Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1922, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 13

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Clubs of Second District
Meet in Omaha This Week
Tht convention of the Second dit
trier. NelrV Federation of Wo.
infii'l Club inert in Omaha Wed
urUy and TliurxUy of this week
in the liurtiei-Nh auditorium by
invitation of the Omaha Woman's
club. Mr, f- M. Lord, president
ot the tlutrat, will preside. The
turning contetiri at I p. in. Wed
llrtda)'. Mr, p. Y. Kt'mg. Uadir of the
public iiraling drtrtiurnt Omaha
Woman' i lull and corrc pondin
secretary oi the rluU (or nevt year,
Mill ait at toatmitre at the ban
urt WclnrW evening, 6 o'clock,
in the Uurjje -N'a)h tea room. Mr.
M. I). Cameron Mill give a toat to
the "tlcneral ledrratton," Mr. Ed
l!.tr II. Penury of l-'ullerton. sutc
irriil tit. "ihs Xehraoka I'rdcra.
Hiiiingcr; alternate, Mr. A. E.
Dundee Woman' club: Mr, $sx,
Mr. W. T, JohiiMin; alternate. Mr.
A. J Ovcruaard and Mr. J. F.
Haltton Wonian' club: Mr. Kd
miion, Mr. Kay Korkenhagen; al
ternate, Mr, J. T. Harnett.
I'apillion Woman' club; Mr
Maxheld. Mr. A. F. Hughe: liter,
nate. Mr. A. J. Steutou and Mi
F.dnh Graniliih.
Federated Clubs
Mi F.ffic F. Detrick, president
of the Fourth ditrkt N'ebraka
Federation of Women's club, ha
appointed Mr. Hannah Van Wickle
of York pre and publicity chair
man for her district. Mi Detrick
ha completed her program for the
Fourth district meeting to be held
at (ieneva, April 24, -'5. Leading
upeaker will he Mis Ruth 1'yrile,
JiuIkc Ralph Davi Brown. Mrs.
Additon K. Sheldon, Mr. Ralph Da
vi If row n and Mr. Edgar It. Fen
ny. Thi i election year in the
Fourth district. Mi Detrick' suc
cessor will be chosen at the Geneva
Christ Child Society.
hid st man ir
tiou;" Mrs. William Merry, "Tht
Second District;" Mis Martha Pow
ell, "Problems of Kducation in t!ie
Second District;" Mrs. Draper Smith,
"Woman in Politics;" Mrs. James T.
Lees, Lincoln, state vice president,
"The State Bulletin."
Mrs. Penney will be the principal
speaker of the evening session which
opens at 8 o'clock.
Thursday morning session opens
at 9 a. m. Presidents of the district
clubs, will make their reports and
Mrs. Addison ' K. Sheldon of Lin.
coin, director for Nebraska in the
General federation, will speak. At
10;30 o'clock delegates will be taken
in automobiles to Swife & Co.,
where they will be the guests ot
The regular monthly meeting of
the board of directors of the Chribt
Child society will be held on Mon
day morning at the Center.
A number of applications have re
cently been made for admission to
the Americanization classes.
The Lightning Athletic Club will
give a dance at the Sokol hall,
Thirteenth and Williams streets, Sat
urday, April IS.
The public is invited to attend the
musical program to be given this
afternoon under the direction of Miss
Helen Mackin.
Scottish Rite Woman' Club.
The regular business meeting of
the Scottish Rite Woman's club
scheduled for April 14 has been post
poned until a later date.
Helping the
Mute and more are we coming to
believe that no one among u can
kund atone. Social service i the or
drr of the day. And o it i not ur that a letter such a the fol
low inir comes in the day's mail:
"We are a group of married
women who have been playing
card at each cufUr's home during
the winter, but a the summer ap
proaches we concluded tliat we
ought to put our effort into some
thing more constructive. We live
in a small town on the edge of a
prosperous (.inning community,
and we should like some sugges
tion! a to how we might do some
tort of oci.l service for these ru
ral dwellers."
One group of women who found
themselves similarly situated noted
that many farmer wive came to
town to make purchase, and so on.
Mcing unable to leave the little ones
at home alone, no matter now warm
the dav. lhee mother brought
them along. The town women de
cided to onen a nursery, where these
kiddies might stay ttlulc the mother
was busy. ,
They obtained permission from
one of the men's lodge to use a
small ante-room for the nursery
They started with a few folding
cribs. Toys were gladly contrib
uted. Later the nursery became so
popular that it was necessary to
seek larcer ouarters. A mother
could leave her baby here all day
for 5 rem. Milk kent at a proper
temperature and other simple suit
able bahy foods were to ne naa at
T. B. Hummel to Speak.
J. B. Hummel, former park com
missioner, w ill speak on "Recrea
tion Parks and Boulevards." at
meeting of the Omaha College cjub
domestic education section Wednes
day afternoon, o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Walter Standevcn.
4911 Webster street.
W. C. T. U. Meeting Postponed.
The meeting of Omaha V. C. T.
U. scheduled for Wednesday has
been postponed owing to the Flying
Snnadron meeting at the rirsi
Christian church.
- Benson Society
Benson Correspondent Call Walnut SJ70,"
Benton Woman' Club. land plant were, made far a dinner
The tesuW meeting of the Pen. !"'! Mjir day'' sale at the church, to
.i..K i... i, . ...... which the public will be invited,
Easter Party.
Weekly Club Calendar
Old IVopls's Home, Fontmrtla Boule
vard gunriay. S:30 . m.. Major and lira.
v. A. Mi't'nrmk'k and daughter. Mlsa
.Alice, will have charge of the service.
Catholic Iauhter of America Walking
flult tiunday, 2 p.- m.. Union aiatlon.
Members will take train for Creaient.
la. The walk will be from Crescent to
House of Hope. 7915 North Thirtieth
Street Sunday, 3 p. m.. Rev. John I.
Barton, pastor Immanual Baptist church,
will conduct the aervlce. Church choir
Luncheon will be served at the plant ""?d
at M:3() o'clock. Officers will bci Wiley Point club house. Fontenelle forest
the Employes Relations department .., rlllHSllndHV
ng. intormai ouunn i
Vlsitora wel
Get Acquainted Club Sunday, 7:30 p.
m., First Unitarian church. Turner boule
vard and Harney street. Meetings are
nonsectarlan and are open to all strangers
and lonely folk. Mrs. Taul K. Harlan,
Omaha Walking flub Sunday, S p. m.,
from north end of Florence car line.
The route will be north along the river
road past Lone Oak, thence northeast
through the woods, circling back to Flor
ence. Miss Elizabeth Parsons, leader.
elected Thursday afternoon, at tMjjVonS 2 nel'hift
closing session.
The present officers of the district
are Mrs. L. M. Lord, Omaha, pres
ident; Mrs. James Davidson, Spring
field, vice president; Mrs. E. S. Nick
erson, Papillion, secretary, and Mrs.
V. V. Paxton, Omaha, auditor.
"The fourteen clubs and their presi-
dents are as follows: Omaha Wo
man's rlub, Mrs. Charles Johannes;
South Omaha Woman's club, Mrs.
Samuel C. Shrigley; Omaha Wo
man's club of Railway Mail Service,
Mrs. O. M. Tones;. Dundee Woman's
v club, Mrs. N. K. Sype; Benson Wo
man's club. Mrs. C. C Beavers;
Ralston Woman's club. Mrs, W. C.
Edmiston: Papillion Woman's club,
Mrs. William Maxfield; Blair Girls
Culture club, Miss Margaret Robert
son; Herman Woman's club. Mrs. H.
I, Swan: Valley Woman's club, "Mrs.
Marion W. Webster; Waterloo Wo
man's club. Mrs. L. F. Gould;
Springfield Woman's club, Mrs r.
R Beebe; Gretna Community club.
Mrs E E. Fetz; Sermo club of
Omaha, Mrs. Walter Price.
Delegates from the Omaha Wo-
, man's club include: Mesdames
--Johannes, Edgar Allen, Hv J Bailey,
Charles Hempel. J. H. Dumont,
Charles Hubbard, in. k. yv nuenuuBc.
Anson Bigelow, Edward Johnson.
Avery Lancaster and J. B. Keclneld.
Alternates are Mesdames peorge
Bonner, H. J. Holmes, George Mag
ney, James Bone, Geofge Pray and
Jean Johnston. .
South Omaha Woman s club:
Mesdames Shrigley, Enos R. Leigh,
C. O. Patrick. Edward Burson; al
ternate, Mrs. W. A. Berger.
Benson Woman's club: Mrs. Beav
ers, Mrs,. F. B. Oliver; alternate,
Mrs. Walter Reishaw. i
Omaha Woman's club: Railway
Mail Service: Mfs. Jones, Mrs. John
Bishop Vincent Chautauqua Circle
Monday, 7:16 p. m., court house.
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle Monday,
7:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, South
Twenty-second street.
Omaha) College Club Music Section
Monday. 4 p. m., Schmoller & Mueller
auditorium. Chorus rehearsal.
Omaha ' Woodman Circle Federation
Monday evening, 411 W. O. W. building.
Articles will be prepared for the bazar.
Psychology Lecture Course Monday. 2
p. m., Y. W. C. A. Prof. Walter N. Has
ley will speak on "Phychology of Learn
ing." fourth of a series of talks on "Psy
chology and the Day's Work," by Edgar
James Swift, given under auspices ot
Chautauqua circles.
Omaha Woman's Club Monday, 2:30 p.
m., Burgess-Nash auditorium. General
meeting. Following business hour the
parliamentary department will present a
playlet entitled "The Famous Brown vs.
Brown Separate Maintenance Case," a
woman suffragette mock trial. , v
Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, 8 p. m
Miss Alice JJenntson, 1628 Burdette street.
Longfellow Chautauqua Circle Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Ella Connell, 2517 D
South Omaha Woman' Club Tuesday,
2:30 p. m., Library hall. Business meet
ing and open program.
D. A. R. Omaha Chapter Tuesday, 2:30
p. m., Burgess-Nash auditorium. Report
of state conference will be given.
Omaha Woman' Press Club Tuesday,
1:30 p. m., Brandeis lounge. Important
business meeting. Full attendance desired.
Omaha Woman' Club, Public Speaking
Department Tuesday. 10:15 a. "m., Burgess-Nash
auditorium. Election of of
ficers. Omaha Woman's Club Literature De
partmentTuesday, 2 p. m., Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. Edward Johnson, leader. Subject:
"Developmmt of War Verse." Program
will be given by Mesdsmes Kdwln Dale
White, a. W.- Shields, J. w. rianocry.
P. K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. P.
Tuesday, 2:30 p. m., with Mrs. J. U Har
rington, 234 South Thirty-second avenue.
A surprise program is being planned.
Omaha Business Woman' Club Tues
day. 6:15 p. m., Y. W. C. A.. Pinner and
class work, current events; Miss Celta
Chaae, Instructor; story telling; Mrs. S. V.
Fullaway, leader.
Frances Willard W. C. T. I'. "Wednes
day. 2 p. m., with Mrs. P. T. Kerstchner,
2805" Dodge street.
BV P. O. Does' Rewing Club Wednes
day, 10 a. m.. Child Saving Institute. All
day sewing session.
West Omaha Mothers Culture Club
Wednesday. 2 p. m., with Mrs. Elmer
Johnson, 4209 Harney street. Subject,
Omaha College Club, Domestic Educa
tion Section Wednesday, 1:30 p. m.. with
Mrs. Walter Standevcn, 4911 Webster
street. J. B. Hummel will speak on
"Recreation, Boulevards and Parks."
Convention ot Second District, N. P.
W. C Wednesday, 12:30 p. m., Burgess
Nash auditorium, registration of dele
gates. Meeting opens 1 p. m.. Mrs. L.
M. Lord, president, presiding. Convention
banquet, 6 p. m., Burgess-Nash tea
room. Evening Besslon, 8 o'clock, followed
by Informal reception.
Omaha College Club Drama Section
Wednesday, 4 p. m., with Mrs. Walter
Standeven, 4911 Webster street. The play,
"A Good Woman," by Arnold Bennett,
will te presented under the leadership
of Mrs. S. B. Hughes. The cast will In
clude Mesdames Hughes, Anan Raymond,
and Charles McMonnies.
American War Mothers, Omaha Chapter
Thursday, 8 p. m Memorial hall, court
Omaha Woman' Club.rt Department
Thursday, 2 p. m., Y. W. C. A. Elec
tion of officers.
Convention of Second District, N. F.
W. C Thursday, 9 a. m.. Burgess-Nash
auditorium. Visit to Swift & Co.'s em
ployes' relations department at 10:30 a.
m., followed by luncheon at the plant at
12:30. Afternoon session. 2 p. m., Burgess-Nash
auditorium. Election of offi
cers. engne of Women Voter Thursday,
2:30 p. in., Brandeis grill room. Subject,
taxation; income, surtax, excess profits
and Inheritance taxes will be dlsciused.
W. E. Reed, president of the school beard,
will answer criticisms on the new Tech
nical High school and will speak on the
advisability of a business manager for the
school district.'
George Crook W. B. C Friday, 1 p. m.,
Memorial hall, court house.
B. V. O. Does Friday, 2 p. Jh., Elks'
club rooms. Business meeting. ' The reg
ular luncheon will b omitted owing to
Good Friday.
Omaha Walking Clul Saturday, S p.
m., from end of Albright car line over
Walking club trail to Wiley Point camp.
Edward Gisln, leader.
son Woman' club lias been post
poned one week in order to give club
member, an opportunity to attend
the second district convention to be
held April 12 and H in the Kur-e
Nash auditorium. The !rnon club
will be represented by two district
officers, Mrs, W, If. Locchnrr,
chairman of public wcjlare, and Mrs,
A. N. Howe, borne economic chair
man; Mrs. '1. II. Oliver delegate and
Mrs. Walter Keishaw, alternate.
School Children'! Free Movie.
Mrs. Ldward Johiion, chairman
of an organization composed of rep
resentative front all organization in
the city interested in education,
called a meeting Thursday aueruoon
to work out the scheme of putting
on educational film free to school
children every Saturday morning. A
picture vas shown in all the movie
theater Iat Saturday morning. The
next picture to be shown will be put
on Saturday morning, April ?).
To Sing at Convention.
Member of the iiiumc department
of the Benson Woman's club will it
tend the convention banquet Wed
nesday evening and following the
banquet the double quartet will ren
der two vocal selection. "In May"
by Parker and "A Lullaby- by Mrs.
Beach. Member taking part are
Mesdames C. B. Crismau, E. N'. Car
son. Waller Keishaw, Welker.
L. E. Hunt. A. N. Howe. E. A. Ma
son and G. W. Uhler.
Easter Cantata.
A number of Benson churches
will render Easter Cantatas. ' The
Methodist choir will sing "The
Ciospcl of Easter" by Fearis. The
IVesbytrrian choir under the direc
tion of Mr. Van Gundy will present
"The Hope of World" bv Thomas
Shepard, and Mr. G. W. Uhler.
choiristcr. and member -f the Eng
lish Lutheran church will give the
cantata "Christ the Victor" by Dud
ley Buck. The Baptist choir will
render a number of specialEaster
Chosen on Board of Directors.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, president of
the B. S. chapter of the P. li. O.
Sisterhood, was chosen as a member
of the board of directors of the P. E.
O. association of greater Omaha.
Benson W. C. T. U.
Members of the Benson W. C. T.
U. met Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. R. A. Sherbondy. A
watch tower program was enjoyed.
Bridge Luncheon.
Mrs. N. H. Tyson entertained at a
bridge luncheon at her home in Dun
dee Wednesday. April 5,
Luncheon Party.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, president of
the Omaha War Mothers, and Mrs.
McLIuer, national vice president
of the War Mothers' organization,
and Mrs. Schweitzer, sister of Mrs.
McUuer, were luncheon guests Fri
day at the Omaha club.
Shower for Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. E. A. Smith and Miss Delia
Hawes entertained at a shower
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Smith
in honor of Mrs. F. W. Smith of
Beatrice, Neb.
. Fricke-Alderman.
, Miss Marlyn Alderman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Alderman and
J C. Fricke were married in Chicago
Monday, April 3. Mr. and Mrs.
Fricke will reside in Chicago.
Parent-Teacher Association.
Parent-iTeacher association will
meet Tuesday afternoon in the Rose
Hill school. A wand and dumb-bell
drill by Sixth grade pupils and a
silent reading lesson by the First
grade will be conducted. Mrs. Ira
Porter of the Henry Yates school
will, speak. Music will be furnished.
Methodist Ladies' Aid.
The Ladies' aid of the Methodist
church were entertained Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. C. H. Penoyer.
After the regular business program
a social hour was enjoyed and de
lightful refreshments were served by
the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. A.
ureen and Mrs. William Flynn.
Thirty-five members were present
Player, Piano Owners
. Visit Our Player Roll Department
Your Old Rolls Are Worth 33c
in Exchange for New Ones
Start Today Using the U. S. Exchange Plan
Piano Department Fifth Floor
everybody store"
j-ij-u-ij-mr jjuutrwmwMMVmnrirri-r vrriviviT i " - ------------------- - I
Mr, and Mrs, Walter Reishaw
will entertain at their home on West
Maple direct at an Kaur party Sat
urday evening. Anril 15. in honor oi
the member ol the Double live
club. La-u r decorations and games,
ryt ImutiiiK, egg rolling, etc.. will
be enjoyed.
Birthday Party.
Mis Dorothy Howard entertained
a number of friends at a party in
honor fit her birthday Monday,
April j.
Luncheon Guest.
Mr. W. tl. Smith and Mi. C. A
l.oomi of Omaha were Thursday
luncheon guest at the home of Mr
!). C. Sturia,
Pupil in Recital.
A numlirr of the advanced pupil
of Mis Margarite Liljcnstolpe ap
peared in recital at her home Satur
day evening. April p. itroun iiinn
her from Handel, Grieg, Godard,
Sauit Saens, Chopin, Neimann, Sclm
hert and C'haminadc were rendered
by Dorothy Klever, Alice Kouse,
Hcrnicc Henry and Irene Albrecht
Refreshment were served by Mis
l.iljenstople, assisted by the
llichua Wolfe and Genevieve Jones
Shower for Mis Van Horn-
Mis Marie Gibson was hostess to
the Presbyterian Westminster guild
at a shower at her home Saturday
evening, given in honor of Miss
Maud van Horn, who is soon to !e
a bride, the decorations were pink
ro.scs and a 7 o'clock dinner was
served to 15 guests.
Baptist Annual Meeting.
The annual Baptist meeting was
held in the church Monday evening,
April .1. Officers elected were:
Clerk, C. H. l'aris; treasurer, Clyde
Wallace: trustees. W. H. McDonald
and J. T. Pickard; deacon, O. C.
Kindig; superintendent of Sunday
school, Mrs. C. H. l'aris; assistant
superintendent. Miss Velma Ayl-
worth, and financial secretary, C. Et
Jones. Luncheon was served at the
close of the business session.
Methodist Home Mission Society.
Mrs. F. E. Young. 6547 Bedford
avenue, will be hostess Wednesday,
April 12, to the members ofthc
Methodist Home Mission society.
12.30 luncheon will be served. A
program will be given in the after
noon. Mrs. V. II. Van Horn will
assist the hostess.
O. E. S. Kensington.
Mr, and 'Mrs. W. II. Justin. 6337
Military avenue, will entertain the
members of Narcissus chapter. No.
261, of the O. E. S. at a kensington
Tuesday evening, April 11.
Dinner Party.
A dinner of 12 covers was served
by Mrs. Albert Knudsen at her home
Wednesday in honor of Mr. Knud
sen's birthday!
Mrs. R. P. Carrall returned Satur
day to her home in Laurel, Neb..
Mrs. C H. Hansen left the latter
part of the week for Hastings, Neb.
Miss lone Gardner was a dinner
Sun and Wind Bring Out Vgly Spots
Hove to Remove Easily.
Here's a chance. Miss Freckle
face, to try a remedy for freckles
with the guarantee of a reliable con
cern that It will not cost you a penny
unless it removes the freckles; while
if it does give you a clear complex
ion the expense is tnrilng. ,
Simply get an ounce of Othlne
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy it is to rid yourself of
the homely freckles and get a beauti
ful complexion. Rarely Is more
than .one ounce neeaed - for the
worst case.
Be sure to ask the druggist for
the double strength Othine as this
strength is sold under guarantee of
money back if it fails to remove
"The Treasure Chest
of Omaha"
Our Sterling, Silver stock this
Spring certainly comprises the
most splendid stock of Sterling
Silver ever shown in Omaha.
Kirk & Sons' famous Balti
more Silver, Dominick and
Half Marie Antoinette
Three splendid new patterns
" for the bride to select for her
dowry chest.
Let m have the pleasure of showing
jou our silver stock this Spring.
' af
C B.Brown Co.
, Diamond Merchants, Jewelers and Silversmiths
Sixteenth and Farnam
guest of Mr, and Mu F, L Young,
Mr. T, J. Woolnun is erwuly iU
at tier home with an attack of pneu
monia. Mrs, O, C Mcftuiie under eut an
operation at NuhuUi Setm hospital
Mr. P. W. Smith, jr, of Beatrice,
Neb, i visiting relative and friend
in Omaha and Hensou, (
Mr, and Mr. George Martin have
returned from Morula where they
spent the winter mouths.
Mr .and Mrs, J. J, Kickeubrode are
home iroin (Oklahoma where they
peut the winter months.
Mr. I, W. Clancy and Mr. 11. V.
Robinson of Beatrice, Neb,, are at
the Methodist hospital where each
underwent a slight operation,
I'alher Buckley returned Saturday
from California and will take up hi
work at St. Bernard church, ,
Mr. and Mr. P. ChrUtcnsrn left
Monday to spend the week with their
(laughter. Mr. Lysle Johnson and
Mr. Johnson of Minnatoon, Neb.
Mr. and Mr. Chris Lyck left Sat
urday for Lincoln where Mr. Lyck
will have charge of the municipal
beach during the simiiner mouth.
Mr. and Mr. I W. Smith, sr., of j
Uallas, i. U.. will return to Omaha
soon where they will make their
Kev. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson
have returned to their home in Ben-
Hencfit Canl Party.
The Onult member of the St.
rrauci Alumnae association oi
Council Blurt are planning a card
patty for the Ueurtit of their college
fund, to be given in the Hiamlri
tea room Saturday, May 6, The
iommiitee in charge are: Mr, John
M. Mullen, chairman; Mr, C. B,
Dugdale. Mr. J, D. Foley. The
patty will he a large one, and a num
ber of attractive prim have already
been donated. There will Uo be a
door prke.
Girls Community
Service Iapue
son after having spent the winter at
the Hamilton apartment. '
Mr. and Mr. Glen Murray of Lin
coln spent the past week at the home
of Dr. and Mr. Murray of Beuum.
Mr. and Mr. Vbatle Bomle are
hoilTc from n. three month' visit
among relative and friend in l u
roe. Mi Anna Mclvin of Martiuberg,
Neb,, spent the past werk at the
home of Mr. and Mr. M, Moellurr.
V. C. Willoughby of North Platte.
Neb., was a Sunday guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wymau
Mi I.utie Palmer of Winnebago,
Neb,, visited at the home of Mr.
W. D, Peine and Ben Morton dur
ing the past week.
Monday i luga rlul Mipper, o.,n;
rv i in. nun tla, 7;JU; tulley bill,
f JO, Mr, t baric Mustrhuan,
Tuesday I aUette tub upper,
6:,Wl; basket ball, 7: dramatic nt
da., 8, Mis Maj-.. Corr'gan, le4
r Wednesday Wanim club uppr,
n jd; home making class, Mr, ti.
It. Kanior, Icaih-r: open Imii.e, 6:15.
Friday D. T, A club supper,
rt .kl; ihoru club. 7. Mi. Noel .
Wallace, leader; gymnasium clan, 8,
Mis Kathrrme Carrick. leader,
Saturday Dance, 8 .10, Warn in
i lull, hostess,
Sunday Open house, & Jfl p. m.
Mr. Mary Cydia Howe, hostess.
On Mttiiil.iy. April HI. the girl of
'he gymnasium class, with Mrs.
Charles Miisselman a hadcr, will
play a match game with the second-
ear volley ball team of the Y. W.
C. A.
Woman' Club Card Party.
Ticket for the Omaha Woman'
club card party to be given Friday
afternoon o'clock in the liran-tli-is
grill room, may be obtained
trom department leader and mem
ber of the house and home commit
tee, Mrs, John lioldrn, chairman.
Proceeds from the affair will be add
ed to the club building fund.
Sale of Baskets
for Eastertide
in all sizes for every purpose
Shopping, sewing, for waste paper,
for lunch, and the auto, fernerie typqs
to stand or hang; also decorative,
fireside and wood baskets.
to harmonize with your room schemes
Rose, old blue, ivory, lavender, black,
gold and metallics, with wonderful
decorations, -both oriental and occi
Value from 30c to $12.00 Now 15c to $5.00
for Instance
Several big- Jardinere Baskets, like picture, 12 inches high, in dark
brown, with bead trim, will be sold for $1.00
Several others, hand-decorated for fern pots, will be sold at $1.00
Yet others for needlework and waste paper, will be sold for $1.00
Hand-decorated bamboo trays, in sizes up to 20-inch, will be sold in
this lot.
In fact, Baskets and Trays from $2.00 to $3.00 will all be sold at
Bowls for Flowers
This beautiful $2.50 Glass Flower
Bowl on black stand in blue, or two
other equally good styles in topaz
or gold will be sold Monday at
Flowers in widest assortment at 15c, 20c, 25c, 50c per spray.
Sheffield Frame and
Pyrex Glass Casserole
That usually sells for $7.50
will be sold at
Pie Plates in Sheffield frame.
A $5.00 value for
All our Leather Bags will go
on sale Monday at 25 off.
'Easter Greeting
Cards, 10c, 15c, 25c
Imp ort ing C o mpa n y
W. O. W. Annex
1313-15 Farnam
208 South 24th St. West side of 24th St., 4707 South 24th St East side of 24th St.,
between Douglas and Farnam Sts. between L and M Sts.
502 East Broadway 1001 South Main St. 3341 West Broadway
Specials for a Few Days
CONCORD GRAPES VINES 5c ea., 50c per doz., $4.00 per 100; by mail, 10c ea.,
65c per doz., $4.60 per 100. '
CLIMBING ROSES Dorothy Perkins Pink Rambler, one of the very best and hard
iest climbers, good two-year-old plants: 15c ea.; by mail, 20c ea. Not more,
' than two to a customer.
RHUBARB, OR PIE PLANT The large, tender kind, strong divided roots: 5c ea.,
$4.50 per 100; by mail, 10c ea.; by express, collect, $4.50 per 100.
BLACK RASPBERRY PLANTS 50c per doz., $3.00 per 100; by mail, 65c per doz..
$3.40 per 100.
CALL AT ONE OF OUR STORES No free deliveries of tho above special will be
made in Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs
Mailing Address: 3341 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.