Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1922, Page 18, Image 18

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Itoslon Oil Fraud
Involving Many
Victims Alleged
U of $1,000,000 to Invnt.
or It waif . !y Action of
lira. Grain! Jury t
1 1 Ok I on.
Po.tnn, Aprl 7 An alleged oil
fraul muI lo involve the oi of
Jl.'WOiii) ta invrvtiiri Jicie and po.
ndly million in oilier pari of the
couutiy, M4 dinloci liy federal (
tornev wltm they made public the
lumn of 18 nil financier in New
York. I!oton IMyole who hve
been indicted fecrrtly by the federal
grand jury for fraudulent ue of the
i lurlci M. I.udden, an attorney,
ana J"hn h. GUrc.t, an official ol
the Kxclnnse TriM company, both
of city, and Frederick K..l!cr
e y, j.rrndt iit .i the Motor Specialty
company of Waltluni, were arre.ted
on the charj;ci, which concern the
activities of the rrtrolcum Corpora
tion ol America. All pleaded not
guilty and were held in ?J,500 bail.
Fradulent Advertising.
The government charge the
rctrolemn corporation falsely ad
vertmed that its capitalization v.a
S'.O.fMXUHK): that the Standard Oil
company wai interested in it; that it
constituted the holding company for
.11 od concerns; that it had capital
stock for tale and that it bad prop
erticn producing 1J0.IHX) barrels of
oil daily with an annual income of
In V), the indictment alleges,
Jacob W. Mettler and John A
iric11itc of New York, came to Bos
ton, representing to Babcock &
l.udden, who are said to have been
interested in the franklin company,
that the I'ctrolctmi corporation then
being organized would take over the
Franklin oil stock and issue stock In
the corporation in exchange, share
lor share.
$200,000 in Stock Sold.
Franklin oil stock was conveyed
to the corporation in April, 1919, the
indictment said, together with oil
properties located in Colorado.
Subsequently $-'((0,000 of unsold
treasury stock of the Franklin oil
was sold bv Frank Bernard of Bos
ton, with the understanding that
it would be exchanged for petroleum
"The defendants well knew," trie
indictment declared, "that the
Franklin Oil company had never
been taken into any merger or Its
property delivered to the rctrolcitm
Oil Corporation of America on tiie
basis of an exchange of its stock
at par for the stock of the Petroleum
Corporation of America.
The Dancing Master
tC.lU lilt)
fllsafcatll f'aa)are, aaaal'V ftrl, hi
laMia kr ally eaaaiae. t Ub M
M kail. Mia ImIi kwnlr Ilia raalraM
l4aa few 4a4, Imimm4 fa e4
I Ha wirt liara k alkar mm aa.
Ik aalr aaraaa la Ik aibrlk a
laaaa tti'r mvm k la Cat IUii mimm, mkm
trtaa. milk mm arrae. la IMk k la
. Hlaka rlalla n Ikal
aa la 4rl irarkrri Ikal ka la owl,
rt4 aarf Ikal il k M M m mlm
Mala, kka la Ika !, kar
taiamaa Irani ka aa akakkilr Ikal aha
raaa , fal aarara mark k la
alaara. kka ama'aaaae aa raaiam laai
Manama aoi.alia. a laataa laarkar,
HM la laka ckaria af kf. kali rarw
a. ajaallkv ma a, la la ff Ika aula, kk
kaa 4lanrr a Ilk Vm, and r lliakaik a HM
LriiMa Mliakalft la aaila Ikal aaa M
rrlal4 la krr. rilialn-lk kaa laark "k
rtnwr, Ika Bark la la la vaaaaaa aa
nlk' kam. kka kaa far) all fllaaar auk
I'al a4 )lanrr k I la kn ana mm,
iU Vfi WITH Til aivm
(f aalla4 rraw VrlnUl.)
The waiter bringing dinner saved
the sftuation, and when Ktizabeth
looked up again with the dreadful
fctling that for Iter the end of the
world had come, Koyston was calni
ly studying the wine card and a
voire at hrr elbow was asking In
broken Fngltsh, Thick or clear,
She nulled herclf together, though
she was trembling in every limb, and
her hands felt cold and dead, there
seemed to be a weight on her eye
lids, too. which prevented Iter from
raiins them.
Had Koyston guested; Did he
know? She felt that she would die
of shame if she read pity in his eyes,
or. worse still amusemciit.
Dolly bad called him a flirt: Netta
bad said that many women had loved
him. Klizabcth suffered agonies un
til with a great effort she forced her
eyes to his face, and then every
nerve in her body quivered with re
lief as she met the quiet friendliness
of bis smile and told herself that she
had nothing to fear, and that the
storm that bad shaken her to her
depths bad passed by him unnoticed.
I have ordered some wine. he
was saying. I know you dont like
it, but this is rather a special occa-
"And iuppoin I prefer to tlHHt
my own friend?" she Ud slowly.
Ki tuu's face seemed to take col
or from hrr; be could read her
thoughts so well, underttaiid M en
an'y, and, through be might eai!y
have taken advantage of her omh
and ignorance, there was nothing but
the keenet ile.ire in hi heart to
protect her from berelf anad make
things as ray as pixvibie lor her.
"If it i of me von are so kindly
thinking." lie said gently, "there is
something cue I must say which I
would rather nt have said. It i
jut this, and I hope you will for
five me, and ana not he oiiended.
am a married man, Mis Convert,
and you are how old? Twenty
one? The world dics not look very
favorably upon friendships between
a girl like you and a man in my
(('aattaaml III Tha Ha Manila)'.!
Farm Federation Ileud
in Kare for Coventor
Lincoln. April 7. (Special.)
Judge K. I. Kuprr of David lily an
uouiiretl tiwlay that J. .V Norton,
president of the Ncbraka 1- arm fed
era tion, will be a candidate for the
nomination for governor of the dent
ocratic ticket.
Reports were m circulation here
that efforts were being made to in
duce Arthur U. Wray of York, third
party candidate, to withdraw in fa
vor or Norton.
At one time Wray staled that if
Norton would he a candidaie he
would not run, but .Norton then de-
t-lined to become the third party can-
Koper wrote a letter to Charles W,
Bryan asking him to support Nor
ton tor governor and withdraw any
aspirations he had to become the
democratic nominee.
Bryan declined to comment on
this letter.
ceMnnthrfu7ulrdri,,k,oyoursuc1Don,t Neglect a Cold
Storm of Protest
Over Sales Barns
Grand Island Citizens Threat
en to Set Fire to Stables
and Shoot Cattle.
Grand Island. Neb.. April 7.
(Special.) With threats to set fire
to the large horse barns and shoot
cattle driven through the streets,
property owners in the sales barn dis
trict appealed to the city council tor
redress from the smell of the Darns.
' At least a half dozen similar appeals
have been made.
The property owners allege that
there is danger of their children pe
ing trampled by livestock being
driven from one barn to another.
' They also say that horses jump their
fences and damage garden plots. The
slumbers of the petitioners are also
disturbed by the bellowing of the
cattle, they assert. '
One of the women petitioners told
the council that another woman in
the neighborhood, whose child re
cently had a narrow escape from
being tarmplcd by cattle threatened
to set fire to the entire barn sec
tion if her child should be injured
and the council continued to ignore
the protests.
Another petitioner in the open
council session indicated that tres
passing cattl would be shot unless
the council acted promptly. - The
council instructed the board of
. health to make a thorough investiga
tion. Screen Fans Turn Out to
See Movie at $5 Per Seat
Omaha screen fans turned out in
large numbers Thursday night to
view the nrcmier showing of "Foolish
Wives," Carl Laemmle's $1,250,000
Universal picture, at the Brandeis
theater for the one night at $5 a
seat- . . . r
Nearly 100 picture exhibitors from
Nebraska and Iowa viewed the pic
r ture as guests of the Universal Film
company. City officials attended as
guests of the theater management.
The picture will be given a regular
run at the Brandeis beginning April
13 at more reasonable prices.
Road Conditions
1-nrnlthrd by tha Omaha Automobile Club.
Lincoln Highway, Eait Road lood to
Missouri Valley, muddy at Pennlion and
act to Starshalltown. Rod piasabla
howevar. The Cedar Rapid vicinity again
report that due to rain roads are now im-
. a s- 1 T7 w.1 ai Tf val
loil ftiak BSKI Ol l.VUHr IVBUIUO. ''"-
Jverywhere in eastern Iowa i very uncer
tain. Most tourists shipping car from De-
Lincoln Hlfthway. West Road fair Val
ley to Fremont. Munay ana
Schuyler. Good at Coluinbu. Central City.
!n'fl T.l.nri and rjotnts vest.
n i. n Hiihrcay Road muddy to
Aahland and west.
Highland Cutoff Roada muddy.
Cornhusker Highway Road fair
'"rVcf -Rnsit Roada fair to good.
Omaha-Topeka Highway Roada fair to
c 7 a Road fair to good.
George Waehingtoo Highway Roada
Black Hilla Trail Roada fair to good,
' Klna- of Tral. North Roada food to
t;..n.,ri Vallev. fair north.
King of Trail. South Roada reported
Caster Battlefield Highway Roada fair
through Iowa. Passable now In South
River to River Road Rosda muddy.
Iowa Oily roads about tha earn condition
aa last report.
"W hite Pole Road Roads muddy. No re
port east of Dea Moines.
t J. O. A. Shortline Road a littl muddy.
Blue Crass Road Road a littl muddy.
Weather reported clear most points wt
ftlll cloudy at ruost eastern pointa but
Clearing. A few hour wUl bar road
aU7 again, M
She ripd''"'' ' ,-iM not Iiavo
spoken itiit then had her life dc
pended tipon it, and Royston went
on: It was kind of you to come to
night. Miss Conycrs; it will be some
thing for me to look upon when you
are famous."
Elizabeth's eyes dilated.
"What do you mean?" she asked
breathlessly. "Anyone would think
would think, she laughed shakily,
that I was never going to see you
Royston put down his glass.
"Oh, we're not going to suppose
anything so tragic as that we shall
never meet again." he said lightly,
but I dare say it will not be some
time, at any rate. As I told you, I
shall be leaving London almost di
rectly, and you'
Yes, and me. said Elizabeth,
childishly, as he paused.
lou. he went on more firmly,
"you wilt have your own life to lead,
Miss Lonyers. 1 know 1 know it
seems rather a dreadful prospect to
you just at first, this idea of going
among strangers, but it's wonderful
how soon one gets used to things,
and I am sure you are no excep
tion. In a week or two you will be
just as much at home with Mme. Se
nestis and and Farmer as you are
now with me and Nctta. Why, when
I first met you, 'you were just as
scared of me.
"That isn't true." said Elizabeth,
and you know it isn t. i was never
scared of you, not even from the first
minute. There was something about
you " She stopped, realizing the
hopelessness of her position. How
could she explain herself to him and
what was there possible of explana
That she loved him, that was all.
An explanation so simple and yet one
which could never be made.
I suppose you're right," she said
with trembling lip: "I never looked
at it that way, but but I thought
somehow you would come and see
me sometime or that that I could
come and see you: however, if you
don't want to "
"Whether I want to or not is be
side the point," he said gerftly. "With
Mme. Senestis vou'will meet people
who to put it plainly will look
down on me. In the ordinary course
of events Farmer and I do not speak..
The other night was an exception
because he wished to be introduced
to you. From his point of view, he
is right: he's a rich man and gets
bout in places where I should be
tound only if someone wanted to
learn a new two-step. It's no use,
my dear," he added earnestly, as he
saw the distress in her face. "If
we live in the world we've got to
accept the world as it is, and you'll
soon realize that I am right. You
must go with the tide; it's no use
trying to swim against it if you want
to be successful. If I'd been a rich
man, as I always imagined I should
be, things might have been different,
but then I should never have met
you, so, alter all, there are compen
sations, you sec, he submitted
Elizabeth did not smile; she sat
with her hands clasped tightly in her
lap, her cheeks very flushed and her
eyes downbent.
When, quite suddenly, she raised
them, there was a spark of fire in
their grayness.
Mothers, don't lot rnlds get under
way; at the flrnt couch or gnirna rub
Musterole on the throat and chest.
Musterolo ia a pure, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. t
drawa out congcRtion, relieves aore
nesa. dnea all the work of the good
old-fashioned mustard pl.-iatcr in a
gentle way, without the bli.ster.
Keep a. jar huiuly for nil emer
eencips, it may prevent pneumonia
In your home. 35c and 65c in jars
and tubes; hospital alze, 13.
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off With Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets.
A pimply face will not embarrass
you much longer if you get a pack
age of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet.
The akin should begin to clear after
you have taken the tablets a few
Cleanso the blood, bowels and liv
er with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets,
the successful substitute tor calo
mel; there'a no sickness or pain
after taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do
that which calomel does, and just as
effectively, but their action is gentle
and safe instead of severe and irri
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with a "dark brown
taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless,
"no good" feeling, constipation, tor
pid liver, bad disposition or pimply
face. .
Olive Tablets are a purely vege
table compound mixed with olive
oil; you will know them by their
olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among
patients afflicted with liver and
bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets
are the Immensely effective lesult.
Take one or two nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and
look. 15c and 30c.
Is a bad
skin your
handicap ?
Try the Resinol
treatment. It
makes red, oily,
blotchy skins
fresher and
more attractive
Soolhinq ftnd HtaJinq
USE Sloan's freely for rheumatism,
sciatica, lumbago, over-worked
. muscles, neuralgia, backaches,
stiff joints, and for sprains and strains.
Jt penetrates vithoul nibbing.
The very first time you use Sloan's
Liniment you will wonder why you
never used it before. The comforting
warmth and quick relief from pain will
delightfully surprise you.
For forty years, Sloan's the world's
pain and ache liniment has been making
and keeping thousands of friends. Ask
your neighbor.
Keep Sloan's handy, and at the first
sign of an ache or pain, use it.
At all druggists 35c, 70c, 11.40.
1 Ijiwpurii i
al lvUUhuvyQ I
Coticura Toilet Trio
Satisfies every want of the
most critical in cleansing,
purifying and beautifying
the skin and complexion.
Nothirur rjurer. sweeter or
more effective for every-day
toilet purposes.
jWtSjw Se. OlatBMal aad Me. Tdam Be
Threats of Death
Are Received bv
Chicago Jurymen
MfiiibrTi of SpfrUl Venire
Warned to le Prolie of
Murder Trial Gun
men Maintain Record.
ChiiJso, April 7. Death threiU
were tent to every member of the
trnire from whiih the new special
grand jury was chosen. These
threats warned the recipient i that if
they were chosen for jury service and
continued the investigation of cir
cutuiuticrs surrounding Ihe O'Don
nell, Qure and other labor and
murder trials, they will be "bumped
Jud.'e Scanlan, who recently !s
surd a bitter defiance of the criminal
labor oligarchy, received his tenth
death warning yesterday, lie turned
letter over to the police.
"Not that 1 am scared or worried,"
he said, "but my wife and family do
worry. And men are being frighten
ed away front jury service. I met
a prospective juror today who told
me be would not serve, as lie leared
for his l ie and the Urt ol hi fm
The rreiit record of three murders
a day u bring iiu numrd by lbil
cago gunmen, The percentage was
si ghtly increased early tin morning
when ine fourth killing ol Use day
is recorded.
A party was in progress at the
home of Mr. Lucille Irreger.
Samuel kinir j a roomer in the
hou. Mrs. Tfreger and Mrs. Lil
lian Davidaon, a Mies KithanUon
and two mrn were playing cards,
King, they say. lad retired. Smie one j
Itammrreu t the I rout door and de
manded admittance, When the door
wis opened, four men ru.lied in. went
directly to the room where King was
sleeping, dratted linn trout flic bed
and shot linn lour times,
1'olue are seeking Nathan Trie.
ger, Iiii-imikI of the woman with
whom King boarded.
Burlington Will Ituild
$2,000,000 Shops at Denver
Lincoln. April 7. General Super-
irtendent I. I'lyiin of the Hurling
ton railroad announced that it had
been decided to build a J.'.OHO.'KK)
shop plant at Denver to serve the
western lu es of the Hurlington and
the Colorado and Southern, work to
start within two weeks, Superiii
tendeut I'lynn returned today from
Denver, where lie held a conference
on the project with President Hale
lloldcn and Genera! Manager Tliic-liofT.
I mm
Scores of New Arrivals in Becoming
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday
On Convenient, Easy-to-Pay Terms
At the
Sign of
Wrist Watch
14 kt. white gold, fancy
shapes, ribbon bracelet, 15-
jewel movement, guaranteed
genuine Ilclbrose. A Wrist
Watch that will keep time.
Swell engraved case or plain
for monogram. We sell this
watch Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday, for
14-Karat Octagon
Wriat Watch
Twenty year guarantee,
engraved or plain case,
with a reliable 15-jewel
movement, genuine
Helbrose, silk ribbon,
or 14 karat gold filled
spring bracelet We
sell this watch Satur
day, Monday and Tues
day for '
14-Karat Wrist
, Watch
Twenty year guaran
tee, regular shape, 15
jewel Helbrose move
ment, fine timekeeper,
plain or engraved. We
sell this watch Satur
day, Monday and Tues
day, lor
TJ EST and most complete Watch
stock in Omaha. For gentle
men's watches, see us first, and get
prices on Hamilton, Howard, Hamp
den, Elgin, Waltham, and Illinois
Watches, all the best American
12 Size Elgin
In gold filled,
beautiful engrav
ed case, or plain
for monogram.
Brodegaard Bros. Co.
Mail Orders Shipped Same Day as Received.
W a ? IT Ja .Y
The splendid thin about buying your
Easter Apparel here is that you don't
have to worry about ready cash to pay
for it.
The cost is spread out over a long period
so you never miss the money and,
too, prices are moderate, due to our
low rent location.
Lovely New
Color is the predominating, note in the new
Easter arrivals. There is Rouge, Periwinkle,
Canna, Caravan, Broncho, Cinnamon, etc, in
frocks showing new sleeve treatments cape
effects embroideries fringe and headings.
Styles that will be in good taste until fall at
A : 'It
Women's Easter Footwear
Smart looking pumps and oxfords in satin,
patent leather and kid, t, a pair
New Easter Suits
$27.50 up
New Easter Wraps
$24.50 up
J Up
Bewitching effects of straw
combinations becomingly
trimmed, as low as ,
and braid
... $380
Garden Tools
Hoes . 39
Rakes ' 39t
Spading Forks 79t
Thi sensational "Saturday
Sale" of 10-inch Records
includes hits by Bert Wil
liams, Marion Harris. Art
Hickman's Dance Orchestra,
Paul Biesel Dance Trio
and many others all at
A Special Purchase
!R(Rril Sale
1 B rass and Steel Beds From Simmons
and Other Makers
At Almost 50c on the Dollar
A Remarkable Offering
of the
At a SAVING of
Simmon Steel Beds In white
enamel finish with 2-inch con
tinuous posts; a $12.50 value
in this sale $5 95
OxcdiVcd' finish $6.45
Full Sio Steel Bed In dark
walnut finish with 2-inch posts
and ornamental caps; a $17.50
value in this 3Q 7E
sale 4)Ja0
$7.50 Vernis' Martin Bed
at S3.75
$10.50 White Enamel Bed
at S5.75
$12.50 White Enamel Bed
at S6.95
$17.50 Vernis Bartin Bed
at S8.05
$17.50 Vernis Martin Bed
at S10.50
Full Size Steel Bed In wal
nut finish, with continuous
2-inch posts and 1-inch fillers;
a $15.00 value in JQ QC
this salo WiJiJ
Full Size Brass Bed In bright
finish, with continuous posts
and substantial fillers; a $30
value in this 75
$22.50 Vernis Martin Bed
at ..$12.95
$37.50 Large Brass Bed
at $21.50
$39.50 Large Brass Bed
at $22.50
$60.00 Massive Brass Bed
at $32.95
$69.50 Massive Brass Bed
at $39.75
$72.50 Massive Brass Bed
at $42.50
Scores of Other Remarkable Values
Saturday Only Easy-to-Pay ,Terms
In anticipation of lowered costs, due
to increased production, the
HOOSIER Co. has given us an un
usually fine Cabinet at a remarkably
low price.
We, in turn, are cutting our own
profit to the bone, thereby giving you
in the HOOSIER SPECIAL the most
remarkable value we ever offered in
these time and labor-saving Kitchen
This famous ten-piece Dester Domes
tic Science Kitchen Set with your new
Hoosier Special.
Just $1.00 or So Weekly
p. n-y-tA ran-.- fcjfiOT -if. - -