r ii I 11 (1 11 It IlirJ U.UAMA. M.NUAi. AVUlb 9. 1S2. Horrors Mi Russia ren Driven iof Ship he Tint id. Ule, of rc nf lite h u- (ruin kurrt. U'omcvi to Wear Xame Embroidered on Hone leld ' '890,000 Yilliam M. Whitchill, cstcrday on y in conncc- cral montus cash from a he vaults o( ,nts National iMcFce, who Li the bank taking the bid. They opened the i key made io also was E $1,000 bill acted atten ds had been A'8 Wleggcrs Anril 8. A lional guards- cri hv i.ani. fthe local Na- and Sheriff Mv. last night near here dc- wo men who t cVinrHf when Althcm at Pcnd lut rharce. Mem " ihe men woum Irl n( he men. I gnman, and hts fled? themselves in . tlrtiff went to -. drive , mm away Atlantic City, N. J., April I Nm of th wtartr, emlneid. rr4 jukt above tht ankl. art la ukt iht pUc cf clock on wo. men's stocking, several exhibitors at the Atlantic City Ushion show y. A number of minikin at tht show appeared in heavy silk Te with their names inscribed con. tpicuousty in a vertical row on Iht outside of tach stocking. Senate Measure Creates 23 .More Federal Judges Hill IW.l, 11 to 21. After Almost Unparalleled Pult lie l!liiliition of I.ng Hollin. NWhiiifiton, April 8, Amid public exhibition ot Ion-rolling hiio,t with out 'iMrHct in i'oni!rc., the sen.ilr. by a vole of 44 in .1. p;ici the bill T( jtinj: 2i aililnion.il loiUr.il di- t net judgeships and one ic!"ral circuit judgeship. . - Jut briure the final passace 01 he bill, the senate adopted, without record vote, the Dial .amendment, riptially aimed at ex-JuiUe Landis i Chicago, forbidding federal judges mi accepting outside employment. e amendiuciit provides that "every due shall reside in the district or rcuit or one of the districts or rciiits fur which he is appointed ami iall devote hi time to the duties t his office, and shall tint cngaRc t any other employment for which to receives compensation, and for offending against the provUions ot this section shall be dremed guilty of a high misdemeanor." Hefore Judge J.antli' resignation every effort by Senator Dial to put through the amendment .".s blocked. When he offered it yctcrday a rising vote was demanded and the measure won by a narrow . margin. The vice president did not announce the figures. Man Arrested for Death of Roosevelt Released New York, April 8. David Zalkin. municipal bus driver, who was' held on a charge of homicide alter the death of Robert H. Roosevelt, jr., from injuries inflicted by an auto mobile, was discharged by Magis trate Nolan on recommendation of Assistant District Attorney Good man. Mr. Goodman said Roose velt's relatives were convinced Zalkiit was not to blame for the accident. Jewelry Lost by Galli-Curel Found by Auto Truckman Gnu toIfti Frm Opera Star Are IWomrd Under Treo .North of San Juan Cu()itrtno. Direo, April 8 The jewel t.ilni from Mine. Amr-ltu tialli I uni Thursday it Fan Juan Capi ir-itm Here returned to Iter lat night l v Warren J. Shepherd, er, automo bile trtu kmjii. Mho found them undrra tree near Iti roadside camp lat iiifiht. Miqiherd said that neither he nor hi u uc "thought much of the jew els" which are valued at 545.WW. and that they left them on the seat of their automobile truck lat night when tlu made tamp. Ihe i't .whete they were i'tiiud wa a few mite not tii oi San Juau (.'apiotraiio. Shepherd aid that he wa travel-, iug south, niakini; slow progress be liiune hi truck had developed motor trouble, whrn lie saw the jewel case, its cover open. King under a small spruce lice beside the highway. Thinking that it wa a small suit case lost from some automobile, he stopped and picked it tip. Inside were some of the jewel, two of which had been presented to the singer by royalty, but many other were (scattered about on the ground a if the case had been thrown from a passing automobile and burst open. A string of pearls had been broken, and some of the pearls were scat tered far from the case. When Shepherd ami hi wife reached here thi evening, they went to the home of hi brother, J. V. Shepherd. They told of their find. A girl in the household who had read the account of the jewel robbery noon threw light on their owner ship. Shepherd telephoned Mine. Galli-Curci, and having made an ap pointment, came downtown with his wife and handed over the jewel case and its contents.. President Asked to Explain Print Shakeup Nf Yoik. Apiil R.iht Niton1 tint Service Reform league, of wlii.li Serretary Hughes is a vice president, today issued a sniemrnt iliroueH i's ting president. V. hani DudVy I olke, asserting that an a.t of aimple justice I'resident Harding should assign hi reasons lor dismissal last month of the di irctor and il of the employe of the bureau of engraving and printing. Iht statement railed attention to section 6 cf the act, Auguit 6, 191.', providing;: , "That no person in the classified civil service of the lnie4 State shall be removed therefrom except for such cause a will promote the cHicirncy of said service and for reason given in handwriting, and the person whose removal is sought shall have notice of the same, and of any charges preferred against bun, , , , ami alo be al!or4 reason Me tune fur personally answering the (ame in writing , , Tins provision of tht law, the statement a!., w bseJ cn a rule issued hy l'ieident McKinlry in 'J7. In cist immediate action was necessary the president could have suspended instantly tht persons artrcted hy hit order pending the til ing of charge and the opportunity for reply, added ihe statement. Funeral for Former Omaba Woman Will He Held Monday Funeral service for Mrs. Edna Turner, wile of S. 1 nomas Turner of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, will be held at 2 Monday afternoon at the Scottish Rue cathedral. Mr. Turner tbed last night at the home of Iter sister-in-law, Mrs. J. C laiwreucc. 4"8I2 I'arnam ttreet, Pe sides her husband she it survived by a grandmother living at Jackson, Mich. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. ,9 Die in Storms in South. Dallas, Tex., April 8 Nine I'e.ttlis and injuries to an unknown number of persorts were reported earlv today as a result of wind storms starting in West Texas and sweeping through north central Texas and south central Oklahoma. Six persons were reported killed at Rowcna, near Ballingcr, Tex., and one each at Cisco. Electra, Tex., and I.awton, Okl. First reports indicated heavy property damage. Down pours accompanied the wind at most places. lis uaotnrc nil Within; ear Vnritisi-CohVMCtion Bcridollw would be r. .i s . . a u a d retirncq 117 vithin fi year as ex U . fatisrirnia. iiiyurg- 'io incicase.b.OOO bwed bf cdnfifress for - 1 t Me irontl toreicn coun- rharccl with crirljc. t, w 1 , I ' - douahbofs are .on lit" sail Mr. Lineber- (eretary Mughes is ac- his apprehension Ivas vatcfl down miTit of UXb. Judge rria'..Atil 8 -(l!y ,A. fci N.-'EliKendall ' re- ter .todL.lrom k. her ntcncJrjiUot tneuowa t-!iPii(.-loria Hv sug- . rU,,i petit ivc.llitit he ccnn hi J! sUt-: ICR- mieht b; brouglfrisgWtAl,rtn trict Tudire HznfWsWi W rv. He. charges iJutlflc Dufean j- - - w jl- (.1 a ; 1 j. conduct unbeconf gto a jungej ! -Sal ing to la specia I Want to Employ Eleven People ' Both Men and Women but don't waste your time or mine on this unless you are a hustler. My proposition Is a selling one but there are: .f no samples to eatry; . no prospectus to show. "It Is not a stock-sellinit promotion schtme: -..-.. . 1 not a house-to-house canvas. It Is just a real, live, up-to-datan and honest proposal that Is ftoinr 4o he sold to the hest and most progressive people In the city. Liberal commission and no traveling. One thine more, don't answer this ad unless you have confidence in yourself. Rut if you have that quality and want to make money for yourself, write. Give a deseription" of yourself your sellinc experience. Sell yourself TO me; then I'll be able to tell if you can sell FOR 'me. - . . , . . - -. ADDRESS C. A. O., OMAHA BEE - " x The Brandcis Store Princess Mary Bridal Gown and Veil On Exhibition In our Ready-to-W 'ear Section beginning Monday, 9 A. M, The gown and veil are exact copies of those worn by H. R, H. The Princess Mary on the RoyalWedding Day. Originals .by Rev Ule, London, dressmaker to Her Majesty the Queen. : The Crest'Ahtie-- . .' The British College of Heralds has selected this as the coat-of-arms of Princes Mary and , : Viscount Lascelles. , The wife's arms are usual r ,ftf,..:,)y impaled on those of her husband, but In this - cae of the marriage of royalty and a commoner it was decided to combine them in the form of. two shields. . ' Theater Own f Chicago, April and Raymond L. J 'several Chicago rdovmg theaters, pleaded guil eral judge Carpenter failing to turn over ment ?12.000 of war on admissions to ments. Judge Carpen decision for 30 days BFIetV. Linick ltT7"f- D 1 i V I 3 Vi iqture ed is of ivern- Rectcd stablish- fefred his Continuing Ion i day and Sale of , Buster Brown Tuesday SHOES . i ... for Boys arid Girls At Off Regular Prices Steamshibs , ij New Trk. April 1. nina. Hamourg; Bayern, Hamburg; Aquflani, Southamp ton. Plymouth, April 7. Centennial State, Jiew York. IK Gibraltar, April . ItTia. New York. Alglera. April Fatfim. Boston. Antwerp. April S. Cjigny. Portland, Me.: April : Gothlnd.aw TorK. . 1 . .. 1 T3kl?aa V T.lirlc. OK II IIIIIILI.LUI I ll ijft"oe" . en bach. Boston; Thorn I Ward, Slo- Shanghai. April 5 f.'aga Mam, Ban Francisco; Bay StstM Rattle. Sydney. N. S. ptll S Parana. Vancouver. f I Mayla, April S.'-Any -tru, San Fran- New Tork. Arril T. Ivmilmo, Seattle New Tork. April . ajiance, Htvrs; via North State, London iKCa Bourdonnla, Havre.. . '.. . If . . Hamburg April 7.-lveriora, new Tork. - Cristobal. April . Kimrvme. i.oa ah gvles: Mrxlro Msru. Los Angeles; West Himroa, ancouver. Antwerp. April 4. Flnlsnd. New Tork. Chriaitaoia, Attr'l I. Helliola ' Tork. ' To Celebrate Our 3d Anniversary as Selling Agents for These Famous Shoes . We planned this Great 3-Day Sale which began Saturday and which has been enthusiastically received by our many customers. The sale continues Monday and Tuesday with 20 reductions. These shoes cannot be beat for wear, style and comfort They are -in all sizes Patent Strap Slippers, Brown Oxfords and Brown Strap SlipperS. ' "Cirls' Shoes, Third Floor, East Boys Shoes, Fourth Floor, Center m sf aT Advance Season Sale "Gurney,? Refrigerators On Sale Monday and Tuesday Only at S fP ffip I tip 20ftf Convenient Ea$yto-Pay Terms Some people may think it stranpe to hold a sale of refrigerators ho early in the Reason, but the ntlvantatre is plain when one considers that what woulil otherwise be a dull refrigerator week is turned into a busy one. An abundance of pizes and styles in top and Ride icer.i. r Rugs v. lUean-Up Specials Johnson' Prepared Floor Wm, the large CQp size cans only..."" Wall Paper Cleaner, fa mous "Climax" IO at the can.... 15iC Screen Paint A very high grade black paint that will protect your screens and frames from decay. Pint Can, 26c Quart Can, 45e Paint Brushes, 2 inches wide, pure Chinese bristle brushes, 1 A Unly .,. Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs in 6x9 size , . .$13.50 Seamleas Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 7-6xG-9 size $16.50 Long-Wearing Velvet Rugs in 9x12 sizes only $43.50 Serviceable Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6 sizes, at $39.50 : ; ; : J r Lace ' Curtain Stretchers, in this sl QC sale at PliJ Garbage . Pails ' of heavy galvanized material With bail .handle and tight fit ting cover is only . . . . $1.19 8 Buffets, wonderfully well made in fumed oak with French plate mirror, priced only . . $27.50 ROCKERS, this comfort able model in fumed oak with spring seat, uphol stered in imitation leath. er, is . only . . $14.75 c o . c o e P7l . CHIFFONIER in golden oak with ' plate mirror and ""six drawers only .. .; $22.50 DINING TABLE, Queen Anne model in rich Jaco bean' oak with 48-inch top that extends to 6 feet , Dnly . . $39.50 Handsome Living Room Suite Three pieces with mahogany finished frames and cane backs; has spring edge construction and loose cushions luxuriously upholstered in blue and brown velour, with d 1 At C two extra pillows to fnatcb; one of many values, onlyvl .01 ' Bridge Lamp Mahogany finished standard and silk shade, complete L, $10.50 Unfinished Breakfast Set .comprising a charm ing drop leaf Table and four attractive cane seat Chairs; you can finish this set to suit your fancy or home decoration, $22 50 As Always, You Make Your Own Terms Eight-Piece William and Mary Dining Suite in beautiful walnut, com prising a stately 72-inch Buffet, a 54-inch Dining Table that extends to six feet and SIX Dining Chairs with cane backs d q' ("r upholstered in brown leather; complete .tplvsUv Headquarters for FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES ii II J sLfioya 99 Sulki les Sturdily built sulkies with loom woven frame and cloth , top that collapses into a small space for the street car $13 95 Lloyd Carriages . . . $23.75 Restful Go-Carts, $9.75 Up Perfect b a k i n g quick, intense heat, or a slow simmering under automatic control. NO smoky wicks to clean, as bestos kindlers re place them. Beautiful Bedroom Suite A Queen Anne design in walnut veneer, comprising a large Uresser with 24x26-inch plate mirror a tall Chif fonier and full size bow foot Bed; a suite that will give you years of service, is only $96.50 Exchange Department - - -. mill Our -Exchange Department will take in your old lurniture at a lair value on any new fur niture you select. This furniture is priced, T An M 1 ' buiT ior quicK clearance. . . meed, 1