Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
the tK rmusiiiNa four any
H. Kt.l. fimnl M
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U'IMlS. U4 M
Baa I Mkw Ik a Pm f Ct
giHrHtf ) biwbi,.m
TIm clrUtUa ( Tk 0t Bn
far Mrk, 1112
Daily Avr 71.775
Sunday Average ...78365
. BftCWKR. Garsl Maer
ELM IK a, ROOD, Catalan, MMr
ft.ara t d MtkMfiM Mr M lt Kb
,M (Seal) W. M. QUlVtV. WUr fnHH
rrti vki. A for AT, ,i
prat ' rrs Wm4. fr ATUtle
Ni(ht tn r. ".I MIJ'I 1000
D .,,.(, ATlawil in '
Main OflUs Hi iUrr" . ....
Ct. Ilulfi-U oit 81. Muth i-4ll I. Ilth SU
New Tork-:i rifih -
Wiligi-Ull O. it. CMrga im ir
fsrls, rsnes 4J Kit lit. Hoaor.
Another Stage in Restoration.
The world it moving tack to liable conditions
by stages, rather than at a iingle bound. Only a
little vhile was needed to disturb the relationi
of peace and plunge all into the confusion of
war, but much time it required to bring back
order and harmonious communication. The
economic conference, which opened at Genoa yes
terday, is one more of the stages that mark the
way from chaos to order. Paris was the first,
the result attained there being the laying of a
substantial foundation for the end of the war
nd the establishment of peace. Washington was
the next great step, where further progress was
made, and now comes the meeting at Cenoa.
At Taris the belligerents consulted, and the
victors gave, terms to the vanquished; at Wash
ington nation! particularly concerned in the ques
tions pertaining to the Pacific conferred with
ence to methods to be adopted in settlement of pos
nble future disputes and to thus secure the avoid
ance of war. Out of this grew the four-power
treaty and the agreement to limit naval arma
ment. All the world is interested in and will be
benefited by these steps, although only the na
tions immediately concerned In the Pacific were
present Questions to be considered at Genoa
have a world-wide aspect, but they are peculiar
to Europe and therefore the United States has
refrained from active participation, thereby jus
tifying the exclusive nature of the Washington
Addresses made at the opening session war
rant the supposition that the debate will com
pletely cover the situation in Europe. Lloyd
George expresses the thought that the conference
is to move to the end that war will be eliminated.
That, of course, is the ultimate goal; just now
the more immediate quest is a basis on which the
internal differences of a sadly-perplexed continent
may be harmonized, some means for ironing out
the bumps in the path to industrial and politicat
tranquility and prosperity.
If the delegations will be actuated by the
spirit that prevailed at Washington, and approach
all their tasks with the same spirit of confident
co-operation that brought such splendid results
at the arms conference, Genoa will set the world
a long way ahead of where it is today. Consid
able underbrush in the form of national jealous
ies, ambitions and grievances, will have to be
cleared away, but this can be done if the good
old rule of give and take be applied. The world
will watch Genoa as closely during the next few
weeks as it watched Washington last winter.
Going Back to the People.
A great deal of confusion in congress is un
doubtedly due to the fact that an election will be
held next fall. Every member of the lower house
:md one-third of the senators must face the vot
ers, asking for a new commission. Party control
is also at stake, the democrats hoping they will
be able tb secure enough seats to dominate con
gress and so to direct legislation in anticipation
of the presidential election in 1924. Animated by
such thoughts, the members are more anxious
.to keep in line with the fluctuations of public
thought than to do what might lose them votes,
no matter whether the act be right or not.
Sometimes it seems they mistake the omen, for
getting that "the shallows murmur, while the
deeps are' dumb," and mistaking the clamor of
the few for the thought of the many. No one
' - can always accurately forecast the sentiment of
1 - the American people, unless some great national
, , crisis or calamity impends. What is good, how
ever, is that periodically the lawmakers must
come to the people, make an accounting of their
acts, and stand or fall as their work is found good
or wanting. If a course is proper, the people
v will continue it; if a change be needed, the same
will be ordered. Even whims may have a hear
ing, but generally speaking the safety of the
country and its institutions lies in the fact that
elections do come around frequently enough to
prevent office holders forgetting where the
power lies in the United States.
, Tammany Moves West.
- Western newspapers aVe prone to moralize on
the sad state of municipal government in New
Yory City. Tammany Hall dominates affairs in
the metropolis, a democratic machine run for
revenue only. .The immense scale on which it
operates has blinded the self-righteous western
critics to the fact that on a lesser scale the same
boss control exists in their own part of the coun
try as well as in New York.
Right away one thinks of Chicago that being
another large city in which the critics do not re
side. But the evil condition can be found much
nearer home. The recent mayoralty election in
Kansas City gave a victory to the local Tam
many hall. The reformers there used 'to blame
ihe saloon vote for such a result, and more lately
heaped obloquy on the floating population of the
river wards, charging ballot steals and repeating.
In this last campaign, however, strict police
supervision prevented anything of this kind. The
votes that elected the Tammany mayor and coun
cil came from the residence wards, even the silk
stocking district giving good majorities.
What are reformers to learn from this? Omaha
did not particularly distinguish itself in the last
municipal campaign; the same trend is noted in
many other cities, in all parts of the country,
Therg teems to fci a let-down of civic morality,
Certain interest, cvtti buinrt inter, i tint
might be thought l lavor hone.t and ulicWnt gov.
trnu ent ' frequently found lined up with big
in 4 little Tammany bells, tit wen hoe personal
character is beyond reproach cither di not vote
cr sote in favor of loose administration.
There are Uw cities that can with right point
he finder of scorn at N'ew York. Mra.ure the
caliber of men who ru! the avenge, city of the
middle ft and compare it with that of the men
who bae erne to the top in New York's gov
ernment, and carping crituUin will be stdled.
i - - . , . -j
Arthur Conan Doyle'i Mission.
"Behold," wrote St. Paul to the Corinthians,
"I show o a mytery. Wc shall not alt sleep."
And now roiurt Arthur Coin Doyle to make
dear the way that M. Paul referred to at bring
mysterious. Not, however, as a dogmatic de
bater, but as sympathetic pleader does the lata
materialist approach America, lie says:
Spiritualist teaches a definite knowledge of
life alter so-called death. It teaches us nut to
Ur death, and that lite pacing of heart-beats
is merely a promotion.
lie will lay his mrsMge before the American
public, lecturing where he can get a hearing, but
will not inUt on cither his teachings or his
proofs being unwillingly accepted. It is a new
religion, he says, and as such is certain to take
hold of the world, for
fifty years from today this world is going to
be a spiritual world, iu w hich leaders of thought
are going to laugh at our puny attempts to
fathom the future.
One would scarcely feel like calling Sir Ar
thur's efforts puny, as he has made the most
stupendous endeavors, and, if his conclusions be
correct, the most mavelous of all discoveries. lie
believes, and believing, teaches lite after death
and the immortality of the soul on a different
plane, for the reason that:
It is the one great, final antidote for ma
terialism, which is the cause of most of our
recent world troubles. If we can make this
good, and the came has only to be clearly
stated to be proved, then surely America has
good cause to be proud that this great restate
ment of the fundamentals of religion should
have come upon her soil. It has been degraded
by some who believe in it, and derided by all
who do not, but the time has come to recog
nize the vital good that is in it and to free it
from sordid influence. High spirits do not re
descend upon earth in order to tell fortunes,
or to advise on business matters. The true aim
of all communication with spirits is consolation,
knowledge of spiritual matters, including the
condition of life after death, and self-improvement.
On this basis, the visitor will be welcomed,
because Americans do want to have the truth,
and that is the reason they have been so tolerant
of all religions.
Nebraska Communal Aspirations.
A symposium gathered by The Bee from dif
ferent newspaper editors shows such a variety of
aspirations and ambitions among the several
communities as indicates a healthy activity of the
public mind. While it is true that all are con
cerned in the great outstanding problems of pro
duction and marketing, because they directly
affect each community alike, the separate centers
of social life are turning to a diversified program
for local advancement. Each has taken up the
problem that seems to its citizens paramount at
this time, and each will work to the consumma
tion of a definite program. That is the certain
way of advancement. One things at a time is
enough to occupy any community; when too
much is undertaken, effort is likely to be scat
tered and energy dissipated in pursuit of more
than can be accomplished, leaving the disappoint
ment due to a fragmentary achievement. Study
of the answers indicates also an intelligent selec
tion, of objects or designs for public occupation
and civic betterment. Not all Nebraska com
munities are on a parity, as some have gone
ahead in one way, some in another, but there is
no question that all, even the smallest, have han
dled their home problems efficiently and success
fully, and that day by day each: is becoming a
still better place to live in. ,
HomeRule Now!
After fourteen years perhaps more Omaha
is in a fair way to gain home rule. Commis
sioner Zimman has announced that he will father
an ordinance in the city commission, submitting
the question at the election July 18, and under
the new law its adoption should be certain.
This is an issue which every citizen, should
support. Difficulties of the past which necessi
tated substantial changes in the charter submitted
with resultant opposition, have been wiped out.
The issue this time will be clear: ' Shall Omaha
accept its present charter, without change, as a
home rule charter?
If Omaha does, then the legislature will have
no further control over Omaha's local problems;
future changes in the charter will be by vote of
the people of Omaha. That is what Omaha has
wanted for many years and at last the way has
been made so direct and easy that Omaha can
blame only itself if it fails to take advantage of
its opportunity. '
All technical and controversial questions aside,
only one-third of the mine families are. entirely
supported by the earnings of the husband alone,
while the , other two-thirds . are dependent for
subsistence on the supplementary income derived
from the labor of the wife and children or by
keeping boarders and lodgers. Of course, there
are many others than miners in this fix,but that
does not make it a desirable condition.
Holdrege, scene of an automobile show style
show and radio telephone demonstration, all in
one week, is showing a spirit of confidence and
determination that should be more widely imi
tated. The eastern Nebraska towns need a good
injection of this western spirit.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in landing in New
York, tells the world Americans are the only in
telligent people. Arrah, go on with your blarney I
Judging from the number of times business
"has turned the corner," it ought . to hit the.
straight road pretty soon. ,
Watch the Soviets at Genoa. It has been so
long since they were out in company, you know.
Anyway, the Nebraska democrats are finding
cut who doesn't want to run for governor.
The Congressional Record is mighty interest
ing reading now and then.
Dame Nature is doing what she can to help
clean-up weel
Civil Service in Nebraska
Senator Norria Readi Soma Interesting
Letter During Dcbat Over Harding.
(From the Congressional Record )
tMaf, A II 4, tiMWI M IM Hut kl.lM Ml
m.iM ! .4iiui ! m4 ml Mto4 )
IM t1k. .him mm hkt fcwfit
l.l Ik. SW. M. .V IU. H.IN ! .4lMi IIM!M 4
M, ,t,i mm imtat. mMll IM l.aW.l.Mt af m.
MIMMM, llUnlH W P1tM (I tl MMI. IM
nt- 1 ,H (
I know of one c th'e caoes that happened
in my ute, and I would not bring my state in
here if my colleague had not done it. He has
brought the dirty linen out, and I am going to
give it another dcuc or two of soap. That is all
1 ant 'r.rig to do,
It seems to me humiliating that while the or
der was made all right and the Civil Service
ronnuiMon carried it out all right, in thee caet
in the slate of Nebraska, at leant, the first a
itant pontmaster general, in connection with
my colleague and with the chairman of the com
mittee on potollicfs and postroads of the
senate, who was a democrat, prevented, whenever
ihey did not like it, the carry ing out of l'ieideut
WiUou'a order.
Now, let us ore how my colleague, who is
surh a great civil service reformer now, felt
when he was not running for re-election and
when his party was in power. At the time these
litters, which I am about to read, were written
there was a man here by the name of l'arl B.
Gaddis, who was private secretary to my
rnlleague. Gaddis was alo at that time
Washington correspondent of the Omaha
World-llerald, a great democratic news
paper printed in Omaha, owned, edited and
publiched by my colleague. Other news
paper who had their representatives here
mid them admitted to the senate press gallery,
but the representative of the Omaha World
Herald could not be admitted to the press gal
lery because he was being paid by Lucie Sam
and held a job at the pleasure and good will of
inv colleague, and it was contrary to the rules to
admit such men to the press gallery. So he
could not he admitted there. Out he had an ad
vantage which the men sitting in the press gal
lery of the senate did not have. By virtue of the
apitoiutmtnt given him by my colleague he was
admitted right on the floor of the senate, so he
had an opportunity to get the inside every time,
and he c'id.
But while acting in this capacity, as my col
league's private secretary, Gaddis had some cor
respondence in regard to this very po;ollire out
in the state of Nebraska. There had been a civil
service examination held out there, and the fa
vored democrat did not get in. He was dctcatcd
in the examination and lost the office. In one
case it was a woman, so he had some correspon
dence with this woman, and he wrote her as fol
lows. The letter is dated. "United States Sen
ate. Washington, D. C, May 31, 1919," and ad
dressed: My Denr Mrs. Weeks:
I have your letter and hasten to reply.
Burleson nays: "Result of examination is only
thins that will count no politics makes no dif
ference if a republican is chosen."
That is the kind of a postmaster general we
have, and this is what makes the democrats
bollliiK hot and has caused numbers of them to
hand togther to insist upon Burleson's removal.
Hitchcock was the only democrat in congress
to voice a protest against Burleson's tyranny,
and. of course, Burleson didn't like It.
Think of it! There he sits, the only man in the
senate who had the courage to attack the great
Burleson and denounce him as a tyrant. Here
are h's praises bein sung by another great man
of his own choosing, his private secretary, his
newspaper correspondent, his newspaper editor,
dr.iwing a salary and getting his pay from Uncle
I continue the reading:
Hitchcock was the only democrat In congress
to voice a protest against Burleson's tyranny,
and. of course, Burleson didn't like it.
We will likely Buffer distinct embarrassment
one of these days of seeing a republican news
paper man who writes bitterly partisan copy
chosen to supplant a democrat in one of our
good Nebraska towns. We held the appointment
up for a long time
I told you a while ago how
by checkmating confirmation, but will be unable
to do so with a republican majority.
In other words, this faithful follower of the
World-Herald and of the senior senator from
Nebraska and financially of Uncle Sam, says,
"We did the work all right by having Hitchcock
prevent confirmation." He saved the country for
civil service notwithstanding "Burleson, the
tyrant," but now we are about to have a republi
can majority, and he can not do it any lonecr.
powerful though he may be.
Again reading from the letter:
All of this Is a burning shame, but Burleson.
the tyrant, has the upper hand and proposes to
keen it.
I hope Burleson will take notice in his retire
There is one ray of light, however, and it may
penetrate the dark recesses to democratic ad
vantage before the Norfolk postmaster is chosen.
Ihis letter is directed to Mrs. Wefekes. who
lives in Norfolk, and was a candidate for post
master there. Continuing:
lr Burleson is removed before the aDDointment
comes, it may be that his successor will see to
it that justice is done
He has disclosed the kind of justice he
I will watch developments closely and will keep
jou advised.
Again I say Burleson should be "strafed,"
then democracy would stand at least an even
chance of survival. Otherwise I fear the sins
of this tyrant will be visited upon our party for
years to come.
Cordially and sincerely yours,
Secretary to Senator Hitchcock.
Mr. President, I think 1 ought to continue the
reading. There is some more along the same
l.;ne. That letter was written Mav 31. 1919:
?nd on the 31st of July of the same year, Mr.
uaaais wrote another letter, which I think I
ought to read, because it throws some light
upon my colleague's conversion to civil-service
reform, under a republican administration, which
he so much despised under a democratic admin
istration. The letter starts out:
United States Senate,
Washington, D. C, July 31, 1919.
My Dear Mr. Weekes
This letter was apparently written to Mr.
Weekes, although the previous letter was ad
dressed to "Mrs. Weekes"
Have your letter of the 19th, and hasten to
reply to it
Reference to the Alnsworth matter -That
was another postmastership case where
the sleight-of-hand performance took place by
which a republican was put out and a democratic
put in
the Alnsworth matter, which you mention as
having been cited to you in the senator's letter
cf May 31 the senator could not obtain the ap
pointment of a man there friendly to the demo
cratic cause.
Now the senator is trying to get postmasters
appointed according to the civil service, but it
seems then that he was trying to get postmasters
who were "friendly to the democratic cause."
Now listen to this:
.When a republican was named he managed to
hold up the appointment
Consider that in connection with the Sena
tor's denunciation today of republicans trying
to prevent the operation of the civil-service rule.
The republicans learned their lessons from the
senator from Nebraska (Mr. Hitchcock); that
is the reason they do it so well. He is condemn
ing them now because they will not let the civil
service rule be put in force, and yet his secre
tary says that he was then trying his best to
prevent its enforcement, but did not always
succeed, as is shown here, but held up the ap
pointment for a- long time.
The senator could not obtain the appointment
of a man friendly to the democratic cause.
When a republican was named he managed
to hold up the appointment. That was all he
could do.
That, in other words, was interfering with the
rule, but the senator now condemns others for
interfering with the rule.
But now, under a republican senate, he will
be forced to give up that and must see a shame,
less republican named for the place. At no
time, under this new system of Burleson's, did
Mow to Keep ,k'ell
Qiwdwa iHuifiii k I tM, iMllfc
Iim w4 patia at ',
Miii4 is Pr. fctaa r imhvi at
Ik Baa, aill ka aM4 aarkaaallv
' kuajact la araaar luailaliaa, .
IUMi 44f4 la aa.
flaa4. Dr. Lvaak III aal awkl
dikfaakit ar la 4ivtdual
. A4aiM Ifilart la tki al
Ik ..
CBprnakti tJ
CiiunipiUn hit been ko pre
alrnt, o destructive of life, and so
-only tti the tonimunity Hut rttapa
froin It teemed uliiHMt uiiiiiiiiktl0.
Kil timv ii li lifrii in tir.upii down it no oiiiiir i loud alt the- kv.
and here and tliera Hi dent tinaka
inrouen. mer yonder Ui tun of
Iftiiay in willing hi id iiar Nnd
"i1 at niiilit in Hi kMitor'n itallchi
Itrprek-imi Unit anne enmmh
In warrant tlio Ihsuiiiuk of thinking
AllOllt IMMilll'loll.
(.'uliiiFita nf rmnce, whn hja iitn-
trinnteii nni. li or vnlu In tlm Pithl.
Milvium ilmi what wa niunt do a Inn
all thing U to prevent people, ami
ekpeemity thllilrcti, from "living: in
constant or regiilvr rimiurt Willi cx
pecioriitorn uf hacllla" lu um the
worda of lr. Bernard, profi-mor of
Hymen hi tho inivfrmiy of run.
There are two waya of doing that.
The lirxt la to keep alt tlioo will)
active, consumption in runiforl.ibl
iwhltiiria or homes. Thin n expr.
cliilly truo of mother who are con
mimptive. They iiiui-t he nepaniteil
from tlu-lr f,iiii!IU-i. Mfe In n will
equipped h'lxpitiil or sanitarium Is
one way of doing tltiit.
The mtoiiiI uiiy in to take the child
from the mother early nnd hond It
nway to relative In the country, or
10 un oonrui'ii in me country.
Prof. Bernard made weekly tuber
culin tcHiN on ii lot of bullion born
and nursed ),y consumptive moth
em. lie was ablo to provo when In
fection oiiuiied and how long It
took lo develop in rhll.lren receiving
a iinKive dM of genus from clone
association with their Infected par-ciiIh.
The prartlrul conclusion that he
reached was thnt such children
should bo taken away from iheir
mother soon after birth and bonrd
ed In the country. The nysteni of
bonrdlne of children In supervised
places In the country ns fleveloned
In France by Crani-her. Ik about the
same as that carried out by if. D.
Chapln in this country for several
What Hcrnard calls casual con
tract with I'OiiNumptinn may do no
harm, may even do good by building
up resistance to the disease. He
suggests that It may be something
like a vaccination against tuber
culosis. There Is a vast difference between
taking lu a few baccitli orcnKionally,
and taking in massive doses every
day, as is the case where ono lives
in tho housa with a careless con
sunitive, or works in a dusty work
shop side by side with such an indi
vidual. Would Bernard go so far as to ad
vise exposing children occasionally
to a little tuberculosis ror the pur
pose of building up their resistance?
To this he answers "No," saying,
"Tho infant should be sheltered as
far as possible from all contamina
tion, because his organism, as frail
as it Is untainted, falls a more ready
prey to a contamination whose
dosage we are unable to control."
This is the last sentence in the
last scientific paper in tho valedic
tory number of the short lived In
ternational ' Jpurnal ' of Public
Health. '
.IlilirexiailuaJ front 1 1 10 iuH.
I.uu-iilii. Auril T To i ha K.lHOr
: tf Tll tin PWiair ( Mat S
' in tulr p U ill. am Hit. hit-. ir . and th
American lesion aiiiplotinvni nio.
tlillfve, li writer ilMilt lit than:
' . . 4 - ... - .....
I iU fur io nraiir -it.uu iu" inn
d;n rue liipoliieii for jnbivta
WV ,.11, ,,-,
Th roioinitue well filcaard
with iha r mil i. Thruuali lh ch4
puliluuy that wa (iteii u, w are
dully pUetug Idle tt(n In m
ptomfiit, l U Pt NX.
t'lmiiiiian American Isaton Moor
"Unm ir law" Answered.
North l latt. Neb, Annl TT
the Kditor vt The Ue; The- an Ida
in our letter Mog this morning,
inv or ooe," by Mr, iipnhra
la pot vet v eoiikikivttl. Iiiamui h aa
he avnre Iha wel force for ninli
lug Ngalnat Ilia Volstead act, whn
lb f.ici are ihe dry force have
bi-cn organised all th lima and were
accmu-d iha other d.iy in roncr
of iiMlng a IJ.uun oiiu fund ready to
shape their egilation and openly
ail vert Ice that thry are ulng tin
money to elert rongrinen In th
Kouihern and weatem ainte. an why
condemn th oilier fellow for fol
lowing In our fnoutep.
Mr. Coienharve'a letter I a can
did adinion that the VoUtead act
la not lived up to and obeyed, and
tho fact a that no mutter how we
approach the question w conio to
th Mime i'oiiclukion thui It doe not
have th support of puhliu opinion.
Mini without that auppntt no law
will ever b adhered to and en
forced. I ued to think the Mm
way Mr. Copenharva doen, and
thought the prohlblilon law waa a
B ra n Vcgcta blcs Fru 1 1.
E. M. S. writes: "1. Will you
please let me know if dates are good
for the health?
"2. Let. me know what is good
for constipation."
1. Yes.
2. Bran as a bread and as a
cereal, vegetables, and fruit.
From the Side Lines: Bravo!
J. M. writes: "My mother has
come td live with us and is contin
ually calling my wife and me fresh
air cranks because I will not put
storm windows into our home and
woni her airlps In the door and
window ii he was used to having
at my sister' home.
i ,lia mv it.'lfa anrf T are
healthy and never had tin attention
of a doctor, whll th enimrrn or
my slider ra continually ratling for
doctor and medicine because their
home la o over heated. I rtar not
mny long when I viflt at her horn
in ihe winter months for fear of
enldilng a cold. .
"I ani empioyea as neau grower
In the hardy plant section of Amer-
i.u'. li.vffAut iAn1iniiM eatuhllMh-
ment and believe that what I good
for the well grown, neanny pianm
am growing I also good for the peo
ple of our climate in most the same
"I have a hot water heating sys
tem in my home, beraus I believed
It to be the most healthy beating
system, nnd our day temperature Is
never allowed to go higher than 65
or lower than 60."
I hale to get Into a family row.
but I am willing to risk saying I
think you are right.
Hazards for Mr. Fly.
T. M. S. write: "I have two fatty
lumps on my head and one on my
side about the size of half niarblea.
"The one on the side has been
there for years. Those on my head
have appeared recently.
"They seem to be growing are
I 1 . U . . . ..nolirhtltr At, Q VlO 1 ll
ltllllHSn U U L uuni.iiii.. w
head. The barber calls them wens.
"What causes them 7 Are iney
likely to lead to anything danger
us? Is an operation safe? Is It
In all probability these arc
lipomas or fatty tumors.
Lipomas are not malignant.
They grow slowly and rarely call
for operation.
You're Spoiling the Kid.
A. K. A. writes: "My baby boy is
18 months old. Heart and lungs
sound. Lives only on milk for
breakfast, dinner and supper.
"In what possible way could
eet him to cat. or would you ad
vise me to go to a baby specialist?"
A child 18 months old cannot
thrive on milk alone. You must
make him eat other foods as well,
Tempt him as much as is advisable.
but get it done by fair means or
The question Is one of training.
(Continued From Preceding Column.)
the senator have the remotest chance
of naming a democratic friend.
Too bad, was it not?
Also with reference to the Scotts
bluff matter
Seottsbluff is another postofilce in
Nebraska mentioned In Arthur
Mullen's office
Arthur Mullen is the democratic
national committeeman from the
state of Nebraska, and is a very
fine man--
mentioned in Arthur Mullen's of
fice in Mrs. W.'s presence we did
not wire for the name of a man to
name there. We merely suggested
to Arthur that he get some demo
crats in the examination there who
might stand strong chances of pass
ing the examination.
It seems that my colleague was
in doubt whether or not democrats
could pass the examination.
We made it perfectly plainv to
Arthur that our only hope lay in
getting some democrat in the race
there who could stand the examina
tion. -
I might add that the outlook now
is that a republican topped the list
and must be named for the place.
Hitchcock has no more chance of
getting a democrat in there than a
snowball has in August weather in
That is too bad, especially in the
case of a man who is now such a
great and ardent admirer of the
civil service!
So you see with these facts in
your possession, there is anything
but politics being indulged in by the
administration in naming of post
masters. Senator Hitchcock has agreed
with few things which this man
Burleson has done since taking of
fice, particularly since the war came
on. And he has voiced that dis
agreement, as many other demo
crats have done. But not a demo
crat here in Washington has the
least thing to do with the naming
of postmasters. All they can do is
get their friends to take examina
tions and pray that civil service
marks will lead later to their eleva
tion to the places. That is all the
good Lord could do if He were a
democrat now and here trying to
get justice for His party in the nam
ing of His postmasters.
If Gentle, at Norfolk, is not a
loyal American
Now. here is a hint; here is a way
to hold up a nomination. Gentle was
a republican; he was a candidate
for postmaster, and Senator Hitch
cock's private secretary says this is
the way to hold up the nomination.
He says.
If Gentle, at Norfolk, if not a
loyal American or is an immoral
citizen, his appointment can be held
up. But these are the only grounds
upon which there is the slightest
show of keeping him out of the
I agree with what you say about
the damned inconsistencies in run
ning the Postoffice department that
way. It is a shame that we must
endure it, the Lord knows; -but the
game cannot be beaten the way it
is played Just now. Thank heaven,
there may be a way opened up later
whereby it can be beaten; but when
that time comes It may be too close
to the time the republicans will take
the administration away from us
simply because they play politics up
to the limit all the time.
Arthur Mullen understands the
difficulties precisely. Talk the mat
ter over with him some time, or If
you are in Omaha on July 24, when
the national chairman and his party
are there, join them and hear what
they ve got to say on the subjeet.
With kind regards and best
wishes. EARL B. GADDIS,
Secretary to Senator Hitchcock
Mr. President, it v.SU be noted
that a suggestion is there made as
to how appointments can be pre
vented. Ihe civil-service rule is in
force and there is no way to pre
vent the appointment, but the senior
senator from Nebraska (Mr. Hitch
cock), the great civil-service states
man, is here ready and willing and
able, it the evidence is furnished
him, to prevent confirmation. A
charge must be made that the suc
cessful republican aspirant is not a
true American or that his character
is immoral, and the senior senator
from Nebraska will hold the nomina
tion up and prevent confirmation.
As I said awhile ago, he succeeded
over two sessions of congress in
holding them up, without any
charges being filed, simply by put
ting the papers in his pocket and
carrying them away.
Mr. President, I have some more
letters of a similar import, but I
am not going to take the time of
the senate to read them at this moment.
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When Pyramid Pile Suppoiitorie
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Yes, Pyramid Pile Suppositories,
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The fact that almost every drug
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Pyramid Drug Co., 5l Pyramid
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pii pit,. 'f ruidlun. bat iu
iMtrliiig iit'rr kui I P"4 thai
it waa tmti?4 itiikiake, and tb vnly
way lo correct a itiiika la tt ad
mit ( and Ilia proper iioiioii lo
Ktllfy t. I lui.. i allow llMt nit
law iu l hi-4 by puUllu i-pmu-n
wa rter io4la r Hit, tlm, and In.
kpectil of Ilia ineni of lln iow
liter wem l' be an umleu'Urrrnl
Of feeling H la atrikiug at lh
freedom of lb hoiiie, w lilt It eiy
nun coiiilfi hi tiii, and no
amount uf argument will tlituae
IttU opinion otic ll beeom tooled
and grounded, and to t l4ir mid jui
u ........... Iki.t rHHMili lllrtf ill
the tniulia election lat kpilug wa
convincing prooi pi hub awmun,
a id utikUc.TMlul candi'litiv were
men of lionckiy, Integrity and ability,
tmt eemed lo feel Ihe eoneueme
nt an iiiidviviirreiil cf reeiilnienl
Mg4iut be VoUead ait. N"
i annul ttipoM M mi inif-non m
i . .... ..,( I ftliij. tM,-aUka
It crop li on both aide. 11 a gel
down o good common a-n ami
b ale and try and lind proper aolu whn Ii will be fair and Jul to
nil, eo no one can complain of be
ing unjustly dim -rimlnaied alnt,
and we will ha a fr belter and
happier cimeiikliin for d!n If
we will jit cut ouc tht habit of
hiiung lite other ,fcllow and get
down to aouiul rivt and reMn io
grtber. A. J. IILMKltSi.N. !
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Feather (m
One of the best months to raise and hatch
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Christopharson Coal and Feed Co, 350S N. JOtb
L. H. Cinek, 5218 S. 24th St.
Ford Feed Store, 620 N. 1 6th St.
J. S. Handelmsn, 6620 S. 36 tb St.
Murphy Coal and Feed Store. 4602 S. 28th St.
B. D. Pasey, Papilllon. Neb.
Pelts Bros, 3005 Haskell St.
J. H. Price, Florence.
Ssratoca Groceries and Meats, 2404 Fori St.
Stoltenberg Elevator Co, 6136 Military Ave.
The Red Feather Store, 1236 S. 13th St.
Walnut Hill Feed Store, 1425 Military Ava.
West "Q" Feed Co. 45th and Q Sts.
Welsh Grocery Co, 4705 S. 24th St.
A. W. Wolfson, 5642 Wsst Center St.
29th and B Streets, Omaha
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