THE HKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. APRIL IS. 1922. 4 frt : VI .0 SltCPr-TIMt TALIS THE TALE OF. NIMBLE2 A HF F D 1 iifNpri-K in. An Interrupted Ntp. Nuiitlr. lt Uwn. Hole ay into the wood! wlnlr ln mother Vm t'.ttftmg. Afl'l hr lie -went N tvk $ttt nut to di.imb her. He ttrriul ro to tri on a in Kl Imik. I .r jogng lie he ktrw ilut tlie .oiitij o( a breaking lm rtiougli to rome hi mili er wiuuily out ol the ikre.t Wp, Ai.J lie nude kqre Out he didn't rt In little irrl vn any atone., l or h lite tlut t tlie, turret click of a Ikm'I It mother Mould liind up and di'mrer tlut lie dad left her. S Ninilile trod only upon tlir o(t cr.rl rf pint nrr die , and nude not tle i(litrt roi.e. Mranwliilr mother Ut rve. (nil) onor a pcu'rfully a any IhmIv ran ho it l x t .taper and eri tne rar always finked to iih cmy Mir in the forrt. She never mUtril her ion at i'I until ulie found hrr.rlf auddeuly wide a ake and on ltrr feet, rradv 11 run. Not nering Nimlile hr.ide hrr. tor a moment or two lir forgot l e tit a child. Hrr only thought was to fire from the creature that Mat craliin(r through the unrierhruoti be yoml the old olutie wall and draw nit? nearer to hrr every mutant. It wa a wonder that kite didn't Hcr I am!" Nimble answered., dash off then and there. Indeed she took one leap before she remember ed who she was and that she had a youngster named Nimble. Then, of course, she stopped short and looked wildly around. Hut she saw no little spotted fawn any where. She had been startled enough, be fore, roused as she was out of a sound sleep. And now she was tcr riblv frightened. "Nimble!" she called. "Where ari you?" Here I am! Nimble answered. Even as he spoke he burst into sight, leaping the stone wall in such a way that his mother couldn't help feeling proud of him. 'What's the matter?" she cried. "Who's chasing you?" "Nobody's chasing me," Nimble told her. "When 1 saw the Fox I (iirncu nack- nere. '-sTti I'nxt" his mother exclaimed. 'Well, lie won t dare loucn you while I am with you." She began to breath easily again. In' it was on ly a fox she certainly didn't intend to rim. "Where did you see the Fox?" she demanded. "He was right over my head," Nimble said. "My goodness f his mother gasped. "That was dangerous. Was he on a bank above you?" "He was in a tree," Nimble re plied. " His rother gave him a queer look. "What's that?" she asked him sharplv. "In a tree. What did he look like? Was he red?" "He was grayish, and he had black rings around his long bushy tail; and his long pointed nose stuck out from under a black mask." "Nonsense!" cried Kimble's moth er. "You didn't sec a fox. You saw a coon." Nimble was puzzled. "You told me once," he reminded his mother, "that a fox was a sly fellow with a bushy tail and a long pointed nose. And this person in the tree had'.' "Yes! Yes!" said his mother. "Now listen to what I say. A Fox is red. And his tail has no rings at all. And foxes don't climb trees." 1 "Yes, mother!" was Kimble's meek answer. He was glad to learn all that. And he was glad, too, that his mother hadn't asked hirti how he happened to stray off alone into the woods. (Copyrleht, 1922.) Common Sense ' By J. J. MUNDY. Do Yon Lack Iinitiative? y You have not gone very far in a commercial or .material way in this world because you lack initiative. Your brain is as keen and your preemption is better than most men, but when it comes to acting inde pendently of anyone else you are at a standstill. What are you afraid of? If you have never acted on your own judgment of course you are afraid, but you appreciate how much farther you might have gone toward success if you had been less timid. Half the battle is in knowing your own faults and foibles. You can see where you might have benefited greatly if you had taken the helm. Then why don't you branch out, and make up your mind that the next chance you have you will get into the game in earnest and lead off? " If you arc not willing to lead when you see the opportunity, you have no right to criticise others in the moves they make. Make it your business to act first when you see an opportunity, not in a wavering, wobbly way, but Itraight from the shoulder. Go ahead. You will surprise yourself and gain confidence and grow. Alleged Prowler Nabbed After a chase from the Castle hotel to Thirteenth and Jackson streets Sunday night, Walter Jewell, night clerk, caught George Wilson ?f Kansas City and turned him over :o detectives with the complaint that e had discovered ilson prow ling Dog Hill Paragrafs py uoin ping rum It i rrrtr.tly beheted a well lt"'d that ! KilJew j Jtf'4rm tv mend bi , a he rautsht peeping in at preaching Ut Sunday morning. Yam Sinn says they are doing a tot of impossible things tliec days hut that his otter of a dollar still Imld good U the person who will lift himself uo off the ground by his bootstraps. Sidney Hocks got all out of breath tin's morning and had to be moved out into the fresh air, while trying to count the ticks of his watch. A Silly Song By A CUCKOO BIRD Life brings her pleasures almost every day and offers them to us witn lavish hand, but we, poor busy fools, put them away, for later use. We cannot understand that youth and joy cannoi, iikc coins oi gold, DC shelved in rusty vaults for years to lie, and be brought forth again, when we are old, and we store thcn up for "by and by." And when, at last, we open up the door of that vast storehouse, locked within whose gloom we put the joys life offered us of yore. We find our storehouse has become a tomb. The joys and pleasures that we put away, until am bitious name was lull leu, have, with the years, like us, grown old and gray ami live, within our storehouse, cola and dead. (Copyright, 1S22.) Parents' Problems Should a child who is not musical and does not care for music be given music lessons? A child who is not fond of music will never be anything but an auto maton. His technical skill may be trained to perfection, but unless he loves music, he will never be a real musician whose soul speaks through his fingers. "Phantom Burglar" Sent to . Jail on Vagrancy Charge John Stanley, 2113 Douglas street, termed "the phantom burglar" after his arrest Saturday, was arraigned only as a vagrant in Central police court yesterday and sentenced to serve 90 days iu jail. Charles White, Lincoln apartments, his .companion, was sentenced similarly. Second Big Week SPECIAL Miss DuPont v in Person Most Talked About Pic ture in the World Mat., 2:15 p. m., 25c-50c Eve., 8:15 p. m., 50c-75c-$l BRANDEIS Von smheUtCs Burn Um Up Rat Slayer Will Burn-Um-Up Slay the Unwelcome Intruders BurnUmUp Will Do It ON SALE AT ALL First-Class Drug Stores Council Bluffs Remedy Co. Council Bhiffa, Iowa Stiinsoii Knights Knter Lists for 6?000Stihjects "KU on NriV mil While, l am! Sleer. TrIiir for Minion I)ra?s'S in Moi Mrmlrre. Kiiiiihl of Ak Sar Be n entered the li.U tktrid4v. On their banner U the klMgan, "l,ff members for 9..V "A li on the neck and white faced er art two trophies already hung for the king's minion who drJiis in the niuM members. ".sanuoii," lord high chamberlain, will bestow the ki. and Everett Dui'kingliam, the steer, J. J.. Davidsoti'f boatt he would bring In J.0(J metube'rs, hiuixlf, oc casioned the piuc offer, "I'll bet j on a white-f4ccd Iteer against a couple of kilowatts for the bigge.t iucrcac over lat year." Buckingham wagered. Davidson's lat year's record was 9"6. Buckingham already has 138 mem bers of the If J he serured lat year. Iandall Brown's crew rallied this noon, champing at the bit for the start. vear's membership totaled 12xi).. The hiuhrtt attained was 4,JoO, the year before. Pamiovrr bervices Services for the conclusion of rassover will be held at Temple Israel this evening at 8 and Wed- ! neday morning at 10. Rabbi Cohn i will speak on "The Triumph of Starts Tomorrow Wed., Thurs., Tri., Sat. First Times at This Price Including Tax 4 M5 Ml gooca") THEODORA Spectacle of Wonder ADDED FEATURE "ARABE" IN PERSON Appearing at 3:107:10 8:10 EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE AMARANTH SISTERS and COMPANY ,Pritntlng "A Vmd.nHI F.ntity" JIMMY AND 'BENJAMIN HARRISON Aultl.d By JEANETTE DARLINS la "Tin Dally Dtllurt" 0LADY8 I 6UILF0YLC In "It It Comln To Tli!i?" T0RELLI8 COMEDY CIRCUS rturlm, thi Mul. VaudevllU at 1:40, 4:00, 0:30. 9:00 WEEK DAYS Continuous Starting at Noon VauoWvllI at 3:206:49:15 .Six Acts ot "Good Time" Vaudeville Plea.inj Photoplays "CALL THE WORLD" Atlantic 2311 Any Time After 12:30 NOW SHOWING and WILL ROGERS IE "One Glorious Day" The Greatest All Comedy Program Ever Presented in Omaha. Kighieunr it the foiiner serv t and tn "A New Thing" at th Utter. .IMHTIrIKT. Pib! Pyramid QringG tlcliof Y tl Riif AIrM k rVi4 rt 5tffiinM b Truly a tUssiag Wavfc tan arc SJrlnf wtlh Orfc. Inf. tl4inf er prmrudmc pila er totnerrt)0i1, n4 if )ei ) Mr tried ryramlil Tile Euppoiitorlts, by II mna do an at once, lie I a S3 rnt tx at any drug etnre. Avoid the pain and dintrena, get quick r llrT and a, new leaao of comfort. Takt no aubMitute- If you would Ilka to try them first pU nd nam and addrena to Pyramid Tru Co.. aiT I'yramld ltldg.. War.hill, Mien. All Week U till 11 GLORIA SWANSON "Her Husband's Trademark" A Paramount Picture ALSO A SUPER-COMEDY SPOOKS Strand Supreme Orchestra Matin. Dally 2it5 Ev.ry Night 6 If AN EXTRAORDINARY SHOW THE FOUR MARX BROTHERS "On th Balcony" Th G.IHa Maaon and Shay JIMMY SAVO & CO. W. D. Pollard Garclnn.HI Brothera WARD BROTHERS Matin 18c to 80c t Sem 7Be and $L sat. and Sun. Night, 15c to (1 1 Sat. and Sua. NOW SHOWING 99 LAST TIMES TONIGHT CHAS. The DAY Barnstormer STARTS TOMORROW : CONWAY TEARLE in Shadows the Night and ROUND THREE The Leather Pushers' Empress Rustic Garden All prinks .. . ..lOt All Tablaa Fra ADMISSION Week Day :.25T Include Tax Twoskcmmm. TWO SHOWS IN ONE MAY McAVOY "Mora Is" Price Matinee, Except Sunday t 28c, 30c; Box.. Rncrvad, 40c; OUdrea, any a .at, 40c. Pric, Night, and Sunday Matinee. 30c, 40c; Box Kewrved, 50c. HAROLD LLOYD in "Among Those Present" firl dm MENERAY Omaha Ster D Sewta 2ik StfttWrt lidt of 34tH Ft., Mn !oug!kt and Karnam Ha, I'lmne At. P0J7. South Omah Store 4707 Jot I4tk Street-East id of S4ih St., between L and M Ft. 1'lwne Market 27:2. Council Bluffs Stortt 3341 Wast Hreadeay-rpune 1698. oj Eatt B.eid.ay-rhons 5293. I0OI Sam Maia Slreel-Iliona Ktack 1331. SPRUCE TREES 1- ( mtlU 80.) HARnrN rrnQ a p. i aa.a.irw w (Sr wall, J0) Mailing Address MENERAY Nebraska $100.00 Shares can now be had for $95.00 and dividend per Share If you want to know where to put your money so that it will be SAFE and pay you good returns that you can depend upon- this stock is what you are look ing for. Dividends are paid every" three months on March 1st. June 1st, September 1st and December 1st. Pays 713 on your money if you buy at present price From coast to coast the securities of electric light and power com panies are known to be among the very finest investments. The banks and the insurance com panies have millions of their funds invested in companies such as ours. You can do no better than to follow the' example of your bank and your insurance company, and invest YOUR sav ings in the electric light and no is all you need to start with when sub scribing for a share of our stock". , Then pay the balance in easy installments of $10 a month. You can get your money back with 6 inter est any time before your last payment. We will sell you as many as 25 shares on this plan. 6 inter est allowed on all -payments. NURSERY & SEED CO. SPECIAL PRICES FOR A FEW FArH' '" lewanri H fUai.d. .l -t i, tun ) otvMwve t taoKe el .wwiw. Uely U 25c 3341 West Broadway. Council Bluffs. Iowa. NURSERY & SEED CO. Preferred Stock NOW. more than - ever there is need to make every dollar count. NEBRASKA POWER CO. Enough copper wire to reach from Omaha to Honolulu 3J00 miles is required to furnish patrons of the Company with light and power. The wire is worth over $1,000, 000.00, not including poles or other equipment. DAYS koaky Knl ImtM t 1. kit. d r aetd I aa aadi.tdaal ! power industry. We have been supplying electricity to Omaha for years. Our business is bound to grow and thrive. In fact, it is only because the Company IS growing that we have more stock to sell. The funds necessary to make ex tensions and additions .to our system must come from the sale of the Company's securities. V 2 i 1 u J I b U V Z flULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO 9J4bnalbVriced OamVea frtfea 700 ) The Art and Music Store 1513-15 DougUs Street When in OMAHA Stop at HOTEL ROME Co. COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET a g CM V 8.S-S So s O 3 C el 5 ; 91 (S DOb 495 rooms at the hotel Picture at 12, 2:30, 5:00, 7.30, 8:48