1 THE RF.F. OMAHA'. SATURDAY, 'Amii; . 1922. Tolal of 328 Bauk emus Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Crashes Renortcr Dtirinsr I-ast Year New York Bonds N. Y. Curb Bonds Live Stock Omaha Grain Chicago Grain financial lief. hr. t , 1.1 t $4 1M t 31 Jt ,r II J4 411 l.lll 4 ill 4 4-4 4-4 4t ill ttxe.aj f: Cam, fl'final Wrndil.,.,. 4 ''final Tv-ad,.,,, ,,) I'Mi.lal W....da,., I lit ift.l Inula, il lanmai tnlay ... II mi h , . i a... Ill aama ,r I : p.a.e I xa.ll ,4 Kfmli an cIuixmiiikh t Ill's' -Kit ill 1 aiaa iwkiiiili, imieB. S. fr ;i tsuia, 'iinf i i p. m. ai'U 1, !;!. n,. tfrrn-cAhiX'T iii. Hs. h. Male I', m hi. v, nr .... V4t.s H II. M r..-. lly I I nien P. It. K t i a n. w. ., ...set , N. W. II, , f.l I ', M I', M AO. H. I ,, n. u. nr., .. t r. n w ! It ', It. . I", a,! .... '.. tl I. I'm ",( .... linn"! On). Ry ...... i , II. W. H). ........ I l I) l I II I Tout r'ip' ll : I'lMHfmi in hs.au CalHa II" Armour I' : i u.lati I'll l"0 11 III .I4 P. CO , Marrl l'k. ('. ...... Il 'l l Hall I .' Ml I J. W. Murphy l.: hearts 4V 'e. Unrolil rWf. 4'e. I .... iwrmeil Hroa. " ... Midw,l af. Co. .... .... nmh rk(. Cn. Z .... K. Umiht Pkf. '. .. .... II. M. Ilumia Y to. .. .... W. H. "'nee; .(tin llerv 41 ... T .1. Imhram 4 v. p. ..i, . .... .1. H Knot a ( 1 .... Itnarnatm-k Hroa IJ Wenheitner A I'lgrn ,, 11 iiiIit buyers lit Urn Tol.l hrr III? Itl tl 113 l.Jlt i.:i i,Mt 4. tot fattla tterflpta, 1,19" h,l. r,-kfl nil appear- to need fw mil lo.i a fill out lhtr week's kill and m limited supply of fat t,ir nf) rnw iil ractily at (,ly to atront prlc. Th,r nolhln lr ood h,r. About blf of lha rwipi wr torkra and fd'ni moat of whli h r not on aalo. for th ,.k tirt tr at about etly. but rllna and ah atork nioaily :to lil(h,r and atorkar and f,,dra aironc to JSC Sio hihr. Quotation on eattl! Good In choir b,vva. II.1I0I.4II; fair to good b,rv,a. 17 oo(7 common to fair hova. - yT.Oo; kooJ to tholr y,arllnita. ITKOrr fl; fair to good y,arlln, I7,007.0; rommon to fair yaarllnn. $.BO3P7.n: rood Is choir fodtra. I7.n0tj7.76: fair to to nod hrlfrr. ,.l)97.00i cholc to Vrlm row. l.tl0l.7S; food to chad' t'i, l&.tuoi.ll; fair to ood rowa. M0 tei.uo; common to fair cowa. :'.76'(i4 :i; (noil to ihnlco f,il,ra, I7.00;7.i4; fair to hole f,dor. M.4O01.on; common to fall fdcra. ti.riOtTt.lS; good to choir atm-k. rra, I7.2,07.7t; fair to zoud atorkor, I4.o7.10; common to fair atorkrr, tl.7te.S0; atork halfrra. II 60O nn: ' 'o-k cowa, 3.60j6.:5: alork ralvea, IS CO 07.lt; v,al ralvra. Mlofl 10.74; bulla, ataga, etc., 3 IOJfl.60. No. Av. Pr. .No.' Av. IS 1141 7 l t 79S 31 1AI4 T II II 117S Guulu, ,iril 7. Onul.4 rrcr I! luulcil only 76 cart, trtuuitiinii t( u C4n o wli(4t, Jo i4ft corn, 18 cri of ott mi4 6 car t i ryi nt barley kii I rompitrtii miiIi a ital of 4 J tirt Ut cr. Sliitiinriit i f vlif4t were ety lirtvy t I.' J tr.. ilr.tincl irluci4lly to tlikai:. Miiumenu f corn wie al.o fairly lirvy at 65 ram. Other gram wire IirIiI. 1 lie tliipmcnii of wlieat fiuiu Ar griinn to turotiran coutitrit-a hive Lern erv heavy tin year, aggregat ing 57.WHi,WiU huslteU iitn-e January I in Ut. toinpaiea Willi .".'W,1 IXVJ liiu lit It U-t iar. and their e iiiuiiiiiif hiirplu for rxiort i etti mated Mt 6.t.l)UU.UUU Dushcl.. A wire from lltieno Ayrcn a)i of the propoaeJ German loan 1hat Si-. tXKJ.lHMl i to be H'cnt for grain, part of which GVrtnaity plan to hi to KuWm in exchange avt rial. There v.a a fair ilfinand fr cash uhrai mi the floor toilav ana oiler in ci were taken at about unchanged price. Corn wa in rather low dc maiiil. the white "clliiij? at , un- chuiRed pricei, while yellow and mixeil noltl IM Ic lower. Oat were Drnerallv uiii-haiiced. Iv've was tin chanced and harley was firm and unchanged. Government Report Winter wheat condition: April 1. 78.4 per cent; last December, ( per cent; April 1 last vear. vi per cent; Ill-year average, m.j per cent. Kstiinatrd cron winter wheat. 52.- 974,(Hnl tuishcls. as compared with dil.tH-l.othl hiishcls April 1 last year and 587,Oon,(K) harvested. Kve condition. ') per cent, as com pared with 9i.3 per cent last Decem ber, 9.3 per tent April 1 last year and a 10-ycar average of 88.5 per cent. 14. . I.. !.... I.... 1.... 1.... 4.... I. .113 7 A 17.... ..134 ,.1;M T 76' 1 1160 STKERS AND HEIFERH Pr. 7 in 75 I 01) C31 HIS ...1321 ...1144 ...1111 ...1161 .. 130 ..l!6tl .. too 410 264 106 7 15 ..tl ,.17 ..1130 ..124.1 IK 7 00 ..1150 .. 660s 194 I 00 710 10. COWS. S 10 . I. S 6 4. S 71 ' I. no :i. it HK1FKR8. ( "S 3." BULLS. 5 i , 1. 4 10 1.. 6 00 2. CAfJVEH. I 10 I.. 11 00 STOi'KERS AND FEEDERS. 10 637 7 SS Hoga liocelpt. 1,000.' htU. Karly trad waa mostly to ahlppara at iirea ruling fullr ateady. Packrr atarlcd bid ing a ahado lower but th market da valnped on a baal of fully ateady to m apota atrong. Light bog aold from jio.ooet0.10. with top price of 110.15. Miner! load and butchar welRhts, 19.40 09.16, and packing gradra. 19 25U9.76. with extram hmvlr $8.7601.26. Bulk of aalea was $9.10010.10, Hours. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 40 I 9 SO 69. .331 No. Av. 36.. ISS 4. .:ss 14. .194 . .243 76. .229 79. .200 70 63. .244 9 10 07..26H 90 73.. 26 10 00 72.230 10 10 106. .216 ShaeD Receipt. 4.400 head. ket waa very alow to open today, Ing bid ruling anarpiy lower. mo 70 40 Rh. Tr. 290 $ 9 45 :n 9 76 10 9 5 70 9 96 ... 10 05 ... 10 15 Th mar- open- Some laniba moved on a lower oasis wnna inc bulk of aale ruled ateady to !5e lower. lVnnlad lamha Bold mostly from 115.0091 16.60 with beat lots quoted at $15.75. nipped lamts. $12.76013.60 with one deck of choice 70-lb. averages at $13.75. Feeder and aheeo were steady. Quotation on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, I16.2516.76; fair to good, 14. 76015.261 shearing lamha. 113.750 14.10; feeder lamb. $13.00013.76; cllppvrl Ipmhs. I1I.T4013.7-6; cull lamrta. lioou 12.00. Vat yearling,. $12.60013.50: heavy, $1.00010. 50; wether. 19.00012.00; fat waa. light, 19.0009.75; tat ewes, heavy, 7.0009.00. CLIITED TKAKL.IKUS. Av. 117 CLIPPED EWES. 15$ SHEARING LAMBS. 1 II fed 11 fed 146 nat Pr: $12 00 7 75 13 15 Maux City Iv Stork. Sioux City. la., April 7. Cattl Re ceipts, 100 head; market, stackers strong; Vlllers. 10 0 25c higher; fed steers and yearlings. $7.00 05.50; warmed up steers and yearlings, $6.0007.00; fat cows and heifers, $4.0007.26; canners, $2.6004.00; veal,, $4.00010.00; feeders, $5.0007.00; calvea, $4.6007.75; heavy bulla? $3.90 ' 4.S5: feeding sows and haifera, $1,500 I. 75: tocker. $6.0007.60. Hogs Receipt. 6.000 head: market, Steady to strong butchers, $9.80010.00: lights, $10.00010.16; heavy mixed, $9,260 7; heavy packers, $8.75(fii9,00: stage, $6 7507.00: bulk of sales. $9.10010.00. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; Market, ateady. Kan, City Ut Stock. Kansas City. April 7. Cattle Receipts, l ilt head: beef steers, stesdy to 15o higher; $7.850.OO; other classes, steady: raws, $4.0006.25; cutters. $4.00; canners down to $1.75; vealers,- $1.6009.00. Hogs Receipt. 2,600 head; packers took bulk; steady to strong: spots. 6c higher; shippers pld. $10.30; packers, $10 25; 160 to 200 pounders. $10.15010.25; S10 to 270 pounders. $10.06010.16; bulk, $9.71010.15: sows, $1.7501.00; pigs, barely ateady. Shtep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; ' hom lambs. $13.60; ateady; shearing lambs, $14.75; no cholc wool lamb. South St. Paul Livestock. Snath 8t. Paul, Minn., April ,7. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, I. 400 head; generally ateady on all classes: good beef steer, quoted at up to $1.00 or batter: . common and medium beef steers. $5.7607.26: bulk. $4.0007.00; butcher cows and heifers mostly $4,000 4.00;. fw . up to $7.00 or better; canners and cutters, $3.5003.50; bologna bulls, $3 :604.00. ' Hogs Receipt. 4.S0O head: market steady to strong: top. $10.60; bulk, bet ter grades. $10.00010.60; packing sows, II. 5009.00: good pigs. $10.60. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, 100 head; market steady. 9t. Laols Lives tork. Kast St. Louia. 111.. April 7. Cattle Receipts. 600 head: slow, generally stesdy: pots weak on beef row,; top mixed yearlings. $ .10, welrht 774 pounds: hulk WIIKA'P. No. I suikcil: 1 car. $1.31. N.i. 1 hard winter; 1 car. Nn. S hard winter: 1 tar. $1.21 near d.iik); t .ar. $1.22: 4 cars. l.:. , No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. si.ja inr.r d.irk); 3 car. $1.19: 1 car. $1.1t smutty). Nn. 4 narn wnuer: j car, No. & har.l wilncr: 1 car. $1.17. No. 1 spring: 1-5 car, $1 25 (mixed). v l mlie.1, 1 carl $1.12 durum). Nn. 2 mixed: I car. $1.31 tamutty, ailing); t car, $1.04 durum). No. 1 durum: 1 mr. $1.07. , CORN. No. 2 while: 4 cara. 60r. No. 1 yellow: I cara, He. No. 3 yellow: 3 cara. 60c; 1 ear, 4Jlic. (17 20 per cent moisture. ) No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 49c, Nn. 1 mixed: 1 car. 49r. No. 2 mixed: 6 cara. 49c. No. mixed: 2 cars. 4c. No. 3 white: 1 car. n'me; 4 cars, J3c. No. 4 hlte. cars, 23Ve. Sample white: 1 car. 332c. RYE. No. !: 1 car, 90c. No. 3: 3 cars. S9c. . - n,ml wheat. 11.10. run-firth cars No. 2 mixed whits wheat, $1.15. ., BARLET. No. 3: 1 car, 65c. No. 4: 1 car, 54c. Samnle: 1 car, 62c. milHt BECKIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (CARLOTU.) Receipts Today. Wheat 1 Corn 34 Oat 14 Rye J Barley' $ shipments Wheat 1-' Corn 65 Oat 11 Barley 1 TRIMART RECK1PTS AND SHIPMENTS. I HUSMKl-M. ) "Rerolnts Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 456,000 666.000 1,104,000 Com 660.000 , 625.000 304,000 Oats 373,000 414,000 245,000 Khinments Wheat 544.000 531,000 915.000 Corn 42S.0O0 667,000 347.000 Oata :iS2,000 49K.00O 465,000 KXPORT C'LKARANCES Bushels Today. Tr. Ago. Wheat and Flour. .447,000 323.000 Corn 39.7.000 . 169,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots . Today. Ago. - Abo. Wheat .......... ... 3,8 14 Corn 104 107 65 Oats 66 40 48 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Week (Year Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 75 126 221 Corn 2S 23 26 Oats ;.. 7 . 8 6 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. . Week Carlots Today. . Wheat 26 Corn 61 Oats ...19 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT By CHARLES D. MICHAELS llsaaha lie l.aa4 W Ira, Chicago, April 7 News surround iug the grain markets, although re g4iled as beariah, had evidently hern well discounted, as break were nut euciuive and ahort lived and rtlhr met fair selling prices and hrld fairly at the lat, 1 lie finish, was at net B4iiia of 1'Jc to J. 4c on wheat, with eptcnuer leaiiing, w hile corn gameu I -He to J Bil the Utter on May. Oat were up l-4nl-2c (or the distant fittmes and May unchanged for tle day, while rye soared Mc tn fie over tlie previous day s tini-li. I'ro vinious were eay ami 5c lower on lard and 5c to 7 l-Jc off on liort rili, while pork gained 75c with only one trade. Actum dt the wucat market wa about what the trade cxnrcted prior to the issuance of a government crop report. J ratling was of good volume, nut mainly local within a narrow range. No one desired to extend their commitments to any eMcnt (iood buying by commission houses was on around the inside 51.30 1-2 to $1.31 for May. and $1 IX 3-4 to 51.17 tor July and SI.IJ I-J for Sep temher. The clone was around the intermediate figures. la and Oul Market. Week Tear Ago. Ago. 19 22 62 14 15 4 2 2 11 34 ' 91 R4 41 23 I Ago, 3d Carlots Minneapolis Ouluth ..... Winnipeg . . Today. ..139 ..61 ..274 Tear Ago. 91 67 !5 RECEIPTS. Tear Ago. 42 165 173 Week Ago. 155 43 387 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By TJpdtke Grain Co. DO. 2627. April 7. Art. j Open. High: I Low. I Close. Tea. Wht. May 1.30H 1.31 1.30 "4 130Hj 1.304 1.30), ' 1.30 1.104, July 1.19 1.19H 1.18 54 1.191.19 1.19 1.194, 1.11 Sept 1.13, 1.134 1.12V4 MS LIS 1.12 , 1.12 May 1.01 14 1.01 1.01 1.014, 1.01U July 93 93 13 93 93 Corn May 58 6SV. 58 58 58 68 68 68 July , 2 $2 , 61 4 62 ' 62 65 ' ' 62 Sept S4 i 64 64 64 64 Oats May 34 36 86 S6 ,36 .luly S9 39 89 39 39 Sept 40 41 40 40 40 Pork May 1S.75 20.60 19.75 20.50 19.75 Lard May 10.90 10.95 19.90 10.90 10.95 July 11,15 11.20 11.16 11.15 11.20 Ribs May 11.30 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.10 July 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.55 10.60 TunB Trade Review. New Turk, April 7. Dun's tomorrow will say: . "With recognition of the unsatisfactory phases which still prevail, the fact is nevertheless clear that the business re vival is being extended. Close observ ers of conditions do. not disregard the deleterious Influence of present labor troubles nor the unsettling effects of readjustments, but a basis unmistakably exists for the statement that the scop of the recovery is widening. Wrhile uni formity of Improvement is consplciousiy lacking, irregularity of demand and prices is a p.atural concemitant of commercial recuperation, and its absence now would be surprising. The maintenance of a conservative policy in many quarters is more to oe nc.irea atter tn exper ience of the last two years, than a repltl tinn of unwholesome Inflation, and 1 prudent action at this time affords a In all It waa an In and out market on lha part of th local Iniercaia. with nn large Individual oiieialloiui. tin of Hi most significant features ws Ilia unetf peeled I y larg export from Atgenllna 4,0:.bu0 biiahrla, . of which l.aou.oii bushela wer for orders, compared with tolnl export of 4,1i;,000 busheia last year. Lower Liverpool cable, spoiled crop report with the bulk of them showing Improvement and purchase 'f 1 110.11 no bushel at Umaha to com to Chicago wer factor which atliaetrd attention. I'urchsa of new crop futures against 000,400 busheia new No. I hard sold for export 7rt halt of Auguat at I nv July, c. I. f. Montreal, aasiatrd In making a stronger cloae. Corn and oat trading waa small and local, with th underfill rather stronger lhan xpected and the rang or prlc mall, both cloalng aroural the lop. - In naia, changing by rash and elevator In tereals at 2 No difference from liny to July, wa th feature, while in corn trading was without Importance. Lai aeedlng of oat and report lhat parts of hanaaa will reduce acreage in per cent. owing 10 lateness, wer the main atrength- anlng factor for September, Hie waa sod py uu 11m noiuera, wno a so so Id cash lot at May price, c, I. r. Buffalo, whlla there wer large purchnse of May by seaboard exporters, which made a net gain of 4,0 to !tc. 111 Notes. A winter wheat crop ot 573.Ono.ono busheia Is suggested by th Government crop report, issued 1st today. It I about what th trad expected, being Intermedial between th highest and loweat of th private estimates. In April, last year, the estimate waa 621.ooa.ooO busheia and final harvest 667,000,000 busheia. The estimate is based nn the avcrago estimated abandonment of acreage and influenc on th crop from now until harvest. Condition of 78.4 was 2.4 point above last December and compared with 91 last vear and a 10-voar average of 84.3. Conditions In states east of th Missouri, which were highest in Decern hec. show 3 to 6 points lower 'In most states, although Illinois was unchanged. In the southwest where conditions wer lowest lust fall there have been gain of 5 to 15 nolnts. Individual sales In wheat on th bulges were bought tack on the quiet of the dips. Leading interest are boarlnh on wheat. A few in the trade have It that th market will turn for the better on Tuesday. This is given for what it worth. There is an apparent accumula tion of July nnd September wheat by strong Interests, while May Is being de pressed by constant rcporta of wheat moving from the Mlsaourl river to ( hi cago. 80 far 750,000 bushels Is under stood to have been bought and 85 cara aro cnioute from Kansas City for the Armcur Grain company. E. P. l.eland & Co.'s Minneapolis of fice wired: "Our July wheat Is beginning to show considerable strength. Tcstorday there was noticeable selling of May and buying of July. As our stocks are decreasing fairly rapidly and very little wncat tnat can be trought here from other markets and the last opportunity that the mills will have to get spring wheat before tha new crop, make me think our July wheat will be a very ngnt ruture. uning it a purchase against aale of Chicago Septem- uut." 1 The Modern Miller said: "More growing weather is awaited in Important areas- of tho southwest to de termJns amount of wheat that will be left standing for harvest. Stoollng is backward. Progress fairly satisfsctory in central and eastern portions o Kansas." Minneapolis Grain. . " Minneapolis. Minn.. April 7. Wheat- Receipts 130 cars, compared with 165 cars a year ago. Cash: No. 1 northern, M.6001.63; May, $1.41; July, corn no. 3 yenow, sn ' wsuc. Oats No. 3 white, 33034c. Barley 50043c. Rye No. 2, 93094c. Flax No. t $2.62 02.65. . . 1 Kansas City drain. Kansas City. April 7. Close: Wheat May. $1.17; July, $1.11; September, $1.05. Corn May. 52c: July, esc: Septem ber, 68 c. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo.. April 7. Wheat May. $1.28; July, $1.15. corn May, 67c; July, 6c, Oats May, 37c. Boston Wool. Boston, April 7. The Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will say: The demand for wool, while varied in its scope, has been small in volume. Prices are about steady at the decline noted last week of 6 to 10 per cent h(gh level. The tiade Is waiting for the tarift to be settled still, and the belief is common that some compromise will be effected be tween the house and senate measures. 'The situation at tho mills is very dis couraging for the moment. Demand for goods. Is small and irregular and tne strike situation ta. worse Instead of bet ter. A aale of about a half million pounds of whool.is reported from Arizona at about $1 clean landed IisbIs." The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will publish wool prices as follows: Wisconsin nan-oioou, a&tijdtfc; a-s-Diooa, 35c: blood, 84c. Scoured basis: Texas, fins 12 months, $1.05; fine t months, 90c, California: Northern, $1.06; middlo county, 5c; southern, 80c. Oregon: Eastern No. 1 staple, jl.nsro 1.10: fine and fine medium combing, $1.00; eastern clothing, 86c: valley No. 1, 80c. Territory: r ue staple choice, 41.05 1.10: half-blood combing 95c$1.00; 8-8r blood combing, 76c; quarter-blood comb ing. 62065a Pulled: Delaine, 41.05; a. a.,, s.'.c; a. Supers, 80090. Mohairs: Best combing, .I'ffiic; nest carding, 23026c. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Umaha 14a Iaw4 Wlra, New York. April 7. For the fifth consecutive lime this week, transac tion mi the stock market pac! I.INiu.tNHI shares no such instance of a week marked by such transaction on t-vcry full luikiurs day having orcurred since Mav, I'i.ll, when the Atw iuis; mock cKchaiiKC wai suddenly confronted with the lirst shock of comprehension that a great business reaction was impending. Along with this continued activity prices advanced again though with still more irrrgulariiy of scope oil the day's net thanecs. A few In dustrial stocks rose one to four points, hut more ot the changes in that group were only fractional ami there wrte some declines. Kail way shares, on the other hand, were nor- ably strong, advances of a point or more occurring m half a docn of the active stocks. Ilone Market Mrung. Thsra nn halt It Ihe general for ward iiinveinrtit of lha Imnd market. Nearly all of lit liberty bonda went lo lha highest of tho cr. Among for. in S'it. rnmetil loans an Interesting In. i idenl of IN day was en advanr nf I'l point In lha new Ce.-ho.Mlnv.kl.n above lha ailbacrlpllon price. Among railway humls liter were sev. erul lather sulking forward movements, perhaps heraiie the Imagination "f In vesivis hd bean Ion. he.l l.y iha North ern I'acllic unrkpeeteil ami unusual re funding announcement. t ,ai hardly a year ag.i mat this riimpany and Ihe Ureal Northern, t iiufroiiteil with Itesr maturity of l.'li.Onn.tioo, 4 per renla, la- aunt hv Ihani In Itiil on Hi lliirliuginn and uultii y pimieriy. nld I '20.ou0.ooo of new S .per cents at 94 1- Vot o rapidly and cuiimletcly baa'the IiivcMiiikM rltuallon changed during th Intervening 13 mom ha that the North ern Pacific I now seeking authority to exercise Us option, under th loan con tract, of redeeming at 103 such of Ihese bonds as ara still outstanding; th market now being such that a S per cent loan ran bo ,urd lo replace them. It would difficult to get a mor dramatic side light on the reversal of conditions since Isnt April. New York Stocks (The Bee U the only Omaha newspaper which publishes the of fklal close of the New York Stock exchange bonds ) SVar V.iik, April 7 -Human. In lb t. t.a itiaihrl wa ubi,4 l'U a u'lmr n laisa tolUMie ot ilealinaa. bateial of lha liberty eiea, notably ihe IM, mi umi 4a ami so and 4a. trgialrird nil tin her lererua, thousa casing lat.r on I'Mii. taking, l.iaal mil, ti wer h dominant i t. ., Itutoci, r. on lha cmtruin of lite Um lion, situation, whuli avert ra-eliei. i,iii or her aaiuiua financial ion.. a i-iie. a. 1 h et-rl Ititertx.iouxh .,11, laird and liilrtboruugtt Mell.i"illsn iuea sliawed atireni gain of 3 I almost S palm but these, too. gat way In lealllnsr. Manhattan :ieii.. Thud avriiu and )li.mkln llaplil Tiatiait also ma. la aulaMantial aalns. Ilaila niiitnud 10 follow Ilia upward rouraa of alaika. at new inasiiimm ioalia. 1 01 ion 1 areleea and grang-ia lead. ing. Tuial sal. liar vaiuei. Ill.lel.ou, Inll4 Mala llaatl. Mate fin II.OOil) High Low 4 !' 314 Liberty 3a... ti ! :n t tairiy 1st 4a.. 9130 l l t JO S Liberty 2.1 4a.. Sine l 0 14 04 9 Liberty let 4.a. SI 64 I'l SI Inl Liberty M 4a. ts.20 ' 1 1217 Liberty Id 4'. a. t 64 tl 46 tl 6 1414 l iberty 41b 4Utt6S tt 4l SS.I4 It iciory 3S ., nat liin.u- 1ios4 441 Vn lory 4e ..toots no 10 iouid Kurelgn, C.otrrnmenl. -Mnte and Municliml, 1 I'lly Horde. 01 t.. 44 7H 4 t I'lly I'hlratiana a. !'', 109 ' : I lly 10D-0 5s... i .11 l ily Lyons fs 4 S7 k7 51 i lly Msrsetlles 4a . 17 t"a 174, 16 I'lly It It Jan la..l4i, ini I'M City ZU'l'h a ...112 112 112'; I Danish Mniil Is A. II:', li:'i II2S 79 iepl of Hctlt 7s... 9 ti 94 3 ln.it, Inn an Itep 5s. 93 92 I.' 14 Uu fan Is 31 I41 " ' 7 Do ('an 1 notes.. 1nn liini, lent, 21 much K Indies ka. 94 t4 t4 74 French lovt 7s..l: 10J lost in French (lovt Is I",1.. in. lout. 40 Jap 4s 76 76 76 III .lap )at 4 '" to 3.1 King Helglum s. .103 n2 1":'", 24 King Belgium 7.I04i lo 10 Rang of price of the leading stocks furnished by Logan ft Bryan, 244 Peters Trust building- RAILROADS. Thuis. High. Low. Close. Cloae. T. ft H. F 99 97 91 9744 Ball. & Ohio 4.1 42 43 43 anadiHn Pacific. .139 138 139 134 I. Y. Central...... SS. u Ches. ft Ohio 8V 84 '1 65 84 ireat Northern.... 74 72 73 71 lllnnla Central ..104 104 104 106 ;. C. Southern 27 244. 27 . 24V .ehlgh Valley MS 42 43 Sl ..iiseouri j-hciiic... ..l1', i '4 N. T. ft K II.... 21 21 . Northern Pacific. 76 & N. W 78 '.a Penn. R. R 4 1 Reading 79 It. I. ft P 44 . Southern Pacific. .. 89 Houthern Railway.. 24 M. A St. P. Union Pacific, 24 71 43 78 41 87 23 24 3 21 70 72 42 ' 44 89 23 24 .130 134 136 23 j21 75 71 42 77 41 88 23 24 134 Am. Car Fdrv 15.H; Allls-Clialmers ... 44 u Am. Loco 113 Baldwin Loco. ..115 Beth. Steel 77 elo. K & I .11 li Crucible 64 Am. Steel Fdry.. 38 ,acka. Steel .... 83 4. Midvals Steel ... 24 reused Steel Car 77 nep. S. ft I. ..... . 64 My. Btl. Snrlnaa..lon Sloss'-Seheffiold .. 44 V. S. Steel 98 Vanadium 44 COPPERS, I. 155 155 47 48 111 112 114 114 74 77 30 .11 60 44 37 38 61 63 34 34 76 70 63 64 99 100 44 44 97 97 42 44 Anaconda Am. S. & R. Co... :erro De Pasco... mil Chlno 1. ft Ariz Oreen Cananca .. . . Inspiration Kennecott Miami Nevada Con'dated. Ray Con'dated ... Seneca Utah 52 57 36 17 2?v tl. Pelerol ... en. Asphalt .. -Tosden Call. Peterol . Island Oi; Invincible Oil Mex. Peterol . Middle States . Pacific Oil .... Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil .... Pure Oil Royal Dutch .. Sinclair Oil Standard Oil, N Texas Co. ; , . . . Union Oil ..... White Oil ..... Chandler eneral Motors. Willys-Overland. Plerce-Arrow . , White Motor .. Studebaker .... RUBBER Flsk oodrlch .' elley-Sprlngfiold.. Keystone Tire Ajax S. Rubber 28 40 30 28 16 .16 . 13 . 66 OILS. . 20 . 6 . 87 . 64 61 65 ' 35 17 27 27' 40 29 28 15 . 15' 13 18 45 37 64 18 ...1.12 128 . . . 13 13 ... 64 ... 61 ... 36 4 . 63 59 34 . . 9 '., a .'. 31 31 .. 60 60 .. 26 '25 J.175 174 ' . . 45' ' 44 .. 19 V . ? 10 .9 .. 78 '76 ,.. 13 12 .. 9 ' ' 8 ..20 19 ..43 42 .117 115 117 118 AND TIRES. 1674 16 16 16 40 39 40 39 47 4 4t 47 18 , 18 18 . 18 17 17 17 17 04 68 63 64 52 67 35 37 27 2S 40 .2.0 28 15 10 13 6a 20 1.4 37 ,61 19 131 13 64 61 34 9 ' 81 60 25 174 44 18 ' 78 13 8 20 43 47 112 115 7ti .11 60 37 t- 35 76 54 99 43 97 52 651 36 17 28 61 27 41 30 28 1 16 .13 65 Vi 19 65 74 37 "5 . 54 19 129 13 64 411 36 9 81 69 26 175 44 18 10 77 13 8 19 43 41 King Denmark i,s..Ss 94 14 King Norway la. ..112 111 111". 3 King Sweden sa...liin in on t Hep Chll 8s 40. ..103, 10 103 10 nep Uruguay Is. ..106 106 106 4 Sla Queensland 7s. 104 104 0 11 (Ova. 1 'on fe, la. ..117 114 114 13 I Kliltil b',a 22..106U 10 104tJ 101 IKIiReVI 5 29. .10 104 104 M t'Klill! 6 37. .100 mo" 100 14 It H of Brazil la. .107 107 107 1, 40 V S of Mexico 4s. 57 66 67 110 U S of Mexico Is. .43 S24 63 Hallway and Miscellaneous Mono. 3 Adam Express 4s. 75 76 75 10 Am A Chem 7s..I3 in Jo 13 Am Smelling 6a... 81 90 11 304 Am Sugar Is 98 tl 94 63 Am T T col 6a. 97 t7 17 7 Am T ft T cv b..114 114 114 3 Am 1'rlt Paper 7s. 82 82 82 7 Armour ft Co 4a. 18 88 18 2 A T ft S F cv 4s H 80 79 80 1 A T & S F adj 4s. 80 80 in J5 A T & S ' gen 4s. 87 87 87 5 A Coast 1, 1st 4s.. 60 80 60 10 Atlantic FYult 7s.. 35 34 35 4 All Ret 6s 104 104 104 21 B ft (I cv 4S.... 81 80 61 10 B ft O ref 6s 86 84 85 19 B ft O S t 98 96 3 Bell T of Pa 7s.. 107 J07 17 3 Beth Stl P M 6s.. 91 91 91 18 Brsd Con 6s 14 96 96 8 Brook Edl g 7 sl.l7 107 107 84 B It T T ft 7s St 79 78 79 3 Bush Term Bldg 6s 89 86 88 6 I'nl 1 & K 5s 94 7 Can North s ....109'. 94 109 77 96 16 84 78 . . 96 .. 97 . . 84 ..114 114 86 86 90 96 79 63 61 66 94 109 78 94 96 84 114 86 90 95 71 6.1 61 67 G. ft W. I. , Tnt. Com.. m.-Sumatra ... Am. Telephone.. merlcan Can . . . entral Leather. Cuba Cane . . INDUSTRIALS. 31 31 . 44 45 . 33 33 .121 120 48 . 47 . 38 37 . 161 1SH Cuban-Am. . Sugar. .23 22 83 45 3.1 32 45 32 Corn Products. Famous Players Uon. Electric... No. Ore: Inter. Harvester. H. & L. rfd U. S. T. Alcohol. Inter. Paper,.... Inter. M. M. pfd. Sugar Ref.. Sears-Roebuck . . Stromsberff Tob. Products .. Worth.; Pump . . . Ilson (.0 est. F.lectrio .. n. Woolen ,.104 103 104 121 121 48 48 35 37 15' 1 22 22 83 79V4 162 161 40 39 97 69 47 48 74 72 76 61 64 53 41 62 591 97 69 43 47 74 72 75 48 63 62 41 61 88 MISCELLANEOUS. m. Cotton Oil... 25 25 m, Agri. Chem. . .... Linseed 35 . 34 Union Bag pfd.... 62 62 itoscn Magneto .. 4614 45 Brook'n Rep. Tran 24 21 ' on-'al I'sn 61 6014 I Calif. PkR i 78 77 ICol.: Cas & El. .. 83 S3 Columbia Oraph.. 3 3 United Tirug 71. 70 Nnfl Enamel .... S7 S6 United Fruit :44 146 Loriiiard Tobacco. 151 160 Phlla. Co 39 38 Pulimon 123 123 Punta, Aieffre Sug '. So. Porto Hico Sug. 60 Retail Stores . 49 Superior Steel .... 39 82 102 40 97 69 47 47 76 72 76 51 04 62 - 41 61 88 23 35 62 44 24 60 77 $3 3 70 87 144 151 38 123 Jeer cows, 4.605.75; bulk veal calves, ; solid founds tl- 1 for subseouent progress. '"' ' "That co New York Sugar. New Tork. Aorll 7. The raw sugar market was easier, but the demand was light and no sales wer reported. Cubes were offered at 3 7-16c. cost and freight. equal to 4.04c for centrifugal, for April Shipment ana at zc, cost ana ireigni, t o. t. x. k. war, sail I equal to 4.11c for May. ! Virginia Car Cherri 30 Raw sugar futures wer easier under 1 Total' sale, 1 704 000 realising and scattered liquidation by Money Close. 4 ner cent: Thursdays dose, h per- cent. 49 47 38 28 29 49 48 30 29 30 105 79 163 38 97 69 47 47 74 72 76 68 M 53 41 61 88 25 40 36 62 46 20 62 77 84 3 37 147 149 38 123 41 61 48 38 30 34 1 commission houses, owing Hogs Receipts. 8.500 head: active. strong to 10c higher; top, 110.70- hu'k 160 to 2!0-pound averages, $10.60010.05; bulk 230 to 240-pounders. $10.4010. 5; rigs 16c to 2o higher. $9.50010.40; pack er sows stesdy. $1.7501.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts none; nomi nally ateady. St. Joseph' Live Stock. Ft. Joseph. Mo., April 7. Cattle Re ceipts. S00 head; market stesdy: steers, $S 7508.6: cows and heifers, $5.00C$.75; calves. $6 500 $.00. Hogs Receipts. 3.000 heed: market tesdy to 5c higher: top, $10.20; bulk of sales. $10.00010.20. Sheep Receipts. 1.SO0 head; market steady; lambs, $16.00011.76; ewest $9,000 I.7S. . - TarprntiB and Kaslw. Savannah, G.. April 7. Turpentine Firm. Sic: sales. 8S bbls.; receipts, 61 bbls; shipmsnli. 161 bbis.; stock. 71$ bbls. Roain Firm: sales. SIT casks; receipts, 1 111 casks: shipments. Ill casks; stock, 9 239 casks. Quote B. r. $41; F., $4 1: O TT. ruling of the spot market.' to the lowpf 1 At the lowest ! tnat t-'v.uuFnc nas FirenKinenen u j h t , i-- i . J'?? ' although the wa. a partial rallf near ! iio-, exeetatlons In some importa u eekly bank clearings, Chicago Livestock. Chicago. April 7. Cattle Receipts. 4.500 head: generslly steady; top beef steers. I9-.10; bulk. $?.25ffS.OO: beef rows and heifers, mostly $5.2506.50: canners and cutters, largely $2.3504.36; bulk bologna bulls. $4.25424.40: with best heavy sausage bulls, $4.60; veal calves, mostly $7.5008.00. Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head: active; lights, steady; others, mostly Sc to loo higher than yesterday's average; closed strong; shippers, bought about 6.000; holdover, light: top, $10.80; bulk. $10.26 4519.75; piss, stesdy to strong; bulk, de sirable, 100 to 125 pounders. $10,00 0 1 1.50; some choice strong weights sp to $10.45. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 8.600 head; generally sJeady; top shorn lambs. $13.50; bulk, $11,0041.1 50; shorn Texas yearlings and twos, $12 2512.5S. . - - , iKUDURR inere was a partial rany near : Vranrm ,he cl" on covering. Final quotations I 9,3a"C ii r ?( S were 3 to 6 points net lower; May, 2.63r sterling . $0,918,6Sl,00o. (July, 2.72C; September, l.SIc: December, .4 , r"L 12.94c. Marks Close, .0033; Thursday's close, Close, .0914; Thursday's close, Close, $4.39: T hursdsy's Kansas City Prodare. Xansas C1'. Mo.. April T Egsa But ler aal Poultry Unchanged. The market for- refined was unchanged at 5.26c fo 6.50c for fine granulated, but the demand was less active. 41 Refined futures were without transac tions. Closing: May, 5.85c; July, 4. 10c; September, 6.26c. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Ajril 7. Potatoes Weak; re ceipts. 43 cars; lotsl United States ship ments, 807: Wisconsin sacked round whites, $1.5001.40 int.; Minnesota sacked round whites, $1.4001.50 cwt.; Minnesota sacked early Ohlos sandlsnd, II Onffll.15 cwt.; Idaho Sacked rurala. I1.6O01.6H cwt; Idaho sacked Rusets, $1.7001.75 cwt Chicago Stock. Rangi nf prices of th leading Chicago stocks furnished by Logan a, Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: Cudahy , New York Produce. New Tork. April 7. Butter Firmer; creamery, higher than extras. 3S36c; creamery extras, 36c; firsts, 33034c. Kegs Irregular. Cheese Unsettled: stat whole milk flats, fresh, specials. 1IU019U.C- atal whole muk twins, fresh specials, 18 c changed. 45 121 7 1 S 19 2 39 102 16 67 67 '-5 New York Poultry. New Tork, April 7. Poultry Live, stesdy: fowls. 26&32r. Dressed: Quiet; prices unchanged. , Kansas lily liar. Kansas City, lo., April 7. Hsy Un- I r.dison cpm cont. Motor ...... Eai-1 Motor Libby Montgomery-Ward Nat- Leather Stewart-Warner .. Swift ft Co.'. Swift Int Union Carbide ... Wahl WriRley V .114 60 Can Pso deh 4a 1 Cent Oa cons 6s 6 Cent Leather 6s. 6 Cent Fsc 1st 4s 24 Cer de Pasco 8s. 91 Ches ft O cv 4s. 35 Ches ft O cv 5s . . . . 9 C B ft Q gen 4s... 10O (! & K I gen 6s ne. 127 Chi Gt West 4s ... 61 CM SP ref 4s.. 47 CM ft SP cv 4S.. 1 C ft N W gen 5s 1 C A N W 6s . 1 C ft N AV 7s ... IS Chi Rail 6 . 31 C R I P gen 4s 13 C R I ft P ref 4s 5 Ch Un Sta 6s 7 Chi ft West Ind 4s. 77 17 Chile Copper 6s.... 86 6 CCO ft SLGM 4s . 80 6 Colo F ft 1 6s ..... 85 4 Colo Indus 5s . ... 76 20 Col ft Sou ref 4s. 87 3 Col O ft K 5s 92 212 Consol Gas 7s ....109 109 2 Corn Prod SF 6s .. 90 90 3 Cu Ca Sug cv 7s.. tit 85 . 2 Cuban . Arricr 8s .-.104 104 104 10 Cub B K 79 102 103 102 2 Del ft Hud cv 6s.. 94 94 94 39 D ft R G ref 6a ... 46 46 46 11 Det Edison 6 102 102 102 1 Dia Match 7s ..107 107 107 11 uu font u w 7a.ioo 104 105 6 Duues Light 6s.... 102 103 Krle gen 4s 49 17 Erio con 4s 64 - 8 Flsk Rubber 8s ...105 3 General Klec 6s ... 99 256 Goody'r Tire 8s 31.100 1 Granby Mining 8s. 92 1 uranu Trunk es Ot Nor 6s.... 89 96 77 61 41 '67 .102 102 102 ..107 107 107 .'.106 106 106 .. 80 70 79 .. 82 82 8! ..79 79 114 73 86 80 84 75 87 2 Vat Vark, April 7 Falloatiig I mm. pi. I l. f l-Msy s trabas' lluli lb .New talk, ('ura Hand niarkr) up la I li P- in , anli sies of e.s latu s4 IHa h an. low and last rina, IK a. rail Haaile, ra II an lew l I Alitr.l Pack 4a !J 11 51 I A'lird Pa. kr, 1 ,1 11 i u Jl Ain.r I, e T ...Is lea t A lore T a T li St, 11 I'l 11 3 An.rr luu 7 :.. I'; lJ I Ana, on t u a .... ' t II Anac.11 l'i ta :l.l"i li' 1aj J An, Amf ml I'll im'i Nix, ll' 1 Anunur cm is i"; i: It llaruxlall Is ,...,.l"l l"l ll i lieih nie-l ! 21. ,,!: 12 II It-ih Sial 7 36..l: l! I Can Nai lly l.. ia 1" es !"', I lent Meet 4 ... ,,! Ia Ji 3 Coiuin ilraoit I, ,. 1: 4 S I on T.t a 4 t. 1 i n i s amo t :i.i;, i":-, i: S Con."! 'Is stall 7a.ll', 1"-', l"t', S 1'e.ia a Cn 1..I I "4 I I Helen Stg i 1 .,1014 jal Jn ! ii.Hi.li 11 h Tito 7 .. t' t, t I ilian.l Trunk S',s l"4 1"' : uuif tm i ii ii ij II 1 1, hi, UubiH-r 7s .. 14 t4 7 Humble tul 7 ,.,s s n' 4 It.lerbo.o II T 7.. SS i tt JM Inter II T sa tl k kl 13 kann Clipper ;..ei 11 ! k Ladcle Ua 7a ... t t 3 l.ibby Alcprtl 7a ., t tV h Miiiii ft Cu 7a,.l"t l8 oii 1 Nat t'to bill k ..I"! Ji'l 1 JO Nai Leather I ... t , 5 Phil I'll ,a II 144. t4 94 II Pu ha 'o N J 7..lo4 s Jao S llobeit Clair 7 ... IS 16 14 S Vears llo 7s :t...toe 1os 1" 71 Hears llo 7 .l...l"" l0 0il 61 S W II T 7 I": 102 103 I Stan nil N V 7 II. 15 es 24 Man nil XT ttt..os "SH ia 6 Sun Oil 7a 100 l"0 1 bl Hairi ac i n 3 :a Swift at Co 7s SI S Texas ft Co 7s .. 4 Tn Kdl 7s 24 I'll (Ml Trod la , 3 Vacuum nil 7s . 3 Warn Sugar 7a 41. 14 1 W'lnrheater 7 .. 11 Am cm nil ta ... 14 13 Can Nat lly Sa. ... tt I Col Graph ' rtfa.. 31 21 Cons Coal Co Sa.. M 1,1 Del ft Hud t.. 5 King 10 i.ig p 14 Marland .... 64 Mo i'sn lly 6 .. lo Nat Acme 6s .. 3 N T N 14 6s .... 16 No Am Ktl 4s .. t Nn Ohio I. I' Ss 17 Saka ft Co 7s . . S Ttilul Usage 7a . Foreign Honda, 160 Argentine 7s S3... 19 99 91 76 lliisatan 4s ctfa. 21 21 21 1 nusklan SUa 24 24 24 S Swlaa 6a 11 l"l 101 20 City Snissona 6s .. 14 at inn ciiy F.lherfeld 6s .. 6 S . S ln .11 1l, 11 .141 o 102 .11 It IBIS .104 16 J06 .11 tl 17 oa )n J04 si p. tlV t sa 11 k5 t 7 14 19 16 t:t 12 16 .1001.1 1nn InOU .1U1 411114 mi IK' ' 74 S? 19 17 j; 12 ss 14 t I r.s 1, t 7 4 t 4' 11 92 tl's U N T NH FR 7 117 U S Mexico 4s .. 47 47!i 67 471 Omaha Produce Furnished by stsls" of Nebraska, de partment of agriculture bureau ot mar ket ant) marketing: LIVE POULTRT. Wholesale Wholeaal Buying Pr. Belling Pr, Bt oilers $0.46 Springs $0,220 .24 $0.25ff$0.27 liens, light 21 ft .26 .2.10 .26 Hens, heavy 2240 .2.7 .254ii .27 Cocks W .17 .164 .20 Ducks 20W .21 .260 .30 Greese 100 ,17 .150 .25 Stags 19 .20 .20 .24 PRESSED POULTRT. Broilers .40 Spring 320 .36 Hen 260 .12 Cocks .200 .23 Ducks ....a 30it .36 Geese 250 .30 Turkeys 26 0 .28 EGGS. Select 20 .24 No. 1 220 .23 No. 2 200 .23 Cracks , .20 9 V 114 74 86 ;bo 85 76 87 92 109 90 86 101 102 48 49 63 63 104 104 98 99 99 100li 92 92 ..101 101 101 96 96 96 35 lift 19 Inl 136 Gt Nor 7s 107 107 10 Hud ft Man adj 6s. 80 80 26 111 Cent 6a 100 , 99 333 Int Met 4s. ...... 18 14 673 Int Met 4s Ctfs. 16 13 2033 Int Rap Tr 5s.... 68 61 M M 6s 96 9 Paper rfg 5s.. 84 84 8 Inv Oil 8s 97 96 8 K C Sou 6s....... 87 87 11 K-S'Tlro 8 ..106, 106 106 6 Lack Steel 6s 60... 94 84 84 1 Laclede Gas rfg 6s. 90 90 90 2 L S & M S 4s 28.. 93 93 93 9 I. S & M 8 4s SI... 91 91 9144 8 Lehigh Yal 6s 102 102 102 3 Lig & Myers 6s... 95 15 95 8 L & N un 4s 91 90 90 4S Man Ry 4s tax ex. 65 .6,1 36 MSB con 6s 90 90 10 Marland Oil s wa. 9.1 93 4 Mexican Petrol 8s.. 103 103 103 '29 Mldvale Steel 5s... 87 86 87 1 M ft SL ref 6s .... 80 80 80 15 MSP ft SSM 6a.'.101 101 101 8 M K ft T 1st 4s 77 77 77 160 M K ft T adj 5s ne. 63- 53 - 6 M K & T p 1 6s li. 83 8,1 80 Mo Pao gen 4s 63 6,'i 4 Mont Power 6s ... 94 94 4 Morris 4 Co 4s .. 84 8' 23 Nat Ry Mex 4s.. 35 34 2 Nat Tube 6s 99 99 15 N O T ft M 6s... 67 67 6 N T A B 6s 99 98 66 N T.C deb 6 102 102 2 N T C ool 7s 107 107 5 N T C ft SL deb 4a 84 84 107 80 100 18 16 64 96 '84 oii, A I 64 90 93 32 N T Edl s 53 83 . 63 94 84 34 99 67 99 102 107 84 .108 107 108 11 NTNHAH deb 4s 67 47 47 47 28 NTNH&H deb 63 47 72 70 72 24 NV Ry ref 4s ctfs. 34 34 34 40 N T Tel ret 6s 103 102 102 46 N T W ft B 4s. 49 48 48 1 Norf & Sou rfg 5s. 69 . 69 69 18 Norf & West con 4s 87 86 86 31 Norf ft West cv 6s. 108 108 108 2 Nor Pac 3s 62 61 62 18 Nor Pao 4s 85 84 84 207 N P-G N t 6S..J05 104 104 18 N W Bell Tel 7s. .107 107 107 3 Ore ft Cal 1st 5s.. 98 98 98 11 Ore Ry ft N con 4s 74 72 74 3 Ore S L rfg 4s... 91 90 91 12 O 8 I. con 6s 46 tc.100 99 99 7 O-W R K ft N 4s.. 79 79 79 IS Pac G ft E 6s 90 89 89 11 P-M P ft T 7s 97 97 97 18 Pa R It gen 4s. 88 . 8S 88 f si Kggs, ess count. per case 0.250 e.it BUTTER. Cresmery, prints Creamery, tub Country, best 22 0 .24 Country, common .180 .19 Fat, Sta. price... .25 HAT. Prairi No. 1 upland... No. 2' upland. No. S upland No. 1 midland No. 2 midland. No. S midland No. 1 lowland .34 .38 .320 .37 .25 0 .30 .200 .22 $11.00012.00 10.00011.00 7.000 8.50 11.00011.60 9.60010.00 7.000 8.60 8.000 $.60 No. 2 lowland 7.000 8.00 20.00021.00 18.00019.00 16.00017.00 12.00014.00 10.00011.00 8.000 S.00 7.00 $.00 31 Pa B. R gen 6s.. 19 Pa R, R 6s.... 1 Pierce Oil deb 8s. 1 P C C ft 9 L 6s.. 4 Reading gen 4s .. 6 Rep 1 ft S 5s 20 R I A ft L 4s... t 8 L I M & 8 ref 4a 87 97 106 99 94 83 94 80 106 106 99 99 43 SL ft SF p 4s SA. .1 SL ft SF ad! 6s.. 85 SL ft SF inc Cs. 3 S L S W 1st 4s.. 23,1 SAL con 6s .... Sine Oil 7s ... 29 Sou' Pao cv 4s .. S7 Sou Pac ref 4s . 1.18 Sou Rail gen 4s.. 11 Sou Rail 1st 6s.. 137 Sou Rail dev 6a 73 So Po Ri Su 7s. . 14 Stan Oil Cal 7s. 10 Steel ft Tube 7s. 48 Third Ave adj 6s 23 Tidewater Oil 6a..l01 101 1 Tob Prod 7s 99 99 2 T S L ft W col 4s ct 69 49 4 U P 1st 4s 91 90 1 U P rfg 4s .... 86 85 13 Union Tank 7s 103 103 94 83 91 80 86 70 79 66 77 ' 65 103 103 103 90 90 Sll 86 64 93 97 96 106 106 106 97 97 97, 53 62 71 79 67 77 tf 87 65 93 98 97 94 83 94 K A 71 79 46 77 66 86 65 93 97 97 63 101 99 69 91 96 103 5 United Drug cv Is. 107 106 106 34 U 8 Rubber 5s... 89 88 88 61 U S Steel -5s 102 10 102 4 Utah P ft L 6s 11 91 41 2 Va-Caro Chem 6s. 93 93 93 6 Va Ry 1st 6s 93 93 93 11 Wabash 1st 5s .... 97 97 97 1 West Klee 5s 99 99 99 I West Pscific 6s .. 86 91 64 13 West Union s ..108 10744 108 21 West'houso Klec 7s. 106 10 106 4 W ft I. E ref 4 'is.. 63 42 J 4 Wis Spen Steel 7s.. 94 94 94 21 Wllsoa & Co 7s.. 19 9 99 llnxared. Duluih, Minn., April 12.50 02.52. T. Flag seed. Alfalfa, choice no. 1 ., . Standard .... Nov. No. 3 Oat straw.... Wheat straw. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas, per lb., 708'c. Oranges: Size 216 and larger, $6.50(r8.60; si 7.0 250, $7.0008.60; size 288, $7.0008.00; slzn 324, $7.0O7.75. Lemons, per box, $6.5007.50. Grapefruit, per crate, $4,260 6.50. Apples: Delicious, according to size and grade, $3.6004.00; Rome Beauties, according to size and grade, $2.3502.76; Black Twig, according to size and grade, $.1.00: Winesap, $1.7504.00; Arkansas Blacks, according to size and grade, $2.85 04.00; Ben Davis, according to size and grade, $2.7604.00; Newton Pippins, ac cording to size and grade, $2,6003.25. Strawberries, crates 24 pint boxes, per crate, $5.00. Figs: 24 pkgs. 8-oz., $2.26; bulk, per lb 15016c. Vegetables Pototoes: Nebraska' Early Ohio No. 1, per cwt., $1.76; Minnesota white stock No. 1, per cwt., $2.0002.26: Colorado and Idaho whites, per cwt., $2.00 02.36; Red Biver Ohlos No. 1, per owt $1.9002.26; Oregon Netted Gems No. 1, per cwt., $2.50; Colorado Brown Beauties No. 1, per cwt., $2.0003.25.' Sweet Pota toes, per bu $1.7502.50. Celery, per doz., 75c0$2.OO. Lettuce: Head, per crate, $6.0006.25; leaf, per doz., 75010c. Onions: Red. per lb.. 10c: yellow, per lb., 10c; Texas yellow, per crate, $6.00; Australian urown, per in., izc. onion Bets, per nu., $2.5003.00, Cauliflower, perorate, $2,260 2.60. Cucumber, hot bouse, per doz., $2.75 03.00. Carrots, per lb.. 24c. Tur nips, per lb., 3Sc Parsnips, per lb., 303o. Beets., per lb., 303c Cab bage, new Texas, per lb., S04c. Toma toes: Per crate. $4.0004.60; per lub, $3.60, Young Southern Radishes, per doz., 650 75c. Toung Southern Carrots, per doz., 9Oc0$l.OO. Toung Southern Beets, per doz., 9Oc0$l.OO. Toung Southern Ontnns, per aoz., J6j)80c. loung noutnern Tur nips, per doz., $1.00.. Spinach, per lb., 11c. Brussells Sprouts, per lb.. 25c. Shal lots, per doz., 66 076c Green Peppers, per lb., 30635c. Parsley, per doz. bunches, 45076c. Nuts Black Walnuts, per lb., So. Eng lish Walnuts, per lb., 30035c. Brazil Nuts: large washed, per lb., 16018c; me dium washed, per lb., 14016c. Pecans, per lb., 22030c. Almonds, sack lots, rer lb., 28c. Peanuts: Jumbo, rsw, per lb 9013c; Jumbo, roasted, per lb., 13016c; No. 1, raw, per lb., 8 9c; No. 1, roasted, per lb., 12013c. Honey in combs, per case, m.ou 0O.o. HIDES AND WOOL, Beef hleles: Green salted No, 1. ner lb.. 606c; green salted No. 2. per lb., 405c; green hides, No. 1, per lb., 304c; green hides. No. 2, per lb., 203c; green salted (old stock), per lb., 203c; green sailed bull hides. No. 1, per lb.. So; green salted bull hides. No. z, per id.. ,:c Horse hides: Large, each, dlum. each, $2.00; small, each, and glues, each, 75c0$l.OO. Sheep pelts: Green salted, and wool. each. 6Oc0$l.OO; green salted, aa to, size and wool, each. 5 0 20c. ' Wool: Cholc flno and half-blood, per lb., 22027c: medium or three-eights-tlood, per lb., 20023c; low and quorter-blood, per lb., 17019c; burry wool, per lb $0 12c. Wholesale prices of beef cuts srs ss follows: No. 1 ribs, 22c; No. 2 ribs. 21c; No. 3 ribs, 15c: No. 1 loins, 24c; No. 3 loins, 23c; No. 3 loins, 19c; No. 1 rounds, Ibc; No. 2 rounds, 15c; No. 3 rounds, 13c; No. 1 chucks. !c; No. 2 chucks. 9c; No. 3 chucks, 8c; No. 1 plates, 6c; No. 2 plates, 6c: No. 3 plates. 4c Omaha Bar Market. Prairie Hsy Receipts of prairie hay a re light. Demand good with prices little higher. Alfalfa. Hay Receipts light, demand good on best grades, and fair demand on other grades. Nominal quot' t'ens on carload lota: Upland prairie No. 1. $11.60012.60; No. 2, $10.00011.00; No. 3, $1.0008.60; mid land prairie No. 1. $10.00011.60; No. 1. $9.60010.50; No. 3. $7.0008.60; lowland prairie No. 1, $4.tO0l.6O; No. 1. $7,000 .0ti; alfalfa, choice, $20.00022.00; No. 1, $18.00020.00: standard, $16.00017.00; No. 2. $12.00014.00; No. $, $10.04011.00; straw, oat, $8.0001.00: wheat, $7.0608.00. Chicago Produce. Chicago. April 7. Butter Steady: creamery extras. 34c: firsts, 31031c; sec ons. 210 30c; standards. 31e. Eggs Lower; receipts, 25.074 esses: firsts, 22022c; ordinsry firsts. 110 21c: miscellaneous. 22022c; storsg packed extras. lic; along packed firsts, 21 j j i Will Count Erich Von Stroheim take the place of Kudolph Valentino in the hearts of the fair girls? Appearance of the count in "Fool ish Wives nai disclosed his histron ic ability. He has really made the public hate turn. At least, Valentino has won the hearts of the fair aex through sheer finesse, tuave manners, Stroheim atalks forth on the acreen as a bullet-headed, hideout type of he-vamp. Today's Attractions. Sun "Cardigan." Rialto Anncs Ayres in "The I.ane That Hath No Turning" and Huster Keaton in "Cop." Strand Norma Talmadge in "Smilin" Through." Moon "Cameron of the Royal Mounted." Empress "Room ami Hoard." Muse "Over the Hill." Grand Harry Carey in "The Fox." Hamilton "Tale of Two Worlds." Carl Laemmlc will not permit his daughter, Rosabclle, to go on the screen, but he has accepted a title of hor selection. Mie choose "The Man Who Married His Own Wife" for Frank Mayo's latest picture. "The Way Back." The latest selection for the east to support rnscilla Dean 111 "Under Two Flags" is Ethel Grey Terry. ou probably remember that hthel played opposite Earle Williams in a number of productions. Ed Hearn and Hal Coolcv will support Marie I'revost in C. S. Mon- tayne's magazine story, "Her Night of Nights." Production has just start ed under the direction of Hobart Henley. middle stales the number of fan. was N) and the reportml liabilU ' I $'),H.Yi,tXK). Failures to lh num-i I -I Al ..'.I. L-.l.ilili-a .vrrVrlimsl. I . AT.THE TH EATERS THE Swedish Biography Stockholm will present company or its special motion picture review. "Sight Seeing ani th Great Winter Sports." at the Brandels theater today, for two perform- David Belaaco, will sppear at th Branrtels iiiitlirrii .roprlliicl Pii ion Ilanlfkt llit.Statmiciit iy t.'omil roller f Cur renry Washington, Ar"l 7. Ouif i'i" calendar yttr I'i.'l a tmal ol J- Mate and. private hanks in the tommy were ctoied, according to statement hy t'winptroller of I tir irncy Criisiugrr, lumiturUiug I'1' failures for the year. . However, h added. 163 of tbrie hanks were able to roiifii or other wi.e li'iniilate their liabilities. The luihihtirs of the other M hanks, he reported, aggregated ap proximately i'to.iMi.faiil. making the avernge per hank about .'.t,("l. The aoutlierii groitraphical di vision, Mr. Criisiugrr declared, was the must seriomly affected in fe spri t to the number of bank failures, the volume ot Hauiiiiira there nring l.l 1 failures with liabilities totaling $.7,000,0(10 ill that section. 122 Failures In West. KU.iraa in ilia urilrrtl slates, lift continued, numbered 122. and 'bc'i-M luhiliiies exceeded JIO.OtO.OlKI. In Ji the middle stairs the number of tail. tires ties $' Iter o l 1 ClIO mill m-riirrril in til l'ji i slate. i There were only five haiiR janures, in the eastern states, with liabililie" of $.l.o(HI.(MKI. Mr. Crissinger said, and four in the New England states, whose liabilities were $1700,000. Failures in states in which the de positora guaranty system is in opera t ion were: Mississippi, 6; Texas, 3(t North Dakota. J4; neDrasaa, -i . Kansas, 11; Oklahoma, 22; Wsihinge ton, 11. ' The calendar year 1921, Mr. Crisa singer said, was the third most du4" astrous vear with respect to th number of failures of national banks ti the history of the national banking system, there hein; 37 national bank failures with liabilities of $2,5,677,4 .W. The most disastrous year in this respect was 1893, when 65 fail ures occurred and the next was 1897, when there were 38 failures. Forty ReceivershJps. There were, he explained, 40 re cciverships in 1921, but in three case$ the banks were restored to solvency. and authorized to resume business. During the life of the national bankine system from 1863 to Decem ber 31, 1921, Mr. Crissinger stated, receivers were appointed tor 63 m solvent banks, but of this numben 43 were placed in a solvent conditiori and were authorized to resume busia ncss, which, he said, reduced the) number of failures to 594, a fraction loss than 5 per cent of the total num ber of national banking associations chartered. The records show, he added, that creditors of all insolvent banks re4 ceived an average of 83.79 per cent of the banks liabilities to them. tl J to present on of th sVaturet. f the "how, and t not her will t contributed by Lydell and Alary. rvid Warfieltl. under thft rtlrectlon nf anees only, matinee and eveninsr. i n program constitutes a complete entertain ment ana present an exclusive, new ana ruperbly Interesting view of this beauti ful country and vicinity. Among the more Important aubjecta are Visby; "Th Cfty of Rosps and Ruins." the Idland of Oland; Stockhoid; Tho Winter Sports: the Province of Skans and a lake trip through Weatmanland. With the two performances today Bai lie Fisher concludes her week's engage ment at tho Orpheum theater. Bhe and her well chosen company are appearing "The Choir UeliPariini. The curtain this evening is to rise at R o'clock. The show which opens with the matinee to morrow la headed by "Holfe's Revue" of 13 people, including dancer, comedians, vocalists and 'musicians playing wind and stringed instruments. The organiza tion includes the,, celebrated cornetist, Charles E. Kdwards. James C. Morton ia theater on next Tuesday and Wednenday for an engagement of three performance, in "The Return of Peter Grimm." which was revived last season for the firnt time since Hi original production tn 1911, and Its two suhsexfuent tours. The play Is accounted , the finest that has come from Mr. Helasco's pen. and "the role of Peter Grimm is well calculated to ills closrt the highest qualities of Mr, War field'a act. The company Murroundlng the star Includes several players who took part In the first production nota ble them being Marie Ilatea, Jnsnh Hrennsn. John Ralnnolia. Mitrf Reirhnrdt. .Tohn F. Webber and William Buinr and thai nlhne mnniliar nf fit V-attl ImWmlsa TJ Miriam Doyle, (ienrgo Wellington. Richard Dupont and David Malcom. Bar Silver. ' New Tork, April 7. Foreign bar silver, 5c. Mexican dollars. 600. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Exempt from ALL Taxes S Under recent ruling of Nebraska Supreme Court, i 5 Nebraska municipal bonds and warrants are exempt 5 from all personal property taxes. Also free from E S Federal Income Tax. 5 Ask for Our List of Tax-Free Investments j THE H. A. KOCH CO. I E AT lantic 0360 Howard at 18th- S ntllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllli; Service rri ooo 15.60; me- $1.10; pony as to size ahearlinga. We Solicit Your Consignments of MI Kinds of Grain to Omaha, Chicago, x Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City in the careful handling hf all orders for grain and pro visions for future delivery m all the important markets. We Operate Offices at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Des Moines, lows Hamburg, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Kansas City, Mo. Private wire connections to all offices except Kansas City and Milwaukee. Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" IX. J i