Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Announcement li m4 of lh
mirrun o Mm Msrssrrt Moor
nd lit. It. Kcnusib ilooer Ui
iiHijr drnix)n t Jit Martini
Kudus' nure of CUrkton hopnt,
and If. Hoover a graduate of Ui
tUli ft IV.'l ll t NrbrU L'ni.
sersity I Wedifnic, The touple I'll
tods for JU'i-Un. k.n.. where Dr.
Iloovrr piAvtico mtdmine with
mi moiner.
Pupils' Recital
Mrs. L I. Kilif'Hi will promt hrr
pupils in i)4Hti rttiul at the Hur-gfi-Nili
auditorium nrvi Wcdnr.
day afternoon it o'clock. Ani"'I
inote who k ill tpyttt arc: Helm
Hsrd, Vffonki Msrtrtl, Doroihy
Jciile, (ilady Prase, Gertrude Om
ird. Kotli Jluligren, Kaihrrine
Price. Lvctyn laher, Kithrr JUney,
Naomi Usury, Zorade Attainder,
trce Thompson, Aim .Nmsdrn,
Alice Zimmer. Irne (VinfUnil, Oor
Itia triple. Ilrnie Weinstein, Leo
Miy Chamberlain, Vrr Hrighfwell,
1 aura Loui.r KiiW. Mav Munt,
Marjory Darling. Daiv Diclaon,
'I henna Munt, Junita Johnson, I'hyl
l Letka, Audrey Nunn, Madeline
iohnson, t.l Anderson, lUutna
evelclf. Carrie hiwcros, Lima
Hicks, Eileen Murpliy, Nelma Smith,
Arlrne Waddoni, lJame Lecka. Wil
liam Anderson and Wayne Wright.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gates enter
tained at dinner lat rvenins at tlieir
liome in honor of their firti wedding
anniversary. Their gtifMs included
the members of the wedding parly.
( oven were laid for Messrs. and
Meidaniei Louis Clarke, Henry
l.uberger. Btirdrtte KiikemUlt, Mal
colm Baldrige,' Camper OrTutt; tlic
Miiei L'rna Fred. Marion Towle
and Gertrude Stout, tirorge Met
calfe, Torter Allen and Taul Loudon
of Minneapolis.
Y. W. C. A. Claaaea.
The spring- term of the Y. W. C.
A. drawing class will open Wednes
day, 7 p. m.
A beginners class in cooking will
open Thursday at 6:30 p. m. Regis
trations for this class should be made
at the Y. W. C. A. office before
Wednesday. A special class which
will cover summer menus will be
started if 12 registrations are made.
A class in personality under di
rection of Mrs. Effie Stern Kittel
son opened yesterday at 7:30 o'clock.
L. O. E. Activities.
The L. O. E. luncheon planned
for Tuesday lias brm indefinitely
postponed. They will give a card
party Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.
m. at the Elks Club rooms, and
Wednesday evening at the same place
atS o'clock there will be a business
Meeting Postponed.
The meeting of Frances Willard
W. C. T. U. scheduled for Wednes
day afternoon, April 5, has been
postponed until April 12 and will be
held at the home of Mrs. T. G.
Kerschner, 2805 Dodge street.
For April Bride.
Mrs, Byrne Holmquist entertained
at luncheon and bridge Monday for
Miss Winifred Brandt, Eight guests
were present and the table was dec
orated with pink sweet peas. ,
Ladies Aid to Meet.
The Ladies Aid society of Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church will
meet for luncheon at the church par
: lors Friday, April 7. Electa circle
will serve the luncheon.
Alpha Delta Pi.
Alpha Delta Pi alumnae met for
luncheon Saturday at the Burgess
Nash tea room. Miss Bess Bozelt
was elected temporary chairman of
the local organisation.
Card Party.
Women of the Blessed Sacrament
parish will give a card party Tues
day afternoon at the parish hall,
Thirtieth 'and Curtis. There will be
a door prise.
, Cobona Club.
The Cobona elub will meet Thurs
day, April 6, at the home of Mrs.
G. M. Newton, 620 North Twenty
second. .
. Rummage Sale..
- Chapter E. of the P. E. O. Sister
hood wilt conduct a rummage sale
at 2364 South Twenty-ninth street
Wednesday, opening at 10 a. m. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke re
turned Sunday from Chicago.
Paul Loudon of Minneapolis ar
rived Sunday to be the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Milo Gates for a few days
Mrs. William Maxfield of Fort
Crook, Neb., has returned from Den
ver, Colo., where ' she visited her
daughter, Mrs. J, E. Livingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bone and
, Mrs. Bone's mother, Mrs. E. J. Har
ford, have returned from southern
California where they spent the win
ter. Mrs. Joel Wilcox West, who has
been the guest of Mrs. E. S. Rood
for a week, left Sunday evening for
Denver, enroute to her home in Los
' Mrs, Bert Bockhacker . and " son,
Robert, from Little Rock, Ark., are
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bachman of the
South Side.
Mrs. Duncan Gray of Los An
sreles, Cal., is the guest of her son,
Morton Gray,- enroute to Washing
ton, D. G, to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Bond Geddes.
Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Shirley, who
spent the week-end in Omaha at the
M. Shirley home, returned Monday
morning to Dennison, la., where
they are making their home at pres
ent David Caldwell, who is en
paged in business with Mr. Shirley
in Dennison, also spent the week-end
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd S. Clarke will
leave next Monday for a European
trip. They sail from New York
April IS on the steamship Orduna.
On the same boat will be William
H. Schmoller, who plans to spend
six months abroad; Dr. T. W. Dun
can, who If to study In Vienna this
summer, and Dr. W. E. Wolcott,
yhq will iptad hj jammer abroad.
Monday Bride
Mrs, J. C. Frick.
Mr. and Mr. K. M. Alderman an
nounre the marri.iue of their dauch
trr, Marlyii, to J. ('. Frick of Chi
cago, formtrly of Omaha. The wed-
dmir took puie yrtterday in Chicago
and the young people will make their
home tin re.
Two Historic
Mansions to
Disappear .
Bureau of The Bee,
Washington, April 1.
The olilcst Inhabitants are griev
ing just now over the fast disap
pearance of the historic old man
sions, the Draper house on K street
and the Corcoran house on II street
Corcoran home is probably the mont
famous in the social history of
Washington next to the White
House. As the Home of the late
William W. Corcoran it was a
prominent gathering place for exclu
sive society resident, official, diplo
matic. During the civil war it was
leased to the French minister, M. de
Montholou, while Mr. Corcoran was
abroad. The ball given by the min
ister and his wife in honor of the
commander-in-chief of the army,
General Grant, in this spacious old
house, with the splendid garden at
the west side and behind it, in 1866,
was recorded then as "the most mag
nificent ball that has ever taken
place at the capital." Mr. Corcoran
purchased the place from Daniel
Webster, to whom it was presented
by admiring constituents and friends
in Massachusetts. lie lived in it
during his regime as secretary of
state and at the conclusion of his
service found it far too expensive to
keen uti and felt obliged to dispose
of it. Previous to Mr. Webster's
ownership it was occupied by a Brit
ish minister, Mr, Fakenham. During
the recimcs of Mr. Pakcnham and
of Mr. Webster the pld house was
full of tradition of brilliant func
tions and brilliant companies.
The Draper house, the home of the
late General and Mrs. William F.
Draper, the former a member of con
gress and for many years United
States ambassador to Italy, . It has
just been sold by their daughter,
Princess Boncompagnt of Rome,
Italy, to the Masonic Mutual Life
Insurance company, who will erect
a modern office building in its place..
This house was built in the early
days of Washington's awakening
after the civil war by Governor
Shepherd, and with its two adjoin
iug houses was known for many
vears as "Boss Shepherd's Folly."
At that time the houses were far up
town, at the corner of K and the be
ginning of Connecticut avenue, and
they were very magnificent for that
day, made of white stone and being
large and spacious. Boss ohep
herd lost the houses, being financial
ly embarrassed. The corner one fell
into the hands of Senator Cameron
of Pennsylvania. Next it was occu
pied as the Chinese legation, and
when the Chinese removed further
uptown to "Stewart Castle" it was
taken as the Russian legation, this
being many years before it was an
embassy. During the regime ' of
Minister Charles de Struve the house
was the scene of much splendid en
tertaining. The next owners of this mansion
were the late Mr. and Mrs. Wash
ington McLean, grandparents of Ed
ward Beale McLean, who occupied it
as their winter home. It was in
this house that Admiral Dewey waa
tendered a great reception by these
hosts upon his return from Manila,
at which 'time he renewed acquaint
ance with their younger daughter,
the widow of General Hazen, and it
was from this house? they went to
St. Pauls church to be married. A
wedding breakfast was served to the
immediate families afterward in the
house. General Draper purchased the
house from the estate of Washington
McLean. Many famous balls were
given in the old ball room during
their regime and each season Mrs.
Draper gave a beautiful fancy dress
party for her daughter from the
time she .was a tiny child, the little
people meeting together on these
occasions each year until they were
grownup ladies and gentlemen, the
regime culminating in the 'magnifi
cent scene-of the wedding of Miss
Draper and Prince Boncumpagni of
Italy in this same ball room.
By reason of the prince's royal
blood Cardinal Gibbons gave per
mission for the 'ceremony to be per
formed in the home, and a temporary
altar was built in the ball room and
the cardinal came from Baltimore to
officiate. He was a frequent dinner
guest in the mansion, as one of Mrs.
Draper's annual functions when she
was occupying her Washington
home was the cardinal's dinner. For
many years Mrs. Draper held sway
as the arbiter of Washington society
and to be invited to dine in her
house was to be firmly established in
smart society. There are no two
mansions in Washington around
which more tender memories cling
than these two. The famous gar
den typical of a southern home back
of Corcoran house and securely en
closed with a high brick wall was
one of the most beautiful and stately
ground about, hcra
Marriage Problems
Amii Oarnaoa New Phase ol
iCwriakii Hill
The Way Midge Slowly Won Com
mind of Htrielf.
It took all llie count I poetd
to get out ill at word of my an
tr to Dicky' angry dictum that I
thoulti ceati aiding Lillian in hrr
government work. There seemed
something wry ptef n and ungeneroui
in my reference to hi mother, 1 felt
thl keenly, even though I knew thai
t did not mean a word of w hat I was
yii'if. anJ w talking thu only in,
the hope of bringing Duky to ice
that what he had a'ked of me wa a
unreatonable from my point of view
ai my amwering extravagant and
Mcnnlral program would be to his,
But get tin wordi out I did, and
ai it it my fortune or miWortuue to
be tiiytelf completely in my own
imagination when my anger i
arouied, by dictum no doubt sound
ed far more savue and final in
Dicky'i ean than it did in my own.
At any rate, hi reaction to it wai
Hidden and atoiiihing. With an
oath, lie flung liinuelf out of the car
and turned on me a face distorted
with rage.
A Sudden Realisation.
"Do whatever you urd please!'
he ihouted. "Go to the dickens and
break your neck, for all I care,
Hit face, his words, above all hie
intonation were like a match thrown
into the powder magazine which my
rerve crnteri were at that moment
For the second it took me to turn
mv switch kev and start the ensine
and lor many minutes aiterwara J
was not a responsible being.
- . . .
I shall do my best to oblige your
I shrieked back at him. as the car
shot forward.
I had not turned it around when
we had driven into the little glade,
so that the direction in which I drove
was away from home, a fact which
cave me a savage ioy. I did not care
at that tense moment whether I ever
saw mv home again. I pressed the
accelerator down to its last notch at
a pace which was criminally reckless,
and at which I would have been ap
palled at any other time.
I thought 1 ncara a noarsc snoui
behind me, hut I neither turned my
head nor slackened my pace. And
what saved me from death or a
maiming accident only the little joss
which sometimes watches over fool
motorists could tell.
For at least live miles I swept
along careening around curves ht
erally upon two wheels, and rush
ig along the straight stretches like
Omaha Travelers
Saw Pius XI
Mrs. John Gamble returned Satur
day from a three months stay in Eu
rope and the east. Mr, and Mrs.
Gamble landed nearly a month ago
n New York and Mr, Uamble re
timed to Omaha at that time. Mrs.
Gamble has been visiting in Boston,
Buffalo and in Chicago on her way
Mrs. Gamble says their most in
teresting experience was in Rome,
where thev soent the week of the
rew pope's coronation. The city was
crowded to capacity for the oc
casion, and the great church of St.
Peters was packed from 10 in the
morning until 4 in the afternoon with
people who stood for the entire six
hours to witness the coronation cere
monies. Many observers went at 6
in the morning to secure vantage
points. Mr. Gamble saw it alt, but
Mrs. Gamble contented herself with
watching the crowd from its out
skirts. The spectacle, she said, was
brilliant, not only with the cere
monial robes of the clergy, but the
bright uniforms of the Italian regi
ments which were in attendance. The
Swiss guards, long the official papal
regiment, were lined up at the portals
of the church, their magnificent
headdresses shining in the sunlight.
The Gambles sailed from Naples
on the Arabic, touching at Monaco
and the Azores on their return trio.
rAmong the passengers were a Rus
sian prjnce and his niece en route to
Hollywood, where the young woman,
an attractive girl of 24 who spoke
English rather brokenly, planned to
enter the movies. They promised
to spend a day with the Gambles on
their way west later in the spring.
Federation Notes
The Hebron Woman's club has
elected the following officers for next
year: President, Mrs. Roy Hensel;
year: President, Mrs, Roy Heusel;
recording secretary, Mrs. L. H.
Ayers; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
C. C. Willmore; treasurer, Mrs.
Delma Shade; auditor, Mrs. B. L,
Federated clubs in Haves. Chase.
Dundy and Hitchcock counties will
hold a neighboring town convention
Problems That Perplex
Frances A. Barrier.
Sear Miss Fairfax; I am 21 and
am' going; with a young man who la
to my Idea all that a man should be.
He is an ex-service boy and for the
last four months has been unable to
get worK. I have been coins? with
him for nearly two years. One night
he round out I had been out with an
other boy. and he foreot his indif
ferent attitude and told me that he
loved me. I have cared for him
ever since I knew him, but have kept
him at a distance because of this.
Since then he continually tells me
that he cares for me and he shows
it in many ways. His family treats
me as one of them, yet he has never
asked me to marry him. His talk
suggests it many times, but he has
never come right out with it He
did say one evening that a man
without regular work had no right
to claim exclusively the society of
any girl. Can I excuse him on that,
Or what shall I do? J. F. C,
I think the man does love you and
his financial condition prevents . his
asking you to marry him. Why don't
you give him encouragement and
help him to get on his feet again?
Then when he is in a position to
justify it. I think be will ask you to
marry him.
Wants Photo Back.
Dear Miss Fairfax: What would,
you advise a gir to do who baa writ
a mad thing, And gradually the
ruth of the autumn tircrie igalmt
my face, the soothing auiet with
which all outdoor ihingi take liold of
me, and the strain of the median
leal control of the car which 1 w
eserc-itinji brought down my mental
bloodheat to lomclliing approaching
the normal. For the firt time I
thought ol mv little lad and trained
what ! wai doing.
Throci of Conscience.
The realisation nearly precipitateJ
the accident which for mile I had
been miraculously avoiding. A sud
den chill inred me, and 1 began to I
tremble violently. Ihe wheel
swerved in my grasp, and if 1 had
been going at the speed of a lew
second before, the car would havj
gone over the emnaiikment. rut
at it wai I wai able to check the
car Just a it gram! a tree, and
when 1 had brought it to a stop at
one Vide of the road I turned off
the switch key. drew the motor robe
around me, and for several minute
sat ihimed and shivering while re
morse had its way with me,
Kemorse was not the only emo
tion, however, that I found in my
heart My only throes of conscience
were for the rjsk of leaving my
baby motherless, which I had taken.
My anger against Dicky was Mill
as fierce at ever. I could not for
get the brutal words he had flung
at me, as he sprang from the car,
and I resolved that I would give
him ample time to reflect upon them
before I went home again.
I felt in the pocket of my motor
coat, assured myself that my purse
was with me, knew mat it contained
sufficient funds for a lunch and for
any possible minor accident to the
car which should demand a garage
man. The road on which I was led
to Southampton, and I resolved to
go on to that town and on through
the beautiful Shinnccock hills to the
villages beyond, at one of which, as
my fancy directed, I could lunch,
returning home at my leisure.
I ran hastily over atfairs, and was
sure that with Katie in the kitchen,
and with both Lillian and Katherine
in the house, there was no real need
of me for hours. And there was
enough rancor at Dicky still stirring
in me to make me gloat in feminine
fashion over the anxiety which I
was sure he would feel when I did
not return and the explanations he
would be compelled to make
in Wauneta April S. Mrs. A. J. Jeni
son of Harvard, district president,
will speak. Mrs. J. II. Corrick of
Palisade, secretary of the Nebraska
Forestry association and a well
known worker in women's organiza
tions, will speak on "Forestry," illus
trating her lecture with views from
the forestry reserve at lfalsey. Mrs.
Corrick is urging a proper observ
ance of the 50th anniversary of Arbor
day this year.
Miss E. Ruth Pyrtle will speak at
several of the district conventions on
"Americanization." Miss Pyrtle will
speak at the First district convention
at Humboldt on April 10, at the
Fourth district meeting at Geneva on
April 25, and at the Fifth district
meeting at Minden on April 27. Miss
Pyrtle is principal of a Lincoln night
school, where 500 youths andadults
of foreign birth are being inculcated
with the spirit and ideals of America.
The Nelson Woman's club elected
the following officers March 30 at
the home of Mrs. E. E. Hedgcock:
Fresident, Mrs, H. E. Goodrich; first
vice president, Mrs Warren Hall;
second vice president, Mrs. E. E.
Hadgcock; . secretary, Mrs. Don
Goodrich; treasurer, Mrs. Warren
Long; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Will Ecklesj
Birth Announcements.
A son was born April 1 to Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Bolter at the Stewart
. A daughter was born at the Stew
art hospital to Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Greer April 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Proper an
nounce the birth of twins, Bernard
and Bernicc, Saturday at St. Jo
seph hospital.
A son was born March ID to Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert C. Mosher, of
San Francisco. Mrs. Mosher was
formerly Miss Dorothy Rohrbaugh,
of Omaha. .
A daughter, Anna Louise, was
born Sunday at St. Joseph hospital
to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cameron.
Mrs, Cameron was formerly Miss
Josephine Grimm.
American War Mothers.
Mrs. H. H. MeCluer, of Kansas
City, first vice president of the
National" American War Mothers.
will address the Omaha chapter
Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock at the
Y. W. C. A. board rooms.
ten a polite note to a, friend asking
for the return of her photo: The
gentleman promised to return it if
at any time they ceased their friend
ship. Now he neither returns photo
nor answers to the note. The girl
in question really wants her photo
back. CARL.
If I were the girl I would drop
the matter. The man Is probably
keeping it to annoy, her. If there'
is a more serious reason for her
wanting it back than I know, I think
the matter should be turned over to
her father or a brother, or some
male relatlve4
Zane Grey.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Is Zane Grey
a man or a woman? Yours trulv,
A man, I think.
Pals: It Is impossible to advise
you about going with the boys you
mention when I know so little about
them and you. Ask your parents
what you have asked me.
' Perplexed: If you are in love with
two boys, your case is not very seri
ous and I think you will get along
without my advice.
In Trouble: Insert an advertise
ment in the paper asking for the
address of this girl. What kind of
work did she do? Tou might trace
her through employment offices or
through, the postofQce system.
Hi f
ml &w
This Is the
That Everyone Is
Undoubtedly you have heard a great many
people around town talking about the biff
I'iano Sale. Well, that bis; Piano Sale is right
here! And if you want to take advantage of
tho wonderful values that we are offering you
had better come early!
Don't aay to yourself, "WELL, I CAN GO TO THIS SALE ANY TIME."
Such is NOT THE CASE, because this sale is GOING TO CLOSE SAT
URDAY, APRIL 8, and if you want to avail yourself of the wonderful
bargains you want to be here April 5, or AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
I w I
Buy a Piano
Hurry l Hurry! Hurry! Just
m i think of fatting a piano
I 1 one that is really good, ai
I I though it Ss Slightly used
I J for only $145! You can have
JmM ' on f these Pianos by pay
ing only $10 down- then, if
you are trustworthy, you
simply pay a small sum every
week or month to suit your
But, remember talus sale
own convenience.
will end Saturday night at 10 p,
better be here early.
Hurry! Hurry! Don't Hesitate; Come In Today!
Our Player Piano are unquestionably the nearest to the human touch of any on the market. This is a bold statement, but a visit to
A. Hospe Co. will convince you of that fact. They are wonderful instruments. ''
People can afford and are coming for miles around to attend this
aay or ine great aic. cay lermi ir oenrni,
Railroad Fare Refunded 'to Out
of -Town Purchaser Within 150
Mile of Omaha.
1513-15 Douglas Street
Your 4,SiUnt Piano"
Taken in Exchange
If you have a Piano In your
home that is seldom used,
come here dupinir this tale
and exchange it for a 1'laycr
1'iano and we will give you
full market value fur ill
Great Sale
Talking About
m., so. you had
$ I 50 per .
Omaha, Nebraska
An Elegant New 88-Note '
With Twelve Roll, of New Mu.ic and a .
Sturdy Player Bench FREE!
Of court, thia offer appeare to be almost too good to be true!
for only $395 -with a amall payment down, and the balance
to be paid for in amall weekly or monthly payments! During
this sale we will pive you ABSOLUTELY FREE WITHOUT
ANY COST fo you whataoever 12 ROLLS OF STANDARD
MUSIC( of your own selection, and a BEAUTI
Don't confute thia offer with an ordinary offer
price $600.
Bnnlr DEO 1
it a ii "w mm mm m m mm
I Vte F If" -11 I
. $2.S0 per Week Ljr I 4
CA 50 RECORD SELECTIONS Are Included With Each Cf.
-V Talking Machine Purchased During This Sale WW
These Phonograph play all
records, including Victor, Co.
lumbia, Edison and Pathe.
These machines are made in
the style of cabinet so much
in demand. Cabinet are dif
ferent sites, constructed of
double veneer, fancy figured
wood throughout. Tone is lim.
ply marvelous. Must be heard
to be appreciated.
We include with these ma
chines this week a jewel point
with which to play Edison rec
ords, and a sapphire ball point
for the Pathe records) alto a
full assortment of steel
needles. And( remember, these
machines play all make
records correctly, including
Edison, Columbia, Pathe and
sale. So we advita you to call early.
$1 00 per
Remember nU . r.
w mora
' Formeir
Open Evenings