Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Tom Kelly Gets
Two-Year Term in
Canadian Prison
r.vPqiuty Slirriff Career
Marled ly Gun Uattlei
With Offirm and Dar
ing Kteapei.
Tom Kelly, highjacker, former
deputy ihmll in4 participant iu lev
cral gut battle with Omaha polirt
ami federal agent, ha been ten
tenred to lo year in Canadian
penitentiary, according to word
reaching police here yesterday from
Retina, Canada.
I he entenee officially terminate
Kelly's career a a whisky runner
acroki the Canadian border. Kelly
' a convicted on a charge o( high
jacking following hit arrest at Sioux
. I all. S. I), lie fought extradition
to the latt, but tinuccelully.
, Kelly' career i one of thrill and
daring ccaxi. He eluded a mind
of Canadian officer who twooped
into Omaha a year or to ago hy
'leaping into hi ft motor and
, heading for the Mexican border.
Omaha police Mere inttructed to ar
rest him if he ever returned to the
, Hut, according to acquaintance,
Kelly did return, bringing with him
all the contraband lienor hi car
could carry, on numrrou occasion.
He i wounded in a gun battle
vith police at Twentieth and Ca
Mrerts miiie two year ago, but es
caped prosecution.
Grocery Owners Charged
- With Selling Hops and Malt
David V. Bernstein and Max
'Fried, proprietor of the I?ee Hive
' grocery, 8l'J North Sixteenth utrect,
were arrested by prohibition officers
They are charged with advertis
ing and telling hop, malt extracts,
bottles and other paraphernalia for
the making of home brew. They
were released late yesterday after
noon on $1,000 bond. The trial
is set for April 28.
Brief City News
Want Bond Into City Commie
eloner II. H. Zlmman ia to Introduce
In the council TuemUy nn nfMlnanre
propoaing an Issue of 1225,000 Aud
itorium bondi.
Liquor t'aao DismlnM-il A Jury In
Iiititrh't Judge LoHlie'a court return
ed a verdict In favor of Sebantlon
Rciortlno, who was chanted with Il
legal posaenalon of Mill and liquor.
Ktrelilow Files Robert R. Siren
low, 2024 Sherman avenue, republi
can, filed yesterday In the election
eommlMioner'a offlre Tor state rep
resentative, Ninth district.
To SpcaW on Travels Cieorgc
Brandels, who returned Monday
from France, will speak on his
travels to the Triangle Luncheon
club at the Fontenclle today. 1 -
Mabel Ring to Speak Mabel
Warner Hugg, . character analyst,
will be the principal speaker at the
Concord club noon luncheon at the
Hotel Fontenells today.
Repair Wires The first wire line
opened yesterday from Omaha into
the storm area was one of the North
western Bell Telepiione company.
The damages from the storm
throughout the state is greater than
at first estimated.
' Two Motorists Sentenced H. A.
Metcalf. 17, 2520, Templeton street,
was sentenced not to drive again for
six months, In police court yesterday
morning, for reckless driving. J; H.
Jligglns 1820 California street, was
given 15 days in jail for the same
' offense.
Give Large Purse A surprise re
ception, which Included the presenta
tion of a purse of $2,000. was given
by friends of Rev. Father Bernard
Slnne In St. Mary Magdelene church
Tuesday evening, preparatory to hla
leaving for a six months' vacation
trip to Europe. " 1
Democrat to MeH Harry Eaaton,
chairman of the Douglas county or
ganization of the Nebraska Demo
cratic club, has issued a call for the
first public meeting, in the conven
tion hall of the Paxton hotel this
evening at 8. A permanent organiza
tion will be effected.
" Cable Wedding Causes Tangle
The cable wedding which united
tster J. Mabeus of St. Helena. Neb.,
and Marie Hahn in Paris, France, Is
still In a tangle, John M. Gurnett,
local officer of the immigration
bureau, said yesterday. Tbey may
have to be married over again, he
Fined for Shoplifting Two young
omen, Mrs. Katnertne tieem, ,
S410 South Thirty-second street,
svtffi of a meat market owner, and
Marie Martin. 19, separated from her
husband, were fined ror snopuu-
ing in police court yesterday morn
ing. Ernest Cbstmire of thja Hayden
atore. brought the complaint.
To Hold Clinic for Soldiers A
fully equipped medical clinic is to
be in operation May 1. in quarters
of thi United States "War Veterans'
hurpnu in the Mickel building. Fif
teenth and Harney streets, according
to announcement yesterday. ur.
John F. Allen will be in charge of
the dispensary for exservlce men.
Reduce Your Fat
Without Dieting
- 0 i -
Tears ao th formula for ft redaction
jras "diet" "exercise." Today it ! "Take
Marmola Prescription Tablets." Friends
.it frUnrtk-thMA friends -tell others.
They eat eubstsntlal food, liva as they
lib. and till reduce steadily and easily
without coinc throuah lone- aiees of tire
some exercise ana starvation uioi. mr
raola Tablets are sold by all druggists
the world over at one dollar for a esse,
or tf you prefer you can order direct
from the Marmola Company, 461J Wood
ward Avenue, JPetroit, men.
Star of "Foolish Wives"
to Be in Omaha for Week
- 1s-V-"'-..,ti
,' .
A thic and cli.;niing nii rcRis
tered at the Hotel I'outcncllc yes
terday at "Mi- tlu l'ont, L. A."
In a long beaver coat topped off in
style with a nobby, beaded toque,
she was the cynosure of all eye.
"Madame du Pont of the movies?"
the hotel clerk summered.
"Mi du Tout, if you plcar," the
young woman 'sweetly replied. She
arrived in Omaha tccrctly yesterday
enroute back to I.os Augclct from
New York city. She will remain in
this city for one week. A coin
cidence of her personal appearance
in Omaha it the presentation ot her
latest screen achievement. "Foolish
Wives," at the Brandt-it theater, be
ginning today, in which the star por
trapt the wife ot an American am
bassador. Mist du Tout has been in the
moviet but two years. Asked what
would keep her from the screen.
she rrplied, eiiiilincly: "A husband
might, but I don't contemplate
marriage yet."
"What good looking actor have
)ou in mind?" the ttar was asked.
"No actort for me," wat her curt
answer. "You know, women con
sider it an inherent trait to powder
and rouge, but when a man docs to
he'll make no husband, not for
Like all women, Miss du Pont re
fuses to tell her age. though a guess
would put it under 20.
Fined for Carrying Arms
Three men pleaded guilty to car
rying concealed weapons before Dis
trict Judge Leslie yesterday and
were lined $10 each. The' men, Joe
IMakney, Robert Hardy and Robert
Washington, were arrested ' during
the recent butcher workmen's ttrike.
Husband Relents,
.Wife to Have Baby
of Two Families
-I Wei I Mutt Tale Cliild,
Man . Write., but I
Want to Grt Hit
The little 'hypnotic triangle tb"
it going bark to itt mother' arm.
Kdward Herbert, born to Herbert
Edward Rhi and Mr. Archie J,
Lambert, who ran ay from her
husband in Minnesota two years ago
with Km, now is at the Child Sav
ing Institute.
After Lambert had refused to take
the babe, but said he vtould welcome
home hi wife for the take of their
five little children, Mr, l-amberl
hoarded train Monday night for
Zimmerman, Minn. Rust dis
charged in polict) court , '
.Yesterday, however, Mrs. Eliia
belli Kogert, assistant director of
the child aid division of the Nebraska
Humane society, received a letter
from Lambert which taid:
"1 have been wrong in asking her
to leave the child behind. 1 feel that
I muit take it. It would he a terrible
thing to deprive a tiny baby of itt
mother and leave it alone in the
world. The child it not to blame.
"But I want to get hit father."
Mrs, Rogert taid yesterday after
noon every resource of the Humane
society would be bent toward get
ting little Edward Herbert back to
hit mother.
pains quicUyrootfaed
THAT dragging, vearlaf backache,
that ao man' women infer from, is
qalekly eaaed by aa application of Sloaa'a
JJaiment. AT ntooVnff, nnwin , r
aUaaUiaa. It' good for all to family
art all kind of "xttrnar aehaa and
pain. At all ttniggiata. SSe, TOe, LA
ft handy
How You Can Ribmove
Every Trace of Hair
; (Toilet Talks.)
A stiff oaste made with some oow-
dercd delatone and water and spread
on a hairy surtace about 2 minutes
will, when reracved. take every trace
of hair with it. I he skin should then
be washed to free it from the remain
inn delatone. No barm can result
from this treatment.' but be sure -it is
delatone you get and you will not be
disappointed. Mix tresh as needed
We Clean' Rug
Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters, ,
Rug ClMMra
At. aaaa aaiT Fan am Stmt
ytjX Juic? Fruit Peppermint " and
- - J Spearmint ' are certainly three v
C0, Ct delightful flavors, to choose fann ,
(A And I'BIOLET'S P-K-the new
: y - J sugar-coated peppermint gum, is a
your sweet tooth.
fsy '-'. All from the Wrigley actories
fJ where, perfection rules.
Omaha Min Is Held
on Marm Act Charge
Frank Davilla, 6.'J racilic Mrcct,
wat held under IJ.000 bond by
I'nited State Commissioner floehlrr
yesterday aiternottn alter a litariug
on charge ot siolating the Matin
,t'rrity little Lulu Tobin, 7, whose
mother i dead and who wa liv
ing with her Hep brother, ( rank
CalUlun, and hit wife at 2M houth
Scvetith street. Council lilufts, wat
the witnrst against Has ilia.
Mie alletted that he brought her
from the Council Ululft addirss ser-
r iinr and kept her all night In
hit room at 6,'J IVme treet,
Hrr broihrf. Pas id Tii, fdcj
the tompUim in (rdrisl ruuit.
Man Conii tfil of Rank
liolibrry StirHl for Uiiurrc
Kitey C. Smith, feriurr lwi e buyer
f Jsoutli Omaha, wat utd fur di
vorce by Mi. Heti M, hmitti in tlie
d'stiul court irtierday. SupMtn of
ruin running iroiti l4k4Uhcan 4
Dniaha. convutoil of bank rebltertr
ani miatuation for aaathrr wsHiun
the the allrg4taii contained mi her
lire Want Ad IVoduce Kfult.
OppirtiLiiBilt fair f htirodlay
Just In Time for Easter.-This Offering
Sport Coats and Suits
These garments fulfill the demand for
pporU apparel at the inviting price of
$19.75. They are made of "Duvo Knit," a
pure wool fabric, which defies weather
conditions and requires no pressing. These
are the ideal garments for both street and
sports wear.
Priced at
$11 A75
The Coats
There are box coats with raglan
sleeves that emphasize their dis
tinctly swagger cut. Smart belted
styles are fashioned with pleated back
and snugly fitted shoulders. In de
lightful heather effects.
Lffl Yt ' t l
The -Suits
The suits are in tuxedo style,
smartly cut and well tailored. They
are developed in the most effective
' color combinations, while heather mix
tures are amazingly attractive.
Burtess-Nash Suit Shop Third Floor
500 Syi t Blouses
Thursday $2
Three are Illustrated.
What we believe o be the greatest quality blouse
sale of the year! And just at the time when women
wish to purchase .the new Easter blouse.
Beading, hand-embroidery, and braiding, form
elaborate trimming on these blouses of georgette and
crepe de chine.
Over-blouses, tie-backs, and tuck-ins, in colors to
match suit or hat: navy, bisque, gray, jade.
Burfess-Nash Blouse Shop 'Third Floor ' , ' -
. Easter Glove Special
8 and 12-Button Lengths in
White Suede Gloves
Pair $1.50
For one hour only--10 A. M. to 11. A. M.--.
imported gloves of finest quality Seeded Kid
"at less than the. cost. of manufacture. While. 408,. .
pair last, they go at the almost unbelievable price :
of $1.50. Sizes 64 to 7i2. -' t ,
No telephone order. . No C. O. D,'. No mail ordera.
Burfess-Nash Glove Shop Main Floor
Exceptional Values?
Men's Lisle Hosiery
35c- 3 Pair $1.00
A summer-weight hose that insures perfect fit
and long service. Mercerized lisle with double
heel and toe, in black, white, champagne, gray,
navy, and brown. . "
.. . .... -
The wise man will not only purchase hose for T
immediate wear, but will consider his all-summer
needs. A pair, 35c; 3 pairs, $1.00. '
-.'." v. i . ', .... .
Burfess-Naah Men' Shop Main Floor- . . ,
Women's Hose C
Sport hose in silk and
lisle in Derby" rib. The
colors are tan with white,
black with white, and
cordovan with white. All
Pair, $1.25
Burson Hose
.We have just received a
new shipment, of women's
Burson hose. Cotton and
lisle, in black, balbriggan,
cordovan, white, and
black with white foot. All
sizes including out sizes
and extra out sizes ; priced
moderately, at--
35c to 75c
Children's Hose
Schoorhose of good
wearing quality, both fine
or heavy rib, in black and
brown; pricect
3 Pair, $1.00
Burfess-Nash Main Floor
Thursday's Special
500 Bleached
Turkish Towels
42-in. length.
An extra
heavy weight
towel, slightly
imperfect, but
an exceptional
value at
With the addi
tion of a cro
cheted edge
this plain
white towel is
made attrac
tive for guest
.No Phone Call. No C. O. D.'a. No Exchange.
Watch Our Daily Advertisement
for the Red Arrow Announcement
Burfess-Nash Red Arrow Booth Downstairs Store
' Drug Specials
Dr.' King' . New .Discovery,
large, 89c. '
Ocomulsion, email size, 69c.
Dr. Hobton'a Pain Ditpeller,
Pito'a Remedy, for coughs and
, colds, 29c.
Hemoquinino, 89c. N
Maltino with Iron Quinia and
. Strychnia, 98c.
Abbott' Saline Laxative, 89e.
Mother' Friends, 98c.
Burfess-Nash Mala Floor .
Do You Know?
That Mrs. O. N. Nickuro, is with
the Burgess-Nash store all day
every day in order to advise
you .about Art Needlework?
She will be glad to help, you
with any difficult piece, and
she will teach you the new
stitches. J , ...
To Embroider '
Three-Piece Buffet Set, 45c.
In six designs.
36-inch Center and Scarf,
65c Two designs. Cross Btitch
and daisy designs,
54-inch Lunch Cloth, $1.45.
Worked in three shades of
blue, in French knots.
36-inch Lunch Cloth, 95c.
With napkins to match.
Burfess-Nash Second Floor
Thi8 store uses no comparative prices they are misleading and often untrue i