4-R THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. APRIL 9. 1922. Council Bluffs Society Make Home at Burlington PifHM PrenuptUU. JoviUiwiu were Uoufd during I.' fin wrk by Mr. nd Mrs. Jolm Jscob lien la iHe mrrig f r UugMfr, Ortldiiir, m Mr. Poug lit Ldward I'r.ff el Ows'i. Rc. Wilford Mna n to reform the ccrcmnny in St. Ttul't tpco rl church Wr1fedy evening. April if. and immedutety Ihrrt vi!l be a rtcciu at the home ot Mr. and Mr. Chailee Ten btrwrt. S.'S oiih i-mulli trert. Mit Grtirhrn IU i t he nuid cl ..-.nor 10 her ucr 4 Hie br.-itr. i.i.l. I. ulll h Mm Minlu Moir el Burlington. I, and Mi Dorothy t.m .-,.. ami Mi.t lUM.ne ieirri pi ...oil. II r IViritnn ha clioien hit brother. FUlph. a hrt man. and fir n.lirr. flaffnie Pctf'S, David 1'i.MurlI. lliv Milbrd and Charles - - i t ...U Tin Trlrri of Omaha and Iaru Struirt Mi-Ferron of Moot town.III., will nerve a (lower girli m iii hrlilr who will be siven in mirruce bv hrf father. ih nartir. ulready Bivftl Inr (hi. rli.irnlillff eirl ftt ill (l enioon bridge on lat Wednesday ll irt. when 1.' ClieM were prienr. and luncheon o( i l.a TIiuimIjv. with tl. II ..l,... W.Tintr a ,in-lr. Affaire of thi week fr MUi ,r0 w,,0 wi be grfa,,y niic(1 from . ....... . I..... on (,MI(bv tO PC " r... k v Fl lnn Loee. an- 'de circle of fnendt in council ..i... .t. i ii fnllnwmff at untrll Mm. Rohert Turner and .... 1'. ...... .. ill I,- linlrM' Mini AUrun i hi ii. . i... :.. OtiLiha S..tiir....V planned bv Mr. Howard l!.iMr.dBe and Mm. Malcolm l.aMr.dije. i ..loirlv after l;aier mere for tli Will IT bride-elect and her finance. sir. and Mr. George Van Brnnt and 11'. and Mr. Charle R. llannan. Jr.. will entertain at dinner for them on the 18th. and the following night there will he a hnlTet ni'.'l'er in their honor given by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph r wTand Mr. F.. A. Wir'.ham have i j . .i...r,r.ftr.iiro (nr the Jut tl in'd Mr. and Mr. M. C. rrtera ol Omaha will give a dinner on tne for their son and hi financee. Saturday. April 22. will be busy day for Mis Hes. as Mr. V..l Douglas is to compliment her with . a luncheon at 1 oVIock and a supper will be given for her and Mr. Peters that evening by David Caldwell ana Clarence Teters at the Omaha Club. Mr. and Mrs. George Mayne are to entertain at supper for this couple Sunday evening. April 23. anl on Monday evening they will he honor - Ruests at a dinner which Mr. and Mr. Charles Allison are to give at their home. The guests will later attend a theater and supper party at the Brandeis. which is being ar ranged by Mis Dorothy Judson. Tuesday. April 25. .the entire bridal party will lunch with Mr. ana Mrs. John Mehlhon. jr.. after which there will be a wedding rchcrsal at the church. , ... That evening the attendants will 1 be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hess at a dinner to be given in one of tne dining room at the Brandeis tea room. Bridge Parties. Two lovely parties were given last week bv Mrs. JrR. Day and Miss Thcda Beresheim at the home of the former. V,.-; . , . Five tables, were placed for bridge on Thursday when Mrs. Glenn Reed had high. score and Mrs. Isornian Filbert won the cut-for-all. On Saturday 20 guests were also ppesent and quantities of , spnnfe flowers were used in decorating. Miss Earenfight in Vogue. The April number of Vogue shows a most attractive picture of Miss Frances Earenfight of this citv. who ' is now in Chicago with the Favley Oukrainsky organization. In the new ballet. "La Fete a Rob- inson " which these two artists have created. Miss Earenfight, known pro fessionally as . Mile. Dagmara, ap pears 'as a bridesmaid, and in this quaint costume of 1830 she is posed in a charming, graceful little dance with Mr. Bublitz. who is described as "the sprightly best man. , Miss Earenfight, accompanied by her mother, will arrive in Council Bluffs about the first of May for a visit. ' . Mrs. Keeline Entertains. Mrs Frank Keeline of 241 Frank street invited 12 guests to her home v last Wednesday for a delightfully appointed luncheon. For a Lincoln Matron. Several enjoyable parties were giv en last week, both here and m.Oma-i- i:n,sni,rv trt Mrs. Richard Bennett of Lincoln. Neb., who is here 'for a tliA.r liiiiinrtr.ru linm rM tirnrrf in Council Bluff recently for a short vit't and on inursaay ot ust weeK foat.t t(t inr ll, u'k. Tlii lnllr they are making the trip overland. Personals. Mrc Alii-o Stork is III at her home on Harrison street, kfitc Vat r.miiewcir underwent a tonil operation last Tuesday. E. A. Wickham has returned from a business trip to Cleveland, O. W. A. Maurer relumed Saturday night from a business trip to St. uoin. . Tr,lm XTi-flrr. i Imme from his studies at Grinncll. la., for the spring holiday. Mrs. Ed Wickham ha as her week-end guest Mrs. Farrcll of Mason City, la. nr... tfnriM Citron nf TTarlan. Ia.. i visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Kinzcl. T. G. Turner and his daughter. Miss Marian, have returned from a California sojourn. w v Mnvni i at Mercv hos pital.' having recently undergone an operation for mastoid. ytr. r.ivinrA 9ivif whn was here last week at the W. V. Mayne home, returned Fridav to Harlan, la., where she resides, and with her be an official one rather than other wise, which is also unusual, for for mal official affairs are nearly al ways over the first of April. And Easter day is unusuauy uue T7. it will he an unore- 1 Uf Wll IWWit ..... . U cedentedly beautiful season with the fulsome blossoming or spring lovely with magnolia blossoms, cro ... Lu .U.'a ...inn tulips, daffodils and all such spnght- lv blossoms ot mis season. "v Japanese tnciry nv- -steady procession of motorists, .: r..t (ti few old-fash- : a i.c. ,MrU which mav be seen on our streets, to Potomac park. The cherry trees form the most beautiful lane along tne ease ui u. ,wVi l thr bridal river, utiiiwi n...v.. ---- -path in turn bordered by the bands of purple ins, lunps, uiu' and many other beauties, in their turn. Really Washington is a beau tiful spot just now. , tt.l. ...k..vi KmnQ tomor- nOlV WCCrv, ninv.a . row, will be of more than usual . ' r . 1 I. ...Via A S MAt quiet, even lor tne peopie i ' . t.t. tnr kcr will be an absence of the usual grand opera, which for many years . hahit of coming here for that, de votional period. But there will be the bustle ot preparuons iui various conventions,- congresses and other meetings significant of wo man's activities in tne worm iuuj. The D. A. R. will be coming in and -I--.,! (nr iVioir meetines. Lincoln, Wcb.i wno ,s Bcun,8 K!? i. . t Vin j .v.. with her mother, and the Daughters of 1812 and the if t . iViiiirart Mothers:, congress anu - Mrs. Lyman bhugarr. rMWrnn which will Tuesday Mrs. Thomas ureen gave ."- " J,::, uter It is ', 1 !, RrandeU tearoom come a week or more later, u is a luncheon at the Brandeis tearoom ;m00ssible now to- get any for Mrs. Bennett anu j reservations in the leading she was entertained at bridge r.t The oresent outlook is Mrs.. George vrm . .,. roads lead to Washington for -Mrs. Uienn vvhcox bj - Easter" lrtSt ! Representative and Mrs. Robert mented her with a luncheon. tained a company of congressional For Miss Themhardt. guests at dinner this evening in their , A erouo of Theta Sigma Phi girls handsome apartment on Wyoming - . :A ai ice i Til-. L...qne will navi. as and their escoris, suipuscu avenue, iuib.' " Caroline Theinhardt last Wednesday j,er guests over the Easter season, " 1 .i.. ,cin f her 17th t ri,,ri. Boll and her daugh- birthday , t. Miss Belty Bell of Altoona, Pa. In the party were the Misses Helen They have made a little plan for so- Butler, Dorothv . McMurray, Louise cjai festivities as they want to put Swan. Movne Chambers. Hazel Mae j their time sightseeing. t r-ttion-.,. Tanrll. Thora Af.'ce Adricnne Low hid a small Leffert and Faith McManus. Messrs tea pa,ty this afternoon in honor ot Richard capen, an wwcu, ncr nouse guest, mis.-ii.j w. Miller. Leslie Kain, jonn nAi" Hams, jr.. oi morioiN, Toe Simotison, Gerald Zurmuchlen, spent a fortnight with her. Mrs. t u rr.. ; and Rillip Kastman. t':ii:,. 'lt rotnrn tn Norfolk to- rwtnncni "'"'5 i "iin" , Informal Bridge. morrow or next aay. 1 ... .nnrtmnthr Airs. Kussell Har- rtTZMM dson? and 'Mrs: Aivin Saunders ex- bobno$r of "Mr Frank-8 Putnam of pect to return to their home , Oma- Shjux Falls S. D. Mrs. Putnam ar- ha the middle of this month. Mrs. -"e" during th s week with her two Saunders has been recovering from children. Marjorie and Frank, jr., ? light attack of grip which has aid arenate home of Mr. and Mrs. kept her in the house : or a w ek. Freeman Reed. v',. r;,. rA Via tatter former- To Lincoln. , MrKenna of Omaha. Mis Katherine Searle. a student at arrived in Washington early this id. MpHracka Stat timversitv and! i. I t U ..rt;n1 YiV Miss Marjorie Annis, who attends od fr;ends both of Missouri and of Ferry Hall, departed Friday for Lin- ebraskl They were dinner guests coin to attend a house party at the of the pcstmaster General and Mrs. Theta Sorority house. These young Vork one nignt tnis and an. 1 . J :. . U tn.nr r cnrinir vara- .. r r i if T7 J no i.... . i otner evening or oir. ana mis. tu- i!r.m in fnnnr-il Klnffs and will re- i t- r- - t 1..... f . wara r,. vdiiu, uic ialici luiintu turn to their studies the early part Miss curtis sister of Senator .1 ,b. -. . 1 ' I . . . .. rr i ... . l.har es Curtis ot Kansas, i nev win : Motoring to Denver. spend all of next week in Washing- Mrs. I. T. Soindler and daughters ton. They are at the lllard. have been makim Colorado! Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Scott of Omaha D. A. R. Mrs. J. C Fryor Is a young ma- Bluff, where she has made tier home (or several years. On Ihursday she will leave witn her children, John and Hetty I.ou i: . . !;.. i . inr r-.Tirii.iirrr.il . . .n an... n I . . . w. .. . ....fa. . v.., .w jw... ..... . t f or, who went there several weeks ago as attorney ior one oj tne rail roads. The Prt'ors turret (a make Cur- lington their permanent home. . went little Winfield and Betty Mayne for a ten days' visit. Betty Lou Tryor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pryor, had a tonsil operation last Wednesday. Mrs. B. O. Bruington leaves this week to visit her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, at DePauw university in Grccncastle, Ind. Mr. and Mr. Oscar Keeline ar rived home Monday night front California, where they have spent the past four months. Mrs. Charles Hutchinson, who lias hn ill (riitvct ff li.f father A T) Annis will rrlnrn tnHav In her hrvme in Des Moines, la. Mr. iyid U$. Webster W. Wy man of Chicaco are visitim? at the Robert Mullis home. Mrs. Wyman in a niece of Mrs. Mullis. ffc fart .TcIam allt ffaMrYit.r Betty, left last night for. Denver, i-oio., wnere- tney win visit Airs. Beyer, a sister of Mrs. Coston. f tee titK rAnni vrrtfmA tfmm 'jfttrrlaw mnr n in rr 4rrtn fliira ffr. " spend the spring vacation with her parents, jvir. ana Mrs. w. Loopcr. fic fritrTn FmnL-tr. a stllrlpnl' at the national kindergarten school in unicago, is witn ner parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Empkie, for the spring vacation. Washington Society Tht reaular meetlnt e-l Omaha chapter. Daughters e( the American Revolution, wi.l be held In Hit Bur r.r.. Vi.li auditorium on Tuesday. April II. at p. m. The mmi of the Ute conierencr iihh i : . Hinnrti A.'ilt fat aivfii. lIUI, ,.w...... rr-rr, r- . a.---"' At preen much interest centers men l ie Jltt national coutinem congrrts which will be held in i ingion, in Continental hall, the . i..:i 17 Mr. Wirliirrf C II resmt attemate of Omaha thap it ana auo staie rrprrcmnvi the rounders and Patriots, will tend. Mrs. Ocorge L. .Micaci irfll'HH a-"... -..---r ' Oinatden chapter. C. A. R. Ot I.--- ......i;., .r fr T I lurniiTi iivii"'" - -- low Keynold. Mm. Mavnard C. Cole lira ii njrkiinw. nirmt'ci t ( Omaha chapter, who now res in a.unRton. ii.- jui..Vi;.m . .11 l.iv. ftnri 1 lie vi liana-., ... - " - car ovrr the Northwestern to Cn . . . I... .iiavu u iii ne lanira cku, : , urirKi tiw.i .. ........... - . Michigan. A special tram wni carry iiirm from there throiiBli to vtasir uiRtnn. League Women Voter. , I.. a 'l, .l war. - " school board will speak on the new .... . a A - at. teciimcai nign scnooi aim eiiin m duties of the proposed office of bun ness manager for the school dUtrict at a meeting ot tne League oi worn en Voters Thurday afternoon, 3:3( o'clock, in the Brandeis grill room A. .lll ati.raik.r, nl .flat tracrit. U'it a..... tnr tl.ai aliirla. a V at inn. Tll IllCil l.'l l.'S a. . . v. j va i.n. income, surtax, excess profits and . .. 'II L J.'....... J inneritance taxes win dc uiu!cu at ah- eek oyt ian ve of at will and Dther Bar iides al bv and the Bureau of The Bee, Washington, April 8. The Easter season this year will Mrs. V, H Byrne and her daughter, j. iic j-aa.v. I Mr Nirhnla lirrrn. wnn rame from their home in Annanolis for a '" few days. At April's Gate. At April's gate the bare .trees stand, And dance, on tiptoe, till her hand Shall draw the torch along their fulsome blossoming 01 spuiK ",.'8;,i' ... , . . . ers. Already tne pams, "6"'. . . . r. . . u..... ..a 09V anri I A fine, crppn flame hrave-nirlferintr yaras icu to cy """ J ay ; : r. , ; Omaha who have a house here this season, had as their guests this week rr . . si . s -v.a iiaiiiv, iiurv-mvivvi 'I'ft Shrine fires for the robins' vows! At A rrtlfl onfa tliA onMsrrrc ettr And pale arbutus welcomes her, trl , 1 . I . 1 wnue, wnere ner ieet nave ixoa, Tlia. w,rtlrf malrpe 1-iactA tft tnaflr With scent and color sweetly dark, ncr luuipruus in me sou. At April's gate the sky is frfin To weep delightful' tears of rain, And burn with clearer gold, Mist-blue, smoke-gray it cloaks the world With wings of promise, wide un tuned, . . ;.- i . v . Above the pregnant mould. FAITH BALDWIN. Use a new shaving brush to grease baking tins. With great satisfaction we announce the name of Mr. John F. Daly as a new link in the chain of Hoffmann Service Mr. Daly l wll known to many Omahini part owner and anrral manager of tha thirigo Laundry during tha yrara 1V06-1911, and ince then ha hat formed a com pletely new circle of friend, and ac quaintance, in Omaha and Council Bluff Salea Agent for John Morrcll Co. of Ottumwa, Ia. We proudly atatc that the aubject of Mr. Daly 'a entering our aervice hi. been a matter of mutual dia cu.tion for tha past two yeara, and wa are indeed pleased with ita final culmination. Wa feel that thia addition will surely atrengthen and solidify the thoughts and aims that have been uppermost in our minds for the pant eighteen yeara; that is, to give the people the services and earnest ain cere advice that they all crave in ' their hour of need. Hoffmann Funeral Home DOuglat 3901 ' "To Serve Humanity) : Better" ADVERTISEMENT. For Freckled, Rough t or Muddy Complexion The freckling, discoloring or toughen ing to which delicate skins are euDjeci after exposure to wind or sun. often in ...lu enrinc mav readily be gotten rid of. Ordinary mercolitcd wax, spread ligntiy over me in retiring and removed in the morning with soap and water, completely peela off .k. ji.i-;tt.ri skin. Get an ounce of the wax at any drug store or toilet counter. There s no more eiieciiva way oi dihu ing freckles, liver spots, moth patches, pimples or other cutaneous defects. Little skin particles come off each day, ao the process doesn't even temporarily mar the complexion, and one soon acquirea a brand new. spotless, girlishly beautiful face, rpt.. ..r.i:..rl ,v mfrthnd la annre- eiated- particularly by those who Prefer "natural beauty to man whim i viouily otherwise. Unframed Pictures NOT A SALE A GIFT Original Etchings Photo Carbons and Sepias Color Prints ETCHINGS Originals under the Artists' own Autograph and Re-Mark. Included are por traits and landscapes by King, Mielatz, Slo combe and other internationally recognized artists. Values to $75.00. PHOTO CARBONS, SEPIAS A 1 1 the Old Masters, products of the leading art pub lishers of America, England and Germany. COLOR PRINTS Ross Nature Prints and other fine prints from lines which we no longer stock WE REQUIRE ONLY THAT YOU BUY THE . FRAMES You are to select the frames to suit your own taste and price. Our profit on the framing cannot give us ten cents on thcdollar. Free delivery. No extra charges. Careful framing. WHY We are truly housecleaning. These pictures are not cheap any home can be proud of them but many of them have been in stock for years. Each year we have made the customary charge for depreciation against them. We still have a big investment in them, but our reorganization plans say: "Out they go." We have chosen the "buy-a-f rame" plan because it is quick and because we want you to get acquainted with the most perfectly equipped Framing Department in the West. First come, first served. SEE THE LITTLE WINDOW , The Art and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas Street Omaha, Neb. Bowen's Value-Giving Store Home Furnishings of Quality THE immense savings made by selecting the furnishings for an entire home, or the replacing of the furniture for a single room.js fast adding to our large list of satisfied customers, who are taking advantage of our. value prices. You Can Save as Others Have Saved! The H. R. Bowen Co. are daily offering exceptional values In living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen furniture, aunroom and porch furniture. Values you will be pleaHcd to accept, as a visit to this store will readily prove. Cane Living Room Suites Davenport-Rocker- Arm Chair In genuine mahojrany, backs of closely woven cane, velour up holstered, sprint; cushions, spring: edi;e, two extra pillows and bolster. Priced this month $187 50 MAHOGANY CANE SUITES, of three pieces, upholstered in mo hair, two extra pillows and bolster, formerly QC flfl sold for $395.00; priced row at WtUiUU Breakfast Room Sets ' Finished in Gray Enamel Well finished, pretty in design, they are values of 0O7 CA an extraordinary kind at our low price of tyO i JJ Bed Room Suites in Walnut Artistic in design and well finished, these Suites appeal to those who desire something good at moderate cost. The full size bed has bow-end, the chiffonette is large and roomy, and the dresser has spacious drawer room flj P.7 Kfl and the price only eOU Other artistic and well finished Suites at $110 and $135 Rugs of Superior Quality At Value Giving Prices m ims. .W7 BJ fIkO '. 1 rfir Select the Rues TV S&K rou want at A.XtiJ. Bowen's anil save X V V money. 27x54-inch Axminster and Velvet Rugs; ideal for hall, bedroom and den: $5.50 values now ; .....S3. 50 6x9 Velvet Seamless Rugs, $27.50 values now 815.95 One-piece Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, splendid quality, $35.00 values now .....S35.B5 9x12 Axminster Rugs, beautiful tan colors, $62.50 values,- at 837.50 9x12 heavy quality Velvet Rugs, $65.00( values $38.95 8-3x10-6 heavy Wilton Rugs, Persian designs, good durable col ors, $90.00 values now . 858.50 In Our Drapery Department Are hundreds of money-saving values for those who buy now. Velvets and Damasks, Linens and Cretonnes Allover patterns in rose, blue and gold, sunfast and tubfast fabrics, por tieres and overdrapes. Silks, per yard, SI. 15 to 85.00 Sunfasts, per yd., 59 to 85.98 yard, 39 to Damask, per yard, 82.98 to 88.00 Velours, per yard, S2.98 to 88.00 Cretonnes Per S1.75. Extra large and complete assortment of Nets in Filet weaves and shadow ef fects, 36 to 50 inches wide, white, cream and ecru colors, for 39t to 83.98 yard. Scrim, Voile and Marquisette, in plain dots, silk stripes and colored effects, in all the newest and latest patterns, at 19 to 81.35 yard Given Away Free THURSDAY, April 13th, 8 P.M. Be at the store, or represented by some member of the family, as you may be awarded one of the several pieces: Grand Rapids Refrigerator Garland Gas Range Kitchen Cabinet Room Size Congoleum Rug Don't forget the day, place and time Sign your ticket and get full particulars at Main Aisle Desk. Floor and Bridge Lamps Bought in a manner unusually conducive to value in a large quantity lot. They have been priced very low as an added incentive for everyone to have an extra lamp of quality in their home. The entire lot have prettily de signed (plain and carved) ma hogany standards with shades of different styles. These are worth while values at our low prices of $13.50, $18.95, $21.00 Lloyd Carriages for Baby Just the carriage to take baby out ' for an airing. Body is of reed and shown . in both the gray and ivory finishes. Ask to see them. Priced at 824.50, $27.50 and $32.50 Extra large size Lloyd Baby Carriages, finished in dark gray and light green color combinations at, only 93H.5U. ill 4-ROOM OUTFITS Before you start the new home, if you are at all desirous of saving money,, see our special four-room outfits. This is one of the best values ever offered $276 Your Old Furniture Has a Value Don't discard it when buying new. Phone our Exchange Manager, who will gladly credit its value toward any new fur niture selected here. We maintain a Furniture Exchange De partment for this special purpose. Clothes Baskets Oblong shape, large, well made, only 98 Oil Mop With large bottle of oil, 65 Ironing Boards Made with rigid standards, good quality wood 81.85 Galvanized Water Pails Large size, heavy handles,' 19 Wash Boilers Heavy copper bottoms, large size 82.59 Step Ladders Strong and rigid; one of the most useful articles about the house; priced d1 f"Q now, at P 1 DU Glass Mixing Bowls Set of five clear Glass Mixing Bowls of graduated sizes they serve daintily and you'll find them very TQ handy I ifC Bowen's Better Brooms Sweep with a well balanced, well made broom ; such brooms are now offered at the H. R. Bowen Co. for OQ only awiC Electric Irons 6-foot cord, detachable plug $3.95' Butcher Knives Regular 60c values now .19 This knife has an all steel blade; beechwood handle, brass riveted, and is a special value at our Clean-Sweep Sale price. Auto Baskets Shown in several " different sizes, strong and durable 25S 35c, 40 ,. Rose Bushes Ophelia (yellow) Rose Bushes, Milady (red) Rose Bushes, choice, each . . , Foot Stools In fumed oak, tops in imita- 9c 79c tion leather- only Galvanized Wash Tubs Large size,durable and strong, priced now at 65t Lace Curtains The newest spring patterns that are sure to please; specially priced. . Nottingham Lace Curtains In choice patterns, a splendid value at our low price of, pair 81.25 Voile Curtains Plain hemstitched; colors, ivory and ecru; good quality, regular $2.50 values; now, pair...... 81.49 It Pays to Read Bowen's Small Ads Open a Credit Account With Us Howard St., Between 15th and 16th 9 M a fmft The Metropolitan j III vizMr an Storage L Co. Move You j i .j '.7,