giitmiiimiHBitiwuinmttiiMiHw 77e WANTED MAN &v ffoms Dickson mnUHMHui IlllllllllUlllllllllimiliimillllllllllil nUIIIIIIIIIHIIIIOMIMUnitllllMHIimiMlimilllllinillllllllMIIIIMMIHHIIIflHHMMIHMIMHmHHHI rut stout Tires tail 0H rrmii auim Lama MarmUm, to Miutttppt, are to large i mi tmminttam, mm! ky Mj. AV SnaHkj ens' Marsteas) ptaaawpy mf Cev Asv Oeytus, ToQamimg m htmw famd, C iad sm lit seat Sawsri. ivy ii fwdwmt da. Urn. VnrUNat, Mai- am a to Bl araami to eaUlj hm i h mm bmptmur. Bar tors, UJ. Stows bmmUfml dmfKtm, mi W AlUiis iu o floreae RmmOIj, a )miom traolo, lamp m tryst of (Jm tw OUk sulk ij ati uii tar se a in lm with Barbara, mJut has told kirn dm k 'iW VneU Hm r wmU kit mapiriama regarding Stud, mdm tka mt Barbara greets Stuoi, mbm k tka arrtfrioos hortrmtm, coldly miim ha at time. 77 tlatmt W im his arms, and to rape him dta trtlt a foltnood that dm k tiitiil Tha (rb fLra a RatiUj am. ram Am. VmcU Nat bobi ma apt mat Ah tama vacaguima Stuart, trAs f ioa him m mom for mAdaUiJam and mmmfm nwli mm m am aid Bammiaaam. rirrn ntsTAUMon. Creole Jocioaty, BRIKF.hnrrtwl.BJKl dtrect thoy admlttad of do two coiiim umlona, that "4 laid" bad boot meeting tha writer la secret, and bad left him enylng that tha had eotnothlng mora to tell, no Clayton fcnptared her to nwt him again at once, aa be moat leave the Cnltd State that night and might never return. Ha would coma to ber at any hoar, anywhere, and aha M trust Nat with bar answer. Ha cowed tha entire, apes apace oa the Krvelope and left room at the bottom for tramped stgnafara, "Stoart Clayton." Re man of mm wotdd sign hla real Bam to Bach a paper, wbacn be folded and wrotosa the other aid a. stasis weed. Clayton dM sot think, bat the already bore Mb typewritten address. ' Btuart Clayton. HI Jtjcbto de loa Mmaa, J TtiSa he aorarrtwd oat wtni "Neax.UBKtoNfeg"1 td wtth this, tt nag? ausn troabto." -KaaeUy anh. egnctry." Nat) avperieneed knowtahn of meh aflktra. avakea It a pint never to atfcr np mo 1 far wtdla folks." "Be ease that vo ine any. mum. IHyT" "Mrs. Baasler Ntt eartalmed, and bat eyea balged Hto uawneh. "Dta noU afctt far her?" -Tea, for Km. Raaffljt. Make bo mistake," "But," he protested, -I Towed you was aoarUxT Miss BarbaraT" " I am not oocrtlng anybody." And at hat tone Dnde Nat abut up. "Bring me her answer Oayton orders, "at oaca, to the oM gearne graseyard. IV be waiting; there." -Lawd Gawd, Mtetsr Stnartt" the Noaro bested, "doot yon come dat nigh to Bea nin'ton on no sech blzneea as dla." " Do as I tell you." ' "Bnttmly, snr, egsactly." "HI take care not to be seen. Tod can beat those skiffs to Bennington. Here your Bote. Deliver it" "Sattlnly, anh. Give it to Mrs. RaaataT An don't tot nobody see -meT Egzactlyaob, egzacUy," Nat ocDKht the. onweiope by on cormer-ea tC ft were not and started off. "Hold on. Uncle Nat. Take this. Bayyan a good cigar." A ten dollar bHI, accom panied by a amOe of comradeship, was not earned Bke the silver dollar flung to hima the Harnaon porch. "Mister Stnart," be tarned and said, "I'm rr i -I I m . v. T T you wouldn't axe me do do notMn wroas." OM Nat hustled toward his dugout, then baited to make another suggestion. " 0, Mister Stuart, ef It's Jea de same wld yen, couldn't you glt to dat graveyard befo andown? I hates to go prankln aroon' no ewch plaos In de dark. "Tea," Clayton reaaenred htm, "TO be there first." This boshtess of transporting high esplo atvea gave Unde Net the fldgeta aa he cboved off his dugout and started for home betose Major Stark could get near enough to send him on some other enaiirt. The dangerous note scorched his hide, and be sweated to get rid of It With aB charity for the skylarking propensities of young men and being somewhat of a phil anderer himself the Negro knew that oar tain breaches could not be tolerated. Ones a dating youngster tried It, and wrote to a mar ried lady but niggers bad better keep their mouths shut about what happened to has. "O, Nat! Nat!" the major shouted, "tea Keexer to came and tow us home." " Sattlnly. suh. suttlnjy." Nat called back, and his paddle flew. With every stroke be cocked hla head from on aide to Che other, cogitating like a wise old owl. But the Bearer he drew to Bennington, the colder grew hla feet Neezer did not suspect him as he delivered the major's message at the wharf; the fat cook 1st him pass her kitchen without a question; and the lazy pointer dog gazed Into Nat's face with virtuous confidence that such an Innocent appearing old person would Dever act as a go-between. Tet his guilt was manuen in ewry luruve movement as Mai sneaked around the north side of the bouse, where he discovered Mrs. Radlly and Mias Barbara on the front gallery, sitting Jammed up together In the 'swing, and talking ex citedly. He could not make heads or tails of what they were whispering about, because they hushed when Uncle Nat settled himself upon the steps and opened both ears. The most that Nat caught on to was that Mrs. Kazzle seemed riled about something, while Miss Barbara kept saving It was all right and trying to pacify her. So far as Nat could see there wasn't any chance to slip Mister Stuart's note to Mrs. Kazzle without Miss Barbara catching him. By some hook or crook he was obliged to get them sep arated. The ladies had not yet changed their clothes, which was always the first thing that Miss Barbara did when she came in from a dusty ride; and this omission Justified Nat's hunch that-sometblag important must have happened. "Powful -warm dla evenin," he remarked pleasantly, sitting down and fanning with his hat, while that burning message in his breast pocket kept the sweat trickling In the gutters of his back. "Very sultry," Miss Barbara agreed. "We are dying for a pitohet of ice water." "Suttinly. Miss Barbara, suttmly." "Very well. Go fix if -Yasln." Aa the reluctant Negro made a balk to get up, Barbara changed her mind and sug gested: " No. You'd better make aome lem onade. Aunt CaSine will give you the lemons." The old man dropped back and refused to budge, knowing perfectly well that she did not want the lemonade, except to get rid of htm. And Barbara could not imagine why Uncle Nat should be so stubborn. o, Uncle Nat! " she sat up straight with a brilliant inspiration. "Here's the idea, I want you to make Mrs. Bazllly one of your Justly celebrated sangarees. Everybody's crazy about your sangareea. Use half a cup full of claret to that big pitcher, and " " 1 knows 'cisely how much claret goes wJd dat big pitcher." The obstinate Negro might have contlnved to sit If the reverse end of Barbara's propo sition hadn't swung round and hit him. Up he Jumped with roused enthusiasm and sug gested. " Data de ve'y thing. Miss Barbara. Jea' dla mornin' de major he say to me, ' Nat, I "area you to show Mrs. Raule how you makes dem sangyrees, so she km tell her NTaw-leens folks. Nobody can't beat Uncle Nat when it comes to m&kin' sangyrees. Nat' de major 'spressed hissef right strong, ' Nat you got to show Mrs. Bazzie how you med Jers yo' claret ftn' how you medjers yo' sugar, an' 'cisely how you stirs It' DaVs what major say. Come long, Mrs. Kazzle, come long." Uncle Nat got half way to the door, but the Irresponsive lady failed to follow. " Not now. Uncle Nat thank you," the Creole answered languidly. "l' too. tired. Ton may bring a glass out h9 If you please." " I kin fetch it all out here an' make dat sangyree right befo' yo eyes." And Uncle Nat had already started to do this when Miss Barbara stopped him. " And gt my gallery all spattered up," she objected, " when Mandy has Just scrubbed it? And draw a million files? Not much. Make your litter in the pantry. Hurry. Hurry." As old Nat grudlngly shambled through the front door, Barbara called after hbo. " And aOr it a long time, a good long time." " Hodoma, Jtmrq im a note ram yoar laaax." "Kgzactly. jsiaa Barbara, egxaotly." Reaping the reward of duplicity, they had barely got their whispering under way again before the crafty Negro thrust out his face and said, " O, Mias Barabara! I nigh forgot! Dat carpenter lef" word for you to come out an' "samine de way be hung yo' garidge do', so's sot to scratch yo nice little new car. Better-oome long right now, befo tt gits too dark." ' If the aangaree could not entice Mrs. Ra aniy away from Miss Barbara, maybe the garage door might tempt Miss Barbara away from Mrs. Basil y; which amounted to the same thing, and Nat would get rid of the note. But the girls only paused long enough la their bumble-bee talk for Barbara to say: "I have already looked at that door. It Is quite right" "But I means de back doV "The garage has no back door. "Egzactly, Miss Barbara, egsactly." , Again he disappeared, temporarily, pending his punctual return bearing the majolica pitcher and two glasses, with much reddish atop spilled on the tray. "Look at that. Uncle Nat!" Barbara scolded. "Arent you ashamed to serve a sangaree m any such style? Get a cloth." This gained a few more seconds, while ild Nat shuffled in, and out again with a dish cloth. The tray was wiped, and he con tinued to hang abound. " Now, Uncle Nat" Barbara suggested, "It's time for you to go out and feed those cute little new puppies." " No'm," he answered, sitting down com fortably on the step. " Dey ma's feedin' 'em. Dem pups is all puffed up wid feed." Then he mopped his face with the claret stained cloth and tried to hear what they wens say ing. In a moment be had another idea, an1 proposed It " 0, Mrs. Bazzie, dat puts me In min' hadn't you better come 'long wld me an' lem ma he'p pick out yo pup what de major's aimin' to give you? I'm a fust class picker when It comes to pups. Now, ef a pup's got big feet an' " "No, thank you." She sawed him off, " Mr. Bazllly wishes to select that poppy for himself." Barbara could think of nothing more to in vent and In their awkward silence all three could hear theput-put-put of Neezer's motor boat towing home the fishermen. Both girls lifted their heads with a Jerk, and listened hah frightened, as a scary mule listens when he thlpks the train is about to run over him. But tha major's approach threw a rase to Nat He thought of another scheme to sep arate the Siamese twins. "Here dey comes, Miss Barbara," he re minded her. "An' yo' pa aho will need his toddy when ho 'rives in." There Nat had her. Everybody on Ben nington knew that Major Stark permitted no one else to mix his toddy, which constituted their afternoon function for the thirsty. In preparation for this' routine old Nat sprang up and moved toward the pantry. " I'll lay out evthlng fer you on de table, Miss Barbara, so you kin have dem toddles waitln', wid de frost on de outside." " Thank you. Uncle Nat But never mind. They'll be ready when father comes." "But yo' pa'a mighty nigh here." " Then Where's his man? " she sternly de manded. "Uncle Nat, if Major Stark comes In and does not find his paper lying right there on that table, well, I'd hate to be in your shoes." Naf s feet were in his shoes, and he set them both In the driveway, one ahead of the other, Just as swift aa he could, with his funny duck legged waddle hustling for the mail box. "Dat's hellagin, as major say," Old Nat grumbled to himself. "Post thing I know I'll git cotch wid dis note." His two big feet scattered gravel, and Nat's coattails burned the wind on his way to tha mall box. He must rush back and empty that dynamite note from his pocket before Mr. Razzle came meddling and got Nat's business all cluttered up. Then Nat thought of Mr. Stuart, mashed down on his accelerator, and flew. Mr. Stuart must be already waiting for him in the old Feame graveyard, ramping up and down amongst the cedars, and slashing his leggings with a whip. Nobody named Clayton could ever sit still and be quiet after he got his mind set on doing something. "Dar now!" Nat halted with his hand in the mail box. " Ef I don't tote dat answer mighty brief to de graveyard. Mister Stuart sho will tote hissef up here. He'll Jea nach erly march to Bennin'ton, major or no major, hushan' or no husban'. An' den an' den!" Awed by the awfulness of what he fore saw, old Nat grabbed his mail and started back to the house. Almost before Barbara could miss him she saw him returning with the letters in his hand. "Anything for me?" she asked without Interest "No'm. Nothin' fer nobody, 'cept major's paper, an' two o' dese blue letters fer Mister Razzle." Those particular blue letters came so regu larly tram Hew York and bad such a peculiar medallion In on crrnor that old Nat gram to rvcorni tbtr enveiopae, and always turkxd them aside for Mr. Hastily. Now be stuck both Ifltors wuhtn hla eoat, la partlnua proximity with tha penedad Bole from Mr. Stuart Clayton. Hounding up the front stap. Nat coutd a through (he bmad hallway to tha bark gala, at which tha AsbernaB wvre Oready anlf Ing. Ton dey eeme. Warn Barbara, be pointed. "Clee! To' pal got B one string. Bettor run aa' took." n fleured that Mrs. IUillty, being Indif ferent to fish, and so tired, would probably remain whore aha was. and he could slip her the note, Itut aha didn't remain, (the got up and went wtth Muta Barbara, Just aa If she wire afraid to be left by herself. Arm In arm both girls hastened through the hallway, wtth old Nat larglrtg behind and nattering: "Huh. ff dU was a million dollar bill, she wouldn't low me nary chance to give It to ber." Old Nat felt like the organ grinder's monkey, with a hot penny that he dared not drop. The note waa scorching him. but he saw no senite In trying to dotlvarit right un der the eye of Mr. Raxllly. Bo the disgusted Negro shuftlrd down stops Into the tiark yard, while Barbara and Adelaide halted on th back gallery to meet tholr men. First thrnuich the rrar gate inarched Mr. Flortnn Iliullly, wearing hla white cork hel met and earning a rlllo. Although he atalked toward them aa if he were posing fjr an epl aod In Itnrkest Africa, tha wife detected a oertaln Jerky motion which betrayed hla men tal disturbance. As the ladlt were observ ing him, he must continue to dissimulate. At the proper time his capture nf the much wanted Clayton would burst upon them. " Uncle Nat" he spoke with clever non chalance, "tell Seymour to saddle the bay filly. I'll give her a tryout" " Taa, suh; Seymo's gone to town, but Kd ktn do It" Wlille i Nat hurried to the stables, Bazllly set down his rifle agalnat the steps, and gave an Imitation of having nothing on his mind. O, Florian, dear," Adelaide bent ovr the railing and spoke ber prettiest " Did you catch me a nice little flsht" But the anxious question in her eyes did not concern a fish; she only wanted to feel sure that he had not caught ber at the lake. "Yea, we had good luck." the husband nodded. An appreciative man would have glanced a second time at those lovely young women In their riding habits; yet Raxilly barely glanced the first time, then turned away to the kennels and began Inspecting a new litter of pups. Barbara pinched Adelaide's arm and whis pered: " I'm afraid he suspects something." "Tea; but not us. Moo dieu! If be sus pected that" This was old Nat's day for hunches. Hus tling back from the stables, he now felt a hunch that Mrs. RazWy was watching her husband. "Huh.1" he snickered, "dat shoe oughter be on totber foot" All that the ladles saw and all that Nat saw was a husband who knelt beside the kennel and gave his undivided attention to one of old Sally's pups. As Nat approached, Bazllly glanced up from this engrossing oc cupation to inquire, " la the filly ready?" " Jea a min it, suh, soon as Ed gits her cur ried." Meanwhile the major, with Dr. Humphreys, had paused in front of Miss Barbara's garage to look at her new car. From there the major called: " Nat where's my mall?" " Here, suh. Com in', suh." And Nat moved over to the garage, keeping one eye skinned for whatever Mr. Razilly might be doing. " Better step light In dis bizness," be warned himself. Hearing Major Stark call for his mail seemed to put Mr. Razilly in mind of his own, for he, too, called out, " Uncle Nat have you some letters for me?" " Tas, suh. Got two." " Let me have them, please." Suttmly, suh; suttinly." When Nat went back to deliver those let ters things began to happen. Mr. Razilly con tinued to kneel before a pen in which the major's favorite pointer was suckling her pups. The ladies had already gone inside; and the two old crony fishermen were Just disappearing through the door. Uncle Nat and Mr. Razilly had the entire back yard to themselves. It was peaceful out there, with no sign of trouble, and Nat never even got a hunch. He shuffled across the yard, fumbling In his pockets for the blue letters. It was not Uncle Nat's fault if Clayton's note, being so small, got sandwiched between the two big envelopes. So Nat bent down and gave Mr. Razilly three documents instead of two. "Here's yo' letters, Mr. Razzle. I hopes bofe of 'em brings good newa" With this gentle wish, and to show that he never meant a bit of harm, that he wasnt afraid of anybody, Uncle Nat squatted down side and side with Mr. Razilly, and began talking to him for his own good about the puppies. " Mr. Razzle," he advised, " ef I was you I'd pick dis he-dog, wld de spotted ears " At first Mr. Florian Razilly did not observe the note, but took his letters carelessly in hand while he continued choosing amongst the pops; and Uncle Nat proceeded with his discourse: " Dis little pot bellied feller, he ain't liable to grow nigh as big as dia spot ear. De way to prophesy a big dog is to Jedge accordln' to his feet. Dis spot ear pup sho will turn out a whalo " Serenely he gabbled on without noticing that Mr. Razilly had risen and be come ominously quiet. "One time," Nat never looked up. "One time I had a liver an' white p'lnter f But Mr. Razilly didn't hear him. Razilly couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything, couldn't think of anything except some pen ciled words on a bit of paper at which he was staring, and wondering what they meant He read the note twice before seeing that it was addressed to " Adelaide." "Now, dat liver an' white p'lnter o' mine " Nat continued the history until Razilly broke in. " Where did yoa get that?" "My ole dog had dat pup, her own set She had ten of 'em at one time." " Not the pup. This note." "Dat note?" with an innocent raising of the eyes. . "Yes. This note." A clutching hand grabbed Nat's collar and Jerked the Negro upright Nat saw the two blue letters drop to the ground while Razilly shoved a smaller scrap of paper at him and demanded: "Where did you get this Infernal note?" "Dat note?" Nat felt his pockets, he searched all his pockets, he rummaged them one after another, two at a time, over and over again. Mr. Clayton's note was gone, and Nat oould aae tt In RaaUly's hand. Fur- inarowe, Nat now eorrwlMng sUe In Mr. rtaaiHy'e face which art tha trUr of hla tara fur travrUm j but the hand In hi folia held him hltrhtxi Involuntarily ha made a grab fur the note, which Itaailly Hk"d away and dmandi, " Where did jrou Hilar ' "Cltg1tglt which T " This piece of paperf" Dat? Oh. dat piece o paper? Hal I never bad It" " lwt lie to ma, old irmn!" The InMrtietM Radlly gnpt4 Uncle Nat by a atrangMutld. , while the Ngro'e popping e tar4 around for emnrborfy to h. lp biro gl luuee, What be craved waa a arverance from this enraged white man with lh blazing rya. Or If he couldn't grl a severance, he nenlod time, more time lo preure his pli. Hut the yard waa empty: no flrnl aid ihowvd up. r'olka never aromod lo rare how much trouble Nat bad. Even hla beat friend, the taty fat pointer, kept WMtting hi frail tail as If ha failed to realize what a particular fli Unde Nat was In. It in" red Ilk Mr. Raxiny didn't know how to dn anything etcept to choke niggers and keep saying. " Don't He to me, old man. Too did have that note." " No. suh. Not ma." " But you gave It to ma. Just this minute with those letti-re." "Oh! Wld d.m leliera Suttinly. suttinly. Ton means dem blue leilori'?" Old Nat trued blankly upon the ground as be studied the pair of blue envelopes which lay at Ka altly'a feet. " Mr. Ramie," he spoke doubtfully. " Cose I ain't 'sputln' yo' word, suh. but Is you cer tain sho dat I give you dnt paper?" "8ure? Of course I'm sure." Rn titty's words shot from him wtth the spiteful crackle of a machine gun. " Look at It See It?" " Egzactly, suh, egsactly. I sees It now." A light burst upon Uncle Nat and a grm overspread his countenance. " I aeta It good. But lordee, Mr. Rassle. dat little old pine o paper, hit don't "mount to ahucks. Us was talkin' bout dia spot year pup an' " "Damn the pup! I wtfnt to know the scoundrel who gave you this note." " Which scoun'l?" His Innocent face puck ered Into a network of brand new wrinkles as Nat strove to clear hla thoughts. "Mr. Razzle, dat sho Is puckcullar. At de same time you was axln' me dat question "bout de note. It Jea fell In my min' to wander how come aech a little piece o' paper ever got la Major Stark's letter box." " This never com through the mall," Ra zilly snapped. " Some infernal hound sent It by you. Who was it?" By shaking- Nat until hla teeth rattled, Razllly shook out S rattled answer: . A white genfman give It to roe." " Who? Who? Ten me the truth." How oould any Negro tell the truth, or tell anything else, while be waa having the very life throttled out of him by a wire fingered Frenchman. Then Razilly eased up and let Nat suck a whiff of breath. " Who Is the man?" "Taln't no man, Mister Razzle. No, so hi He never give it to me. You akeered me ee bad dat I overspoke myse'f." " I'll do worse than scare you." Razilly mended his grip while trying to decipher the hastily scribbled signature. His voice steadied with wrath as he looked up. " Old nigger, de you know a man named Stant Clop ton 7" " Clopton? Clopton? Taln't no Cloptona livin' in dis neighborhood, suh.. Ain't neves heard o' such a man." Not once did Florian Razilly let go of Nat's collar as he puzzled over the Illegible name, then turned the paper and aaw an ad dress typewritten on the other side. Sefior Stuart Clayton, EV Jucaro, Sala manca. That's the name!" he exclaimed, and In the surprise of it forgot his bold on the prisoner, who promptly backed out of reach. " Uncle Nat do you know a low dog named Stuart Clayton?" " No, suh; no, sub; I ain't 'qualnted wid nary size dog by dat name." Nat was now free. He executed a couple of back steps, and glanced behind, to make sure that his running room was clear. " Stop! Stop!" Razilly ordered. " He's the man you were talking about with Dr. Hum phreys? Just came home from Central America?" - Who? Me? I ain't spoke no word "bout dat man." "You do know him. Where is he? Ill choke It out of you." Having already bad an overdose of chok ing, Nat failed to remain and let that crazy Frenchman grab his throat again. He made one jump, and Razilly's arm missed him, as Nat whirled, snatched off his hat and retired from that section of the United States. Ra ziily also got a flying start, but gave up chasing a rabbit that also had wings. Only once did- Nat glance back and saw Razilly rushing toward the steps where he'd left his rifle which supplemented Nat's speed. It would have taken a swift bullet to catch him before he dodged behind the - hedge of Cherokee roses, and squeezed through a hole in the fence, which waa known solely to Nat and the dogs. Never did a hole come in handler. " Dere now," he gasped, as he tumbled oa all fours Into the pasture. "Done got my bizness In a Jam. I ain't gwine to tarry an' 'gplaln nothin'. Mister Razzle ack too hasty." Clayton's bungling go-between had un doubtedly got their business in a Jam. Things might have continued to rock along lazily on Bennington, if Nat had only slipped the note to Adelaide Instead of placing it In the hands of her husband. A lady always understands, but husbands are very dense. Of course, if Mr. Razilly would listen to no explanation. Uncle Nat felt compelled to de part Which he did. It was not a leisurely nor a dignified departure, but a duck legged hustle across the back yard and a headlong dive through the hedge. Nevertheless be succeeded In departing. For one tense moment Uncle Nat croucfied behind the Cherokee roses, and batted both eyes to observe what further action Mr. Razilly proposed to take. Mr. Razllly had already taken so much action that Uncle Nat was willing to let the whole thing drop right where it was. But the Frenchman showed no desire to let the matter drop; ho waa fix ing to do something else, fixing to do a whole lot of things, but didn't know exactly what Nat could see him charging around the back yard, frowning and swearing and undecided, First Mr. Razilly seemed to be studying the note and glaring Into the bouse as if he had half a notion to rush In, and settle with Mrs Razllly. Then he gazed towards the hedge behind which Nat disappeared, and cucaid ared the bay filly under saddle. " Lordee," Nat groaned, " ef be gits on dat hoaa. I'm bleeeed to reach da big wooda." (Continued Nxt Sunday. Copyright: 19:2.