Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ult'. HfcC? U.M.AM A. Jlt.M)a, At'KIL. 11. liii.
Hogs Carrying
Fanners to Era
of Prosperity
Jlfpajmenti m Wr Finance
Loan of $11,000,000 in
State Already Ha
Totaled $1,300,000.
The amount of ar finance loan,
lo agricultural and live iock Inter
fti in Nebraka ht excrcdH the
$14,000,000 mark, F. W. Thoma. r.
gional chairman of the War Finance
committee in Nrhratka announced
Rrmlti of the loans at outlined by
Mr. Thomas are briefly:
Kepyinent without request hae
totaled 5i.jw,tKW,
tirneral tre.iil of grain ami live
Mock markrtt hi increased 100 per
cent mice IJccentncr.
Reduce Indebtedness.
Farmers have reduced their indeb
teiliieu nuterully and are concert,
(rating their efiorts now to maintain
fur several montha and the rapid ad
v.ticei in market condition.
Ranker throughout the state have
become reeutililiel on a stronger
"Hoes are carrying, the Nebraska
and Iowa farmers through an era of
prosperity." said Mr. Thomas. "We
have learned tlut Nebraska never was
insolvent but embarranted for tack
of sufficient capital to further its in
Farmers Optimistic. through the War Finance
corporation have been extended to
more than 800 applicants, including
nearly two-thirds of the banks ui
the state, Mr. Thomas said.
As the regional chairman was out
lining the results of the war finance
work m this state, a well-to-do tarnv
rr strode up to his desk. In his cou
versation, the visitor stated that the
farmer today is more satisfied over
fcedin 10-cent hogs on 4i-crnt
corn than 29-ceuf hogs on $1.80 corn
as duriner the war."
Applications for loans are still be
ing acted upon by me war nuance
board, Mr. I nomas stated.
Advances Approved.
Washington. April 10. (Special
Telegram.) The War Finance cor
poration announces tliat from April
6 to April 8 it approved advances for
agriculture and livestock purposes as
follows: Nebraska, $130,000; Iowa,
$118,000; South Dakota, $63,000.
Children to Appear
in 'Cinderalla'atMuse
Children of the prevocational
classes of the Omaha public schools
wilt present "Cinderella" at the
Muse theater next Saturday morning
at 10.
About 40 Omaha women have vol
unteered their services to teach mil
linery, sewing, fancy work, crochet
ing and dramatics in the public
schools situated in districts in which
the children otherwise would have
no advantages. The classes are held
after school in the respective build
ings and attendance is voluntary.
The results of this work will be
shown at the Muse Saturday and at
the public exhibition April 27 and 28
in the Brandeis stores. A film of
prevocational classes also will be
shown, at the theater.
$15,000,000 Fund Raised
for Jewish War Sufferers
' Cash totaling $15,757,500 for the
Jewish War Sufferers,' Relief fund
was reported at a dinner in Detroit
Sunday night given in honor of
David L. Brown, national chairman.
Uncollected pledges will bring the
total to $18,116,836.37. Brown stated.
The goal was $14,000,000.
Harry A. Wolf of Omaha attend
ed, carrying with him a check for
$31,250, the first payment on one
fourth of Nebraska's quota.
Omaha raised $6$,859 and the state
The campaign will be continued
until the entire quota of $125,000 is
raised, said S. H. Schaefer, superin
tendent of. the Jewish Welfare Federation.
Dr. Baltzly Speakj on jCitV MilV UlTOViT
Meaning of Holy Week i),.,llw.rll.
I Tlllllllll a Itf HI u
The meaning ef Holy rrk !
the me. sage tlut it tt or the
world hs the r rt .t,i,.
by Key. O. D. Battiy, vtat of
Kounte Memorial Luthruu church,
peaking at the first rf th Jloty
week noon Krvirrs at the Diandric
theater today.
The greatest crime in 'l liiMory
the crime on Calvary, the cruci
f'kion of Christ, and the trihtrt,
most glorious thing tlut err hap
pened was then Ho! chose his only
begotten son to die on the cross for
the sins of men." Rev. Mr. Ualutv
The speaker described in a M
manner the events leading up to the
fat of the 1'assovrr and the be
trayal and death of ChrUt. and told
of the fulfillment of earlier prophe
sies in the last days of the l ord.
"The noonday meetings will con
clude Friday with an address hv Dr.
J. W. O. I at. Dr. I. M. WiUm,
will speak Tuesday; Hi.hop J', V.
Sahvler Wednesday, and Ir. Frank
i. Smith Thursday. Singing is in
charge of Oorge W. Campbell.
In spite of the inclrment weather
yesterday'a meeting was well attended.
I) 4 1 St ffk
I.aiKl Mini l ii l .virrow
tMrfrt Many Yrar Ap I
!ou?!it !' Ciutiii'il.
TI'C ci'y nwuil c.miiii! tti'e of lite
whole )tunljy ilttrctvd Cunimi.-;
sioiirr Jo.rpli K'uit of the 'uf
lie iuiprncmmu tO;,r!mrnt to ie
sent an oidinante wliiih will reeind
vacation of .'ri;, Uml nude by
Ih city council ,tj jrsi t ago. j
Thi mil apply t Nineteenth. 1
Twrniieih, 1 wnify.fiii. Twenty.'
ecuiid iid I wciiiy thud slieeU, i
from It(j-a ii Si, !. i.4 and ward, j
trom Sfkriiteeiiili to l wrnty-tliiril
street. During $7 the city touued
vacated strip lo ii.uiuw the street
and since thru .nii properly ovi
rri have anjuirrd the additional l.inJ
adjoining their npeny, in sonic
eae 14 fert and in others 2 fret.
The propo'cd action of the city
council now will have the effect of
restoring thre streets to their orig
inal widths.
This determination of the council
wit I'rompted liy a reiiirit of A.
Heck, who wanted a deed Ut 14 feet
in front of hi property at the north
et corner of Nineteenth and Cali
fornia streets.
PriifMorc and l'oul Hoom
KuMinl on Sunday Mij:lit
Thieve who R.iineil rtitr.uii'f to the
Tone Dnitf ".lore Sunday liiclit stole
$.'48.48 ca.h and S54.nO in checks
from a d-k. it was reiHirted to
police Momlav.
HurKlars nt1'-d the c.i-h register of
$2,50 and Mule a ii.iiit ity ci hriiss
checks ami ri.?.irt at the I.. J.
Swohoda pool hall, South Six
teenth street.
Harry Ma v. 1105 Noith Tenth
street, reported that thieves broke
the lock on hi barn and stole a
team of hordes.
Palmtag Is Hurt
in Chasing Thief
Fred Tahitlae
his room at the
"Bad Luck" Autoist Tells
Judge Experience; Fined
C. W. Beeman, 5015 Burt street,
rndcrwent the following experiences
Sunday night, according to police
court testimony: 0.
His automobile collided with a
car driven by A. F. Langstrom, 4740
Seward street.
He was slapped by an unidentified
woman wearing a red hat.
Punched by an unidentified man.
Arrested on charges of intoxica
tion and reckless driving.
Fined $50. , -
Emma Petral, 5015 Burt street, in
the Beeman car, was severely in
jured. She was the only one of the
seven occupants of the two colliding
cars to be injured.
Progressives Enter Race
for Douglas County Jobs
Names of the following progres
sive party candidates for nomina
tion to offices specified were filed
with the election commissioner yes
terday: Jerry Howard, sheriff. Peter
Mehrens, county treasurer; Andrew
N. Templin. county commissioner
from the First district; James H.
London, county commissioner from
the Second district; Martin D.
Kcilly, county surveyor; Gus I.
Lawson, county clerk.
Official in Philippines
to Speak Before Lions
Dr. A. P. Fitzsimmons, former Ne
braskan, who for the past eight years
has been in the United States service
in the Philippine islands, will speak
on "Work of the United States in
the Far East" at the meeting of the
Lions club in Hotel Rome today
noon. Ruth Stonehouse, movie serial
queen, will appear in person, accom
panied by her orchestra, the "Dixie
Syncopaters." W. D. McHugh, jr.,
is chairman of the day.
Held Under Mann Act
A charge of violating the Mann
act was filed in federal court yes
terday against Frank Davilla, 623
Pacific street. He is charged with
bringing Lulu Tobin from Council
Bluffs to Omaha, '
wounded in
Stitches were taken in gaohrs in
the left side of his face and his
right hand by police surgeons after
he met with a severe accident in
connection with making an arre-t.
I'almtag with Detectives Cich and
Buglewic. in the oiling surprised
Robert M. Stevens, clerk, in the act
of selling a stolen typewriter at a
typewriter exchange at Fourteenth
and Douglas streets yesterday they
Stevens made a break for it and
ran through the front door, slam
in in? it after htm as he fled.
raltntag. cloe on his heels, reach-
en the door tust as the catch click
ed, and the force of his race kept
him right on through the plate glas,
shattering the window and cutting
his face and hand.
Stevens was captured by Cich and
German Factories Are
Rushed, Brandeis Finds
"Germany's output is sold out
from six mouths to two years ahead.
and at the Leipsic fair, with 18,000
merchants present, manufacturers
exhibited no particular desire to get
orders," was the summary of Ger
many industrial situation Riven by
George Brandeis, who returned to
Omaha yesterday from a two-
months' buying trip in Europe.
ihe Germans arc working double
shifts and smoke is emergine from
every smokestack," said Mr. Bran
deis. "They will trade only for the
American dollar, unwilling to risk
the fluctuating mark."
Brandeis buyers on the European
trip purchased more than they did a
year ago, even at higher prices, Mr.
Brandeis said. Mrs. Brandeis ac
companied him home, but will return
to Chicago in a few days, where her
mother, Mrs. Rogers, is seriously ill.
Fares to Lake Okoboji Cut;
Service Is to Be Improved
The Chicatro. Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway announces round trip
summer tourist fare of $12.90 from
Omaha, to Lake Okoboji for season
tickets bearing return limit October
31. Round trip fare last year includ
ing war tax was $16.78. A lower
fare for shorter limit tickets is also
under consideration.
Through coach service from
Omaha to Lake Okoboji, which has
been sought for several years, will
start June 1, it is announced by the
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
road. Trains will leave Omaha at
7:10 a. m. daily except Sunday, ar
riving at Okoboji at .4 p. m.
O'Bryan Conspiracy Case
Set for Trial Next Monday
A capias for Robert C. O'Bryan,
indicted on charges of conspiracy to
sell misrepresented stock in tlie
Great Western Commercial Body
company was issued by District
Judge Leslie yesterday when O'Bry
an was late in appearing.
Mr. O'Bryan hurried into court
before the capias was served, how
ever, and apoligized to the judge,
declaring he had not realized his
presence was needed. Next Monday
was fixed as the day for the be
ginning of his trial.
Hamaker Realty Firm
Is Sued for $14,620
II. D. ll.mAer and the lUituker
f!elty campanjr were made defend
ant, in a suit for $14,620 damages,
l" ht by Lewis W, SheparJ in
ill. ti ict court yesterday. Shrpard al
lege thm lUmaker. "m ordr i VVtinril C nrKirW TaY !p,h" ,tu" 41 "uUf " M411 l,i.fiiinft ti turn 1
chat and dciraud In out ol i large V-OlinCU VOnSIQCrS laX .taHns. . .
sum of money, repre-eined he would
exchange 620 acres of Cherry
county (Neb-) land for some valu
aide pfepettj" Shepard alleges
Hamaker misrcprrrutvd the charae.
ler and vclue of (he laud,
let Hu.inot B-scitcr Are Bust
on Gasoline Stations
The city tou'icd tvmmitUe td (he
hole is considering an ccupation
U id $.'S year on od filling feta
tion wgout, $10 year on oil station
pumps, and ii a year on oil pumps
Another IMW !HCll"l"ll
Un apple to boahcg !lc fid a
year lor h irt at;ry and fJ fur
additkmal altr)
Ci-muiiy reid ed thai hf r.'ii'J
only supply 44l.7tU pdr., I .Mnixm
rubie meters of cut wood and
cubic meters id round wood.
liYifiu. Unlli t in Hand
V f-w ' il.iiii,U
l.i. t, i I j '4 wlile .un.tii ; m i c
n.ud wm.Uiu ltii)nj t t
mut.iivf i.y between gi'a and n
in a t ii-r t'4iiv m ti." ' h's
Ute at l SMh I iltfiltlli !irct
at 4 4i )ruuljy Iiliiii m.', h i J
rrilEtlmelowatrh the
X hulthnf ihffirlmnat
earotully la when sh is
1. 4 UuA rf.u.nrl. llfXtn
the propr tunctlnnliniol tlia
nnramol elimination. no
II you detect ihmluinteat lend-
Irssnesa eheek It with teaapoonlul
Ol Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Fep.m.
Dr. Caldwell's fiyrup Pepsin Is
compound of Egyptian Senna and
other simple laxative berba with pep
sin. It work gently, is free Irora
griping, and contains no narcotics.
Bottle can be had at anyidrug store,
and the cost is only about a cent a
dose. Just try ill
Few kop constipation, to even IfyauSa
not require a laxative at this moment ut ms
snid you a Half Ounce Trial Bottle of my
Syrue Prenn FREE OF CHARCjE to that
you will novt it handj vihen needed. Simply
tend your name and adaVeM to Dr. W. B.
CoUwclLsu Wathmium St., Moniicello,
Uiinou. write me toatu.
Brief City News
Chiropractors to Meet The an
nual meeting of the Nebraska Chiro
practic association will open at Lin
coln, May 22.
New Plane Tested Air Mail
Pilot D. C. Smith successfully tried
out the third air mail plane built in
Omaha Sunday at Ak-Sar-Ben field.
Ebersteln on New Job Marshal
Eberstein, former chief of police,
began work yesterday as an agent in
the local department of justice of
fice. Veniremen Excused Out of 60
petit jurymen summoned to report
for service, 15 were excused by mail
because of pressing farm work.
Many of the rest have asked to be
Snndblad, Jr.. Elopes Clyde Sund
blad, jr., son of Chief Clerk Sund
blad of the county court, eloped to
FapilHon Saturday with Virgina
Storris, 19. They were married
"Gang" in Court "The gang"
can no longer assemble at Fortieth
and Hamilton streets, where it is
charged they made -insulting re
marks to passing motorists, accord
ing to a police court order issued
To Hold Tent Services Lenten
services will be conducted by Rev.
A. O. Soholm, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday at Grace Luth
eran church. Twenty-sixth street and
Poppleton avenue at 7:45 in the eve
ning. There will be special music
by O. A. Melcher.
Don't Neglect a Cold
Mothers, don't let colds get under
way; at tho firHt cough or sniffle rub
Mustorole on the throat and chest.
Musterolo is a pure, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. It
draws out congestion, relieves sore
ness, does all the work of the good
old-fashioned mustard plaster in a
gentle way, without the blister.
Keep a jar handy for all emer
gencies, it may prevent pneumonia
in your home. 35c and 65c in jars
and tubes; hospital size, $3.
Thousands Have Discovered
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the
substitute for calomel are a mild
but sure laxative, and their effect
on the liver is almost instantaneous.
These little olive-colored tablets are
the result of Dr. Edwards' deter
mination not to treat liver and
bowel complaints with calomel.
The pleasant little tablets do the
good calomel does, but have no bad
after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like strong liquids on calomel.
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it. Why cure the
liver at the expense of the teeth?
Calomel sometimes plays havoc with
tho gums. So do strong liquids. It
is best not to take calomel. Let
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its
Headaches, "dullness" and that
lazy feeling come from constipation
and a disordered liver. Take Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets when you
feel "logy" and "heavy." They
"clear" clouded brain and "perk
up" the spirits. 15c and 30c.
Scratching is
ana increases;
the itching. !
Resinol stops V
Ihere is nothing
Dener to relieve,
eczema and
restore skin health
Resinol Soap is ideal
for the complexion
Sooth inq euidHetJinq
At all druggists
IPfiHa Ftetuh-Pay When Cured
II Jl JLvCScSj A mtJd trcataent that cores PU, Fistula and stfeci
-' laa' KesUl Diseases ia a abort time, without a ,.,.ra .ureieal .
c ration. No Chloroform. Ether or other v-n-ntl nthtii a.Ml i
Awe guaraoieed in eer caaa accepted for treatment, and no moner is to be paid oattl .
teeL writ far took ea Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of mora lama ,
UM prominent people who hare beea permanentlr cured.
K. R. TAMtY Sutterium, Peters Trust Bide. (Be Bids.) Omaha, Neb.
by vote of Omaha's Housewives
One home in every three in Omaha serves BETSY ROSS
Bread. This interesting fact was disclosed in a recent
canvass made by impartial investigators.
The reasons given by the city's housewives for prefer
ring BETSY ROSS were:
"We like the taste so well."
"We think it makes such good toast."
"It is always fresh."
"We can depend on its being good, day
in and day out."
"It is thoroughly baked."
. "We know it's sanitary."
(Many had visited the bakery
to aMure themselves of this)
The investigation showed further that no other bread -was
so widely used in Omaha.
We feel mighty proud of this popular indorsement of
BETSY ROSS Bread, for we have tried conscientiously
to give the women of Omaha the very best bread that
can be baked.
BETSY ROSS is on sale at all grocers. To be sure that
you get it ask for it by name. Don't Say "BREAD"
-eV.,! a.