11 -A Girl, Two1 Youths HcldinThcftof Cus flyers' Auto "JiM Kffping Date With Frirml to (o Riding in Hit Uncle Car," Ev plaint Maid. Lincoln. April IS. While Sule Sheriff due Hyers and Mr. Uyers were attending the ( commencement mrrcies o( the University School of Agriculture lat night, the motor car in which the seteran tleuth ha pur. w and captured many cart de inrd (or part unknown, vat stolen ind for two hour unaccounted for. Two youth and a girt are being held, one of the former alleged to le a student of the school of agri culture, and the Utter, according to hrr dory, a domestic in a Lincoln 'Lome and a retident of College View, a mburb. According to the police, the girl, ebandoned when the theriff't car vu forced into a curbing by a citizen who recognized the car and rave chaie, aid the did not know the car was atolen, "but wa merely keeping a date to go riding with a friend who said he would have hi uncle car until 9:30 a. m." Upon her information one of the outh was arrested at hi home early today, while the other gave himself up thortly after. Both admitted having the car, ac cording to the police. Retired Capitalist Killed When Auto Turna Over Tucjon, Ariz., April IS. Pinned (eneath the wreckage of a heavy tour ing car when the automobile turned over while rounding, a curve five miles from San Carlos; and held un der the machine for over six hour liefore aid arrived, C. Z. Prina, retired Safford capitalist and finance officer of the Graham rounty highway com mission, was killed late Thursday afternoon. Bee Want Ads' Produce Results. Special Demonstration and Sale Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges Carload Just Received On Sale This Week t t t f I t t t - Whitpkiri'pan under Jpanel in each door. Blue '''V'r';.- '. - Mi Trade inY our I Old Gas Stove WeWillMaW a LiberalM' lowance. 5 5; UK Pretty Girl to Downtown Film Actress, Visiting Omaha, Answers Want Ad Accepts Unique Proposition. WALM'T "r T aisae,m ri.i.ir furni,h4 fkr-rMni anl' I Tha 1'aloua. vmka'i apart. nnO; .ill, iiiaia ( lif tm, rtinm room an4 kiirk.n. uh ' hall n4 Sil r" uautuallr laa) ahart-larm .M. VT tfarmilna t I J. J. Maalay, Uaifm-Nufe tarn s' ax. . t When Jack Hasley, merchandise manager of Burgei.Nah, complet ed In suit of rooms he placed the above ad in the newspapers, offering it for rent. The first applicant was Edna Sampton, movie actress, who !at played with Harold Lloyd in "A Sailor-Made Man," who has arrived from Lot Angeles and Is spending a short time in Omaha. When told that the apartment for rent ai located in the Rurgess- Nash Seventeenth afreet window she almost decided to continue her fruitless search for a cozy home, but changed her mind when told of the convenience and rent rate. Starting next Monday at 9 in the morning, Edna Sampson will occupy the apartment for one week. Each morning she will rise at 9, coolc her breakiast on the gat range provided in the kitchen of her suite. She will then do the morning housework, tew, read or play the piano. In the afternoon the will entertain visitor or read in her unique home. McGormack to Undergo Operation on Throat New York, April IS. John Mc Cormack, famous Irish tenor, who has been dangerously ill with an af fliction of the throat, will have to undergo another operation. His physician, Dr. A. C. Du Tont, stated yesterday that by Monday the singer's throat, which was still badly swollen, would be ready for another lancing. A gas stov,e of merit, one that not only pleased but feives the utmost satisfaction. A HIGH QUALITY RANGE at a very lowvprice. WE WANT you to see our full line this week during demonstration by factory rep sentative. Detroit Jewel Gas Range like illustration, oven 18 inches 4eep, 16 -inches wide, 12 inches , high, and will hold large roaster with room to spare. ' Oven, full lined on all Sides. a Range, 40Vi jnches wide. . r ,. c I IV J iri This Very .1 I Live in Store Window 7 . 1 Edna Sampson. She will cook her own dinner at 6 in the evening. Though Durgeis-Nash has no gro cery department, material (or cook ing will be furnished the apartment by the tea room kitchen in the store. The purpose of the apartment fur nished in the store is to prove to the public that Kurges-Xah company ran furnish in detail every need of the housekeeper. "Mr. McCormack has passed the crisis," said Dr. Du Tont. 'Jlis throat is somewhat better. He can swallow with less pain but lie will not be able to sing for many months. Mr. McCormack will leave for Ire land early next month, if his health will permit. Diamond IUiir Sloleo MIm Mll dreit nton, 2i North Thirty ninth utreet. and Mm. Josephine Cihsnn, Carter Lake club, both r finrtcd riinmonil riiiRi stolen -while they wer in waMiroorna downtown about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. top burners. White Finish Steel Broiler Ranore Special XV I v THE PEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. APrUU 16. IMS Huge Income Tax Fraud Disclosed, ; Revenue Men Say Dubuque Millionaire Family Acructl of Biggrtt Swindle on RecorJ-WithhfM 1237.996. Charge. , The bigge.t income tax fraud on record is alleged to have been un- ,n.,A ku (It lnr.it Allira of ill internal revenue department, on the heel of the arre.t Friday f Au.tin A., William I', and Kathryu Cooper, niillioiiaires of Dubuque, la.. on charge oi lai.nying return i. mc government, withholding $JJ7,'Wo 0J. I I tVaLrfrtul. meiuic aenit ill charge' of Iowa and Nebraska, with headquarter Here; J. It. Mirriot'K. C V. Kilcv and A. J. NcUon are the quartet credited with the discovery. Worked Year. Ve worked a whole year collect ing our evidence.' said Sherlock. Vina liittirinirnti were returned against the wealthy trio by the fed eral grand jury of northern Iowa on April 5, but it was kepi a kcici until Friday. "Wilfully evading the income tax law," "making inadequate return for three years." and "perjury" are the counts. The tfcree face penal ties of IS years in prison and $10t). 000 fine, besides payment of a 50 per cent penalty of the amount due, $118,998.01. Trial uaie act The indicted trio belongs to one of th- oldest and wealthiest families m Dubuque, Thev are children of the founder of the Cooper Wagon works, famous all over the world. Austin owns the Julian Dubuque hotel, the leading hostelry. Trial is set for April 25 and will bi keenly watched by the depart ; VViihin.inn and 'revenue agents throughout the country, ac- tor ding to uraxeioru. The Coopers are out on bond. nalirads. April IS Kin 0ra of England baa ccnt1 an Invitation to art aa on of tha wllnaai-a for Kmc Al anitar at hla apprnachlni tnarriaaa to rnnra Marl nf Rumania. Kin lar will ha rapre.-nttit at th- wwt'linf by hi. wand ann,- tha ituU nf York. porcelain Pan. " ' Terms if You Wish 10 Cash 10 a Month Three-Story House for Walthcr League This thrre-.tory houe at 8.' 5 South Thirty-fourth street has been leaned by the Xcbratka district of the Walthcr league to he ucd as a Luther "hospice," or home. It will accommodate about 25 girls. A resolution to do this wa adopted at the convention of the Nebraska district in Fremont last September. This district has about 2.000 Walthcr leaguers and is affiliated with the in ternational organization, which has 40.i))0 member in thg United States and Canada. Opening service for the hospice will he held at 3 n. m. Sunday, April 30. Rev. Titus Lang, chairman of the Nebraska district, will preach the opening sermon. The Bee Leads Other Tapers In Sport News. Special Low Prices! Liberal Terms Only a Few Days Left of This Great Sale of Low Prices on of this wonderful household invention Actual Gooking by "Fireless" Every Day Baking Bread with 15 minutes' gas! You. shall be-able to see for yourself this remarkable Gas Range in actual operation every day this ; ' week between the hours of 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. in our Big' Window. You-can see this famous CHAMBERS Fireless Gas Range cooking with :T . if the -GAS TURNED OFT TOMORROW rn i:w is . iworuicu ior Beating Given l-l)av Husband Hrolhrr and I'rinul uf Musi cian Bride, 16, Accused of Pummelling Mate SucA for Annulment. r It cot a brother and his friend $3 cull in Central police conn yes terday fur the beating they ad ministered the ona-daybridrgroom of Dorothy t.'lienowetli, 16, harpist and accomplished inuician, The brother was Arthur li. Chenc weth.. 2H5 North Nineteenth stieet, and his friend, Robert K, Rayinon, a cabinet maker; their victim. Wil lard -F. Lowden, 201.' North Eight tenth street. Louden and the Oienoucih girl were married in Council Bluffs March- 0. Her parents obiected and she repented 'he next day. Her father is suing for annulment. Waylay Bridegroom. The brother and his friend way laid the bridegroom at Thirtieth and Madion streets Friday aitrinoon and brat him up, Judge Foster ruled after hearing the testimony. Lowden appeared in court, bat tered and bruised. Tbjice lie was rebuked by City Prosecutor Dinren: Once for picking hi teeth in court, once for making a plaything of hi hat at he nervously twisted it in his hands, and once for turning bi back to the judge. But he was dismissed when he de nied annoying his girl bride. "Still Love Me." '"Why she still loves me," he told Cats Gas Bills Saves vawr Time Saves Flavor Lessens Labor Let us show you the ESTABLISHED 1855 MlLTOH POGEBS XY JL AND SONS JL y COMPANy Hardware -ni Household Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. the com t. "he d tome back to nieJ it her lather. h.wi she fr.ia. did not eert auch an influeiii't over her. I "She's going to talk to my attar. I ney about that annulment tun, I ! have until Monday M file an an swer. Chrnowrih uld uf 4 rrod of 7 J spectators cheering him and In aide as they pounded the bridegroom. Head of Farm Council Attacks New Tariff BUI Wathingion, April IJ,-"Bmi4iiiin I. Marsh, managing director of the Farmers' National Council, declared that the taritf bill repreented bv the senate finance committee "the worst of the many gold bricks hand ed farmers by the prrtrnt admin ittration." "The whole scheme of the tariff hill as reported to the senate," he added, "it evidently to permit highly protected manufacturers to continue the same profiteering which they carried on during the war. Whatever the text of the tariff bill, it is clear that the duties levied on manufac tured products are on the American bais cost of production, while thoe levied on agricultural products are on the basis of foreign cost of pro duction." Clearing House Statement. New York. April IS. The aclual condition of the clearing houte banks and trust companies for the week shows that the hold $I.V46.4I in excess of legal requirements. This is a decrease of $12,715,540 from last week. 7la Mlaara f.at Stalaa. Japtm. Ms., April It. Wat ln'r.. apprniimatlnc It ramt a dr far ria ta IX thou. and imnara In I ha ltta.mirl.kan-aa-uMahoma aina and lad fiald will (a into aff-( limtixt ai.ljr, II w.a annnunr.d at h.ail'iiiart-ra h.ia Inday, A tllmu ialad alne markal, arrnrdinv In trtlna oparalnr., mak.a pni.ihta tha Inrraaaa. IHAJIBERS GAS RANGES r NOW you, too, can own one of these famous Gas Ranges. Our decidedly Reduced Prices our very Liberal .Terms- give to Omaha housewives the most favorable opportunity ever presented them for secur ing one of these remarkable CHAMBERS Pireless Gas Ranges. Only 6 more days and this great sale will be past history. Prompt action fs necessary. To morrow we shall expect you. . many advantages ArUlirL nflnU ' f i WUUCKJC UdCllSC r ,-; S VA fmlOvrrH 0.000 San I uiicuro, , Aprd IJ-Tht 1! ;. C.(Fat) ArbttiHt ) fl iiuUihter trial J VI feitse of Ito.ioe 111 Hi Hire mailt tuiiifi linn uittt the de.th oi Mit Mgiina ltpe rol more than 1 1 0i, not im liiding aihvnev'l tes, it M.t le.rnrd ye.terday. Th bring- : 11 til uiinfit triMil lima to "t iS,W:rw ,rM"r por' No tee hae tteen received pjr drfVn.e attorney at let, it piuiri iy av.t ic.an, tnin cun el tor Arbuikle. It was arranged that no financial nutters were to b cmuidered until Arhmk'e had been deaied.' MfNab .aid. It it planned l telta all of the Ailititkle tilmt that were completed at the time he met with his difficul ties here, it wat learned. Arburkle lias no immediate plant. THE ot arNj w. BAttrr SANATORIUM Lincoln, Nth. This institution i th only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own grounds, yet entirely distinct, and rendering it possible to classify caae. The one building being fit ted for and devoted to the treat ment of noncontagious and tonmen- tal diseases, no others being admit a S . . S f a rl.11 tL I tea; me oiner jvest uoiuge oeing designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select msatal cases requiring for a time watchful care and special nursing. 5 1 m m r. 7 1 ( SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS 1