1 J THE PEE: OMAHA. KRIDAV. APRIL 14. 19: 13 fOUCTRY AND PET STOCK ' REAL ESTATE WANTED HI fliy i a JA ftj. THE GUMPS r:',i,.,,;.irv;; TIIK MOST EXPENSIVE BOOK EVER WRITTEN Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith tUpMibii ii:;t l ri.ji, j. lit;, m " Mtii ciii4 ., li t. WANT !, Ban (a.ai.4, la jwt stenweaej ...I. n..l.l.Mtli. W ka.i.r gill,' H A. II tfaa. ba Ika tlimlt hi. ..k 01 1413 APTR ZAH&ra fL' T HIM- Mt. ZAMOLR:- AM RVH.Uk"" laa i. a TntM m i Ht .tHUf To k RlCORO Cm VVVT TVOUaHT AH 9 tT LUTt Horn, kXK-, UAVK lauaui.a tui kuo.' 4 twit h ?VCttVvC KR vitwitH k unit ook coNiiviNmvi xour, viAtn- f ovmt rr AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I Mil raur f l.wi i so TtKrrtA- A- iinmnMI, timak Ntl l Rk. Ri Fords! Fords! Haalara) ( Lll f.. j. .I. IT MA BE UMC. KWt ABMITtt AJMIN11AI IP VO V7Y JUWT CS4A9t41 lUkpiMii IX Abt rUt CONTWT CJMCTRlW MC- THAT "tOr1 ) 1 14 i I I .1 I ft u jM a "4 I'm4. 'H 4 T . He ha. a IhMiH-aU eriee-l medal. Ha aura si. 4 tt betat M lt hia.iy Ui4 uril( i.'u..M McCaffrey Motor Co., Aiilunll faid Mir lata 4 J. kw .IIMII. fx, 1.0. f.am I l It J REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS VlMTT tOMC eWsFTWAT -4BM Ht 04 1 1 TO LI f ATI NO MC X tv.frw it; waht Ht r. I'. aa4 f. tt. ama. OK MS MO .( 4V wwpv. CVmTvMClit REAL EITATE TO EXCHANGE. tUAtl 0V ftw w f)T XV NOU IVVH VaJkVC 4)fX-VOHTO tHtHK Of uopt. vt viva- me h a .hox corr MtavoHt JciR r.CMA'.fc l.a aaa fuat man of vov,us i L,s p'-TT II14J.T DrT 19 I I I aft II IU I kkti V w kiLi I aiir4 an tj a.fa af lai4 Ikat la a nara tc I aall at l IM-r ana. Wii tab a mMiv I (4 farm ar tr rart I :a, bia 1 f I "V- 4 t eea of Tim. P f (Mil, tarda, fiem l.l 1114 bed, etuick sad eta.r. III! 14 hi badtee wtaiee tpa r,.LMirn AUTO tUtti rrt, Oil lifh m. fmri lUmi, Igtil) hergaiae In uwl J'orde; prom deii.ao UII '' MCAPIKKr MifS'OR TO., " Th Heady uid iiki flatten. 11th end J..H.III Hi Ik I, Is, ""HUT A OUT"!- SatlTH tlSD CAR.""" A Slf himlmnl, !",-'"l r.'I!""Jtlt fbtnt DA !' i'HfAi,t: Miiu H-sr. at uinwiee m; tun han ally rebuilt) perlKt ia4l iin: 4". MA. . lsVl ran. or Hi our liir, al Ne braska iild.muhlle c . Jlth au4 Ilt4 pis. AT UK ,T:l KNXKX Touring tar. look and run lk rw. Owner fnn.4 t tall or Ira4 fr ch.pr rar. I'lion Kon"d !. 'OHI pane, liana, roiiipl! t rnssnele. per t, II ; fly wbael. I J. Su. Auto I'arl, 11 (rny. VitO radiators, all make for eal. Ores. ugh R.distor Repair, lernam. WHITELY r "4U.r.Y. V LOOK or our lui of him car. TUB AUTOMO.IVH At A A KIT. !.. Karnam fct. AT. lilt, 1 1 r i ,i ,r7ititiii i trimmer, iti a. 14th. Repairing and Painting. jJnTli'K KKKKl'TIVK AT H.Sl tt " W t t.L KKKP nfr.N KVKMNOH AND M'N PTH Ti IIKPAin OR Rtt't-Al'IC AT. TRHtr.A' 1'. M I.. MATTKRIK. HAT TKfiv rARTH ri., itia f a rin a m. "farm'landT Nebrisk Landl . , Close to. Omaha Farms ' Within i mllfa cf Omtba, I ha tm rar baralna In f4 ImprovaJ farm. Anr farm'r knom okat It mat in to t rlnta 4 bif marktt town Ilk Omah. Th farm hotnaa art ir tlrrman, in Burt nd Wahln(toa eounlin. Can b bouiht. n icptln t'.lr . ttrctli tarmi, .loll l, tha moat f.rtil In Nrbraak. All undtr cultivation, tmprovad. and r rl farm kom.a In ood nelthbrlio4. Writ fi. W. Buritlr. Hrman, Nab.. aali. a.kaah Urea , Mil PI maul HlJf, Winaaapaiia, Mian. FARM aaar Xit. Will r4 f a4 malainwil ka.iua. Mat X-li, Omaka ri.a. jEAL ESTATE 8UBU RBAN Dundee. Dundee Six-Room, Frame (lunar laatiHf Ik tit? 4 nillil aalt tk'a t-raaiu hnvaa; I roam firal finer ; I M4roama n4 balk e4 flar alair. wav la IIMf4 an lie. rmuh4 In mabr-iany n4 fcta nml. Oak fioai ib'Kuahout. baaamant 4lvi.4 Int launir, raam n4 furnar rauin garaia. 't nra n4 l-ation, call George & Co., Ra.4l.Tnni. ' AT, JJ Dundee. $8,000 Rrn4 Hit hnma; fut balpg ftnifh4 an lamia, rnan Ja .It". Glover & Spam Pl'NDKIS rUHNlLR. 1 3 1. pavlnc pai4i aal front: rallanl lorailan. Will aarhani an (m4 Iun4 kma rl JA. Kll. Ill City n.i. nana ninv Plortnct. NKTHAWAT aall 4 r4aa. KK. Hu. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wcit. 160 ACRtvM. . J MILBH FROM JIOLDIIISOE. ffonirona ran ohtain k mat bargain In thin 1.0 acra farm locatrit t nill'i from TtnldraKa, Npbr.. tha county arat of Phalpa county. Splndl4 plara for atock nrj baa alwava produr4 a Io"d vhaat ylald. . Hold roue offrra advantage along arliKitlnii.l, church end markot llhr a that arc io"ord ky , fw town In tha utatf. . On main line of Burling ton and 3 hranchra. For complrta rlagrrrptlon, ' writ F. B. louof, truster, lloldrrgr. N'rbr. . 700. Acre Ranch 'With Railroad Siding Her la dandy 7"0-cr ranch In fentra! Nabraaka. It contain. 70J crn, 00 acre, of ohleh la In alfalfa, A fin plara for hoga and cat II. liad. Inr pen and railroad elding on ranch. I also bat wall Improved all around itncH farm n mile from town. For terma- and particular .writ ' ' ' .' . . V k; ;t r- .'. M.grua.-," Scotia, Neb. ' Leavenworth Heights Bungalow, $5,250 Knar building, fiv fin room., litis and full rennnled baaamantt oak flooraj well baillt, well irranged and wall la rated, on pav.d eireet: nloe to rr aaay term. Lvanlni call Urant Ben. on, wa. 111. A OOOD NAHK IV TUB BL'ILDINO UAMH. Benson & Carmichael, tl) ration Bik. AT. 1110. Get This Quick Owner telle u to tll It and It' go ing ta b eold quirk, rive. room bun. galow In Clalrmont, clot ta car, re. irtrtad, lot 10 1 38. all modern and rlaaay. Only 14.400 bll It laat. Term., los, Schroeder Investment Co., Realtor. I. E. Cor, 1H h and tlarney. Ground Floor, riion JA. s:i. . Near County Seat , ' I can ffer captionally wll ' ' Improved farm and ranche at al- , , tractive prloea. Theaa ar within' , ' 14 mllea of Hotdrege, Neb., county arat of Fhilpi county, Nab., or " or tha beat agricultural eountlaa iv. atsta. Soma are all farm ..land, . while others make art ejirellent ,tork. propoeltion. B. Mi .Tarrlli. . ' Holdroge, Neb. X? A P1UQ V'rlt M. A. I.raon, Central 4T XVV10 city. Neb.,, your want for ereage tranta. farm. Irlliiouri Lindi. POVI-TRT FARM .Well Improved 4ft, fruit, water, health, 1711 terrae. .Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. ' FINANCIAL. Rel Estate Loam,. FUNDS FOR CITr 1.08 No dejoy. bettor rate on Oman, or Council Blutfa city property, 1-year optional loana. Mak application from t to I p. m. S"5 Keallne Bid., Oma. ha. Council Bluff office, 34 Tear! St. Tel. 101. J. R. DAT ft COMPANY. ' Wj have cab on hand to loan on Oman realdancea... . ' aB. LOUOEH. INC, ; S3I Keelln Bldf. Farm Loans K?bdei.rnT.::rphV.n KtoK Investment Ca.. .i5 Om Nt't gW. OMAflA HOMBS-EAeT N KB. FARMS. A..riTiTBi it) ar a f S-8T itr rn.. 11 om; lat. Bk. Bide. Jaukaon 8711. FIRST mortcage loana iada promptly on Omaha real eatal. SbP SV Braltora. JA. :3I. t Keelln Bldk. 1100 to 110.000 mad promptly, M F. D. Wd & J. H. Bowman, Wrad Bld. Stocks and Bondi. LIBERTY BONDS bought nd ld. ATi M44. Mack a Bond Home, 1411 lit Nat. . lllTurtl nava n.H.1 far LIBEBTV ' B0MDa- 151 clty N' t Btn B1f' REAL ESTATE WANTED. yvfj arb selling homes,. do you want to pell tovr8t- call' us vp at any time and w will olAdly look over your prop erty. NOW IS THB logical TIME TO SELL. WHEN YOU LIST your Houam with- us you abb EMPLOYING SEVEN SALESMEN AND REVKN CARS. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. r4. IJI0. 210 So. 18th. Ground Floor. WANT to buy aome well located moderate priced lots on which to build aoma anappy 4 and 6-roonj bungalow. . J L. Hiatt Co., JESSK L. HIATT. 11t First Nafl Bank Bldg. AT. I00. AVCTIOft SALE Wanted th opportunity to plin my atm of aellifg your land and aub-divlslon aala at auction. Satiafled clients in t different gtatauv Paul F. Bockelman, Rel Stt. Auft lleneer, rauinna. is. WANT I. 4 or 7-room homo In good loca tion. I prefer Han.corn park or Pun dee. Can pay l-'.OOO cash. ... Box 1111, Omaha Be. " " ' -' Llai jour home Buy your BOBJ BINPER & OTIS, Heal Estate, Lean. Rentala, J A. 1141. Charles W. Young & Son Real Eatal, Rantala, Imuranc. H0 City Nat. Bk. AT. 1141. T buy or sell Omaha Real Eatate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD 1114 City Naf Bk. Bldg. JA ckaon I4il GRUENIG XSUX" ..a, a -a. 1vT.l taVtW Tattalao V A lAafa til 111 fH I '7' C. T. SPIER & CO.BioTl'ot RKALTORS. Bldg. Lotaj DO. 4857. DTOVTrTT1 Wriu Tornado an 4 Jj 4.kXYX-t 1 " Wtnditorm Inaurajsc li peter .Trost Bldg. JA. 0431. ' OEa T. POSTER CO, . Real Estate, Keotals. Inwrancw. Hi South llth. AT. III. II YEARS' enprrtenr elllo homra. Call A. P. TUKET SON. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 4!. - 3007 Webster St. Modern l.room hork arranged for two families, two hatha; one-car garage; raved and paid; elosa to new Commer cial High achool: live downstair and let up alslrs pay for th properly. Trie fi.lOOi term to ault purchaaer. Several splendid 6-room modern home that can bo handled with liOO-tl.000 Chas. W. Young & Son, 1403 City National Bank. AT. Im; Evenings. HA,.WIl AT. 030. Five-Room Bungalow $4,650 $1,000 Cash lias oak flours and finish, built-in bookcases, nice rut front lot, tj block to isr: real value, iv. Mi 2131 or Home Realty Co., AT. 1111. Away sTa h SHE HkX HOT HEARD A WORt FROM UNCLE aaasBSaasss A WWHhUl TMM 'A r II V lly-VT- -f- Mil I r I-I II I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. Hanscom Park 11,10 I'AHII. keven room and baih. elrli tly mod rn, auulh frnt, cloaa to Wrid park rar. on blok to lian.coni alk. rilve i UtIQ. Osborne Realty Co., i:a i-eirra Timl 111 l J rkaon ::lt. Want a Real Bargain? HanMuiu I'atk itiairli'l hour of l ranms. atriclty iit.tdern, oak finish vn first floor, rast front n lavrd rrt and psk.I ailrvj al a garage, unly i a; half r.h. tMily 1 bivk oiih of liana. mil. Park. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 13fk Farnam Hi. JA. k4. VISIT model hma at . 4th lit. Mrnl.h.d ny (irrnara ivnneini -., built by C. !. t arlberg. Open week d I to I nd T lo I p. m.i Bun., t to t p. m. 34 OAK, Inn., mod. bung., ok finish. well uet'oraiea. near car ana ior ln.jo: II. nut ra.h. AT. Kin. Vacant. Vacant Property In Minn l.us. A splendid aouth front lot. Choir local Ion; jn cash. Better hurry. On Klll.on Ava. east of ;4th t. A fihe large lot. 10x133; 11.100. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. 7J7 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. AT. 0117. LOTS On S. lid of Larlnior Av.. between I4lh and llth Sis. Will ll en ay payment or will build ta your order AT. 1440. til DOWN, i per month, II fin tuildlng 101. near I'eir inainuia, H. S, MANVILLH, Realtor. AT. 3403. MS Petra Trust BldK rt 1 -i T 1300 ud Small oay- naiBtUIl AJULO m.nt down; easy oaymenta. Phon twrt. R'ton. 10-W INK douhl corner t Ud nd tannin SIS. Price 000. ALFRED THOMA8 & BON CO. 04 First Nst. Bank. JA. onus D a iiaK.il feat, at pioranca oivsa wma Call Kg. 040. South of Karnaro en -Slat: Fhone. wa. ant. 1.12 Acres, West Dodge Price 11,360; 1136 rash, balance 113.30 monthly. Only nln block west of Fair acres. Remember the greatest advance in Omaha real estate tha paat fiv year has bsen out nest podge. The Byron Reed Co., DO. 0297. 11! Farnam St 1750 CASH. . t Neat five-room bungalow In Dundee, on pav.d street; 2 years old. This must I gold at epce. Would take a vacant lot as first payment, PO. 7411 day. Ask for Mr, -Caraa, FIVE-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW. Located in Dundee, strictly modern; oak floora. oak fliilsh,. built-in bath tub and built-in cabinets: full cemented basement. Small payment down, bal ance like rent, Call evenings. DO. 6947. AT OWNERS PRICE. Large ailed si . room ssml-buncslow In Clalrmont addition. Eaat front. Pav. tug and speclale paid. Convenient term Arranged. Call evanlnjs or Sundays. WA. 0304. North. New Frame Bungalow LARGE LOT 15.800. Everything 1 brnd new", and Just waiting for you to mev n. Hss large living room across front, dining room . with built-in feature, convenient kitchen " with larg refrigerator room nd up. boards. Two tin light bedroom nd bath on second floor. Thi 1 an at tractive story and halt bungalow on a 60 ft. aouth front lot, with paving paid. Close to car line, achool and (tores, and in a fin neighborhood. You are not In a position to Judge hefor you are It. Eveninl Mrs, Henry, HA. 0587. -R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. AT. 1531. Ml.S geourlttea Bldg. Buy From Owner, 6921 Florence Blvd. New 6-room bungalow, all modern, tile bath, built-in features, oak floora throughout. Oarage, paved atreet, spe cials all paid. You ran aelect fixture and decoration. Thl I a real home and owner will b at hous between 3 and I o'clock Sunday to show you through; 11.000 cash will handle. Will conaider lata model touring ear a Part firt payment. Call owner, KB. 084. Miller Park Special Choice seven-room atuce aembunga. low, oomplet In every detail, dandy fireplace, bookcases, sun room, white enamel kitchen, three large bedroom and bath; extra large closet; garage, - eaat front . lot with paving all paid. This la on of the neatest and beat lo cated homea In thl choice dstrict. Let - us show ypu a real horn. Osborne Realty Co., 130 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 2311. See What $4,200 Will Buy Five-room all modern stucco horn in ffoetf neighborhood; floored and finished attic; full rment , basement; hot water heat; beautiful corner lot, facing aouth; paved trets; half block to car; reason able terma. This won't last long at I4.SCP, Gvcninira "phone Mr. Hhavcr, KB. S7. or Mr. Manntnv. KG. 697. Equitable Trust Co., 1 SI 1 Douglas St. AT t94S. $500 Cash Buy equity, nest five-room, ttrietly modern cottage, fin level lot, paved street, well located, near loth nd Larimore. Must h old thi -week. Osborne Realty Co., S30 Peter Trust Bldg. JA ckson 5312. 4-ROOM MODERN. 14,710. Here is a heme that you will enjoy, three large ream down and hre bed rooma and bath up. all modern and In good condition, en nice level lot. Garage for one ear. Very reaaonable terms. . GLOVER MORELL. 701 Keeline Bids;. AT. 3833. BRAND new 4 -room house. Corner lotl Only l(.0; en yeur terms. GEORGE F. JONES CO. DO. 1 FIVE-ROOM home, II. 0 eaeh. 1330 X. 3d. Reduced to 13.400. BEST ft GESTRING. DO. 135. 144 N. IIO IT n-aUi.reere modern. aay payments) buy far k . Crtisk, III Be. Jack, 414. O. K. BUCK CO. buy and ell home. ACRIFU'Ei l"t in Minne l.us. AT. 9515 Miscellaneous. Mr. Working Man, ' Stop Paying Rent hst; lsrga lot; not In good repair but wltn your spare umi um. Dense cn be mad Into a first-class home. Plica 13,000 and the very easiest of terms. Make your decifipn now to become a homeowner. "TUKI57 BUI.U U. A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 Flrxt Nafl Bk. Bldg, ,TA. 432 WILL BUILD AND FINANCE " YOUR NEW HOMB Our material and workmanship of best quality. Come and look at some of our comoleted houres. Very reaaen. able coats. Bring your plan to u (or estimates. HASTINGS HETDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0050 New Bungalow, $5,000 Five roonm. easy terms., JA-3J66, 8 gaoooiaoaoaonocioag o a 8 o D If you have, buy one of these places we can sell for $300.00 cash and. bal ance monthly. I Have You $300 Cash? 8 We have other places on the Hit with higher.''. prices. If you want a, home, call evenings, Web ster 5789, or Har. 0111. Creigh Sons $r. Company EaUblihd IS68 REALTORS ' "0I Be Bldg. . Jecksen 0200 EIOBOBOCSOCSOBIOBOCIC ARE YOU A THRIFTY WIFE? , You economize in groceries, clothing anal counties number of either ways. Did it ' ever occur to you that it is not nee estary to always buy new fur. miture or household f uralh Bgl? At th Stephenson Auctions you will find any number ef things needed in a home that are but slightly used and yet can be bought for a fraction of their new cost. Friday and Saturday, April 14th and loth, you will find our sales real intsresting. We provide plenty of sea's, no standing up necessary. Among the items are: Walnut Artamua player piano, cor t new 5S5; upright piano; mahogany duefqld suite, upholstered in genuine leather fumed oak duofold auite; complete dining suite in walnut; complete bedroom suite is walnut) davenport table: library tables; brass beds and other kind ef Beds ; cedar cheat; eleotrie vacuum sweep ers; rugs, several kinds and differ ent sixes; congoleum rugs; sewing machine.: high oven gas ranges; re frigerators: dressers; chiffoniers; Haviland china set: china cabinet; eak serving table; dnefold: linens: curtains; springs and mattrea.ee and other furniture and furnishings, not listed. Stephenson AUCTIONEER 1509 Capitol Avenue One-half block east ef the Postoffic pa Capitol Ave. -Ho CliSdlirei ii (Grade Mook Oily Half a Pay $3,500,000 Being Spent on Technical High School While Lothrop, Dundee, Minne Lusa, Park and Kellom Schools Are Overflowing New Technical High School Will Care for Only 3,000 Students; While There 'Are 35,000 Enrolled in 'All Public Schools in Omaha.' According to the Superintendent, There. Will Be Enough Students to Fill the New Technical High School Building Completely by the Time It Is Finished. OUR SCHOOLS WILL STILL BE CROWDED. Many of the children in Minne Lusa, Dundee, Lothrop. KeJ-, lorn and Park schools are permitted to attend school only half a day, because the buildings are not larg enough to accommodate them all day, according to officials of Oma ha's public school system. . , With this condition existing, and with a never-ending de mand for additional grade schools to bouse our boys and girls, the Board of Education is spending $3,500,000 taxes on ONE school for only 3,000 students. Half of the money being spent on the new Technical High school would have provided building with ample facilities for 3,000 or more students but it would not have provided them with luxuries that are not given to the remainder of Omaha's 35,000 school children., - , . ; .f A Technical High school costing $1,500,000 would hive left $2,000,000 to relieve the situation in crowded grade schools. A new Technical High school is absolutely necessary. Any person who says this is not true is ignorant of the facts, or unpatriotic. But with the cost of everything still high, and with taxes still going, skyward, only a necessary amount of the people's money should be used for this new structure. ' , The people are willing to spend every dollar necessary to make our public school system efficient But We Do Not Believe They Want to Make Any Fart of It Extravagantly Luxurious When, Small Children Are Being Literally Crowded Out Because of Lack of Space in Other Schools. The New, building has 500,000 square feet of floor space, according to architect, or nearly twelve acres. . This means 166 square feet for each pupil It is estimated it will take $250,000 a year to operate this building, exclusive of interest and teachers' salaries ''"'"' . . ' . : i Cost Per Pupil of j Seating Capacity -J Entire School System..,.....! 233.97 per pupil Central High , 370.24 per pupil New Technical High ....,$1,166,00 per pupil Cost or Value of All School Buildings All Present Buildings.. Central High .......... New Tetchnicil High... i ..$8,454,086.70 . 77,81S.40 ..,$3,500,000.00 Appraised vlu by iprt build. Actual cost, ' including 1141,101.15 apsnt en building alena ftr Dodge atreet grading. Enrollment in , All Schools Entire System 35,O00 Central High 2,641 .Technical High' 2,727 Thl figure estlmat ;4 ' by Board ef Cducition offic. Total in lilt w S.7. ' Estimated Tochnleal enrollment by tim new building 1 finished is 1,000. Do the People Want It? Grade School Needs The School Board gives as ons of Its chief reasons for erecting a new Technical High school at a cost of $3,000,000; "The People Went It." If the taxpayersand you are onedon't want a $3,500,000 Technical high school, but prefer a $1,500,000 building with adequate facilities, the School Board should be told. Members ef the Be d want your advice, The effort and money new being expended on the new Technical High school building, could easily provide a Teohnlealhigh school with adequate facilities, and RELIEVE THE GRADE SCHOOL SITUATION ALSO. ... ";. A fund of $2,000,000, utilised for grade schools would relieve the present crowded condition, This fund would be available If only $1,600,000 were being apent en the Technical High school. , ii i I. - i ii ' i i ' .m" TO THE PUBLIC: Our Adverti$ements are not to be conttrued a an attack on any public official or gov erning body. We believe all our public officials are doing what they believe a majority of the people want. We believe the people may have different ideas when they know all the facts. Our plan is to present these facts, as we see them, to the public as clearly and as forcefully as we can. Our tax bill is so high that we be lieve the public should know more about it. V OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD i , by its BUREAU OF TAXATION . TT. 0 Grove-Hibbard Co. . ;:; Securities Bldf. AT. 45t. glomes Ta Picas.