:-r. THC PF.K: OMAHA. SUNDAY. APRIL 16. 1922. Last Year Misses Turned "Mrs." Appear in Junior Leasue Frolic This Year l Unr ci )n lu' t"ti"l misses, in Ut Junior league show lv fhped Ihnr runtr wiilim the sesr, nd all three appear on the fungum if hi. f4r' finite "Sin" Mrs, Jlniry Holding, Mtlinra H.vi, i teuistton (or Iter beauty in the prologue ( Ut vtsr revue, and a modern girl will Ule j " ,n vear'i jiert-iriiunie at lhi Brndeis, My 12 and I J. Mr. llohUiig' engage, mem ii announced the night of the rvuf, which Inn added interest to her art, n. to hr handsmnr tine, who occupied a front ben. Mr. and M' IJolilini;. who were iiuirirj te last autumn, nude their, hum in St. Louis for tew im. mln, Imt lute now irmrnrd to Omaha fiernianently to Ihr drl'ght of Ihtir friend. In the '" tit t"X fpiK Mr. Bottling lat ear sat Malcolm PaMngf, whow fiig4i.'riiii'iit to Mu Rfgii.t Canned had recently been Announced. Mi ConnMI, turn Mrs, Miholm Haldnge, made a great hit at the Peacock "t the bird tiiinihrr nf the revue and will again have leading tole in the htM. At M' Dorothy kiphnger, Mr. C harlrs Alii arm, well known for htr fflk y jjh XV rS CharlesyWison ' Airs 7enrtj Bch7i'r?gsr liiiiia; en delicate Ih-hiiIv, was one of the hits of the prologue in May, 19.M. Her wedding was oii." of the social events of last fall. She, too, is to appear this year in the annual Junior league frolic. It is hoped that still unmarried members rf the league will be in spired in 1122 to live up to the pre cedent set them by this attractive trio. Weddings Keep Miss Judson Busy. 1 Many affairs are being given this week in Minneapolis for Miss Miriam Confer, whose wedding will take place next Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Judson of Omaha is in Minneapolis to be one of the bridesmaids. Wednesday Miss Confer was at a trousseau tea, Thursday two of the bridesmaids. Miss Alice Wheelwright and Miss Dorliska' Lewis, gave a luncheon for Miss Confer at the Min neapolis club and Saturday evening the wedding party was entertained at dinner at the Minikahda club fol lowed by a theater party. Miss Jud son will retard immediately after the wedding in order to take part in the festivities here which will precede the Peters-Hess wedding April 26, in which she is to be an attendant. She will be hostess April 23 at an Orpheum party and supper dance for Miss Hess and Mr. Peters. Rounan-Haning. Miss Reah Haning and Ralph Rounan were married Saturday, April 15. at the home of the birde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haning. The Rev. J. G. W. Fast of the First Methodist church performed the ceremony. ' Petty-Rich. Eugene J. Petty of Chicago and Miss Genevieve Rich of Kansas City, Mo., were married Friday afternoon at Calvary Baptist church in Omaha by Rev. H. C. Whitcomb. They will live in Chicago. i Miss Gibson to Wed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Gibson announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Irene Gib son, and Edgar J. Bellows of York, Neb. The wedding will take place April 29 at 8 p. m. at St. Barnabas church, the Rev. Lloyd Holsapple officiating. To Wed Joliet Girl. Mr. and Mrs. B. Berkovitz of Jo liet, 111., announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennie, to Mr. Isadore Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrs.- Jacob Abramson of Omaha. No date has been set for the wed ding. Miss Howell Entertained. Mrs. W. D. McHugh was hostess Saturday at a. luncheon, honoring Miss Lois Howell, who will wed John Dwight Evans next Saturday . evening. The other guests were Mrs. Brandon Howell, Mrs. Benja min Sylvester, Mrs. George Engler, Mrs. Willard Slabaugh, Mrs. Walter Byrne and Mrs. Edwin Davis. Miss Howell will be honor guest at a bridge party Monday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sylvester, and Tuesday Mrs. Paul Bradley will en tertain at luncheon at the University club for her. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Howell will en tertain at the bridal dinner at the Blackstone. Miss Da Pont Entertained. Mrs. Joseph Baldrige entertained yesterday afternoon at the tea dance at the Brandeis restaurant, compli mentary to Miss Du Pont, star of "Foolish Wives," the picture now running at the Brandeis. Church Dinner Postponed. The dinner planned for Wednes day, April 19, at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Tw entieth and Ohio streets, has been postponed until Aoril 26 ytrsylotlcdlm Baldrige New Bethel of Job's Daughters. Ihe second Bethel ol Job's Daughters was instituted and or ganized Saturday afternoon, with Miss Ethel W. Mick, honoied queen; Harriet Lillis, senior princess; Ar lene Rosenbcry, junior princess; Jane Roberts, guide, and Florence Hodder, marshal. There are now seven bethels in the stae, two in Omaha, and the others in Grand Island, Alliance, Kearney, North Platte and Lincoln. The organization was founded in Omaha a year ago by Mrs. Ethel T. Mick. Since that tune bethels have been formed in Illinois, Kansas, Oregon and Michigan. Prospective bethels are in the process of forming in California, Nevada and Maryland. At the Omaha Club. The Omaha club will have its clos ing Sunday evening supper entertain ment tonight, when R. Beecher How ell will give a talk on the radio sys tem. There will be both receiving and sending apparatus in the room and arrangements have been made to receive a radio concert and to talk by wireless phone with several cities. Among those who will en tertain at supper arc: A. W. Gordon, W. Farnam Smith, F. H. Pavis. C. M. WIlhHin. J. I.. Paxton, 3. V.. Davidson, C. 8. Voun Vr. J. B. Pott. Lifan Weaver. Harvey Milllken, M. T. Gates, Sam Burns. M. T. Barlow, Guy Tratt, R. P. Buach, Walter Pago, Ray Low. John Caldwell, J. H. Wright, W. J. Toad. W. F. Gurley, Arthur Guyou, l.leut. P. E. Jackson. Dr. Robert (lllmore. H. T. Clarke. J. W. Gamble. R. W Swltsler. Luncheon for April Brides. Mrs. Howard Baldrige and Mrs. Malcolm Baldrige entertained at a charmingly appointed luncheon Sat urday for Miss Geraldine Hess and Miss Helen Smith, two brides of the near future. Twenty-six guests were present and were seated at four tables decocrated in pink and yellow with snapdragons, roses and jonquils. Rag-A-Jazz Dance. A postlenten dance will be given Wednesday evening at Kelpines when the Rag-A-Jazz band from Lincoln will supply the music. To Visit Foreign Countries. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kelly left last evening for Chicago, where they will spend two days wifh relatives, and will then join the Rev. B. Sinne and Miss Lillian Huesman. The party will sail from New York April 22 on the "Olympic" for Cherbourg, France. After a stop in Paris they will go on to Germany, where Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will visit Mrs. Kel ly's brother, the Rev. Francis Wein hold, who will be remembered in Omaha for his visit here on the Euro pean relief committee. , He is at present in Gelsenkirchen. Mrs. Kelly will also visit her sisters, who live in Westphalia, and whqm she has not seen in 16 years. The party will attend the Euchar istic congress at Rome and also the Passion Play - at Oberammergau. They will travel widely on the con tinent and will return to Omaha in October. - - - t Father Weinhold, at the time of his visit to Omaha in 1920, performed the marriage ceremony tf his sister, then Miss Theresa winhold, and Mr. Kelly. Woman's Club Card Party. Among the prizes which have been donated for the Omaha Woman's club benefit card party Friday after noon at 2:30 o'clock in the Brandeis grill room are a Florentine bar pin, V enetian glass candlesticks, hand made handkerchiefs, set of bridge numbers, four dressed chickens, cur tain pulls, amber Venetian flower bowl, cream whipper, night set, in cluding water bottle and glass; box of apples and five-pound box of candy. Tickets arc 50 cents and may be. obtained from department leaders or members of the house and home committee, Mrs. John Golden, chair man. Proceeds will be added to the club building fund. Miscellaneous Shower. Mrs. W. M. Von Weg entertained 25 guests at a miscellaneous shwer Saturday afternoon at her home in honor of Miss Edna Kopenhaver, whose marriage to Arthur Grabe v ill take place April 24. Dancing Party. The North Side Progressive club ' of Holy Angels church will entertain j at a dancing party Tuesday cvning j at the Rome hotel. I The Charm of Every Piano Lies in Its Sweetness of Tone First Among All Pianos Stands the Steinway $875 arid up It is famous for its tone beauty, its proper and perfect construction, its fine materials, its appearance and it lives, in every particular, up to its description, "The In strument of the Immortals." Those lovers of music who wish for a Steinway will find the widest range of Steinway Grands and Uprights in our new warerooms. Here, also, you may see and hear Grands, Synchronas, Player Pianos and Uprights of many other leading makes, all purchasable on convenient and pleasing payments. Steinert, Hardman, Steger & Sons, Schomacker, Emerson, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons, Behr Bros., Schmoller & Mueller and Premier Pianos. 13H-fS-13-Iode Ottufa Exclusive Representatives for New Steinway s in Nebraska and Western Iowa Annual Flower Day for Christ Child Society Sturds), Apu'l t f dle 1 far the annual I'lowrr Uy for (he Christ ChiM sorifty, Trit thou.and do! 1 4i , the go4l srt (or true, it nrr 'ed 0 fitly M the fllUrgrd c ivnir. s Ihe lummitire in fluige v( tr rautfemeiit indudrs ,Mr. A. V. Knulrr, ifidrnt of llif soi'irly; Mis 1 4ut Nash, trl v it c presi dent; Mrs, I rrd Aldous, se.oiid Uf prrnJciit; Mist Margaret Mohsiie, secretary; Mrs, Maik C'oad, Meas urer; Mi fcarsli fchanlry, head res ident el the wn it r; Mt. J. W. Ken. rrlirrli, dirrf tor pf colored branch; Mfdiiiic Lawrence Hrinkcr, S. H. Doyle, tieorije Itrndri, Tom yuin land tid W. J. Ilvne., Mr j. Koy Hyrite will he in iluige of the hci'l'iurier. Mrs. Arthur Mullen is thairman of the distribu tion tomimtlee and Mi's Claire Daugherty, puhliciiv. I he Lightning Athletic club of the Christ Child Center Rave a dance on Saturday evening at the okol hall. The Chrot Child Juniors' baseball tani will play a Kme with St. WrnesUn' team on Tuesday after noon gt Kittrviewr park. Mis Vera Dendinerr. cue of the resident woikers at the tenter, it trending Latter with her paicrtts at lUrtingion, Neb. Mrs, Thouus Redmond presented the center with a splendid collection of boys' books last week. A well-ventilated bouse it the en iet to heat. Music Festival I Anioiitf tht wlio lute iiuitlud tf4M.li lukrU Mr M4V Mu.ir- hmat. M he w-ivm Mav I, , 15, ..' and ai lU M a in, in i c Itiiui-..-Nah tea loom, ie Mrtdanirs i harlri Kouin.'f, 4t.l tuige, William li. Muiiuoii, llrinv S nun. Ilemy MfUonald. j:. W. N'atli, I. ,1 lljiHwhtn, Wit ham !,uHr, A. H l ui'ir, lUrold tiitlord. ore Jolyii, Millou Uf. law. iharr Willirliu, I'luilr. I'Uit. rimrr IVrtrr, Kd4i1 IVurr IVik. O. C. Ked-.k, K. II. 1 1. .wl4.nl. j. I l4Vi'!f.n, K, I', I'pdikr, H, I'rtihri Howrll. l)4id I'de, A. V. kin.lfr. I.ihii 1 4oiint atid the Mi.kf. Kuir Mi'llugh, tiertrude Stunt, Miihi lowlc, Jemie Millaid. 'I he fomert will he gisrn by an orcholra p M under iliieiiMut ol Kol.rit CuMaden, 4itrd l.v I-nune ien Wyhe, sopuno; Cecil Hrrrv ntan, piano; Made Vft StHi'heu. violin; Kerl I'.urton, tnprmio; I.4w rence podd, tenor; I helnia Skeen, haip, and the Omaha Woman's club chorus, directed by lleurv ii. Cox. ' he Omaha Wouun's club is iM.n soring he frstitat (or the bruriil of the club buildiui; fund. Seaou tirkela are $5, and may be obtained (rom member! of the woman' club or at downtown inutic housri. All five coupons nuy be ned at any one concert. Mrs. I.. J. Healey is chair nun ol the ticket committee. Rehearsal for "Queen Esther." All members of Maple l.tnl chap-l-r, O. L". S., who are iutereled in the coming production of "yueen Kther." to be given for the giaud chapter, will meet in the Red Croi rooinn, Matonic temple, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Muiil Reading at Haai. Mi lluiK.it IIih'iUv, tha tf (Crinly i. tgiur l iiom 4 lurtini tour i f-nfliltg (HMIIU i hi t4IUU and' the state, cmitubiited nunb wild i. . .i i . . .i i I'ti I.HI-H4I ir4mngk lit (lie HUvl'S r l.ibeitv chapter O, 1', S. beiirbi baiar held t Masonic temple Sat urday altriuooii jnd eveuini;. Mitt I hint lev is the daughter Mi. Alma lliintlry, who u well ku.mn 4 a sotoit, having been with U lug', t'pmpany Pi t'lnce'i (r tue C4IS. College Pinner. The Omaha and Couiuil l!ti(T (.iiiiiiell attoiistion will uld thf ir 4iinu4l meeting and dinner at the I I'liivrr-ilv club at 7 p. til, Pteideni j I. it. T. Main tt (innuell will be 4it honor guc'l ami speaker. About inrmliri at expected. 1 Aniuvmary I'lffctsin ihe I 4iur i'l ion, mi 1. 1 In ft ruin ft Mi ci. My MiK-rl, will pie. ri t 4 play in li.'iii'i vi Hun sn'i' I 4niinri4tv at lie iiiiiiinuii.iy iru fr I yiu buililmg, huuday, Apid I'", at p. i t. Mr, Hen li.iaillir, kitprititor Vi'unir Judcu' woik m titi4li4, wio.e thr .Uy cpe,i,lty tor this iccaiou Their will be no 4itiit)n clum' and the (nihlic u C"idi4ll) invited M attend - St. I'rancm Card Patty. I i'lv tali!e ,Mt I'fril icrne. i"r the cud puiv lo be gum bv llie Onu'ia lueiiibcit i( M. I i.nii' 4liinii4' J.ilitrd4y iittei iimni, M4V 0. in lie Ptainlei Ktill roinn, br ihe bei, i'l l the olr;e lun l 'lUket. nuy be ibiaiuri Iiom Mrs lolni Miitli ii. (; iiei il h.iuiiuii, M4il.et IHMHi; Miv l 1 biihy. liar ney 5741. ..r Mi,. I, It puljle, II411UV .'I."". . . Silver, the Gift That Endures WHKN the daughter of tit family is iimrrnd it ia fitting that mother Htid father invrxt in Silver Chent aa their gift to Ihe new hum- silver the gift that endtirea. You are iavited to view our eston. sive showing of quality plate and sterlinf silver in every new dssifn. !LJohn Henrickson, Jeweler established I8R2 Iblb at Caoii I I 1 II I I Ml Ml iJOllN A. 8 WAN SON, free.. .WVL. L, UOLZMAN, Trrai . 'The Wonder Values of 1921" Tomorrow Monday After Easter Sale Women's and Misses' Distinctive COATS, CAPES, WRAPS The feature event of Omaha's Monday sales will be this extraordinary selling of several hundred beautiful Coats, Capes, Wraps, newest of new mart spring styles, at Would Sell Regularly at $34.50 to $39.50 The Colors Reindeer Tan French Blue Navy Sorrento and other wanted spring shades. The Materials Fine Velours Twill Weaves Yulama Tweeds Polaire Chinchilla Velour Mixtures Bolivia When Greater Nebraska offers a special event the values are worth oming a long ways to secure. For instance, in this sale you find Clever new styles in belted and straight-line models; plain, flare and pleated backs; Mannish patch pockets; embroidered, fringe trimmed, fancy stitching, circular capes, sport models. Wraps of real merit. Their grace f ul lines, lovely, rich fabrics and trimmings are typical of coats usually priced at far higher prices. Early Monday shopping will be to your advantage. Women's Wearing" Apparel Entire Third Floor Mnln Building SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY ww 1 moixnan.' ut,tmmtiaiUMUMMU1Fw COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS 'COTiwrccrr APPAEEtj' FOn MEM AND WOMEN T 1 -4 -A, 5