ef far three plan: 60-Month Initallmeot Loan '.. 142-MoBth Installment Loan ' 5-Year Straight Loan Coil ef Lean I Nominal Yeur application will rcelv prompt attention. SjPETER$ Trust Co PBunn.rr' Tarnam atGvnieenth MPANY GRAIN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska f Geneva, Nebraska J3es Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. Get in touch with one of theie branch office with your nest grain shipment. The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House"