13 THE F.KG: OMAHA; WKDNUAY. APRIL 12. 192 i n 1 tJl L I Woman in Rare for U. S. Senate W. C T. U. Orjsnicr and Vr Worlrr Candidate From Mii.ippi. I'rWui.hie, Mim, April II. Mitt lippt' tiret v.om.111 arnatorlal tan. didstf. Brlle Kramer, el Flora, who u campaigning lor tlie I'niird Mte arnte in opposition to lorm-r Senator )uit K, Virdsmiait and llrtbert n. Jiteven. i enpr-rtrd he wx.ii to prk in fcrlwll of Iter canrJxWr. Mie Itrs4ii au at lite tampaicn owe time swo, Iili Mr. John A. C'Uik ol JaiUuii a, her 4 unpawn manager, uud i couiderrd gifted woman of muih Iraming. Mi Keariirjf i tU cUuBhtrr ol ( ol. Walter O. kcainry. lamoiu a. in tfi'ncr ill iltc old lHili JJi.i- 'p.i rrgtmrnt ol tin; arnty of north irn Vnsiuia in t lie civil war, from wliiili he emfrjjrd broken JU health and fitiiiifi tally rumrd. Later he e rnrmhrr of Imih houe and senaie in ill Mtiippi lrjuliturc. Mim Kearney, fur year an edit lator and rtnirif and lerturt-r for the National Women. ITirtMun '1 emerance union, alo ha hcen one f the Imdrrt for prohibition in the If. She alao ha hern active in tupporiitig Ihr eufranchiaemciit of woinrn and has lectured extensively on the cit4ui4iiyii4 piugum. f A on the c liauUuijua piogram. V. D'iriiig the war he lectured to anldiera overea under the auii ' of the war work council of the i tlx miner the na tional Y. M. C. A., winning consid erable fame in that endeavor. She in necking rlcction to the United State arnate for the term beginning in M arch. l'arwfll Hug Sliipmeot Brings $10.55 Per Hundred The Harwell Livestock Shipping association, Joe Zclcski, manager, of Harwell, Neb., sold a load of hogs on Tueday'i market, which brought the top of the day, $10.55 per hundred. Owin? to light receipts of hogs, r rices snowed an advance of 15 to 25 cents per hundred. This shipment of hogs was sold by L. li. Kobetls iV Co. Ctittificd Mveilising Ittes Ho per Una (count words to line) 1 day. Ho per lino par .ay. I consecutive days. 10 pr lloo per day, 1 eonaacatlv days. 110 par Una par day, SO oooaaeutive daa. No a da taken Car leas than a total ot tic. Taos rataa appl either ta tba Dally or Sunday Bee. All advartlaementa appear In both morning and evening dally paper tor tba ona charaa. CONTRACT BATES ON APPIJCATION. Want a 4a accepted at tba following ef ricca: MAIN OPITICB lTtb and Fa mum 81a. Bouth 61!a ........4taa bontb 24th 6t Council Bluffa It 8cott bX WANT AIS RECEIVIO) BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1000.- TUB BEE will not be reapooalble tor mora than ana Incorrect Insertion ot aa adverliaement ordered ior nor than one lime. , CL08INQ HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Fvenlnc Edition ....1 1:4S A. M. Morning Edltloa 0:00 F. M, Kunday Edition :0 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNEKAL NOTICES. a!.- DITlll 1 I. p.'i.a t . .f mi t lata hlll thr, John t . . Vinr-urd, win bo Mold under l lis auaplcer of Nhrwika lodge No. I, A. V. & A. M., Wednwday. April U, 1951 at 2 p. in., from the Commandery hall at tha Masonic temple. 19lh and liouciae street. Frienda are invited. Master Masone ' will aaaamble at 1:30 p. m. to attend iervice FRANK WILCOX. Becretary. DAVID NORTtlUP, Acting Maet-r. BLAND Mm. I.inea W.,- April 11, ared St yeara. monlha, 7 daya, at her reaidence, , !4. California St. Deceaatd la aurvived hy her huaband. Mr. George Bland, one on, -Oeorge, jr.: her parenta. Mr. and Urn. J. A. ABiatrom; xva aiaier, mra. A If la AnAeraon, and one brother, Walter ' Ah I atrom. Funeral aervlcea Tburaday it I p. m.. at Hoffman Funeral home. Interment i : Jr. AUN6W Mr. Margaret, widow of the late v- j u . au. i- ....ru,Ai vw m one, Jamea. Henry, Charles, Frank and L'o: three daughtera. Mia. Anna Booth . of Berkeley, Cat. ; Mrs, Lyda Seaman, Mra. Martin MoUovero. Funeral Thursday afternoon, 1:45, from reaidence. 835 South Twenty-second , street to St. Peters church, t p. m. la- terment Holy Setpuchur cemetery. ERICKSON Elian, aged 77 yeara; wife of Mats Erickson, 614 South 30th St., April . 192!. , Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 ., o'clock from N. P. Swanson'a chapel to First Swedish Baptist church. 34th and ' Burt., at 2:30. -Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. (,'RBIFF -Mra. Lucy, aged 76 yeara, 21 days, beloved wife ot O. E. Reef. 46th St.. Wednesday. 2 o'clock. Inter j ment Forest Lawn cemetery. , IZZARD John C, aged 68 years, , 3 montna, a days. runerai trom Masonic temple Wednea ay at 2 o'clock. Interment Mausoleum, vest Lawn retneterv. KNOWKTH Betty N., infant daughter f Harold F. Chenoweth, April 9. runerai services Tuesday, 10 a. m. nam ma suraer. cnapel, 2904 Leaven worth. BRADFORD James, age 79 years, 2(26 v4 atreet. 7.. T Funeral from Cole McCoy Co. parlora, 2616 Farnam St.. Wednesday at 2:30 P. m. Friends welcome. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC aealing concrete burial . vaults. Recommended and tor sale i. A o U leading undertakers Water i. proof, na alael to rust, no wood to de- ; cay. Inalat upon the AUTOMATIC i I t SBALINO VAULT manufactured by i Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. (210 i North 20th. ' CEMETERIES. Visit. Forest Lawn. Foreet Lawn eemeterv haa - k... ty With each chancing aeaaon. The larga greephouaea ara open far inspection every day. It la but wisdom to aelect a plot before necessity compela ona to do so. pfficea at Cemetery (north ot city Jim- i7. ana lit wanaeig in eater. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. ' ifkowAMBULANCElR7oE Tnirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertake and Enibalmers. rhoae HA. o:66. Office S611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 2254 Cuming. j CROSBYMOORE S$X- I FLORISTS. LEE LARMON pLV. SStti YZTY IT W ITH f U ans BtJM Me.s & eWOBt't'A. i4ia Anrtiii pincm. L. HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam. JA. 1253. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA 1904. MARRIAGE LICENSES. V M.rri.,. I.lcrnses were issued ta the l"; following couples: wmi.T. h Thome. 33. Tea Moines. Is.. ,.7 and Columbia Kubanks. 30. Dcs Moines, la. it Herbert Malllnaon. o-r 21. Omaha, and Verva V. Snider, over II. umana Rav Anderson. 20, Omaha, and Ethel D5 tc'hre..UiiSSoh,.-v-f 51. Coon-II Bluff, la., and Tinaaia Fontena. over 21. Ceuncil Bluffa, la. BRINGING UP I I Mtt-S I ( -aail Cora -r Tw.a 1 I JT S Ctf A,T I Trie vAy C 1 X) POO L- g 7 ' ' d fHJT THE S SS True m Tmc fibsuK tn M9 MaM M I KaJ in TtaaM mcxt MM. T( tVt Of "Wa MirjaaH4 - (TC tl JUfT ttrruttaUa; FOAA CC 'aaWTYC Jrt PfMNi. 4441 JWTT fyaX Ma aTtt To tartavcM rm Mt vttbttt trtr OM Ht VORMIra AaTaaaoa- om- Mam aM? BIRTHS AND DEATHS. BlrHli. John aud Coaa Xrajupofh, ::o T atrett, bur. Harry and Grace reterara, CIS Lafay tl atrret, girl. Howard ami Thelma Corbet, SOlt Val ley afreet, girl. Jnhn and Kvetyn Ttalitwln. hoapltal. girl. Vt alter and Anna Feteraon, boapital, bor. Andrew and Emma Nelaea. hoapltal. girl. Perry and Mona Shirley, hoapltal, boy, Floyd and Rose Reynold, hospital, boy. Michael and Elnia Kerschcr. 41S0 P ttreet, boy. Willi. in and Nellie Brown, iSOZ North rifteenth atreet, girl. A leg and Catharine EoboUnaky, lltl South Fourteenth atreet, girl. Krn-at and Mabel t'arey. hopttnl, girl. William and Nellie Whetstone. 1407 South Seventeenth atreet, girl. Richard and Jessie Donelan, hospital, boy. Heaths. Jaek Ward Condon, IV 635 South Thirty-fifth avenue. Rmma Alice, Warren, SI, hoapltal. Jlrn. Marian K. Smith, l, 342 Boyd atreet, Albert Wilson, 75, !402 U street. Uarrta Kerrell, 4a. hospital. Alice Louisa Praper, U', hospital. Betty Ann Chenoweth, J, 667 South Twenty-eighth treet. vYlllhelin Koch, 12. 4220 Larlmora ave nue, - Mra. Mary Kenney. 6, hospital. John Jondro, 66, Hit North Sixty-first atreet. Graca Koble. 24, hoapltal. Via by Corbet, Infant, hospital, lidna Turner. 38, 4S1S Farnam atreet. ' John Bell. .10, hospital. Frank J. Krter, ti, hospital. Korreat Smith, 67. iU North Thirty eighth avenue. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST In Thompson Beldena lavatory Tuesday axternoon, uiamona ana plat inum ring. Return to 925 N. 39th. Wal nut 0278. Reward. STRAYED Black mare, weight about 1.000 pounda Haa large lump on ngm side. Call Walnut 0300 FOUND One young atear. May be bad for cost of ad and keep. wk. zt4. REWARD Klgin wrlat watch. HA. 4266. PERSONALS. IF any ona knows the whereabouts ot a Mr. La vertie i. snoDo win communi " cata with N. S. Nelson, Bentley, Alta., ha would hear ot something to nia in terest. He la a mechanlo in soma garage, formerly lived in LaCombe, Al berta, Canada. THE SALVATION Army Industrial homa olloita your old clothing, rurnitura, magazines. We collect Wa distribute. Phone DO. '4136 an dour wagon will call. Can and Inspect our new borne. .Hit-1112-1114 Dodge St. KATHRTN L. RILEY Skin and scalp specialist Reaidence work aolioited. Appointment, J A. 2262. I am not responsible for any debts con tracted by my wife, Agnea Havel. JOE HAVEL. Covlann DK- A- Chiropractor, SOg LariSOn p,ton block. AT. 9747. Office hours, 11 a. m. to t:3 p. m. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for playa and partlea. at Liepen g, umm. MAGNETIC hatha; Violet Fay treatment with massages. 614 S. 19th. AT. 9381, SULPHUR baths. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to 8, 209 S. 20th St LET Sheppard do it. Sodding, black earth and mulching for lawn. wa. im. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC S649. EXPERT maaaage. 404 N. Itth, Apt. 4. RENT vacuum cleaners. 76o. HA 1071. EXPERT massage. 210 N. 17th St FISHER hatha, maaa. 820 Arthur Bldg. MASSAGE, Sun. and eve. aptm. At. 6366. ANNOUNCEMENTS. NEB. PLEATING gZ Hemetttch- Cover- ed Buttons. DO. 6670. 1806 Farnam, 2d Floor. Contractors. RICH black decayed, manure for garden or lawa. Delivered. Prlcea reasonable. Call WA. 6316 F-2. CARPENTER and contractor, general re pair work. Call C. A. Heaton. HA. 7187. FLOOR laying, machin sanding. AT. 6633. LESSARD A SON. 2021 CUMING. AT. 1632 Dancing Academies. tTTP'lVP'CI 1818 Farnao atreet. iVrjCilT O Douglas 8440. Class and private lessona Ten Instructors. LEARN to dance at Kelpine's academy, class and private lessona DO. 7B6o. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION", side, knife, boa pleating: covered buttons, all styles: hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. Contractors., FURNACE AND TIN WORK. WA. 271. Detective, tnoependent Detective Bureau. 394 Neville Blk. AT. S501; night WA. 4046; KE. 0486 RELIABLE Detecl'.e Bureao. Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA 2056. night. KE. 3818. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Atlantic 1136. Dentists. DR. B. C. DEWELL, DENTIST. 318 Arthur Building. AT. 1348. DENTAL X-RAYS. 50 each, 33 a full set. 1 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Dressmaking. Nouveau dressmaking ihp. 433 Psxton Blk. CLEAN. BMnd. tailor; aaita. farm. Ha. 4804. FANCY DRESSMAKINO. AT 2017. FATHER eW tat are) t , i, ratM itllh ouin "JN THE ItKMI ttr.E Tva; Tttia (3 HLK. PUlT- A. aaw . Aate ata 4MA-rrrt M iT- 10 LOOK COO Talt- t lul tlttC A t(T trr fM Cinrtotrt - I JutT twkjrr "TO WS. t 'eTae AO0T X.- ItX mi- a UTttx ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hauling. tlK.V. hauling and aalies. reaa, AT. Kodak Finishing. tCNLAKUKMKNTS. oil coloring, developing printing. Kaae Studio. 213 Neville Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Knaign Co., 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1712 ' Podge, room 20. Also Washington.. D. C 1 help rnventora sell tbelr patenta. rAPEKlNU, painting; low price. Jackaon iOM. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Painting and Paper Hanging. 1ST CLASS painting and paperbanging. Dougiae 4909. Printing. EPDT Printing Co. 212 S. 13 St. Do. 8647. BRITT Printing Co.. 20! Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS X h PHV, to buy hack at small profit. 508.s JEWELBY CO., Omaha, Neb., l N. lth St. Telephone DO. 6049: OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattreaaea made over In new ticks at hal prlca or new beds. H07 Coming. JA. 2467. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at tba S Bharmaa A MoConnell Drug atoraa. DR. A. C. 8ABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. Suite Sit Arthur Bldg.. 210 & lath Bt. FANCY cakea and salad dressing; mad) to order in private home HA. 2945. BLACK dirt and fertl titer, aahaa and rub- blsh hauled. Atlantic 6721. RIuYft and carpets cleaned. AT. S6S8. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Duofolds, Dressers, chiffoniers, mirrors, servln tables, congoleum rugs: big lot of panel, lace and net curtains, etc, go to the highest bidder at the Stephenson Auction. Wed nesday. 1:30 p. m., at 1609 Capitol Ave. INLAID Linoleum, 12x14. room. Oak tea room set, dresser. Mason jars, porch furniture, girl's bicycle, 1920 Na ah tour ing car, wall paper. Bargain. 116 North 38th Ave. HA. 3817. , WILL aub-leaB a very desirable four room apartment to party buying furni. ' ture. For Information call WE-6461. NEARLY new beautiful 13x15 Whlttal body Brussels bedroom rug. Bargain, 116 North 38th A-ve. HA. 3817. Pianos and Musical Instruments. Schubert Piano, Large aize Victor Vlotrola with about 50 records will be sold at auction at Stephenson's Auction House. 1509 Cap itol avenue, Wednesday, if not eold Tuesday. UPRIGHT piano, ebony case, Wegman, first class conrlitlon. $126. Evenings, call Walnut 0634. After 8:30 a. in. At lantic 1565. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing, chmollor A Mueller Hldg.. 1618 Dodge. GEO. A SMITH Dealer In drama, iylo phonea, etc; Instructions, repalrlna; 27C1 Davenport St. Phone HA 2967. , TRADE your used piano on a new play er ptaao. Balance as low aa 810 per month. A HOSPB CO., 1618 Douglaa, Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" aults, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sta. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 15th St . DO. 728S. ARMY shoes. S2.90. 706 No. J6th. Typewriters and Supplies. ' TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine ' emaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 412. isig r amain. GUARANTEED typewriters, 312.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge, Miscellaneous Articles. HARNESS SALE. rnmni.ii tilow barnesB. 827 per set. Concord harness, formerly 375, Bow 348. Stock saddlea, 816 and up. Bast team collar 85.00. Lines, 1H-Inch by 18 feet, 85.90. Klgg crown bridles, round reins, 15. Sum nadu anv size. 65c each. Government Neats Foot OIL 5 gal., S4.80. Government and officers dress a does, 85.90 and up. Midwest Harness Co., 70S North 16th St Refrigerators, Mirrors, 'Gaa stoves, bric-a-brac, pictures, gar. den hose, rake, everything found in a heme ia on sals at th Stephenson Auc- JtJonS. GARAGES built, new lumber, 3100 up. Slieklln Lsmbar A Wrecking Co., 24th Hjid Burdette Bt. Webster 6555. WK buy. sell safea, make desks, show cases, etc . Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. w. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1972. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Nw drA. used desks bought, sold and itraded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. S146. ! ! UTTtt BCttoOCO Mr TnvOUr MAVf if trr rai Hon Hi rra,t urr WKIH WTTVH VrXTMIlt JUTT tajfC A liTYlC tw Vnaart ht-. s WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. Hl'.vni.tf washing. Hay work. WK. 6162. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades, SUPERINTENDENT WANTED Must have superintendent of arhnnl fur city of 3.000 population' for school scar. 1955-193. Klei lton April 1. FAItOO TKACHF.RS" Hl'RBAf, 413 KARBACU "BLOCK. DO vou want to Increase your income? Write the National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOI.ETt BARBKR COLLEGE. IK 8. Wtn. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. AN" Industrious man to get out orders, attend .hipping, experience not neces ery. If willing worker: S'00 caah re quired; Insure permanent position. Good Halary to man who can qualify and is ready to work in our factory at St. Joseph, Mo. Apply Omaha branch of fice. 309 Finance Plug., mi nougias ni, MAN with Ford; 3300 per month for trust ier as lactory rciTwieniaiiv on ire Manager, 3020 So. Main ' St., Los An geles. SALESMAN wanted to sell nationally ad vertise specialty to retail trade; per manent position; salary. Call Rome hotel. ak for Mr. Thill. OMAHA field open for man to wholesale our ten ueros. 1844 O, Lincoln. Neb. GEM OIL BURNER CO., Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Distributor. Have a few states open for the moat wonderful food prod uct in years. Entirely new: no com petition. Direct to consumer. Bight party can. make 32,500-225,000 yearly. Mr. Greenwald. 421 Rome Hotel. Boys. WANTED Good boy for messenger ser vice. The Robt. EmpBter Co., 1813 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED An experienced granite letter ed Write Box 442, North Platte, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. CALL J. A, Youhgstrom, second floor, I. O. O. F. Bldg.. Doulai 7774, for per sonal , Instruction . In shorthand, type writing and bookkeeping. . WANTED Experienced printer for ama teur finishing department The Robert Dempster Co., 1818 Farnam. WANTED Experienced compositor. Write or call Evans Printing Co., ' Fremont, Neb. , Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED cook and housemaid, ref erences required, West Farnam District Mrs. Edgar Morsman, Jr., AT. 6185. GIRL for general housework, references. Mrs. F. P. Wead, Harney 0171. Miscellaneous. WANTED Competent librarian. State experience. Address Miss Daisy Spick- : ard, Secretary Library Board, Fremont, Nebr. ' - HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED Must fill following vacancies imme diately. Domestic Science. Commercial, English, Physics and Chemistry, su perintendent. i FARGO TEACHERS' BUREAU, 412 KARBACH BLOCK. MEN. WOMEN, 18. over, wanting govern , ment positions; railway mall, postoftice, ' other positions; salary 31,400-31,800; ex : perience unnecessary; full particulars free. Writer G. W. Robblns, Civil Service Expert, formerly with government 171 Pope Bldg., Washington, D. C. WANTED Men. ladies and ooys to learn barber trade; bis demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write '1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short . hand and typewriting; - railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large illustrated cat aloe. Address Boyles College, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank. Bldg. Douglas 5890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1807 FARNAM -5-room apartment, com- pletely modern; suitable for offices, : studios, dental or dressmaking rooma, etc.. for tenants wishing home adjoin ing. T. F. Hall, 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas 7406. DRUG Btoek and fixtures in Hastings; newest and cleanest stock In the state, . clear. Want clear farm east half of the state. R. O. Conatable, Hastings, Neb. FOR SALE Hotel fixturea and equipment in 23-room, new, modern hotel building. Good Investment for right party. Ros ette Lunge-. Gibbon, Neb.. FOR SALE; A snap Best complete set of bar fixtures In eastern Colorado, at a eacrafire. Write r. F. Drehan. lliff. Colorado. ANY business sold for cash, no pohticlty; 10 to 30 days Northwestern Selling System. Sioux City. FULLY equipped garage) on Lincoln high way. Good location. A. K, Clark, Brule, Neb. ktr JIGtS ANO MAOCIr! IN UtL r-4u itiLUK IN tilt. bllfcUAV Ht-t, ak.a4 uat iiataa iAU m y thyi e 14 -VtllLL l WITM VOO ON TC I7tt hrC1 - CA4KLOS talt OUitl AAI4 hijt- Ml k txrat rvwei i fJraM.t MM TttibIM P4. tJ - CAfaVOt WAS 0Ufc a-cWHN VJOIaatT- i 0 VMtM tMC AjSTatltLUra ap it iaaiaa n Ton, A f4MCtAlUa FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. IIOTKL KEEN HOTEL FLATIHON. TWO - DOWNTOWN OF EXCEP TIONAL Mi:itIT ARB OFFKIIINI A FEW ROOMS WITH Oil WITHOUT HATH To DESIRABLE GUESTS AT MOST ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY ItATEK. MANAGERS WILL BE .'LEASED TO SHOW THEM. IHSTIMTIVE CAFES IN CONNEC TION. POPULAR PRICKS. "HAMILTON1 HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam, at 24th. Klrgle roiim with private bath at 310.50 per week; for two. 312.50 per wek. Two large outside rooms with bath, 150 p-r week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. OKT VOL'R ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory, fall at office for list of choice desirable rooms in all parts of the city. A service that boncflta both advertiser and room seeker. LARGE south room in modern home, near Farnam car line, suitable for two. Hot and cold water In room, laundry .priv ileges, hoard if deaired, walkiiiK dis tance. Harney 1616. HOTEL SANFORI). 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, I6TH AND FARNAM. Special rates to permanent gueata. FURN. r ma. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. SLEEPING rooms. 32.50 and up, newly decorated. 1637 N 19th St. FRONT room for lady: private family: 83 week; all home privileges. WE. 4111. 613 N. 22D, largo front room, suitable for 2, $6 week, Atlantic 9803. UNION Hotel. 32' per week and up. Housekeeping Rooms. TH1 GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms is the directory furnished to sdverttser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. 2707 Dodge One, two or three-room honsekeep'.ng apartment; completely furnished; modern; 84 to 39. 511. S.. 24TH ST. Completely furnished two rooma Telephone, bath, laundry privileges. AT. 7110. 2568 MARCY Room and board for two in modern, private1 home. AT. 9065. THREE rooms, upstairs. 812 N. 28th Ave. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close in. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 8260. Board and Rooms. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, in private home, excellent board. Call Jackson 2781. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. CLAREMONT Hotel On 17th, near Jack son. One-room kitchennette, bath, with hotel service. Summer rates. Douglas 2735. Unfurnished. HAMILTON FLATS Two 7-room flats located at 2119 No. 16th street. Rental 350 each. On car line. Inquire. 'American Mortgage & Finance Co., AT. tsfll. 411 Brandela Th. Bldg. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. STEAM heated apartment, 4 rooms, close in. G. P. STBBBINS, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property. 1807 FARNAM Store room, 24x132. If tenant wants mora room, will build two stories above, each 66x132, with light on three sides. Thomas F. HalL, 434 Rail way Exchange. DO. 7406. FOP. RENT Some very choice offtces. also large office space consisting of 1.400 square feet, 400 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 0590. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones Sts. H. M. Christie, wflrehouse & track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. 1107-11 Howard 8t. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. Bfifi 8outh Kith. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van ft- Storage Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0550. 520-24 North 11th St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. HORSES boarded, hired out for riding with instructors, stalls rented and cheap storsge for auto and trucka at 2216 Izard St. Phono day or night AT 1959. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. CLEANED WHEAT SCREENINGS. 11.75 PER 100 POUNDS. A. W. WAGNER, 801 N. 16TH. JA. 1142. - AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD parts, trans., complete at SI; magnet, per act, 81.50; flv wheel, 13. Neb. Auto Part. 1018 Harnej'. USED rdir. all makea for sale. Green- ougn Rad'QIor Repair. 2039 Farnam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 813 & 21th. Drawn Drawn for fltT MAX A.t BtUt vou. o rvo.utt vt TDHItalT aWVIiOKV . aturc. LAST HtoWT- Mtttt t.Cfi AH uatM'ttTSvkrt.'- C. SIS OOT AM AUTOMOWIX rdM svanou SNa Mice- with vtO Rmdm. aja toil . TbcM CAl08 TOW (HOC tM Yt4tl CAR- H TMM80. PirTtHDt pnvn w. nn- wtcx. vah To400U- f - HE WAt OW NIOMf- CATiLO CAl.ltt W1 WHtlt ME VAS VIIM 4-f !) TH 0tSMACT.! LoofcX WPtciovt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. NEW AND USED CARS ADKINS MOTOR COMPANY Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers ' 4911-17 So. 24th St. AT. 4866. MA. 0420. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Forda, from S?0 and up Dodge, Buicka and ethers. 3100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALKS CO.. 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. SOME bargaina In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Ford. M'CAFFKEY MOTOR CO.,, The Handy Ford Service Station. ir.th and Jackson Sis. DO. 3600. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 3056 Farnam St. AT. 7836. BUT A GUY U SMITH USED CAR. A Salfe Investment 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. 160 ACRES clear land 2V4 miles from Hugo, Colo., for a Cadillac. Must he in good repair. Box B-2u, Omaha Bee., FOR SALE Stutr. Bearcat .IIIC Wfwon- sin; mechanically rebuilt; perfect condi- tlon; 3400. HA. 0RO0. USED cara, worth your money, nt Ne hraaka Oldamoblle Co., 18th and Howard Sts. AT. 1770. A7WTrP'I?T V Saves U money on lire T V XI i. 1. Hi Li X ft r,d, wk. goo s. 13. Repairing and Painting. ' NOTICE EFFECTIVE AT ONCE. WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS AND SUN DAYS TO REPAIR OR REPLACE BAT TERIES. U. S. L. BATTERTES. BAT TERY ft PARTS CO., 2416 FARNAM. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. Close to . , Omaha Farms Within 40 miles of Omaha. I have some rare bargains In go"cd improved farms.' Any 'farmer -knows what It means to be close to a big Ufa rlcst- town like Omaha. These farm homes are near Herman, in Burt and Washington counties. Can be bought on exception ally attractive terms. Soli Is the moat fertile In Nebraska. All under cultivation. Improved, and are real farm homes In good neighborhood. Write E. W. Burdlc, Herman, Neb. J60 ACRES. 4 2 MILES .FROM HOLDREGE. Someone can obtain a real bargain in this 160 acre farm located 2 mllea from' Holdrege. Nebr., the county seat of Phelps county. Splendid place for stock and has always produced a good wheat yield. Holdrege offers advantages along educational, church and market lines that are possessed by few towns In the state. On main line of Burling ton and 2 branches. For ' complete description, write F. E. Young, trustee, Holdrege. Nebr. 700-Acre Ranch With Railroad Siding Here Is a dandy 700-acre ranch in Central Nehraska. Tt contains 700 acres. 100 acres of which Is in alfalfa, A fine placa for hogs and cattle. Load ing pen and railroad siding on ranch. I also , have well improved all aTound stock farm one mile from town. For. terms and particulars write , E. E.. Megrue, , Scotia, Neb. Near County Seat I ran offer exceptionally well Improved farms and ranches at at tractive prices. These are within 10 miles of Holdrege, Neb., county sat of Phelps county, Neb., one of the het agricultural counties In state. Some re all farm land, while others make an excellent stock proposition. R. M. Terrlll. Holdrege. Neb. FARMS WJ'& A Laraon. Central 1 City. Neb., your wants for acreage tracts, farm a FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash en hand to loan OB Omaha Yeaidence. E. H. f.OUGEE. INC 638 Keellne Bldg. Farm Loans SoJKS on western Neb. tarma, ranch. Kroke Investment fo.. 845 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFK- REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg Jackaon 2715. FIP.ST mortaace loans made promptly on Omaha real estate, Shopen A Co., Raltor. .7 A. 425H. M4 Ke'Une Bldg. 100 to 310.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead at D. H. Bowman, WratI Bldg. for The Bee by McManut . . iCwnahll lSil The Bee by Sidney Smith (Copyrighti !)!'.') 0 - TMt A axr CAMtj.V imciE bM KttVT- TMC AFTLR AG6 NtTT A LINE or Love oa ArrtcrioH- FOOfc UNCIE 6lM- STRA.UI THA.T Bt6K the Cam tix 6ack- jaU. i2 - Hi NlAtA povoeT UT ti6V4T- I PO fcVtRyTMtr46 I COULt TO UNft . him ut E "SMlE UKE A FRicrr$NtV TWlNK THAT coou trt ujvE HiM-euT roR. MAR A CHlA-MTtC- toatws AOAlM - t TOLt - ait 4 FINANCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. lThertv" ItONnS bouuht and sold. AT, 3644. Mac k's Bond House. 1421 1st Nat 1. H."m ITH EN pays mos"t for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat'l. Bang Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANT to buy some well located moderate nricetl Iota on v.nn-11 to nunu somo snappy 4 and 6-room bungalows. J. L. Hiatt Co., JESSE L. 11 1 ATT. 133.1 Fh-xt Nat'l Hank Hldg. AT. 9900, AUCTION SALE Wanted the opportunity to explain my svstem of selling your land and auo-dlvlsion sale at auction. .-iilixli'd clients In 20 different statea. raul F. Boikelman, Real Estate, Auc tioneer. I'aulllna. Ia. List .your home Buy your home BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans, Rentala JA. 2561. Charles W. Young & Son ileal Kstate. Rentala. Insurance. 1C02 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or sell umulta Real Estate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD lltn City Nat'l FU. Bldg. JA ckson 1428 VJIJAJ1IVJ u, for qu,ck re,u)t.. 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bidg. JA. 11 C. T. SPIER & C0.B"gom"ots REALTORS. DO. 4867. 35 YEARS' exTierlenco selling homes. Cail : A. P. TUKKT Ic SON, - 620 First Nat.; Bk. Bldg. JA. 4223 To Buy or Sell Real Estate Sea IX V. SHOLES CO.. 915 City Nat. Bk. JA. 0046. TJTTJ 7TJ"TT Writes Tornado and JJIXVXVXJX 1 Windstorm Insurance 350 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. Grove-Hibbard Co. Homes To 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 4956. Please, , GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 106 South 18th. AT. 29SS. tvAWP -a nr 7.ronm. well located. In' Dun dee, by the first; have cash. Box 121. Omaha Bee. HAVE Inoulries for homes do you want to sell your property 7 List it with C. A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS SEE F. D. Wead & 'P. II. Bowman., REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 330,000 first mortgage aecured on 730 acres of land that the ownera expect to sell at 3 50 per acre. Will take an equity in a good farm or city property up to $28.1)00, balance cash. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth - Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. . FARM near Norfolk; Will trade for good implement business. Box X-65, Omaha . Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN . Benson. Benson Special Revph-rooni. wodrn home: quarter awed oak below, white enamel above; full basement ; south front ; 2 blooka from center of Benson; price, $4,760 ll.OOt) rash We have bo me S-room, modern homes at exceptional values that can be hnndlPd with 450 to $71i0 rash. Chas. W. Young & Son, 1602 City Nat'l Bank. .AT. 96C8. ' Evenings HA. 6051 or AT. 0630. Dundee. Dundee, $8,000 Brand new home, just being finished; easy terms. Phone JA. 2850. Glover & Spain , GEORGE & CO.UTteJ REALTORS. ' AT. 3024. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and tradee. KE. 14. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West Bemis Park Home SIX ROOMS. ONE BLOCK TO CAR Owner of this place has furniture all packed, ready to learvo city, and has re duced his price to 36.250 on this fine, 2-story, 6-hoom home;, east front lot, paving paid. Our new price makes this an exceptionally good buy and you can have immediate possession. For inspec tion call Mr. Henry, HA. 65R7. n. D. CLARK, COMPANY, Realtors. AT. 3531. 621-3 Securities Bldg. - "Sell My Home," Paid thw ownr of this Montclair Blvd. home. Six. unusually well ar ranged rooms and breakfast room, fire place, full panelled doors, beautifully ' finished. Nearly new. Ordered sold. 11.600 will handle. Call ( Schroeder Investment Co., JA. 3261. Leavenworth Heights ,,250 TURMH. Choice five-room semi-bungalow: large living room, dining room and kltflien flirt ftoor; two big bedroome and bath eond floor: full basement; Vat of oak finish; Rood-level lot; must be aen to be appreclatfvi. Call Osborne Realty Co., j S;o reters Trjst Bldg, JA, IZiZ. RKAL EtTATrlJIPKOVKD 'West Farnam District I h.t a 1 oiM liMiae. Ial a 'ana ul mi.I. 4 Ml a rwl' a 4" tibia I hate put IK l'l' .r. r rl aaU HI lWa aama H'H anl a fi'l "f ""''l miiga aa, a f my nwii. rn. ! , haa a ls triaht It i . au. K. !, t Sia Montclair Pive nwin ! limilw. la Slmilrtalr a-Miuon. an l.in.ln hulail. aH a"rt ana niaiuel lih. AH fma la. ' appain"t rail S A"r"Nv.vMiHi'iti: I atga a4 aia iaam riiii buigler In L'l.irniotil ail.ni. aat inl. I'a Ing and apei lala paid- t'BViill trnia arn'4 fall avauiiiga or uaoa. A a.a r .. iTitmtM, family ariaiiumdal"'a. Haa Mil .oulh fri.nt l"t, iamg paid. I rh a, l ,no. , :m rali. t.a, KIC, tfS r AT llll North. Quality Homes at .Moderate Price Dee the new hnu-rsa aia buildlag on l-aniii"' Anu. betwiNui 24ih and rttih otren. They are fuel Htin a II. '.. Ill alo h" hnu.ea In other pail pf the rHy. Wa ran alen dii a hii to suit our tied and sell reonahla me at lnwel pricea. final ity r..iiid"l, tt will ptesjiira In pul our lima again.t niira ami a';"" mi F.vamiigs rail Olaiit UrntHin, A, A OOOH NAM"! IN THE i.i it l.lvil rl A M V. Benson & Carmichael, 142 ration Kim-It. AT. JM8. BEST BUY'NEAR KOUNTZE PARK Wa ara offering 1:i Wjrl Htieel: a fulily pew atucrn. 7-room. all modern home; ihrea Iwdrooiiui sn. aleeping poii'h: una house rnt for 978. but will . vacant about the nih. Nn.raid-nt owner aav. sail. I'rn .. 17.2.0'. SI.M rs.h; mortgage. 14.000; will rnnmder rash offer f..r equity. Arrange with ua for Inspection. . ... GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTOR PI. . JA. 8860, 918-20 City Nsl '! ?k'l,l,,.' OVERLOOK INU FONTKNKI.I.W PARK. Here la the place for somebody who will appreciate a home. Six-room, story and a half bungalow, all modern and hdt very old: large living room, riliung room finished In oak, downstairs . and kitchen In pin: Ihree large bed rooma ard bath upstairs. This la prlred at 1400 don. that la a very good valuo for this neighborhood. Call Mr. Hanson, WA. 1184. or office onn l p. m. AMOS GRANT. COMPANY. DO. 80. 210 So. 16th, Ground nr. Miller Park Special Choice seven-room stucco semi-bungalow, complete In every detail, ""''' fireplace, bookcase, aun room, wwbite riiiimcl kitchen, three large bedrooms and bath: extra large closeta; garage. rat front lot with paving all paid. Thl la one of the neatest and best In. eated homes in this choirs dstrtct. lt ua ehow you a real home. Osborne Realty Co., 830 retem Trnat Hldg. JA. 1582. Ideal Bungalow All oak finish. 6 room and breakfast nook, lovely lot with shrubbery, cln to Holy Name achool. Prlca and terms right. Gallagher & Nelson, (62 Petera Trust Bids. Ja. 3383. Terms Like Rent Wo can finance a home for you on one of our beautiful sightly lots west of Miller park, near Fonlenelle boulevard and close to stores and school. Only a few left at price from 3268 to 3396. OMy a limited number can be hnndlec on this plen, so hurrv. The Byron Reed Co., DO. 0297 1613 Farnam St. 2728 LAUREL AVENUE. -, Six rooms, four down, two up. Mod ern. Corner lot. garage. Oak and Pin finish. Immediate- possession; 11,000 rash. Hansen Investment Co., 1914-16 Douglas. AT. 0062. HERE IS VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. ' 7-room all raodorn; oak floors and finish, and garage: on paved street In very desirable neighborhood, one block trom car, only 16.700. Close to school and churches. Small payment down and balance like rent. , . - GLOVER A MORBLL. 708 Keellne Bldg. AT, 3623. $500 CASH. Want a home? I have lota and will miild to ult and let you pay it back like rent I will build on your lot if you dtfslro it. .AT. 3601 evenings; DO: 7412 days. Ak for Mr. carse. 1414 N. 83D ST Six-room modern, eaay payments; buy for a Soma Crelgh. (08 Bee. Jack. 020P. i FIVE-ROOM home, 3350 cash. . 3320 N, 63d. Reduced to 22.400. ; BEST & GESTRING. DO. 6136. D. E. BUCK A CO. buv and sell homes. South. $1,500 Cash Buys Neat Modern Bungalow' Oak finish and floor. Five large, pleasant rooms; ajnod closets; all nicely decorated and kept. One food room in. attic. Full cement basement with coal bin and grade entrance. ' Screene com plete and screened front porch for sum mer. Large lot with flowers and shrub bery. Nice double garage. Owner leav. ing city. Price, reasonable. Near Han. acorn Park achool. Balance monthly. For anpol"tment phone D. E. Buck & Co., i REALTORS, 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. JA. 2000. : Evenings: Buck, KE. 3834;- Pero, WB. 0832; Newlon. HA. 6843. VINTON SCHOOL LOCALITY 3500 CASH MODERN. A. real home: hot water heat; base ment finished completely with two rooms that could he used. Decorating and fin ish In excellent shape. 8outh front lot 60x120, with paving all paid. Douhlo garage. Near park and achool. Prlco only 34.500 and priced to sell.- nnvr&is uu., peaiiorB. JA. 4228. 234 Keelme Bldg. VISIT model home at 2821 , 84th St. furnished by Orchard A Wllhelia Co built by C. G. Carlberg. Open week day 2 to 5 and 7 to S p. tn.: Son.. 3 to 6 p. m. - SO ST., ok. 6-r. rod.. 36.250; trms. AT. 6260. Vacant. " LOTS " ' On 8. aide ot Larimers Ave., between 24th and 27th Sts. Will sell oa easy payments or will build to your order. ' AT. 3640. FINE double corner at 62d and Farnam Sts. Price, 36.000. AI,FRED THOMAS A SON CO. 604 First Nat. Bank. JA. 0064. 850 DOWN. 86 per month. 26 fine building lots, near Deaf Institute. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. 2403. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. Ralston Lots 5.".y; payments. Phono Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. BRAND new 6-room liouse. Corner lot. oniv Jti.nvu on yonrairrm. GEORGE F. JONESTCO.. DO. 6635. - - - WK are headquarters for vacant lots and acreage. BROWNE A TRACY. 612 Secarltles Bldg. AT. 835. CHOICE Parkwood lot, 44x638 feet, at 6661 Florence Blvd. must sell at one. Csll KE. 0460. DUNDEE LOT South of Farnam on 61st: Phone. WA. 4187. 22,3(0. SACRIFICE lot In Minna Lua. AT. 9585. Miscellaneous. CAN BUILD YOUR NEW HOME. Small payment down and the balance like rent; built to suit you. Can 1o furnish you a lot. Call evenings. Do. 6847. 350a CASH AND 366 PER MONTH Buys a pobby -r. mod. home with oak finish downstairs; garage In rear. . F. D. Wead A D. H. Bnwniau. At 01H. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. Nevi Bungalow Diamond aa tart r'Jui.ut. ja ; -f