Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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South Omaha
New U. S. Ambassador to Germany
and His Family Sail for Europe
Say Woman (Juest
at Pislol Partv
Owner of Alcohol
May B rit Freedom ftr
Pointing Out Allrgnl
"luue Joint" to Polit e
Of firer.
Mr. I.ii.itr IUkiit. 5.'1' Nmili
Thirtieth tifftt. 4 gur.i at 4
party girn by CUudc iirihy 'I liur
!iy ti i R !i t tt liu home AO I K
trre. wlmll ended near niidii'Et.t
with a li'totinij Mf4:r in which
Henry Stewart, Twrnt.v-ritfhih and
K !.trrrt. and .1. Kellime.
5J7 Smith Twenty-eighth Mrtrf,
Here wounded.
Will. lh .lilt f.f lullllli Mr..
Il-iukiiw Mill kIc went li-niie. Here i AIUnon B .Houghton. ftr I'nitcd State ambaiidor to Germany -.ime the Ur of the war, with Mr,
lice of lit it inviiiK4tinn tlx- melee HmmliDii and their daughter. Ktiiahrtli, photographed before railing tor Kuinpc to Ukc tip hi new dutiri.
visited tlu- home of Mr. IUkin Anihj.idor Houghton Ma formerly a member of tontircn from New York. ,
mnl in scmlnnn tier home foiinil a '
salloii of alcohol. Mr. 1UIoii!
was takr:i to and i harmed with
' i!l. el po'sexMon. In pnliic Vnrt .
ycMcrdav morning, before I 'diet
judi?; XVappieh. Mr. HawkiiK ile-j
liied the ownership if the liquor.
When Judye Wappich ii'tmiated
the fw'wg of the lesular fine i $W
and cost, Mrs. Hawkins brKcd
a rhanre !ii redeem herself. She
taiil he knew of "hnnc joints" and
would till the police where they
, were.
"We'll give vou a chance to un
bosom yourself," aid Prosecutor
Marsell ami a a roult Charles E
sex, 47 2) South Twenty-sixth street,
was arrcMcd yesterday afternoon on
a charge of possession and
maintaining a 'till.
The case against MrS. Hawkins
wa continued until this morning and
it i intimated by officials that the
' woman will he given her freedom
for- assisting the officers.
South Omaha to Have
Seven Ice Stations
Child Finds $23jD00
in Bonds on Ash Pile
This summer, commencing1 May
10. South Omaha residents will be
able to get ice from seven municipal
stations, according to 11. A. Walters,
sales distributor for the ice depart
ment of the citv water board.
The stations in South Omaha are !tion in Omaha.
Chicago, April 7. John Horner, o.
was playing in the rear of hi lumie
here .today .when he found liberty
bonds worth J.'J,0(KJ on an ah pile.
An investigation showed that a ma
jority of the bonds had been issued
by die First National bank of Cres
cent City. III.
Police believe the bond were
stolen and then thrown away when
it was found they were not negotiable.
Air Congress Refund
Still in 'May Status
Subscribers to the funds which put
over the International Air congress
Iat November may receive a portion
of their subscriptions back the first
of the week, according to announce
ment made by . Guy C. Kiddoo.
Omaha Trust company, who has had
charge of the surplus of $11,600,
which remained after all hills had
been paid.
Members of the Omaha Aero club
are in favor of keeping the money
as a fund for the promotion of avia-
Others are in favor
as follows: Twenty-fourth and O
streets: Twentieth and Missouri ave
nue; Thirty-ninth and Q streets;
Forty-first and L streets; Thirty
ihird.and K streets: the Albright sta
'tion, Thirteenth and Garfield streets,
and a new one at Twenty-fourth and
F streets.
Mr. Walters said that so far as he
knew, ice will continue to be sold at
.10 cents a hundred pounds and that
the supply on hand would be suffi
cient for the city's needs all summer.
of returning it. Thursday Ward M.
Burgess, in letters sent out to the
subscribers, strongly advocated the
return of the money. In his letter
Mr. Burgess said:
"I am writing this letter because I
was instrumental in helping raise the
money to save a bad situation and I
want those who subscribed this
money to understand that it is my
wish and thought that it should he
returned to them and not be diverted."
Former Dean of Hrlleiiue
.College Dir in Illinois
Information was received at Belle
vuc ycMerday that Dr. A. A. Tyler,
former dean of liellevue college, and
head of the biology department, died
last week at hi home in Decatur,
III., of an attack of pneumonia.
Dr. Tyler wa associated with
Bellevue and liellevue college for 15
years. He left Bellevue in I'M 6 to
became head of the biology depart
ment of the Jaiiie Millikeu univer
sity at Decatur. 111. lie was one of
the founders of the Fontcnelle For
est association, was a member of the
Bellevue school board and iecrctary
of the commercial club.
Tenants to Use Tents
in Fight on High Rents
Help Russia ami
Germany. Canada
I ii final ursres
Till, I,mI Kinauii Clul. It
la Feonoinie Inutility to
Down FrMwIiilr
Brother of Late Federal
Judge Smith Is Near Death
Forest L. Smith, who .has been .a
sufferer .from cancer for several
months, was so ill yesterday that
physicians said he can live but a few
hours. He is at the home of his sou,
Douglas, 438 North Thirty-eighth
Mr. Smith is a brother of the late
Federal Judge Walter I. Smith of
Council Bluffs.
Prosecutor Puts Arm
Out of Joint in Plea
While making the final argument
in the Garson liqquor case yesterday.
Deputy County Attorney Kubat
made a gesture that threw his arm
cut of joint while saying, "Send
word to the dens of the bootleggers
that Douglas county will not tolerate
The arm was reset shortly after
wards by a physician.
The jury voted "guilty" after be
ing out three hours.
Two Millinery
-for Saturday
Your Choice of
Tailored Sailors
Most of these sailors were formerly
$7.50 hats. Some straight brims
some roll brims in black, navy, brown
and with light facings.
A Pre-Easter Offering, of
Trimmed Hats ,
Irresistibly gay they are with their
refreshing spring colors. Some for
merly sold for $7.50 and $10.00, but
will be sold Saturday, only $5.00.
a, a - Sjtk, ike?.
Millinery Shop Second Floor
Chicago, April 7. Hundred of
Chicago tenant threatened with rent
increase v. ill move to the forest
preserve and live there in tents un
til the cold weather ct in, the Ten
ant's Protective league announced
A complete outfit for one family,
the league announced, will not cost
ocr $75, virtually one month' rent.
Molester of Girls Is
Beaten in Fremont
Fremont, Xeb., April 7. Alfonso
Martinez, a railroad section, hand,
was arrested and fined $20 and costs
in police court here today on a charge
of molesting two young school girls.
Prior to the arrest. Martinez wa
given a fearful beating by the two
fathers of the girls, who made the
complaint, Councilman llardcnbrook
and Policeman Blair.
When the daughter of Councilman
Hardcnbrook pointed out Martinez
as the man who had annoyed her,
the father mauled the man until he
begged for mercy. A policeman was
called, and he happened to be the
father of .the second girl w ho claim
ed molestation. The officer ignoring
his functions as a guardian of the
peace, but loyal to his duties as a
father, completed the chastisement
began by the councilman, and then
took 'his prisoner to jail.
FrirniUhip with (rrmny and
Kui'4 ami a helping hand tiiuncial-
lv a well a politically wa advocat
ed by J. Bruce Walker. Winnipeg.
Can,, minister of immigration and
roloiiiatiuii for the Canadian gov
rrninrnt, who pokc ,0 member ol
the Kiwann. club at their werki
meeting at Hotel Home yeteiday.
"It i a 'hyiea impoihmiy to
down a nation of 65,000,U(IO oul.M
he Mid. "Mull we go down the
ear with hate in our heart or shall
we forget our hate and loe our
Muit Permit Progre.
"It i economic insanity to think
that the world can progress without
Germany beitic righted and being al
lowed to take her place a one ot
the producing nation and an eco
nomic forc."
While Mr. Walker advocated
friendly relation with our former
rncmiet lie alto advocated tnat an
jut debt be paid.
"When wi do husiue with a man
we expect him to liquidate all his
financial obligation," he said. "The
same holds true among nations.
Tell Need of Friendship.
Mr. Walker outlined the accom
plishment of the recent arms limita
tion conference and then spoke of
the need for friendship between Can
ada and (he United States.
'There arc three vital things 0:1
which we base our friendship," he
said. 'These thing we have in com
mon and love with the same love.
They are our homes, our schools
and our churches. Our opinions re
garding these three institutions are
identical and they have always kept
us friendly. These institutions have
now a companion. Our boys fought
side by side. We have suffered the
same sorrow, we have fought a com
mon enemy and we across the line
consider you as our brothers."
Another Omahan Out $1,200
on Money-Making Machine
Another man. Hans A. Hansen. 3.1,
carpenter, 512 North Twentieth
street, stated yesterday to detectives
that he had been defrauded of savings
of $1,200 bv two suave stranger
who demonstrated a , money-making
machine. The suspects. William
Georges and Louis Dochoff. arrested
Thursday, are being held for investigation.
. Get a
in our
. )IU
That Features All That Is New and
Dozens of the season's most popular
styles have been selected by shoe ex
perts and are here in our shoe shop
for your approval. Every pair is
priced to appeal to the most critical.
A piteiit leather slipper (pictured to the right) with gry uen com
bination it one of the popular models that will appeal especially to the
"flipper" who likes to be up-to-date. Low wooden heela and wide strap
with buckle make them very attractive. Priced at
A very fashionable model is of patent
and beige fastened with one q Pf f
strap. Military heels X jl)
priced very low at
Dainty gray suede combined with patent leath-r
with low flat leather heels makes a Q
very clever model for street wear, and Q.OO
it is also priced very low at
Patent leather slippers with one strsp and
either high or low heels are priced from
6.00 to 8.50
We feature
Wichert, Uts V Dunn, and many
famous makes of shoes.
Our l.raous Es All shoes have been reduced
from their already low price, tl.OO a peir.
The kind ol (hoe for troubled feet.
Shoe Shop Main Floor
Follow the Beaton Path
When Shopping It Pays
Specials Saturday and Monday
$1.00 one pint Imported Olive
Oil, per pint ...69t
30c Beaton's Cold Tablets
for 25
60c Doan's Kidney Pills.. 43
15c Venida Hair Nets,
2 for 25
10c Elona Hair Nets,
dozen . .' 50f?
$1.10 Nuxated Iron . .89
(With $1.00 box Vita
mine Tablets FREE.)
$1.10 S. S. S.' 84
$1.25 Iyko Tonic 98
$1.00 Grant's Vita-Vim ' '
Tablets 69
Nature's Remedy Tablets
for... 17, 35 and 68
75c Milk's Emulsion. ... .48
Help eliminate the rat pest
by using Burn Um Up Rat
Slayer, 852 boxes.
$1.25 Piver's Azurea or Le
Trefle Face Powder. 72
$2.00 Coty's L'Origan Face
Powder 79
50c Djer Kiss Face Powder
for 33d
:i :
60c H Tb. Theatrical Cold
Cream, Beaton's, for.. 35
50c Tooth Brushes 25t
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste. . 34
50c Pepsodcnt Tooth Paste ,
for 36t
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.. 34?
12c Jap Crepe Toilet Paper, 7t
Per dozen 80
30c Resinol Soap 21t
30c Cuticura Soap 22
30c Packer's Tar Soap, 19d
60c Formamint Tablets .. 48.
10c Warious Shampoo Bags.
4 for ;.25
30c Mentholatum l7
$1.15 Swamp Root ... ,.89j
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine -
for 22$
60c Beaton's Emulsion Cocoa
nut Oil for ...-34?
Auto Strop Razors with
Strop and Blades. . .89
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades
for 65
$1.00 Gillette Blades, 79
$1.00 Gillette Razors and
Blades 69
50c Milk of Magnesia. . . .39
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound 98
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk.
for 82.89
15c Sterno Canned Heat. . .8
70c Sal Hepatica .45
60c Sempre Giovine t ...
(Jovenay) ...... ;-. .' . 44
30c Colorite 19
$3.00 Hair Clippers, special
for 81.49
$1.50 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal
for 98
30c Mavis Talcum . . . .18
50c Non Spi 37
Camels, Lucky Strike, Ches
terfield and Sweet Cap-
' orals for 12
Cartons $1.25
, Don't miss these specials:
15c Sirena (Corona size),
2 for ........15
Box of 50. -83.50
3 for 50c Sirena (non plus),
3 for 25
Box of 50 84.00
15c Mozart Rosa. .9
Box of 50 84.50
10c Musina .5
10c Tamerettes ...... .5
Add 5c per box of carton
if mailed.
$2.00 Djer Kiss Extract,
per oz. 81.10
I $3.75 Ideal Extract, Houbi-
gant's, per oz 82.1U
$1.75 Jickey Extract,
per oz. 81.00
$1.55 Graham's Beauty Secret,
special 81.10
75c Graham's Skin Pure. .59
60c Newbro's Herpicide. .39
$1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair
Tonic '69
$1.00 Youthcraft, for
hair 89
$1.25 Henna de Oreal. . . .98
60c Danderine 46
60c Parisian Sage Hair Tonic
for 48
50c Puzzle Peg FREE with
every 81.00 box of
Johnston's Chocolates Sat
urday. 80c lb. Jordan's Almonds,
Saturday and Monday,
per lb. 49
$1.00 Allegretti Original
Chocolate Creams, Satur
day, only 69
2-qt. Velvet Red Rubber Com
bination Fountain Syringe
and Water Bottle. . .81.45
2-qt. Velvet Red.Rubber Water
Bottle 89
The original and reliable.
15 to 50-Watt y . . .40
60-Watt 45
Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 am- ' .
peres, for 5
Mail Order
Receive Our
Prompt Attention
15th and Famam Streets, Omaha
OKj ftcrt of Sxcialiy JXcyv
Distinctive and Individual Apparel
Of the Finest Quality
for Women, Little Women and Infants
OUR stocks include all that is fine in quality and ntylc. Merchan
dise that was purchased with the greatest of care by experts in
ii . I? i i t j.
meir own particular line mercnanaisc ior
the Store of Specialty Shops not a depart
ment store.
On Sale Saturday at
To be in atyle one must include a polo coat or cape in
their wardrobe. Saturday you will have an opportunity
to secure either a coat or cape in splendid quality mate
rial, either light or dark shades, some plaid backs, others
full silk lined, with bone or leather buttons. The ma
jority are belted style. Sizes 16 to 40. The price is ex
ceptional for this quality of coat and therefore we ad
vise an early selection.
A Limited Number of
SPORT COATS on Sale Saturday
These are of splendid quality and just $
the thing for present wear. Light or v
dark tan.
On ot the most popular and sought sftrr gsrm'nls
this srason ar these khaki suits for hikings. You
msy purchase separata jackets, breeches or skirts at
S4.00 each. A few extra breeches are priced at S5.7S.
In light shades for spring and summer. Fine for hiking.
Waist sites 21 to 82.
Apparel Shop Second Floor
The Silk Stocking That Wear
A full fashioned pure silk stocking of the finest qual
ity silk, with a patent gold stripe near the top which
prevents any garter tear started above from running
below the hem. The wearing quality of these famous
hoae is guaranteed.
Eldredge-Reynolds are exclusive agents in Omaha for
Gotham Gold Stripe Hose.
Hose Shop Main Floor
For this special event we are offering
you several styles of hose, including
brown with silk feet, silk to the top,
full fashioned; black silk, lisle hem
top, lisle feet, full fashioned; em
broidered insteps, brown, navy, Rus
sian calf, pure thread silk; black and
sand colored silk with clox, silk to
knee, lisle hem top. Choice of any
style at $1.75. Formerly priced up
to $3.00.
$2.50 and $1.75
These comfortable girdles
are particularly adapted to
the girlish unformed figure.
Made of a combination of
elastic and breche or batiste.
They come in sizes from 22
to 28 and are very specially
priced at $1.75 and $2.50.
Corset Shop Main Floor
$1.50 Values at 98c
Broken sizes in the well
known makes such as Bien
Jolie, H. & W.. Warner and
Nature Rival. Made of satin,
broche and allover lace and
mesh. Sizes 32 to 44 at 98c
each. .
200 Blouses
On Sale Saturday at
There are crepe de chine over
blouses, tie back and side tie,
trimmed in fagoting and ball
buttons in carmine, jade, Sara
toga, white, etc.; tailored crepe
de chine, very heavy quality,
well tailored Peter Pan with
shell edge and tiny plaiting, V
necks, high-low collars, in white,
navy and black; pongee tailored
models, Peter Pan collars, edged
with tiny plaiting: and narrow
ruffling, V necks, tucked front;
tailored dimity with handker
chief linen and imported French
eingham collars and cuffs, edged
with hand-made Irish.
Fine French voile blouses with wide filet collar, down
' front and on cuffs. Very good values at $6.95.
Blouse Shop Main Floor
DRESSES for the Young Miss
$5.75, $8.75, $9.75 to $29.75
From the simple pleated and tucked voile witR self-trimmings to
the dainty creation of lace and georgette or charmeuse, one can
select just the frock that suits best. There is a style here for
every type and all necessary alterations may be made in a short
time. Tucks, laces, pleats, hand embroidery and girdles of moire
or satin are some of the beautiful features of the dresses for ages
7 to 17, which were selected by an expert on girls' apparel.
SILK DRESSES $8.75 to $35.00
For afternoon or general wear the girls may select from Taffeta,
Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Georgette, Shantung, Pongee, Crepe
' Knit, etc., in any of the popular shades, as well as navy. The prices
are exceptionally low at $8.75, $9.75 to $35.00.
Girls' Shop Second Floor
Becoming Hair Dresses
for Every Woman
NO matter whether your
hair is long or short,
you can have the effect of
bobbed hair at little cost.
Our Beauty Shop is offering
Special Prices on Hair
Goods Saturday.
Those who want to wear
their hair bobbed style will
be interested to know that
$10.00 and $12.50 Cutie
Curl Bobs will be on sale
Saturday at $7.98. They
come in all shades.
If you need ear puffs to
make your hair becoming,
first quality, natural curly
ear puffs which have been
selling at $6.50 and $7.50.
will be on sale for $4.98.
Grey switches, 18-inch'
length, first quality and
wavv, $12.50 values for
Beauty Shop Second Floor
An Enormous Purchase and Sale of
Petticoats and Bloomers
We have just re
ceived these petti
coats and bloomers
and will place them
on sale Saturday in
one great group at
the extremely 1 o w
price of $2.98.
The bloomers are of all
silk jersey, ankle and
knee length in henna,
green, grey and navy.
The petticoats are of
sateen, jersey and taffeta
in brown, taupe, green, ,
gray, pink and navy.
Remember the sale starts
Saturday at 9 a. m.
Lingerie Shop
Main Floor