Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
U. MttH. 4mmI
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IMUM. IM M .- ''"" '
Tho ! lrUtlM f TV 0ah Bn
f.r March. 123
Daily Average 71.775
Sunday Average ...78365
tLMlft S. MOOD, Ca-calalie Mii
Iw. ta . ...Mr! klfl M lU Ilk
SI) W. H. QUIVtY. WUry fy.lf
atK TtLtrHONtS
m .. Ak fr t ATU,U
MriBl Nr.. Wealed. AI'",U
Mukt tall Afr I I. M l Mllnn.l JQOO
D.arteai. AT Unite Hit ar MM.
u.. flDi.-ltik aa' Fariiam
Co. Blulf 1 Su. Soma 9l I. Hth Bt.
N.w York tin . ...
Wa.hii-uu i-u:
rn, rr 42 U Honor
Semenoff and Siberia. .
The srrot of Gregorie ScmenurT, late gt n
ml oi the nti-bolhevik force in Siberia, on
charge of grand larceny in New York ought
to open the eye of the world to certain prac
tice! that grew out of the Ruian revolution.
Ceneral expropriation of eitatciwas carried on in
the name of the people at represented by the bol
ihevik leaden. At might have been expected,
this wift!y developed into private looting, and
the early dayt of the bolshevik regime it a
record of robbery that far transcend anything
ever recorded. The tack oi Rome by Alaric was
tut a holiday excurtion compared to the sack
of Ruttia by the redt. Princess Cantacuzcne
hat given to America a vivid, but rational, ac-
count of what happened at the estate of her
husband when the proletariat took hold, and
it it not difficult to imagine that tomething like
that occurred in many other places.
American Iroops were sent to Vladivostok,
in company with those of Japan and other of
the Allies, to safeguard property. It was known
at the time that millions of dollars' worth of
munitions and supplies were lying alongside
the railroad track through Siberia, waiting to be
transported to Russia for use along the West
ern Front when Russia collapsed. This material
had not been paid for, and yet belonged to
American makers. It was also known that
'American firms had extensive warehouses,
stored with goods, in that region. And these
were- looked upon, by Semcnoff and his kind
as fair game.
Something like two years ago the bolshevik J
commissioner, then busy in London trying to
establish trade relations with ' Great Britain,
'found in what light civilized governments re
gard tuch procedure. A consignment of tim
ber, offered in the name of the Lenin govern
ment, wat seized by the British courts and re--
; stored to its British owners, because title had
not passed and the red authorities were not in
any sense justified in confiscating property of
aliens and then attempting to sell, it back to its
rightful owners.
Aside fron the charge of murder brought
against Semenoff by Colonel Morrow, which
. offense the federal government may or may
not take further cognizance of, the late general
is getting an insight into the law of civilized
governments that; may serve him well. Plain
looting is looked upon as simple thievery, and
the responsible parties must make accounting
accordingly if overhauled. It is this principle
that has so far prevented the recognition of the
Obregon government of Mexico. When a treaty,
already offered, recognizing the responsibility
of Mexico for acts committed by Mexicans is
signed, and a commission to adjust '"claims is
agreed to, Obregon will be granted all the
rights . and consideration due the head of a
state. But the principle antes first. '
Safety in the Air Lanes.
Casual thinkers might be of the opinion that
the air is wide enough to render a head-on col
lision between passenger-carrying planes unnec
essary, or at least avoidable. The accident on the
London-to-Paris route points to the opposite con
clusion. One of the rules of passenger flying is
to pursue the shortest distance between two ob
jectives, which tf course, is the straight line. In
this instance the safety element was provided for
by a rule that flyers were to keep well to the
right of the marked route, and this rule was not
followed by one of them. In Kipling's well re
membered tale of '-'The Flight of the Night Mail,"
safety was secured by assigning different eleva
tions to the various kinds of traffic. . Such a plan
might be followed in actual practice, although
other devices are available. ; The need of the con
trol of air navigation is becoming mort and more
apparent as days go by. United States air mail
pilots, whose experience is as extensive and as
conclusive as any, recommend the charting of air
lanes, to the end that danger of collision or other
accident be eliminated. ' Air ships are certain to
increase as time goes on, and now is none too
soon to begin to develop regulations for a traffic
that holds as many possibilities of unpleasant ac
cidents as does the business of aviation.
Cured by a Tfip to Europe.'
Things look different, close up. At least they
did to Senator Owen. Back in January this
Oklahoma statesman introduced a bill in con
gress for extending the federal reserve system
to Europe. His object was to stabilize exchange,
issue a sort of international currency and stimu
late trade activity between the United States and
Then Senator Owen went abroad on aour of
inquiry. Returning' home with greater knowledge
of foreign conditions, he has withdrawn his bill.
The cocksureness that he displayed in presenting
his original plan has been routed by the hard
facts. His original view was thus expressed:
' "The one gigantic outstanding fact which retards
rapid restoration of European commerce and in
dustry is the lack of a stable gold-secured cur?
reney measurable in terms of gold." .He comes
back skeptical of discounting schemes and con
vinced that something more than financial jug
glery is needed to put the old world on its feet
The obsession that America can lift an un
compromising and jangiiaf awwtcas continent
into Ih seventh hraten of peict and prosperity
still hold the ininJt of tome other ttttetmra.
For them the tune cure a trip ta Europe may
t!l be prescribed.
Water Power in America.
Forty per cent of the developed watrr power
of the world it in the United State. The fact
that this represents only oncu'xth of the avail
able national supply gives tremendous importance
to President Harding' announcement that a
definite administration policy will toon stimulate
improvement of thlt natural resource.
More progress than hat been realized hai
been nude in the use of hydro-flccttic power in
the United State. Both New York and Califor
nia compare cloely with the old countries of
Furope in developed horsepower. The water
wncclt of the New England statu are producing
US 1, 000 hor ir power, while France hat 1,400,000.
Norway 1,350,000, Sweden 1,200,000 and Switzer
land. 1,070,000 horsepower. Germany, Italy and
Japan, at well at New York and California, each
have more than a million units, and Canada more
than doublet this.
A subject of which a great deal is dotined to
be heard it that of the superpower projects, a co
ordination of white coal and black, by which the
industrial region extending from Washington to
Boston would be electrified, both factories and
railroads. The engineers' report on this scheme
is now in the hands of the president. Consider
able stretches of railway line Jiave been success
fully electrified in the west Carrying through
of the plan for the Great Lakes waterway would
open a great deal more power to railroadt and
mills. .
America has the largest waterpowcr develop
ment in the world, at Niagara Falls. The Mis
sissippi river dam at Keokuk is another powerful
unit, transmitting power clear to St. Louis.
Muscle Shoals, in Alabama, now sought by.
Henry Ford, and which some are urging should
be retained and developed as a government
project, will be larger than this. Thus far, in
spite of the boasted cheapness of power obtained
from the streams, the people of the United States
have not received any large direct benefit. Rate
on hydro-clcctrio power as a general rule stand
at about the same height as those for electric
power obtained from coal and steam. There is
room for improvement in .the nation's use of its
waterpower, and the administration program will
be awaited w ith hope as well as anxiety.
"Obey" and the Marriage 'Service.
Illustrating the rapidly shifting attitude of
thought toward the status of woman before and
after entering marriage, is the report that the
Episcopalians contemplate altering the marriage
service by omitting the word "obey" from the
vows required.
Very recently in London was tried a case in
which a highly born gentleman and his wife
were at bar on charge of swindling in the betting
ring. Un behait of the woman it was contended
that she was necessarily under coercion of her
husband. To support this a statute of Ina, king
of the West Saxons in 712, was cited. Mr. Jus
tice Darling, presiding, said:
It was statutory law among the West
Sa.xons, and since tnen it had become em
bodied in the common law as administered by
judges ever since judges were appointed by
Norman kings. It was thus expressed in
Brooke's abridgement: "Ratio videtur es que le
ley entend que feme 'ne osa contradire son
baron." That jumble of Latin and Old French
indicated that, the law was founded on the as
sumption that 'a woman would never dare to
contradict. Although he had to administer this
law, he was bound to say that it appeared to
him to be founded on an assumption which,
whatever it might have been in Saxon or
Norman times, was no longer in accordance
with facts. It was absurd to say nowadays
that a woman would not dare to contradict her
husband. It was more absurd to say that the
law was in accordance with modern cir
cumstances, when we knew it was founded
upon such a reason as that, and according ro
many great writers upon the reason that
women could not read or write, and therefore
could not get the benefit of clergy, and would
be executed for doing the very thing their hus
bands could do without being executed be
cause they could read a few words or learn
them by heart for the very purpose.
Thus it appears that woman is relieved from
her obligation of obedience by the modern court,
and why should not the church get in line, and
absolve her from a vow that is no longer an obli
Twenty-Three More Federal Judges.
Whatever may be the reason, whether it is
incident to the expansion of the country's needs
in all other directions, with the .consequent ex
tension of court dockets, or for some other cause,
the senate has determined to add twenty-three
additional judges to the federal court roster.
Some of these are needed, and others are added
by the well-known process of log-rolling. There
is the weak spot in our system of government
A reasonable need can not be provided for with
out taking on a little more than is needed.
At first the bill contemplated the creation
of nineteen additional judges, against which
some of the senators inveighed, but when the
measure came up for final passage four were
tacked on for good measure in. order to secure
the votes needed to put over tne nineteen. Poli
tics probably figured to some extent, the op
position of Senator Shields to the proposed
r.ev judge for Tennessee being attributed to his
aversion to the presence of another republican
in a high place in his. state. Dial of South Car
olina consented to Bursum's getting another
fudge for New Mexico in order to secure a vote
lor his amendment that -will restrict federal
judges to the duties of the position. So it went
Federal courts have been swamped with
business, much of it petty criminal cases in
cident to the enforcement of the Volstead act,
which might well be relegated to the state
courts, some of litigation that could be sent
the same way, but all of it a slow moving mass,
overhanging the judges and requiring some re
lief. This entails strengthening the working force
of the bench by increasing the nqmber of judges,
but lovers of good government will regret that
the relief could not have been provided on its
merits and with less of public display of i the
methods on which needed legislation sometimes
Calgary reports a blizzard.- That's up near
Medicine Hat, in the banana belt, you know.
Suppression of free speech seems an odd way
for Ireland to go about to gam freedom.
That printing office shakeup has gone beyond
the limits of a typographical error.
Now, what will we hear from Genoa? - C
Big Issues in Nebraska
lutt'i Editor Arulyi Subject
Commuiuu Mott Inttrttttd In.
8etttblu9 Nt. 1
George Grimes Scottfbluff it more Interfiled ,
today in the successful toinplnipn of the f 130,000 j
western Nebraska Methodist hopiul than in any.
thing else. That the interfit of the peop! itj
sincerely bound up in tint humanitarian enter!
pn.e it demonitrairii ny in uct tnai ine town
hat contributed eH01) toward the first cost of
the structure.
Gothenburg Independent.
C W. Botkin Our community it working for
physical, moral and intellectual uplift until the
end of a period of stringent economy due to
present heavy lax burdent and butinett depret
tion. At no far di-tant day we hope to resume
plan lor the making oi a city urantiiui. txirn
tive road improvement and other activities, be
gun two year (go.
Fall City Journal
Fallt City, outside of local qiir.tion.. it
mostly interested in and it In favor of the St,
Lawrence Tidewater project on account of sav
ing time in shipment of grain for export. The
bonus qucttion it teconn, wun opposition to tne
cash feature.
. Aurora Republican.
The niOft interesting and vital topic here
seemt to be the equalization of prices. People
of tm't community want to tee farm product go
up and the commoditiei of life go down until
there it prewar ratio. The prevailing opinion
ia that, while this it occurring, it it too now.
New State, Lincoln.
C F. Ansley Higher interests, tuch at edu
cation, must be deferred in tome measure until
the material basis is more secure. Among mater
ial interests, marketing is above taxation: men
could nav their taxes if they could buy better and
tell bejter. But marketing is a complex problem
to be solved a step at a time. As an immediate
interest, rural credit is second to taxation.
' Hasting Tribune.
Adam Brcede Just at this particular time
the subject in Hastings and throughout Adams
county that the people are most interested in is
the golden jubilee which will be held here the
early part of next October. An enthusiastic ap
proval of the program as outlined has already
been unanimously accepted by the Fiftirth Anni
ersary Federation of Adams county. Ecrybody
is for it.
Beatrice Daily Express.
Clark Fcrkins Community spirit of Beatrice
is exempliehcd by recent over-subscription oi
$300,000 fund for modern hotel. Other evidences
of progress are found in the Barnestou water
power project.' new Elks home, rejuvenated Y.
W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A., Chamber of Commerce
and general building campaign. People agree
that readjustment period is practically over and
the time for constructive effort is at hand.
Leigh World.
Charles R. Kuhle The adjustment of prices
of farm products is in my opinion the subject of
greatest importance to the community. -The com
munity can not prosper to the extent hoped for
until the people of the agricultural section can
realize prices for their products in harmony with
the present day economic conditions.
Bloomington Advocate.
H. M. Crane Co-operation in securing better
prices for what we buy and sell; elimination of
middlemen; a fullJday's work for a day's pay;
less regulation and more business; good roads
at honest prices; and co-operation between city
and rural communities will result in much good.
Norfolk Press.
Marie Weekcs Employment, or its lack, is
the subject paramount here. About 50 per cent
of our wage earners have work. Business feels
the effects. Men who are without jobs have no
money to spend. With steady employment at
living wages, better prices for farm products
and an easing of the money tightness, Norfolk
will, be happy..
Crete Viderte.
J. H. Walsh The presence of the'assessor
these days again brings to mind' the high taxes
and the report current that taxes for 1923 will
be still higher than those for 1922. On this ques
tion hinges a great deal of discussion to the point
that something must be done. This tax question,
connected with the low price of wheat and corn
and the continued low market, becomes an ag
gravating and perplexing problem. Our farmers
are praying for relief at both ends of this ques
tion, and in the face of their prayers they are
promised still higher taxes.
How to Keep Well
a pa w. a, cvam
QuMtMM (MIIIWI k MM, alt.
ktoa m4 .! l a.t.M.
ua) m P. It k .. . mi
Tk Sm, it) Mmm4 mm ll
t mimmm Iwil.IlM, a
ni.a, M"4 M.kfw m a.
Iit O. ttM ajili Mk,
WMia kiHiiiki to toutivwlMi
'. A4i Wiioc a
Ika S.
rrrrsli tt:t
Catarrhal 4emta la reult of
n.waoa of tne mm. i ia ar, tn thin
n nnnioii in nrnaa r tann ma
nir,y in rty gMl l,at. but
a in rgll r hrMi. i.l.l
aim varictua gixtrifera. the fiiofM.
lrnoa, turn. i(4miila an t poima
-f Ilia li.ld.Ha ear aia Ihiikenv.l.
atiff and lt. or ina ranal which
ea4a io ih throat U t lowd, r near
ly oo.
in Ilia winter ami aurinir th l,r.i
of htfarint- ltfoinea l ha harder of
nrarine, J ni la Ita.aiiMJ fliey ftava
ao many iea of what ihey rail
Common ilil nilil rfurlnr aah i.H
for while after. I ha ear at atop.
I'm up.
AnyihlnK wliWh thicken up the
ma membrane. iue a alight
runnlne1 at Ilia not. or In any wav
""it" anoin in ((imillnn which
may be called "a hill ruld" or a
"cumniun inM.M fr want f a hai.
tor name, ntaka tha carnally Uaf
nrar rven worse man Uaual.
McCook Gazette.
H. D. Strunk McCook is most vitally inter
ested in the readjustment of both the business and
social world; the return to normalcy with a re
adjustment of the valuation of all commodities
to a more reasonable and equitable "basis of ex
change; together with a true realization of public
opinion that the morale of America is threatened
by the jazzing spirit which has swept over the
Nebraska's Good Roads
Road costs in Nebraska now somewhat in
the limelight as .the result of- the investigation
will probably be found as reasonable and state
construction as free from graft and extravagance
ns anywhere outside the state. But there is one
avenue for accelerating the program which de
serves consideration, namely, the use of convict
labor. Our penal institutions are jammed to the
roof with men who are being kept in near-idleness,
who could as handily be employed on the
roads of the State, with benefit to their physical
condition and at even reduced expense to the
state. This is not to be dubbed an experimental
idea, for in numerous states, notably over whole
sections of the south, splendid systems of good
rqds have been and are being constructed
through the use of convict labor. Why not in
Nebraska? There has been anathema attached
to any mention of convict labor, but that arises
from the antagonism of workmen in various lines
who object to the competition. There is a valid
objection to the contract system, the only way
Nebraska's convicts have been employed hereto
fore, and it has not been a success economically,
either. This would not apply to road work. The
whole public would be the recipient of the value.
In a majority of cases, work would not be done,
at least in these anti-bond days, in any other
manner. All that would be needed would be a
little portable housing and equipment, a
lew capable overseers ' and guards, and
the sanction of the statute to give steady impetus
to the highways over the state, in many cases
where there is no present possibility of .dosing
tip connecting links in the state road system. It
is worth discussion. Gering Courier.
Always Deisrable.
Still, all the fashions, follies and foibles of
woman have not so far cooled the fervor or en
thusiasm of the opposite sex for her. Houston
More Help Needed.
Two birds to the atre appears to be the esti
mate for the United States, and the service of
tach bird worth 10 cents a davto the country.
Our Dumb Animals.
napltl chant a In tamorrature
eauaea tnnaeatlon ft tha ntembranra
or the no: great ilir?rnra htvn
inaida and outaida tatiiperaturea: bo
twean that of warm daya and that f
un .inn ly oncoming- Miuarda all
llteaa aarve lo keep tha una atonntd
up and tnaka tha hearlnc poor.
Other factor are fumra and duat
incidental to tha hcillna of hnuapa.
and mere Inhalation of tobacco
moke, due to aitiokinc Indoor.
To thaaa, nr. K. V. Hock add
winter bad hahlla rrspnnalbla for
poor hearlnc. loo'Jittla outdoor ax-
rcl. too haavy aatlne. loo lit t In
water drinkina- and too much fa
and coffee drlnklntr.
All of then aerve tamnnrarllv to
thicken up the noa and throat
meinbranea .and aiah thickening
make henrinir poor.
Ir. Hock aava In the Volt a rti-
view that tha hard of hfurlna; ahould
ba especially careful not to aubjact'
themaelvea to extreme of heat or
cold. They ahould be vory careful
fttumt scttinar chilled, and especial
ly local chilling. Ilka wet feet, cold
hand, draft on tha nerk and back,
acantily clad lea and arm. In fart,
all expoaure which put atraina on
tha heat mechanlam of the body.
niuat be avoided, according to Dr.
In midwinter audi people ahould
only bathe just before retiring, aince
even a warm bath in a warm bath
room causea a considerable loaa of
bodily heat and that they cannot afford.
If they are vigorous enoujrh to
atand hardening, they will And a
morning cold air hath lesa trylnK
on their heat production than la
tha mornlnir cold bath or even a
morning warm bath.
He counsels a light diet composed
of food that la not especially concen
trated, and proper regulation of the
bowel habit.
To avoid the infection which are
o prevalent In the winter and
aprintr, the coryzaa. he advocatea the
use of small dosea or combined ca
tarrhal vaccine. Not all physicians
will agree with him on this point.
But In aDlte- of a Kreat many ad
verse laboratory reports, the use of
vaccines to prevent what la known
as common colds continues to nno
large numbers of supporters, both
among phyalciana and among the
lay people.
Dentists Must Be Careful.
Mrs. A. B. writes: "We have three
members of our family ill with ty
phoid fever, In a community where
tynhold Is practically unknown.
"1. is there a serum tnai can oe
injected into the blood at the be
ginning of the disease to hasten re
covery, and prevent the recovered
patient from apreading infection?
2. Is it advisable to give laxatives
during the run of the disease?
3. How long after a dentist nas
recovered from the disease before
it is safe to go back to hi patients?"
1. Such a treatment has been pro
posed and given a limited trial. It Is
not used generally.
2. Most Dhvsicians give laxatives
to clean out the interltial tract at
the onset of the disease, but not
thereafter. Enemas are used as
needed in the later periods.
3. A dentist should be very cer
tain that he ia not a carrier before
he returns to his chair. .
Most convalescent carriers have
ceased to be such eight weeks after
the onset of the disease.
The Red Signal.
S. A. S. writes: "What does a
blood pressure of 18. albumin In
urine, loss of vision, and dizziness in
a man or. 59 mean r
It means danger.
Nothing Kills a Gob.
M. L. writes: "Several years ago I
was accustomed to having colds sev
eral times during the changing of
seasons. In my year and a half of
navy service I was exposed to all
kinds of bad weather ,also washing
deck at zero weather in bare Ieet.
"To mv surorlse. I never had a
cold. At times I sure thought
would get pneumonia, but I came
out O. K. Here it is two years I
am out of service, and it is the same
"Need I tell you how 'knocked
out' von feel when you have a
'beaut' of a cold and get them sev
eral times a vear?
"It is about the only thing that
takes the joy out of my life.'
Mv art vice to vou is to follow the
wav of living which you followed
when in the service.
H. G. 'Wells complains that George
Washington was Indolent. Consider
ing what Washington accomplished,
one hesitates to estimate wha would
have been his record had he been an
active man. Mobile Register.
Lima Beane says that the hand
that shakes the hero's hand today
may be the fist that shakes under the
hero's nose tomorro w. Toledo
Really, wouldn't Europe have a
better chance of getting on lta.feet
if it didn't step on America's toes
quite so often and o hard? Kansas
City Journal.
Gloom and pessimism are a com
bination in restraint of trade. Flint
(Mich.) Journal.
Many a community would be bet
ter off if it had less local pride and
more local shame. Kansas City
Wouldn't it be awful If married
life was m bad as they say it Is?
Nashville Tennesaean.
"Special rates to permanent mar
ried people" are advertised by a
Kansas City hotel. It's proprietor
should open a hotel in South Caro
lina, where, there are no divorce
laws. Greenville (S. C.) Piedmont.
(T Ua attr. Ns aalaaaa tnt ta
aa la Mw ik4ia
lama. l aa,ia Ikal Ul tea
Ml kW, aw f 'W. M
aba latea ikat Ike MM af Iha aHM
aaMa krtl. a4 a. rug
fat aaklwaiiM. Imm) thai Ik tu mmt
Sbmt Ht k la Wtaa Tk tw
Mi awtaaa) la ..l.wi a (
! a afca ii mf .
aaaarai ta Ik Irtir Stal l
ttitil lt Itctnnl).
Omaha, Apnl I Tuthe rMilr of
Tha le; Your uiutr ! tell
ut tf iha fa'.iiuif y from tha old
(hurdie: 'Munich ktaiUtica know
Imi Ml io 'rteianta
nt 41 Ja iui ilia ol'l vhuivlif
anl )oui. new rreeil."
Til iaarian t'i hl warned
th people 'not in littn in the film
pile.)" Trial i ituihina. I list
Miked irMnally and indUMualls
ttith aliitoat kurt r4iit richt here
in Omaha. ml all reulma of Oma
h Hut nearly all, reieaniliia' II
of the ladins I'roiotani lnotiiin
Hons and Ursa number of tinman
Catholic who liava fold ma Ihey
hive "iiuit Iha t'ltunh .c(ue they
never hear lit Wihla when Ihey .i
lo riturrh," and that Ihey arr al-
driven for money when they
n, ihla haw all come In th laat
tear and i mouth.
They war not aware that I wa
a minikter al the tun or Ihey would
not hav ild inc. but they alt know
it now. AH war huntrrtne for iha
Hjble, etcept ii, ami ha aaid sery
emphatically: "I am not concerned
ahou ihtirrlt. (Slid or anything
connected with reliamn.
Th artl'le ahoua that I he priest
warned them n.ilnt n "new
treads." rubllnhed atatiitir here
how that we had (0 new fttltli or
creeds nieanued in III t'nitrd Hlalea
from 110 to l:o. In th lt 700
vear there hit not bu n auch a cry
for (lod'a word, tha Truth, which
la "tha Hread of Life. On a recent
HumUy I occupied a pulpit about 100
tnllra from Omaha, and on Monday
morning 1 rwt In a sent on tha train
by a aplendld I'reahyterlan from one
of th heat I'reahyterlan churihe In
aeaiern Nebraska, and In atnry
made my heart ache. When ho sol
off. a traveling ealeiman. a mem
ber of one of Iha largest rresby-
terlan churches In enntern Nrhranka."
told tne to any, on hi authority.
that at least 611 per rent or the
traveling men would be In church
every Sunday If they could bo euro
they would hear the Hihle preached
when they went," and "lhat 75 per
cent of those men get more out of
th Gideon Miblea In-the hotel than
they do when they go to church."
r'n ill said: "I know whom I nav be
lieved and am persuaded, etc." Paul
was about to Introduce "whom" to a
lost world "In the form of wound
words." and it can be done Jut aa
well today by men who know
"whom" themselves.
"Out of Their (Ian Mouth."
Omaha. March 14. To the Editor
of The Bee: In reading the "Over
the State" column of tho Sunday
World-Herald of last Sunday, one
would have the feeling that this
great United States was in deplora
ble condition and had already start
ed on Its way to the eternal "bow
Whoever has. the selection of
these sllppings that are taken from
papers out In the state to mane up
this "Over the State" column seems
to select those of doleful sound
from a political standpoint of view,
and surely would make the unin
formed feel as if the last days of
nrosDcritv had disappeared with the
coming in or tne naming adminis
tration, and yet there seems to be a
ray of hope, even of optimism in
the "Over the State" column, as per.
haps by accident or unintentional
act an article with a my of hope is
let Into this column of woe.
The general trend of Bentiment,
however, seems to be that the Hard
ing administration ia inefficient and
Is letting government aftaira go at
loose enda at an enormous cost to
the people, yet we read in this "Over
the State" column auch items as
"All eyes on the city of Oakland
50 blocks of pavement contracted
for the coining summer at a cot of
$228,000. Can you beat that $225
for every man, woman and child in
that energetic little city."
Also thia from another Nebraska
locality; ,
"The city of Paplllion, in Sarpy
county, is going to make things hum
this summer. A $150,000 court
house is to be erected there on a
new Rite there is to be a Catholic
church built and a Lutheran church
and parsonage, a store building or
two, two bridges and a number of
private residences. This following,
too, on the paving of the city last
Then after reading a few lines of
encouragement the person in charge
of the makeup of the column seems
fn realize that they are getting "oft
the tune" and gives us the follow
"Photographs r reproduced every
day by the World-Herald show the
heights to which taxes have risen
n th a state on its homes, 'tne in
creases are striking and indicate
what might happen If the owners
continued to let their government
get away from them. It is time to
get back to Jeffetsontan simplicity
and- control of government and to
ak tho reins of government m
hand and run it on a business
Then we cast our minds back
nvsi. fho recent- nast and there
comes to our mind this question. If
all of these discouraging utterances
are true, they why?
Then wa begin to look for a rea
son why, and there comes to our
mind something like this: What be
came of that J6.000.000.000 that a
recent former administration cannot
seemingly account for and tnat in
their own records at Washington,
1). C. and kept by their own admin
tut tion officials show was worse
lhan wasted. That large sum that
If it were now in the national treas
ury, aa it was the people's money
nd seems to our mind should have
been kept intact, for legitimate ex.
penses, would have paid all the ex
pense of running this government
for two years, and now instead of
a tat- hiirden on the DeODlB tniS gov
rnment would not have been under
(he necessity of assessing taxes to
mn nnr a-nvernment for two years
and this sems to our minds would
of helped the people, especially the
farmer who had all financial props
cut from under and let him fall
hard and fast to almost financial
ruin. '
Then we leave the "over tne
State" column and glance over the
paper and we read the following:
"Postal savings uain.
"The Improvement of the eco
nomic situation of the United States
is indicated by an increase which
has been made in postal savings de
partment of the government for the
month of January, as compared with
a similar period for last year. On
March 1 the total deposits maae
with this department was approxi
mately $145,000,000. Omaha ranked
37th on the list wun jaoi.os on
Th s indicates tnat in spite or tne
ruin being wrought upon this gov
ernment by inferred inefficiency that
people have a aurplus of casn to de
posit with our government deposi
tories in the very face of ineffici
encies that would seem Insecure..
Then with a feeling of encourage
ment we read on to find that evenj
In our wn liy ft Omh thr ar
I it iha number of buildinc per.
Mill being luutf.l that er lu4
..i i4r. wih the iiuhi opttitttaili!
f,elm a iimn- lu..i and noma
ewitri that w hat had for vttl
Then ain a w te,J the en. our
(ririit Kitrit Out na a tcull ,.f tha
"Mukrt WrU" which wa on in
Omilia al week, of the kireion
f Imp and opilinuiii of tnrr.'liani
In lb Omaha, territory and of their
butitiv Uter kiiwk than for veata
with a coiirt.lerit fit-liu tint! at
back id about normal tune., we have
feeling cf wonderment In regard
In tin real purpote of this "titer
th Hte" rolmun and wondrr If
III approaching arnatorlal election
tn ik 1 it h in any way responsible for
th doleful sentiment found lhrein.
ZOO A lure At.
Ituul In .Nchra.ka.
Llmoln. April To th Kditnr
of Th i'fti Article irlnf In
th public ra from tint to time
In iha t few month attacking th
slat hiithway department and It
operation, and th inveatiaatlon now
being mad by lh commute ap
pointed by the tralklatur. and mora
or m liublo lo l wrliten by tho
who, while claiming to b friend of
III 1,'oml road movement, Iikv
either a miaunderatandinc of th
fact rr ar poiuihly animated by
perwitial motive In trjltiR lo air
fancied grlevancea.
Theta ia great tendency to allow
politic In reep Into the dicu
aion rather than on the merit of
th fact, and It la lo be hoped I hut
all real friend of th general move
ment for bettr road count ruction
wilt withhold judgment on Ihla
rontroteray until a dual decision ha
been rendered by th rnmmllteo ap
pointed and all th facta thoroughly
We, aa an association, have no
brief lo hold for any Individual or
combination of Individual, and will
b a quick to condemn aa anyone,
if it ran h sohatnntlated thai the
fumla of th road department have
been wilfully wasted. The very beat
bourne nien and farmer of the
atate are on our roll, and w have
but one object, and that la to ee
that good roada and bridge ar
constructed nt as low a mat aa 1
possible, consistent with good bu
ine methods.
To atand for anything else would
be suicide, and we' again ask the
publiu to withhold criticism until
the nnal word la spoken.
There la no question nut that ml,
takes have been made and will be
again, but man la only human. There
have been million expended by the
counties and county organizations
for year, and w M know lht th
rt bulk tf wa wtd. but
lhat did nt pl abandonment
roomy tiiiita. neither wWl Ihl In
taiiaton apell abandonment of I ho
aiai highway department.
In the atrenuou lime let u
hold our temper, our ood bum
Judemvnt and when U Hi fet r
know n, weigh lhm riouly aaalnat
lb many meat ac.oiiiiihmiii hy
th atat department and then ren
der an unhid, unpolitical decUlon.
A number of rwuntle hat adopt
d resolutions waling lhl Ihey war
well netted with Iha work dn
hv and In co-operation with th tat
highway department, and some of
iltria counties war th larrt nd
hen organised In th ait.
Keapeclfully submitted,
iv a. ar.nnr.r..
C, II. ItiU'KIt,
I.egil4ilit Commute.
How In (ict Aciunltnrd.
Hi. Ttiila. Mo., March !. To lh
Kditnr of Th He: I wlh yot
would kindly allow apac for few
Intra concerning an organltallon lhat
la needed In eterv large community
In our country.. Now, whervr you
may happen to go, ther I lwa a
rnnalderahl number of people of
all age, creed and alt who. after
their dav of toll In th shop, orric
or factory, find tht their lelmr
tlm i very Iniieaum and o Ihev
gel to feel "hltia" and dependent
nult often. Now. her In Ht. Lout,
w have formed two club to lak
ear of thla eln of peopl and ao
far Ihey ar very aueceasful. I my
self am an officer in on of them, and
I ran aay w have a real nice tlm
together and meet many nice, rertned
people who long for aultabl com
panions. Now. If those Interested would for
ward their nam to th editor t nd
then have on of their number com
and get this movement started, I feel
aur that Omaha would have aom
tlilng to feel proud of. W trtd
Ihla movement by having our letter
imbllehed In till manner, and peopl
who have lived her many year
without getting acquainted have by
means of these club met very eon
nlnt and intelligent people whom
Ihey can really call a friend. If thin
la agreeable to everyoony ana rum
nf this kind la started. I would b
pleased to keep In touch with It and
our club and your own could ex
change visit with each other If aam
was aatlsractory upon proper nr.
ranirement helns made. Let' put
Omaha on th "lonesom" map while
the putting I good:
Definition No. 7,97.001'i.
An optimist I a peron who be.
lieves this Is the best of all possible
A pessimist la a person wno
realizes it. Life.
Buy Life Insurance by
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JFor quarterly or semi
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By using this plan
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The Omaha National Bank
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Capital and Staph $2,000,000
Make Your Will Now
Have a Lawyer Prepare It
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Many prominent and suc
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(Upon request we will
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wish your estate alia
poied of.)
QmakTrust Company
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