A i! 7 Juror Given Six i Months in Jail for Soliciting Bribe Char? That He Solicited $100 to 'SHiuR Vmlii-r in Hiatt C.e It rri!k L. Mmtr.w, Prfd Hurt. 4 juror, v. icntrnccd ta oix riioniU in the munty j-iil yrttrrday muNiing by Pliriit JuItie Siauftcr ftr-r he arreteJ mid acruir l of i'lattt iiipt to etitort a $4K) bribe from ' 4 Jfiic I.. Jlutt hiring a law uit in uiiinti ioiiii wrrk nc lore mm. Munroc 4 ukcii in custody in court (ml contempt cWiifi iilcd ( itj.iiii?t him by County Attorney A. V. Mint writ at the rcqur; of Judtie SsUulur, Hie jury in tlic cae of J. L. Hiatt company ati-iiiM Jre Hull involv ijr profit mcr real rsUte w riurtifd afirr Hull toM Juilc Stauf frr tlut Munroc called dim by trie , phone and iirr.mtjH an appoint turn t in a toft dunk parlor at 4118 Niuth Thirteenth street. Movie Theater Alibi. ... Itf.it Hated Munroe tuhl. liim be STuiild "jwiiiR the jury in his favor" if he ta Riven J4IHI. Half of this amount, lli.ttt raid Munroe Hated, he would have to give a "pal" on the jury. Monroe' alibi was that be attended a movie at the Majictheatcr and that he bad not been at tbe sot't drink parlor as Hiatt and Detective Litk ert testified. "Munroe's story is false," aid Shotwcll in his argument. "He doesn't remember the title of the movie he saw nor can he relats the theme of the story. The mys'erious "Jonesy and Shorty, their two al leged tar witnesses are a dream." No Faith in Story. Addressing Munroe, Judne S'.auf ler said, "you were given every courtesy and opportunity by the court and county attorney to relate your whereabouts on Friday nijht. J I permitted two police officers to accompany you on your trips ol daunts where Shorty and Jonesy mifht be, but to no avail. You could not find them. "I wish to make no comment on the evidence of the case. But 1 hold you guilty of the charge against you. Hi put no faith in your story nor did I like your conduit on the stand. I publicly want to thank Mr. Hiatt for his attitude in this case and he should be highly commended. Mr. Hiatt did only what any other pub , lie spirited citxen would do. You arc sentenced to the county jail for six months." 1 niK PKK: OMAHA. SUNDAY. ANtll. 9. tD 5-A 1 r Road Conditions nfehed by tho Omaha Auto' Club.) . T ini-nln l-ftshwnV. Bust noads- rough nut cf Council .Fluff", oiheru Ise good to rniilon. fair to Marshalltou n. Cedar Hvlrts reports romls Impassable east, loiirtms tMpflru cars. ' , Lincoln HiKhy, West Roada fBir Vsllev to Fremont. Very rough at 8enuy l.r. folumhus, t'entral City. Grand Island and pnlnIB west good. O. I. D. Highway Rondi good exrept Ashland, reported roug1- there. Bad atteich from ItHKilngs to Holdrege. Highland Cutoff Roaili rough, a. V. A. Road Fair to good. Omsha-Topeka Hluhway Roads fair to good to slate Hue. O Street Road Roads lair to good. Ornhuaker Jllg.iw ay Roads fair to Rl.vk Hills Trail Roads fair to good. . . George Washington Highway KooUs trtod. King of Trails, Norlh Rosds rough out . ,of I'ouncll Bluffs, otherwise fair. Oood In J Vstrelrhes. M Kin ot Trails. South Roads good, aft r'.rA R.ttiefteiri H Iff hway Roads ,,,,. nut of nnnnidl Uluffs. fair to good thrnufh Iowa to Slou City. Roads to Wem Knlls reported fair now. All pass able through South Dakota, with ferry at . . 'h.ml,...lal ii now rtlnnlllff. niinf m River Road Oood to Des Mnu,. with oreiitlon of rough stretches. Iowa, I lly reports main dirt highways sllpperv and mudholes si filled with wa ter. Travel ts with difficulty. Whllo Pole Road Oood to Pea Slolnes. No report east. , 10. A. bhortllns Roads fair to Green field. Blue Grass Road Roads fair to good, ro'irh In stretches. Weather reported cloudy at every point. The Bee Leads Other Papers in Sport News. Soloist at Concert for Church Benefit i hi ;"' .' f Joseph Wally. Joepb Wally will be one of the holoiht- in the sacred concert to lie given bv Our l.adv of I.ourdes ihurch choir the eveuiuR of April 18. He hat a l"uh baritone voice ot con siderable ratine and power. Mr. Wally's work shows excellent con trol, artistic coloring and splendid flexibility. Two Places Closed liy Liquor Injunctions Tcnltior.irv injunctions closing the places at 'MS Norlh Sixteenth ilrret and 2')U.i N street on charges of vio lations of 1 lie prohibition laws were signed yesterday by l'cdcral Judge oodrougli. Defendants in the former cae are Hen Hirsch. J. Alexander and Kinma l.ee and in the latter case, Xcts A. Johnson and Harry Norman. AIHrllTISr.MKNT. Pyorrhea low Being Cured At laist n Gunriintiiil Krnu'ilr. TrLil llolllo AliHoliiti-ly Frt-f. Any sufforrr from Pyorrlira, Rlt'Odina; ami UU-erutcd (iums. I.ooho Tooth and olhor sore nml disciised cnnditlnnii of the mnuth, can Rain liimipiliiite relief ami in a xhoi-t time complete recovery from those dread conditions by usinir a new guaran teed liome trentment now available. Thousands proclaim Its efficacy in overcoming Tyorrheu, relieyinK pain, heallns pus pocket, liardeninK gums, savins teeth. You can prove its merits in your own case without expense or obligation by writing Dept. 5294 Moore's Laboratories, 2113 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo., for one week's trial treatment which will be cheerfully sent ab solutely free. ADVKRTISEMKVr. Says Radium Cured Rheumatssm Shalbona Farmer Adds Chapter to the Marvelous Story of Radium. "Radium is a wonderful tonic and blood remedy and its possibilities are still un dreamed of," said a well-known scientist. "The rays caught in sucar of milk and made up into tablets and taken internally seem to work miracles." Thousands of these perfectly harmless tablets have al ready been dispensed and the results are little short of marvelous. E. S. Ball, a well-known farmer of Shal bona, 111., writing to a noted doctor, says: "You will perhaps recall havinsr sent me those Nuradium tablets and I have been almost free of rheumatism Bince taking them." One of the principal causes of rheu matism is faulty elimination and infected Klands and the Nuradium tablets seem to energize the entire system. Acute pains disappear as if by magic, jaded appetites become keen, red blood corpuscles have in creased by 260 000 in two days and the possibilities it radium are still undreamed of. Several leading druggists are now sup plied with these Nuradium tablets put up in vials of 210 at $1.60 per vial. Try them. A veritable fairyland of science stands revealed in these marvelous tab lets. Be sure t ask for Nuradium. Thejr are sold by Green's Pharmacy. Haines Drug Co , Sherman & McConnell and Bea ton Drug Co. A bath a day the Mueller way 1 The New Mueller TubSk&wer Faucet Y7TTH this new invention you can take a tub-bath, W or a shower-bath. You can enjoy a hot tub, fol lowed by a warm or a cold shower. You get the com bined advantages of both tub and shower. Cold, warm or hot water can be drawn from either spout or spray. The hose is permanently attached and independent of spout. , Dad and the boys can have their cold showers mother and the girls can have warm showers or tepid tubs and luxurious shampoos all with the Mueller Tub-Shower Faucet. ' Mike the tub you now have into a shower encourages the bathing habit with the children. Insist that your architect specifies and your plumber installs Mueller good. See your plunAxr far complete information or write us H. MUELLER MFG. COMPANY, DECATUR, ILL. Mtien ofm Complete Lin oHi'j Grade Plumbing Brass Goods Branches.- 145 W. 30th Street, New York l v 633 rvuasson acrcet, aan rrancaco 11 IM E! r Ten Room Special Luncheon Daily Served 11:30 to 3:30 Our Radio Department Burjresw.Nash sensed the tromendou interest be ing fthown in wireless it ml installed a Radio Department on the fourth floor, where a complete line of receiving sets, accessories And parts will be carried. A special effort will be made to care for the wants of the amateurs who want to make their own sets. Any elevator to the fourth floor will take you direct to this department. Buri.Nh Fourth fleer 00 0 "One Dollar 'BlouseSection In compliance with tho public demand for inex pensive wash blouses to wear with suits and sweaters, we have devoted a section of our Main Floor entirely to $1.00 blouses. Located Main Floor West, near new elevators. Here every new style ia featured: Teter Pan, "V," and square-necked models in a complete range of styles, including extra sizes 36 to 44; 48 to 52. Buritts-Nath Mala Floor : OOO Wash Goods in Abundance Most Reasonably Priced EVERYBODYS STORE The Cheney "Ariatocrat of Phonograph" Sold Exclusively in Our Vlctrola Dept. rt.M.NMk-Mik riaaw J French Ratine Imported ratine in lovely plain colors. Priced Yard, $1.25 Irish Dress Linen Serviceable and prac tical. Bright shades in plain colors. 36-in. width. Yard, $1.25 White Organdie For confirmation and graduation dresses. Re tains finish. 40-in. width. Yard, 85c BurcMS-Naah- Tissue Gingham New checks and plaids, all colors. 36-inch width. Yard, 75c Plaid Skirtings Homespun skirting in pretty plaids. For sport skirts. 36-in. width. Yard, 75c White Voile Fine quality of two-ply yarn with tape edge. For blouses and dresses. Yard, 59c -Second Floor Jurt On Mot WkTlhini Eatir Coats : Capes : Wraps : Dresses OOO Monday-a Sale of Children's Straw Hats Easter bonnets for little maids. The regula tion sailor with wide, rolling brim; adorable polks with tiny flowers and bits of ribbon trimmings; and oddly cunning little shapes that delight the little girls. Special $2.50 Burfus-Nash Infant Shop Third Floor OOO New Optical Department Now Ready to Serve You Eyes examined and glasses completed in our own store with the usual Burgess-Nash Service. Our scientifically arranged examination rooms are equipped with the latest refracting Instruments, in charge of a registered refractionist. Everything that is serviceable as well as new and correct in lorgnettes, oxfords, shopping oxfords, and opera glasses. Finest design and best quality material and workmanship. Prices are very moderate. Burfesa-Nash Meziantn Floor OOO April Sale of Silks Stress Quality--Low Price Every Piece, Yard $1.95 40-in. Satin Charmeuse. 36-in. Printed Foulards. 36-in. Chiffon Taffetas. 33-in. Tub Silk Shirtings. 40-in. Radium Silks. 40-in. Crepe de Chine 40-in. Georgette Crepe. 40-in. Crepe Chiffons. 36-in. Gingham Checks. 40-in. Plaid Sport Silks. 40-in. Navy Satin Poplin, fine quality. BurfMS-Nash Second Floor ooo : Featuring a New Patent Leather Strap Pump "Flapper,'' a charming combination, this patent leather with the wide strap which has quickly won so many admirers. ' Combined with low, broad heel and imi tation tip, the effect is one of graceful line. All 'sizes and widths. Priced $7.95 Other Pumps and Oxfords Mannish walking oxfords priced.. $8.50 Dress pumps in strap models. .$8.50 to $13.50 Burtcaa-Naali Mala Floor jj Styles that embody every fashion whim spring sponsors modified, at times, to meet the con servative demands of Burgess-Nash customers. Frocks for All-Occasion Wear Wrappy Coats and Cap A double appeal has this Prc-Easter of fering of wraps that possess smart individu ality and yet are decidedly lower in price than could be expected this early in the sea son. Beautiful Marvclla Spotigecn Pondash 1 Moussyne Orlando lend themselves to finest designing. The cut and color will delight the discriminating eye. es Carry out, in the new soft crepes, every dictate of the mode. The diversity of these models is suffi cient to gratify individual tastes and preferences. Afternoon and dinner drosses of beaded georgette. Canton crepes trimmed with em broidery and their own soft folds. Sports dresses of spongeen in high colors and in daring combina tions. $35 to $95 Separate Skirts Are Smart Separate skirts pursue an independent course and bestow favor impartially upon straight, gathered or pleated styles. Ap parently they are just as impartial in the matter of color and fabric checks, stripes, homespuns and tweeds. $35 to $125 $15 to $25 Burgcsa-Nash Third Floor 0 00 For Baby Taffeta Coats The Newest Patterns in Wilton and Velvet Rugs Hand-smocked coats of crisp taffeta are adorable in both light and dark col ors. Pink, Copen, navy, brown. They are cut on full, generous lines and made with cunning collars and cuffs. Sizes 1 to 6. Priced $8.95 Burgess-Nash Third Floor 0 0 0 Jersey Silk Lingerie Silk Chemise Lovely chemise made with regulation top and bodice. In flesh only. All sizes. $395 Vests and Bloomers . Vests in bodice top style. Both garments re inforced. In flesh only. All sizes. $395 Burgess-Nash Main Floor Cotton Vests Bodice top in white only. Sizes 34 to 44. Priced, each, 35c; 3 for $1.00. f Burgess-Nash Main Floor 0 0 0 Easter Cards that convey the sentiments attached to the day. Dainty cards are made attractive with hand painting and engraving appropriately illustrated and thoughtfully written. We have a line of cards that were designed es pecially for the Sunday school class. Burgess-Nash Main Floor Demand your attention at these low prices. Wool Wilton Rugs Exact copies of the higher grade Wil tons, made from heavy wool yarns only. Some fringed, some bound .'ends. Large color line in blue, taupe, rose and mixed oriental com binations. A rug for real wearing service. 9x12 size $75.00 New Velvet Rugs An extra heavy quality .rug seam less with fringe at a moderate price. Neat allover, conventional and Chinese designs in a large assortment of colors. Lies per fectly flat on the floor without tacking. Sizes 8-3x10-6, $40. 9x12 $47.50 Burgess-Nash Sixth Floor Monday's Special 1,500 Yards of Silk 69C Yard Plain and fancy silks, all taken from our own regular silk stork. Every yard a bargain pur chase at this amazing price reduction. 33-inch Silk Tub Shirting, striped patterns. 36-in. Printed Poplins. 36-in. Jacquard Poplins. 24-in. Lining Satins. 39-in. Flesh Georgette. No Telephone Order No Mail Order Watch Every Ad for the Red Arrow Special. Burgess-Nash Dowattalra Store For Easier New Gloves Chateau .' goves in styles more distinctive than jou have been able to secure for several seasons. French Kid Gloves "Narbonne," a French kid gauntlet, pique sewn, with heavy embroidered backs in two-tone effect in colors to harmonize with the new spring cos tume. A Pair, $6.00 12-Button Gloves French kid and suede gloves, embroidered and Genoble point backs in brown, mode, beaver, grey, black and white. Pair, $6.00 Burgess-Nash Main Floor OOO- : Special Lot of Vestees : Collars Many a smart costume owes its charm to dainty neckwear. You will de light in. this special lot of vestees and collars in net and lace, organdy and lace, in unusual combina tions. Priced at $1.00 Collars and Cuffs Peter Pan and "Tuxedo collars and cuffs and vestees and collars are priced very special at 59c New Veilings Only spring fashions know how adorably are the new French dots and fancy mesh veilings. New shipments make it possible to select a becoming veil in plain colors or com binations. Priced 25 to 2.00 Burgest-Nath -Main Floor i iThis Store uses ho comparative prices they are misleading and often untrue