Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1922, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 19

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    Church Center
of Community
Life of Negro
Prvrlopmrnt of Arti.itiei In
Omaha Bringing Colored
thunhfi ClWr to Every
iUf I iff,
liurcbet thitt arc not merely
.fiurrhfi, but the tenter of com
munity life, of their rciiv
1 hat At icription. tlte aim of many
a church,' actually applic. in large
1gr to the churche of Omaha
colorH people. Tht (ct ! eivrn
publicity by a statement of the Oma
ha Colored Commercial club, which
" The colored thurdiei are ued at
community center in which all the
arifui activitie. of inleret to the
colored population are carried out "
Religion ociety among the col
ored people in Omaha h'ltait half a
century ago, The movement ha
frown until there are now about
f 0(i0 peron connected v.iih the 1
churches and lrt active denomina
tion.. The combined ccm! estate
holding of the churcliM ha been
ttiinatcd at more than $.'50,00(1.
Uplifting Influence.
In addition to the 18 naMora of
churches there are levcrai ordamed
minister belonging to the Nf n
itterial alliance, all having an uplift
ing influence in the civic a welt a
in religioui alfairi of the com
munity. That the colored people have de
veloped their church activities to a
rtate which brines the church closer
to every-day life is the belief of
many colored men of influence.
The minifters encourage gronn ef
forts along constructive lines. They
are adviing their members to buy
homes, keep them up and improve
conditions in the neighborhood in
which they live. Recently one of the
ministers said:
Room for Improvement.
"In the fifld of religious activity
the negro has done much, but a
great deal remains to be done. Wc
need to develop in the young men
slid women a deeper spiritual devo
tion and a finer moral sense. Our
entry into the modern economic
ftruugle in this country has not
made for moral progress among us.
Here we will have to guard our
sclve. First the minister must be
guarded, helped and strengthened
?nd then the lesson must be taught
to others."
This idea is carried out in the ac
tivities of the various churches. Each
church has its organization of young
and old people as well as organiza
tions embracing the entire member
ship. The church is the meeting place
and all activities arc carried on there.
There are suppers, dinners, enter
tainments of all kinds and programs
in which the grownups as well as
children appear. The members not
only meet on a religious plane, but
become interested in each other from
a community standpoint.
Minister as Guide.
" One reason for this was the ab
sence in earlier days of halls and
meeting places for colored, people
exclusively. Gradually-:; the' church
became popular as a place of public
gathering and, in addition to being
a house of worship, became a public
forum and community center.
At the head of the interchurch
organizations, the minister stands as
a guide. The member is taking his
secular problems as well as his re
ligious problems to his, minister for
proper advice.
There are few nights that see all
the churches dark. There are many
organizations and their activities
bring the members together for rec
reation or study on numerous occa
sions. More and more the ministers
are encouraging their members to
make more of the church as a com
munity center.
Two Young Men
Who Thrive by
Playing Old Men
The art of character creation
reaches a high level in the hands of
Al Lydell and Carlcton Macy, who
are at the Orpheum theater this
week, in a comedy skit, entitled
"Two Old Cronies." Both these
men are young and they make-up
comically to represent the oldest
living of Civil war veterans. The
delineation of an old, whitc-whisk-cred,
toothless, rheumatic man by a
young fellow, less than half the age
of the character, is a capital achieve
ment by Lydell.. Much credit is due
Mr. Macy and his characterization
is as clear-cut and engaging as that
of his partner, but Lydell offers
excuse for the question, "How
does he do it?" And then, the same
applies to both.
Lydell is not a stranger to
Orpheum patrons. A few years ago
he did some mighty clever work
with the team, Lydell, Rogers and
Lydell, when he enacted an old man.
He then appeared with Bobby Hig
gins, in a skit, "A Friend of Fath
er's," in which he portrayed a char
acter he actually met in GrubsArk.,
where the original went about and
acted just at you see' Lydell play
ing him now. "Wilbur Hutchinson"
is the "stage name of the character,
and to this Lydell has clung since
he made his discovery. In the pres
ent act he is again Wilbur, the Civil
war veteran, who wants an argument
on any subject at any time. He Is
permitted to show the slow, careful
steps the old man takes; the, pain
racking body carried along by a
man acute to the most cheerful
things about him; an old man who
chews his tobacco and keeps his
white whiskers immaculately white
despite the habit, and when Lydell
mounts and descends the steps the
art of acting is carried to its highest
Another Star.
Marie Shotwcll. famous stage
player, has been added to the Wil
liam Farnum company making
t "Shackles of Gold", at the New York
studio of William Fox. Miss Shot
well has had a long stage career.
She was in the original "Mme. Sans
Gene" company, played leads with
E. H. Sothern, was a member of the
Frohman stock company at the Em
pire theater, and created the part of
bmrlev in I he Lion ana trie
- Mouse for Henry B, Harris. -
The Married Life of
Helen and Warren
Tht Monotony of Domestic Dutiti
Stir Helen's RcttU.t Rebellion.
"Darnationf exploded Warren, a
button flew off jtii drtti then.
"I'll tew it on it won't tale mo
ment," Uclrn a brushing spot
from hit dinncroat.
"Haven't time, I'm Ian row," hit
impatient jetk of tht buttonhook
tern the neat button rattling under
the bed.
"Oh. you can't wear that with Uo
buttons off!" darting in for her work
Hut, a aUay when hurried, there
were maddening delay, Thtre
nrcdtf rriiucd 14 uke the heavy
lmen thread. The fourth wa point
le. Warren, now (fretted, stood glow
ering over her while she mil strug
gle.) with the tail button.
The ii'edle slipped and jabbed her
finger. Again forced through, it
"Here, how mirth longer you goin'
to be? That'll do let it go at that."
"lie careful when you button them
they're not on very strong," suck
ing her atabbed ringer. "I'll go over
them all tomorrow."
"Now, don't ait up for me." when
he khrugged into hit lightweight
"Have you a clean handkerchief?
Oh, dear, those old glove! JuM a
second I'll get you another pair."
It the anntul dinner of the
Lawyer's club, of which he was one
of the governors, and Helen was
nutteriimly anxious that he should
look well.
At lat he was off. Forlornly, she
turned back to straighten his room,
in cyclonic disorder after his hurried
The suit he had taken off needed
pressing. She inut send it to the
tailor tomorrow. The trousers yield
ed two dimes and a penny he was
always careless about emptying his
pocket .
rutting away his tan shoes, a
broken knotted lace demanded atten
tion. She was running in a Iresh
pair when Anna appeared.
Can I serve dinner now. maamr
eager to get off to the movies.
Vcs. any time. I don t want
much," never hungry when forced to
eat alone.
At the table she took Warren's
scat so as not to face its emptiness.
It was a dismal meal. Having no
appetite, she fed most of the
warmed-over fricasseed chicken to
l'ussy Purr-Mew, stationed on the
arm of her chair.
There were never any real din
ners, only warmed-overs, when War
ren was away.
No. I won t dress that salad, as
Anna brought in the bowl of crisp
Romaine. "Keep it for tomorrow
night. And you needn't have cut all
that bread."
What time d'you want break
fast?" sulkily, always resentful of
Helen's economies.
"Oh, yes, I intended to speak of
that. Not before 8:30. Mr. Curtis 11
be tired I want him to sleep late."
After dinner in the library, Helen
faced the long evening alone. Brood-
ingly, she darned a torn neckband in
one of Warren's shirts and three
pairs of socks. Then she tried to
read, but the soft sensuous night and
a distant hand organ had aroused a
restless disquietude.
All day. perhaps because of the in
sidious spring in the air, she had
been vaguely depressed. And now,
curled up by the open window, she
gazed wistfully out. V
The myriad lights and pulsing
rumble of the great city brought a
poignant realization of her own In
significance. Her life seemed sud
denly trivial and purposeless.
How little she was accomplishing!
Wasting the best of her youth in a
dull routine of household duties!
Surely, there was more in life than
that. This monotonous domestic
round day after day it seemed to
lead nowhere.
Warren was forging ahead making
a name and a career for himself
while she was standing still.
What did the future hold for her?
She would grow older, less animated,
less attractive. With each year she
would lose not gain.'
She shivered at the appalling
thought that the years would bring
only a gradual deterioration with
nothing to compensate no personal
achievement, no recompensing ca
reer only a more helpless depend
ency upon Warren.
She had always pitied those color
less middle-aged wives to whom their
husbands were attached only through
a sense of duty. Now she had much
to give Warren all the allurements
of youth. What would she have at
He would still be young. A suc
cessful man was young even at 60,
But most women were hopelessly
middle-aged at 45. Merely stolid
housekeepers for their husbands, who
would probably much prefer to live
at a club and be free to court some
younger woman.
The cruelty of nature that makes
a woman dependent upon her hus
band through all her married life, yet
gives to her, for only a tew years, at
tractions with which to hold himl
Morbidly she dwelt on the general
upheaval that would follow if it were
suddenly decreed that all men, with
out injustice or disgrace, might leave
their middle aged wives. If all duty-
bound husbands were legally and
morally free to marry some younger
woman would there not be a uni
versal stampede?
If only she could do something
worth while with the youth that was
still hers? . few fortunate women
achieved successtul careers, tndepen
dent of their husbands. Why could
not she.'
The harrowing thought of wasted
years! Had she started in her school
days to specialize on some one thing
what mignt sue not have ac
But she had spent her girlhood
thoughtlessly, and her married life in
effacingly ministering to Warren
His physical comforts, his food, his
home, were her engrossing interests
while he was building for himself
a career in which she had no part.
A man's business and professional
prestige is all his own. His wife,
whatever her contributions, her sacri
fices and economies, has little share
in the recognition of his achieve
ments. It was half-past 10. Warrenhad
told her not to sit up, yet broodingly
inert she shrank front tht initiame of
letting ready for bed.
Eleven, lU'f pt. Still she t
by tht window with ruy IVr-
Mew in her arms.
She wtt lull doling when, at mid
night, Warren entered.
'Hello, ou ui jet.' a note
of irritation,
How well he wore hx evening
cloilietl Mit nevrr tailed to notice
I iut couldn t so to bed I knew
I wouldn't ileen. 'running to turn on
the table lamp a he auk in the chair
beside it. "Urr, I felt o blue!"
'Bluer What you got t be blue
about;" taking his pipe Irom the
'Oh. notliiiiii it iut this priuic
night, I tuppoe. Did you have a
nice tune? placing the matches
within his reach.
"Lot of ling-wuiilcl speeches.
Carton would be pouting et if I
hadn't shut him off. Kaug in all the
old whukered gugs tlut've worked
lonir enough to be peuoioncd. Ann had to orate half an hour of
wordy platitudes, oii sprcau
eagle ttutl falls mighty Hut since
they ve cut out the booze.
"Were there many there?
"'Bout 20. Hcre't the menu,"
taking it from his poiket.
Helen scanned the even-coure
dinner from the Caviar Canape to the
cigart and coffee. On the opposite
page were the speakers witti war
ren K. Curtis, toastmaster."
"You were toatmatcr: cciteI-
iy. And you never even mw mn
"Du n t think of it. Kotten too.
They pitchiorked me into it."
"Why. dear, it s a great nonor to
be toastmastcr of the annua! dinner."
Warren onlv crunted and muted
at his pipe. Then, after a moment's
I'm to have something handed
me next week that's worth while."
"What?" eagerly. "Oh, you never
tell nic anything!"
"Didn't want to talk about it till I
was pretty sure, but today I got it
straight from old Hutchison, I'm
to be one of the directors of the
Eastern Export company.
'Director of the l.astern txport
company!" rapturously.
ies, lies retiring he ami wynu-
liam are-putting me in. I omes up
at the next meeting but it's prac
tically settled.
"A director! Director ot tne r.asi-
trn Export company," fairly gloating
over the impressive phrase, Aext
thing you'll be president!"
"Well, not right away, he grinned.
"You're so square and line no
wonder they want you," perching on
the arm of his chair. Uear, J. just
know I've always known you're
eointr to do big things. You can't
help it you're so wonderful!"
Huh, maybe everybody aon i
think that way. Here, give me a
'Tell me about the Eastern ex
port company, feeling m her nair
for a wire pin. "How many direc
tors are there?" avidly. "Is it a big
"Not so big, but it's solid. Some
good men on the board," poking the
hairpin through the stem of his pipe.
"Good bunch to be in with ought
to mean some extra business. Don't
know hw old Hutchison happened
to pick me.
I know! Because you re so won
derful and honest. That's what they
want somebody who's honest who
can t be influenced.
"That meeting's a week from W ed-
nesday," musingly, now puffing at
the cleared pipe,
Uncrossing his knees, Helen
forced her way into his reluctant
"And next year, or the year after,
they'll be electing you president!"
picturing him in a great leather chair
at the head of a long "directors'
table. "I just know they will!"
"Fat chance, of. that! Here, stop
your squirming."
Nestling against the silk lapel of
his dinner-coat, all brooding
thoughts of her own narrow, monot
onous, subservient life were forgot
ten in the joy of his success.
He was forging ahead! Her own
ambitions, her restless cravings,
dropped from her. Once more came
effacement contented, williug ef
facement in the glowing pride of his
(Copyright. 122.)
Next Week Helen's Awkward
Youngest Film Producer.
. The world's youngest independent
motion picture producer is believed
to have been discovered. He is Jes
us Enriquez Topete, a Mexican, who
is only twenty-three years old and
who has been producing for several
years. He is now in Los Angeles to
study production methods. Topcte
is now making a series of pictures
for the Mexican government. He
was accompanied to the studio by
Maria Montoya, a Mexican motion
picture star.
The young producer, who also acts
in his own pictures, introduces a new
idea in collars, so far as Hollywood
and Culver City are concerned. A
narrow black band extends around
the bottom edges of his collars. The
same idea is carried out in his shirts.
It is said to be considered very
smart in Mexico.
A Cold or the Grip starts
with a Chill ; indicating
checked circulation; the use
of "Seventy-seven" at once;
restores the - circulation of
the blood and stops the Cold.
Mo Narcotic, Strictly Homeopathic.
Price. (0c. and 11. at Drut Stores or aent
on receipt of price, or C. O. D. Parcel Pot.
Humphreya' Homeo. Medicine Co.. 13$
WUiiam St, New York. Medical Book free.
Slate Medical
Body fill Meet
lleVeAjiril 21-27
hblximtc Smri of Ltrturti
and Demonstration Are
IMaiiitfil Prominent
Dm tor to Speak.
A conference of county medical
.H'icty ci r-urie, i-ltmcn, papers on
nirntitic tratmrnt of various mala
d'e, addrce by several nationally
prominent uii. as well a
leaders m the Nebraska protection,
and the annual banquet, feature the
program of the annual convention
i the Nebraska Mate Medical at
option, to be held here April 24--7.
according to announcement yes
terday by A. S. Erixou, buinei
An elaborate crir of lecture and
demonstration have been prepared
for the convention, while Dr. J. It.
Heaver, 1'hiUdelphia. and Dr. Georsc
Dock, M. I.oui. have been invited to
pr.ik. The association hat a mem
bership of I.lOiVin the state, of which
a reprenentative portion is expected
to he in attendance.
Secretaries' Conference.
The conference of county secre
taries is planned for late Tuesday
afternoon, April 25, which has for
its purpose an exchange of ideas
and formulation of plans to strength
en the county societies. The an
nual banquet will be held April 26.
at which time Dr. B. B. Davis of
Omaha, president of the association,
will deliver the annual address.
Doctors F. W. Kowc. W. L. Albin,
A. I. MacKinnon, Harry Everett. C.
II. Bastron, W. O. Colburn. II. J.
Lihnhoff and I". B. Brooks of Lin
coln: Norman T. Johnston. Upland;
F. B. Young. Gcring; F. W. Tlclm.
Scottshlulf; ti. A. Birdsatl and II. E.
Harvey, Fairbury. and K. W. Fonts,
Falls City, arc physicians of Ne
braska that arc on the scientific pro
gram for addresses and papers.
Omaha Doctor on Program.
Numerous Omaha physicians alo
arc on the program. Dr. Deaver is
scheduled to speak on "When and
How to Treat Disease of the Gall
bladder." and Dr. Dock on "Malig
nant Diseases from the Standpoint
of the Physician With Special Ref
erence to Borclerlin Cases."
The association has for its purpose
lie advancement of the medical pro
fession so that it shall become more
capable and more useful to the public
in the prevention nnd cure of dis
ease and prolonging and adding com
fort to life.
Snappy Musical
Comedy Under Way
by Omaha Knights
Frou frou of silks
Daazingly smart
Chic, brilliantly flippant
Dashing beauties and gay swells.
Surh is the bevy of girls and hoys
that Robert rrancis Sheehan ot .ew
York city is whipping into novel
artistry for a musical comedy to be
staged at the Brandeis theater in
May for the Knights of Columbus.
The play will be . presented on a
grand scale. ,
Mr. Shcehan wrote, produced and
directed eight stage productions,
"Pipe Dreams," "The Robert Francis
and Heath Revues" standing out as
his best efforts. He was also con
nected with George M. Cohan's
"Yankee Prince," and is composer of
the lyrics for the "Follies of 1922."
For Tired Feet, Sore, Tender, Aching, Swollen Feet
LhjM "Ciatb-iTn'fce
L 'Ivy OoayfcoaiekP
Just tane your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach
ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion
tortured feet of yours in a "Tiz"
bath. Your toes will wriggle with
joy; they'll look up at you and al
most talk and then they'll take an
other dive in that "Tiz" bath.
Whdn your feet feel like lumps of
lead all tired out just try "Tiz."
It's grand it's glorious. Your feet
Helps for Beauty Seekers
For Soft Brilliant Hair
F.DED, brittle hair and an itchy, acaly
scalp results from a starved condition
of hair sacs and email blood vessels.
A vigorous massage, usinj? a good tonic
to give them renewed life and energy,
stops itchiness and overcomes dandruff. A
pleasing and highly satisfactory hair and
scalp tonic can be prepared at home by
mixing half a pint of bay rum with half
a pint of water and adding one ounce of
beta quinol. For best results use a little
each day: after a few applications the
hair gradually assumes its former color
and luster, and you will soon see a wonder
ful increase in the growth of your hair.
MRS. F. G.: If beauty is only skin
deep, so much more is the importance of
making it as beautiful as possible. The
muddiness you complain of may be very
easily corrected and you will find your
freckles promptly disappearing as well as
all other blemishes by pursuing the fol
lowing simple method. I have never known
it to fail: Mix a tablespoonful of glycerine
and jtit ounce of untone with a pint of
water a very rich satiny cream will be
the result: use this every night ( before
retiring, and you will be surprised at the
results in a few days.
M4MIE: There is no use going around
with hairy arms. You will be able to
attend that dance without embarrass-
mant it vnu wilt tr m small hnttl rt
' nulfo solution frnm your dn'g store. V?
i it according to the simple directions and
! you will find that every hair will be dis
SUNDAY. AHUL 9. 192:
No Dramatis Personae
iralia4 Pwm rt Mt.)
" "The turn comei king, ace,' cl!ed
Kincaid, exactly if nothing unu
U4l had happened.
"lit raid the tmaUrr bet Out won
and gathered in the chip that tost.
Then out of the drawer h ot
Gurncy't check and laid it betide lilt
tack of 10 chip, which he picked
up. 'Four for one: $40,0iXV he laid,
lie went down iruide hit thitt and
brought cut a package of bill, 10
hundreds 14 five hundred and ev
rn one thcunaudt. 'Fifteen thoujnd,'
he said, a he counted them out in
front of Curney. '.No use digging
into what i in the variou drawers;
it would be only chicken feed, and,
anyway, we may nerd it for settling
up with the other. I'll give you my
check for ff 25.000. It' on the Mc
Cluskry bank. I guarantee you'll find
cash there t cover it when you take
it there in the mawninV
"Nobody doubted he wa peak
ing the truth, of course. If he didn't
make good hi gambling house day
in South Texas would be over. Cur
ney took the check when NeUe had
written it. tore up hi own, stuffed
the $15,000 dollar in bill into a
pocket, and got ready to leave, all
without speaking.
"June, all this time, had been Hand
ing beside her father, her face col
orless, only her eye moving, shift
ing from one to the other of the
men as they spoke or acted. She
looked down at Nelse, now, and he
looked back at her without that
sneer of his. Hi lip formed a word.
"'Hell cat!' they said. He nodded
twice, very lightly, and added an
other: 'Correct.'
"She leaned over and spoke swift
ly, for his cars alone:
"'You made me do it.'
"He nodded agreement with this,
too. 'All right,' he told her. 'I know
when a hand is beat. Give him my
compliments and tell him he's a damn
good actor. . . . Wilt you be drop
ping in'
" 'Do you want me to?'
'"Why not? He half smiled, sort
of twisted. 'I never reniged on tak
ing medicine yet. You never thought
I was a short sport, did you? Be-
Try Grandmother's Old Fa
vorite Recipe of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
Almost every one knows that
Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly
compounded, brings back the natural
color and luster to thethair when
faded, streaked or gray. Years ago
the only way to get this mixture
was to make it at home, which it
mussy and troublesome. Nowadays,
by asking at any drug store for
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound, you will get a large bottle
of this famous old recipe", improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
at a small cost.
Don't stay gray I Try it! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as it does it so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the
gray hair disappears, and after an
other application . or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy and
will dance with joy; also you will
find all pain gone from corns, cal
louses and bunion?.
There's nothing like "Tiz." It's the
only remedy that draws out all the
poisonous exudations which puff up
your feet and cause foot torture.
A few cents buy a box of "Tiz" at
any drug or department store don't
wait. Ah! how glad your feet get;
how comfortable your shoes feel.
solved away, and the skin left soft and
MRS. R. M. : Most soaps and sham
poos dry up the secretions of the scalp
and hair and fail to remove the scurf
and dandruff: the best way to get rid
of these troubles is to dissolve the scurf
and dandruff. This very easily be
done by washing the head with eggol; this
will leave the scalp free and clean and
give your hair a chance to breathe so it
will grow. Eggol is quite inexpensive as
a twenty-five cent package ia enough for
a doaen shampoos.
WORRIED: The first sign of wrinkles
sure does worry us. The texture of the
skin has a great deal to do with wrinkles
forming, so if you will use something that
will keep the skin finer and the pores
smaller I think your worries will be over.
There ia nothing that will refine the skin
texture like eptol. It is surprising what it
will do for one's complexion. Get a two
ounce package from your drug store, use
it according to the directions and in a few
days you will, like many others, sing its
JENNIE: Don't squeeze blackheads, I
hope I have said that strong enough.
Squeezing blackheads only makes pores
larger, then you have laid the foundation
for that worst of troubles wrinkles. There
is only one safe and aure way to get rid
of these pesky things, and that is to dis
solve them: to do this get a small quan
tity of powdered neroxin from your drug
store, apply a little on a wet cloth, wash
off in a few minutes and you will find
most, if 'tot all ot the blackheads gone.
sides and he hipcred something
to irr I couldn't bear. It w
months-! don't know but ci
befoie 1 ever knew what it was.
"It made June i!mot laugh,
'That's lair.' she aid, and with (be
taugh in her eyes the went over to
hrre t'olt stood waiting by the
door, and they went out ot the loom
Mmtter Stifll lighted a (rh rig
srciie nd t balk, hi gut roving
the roof garden. In a mie oi
daiiceri the girl thitt I hud eprc
folly noticed when she arrived with
a f artythe girl with brown hair
and eyes and the marvelous com
plexion on and mischievous mouth
came whirling in the embrace of an
ardent youth cloe to cur table, and
her glance fell upon Shutter. She
gave him a riamhug smile of recog
nition. "Hello," she crid, after the
friendly fashion of an old and inti
mate comrade, and went spinning
away. Shutter beamed after her.
"Isn't she pretty?" he murmured.
-A corker.1' I agreed. "Who is
"That's Mattie Lou Gurney
June's youngest girl. Haven't seen
much of her the last three, four
years; Shc'a been up eat to col
lege. Her picture was in the paper
last Sunday. Maybe you duln t tee
it; it was on the. society page. She's
one of thre here dre-bu-tantyt. I
reckon Cole and Mia Gurney must
be in town from the ranch. They're
fot a big city house up on Lurel
teights. Seen enough dancing?
Suppose we drift along."
"Wait a minute," I said, haiking
bark. "What was it Nelse Kiucaid
whispered to June that almost made
her laugh?"
Shutter grinned.
"He said. Besides, I'd like to bor.-
Making Your .? Hair
How to Have Beautiful Hair
Male Yourtelf More Attractive
EVERYWHERE you go your hair ia
noticed most critically.
People judge you by its appearance.
It tells the woi Id what you are.
If you wear your hair becomingly and
always have it beautifully clean
and well-kept, it adds more than
anything else to your attractive
ness and charm.
Beautiful hair is not a matter
of luck, it is limply a matter of
Study your hair, take a hand
mirror and look at the front, the
sidesand the back. Trydoingituo
A slight change in the way you dress
your hair, or in the way you care for it,
makes all the difference in the world in
its appearance.
In caring for the hair, shampooing is
alwaysthe most important thing. Sham-
pooingbringsout the real life and lustre,
natural wave and color, and makes
your hair soft, fresh and luxuriant.
When vour hair is dry, dull and
heavy, lifeless, stiff and gummy, and
the strands cling together, and it feels
harsh and disagreeable to the touch, it
is because your hair has not been sham
pooed properly.
When your hair has been shampooed
properly, and is thoroughly clean, it
will be glossy, smooth and bright, de
lightfully fresh-looking, soft and silky.
While vour hair must have frequent
and regular washing to keep it beauti
ful, it cannot standthe harsh effect of
ordinary soaps. The free alkali in
ordinary soaps soon dries the scalp,
makes the hair brittle and ruins it.
That is why discriminating women,
everywhere, now use Mulsified cocoa
nut oil shampoo. This clear, pure and
entirely greaseless product cannot pos
sibly injure, and it does not dry the
scalp or make the hair brittle, no matter
how often you use it.
If you want to see how really beauti
ful you can make your hair look, just
follow this simple method:
A Simple, Easy Method
FIRST, put two or three teaspoonfuls
of Mulsified in a cup or glass with a
little warm water. Then wet the hair
and scalp with clear warm water. Pour
the Mulsified evenly over the hair and
rub it thoroughly all over the scalp and
throughout the entire length, down to
the ends of the hair.
Two or three teaspoonfuls will make
an abundance of rich, creamy lather.
This should be rubbed in thoroughly
and briskly with the finger tips, so as to
loosen the dandruff and small particles
oi ausi ana aire mat stick: to the scalp,
' 'The report of the Medical Research
Committee shows that if your food
lacks one single mysterious food
factor called Vitamines, you hot only
become emaciated, under-nourished,
nervous and all-in but you may actu
ally develop serious disease. In all
such cases I suggest the following:
Take two five-grain Genuine Yeast
Vitamine Tablets before meals, and
two five-grain Nuxated Iron Tablets
after meals. ' ' By the useof this simple
home prescription, people who have
been suffering in some cases even for
years, often quickly gain surprising
strength and energy, put on good firm
flesh, wonderfully round out face and
figure, and become more alert and vig
FT, prove to you the auperiarity of these
Genuine Yeast Vitamines, pure and unadul-
terated, over Vitamine tablet mixed with
SM.aO iitaK J0 d? Tour druggist will give you a REGU.
If I I FREE with your purchase of a bottle of Nux
I I yy A yy a a ted Iron tablets, and if you do not obtain alt
! k3sw aaBw and even greater benefits than you expect from
their use the manufactuters will promptly re
fund your money.
WPORTArTi We recommend that you do not take Vitaminea unless ynu wih your weight
incr"d if you merely wish grca'-rstremlo. energy, ph.ical aud menial utor, we recom
mend that you take Ntuated Iron only..
! low fcbout f I0AW oi ilut m'. t ack
1 from h"i tomorrow, Tht bank i
I practically broke"
1 i-.rM!i, l-'
Did You Know That-
Tdith Kobrtt and Madue Pel
lamy an eitrn nnui for each
Theodoie Kohrru was onrt a
Harry Mn was the originator
t art tides in dims?
That W. V. Mong, the character
actor, i noted in California at
raiser of blooded livestock?
That only two ye4r agi Mar
gtirriif de la Motte was an ratra,
hardly known in the dim studios?
That Irving Cummins dl hs
a mirror given him by Amelia Bing
ham when be began to act at 14?
That Charles Kay, who hat just
The First Application Makes Skin
Cool and Comfortable.
If you are suffering from rrrema
or some other tottunng, embarrass
ing skin trouble you may qimkly be
rid of it by using Mcntho-Sulphur,
declares a noted skin specialist.
This sulphur preparation, because
of its germ destroying properties,
seldom fails to quickly subdue itch
ing, even of fiery ecicma. The first
application makes the skin cord and
comfortable, Rash and blotches are
healed right up. Mcntho-Sulphur is
applied like any plraoant cold cream
and is perfectly harmless. You can
obtain a small jar from any good
Your Looks
'rein fa itudying vour pnfilt.
; .
i(f ,
If you hail a thort note, do not
put your hair on thi top of your
head; if you hai't a round, fat
fact do not fluff your hair out
loo much at tin lidtii if your
fact ii very thin and long, thtn
you should fluff your hair out at
the tides, Thtiuoman'wilhth
full face and double thin should
iuea her hair high. All these and
other individual Jeatures must he
taken into consideration in selecting
the proper hair-dress. Above all,
simplicity should prevail. You are
always most attractive when your
hair loots most natural
nvhen it loots most
lite you.
After rubbincr in the
rich, creamy Mulsified
lather, rinse the hair
and scalp thoroughly
always using clear, fresh,
warm water-
Then use another application of
Mulsified, again working up a lather
and rubbing it in briskly as before.
You can easily tell when the hair is
perfectly 'clean, for it will be soft and
silky in the water.
Rinse the Hair Thoroughly
THIS is very important. After the
final washing, the hair and scalp
should be rinsed in at least two changes
of good warm water and followed with
a rinsing in cold water.
After a Mulsified shampoo you will
find the hair will dry quickly and evenly
and have the appearance of being much
thicker and heavier than it is.
If you want to always be remem
bered for your beautiful, well-kept
hair, make it a rule to set a certain day
each week for a Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo. This regular weekly sham
pooing will keep the scalp soft and
the hair hne and silky, bright,
fresh-looking and fluffy, wavy and easy
to manage and it will be noticed
and admired
' You can get
Mulsified at any
drug store or toil
et goods counter,
anywhere in the
world. A4-ounce
bottle should
last for months.
V -s. a-'
A Former Hospital Physician
Says: "This is my favorite pre
scription for WEAK, THIN, NER
often increases Strength, Energy
and Vigor, and helps put on good
firm flesh in two weeks' time
orous, both physically and mentally.
By helping to create millions of new
red blood cells, Nuxated Iron taken '
after meals unquestionably increases
food matter into living cells, flesh,
muscle and tissue, and Vitamines
taken before meals mix with your
food and act as a powerful nutrition
You may now'obtain genuine Yeast Vitamlna
Tablets, made from the original formula of Dr.
Catrinof the Facultyof Medicineof Paris, from
any good druggist. The principal ingredient
of these tablets are the direct result of years of
scientific study and research byablephysiciana
and chemists, and theymustnotbeconfounded
with ao-called Vitamine tablets mixed largely
with drug.
filmed "The !!arltrlHr,',
b.trittoriurd ou ''j'
1 IiM I etier f uii'i i the i.r t
stir in picturrs Uet uo?
mft mm. a vtntevt mmm-
fbS Value Csnuin $'
Iu Csnuin $ Q98
i 31 Cel. I u.f I 7
Craa '.
Field Classes
txldl (unaies wk
t.fwi afew-iua ml f dmtm
wm, mutt a wsM frr
fritter. I owe 4m1 frevl flftf, etteef
arrr MM wmI tMl strat.
Field Classes
Sama description aa ahma liaaM but
manufactured by Cmll Baerh.
' Positively the last time these
goods will be offered at these
Low Prices. Add 25c for Parrel
Post charges.
The Gifto Co.
28 So. 17lb St..Phlla..Pae
Also On Hands and Chest.
LostSleep. Cuticura Heals,
"My face, band's nd cheat hebed
and burned and hard, red pimple
dtom out. i os puupio
(catered and when I
scratched them they
burned terribly. I could
not put my hands io
-k enter, ana couia noi ao
lu nry reapilar work. My
rlnthinv Irritated tne
breaking out. and my face was dli
figured. I loat a lot of sleep.
" SmIkv an advertiaemcnt for Cu-
ticura Soap and Ointment I sent for
f-M aamnla which relieved the itch-
tag. I purchased more and in oae
month was neeuea. taignea; nuaa
Cecelia Kapla, 70S Pbebe St., Green
R.v. Wl. Tulv 30. 1921.
Beautify your akin by daily use of
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum.
Seamls task Fras by MaD. A Mraas: ''Oalleaa Ua-
ereurla. Beat. BV atalfca . m. sola every
where. Seap aWTointniea 26 aad Me. Taleaai Be
BsaTToticnra Soap ehavae withawt mmt
You Cannot
Hide Your Fat
Overfatness is the one misfortune you
cannot hide from yourself or from thosa
around you. If too thin, your dressmaker
or tailor can supply the deficiencies, but
the overfat carry a burden they can not
conceal. There is one sure way to reduce
your weight surely and quickly. The
harmless Marmola Prescription, which
changes the fatty tissue, and fat-
producing food, to .olid flesh and' energy,
help, the general health and digestion,
permits you to eat substantial , food, and
leaves the skin clear and .smooth. Thi.
famous prescription is now condensed
into tablet form. Each tablet containa an
exact dose of the same harmless ingredi
ents that made the original prescription
capable of reducing the overfat body
steadily and easily without the slightest
ill effects. Take but one tablet after each
meal and at bedtime until the normal
weight is reached and the bodily health
completely restored. Ask your druggist
for Marmola Prescription Tablet, or send
one dollar to the Marmola Company, 4612
Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich., the prica
the world over, and you will receive
enough to start you well on the road to
limness and happiness.
Says Rheumatism
Leaves You Forever
James H. Allen of Congress Avenue,
Rochester. N. Y., once a rheumatic crip
ple, who discovered ALLENRHU and with
it banished every trace of urie acid and
every sign of rheumatism from hi. body,
.ays that every druggist guaranteea a
full pint bottle of ALLENRHU to .how
the way to complete recovery or money
It relieves at once and immediately after
you start to take ALLENRHU the good
work begins. It searches out uric acid
deposits, dissolve, the secretions and
drives rheumatic poison out of the body
through the kidneys and bowel.. Even
in case, where suffering ha. been piteoua
and painful all trace, of this dread dis
ease disappear in a few days. Sherman 4k
McConnell Drug Co.'. 6 .tore, can .upply
The. three organ ara re
sponsible for more miaery
among men than all other
combined. Pain, io back,
tired feeling, getting dp at
night, prematura age. less
ened vitality, ara aom of tha
reeulta of these trouble. We
believe w have tha best
treatment known to qoickly
correct thee aMoraer.
Co.t nothing unlee It
doee the work. Sea
far Hlaatratas aaafclat.
BOX 293-1,