THE BKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. Aim U. 1022. Society Rod ice vs. Skirt Before the Court To W4 Onuh Man. , Mr, and Mr. Walton G. Robert el Luuolu announced on undy the fi'Sxmcnt of their daughter, Otne iee, to Walter O. Johnon o( Omaha. Both young people attend' 4 the University ci ,NehrV, Ntt u a lunuier of .Minn 1'ni and Mr, Jnhnfni) o( Alpha Tan Omega, The wedding till take pUi in May and tliry live in Unuita. Vaatar Club Honors Mia Little. Mi l.yit Little, Alumnae tecre Ury rf VatMr cnllege, ho lu been iiiMidiiia a iiteeiiiis of the American Coliegute Alumnae in Kantai Citv. irnrl in Ouulu Mnitday iiiurininf Mie i the guest of the Var dub at lumliren at noon at the Omaha ilub. and upole informally on (lie kanoat City conference. Those pit. rut Hfie the Me.damea Arthur tiuoii. Saniti'l Kee, Clair Itainl, Kolrt I ptlike. Warren JltacWwell I.loyl O'hnrne. Dr. Mary Biiell a itf I Mii Hilda Hammer. Will Arrive Sunday. Mi.. Wallace l. I-ovclt will arrive nm Sumiay with her on, r'hilip, Oray Lovell of tamlirijge, to be Ue curia if Mr. and Mr. Arthur C .smith for the wedding of MW Helen Smith and Mr. Lovell, which will take place Tuesday. Mri. Smith will entertain at luncheon at the Onuha rlub for Mra. lovell on the W'ednfi- day following the wedding. Dinner for Dr. Cifford. 'I lie Utnaha Woman's Pre club will Kve a dinner for Dr. Harold , (iifford Wednesday evening. April IV at 7 o'clock in the Brandcii pri e dining room. Following iIip dinner ' Dr. Clifford will peak on Im trip to the ir-uitth American jungles. Omaha Woman'a Club. Mrmlirri of tliar Omaha Woman's cluh w ill Orchard & Willirliu'a tire Monday morning, April 17, at 10 3. in. Those intending to h'c present are requested to notify Mrs. R. U Franta. The home economics department will hold its annual business meet ing Thursday, 10 a. ni., at the V. V. C. A. Yates Parent Teacher. Miss Mary Ii. 1'ox will speak on "Moral Development, Ethical and Religious Training" at a meeting of the Tarent-Teacher association of Henry W. Yates school Wednesday afternoon at J o'clock. v For Miss Brandt. Miss Dorothy Cavanaugh and Miss Winifred Smith have issued invita tions to a picnic supper next Mon day evening honoring Miss Winifred Brandt and James Hunsaker. whose wedding will take place April 19. W. C. T. U. Meeting Postponed. The mcrting of Frances Willard W. C. T. U. scheduled for Wednes day has been postponed on account of the "flying squadron" talks at the First Christian church. Mu Sigma. Mil Sigma will hold its annual business meeting , Wednesday, 2 p. m., at the home of Mrs. G. W. ' Xohlc, 3505 Hawthorne avenue. ' session will be fol lowed by a social hour. ,i ' 1 -"' For Mrs. Baldrige. Mr.' and Mrs. S. B. Doyle will be hostess at luncheon and a theater party at the World on April 19, hon oring tMrs, Malcolm Baldrige. ,' Y. W. C. A. Tuesday Class in sewing meets at 6:30 p. m- Wednesday Morris Girls' club supper, 5:30, followed by . talk on "Health and Beauty." Athletic' club supper, 6:15, - fol lowed, by talk on "Personality," by Mrs. Eliic Steen Kittelson. Regis tration for supper must be made by Tuesday evening. Class, in drawing, 7 p. m. Thursday Members of Prof Var tanian's Bible class will meet for din ner, at 6:15.. followed by the closing lesson of the course. Registrations must be made by Thursday morn ing for the dinner. Cookerv class, 6:30; Busy Circle club, 7:45. Singing led by Miss Agnes Swanback; Business .English, 8:15, with Miss Pearl Rocfcfellow, in structor. Friday Closing lesson of the course in millinery, 6:3,0 p. m. ADVERTISEMENT. FOR EXCESSIVE URIC ACID TRY 4 THE WILLIAMS TREATMENT 85-Cent Bottle (32 Dotes) Free Just btcstis you start the day worried ani tired, stiff lefts and arms and mus cles, an achinir head, burning and bear ing; down pains in the back worn oat ' before the day begins do not think you have to stay in that condition. , Be strong, well, with no stiff Joints, sore muscles.' rheumatic pains, aching haelc or kidney trouble caused by body made acids. If you suffer from bladder weakness, with burning, scalding pains, or If you are In and out of bed half a dosen times a night, you .will appreciate the rest, com fort and strength this treatment should giv. Wo want to prove The Williams Treat ment gets results In Rheumatism, Kidney Irritation, Bladder weakness and all ail ment caused by excessive uric acid, no matter how chronic or stubborn. If you .end this notice with your name and address we will give you an IE-cent bottle (32 doses) free, riease send 10 rents to help pay postage, paeklng, etc.. to the The Dr. D. A. Williams Co.. Dept. W-2I5S. P. O. Building. East Hampton, Conn. Send at once and we will mall veu by parcel post one regular 85-cent bottle. all. charges prepaid. Only one free. bottle -will be sent to the same person.- address or, family. ADVERTISEMENT STOP ITCHING ECZEMA Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo .Will Help You Xever mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burn ing, itching Eczema quickly by applying- Zemo furnished by any drug gist for 35c Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of Eczema, Tet ter. Pimples, Bash, Blackheads and imilar skin diseases will be re moved. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. When others tail it is the one dependable treatment for skin trouble of all kindr,. New Vork. (Special Correspond ence.) Thee dayi you can no more expect a bodice and a skirt to share the same rntimcii(.tlian ou can ex pect a similar agreement between .Mr. Lodge and Mr. Johnson. Of course, this is a broad statement, but it is partially supported by the great number of frocks with con trailing bodice and skirt. Many of the crepes, in particular. divide themselves between plain and printed backgrounds. Thus, a black and white crepe waist will take to itself a vivid yellow or green skirt. Indeed, there are infinite combina tions of fabrics going hand in hand with the aforementioned color con flicts. Foulard, which, by the way, is extremely popular, especially in the bold black and white designs, is oft en touched up with sleeves and pan els and trimming of bright green or re'd crepe. For it must be remem bered that color is the thing this spring, and even our blacks and white must be made startling by a touch of brilliant material or orna ments. The orettv dance frock shown to day has a corsage of white .char meuse with an original sleeve joined to a skirt of red and black brocade. Personals Mrs. E. VV. Nash is confined to her home by illness. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot left Saturday for New York City. John C. Neff of Omaha and H. Ferer are at Excelsior Springs for a few days. : Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Faltzmau moved Monday to the Coronado apartments. Mrs. A. E. Becker is in Lincoln, where she was called by the illness of her sister. Mrs. Guy Haxby of Kearney is visiting relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs. fr A . A . Wecfprcaril lias re turned from an extended visit in Kansas City. Mrs. H. L. Alleman is spending the week in Excelsior Springs, as is Mrs. E. E. bterncker. Mr. and Mrs. George Myer of Du mque are at the home of Mrs. My x's mother, Mrs. E. W. Nash. A daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was born at the Stewart Hospital April 9 to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jensen. Mrs. F. M. Russell and Miss Mar garet Parish will entertain Wednes day afternoon for miss winitrea Brandt. . ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kennebeck have returned from Hot Springs, Ark., where they spent several weeks. Mr. nd Mrs. W. F. Baxter left Saturday for a month , in Galveston and New Orleans. They will return to New York by boat. - Dr. G. W. Dishong returned Sun day from Minneapolis,. where. he at tended a meeting of the American College of Physicians. . ir.. r:t j c u.ii I AC. ivirs. jYiuudiu o.' mm aiiu -wiisa Dorothy Hall left Monday for At lantic City where they will spent 10 days with Jasper Hall who is on his t . v.l. spring vaiaiiuu iiom taic, Miss Virginia Barker; returned Sunday morning from St. Timothys school near Baltimore to spend the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker. Miss Mary Angela Fox spent the week-end with her sister, Mist Ce cile Fox, at the Delta Gamma house in Lincoln, where she attended the annual spring party of the sorority. Mrs. Edgar Morsman -will return Tuesday from New York, where she has been spending several weeks with her daughter. Miss Mary Morsman of BrySi Mawr. and her son Edgar Morsman. Ill, who have been having their Easter vacations. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe and their daughter, Miss Prairie Paxton, arrived from New York Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze jor a week. Mrs. Saxe is being en tertained by many of her old friends, but since it is Holy week all affairs are being given most informally. Miss Louise Webb and Mrs. Jessie Parshall and their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Hickox of Fremont, Neb., have returned home after spending the winter at Palm Beach and Miami, Fla. From Miami, they sailed to Havana for a 10-day trip. Miss Webb has now left for Harrington. Neb, w here the will make her home. Delegates Named to N.Y. Convent ion by Woman's Club Mr.. Tliilip Totter an l Mr. (!.' L HfMiprl SflrHtftl for Hieiiiiidl Meeting f Fftlcrtttioii. Mrs. (lurlis K. Johannes, rfi. dent of I In; Onaha Woman' a tub; Mr. I'liilip rotter ar.4 Mrs. l lurlei I.. Jicmprl were elected delefatia to the biennial convention of the i!cn eral Federation of Women' duK to be held in I liauUunua. X. Y the last week in June, at meeting if the dub Monday attermvm in Hur geH-Naoli auditorium. The alter nate are Mctdamc Kditar Allen, W. S, Kniclit anil Jalm lUariiunn. Mr. F.dwarj Jolm.on announced that letters were brinir sent out by the civic committee tu a'l women organisation in the city urging mother to co-operate with the com mittee in seeing that young people are chaperoned at public dunce and that they dance properly. The civic committee mid an aux iliary committee composed ot vari ous civic organisations in the city are sponsoring a scries of education al motion picture show for M'huol children on Saturday morning at the picture houses throughout the city. The films are briug supplied by the government. April 2V it the date tet for the next showing. The annual club birthday party scheduled for April 24 will be omit ted this year owing to the benefit card purtv to bo given April .'1 in the Bra,ndeis grill. Mrs. Philip Totter, first vice presi dent of tiie club, presided in the ab sence of the president, Mr. Charles Johannes, who was called to Cali fornia lat week by the illness of her brother. Hints On Planting a Lawn B? JEAN TRUE. Perhaps lour lawn nerd improve' inrnt. and ton leel iiiwoiiipeteiit lo pUn and belter arrangement, yet ton j io H to- You with to have a ,piit in it planum;, but feel vou may err in our judgment. Ypu (in do one o! to thing: Call i rofessioiiat landscape S4rdener and ell him jour want and he will hrlp ymi; or study laun planting vnr. -fit, lor the latter inrtnoa draw tour plan to a tcate. mark every tietad rarefullv, and mad to tome magaiiue whuli employ an eapert landscape gardener, who will exam ine your plan, criticise and return it to vou with tuBuettioiit. Uy this plan ;on have performed large part in that ynu have thought out your original plan yourteli. Here are tome old but reliable mine. lion that will help you to rlan and arrange your on lawn, After you have made a pencil draw ing of the houe and lawn, located carefully the house, outbuildings, walk, tree, shrubbery, flower and garden, at you wish them to he. study tin drawing a a unit. Cbaime it to suit the law of design. Land rape gardener tell u that in order to get reult we mut observe cer tain rnl'. live fundamental princi pal "Unity, variety, character, pro priety and linish." "L'nity" ivay be secured Uv the following rules: (1) Plan "open lawns," i. e. leave the center open. Do not plant ilowcrs and shrubs in patches in open lawn, a it de stroys unity. (1) Keep trees and Oinihi on the boundaries of the lawn. (J) Plant "in tnac." (4) I'sc "curved hues." (5) Group tree lo secure open spaces. In na ture trees are never found spaced in straight rows. (() riant flowers along the foundation of the houe, and in borders on the sides of the Omaha Woman on National Committee - Mesdames J'. K. Wallace, J. C. McClure. B. K. Ilalley, A. S. Har rington, S. M. Cronk, Herbert Wood land, Sanfnrd Hudson, H. If.'IIen ningson, Victor West and Miss May Somers of the Omaha College club have returned from Kansas City, where they attended the conven tion of the American Association of University Women. Mrs. Wallace, president of the club, was invited to serve on a na tional committee with the presi dents of the New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Detroit clubs to rec ommend ways and means for in creasing branch memberships. Promintnt women speakers at the meeting were Dean Ada Comstock of Smith college, President Mary E. Woolcy of Mt. Holyoke college and Professor L, P. de Castclvecchio of Birmingham, England. . Reports of the convention will be given by Mrs. Wallace and Miss May Somers at the general meeting and luncheon of the club Saturday, 12 o'clock, at the Rome hotel. Plans for the card party to be given for the benefit of the Woman's Exchange Wednesday afternoon, April 19, in Brandeis grill, will also be discussed. Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Harry Patrick, Kenwood 4004. lawn where t!ry may lave a bask protiud. I?) keep "building to on tide," t7 Avoid center walk and drives, t'e p!iity of shrubherv, J i na ture shrub are found in dumps and aUvpg the border in the wood, Ar range fhruht near the house, in or uVr to bring the houe and la it to gether, Tin fUn help to tecui uny, 1'luiit phntv of vine. M them tUniber over the muhuildint-'. feme and pergola. Climber help la beaut it v. require ltile attention, give pleating result and help to se cure unity by chuglng to porches, wali. old tree trunk and twining about the shrub, The second fundamental principle to le observed in planting a lawn it "variety." Thl principle inav be secured by dillc rente in (It furfaee, (.M change of furm. ti) curved drive and walk. (4) clunw tig die sky line, (5 different plant in anuitial design. (0) ue of per spective, (71 changing groups ttarkening the background to give variation in color. (9t open vit.t to break the border line, (10) a change in texture in plant. (11) mixing flower that bloom at diller tnt seasons of the ear. (12) change of background ami foreground. "Character" U the third principle used in planting a lawn. It may be lound in "simplicity, complexity, dignity and boldness." In plan and arrangement: by doing something orignal. providing it it faultless and of distinct character. A fourth principle it found in "ap propriateness." In planning your lawn try to make it in keeping with the surroundings. Avoid overdoing the lawn by over-elaborateness in design and poor arrangement of colors. The fifth and last of these princi ples has been designated "buish " (I) The designer must plant cvicl tent specimen if he eipecu result. (.'I Ne !ut good can i given to taun and I'Unt.; that it i kept (lean and orderly, A lawn mav be ever to carefully plained, but if neglect ed toon lne it bc4iny. I'rines, W4'k. build"gs. s'.iruliUiv. tree, itowrrt and lawn need earnest care to give the finish desired, iTk Omthi hss sfura lt S"f tis vt J.-n fius. h as Hfi4 si:m el SMI.irt 'ills IIm. n4 lis ifiuuit'lLi't ! svili Hr hjui) h !ihh ft Us fluM.H.s rlsiit 14 slilS !", Ik tluu-a Hud IIS t-ln,t In S- ..i,iS Kill Im t., Tl.s iimslis Mrs i.hs la il r4l s4iisM.s in Omaha tiou-ns an-l 11 iir rssdrts In slimsl. If Hsfctf s lirtbl'il ) s4 as4iisH,s, will len.r s'l s'.s i in ! Trui. ii isi l In H- Thinprs You'll Love To Make HinduCut Out Scarf t a a i Sermo Club. The Sermo ehih will-meet inform ally Tuesday with Mr A, W, ten ner. The regular meeting ha been postponed. Legion Auxiliary. The American Legion auxiliary will meet Tuesday. 8 p. m, in Me morial hall, court house. lice Want Getters. Ads Are lUi'lncss- ' A Hindu cut out iarf is something new or you to make a a runner for your table. Mark out with pencil, or iuve stamped, a simple design simi lar to the one shovvti, C'arelully cut out the darkened part. Cut narrow lna ttript ot the same material from which the scarf is made or from material of a harmonizing or con tracting color. Hind all the cut-out edge. Hind or overcast the edges of the scarf. A Hindu cut-out scarf look stunning on a gale leg or hliraty table. ruiiiht, !::. Wmt to fatis ic? IITTUr 1VCH Ail rt i ins T7 bentsze zor 3 lor a levrntgntsana. They deaxae your vrAem of all wastei matter aod uefviaie xov iwwca. Mild as easy to take as sugar. .BOWEN'S. 1'aluC'Civing Stare Don't Forget (a be at the II. R. Powen Co. atoro or repretented by oim member of the family Thursday, April 13 8 P. M. A on that day and date we shall give away One Grand Rapidi Refrigerator One Garland Gat Rang One Kitchen Cabinet One Room-Size Congo leum Rug Sign your ticket and get full unrliculaii nt main aialo desk. It pay to read Bowtn't Small Ada Howard St., bet. 15th and ltk When in Omaha STOP AT Hotel Rome ADVERTISEMENT. A SWEET LITTLE BABY BOY Makes a Bright Spot in ' Every Home. A Comfort in Years to Come Park Raoids. Minnesota. "I rnwa. taken your medicine Lydia E. Pink- USUI! D cgtwura Compound when I was a girl for pains and be fore and after my marriage, l now have a sweet lit tie baby boy and, will send you ma picture if yon wish 10 puDiisn lu my sisters also take your medicine and ind it a great iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI v. i I. ,H( jtll help, and I recommend it to those who suffer before their babies are born." Mrs. Wh. Johnson, Box 156, Park Rapids, Minn. To marry and arrive at middle age ' without children is a great disap pointment to many women. Think of 1 the joy and comfort other women, have in their children as they grow older. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped to bring great happiness to many families by re storing women'to health. Often the childless home is due to a run down condition of the wife, which may be helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. It brought health and happiness into the home of Mrs. Johnson. Why not to yours? , ADVERTISEMENT. Spring Time Advice For Tired Mothers Mothers who are tired and run down by the strain of family cares can rebuild strength" and regain normal health by taking Father John's Medicine which is all pure, wholesome nourishment. The food elements which this old fashioned prescription contains are so pre pared that they are quickly taken up by a system weakened and run down. There is no false. stimulation in Father John's Medicine. It is pure, wholesome nourishment. Guaran teed free from alcohol or danger ous drugs. FOR COUGHS t ELDKEDGE-REYMQLDS Store .of Specialty Shops, 4'l T r- I -1 FASHIONABLE HATS al exceptionally loT prices, $7 to $15 HANDSOME models are here in many shapes and Fashion has-been so bountiful in colorings and effects that every woman will find among these strikingly different hats just the type of hat which will most attractively set off her personality. Never has the Eldredge-Reynolds Millinery Shop been able to present better values than these offered before Easter. TAILORED SAILORS $2.95 A limited numbsr of these hats will be placed on sale at the low price of $2.95; ex cellent styles and col ors from which to choose. TRIMMED HATS $5.00 Do hot fail to see our special $5.00 hats which we are featuring for Easter week. Splendid quality in every style and color. HERE ARE THE SHOES for WOMEN'S EASTER WEAR SOME in patent leathers, some in gray tones but all of them in so many different models that you will find it easy to be fitted both com fortably and gracefully. Here are a few of the popular styles for present wear. A patent leather slipper with gray suede combination is one of the popular models that will appeal especially to the "flapper" who likes to be up-to-date. Low wooden heels and wide strap with buckle make them very attractive. Priced at $7.85 A very fashionable model is of patent and beige fastened with 1 strap; military heels priced very $Q CA low, at PO.JU Dainty gray suede combined with patent leather with low flat heels makes a very clever model for street wear, and it is CC also priced very low at PO.OD Patent leather slippers with one d x rjA strap, low heels, are priced dyOsUU i ' .. .. Black satin dress pumps with either dQ (?A Spanish or low heel, priced PO.sJV Shoe Shop Main Floor HOSIERY Millinery Shop 2d Floor DISTINCTIVE and EXCLUSIVE Most Important for Easter. Your Easter costume will depend for its suc cess on the hosiery you select to wear with it. Our Easter showing of hosiery offer stockings of every texture to wear with every kind of garment, be it sport or "dress up." We are featuring particularly the famous Gotham Gold Stripe Hose, the "silk hose that wear." Eldredge-Reynolds Co. are exclusive agents in Omaha for these hose, which are guaranteed to give service. Ask about the Gotham Re pair Service now in effect Hote Shop Main Floor GOATS and WRAPS at $89.75 corsets- Luxurious coats of Marvella, Gerona,' Veldyne, Twill Cord in exclusive styles are to be found in this special group. The styles are innumerable and the colors in clude dove, navy, sand, lady bird, taupe and black. Each coat fully lined with contrasting colored crepe, canton or pussy willow. Sizes 16 to 44. Worth up to $125.00. In the Correct Styles You will doubly enjoy the fit of your new Easter wear if you have our corsetiere select the shape and form of corset best suited to adapt your figure to the new modes. We carry a complete line of corsets from the most famous makers and will be glad to be of serv ice to you in your selection. Corset Shop Main Floor SIMPLE TAILORED BLOUSES Of Silk or Cotton $1.85 to $10 NOTHING looks smarter than a beautifully tailored blouse, whether it be of silk or cotton. Youthful models in a variety of styles, including those of batiste, linen, pongee, crepe de chine, or satin, are here, and the prices are sur prisingly low. They range from $1.85 up to $10.00. This is go ing to be a blouse season, and you will want plenty of them, so why not come in tomorrow and make your selections while our stock is so complete? Bloui Shop Main Floor SCARFS In Brightest Colors One's costume is not complete without one of the beautiful bright colored scarfs. A splen did array of these popular articles greets you here in' every conceivable style and color .com bination. Priced specially from $2.59 up. Sweater Shop Main Floor' Becoming DRESSES ' for around the home Rare and beautiful colors have been delightfully blended in these dainty dresses for house and porch wear. The styles have a variety as wide as the designs are different. Becoming effects for the stout woman are included in this biggest showing of en tirely original cotton dresses. And the important part of them is their prices, which- are ex tremely low, ranging from 76c to $3.95. Houae Drei Shop Main Floor For the Little Cirls COATS and OA PES Cunning square cut raglan models that are splendid for utility wear, tailored ' models, and dressy capes and coats suit able for best. Many are pocketed and buttoned with all the care characteristic of women's coats. The season's most popular materials are found here. Priced from $8.75 up. " ' For the Little Women DRESSES Daintily made of different youthfully colored materials in silk, georgette, and wash materials. Bits of wool embroid ery on pongees, fluffy ruffles and tucks on the georgette. Ribbons, embroidery and flowers on others are some of the... delightful features of the dresses. Prices are from $1.75 to $29.75. Cirls' Shop Second Floor