Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Hcatrice Lids .
Admit Robbing
Sixteen louses
Youths Confess to Many
BurgUrif Diamoml
nd Jewelry He
I'filriif, Neb,, April .--iSpe
cial Telf gum Confessions were
ohtained from Marshall lircuiirr awl
Clarence Keclcr, youthful bandits, ty
I liirf Dillon today to the effect that
tlify have rohhed 16 hoinci and
huinrss houes in Uratricc during
the rat si mouth. Valuable dia
mond rtni! one' worth fWK) link
laces, gold watches, stickpin, anil
a con.idrrahle amount of utonry
have been found hv the ofiicrr. 'I he
loot is valued at $A.VH). and the way
in which the ly i an n il on their
work without bring ihlci titl. has
balflrd the officers, ISrenorr i 17,
and Kecler i 16 year of age.
County to Plant Trees for
Soldier Killed in War
Xebraoka City, Neb., April II.
(Special.) Twenty-tight Otoe coun.
ly iiirn died in the world war, tome
in action and others of wounds and
diseac. llach of, these will have a
permanent memorial in hit honor
when a tree will he planted Friday.
April 21 in Morton park, bearing ap
propriate engraved plate. The tree
are to be planted under auspice of
the American Legion post of this
city as a part of the Arbor day 50th
New York Amazed by New
Theory of Omaha Woman
! CYrJ.'&olexs Grotft
A foimcr Omaha woman. Doirna
Mary Urydlova, better known at
Mrs. Charles Grotte, lias startled
Xcw York scientific circle with a
new theory about number.
The New York Journal of March
25 devotes a whole page, with draw
ings. to excerpts from the local
woman's book.
Our everyday numeral are secret
symbol whrh explain the mystery
of life, according to her unique
theory. 4
.Mrs. Grotte dicued her theory
with interested Omaha friends be
fore she went east three years ago
to interest scientist there in her
book. Hubert Moinan of ttii city
aiktcd her with many drawings to
illustrate points in her argument.
Mr. Grottc's research into the ori
gin of numerals dates back to pre
historic times and to the tun wor
ship of pagans.
llcfore her marriage to the Omaha
man, who is connected with the Per
manent raving corporation, Mrs.
Grotte was a school teacher at Cedar
Rapids, la. They are now divorced.
Their little daughter. Alice. i with
her mother in the east. Mrs. Grotte
assumed her maiden name, Dozens
Slaying of Flyer
Closed Incident
No Chargei to Be Tiled
Against Jean Day Unless
New Evidence Apjear.
Oklahoma City. April It. State
and army authorities apparently con.
tidcr the staying ot Lieut. CoL l'aul
Ward Heck by Jean 1. Dav in Hie
latter' home fitly last Tuesday
morning " closed incident."
Count v Attorney Forest Hughes
stated dually that no charges will
be filed against Day, it least for
jtwo weeks, probably never. Army
authorities at l'ot field, iort Sill
where Colonel Deck was command
) ant, said the result of the inquiry
! by their board have been forwarded
i to Washington and that any fur
I ther action by Ibe army must come
from there.
"1 have considered this cae care
fully since the inquest," said Prose
cutor Hughes, "aiid I can see no
reason for takingUny action again.'
Judge Day for the present at least
All the evidence which could be de
veloped was placed' before the coro
ner' jury. I am certain this evi
dence show that Judge Day can
make a self defense plea on the un
written taw. I khall file no charges
"Of course, it must be remember
ed that the statute of limitation on
murder never expires and if evidence
should come to light any time from
now on. Day could be tried. Should
evidence develop, I should certainly
do my duty and prosecute.
After deducting the amount paid
i... .... i i. i:
ny sutoniouiics in license irea, one
and one-tenth cents per day was the
. - t t . i .
cost hi uic .Mlicilldil iiifciiway 10
the individual man, woman and child
ii mm country last year.
JUU.N A. SWASSUN, rres.:
sWat U UOLiCilA-V. Treaa.:
"The Wonder Values of
Compare Clothing Values
O ELECT YOUR Easter Suit Wednesday, the
time is growing short. But don't let "haste
make waste." The shrewd buyer never permits
a mere low price appeal to blind him to the great
essentials of economy in clothes buying:
Reputable Make
Genuine Quality
Hand Tailoring
Authentic Style
Perfect Fit
Intelligent Service
Unlimited Selections
Mm-. ' .
! I If VI
ta s
. They're all here for you-plus the West's
most wonderfully complete showing of
finest clothes makers' productionsand the
New Lower Prices that enable every man
to buy ' X " '
New Easter Clothes
''25-- 35 s45
Sport Suits Semi-Conservative Conservative
.ie-iirfr Jvery new model, original copyrighted styles and specially YOUNG
UINlUALJJ Iselected: exfilnsivp faVirica "Hvprv Mnooirla MEN'S
equipped to fit everybody. Many suits 'with extra trousers SPRING SUITS
to match. - . v
In all the West no clothing service like this
Men's Wonder Value Suits
Yotfcg Men's nd Younger Young Men's Styles
and Sizes, Too, at ,
?!, Tun Mea um T.UBCcr Y.uar Mt-i llotkca Entire Sccad Fl..r Mjln Balldlas mni Kew BBltdtaf.
Cut in Hail Trail MniM'ay
MVoul4 IJring lVgrUlionM
Chifn, April II Any further rf
duritaq in lie att of f4ilr04il
iniiiteniKe of stay mpltyr Hwouli
doom to still further drir4l4tion the
fsmilif of &W,(H) tr4i k n.f shop U
borer, who are t prerut reieiviiis
such low wage tlut it is imposihle
for thnii t ecure proper fonl nj
1I10 other Idft nemsiiies of exlt-
! eiiie," tlecUreJ Trunk P. Wilsh,
soiuuel fur the t nnployfs, before
the l'iiiie4 States railroad labor
boarj tiilay.
"Hie tuajiuity of thee employes,"
continued Mr., "trt iiow re
eeivinii an average of only $70
month, an4 within the Ust year have
sultered rediiciion of almost 20 per
cent. I contend mat no man can
support a family at a level of human
decency on $70 a mouth.
Schmoller & Mueller
Console Phonographs
Special Price II
If Now $125 j
TH ConsoU model is the very latest design in our splendid and
guaranteed phonograph.
Our new shipment jutt received includes many in beautiful
brown mahogany satin finish. Increased demand for thia compact,
attractiv and velvet-toned initrument has been such that our vol
unto of sales haa mad it possible to reduce the price.
Remember tbt thia Phonograph is sold direct from factory to
bom and that you savo the middleman'a profits. Terms to suit
your convenience will gladly bo arranged by us. Your old pbono
graph will b accepted aa part payment. B sure and see this
phonograph of oura before you purchase elsewhere. It will mean
money in your pocket.
Sdunolter & flluellcr Ptaito C
UH-fcl8-Dod& St. - OttAfaa
"Economic and medical experts
have demonstrated scientifically that
twice this amount and moie i nec
esiary to maintain a family at even
the lowest level that tan be con
ceived of at a minimum rrmiilile
to the household of an American
riiilorsf Muilitrt' Day.
Indianapolis, Jnl, April II ln
ilouemeiit the uhkejtance of
"Mother's dav' n April 1H by the
legion's auxiliary was giveu by
1'rcsideitt ll.triii toilav m a letter
received by Mrs. l.owel I", I lobar t,
national presiilent of the auxiliary.
It coU only $11.00 to repair to scored
cylinder wall in a CMC truck. It requires
only one hour to make this replacement
This is an exclusive GMC feature and is
found on no other truck.
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
H. E. Sidles, Tres., Lee Huff, Vice Trcs., Chas. Stuart, Sec-Trcai.
All of a sudden
the city needs light
Next time it grows suddenly dark in the
afternoon and you switch on the lights, think
of the fact that thousands of other people are
acting on the same impulse.
This -unexpected demand is heavier than
the generators in the central power stations
of a great city can respond to instantly. The
burden is, therefore, put on huge Exide Bat
teries, weighing hundreds of tons. Nearly all
the central station batteries in America are
Exides, which are relied upon to supply power -through
every emergency.
Wherever batteries are used whether play
ing the calliope in the circus parade or propel
ling submerged submarines you will find
Exide supplying dependable power.
When you want a long-lasting battery in
your car, that will give you ease of mind and
freedom from trouble, go to the nearest Exide
Service Station.
The Electric Storage Battery Company
s Stations Everywhere Branches In Seventeen Cities)
Get an Exide Radio bat
tery for your Radio set.
Whatever make of battery
is in your car you can be
confident of skilful repair
work, fair prices, and re
sponsible advice at the near
est Exide Service Station.
omahatydthine Auto Electric Service Corp.
2205 Farnam Street
Phone Doug. 5488