Hit. lil.M UMAIIA. rUUA. .tMI.Ut 31, Veteran Packer Called to Stand in Skinner Case Jacob Dol J Totifirt Company U.t $2,000,000 in x Month SccoikI Nc UIeOuitcrFill. Expert tcnintony offirtj ycitfr ly at llie Mcinncr-l'oliJ parkin pUni controvert? l) Jacob Duld, ITfuJrnt of the PM racking com paiiy ol litirtato, X V., liich took over the ilunntr pUnt in Omlu, H4i that the yran were "the tnot diaattmut ycarf (r lie pack er in the lnnory of the iitiluitry." "That prno4 u the wort I ve experiment in niv 5" ym at a paiUr," tmified Mr. DoM. Tells of Big Lot. "The firt ai month, of HP, the DI1 company made J-MWO.QtH), which was loot in the lait tix month of that year." tait Mr. Pold. "The packing buiinnt runt in ryclei," Mr. Dold continued. "We have three or four yearj of good buinc, thrn a (lump, and when it take a toboggan tlide it muit of itarlf come hack." Mr. Uold testified that officer and directori of the Dntd company have not received a dollar in aalary from operation of the Skinner plant. The hearing, which hat hren ko tug on for two wecki to determine the right of the receiver, Keith Ne ville, to break the Dold lease on the plant, will be resumed tomor row. Judge J. W. Woodrough jester, day signed an order directing Ne ville to pay $2,000 in cash and $3,000 in receiver'! ceitiiicatcs to Miss Lilly King for services rendered as an employe. Seek to Oust Neville. A second petition of intervention on the part of about IS preferred stockholders of the Skinner com pany, to oust Keith Neville as re ceiver was filed in federal court yes terday. A first attempt, made two weeks ago by Attorney A. C. Mun ger in behalf of one or two stock holders, was denied by Judge Wood rough. The petition sets forth that Ne ville was appointe at the request of only six stockholders, and that over 2,500 of them have never been consulted. Fruit Prospects Bright. Beatrice, Neb., March 30. (Spe cial Telegram.) Horticulturists state that prospects were never brighter for a fruit crop in this sec tion of the state. Cherries and other small fruit show great promise. 'Vet' Students Get Transfer to Iowa Thirty men in the liiuhy engi peering rla in the Railway I'dma tioiul arh'K'l were transferred to Amn (li ) engineering school Wed nesday. Lack of proper training equipment brought aliout (he trans fer, according to II. I. Uarnold, adjutant of th Una'jlrd War Veter ans aiKUtion, "We g'U nothing of ahie in the course," D.imolJ, who was a mem ber of the rlaM, said. Dexter Kuril, bead of the oa. tional school, said an instructor with I radical turning had tluige of the i'oure and that a trained engineer bad been engaged t take the class in April. "I forgot to tell them that," he said, lie said be had pl.in n't to give the cta prartiel in struction by taking thent out on a conti-ijctimi ramp job this summer. 1.. A. C'raiidall, bead of the vet erans' bureau here, plan to place 20 vocational student with the Nebras ka state highway comniis'ioii this summer. Insurance Head Declares Suit Is Merely ''Spite Work" Suit against the American Live stock Insurance company, filed by stockholders, is nothing but "spit work." according to Charles F. Schwager, president of the company. Suit was filed in district court Wednesday by George Heaver, Te kaniali; Emmet Man ley, J'ort Cal houn; James, S. J., II. C, and A K in Lydirk, Craig, Neb., who hold $JI, 575 in stock. They allege misman agement. Mr. Schwager declares the com pany is in excellent financial condi tion. Witness Rode. Through Storm to Receive $1.80 Cloyd Foster, a witness in the Strickland-Mussrr case in federal court, will be allowed $1.80 for rid ing 36 miles through a Montana bliz zard after being summoned as a wit ness. When he arrived here he found rooms and three meals a day for $1.50 were very scarce. Most of the witnesses in the case will be out of pocket from $25 to $50. all of which Miss Florence Moore, dep. uty clerk-ot tlie court, characterizes as "an injustice." Coal Rates Reduced. Reduction of 20 cents a ton on steam coal from mines in Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri was announc ed by officials of the Missouri Pa cific railroad to local coal dealers yesterday. Kansas coal rates have been high because of mine conditions and the reduction in freight rates will result in a great savins', local dealers say. Crowds Attend Robbery Trial of Rilev Smith First Car of Kind to Re Heard in Saunden County Provei Attraction De fense I Alibi. Wahoo, Neb, March 30. (Spe cial.) Two witnesses for the defense occupied the entire morning licic in the trial of Rilry Smith of Omaha, Identified bv Cashier James M. Hall and Bookkeeper Selma Hagenun at one of two baudits who robbed the Bookkeeper Srtnia Ilagcmaii at one of two bandits who robbed the Ithaca State bank of SI.7JJ.J5 at 1:30 p, in. December 16. This is the first trial tor bank robbery or even a holdup in Saund ers county and the courthouse was filled to overflowing. Despite the muddy roidt and the threatening weather, automobiles were parked at the courthouse at 7:30 this morning. The trial was scheduled to start at 9. At noon the spectatora scarcely took time for lunch before returning in order to get teats. Tells of Party, Ray Lampert and hit brother-in-law, Roy Iludkins, testified this morning that Kiley Smith and a party of Omaha friends arrived at the Lampert farm, three miles from Ithaca, for a dinner party at 1:15 p. ni. the day of the robbery, 15 minutes before the crime was com mitted. Defense witnesses are being used in an effort to establish an alibi for Smith. Lampert and Hudkins testi fied Smith and his friends remained at the farm that day until evening. May Finish Today. Attorney Eugene O'Sullivan of Omaha and J. II. Barry of Wahoo. counsel for the defense, consumed the remainder of the day examining defense witnesses County Attorney Bryant and Judge B. F. Good of Lincoln, special representative of the attorney general at the trial, are con ducting the prosecution. An attempt wilt be made to com plete taking of testimony tomorrow. The defense still has several wit nesses and the state probably will use some time in rebuttal. Man Who Killed Hahn Is Identified as Bandit Otto Cole, slayer of Harry Hahn, was charged with murder on two counts in complaints filed in Central I peine coart yraterday by K mon J T. Cony, deputy county attorney. Tour perwnt Identifiri Cote at the nun who luj held them. up. Cut was also identified at the unwatkrd bandit who robbed t'' Hristaud c' rath register of iJ$ the night d March lit, and 5w lielj uu the l'ak hot.'l. When Cole's bag was seired at the Midland bout )rtrrdy morning I'tarly 50 ke wei found in it, ihm of them automobile keys. Cote Ma known at I drJ !sh when be escaped lrm the Illi nois state penitentiary to tear it but denies that be is "Immune I d die" a repotted by Chuago police. Feeling Grippy? Cold Coming On? j DRV, tickling acAHtioa fa th i tbmt, feetdaih, irverbh, rys t ache, iXw"! play will i that on-omuog i cold. Get Dr. King's New Dtarovcry t re. Von will like the ay ft ' takes huH and ease the rough, loorna the Dhlegm and relieve the cncymioa ' in the eye and bead, and soon breaks up the most obstinate attack of cold 1 and grippe, ! Children and aJik tit It. Ko Urmful drugs, but jiut good methane for coJcU, coughs and grippe. Sold by your druggist for 60c ! Dr. King's j New Discovery for Colds and Coughs Tired Out in lUlf a Dmji You wouldn't be if your bowel were act ing regularly. Try Ik. King's Pills for sluggish bowel. You 11 keep- fit for work. At all druggista 25c. D PROMPT! WONT Gtm , r.Kinrj'sPill3 AUVERTIfeEMKNT. CORED BY A NATIVE HERB On board a vessel bound for India recently a maf! was bitten by a pois onous' reptile; both the ship doctor and a famous surgeon failed to con trol the poison fast spreading through bis system. In a day the ves"! reached port. An Indian medicine man was sent for, who produced a native herb which quickly allayed the poison and the mail's life was saved. Roots and herbs are nature's as sistants in combating disease. That well-known medicine for ailments peculiar to women, Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetable Compound, is pre pared from roots and herbs, possess ing medicinal properties of great value in the treatment of such ailments. This is proved by the letters of recommendation we are continually publishing in this paper for it. Commencing v This Week A New Feature R AOIO. The Newest Marvel of This Marvelous Age You will find each week in THE LITERARY DIGEST, beginning with the April 1st number, the same up-to-the-minute, authoritative, comprehensive, condensed, world-wide news of the Radio . field as THE DIGEST gives of every other field of human thought and endeavor. Every interest will be served. Prospective purchasers will be guided and informed; those contemplating making their own outfits will be given instructions on what to do and why; those now "listening in" will get the latest operating plans and practises; those yiewing the Radio from a scientific or commercial stand point will be kept in close touch with every new development. In keeping with the high standard set by every other department of THE DIGEST, the new Radio department will be under the direct supervision of an expert and high authority, assuring readers of unbiased, correct, and genuinely helpful service. So far as is possible, all articles will be written in clear, non-technical language for those not familiar with all the scientific terms or principles of Radio. , Yet they will be as easily under stood by the expert as by the layman and beginner, and will be freely illustrated. Thus THE LITERARY DIGEST inaugurates a new, unique, and helpful service of pro nounced value and almost unlimited scope for which the phenomenal interest of hundreds of thou sands of people in Radio has created a positive, ever-increasing demand. Other interesting, helpful, and timely news-articles in this week's DIGEST are: A Plan to Have America Pay the German Indemnity Deserting Farm and Kitchen Dublin's Rocky Road To Make More Homes in New York New England's Textile War Egypt's New King The Great Debt and Reparations "Merger" Hungary at the Danger Point France and Feminism What Orangs Know Do City Dwellers Die Early? Hair as a Detective A Plea to Keep Up Rail Rates How Bernard Shaw Bags the Universe A Double-Keyboard Piano Character Bonds for Movie Actors The Church to Help the Chicago Police Jewish Increase in America The Papacy's Program When Mary Married 'Arry Personal Glimpses of Men and Events Many Interesting Illustrations, Including Cartoons (I)Mest The Literary Digest Atlaa of Now Europe ) A new Volume; 20 large Colored Maps; descriptions of S all European Countries. Taper 50 cents; Boards $1.00 Order from Your No ws-dealet Sh&mon oM Cornell Skutf G IJJ.I.I,. J.f.ffJ. J.LJ'.IJ' .11. JJ MMIII JIL .lit mi uif " .m - , n-t-.m.Jii 16th and Harney 16th and Dodge 19th and Farnam j 24th and Fsmsm 1 49th and Dodge Friday, Saturday and Monday mm CIGARETTES- EVERYDAY PRICES Camels, Chesterfields, S p-1 Lucky Strikes, fcv 11 lack and II J ) DL- Whites and JL1 lRg. Piedmonts Full Carton (200 Cigarettes) $ a4n.y of Brands Named Above CAMEL Cigarettes 10 C Pkg. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY all nipir 2 for CM 25c W 1.45 LOS RAMOS -15c Size HAVANA $1.25 EACH ONE FOIL.WRAPPED PACKED 25 CIGARS IN BOX FRIDAY AND SATURDAY- BOX OF 25 10cSTRsSr RS CIGARS 3 for 25c CIGARS Every Standard Brand Friday and Saturday 10 Van Dyck, MotarU, Murltli. El Patot, Chanctllora, Dutch Maalara, Robt. Bum. L Palina and many ethara. Straight $1.00"Sorbo" RUBBER SPONGE a7t Very Fino Quality Hold Lot of Water Fine for the Bath or for General Use 35c FOR CLEANING 24c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 35c SHOE SHINING OUTFIT Wool Poli.her and 0 A Dauber for xC FRAGRANT IMPORTED FUMIGATING PASTILLES DEODORIZE THE AIR MAKE BAD ODORS DISAPPEAR 35c and 60c SOAPS for Every Use 12c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap 9 14c Sayman's Soap 30c Resinol Soap 21 25c Woodbury's Soap .... 19 10c Army and Navy Hard water Castile 10c Coco Mechanic Soap..7 10c Lucerne Bath Tablets. .8 10c Crcme Oil Soap, 3 for 25 12c Sterne's Renaissance . .9 14c Skat or Whiz 9 10c Palmolive Soap, 3 for 25tf 15c Lux 10 Palmolive Co.'s Almond Hard water Castile Soap. . . . .5 9EU Elkay's aVUt or Colorite Straw Hat Dye Fo19c Suspensory BANDAGES Athletic Supporters All Kinds All Shapes All Sizes vis Elastic Stockings, Belts and Supporters. tOA TBI RBLIKP AMb SUPfOBT Ol Varicose Veins, WeaK, Swollen or Ulcerated limbs, Corpulency, Abdominal Weakness or Tnmors. Heavy weight Sills KUitlc coois seat unleis otherwise specified od order. GOODS HADE TO ORDBB ON 8H0ET NOTIOB. HOSPITAL GOODS 1.19 $2.50 HERCULES HOT WATER $ BOTTLE 2-qt. Guaranteed One Year RELIANCE - 1.00 RUBBER GLOVES 49c FOR HOUSEHOLD USE 60c HOSPITAL ABSORBENT COTTON 39c FULL POUND 50c LISTERS TOWELS Qn (Sanitary Napkini, J J a 75c 5-Yard P.ckaje A f STERILE GAUZE fuC PATENTS and DRUGS at Low Cut Prices 11.00 Squibb's retrofatum for 7) 11.20 Scott's Emulsion tor 89 $1.10 S. S. S 30c Sal Hepatiea for 23 60c Syrup of Ficrs for 44 $1.00 Grant's Vita Vim Tabs 79 GOc Milk of Magnesia, 37 $1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic 79 50c Lysol 39 75c Pure Test Rubbintr Alcohol 54 $1.20 Milk's Emulsion for 94 60c Doan's Kidney Pills for 44tf 25c Beecham's Pills.. 19 $1.25 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts 89J Newbro's Herpicide for 39J and 69 $1.00 Pyros ....84 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste for 19J 50c Pcpsodent ..... .33 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste for 34 60c Lavoptik 44t 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine 230 $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp 98 40c Castoria, Fletcher's, for 24 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 370 75c Q-Ban Hair Restorer for 540 60c Pape's Diapepsin for 440 25c Golden Glint 190 35c Freezone 230 25c Zinc Oxide Oint, 180 60c LISTERINE ....390 CANDY 1.00 Italians Rich, heavy chocolate coating, hand-dipped, with delicious vanilla fondant cream centers. 59c Lb. TOILET NEEDS $1.50 Gouraud's Oriental Cream 81.19 50c Hind's Honey and Abnond Cream ...390 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream 240 25c Violet Dulce Shampoo Powder 190 $1.25 Houbigant's Ideal or Quelqucs Fleurs Talc. for 890 25c Lazell's Talcum, 130 $1.00 Abonita Lilac Vegetale 690 25c Pink Velour Powder Puffs, large size.. 100 60c Sempre Jovenay, 440 50c Nadine Face Powder for 390 50c Djer Kiss Face Powder for 340 $1.50 Fiver's Azurea, Le Trefle or Floramye Face Powder 720 25c Mavis Talcum... 190 60c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream 440 75c Harmony Skin Cream for 540 60c Arbutus Complexion Cream 440 50c Victor's Benzoin and Almond Lotion ...330 $1.00 Langlois Jft Toilet Water. ViJC $1.50 Bouquet Ramee Toilet Water ... 98c BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND MILK 19c 69c Chocolate Covered CARAMELS Full Cream Center Soft and Delicious Only 29C lb- CHEWING GUM ALL KINDS ALL MAKES 2 Packages C for JK 85c Intense PERFUMES True Flowar Odor Ounce. 59c CilrtaSafetrftaia? hi GENUINE Hi I GILLETTE RAZORS Friday and Saturday' 69 r r '5 S i "37i $1 TOY PHONOGRAPH Plays Real Music GET ONE FOR THE "KIDDIES" 59c rTt Editor wi iti t9 ewi-