Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Love Is Cod, Not
)fX Only Altriliutr,
Says Lecturer
lVtT , Ro, MemW of
Chriitinn Scirncc Lrrtur
ing Hoard, Speak at
Churt h Here.
IVter V, Ro.i, iiiftiiUrr f iho
of Irriurcttiiit i( the M oilier
C hurch. le rim Church o( Chiitt.
Scientist, In Bitkion. Mot., lectured
on "The Divine Immanence" Ut
evening in the First Church of
( lirut. Scientist, 1 wrnly-liiiirlh ami
' t. Mryi avenue lie will repeat
the lecture tonight.,
II aid in part:
) "Chrima .-' aUays at.ocialrd
love Willi the .Jprrme being, though
' perhaps nmre a a characteristic or
attribute than a a synonym. Hut
Christian Science recognizes
while in one ene love is an ami
hate, an all pervading quality of lioil,
yet In a fullrr sense love is God, or
a St. John put it. '(.od l love, and
he that dwelled) in love dwellrth in
liod, and liod in liim.'
Reality of Good.
"The deduction to he drawn from
the conception of Dirty a love are
Mont impiriiiK and liberating to nf
(ering humanity. Take all the sick
' lira. sorrow and misery that appear
to run riot in the world about us.
Could they be imposed upon man
kind by a Supreme Ucing who i
"'I'nthiiiKalile and impossible,'
you reply. I'ouhl wirli thing be
made or countenanced by a creator
who it love? The response is an
emphatic 'No.' Front whence then
are they and by whom created?
Christian Science replies that they
have not in fact been created and
that they have no actual foundation
or existence, bcause the one and
only creator, power, and presence is
love. The same is true of all the
hate, malice and strife that seem to
infest society. They are the very
antitheses of love, and hence can
have no actual influence or potency
when love is infinite and omnipo
tent. "Any one who choose can begin
at once, in Christian Science, to
prove this momentous truth; and
having proved, though perhaps only
in r inor details, that discord, wheth
er in the form of bodily ailments or
of mental disturbances, ran be put
out o' .tperience. he will be ready
to admit and able to see that the
sum total of human wretchedness
can be disposed of on the basis of
its unreality and nonexistence.
Discoverer of Christian Science.
"If there has been any event of
modern history more remarkable
than the discovery of Christian Sci
ence, that event has' been the suc
cessful' establishment of Christian
Science on an enduring foundation.
To discover this science required
rare spiritual insight; to so establish
it that the truths of Christianity
should not agan be lost to sight re--'quired
unsurpassed sagaciy, resolu
iT lion, ronratre and devotion. These
-pannes were posscsseu fo Mipn
lative degree by Mary Baker Eddy,
which answers the oft-repeated ques
tion, Why did Christian Science come
through a woman? '
"To a world sickith its belief in
materialism, intellectualism and skep
ticism, as well as sick with sin and
disease. Mrs. Eddy has brought a
workable means of regeneration. For
the suffering and sorrowing she has
made, known a divinely prepared way
of escape. Those who are availing
themselves of the Opportunity thus
iiowjol hold her name in lovt and
reverence, whilt pcopla the world
over art coming to rccogniM her
on of l foremost benefactors of
" lSV
Concord iaiis Hear
Analyst's Views
Mahfl Warner Hugg Sjieali
oil Diagnoai of Character i
fur HutinfM.
The science of character analysis
ft applied to an individual' capabili
ty, trail, and adaptability to the
lute of work Ik is engaged hi,
discussed by Mr. Mabel Warner
Rugg, character analyst, before the
Omaha Concord club at a luncheon
at Hotel Fontenelle yesterday noon.
"The readme of character Is a
tcience in which a great deal of in
terest ha developed within the lat
lew year." Mr. Kugg taid, "until
today most of the large corporations
and the government department em
ploy character analysts to aid them
m r hooting employe and executives
for ririou positions."
From their types of feature and
;re and shapes of heads and hand,
Mr. Kugg analyzed the character
of several member of the club and
told in what way they are adapted
for their line of work.
Two new members of the club
were introduced at yesterday's lunch
con. They were H. G. Barron of
the Atamita Dairy company, and W.
Newton Clark, salesmanager of the
A. H. Currie company, wholesale
coal dealer.
How f II to I!x(Iain Radio
to Nebraska Audiences
R. D. Howell will address the
Hiisiness Men's Community club at
Central City tonight by invitation.
He will discuss the radiophone and
hi recent Kuropean trip. This after
noon he will speak at Silver Creek.
He is scheduled to speak before the
Commercial club at Grand Island,
April 27.
Brief City News
Flic for SlH-rlrr Jamea F. Lind
say, 3S 1 3 North Seventeenth street,
democrat, filed yesterday with the
election commissioner, for sheriff.
Dentist Sued for Divorce Dr.
Gladstone Derby. Omaha dentiRt.
whs aupd fop divorce Wednesday by
Alice Chandler Derby. She alleges
Luncheon fop Roscwatce Victor
rtoewater will be tendered a com
plimentary luncheon Saturday noon
at the Bunreea-Nash tea room on
his departure for Philadelphia.
To Visit Skyc Agnes A. Finlay-
son and Annie Kin lay son applied for
passports In the federal court ye
terday. They are to visit their old
home in the Isle of Skye, north of
Klcctcd President J. David Lar
son, Omaha Chamber of Commerce
commissioner, was elected president
of the State Association or Cham
ber of Commerce secretaries in Lin
coln Wednesday.
Hold Tonblo Wedding Mrs.
Bertha Decker and Ethel Decker,
sisters, who became engaged on the
same day, were married in a double
wedding Wednesday to Carl A. Carl
son' and Hay Anderson.
Denies I'ossosslon Rosie Hillier,
2403 Blondo street, declared In po
lice court yesterday that she had no
idea how 28 quarts of beer happen
ed to be In her Home, une case
was postponed until April 25.
Bayler Suit on Trial Trial of the
suit of the Bayler Mnufacturing
company, Milwaukee, against Wal
ter Petersen, local contractor, for
$4,062 for material furnished in
constructing the Masonic temple,
was begun lri federal court yesterday.
Pianos and Players That Har
monize With Your Furniture
The Style and Price You Want to Pay
Wa arrang terms of three te
five year for your convene
ence and your old piano will
be accepted as part payment
Prices have been reduced te.
rock bottom. We have hun
dred of new and used pianoa
for your selection.. We cor
dially invite you to come ie
and look over our display of
beautiful instruments and
have them demonstrated.
Brand New Upright Pianos $275 and up
Brand New Player Pianos $388 and up
Brand New Baby Grands $635 and up
Here Are a Few Real Bargains in Used Pianos:
Practice Piano -$25
Mahogany Upright . . . 840
Wurlitaer Upright . . . . .$75
Lawrie Upright ....... 888
Boston Upright 8110
Gee. Steck Upright. . .$125
Wegmall Upright ....$138
Franklin Upright $150
Lakeside Upright 8175
Rembrandt Upright .-8185
Sieger St Sona Upright, 8220
Milton Player 8250
Hartford Player 8325
Schmoller Sc Mueller Player
for $345
Terms as Low as $5.00 Per Month
Fill this in if you
live outside of Omaha
I Name I
l Address I
i I am interested in the instru-
ment (or bargain) I have I
marked with an X in your ad-
vertisement. Please send me
detailed information.
Remember that we stock at
all times new Steinway,
Steinert, Hardman, Steger A
Sons, McPhail, Lindeman It
Sena, Scbomacker, Schmoller
ft ' Mueller and Premier
'Tht Wonder Values pt
"Tht Clothing
Corner of
West No
Service '
Lika This"
mm I
ivl , I
MM' M Vtt' il- '
-til V 4l ' " I '
' ' liTl I 'ill
Easter Clothes Buyers
Shop Friday at the Clothing
Corner of Omaha Value Head
quarters for Thirty-Six Years
REPUTATION of the store and quality in the
goods determines value for, more than
a third of a century this store has enjoyed
the enviable national distinction of undersell
ing all America.
A Smashing Demonstration
Young, Men's
- stort
33 to 42
Men 's Fine
All Sizes
31 to 46
$40.00 VALUES
Sport Suits in the new four-pocket
button-flap model, and belt-back
effects. . Hand tailored, in the
richest fabrics ever shown at $25.
Big men, small men, tall men, all
men here's your store for the fit
you want. No alibis we've the
assortment to please you
Superb Extra Quality Suits
'35 - '45 '50
And every two-pants suit made by a maker who is accredit
to the Nebraska label a double assurance of satisfaction.
Great valjae demonstration of new
tan full belted Gaberdines.
Style distinction in' full silk-lined
Oxford Chesterfields.
Another Smashing Value:
Men's, Young Men's, Younger Young Men's Styles v II 11
Startling Underprice Feature Worsteds, Cheviots,
Cassimeres; all wanted colors; $30 values at
- h -
Easter Specials Friday Only
Men's Shirts i Men's Neckwear
Boys' Waists .
Fancy; color and
white madras also
Percale Waists;
x standard make;
full cut. Extra spe
cial Friday
' Sizes 6 to 14 years.
High grade- woven and
corded madras negligee
shirts. Attractive patterns.
A limited quantity. Extra
special Friday only at
I Sizes 14 to 17'4.
Silk and knitted
grenadine fine
quality Neckwear.
The newest spring
effects. Extra spe
cial Friday only
everybody!? store
A Special Offering in
Suits for Easter
Suits that embody all the smartness with which
Fashion could endow them invite immediate
choosing if you would have one in time for Easter
wearing. -By reason of their style and cut, these
suits may be worn for all occasions, and worn
quite fittingly, too. We want also to tell you that
no less attractive than the suits are their prices.
Tailored Suits Sport Suits
They express every mood of the.
mode and come in models to suit
the wearer, too. Box suits that
hang jauntily from the shoulders;
belted affairs that are slimly
straight; and semi-fitted models
that are just a bit mannish all are
youthful, charming, effective.
; . Clever little gadabout suits of
tweed are boyishly tailored.
Straightline coats that are striking
in their simplicity are accompanied
by pocketed skirts of ample width.
The shades include Sorrento blue,
lavender, grey, tan and Copen
hagen. Priced moderately.
$35 $45 $7950 $25 $35 $55
. -4 -
Costume Suits
A costume that can be made to serve more than one
type of occasion is a splendid investment for our present
days. The three-piece suit gives its possessor both a tail
leur and a frock not to mention the season's favor. Twills
and tricotines combine charmingly with lighterweight silks
and are given a most moderate pricing.
$7Q50 $QQ50 $(
Burf-Nah Suit Shop Third Floor
Clean Up!
Paint Up!
I and Do It NOW
We are ready to serve you in each department.
Many new patterns in paper just received. You
are bound to find what you have in mind.
Our paperhangers are ' men who know their
business. The same thing holds true in regard
to our painters. Our prices are reasonable, to
say the least. All work guaranteed.
Painting and Paperhanging
214 South 18th Street JA ckson 0043
On Neck, Chest, Arms and Shoul
ders. In Blisters. Cuticura Heals,
"Ecxeraa broke out in aroall, red
apots around my neck and quickly
spread to my chest, arma and across
my shoulders. The itching and
burning were intense, and when I
scratched or nibbed it, small, white
blisters formed.
"I waa treated but got no relief. I
sent for a free sample of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. Seeing they
were helping me I purchased more,
and now I am completely healed."
(Sighed) Mrs. John Timbrooka, Rt.
3. Romeo, Michigan.
. Cuticura Soap daily, with Cudcwra
Ointment occaaionelly .prevent pirn-
plea or other eruptions. They an
pleasure to use aa ie also Cntlcnra.
Talcum, fascinating fragrance for
perfuming the skin.
wmtittal. Dt a, ktUm l . tS,
Bee Want Ads Trdduc? Results,