TUK HEK : OMAHA. FRIDAY. MARCH 31. 1922 11 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FaXSTACKTCO., ! 4H Mk.r Ikng w A M It U LA N C E 'uZVZl 7i'r.i4 aa4 far IIKAFKY & HKAFKY7 I'adartaMie " feubelmefa. ,'-l",M4'.,,- f'ue $ '" HulseT& rniepcn," funeral 1-irM-ioK "i'b. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. l,i.T email leti.ii may"nh riH fa. a M e..,,l fl, Hewers), I ti.r'.. t r ttl 1.' T-n.ll dT.ii.cM "i rMinday ) N.m. . f or tti 4 MUtury Av. Vt 41(4. IUi.ai.1. i,"T"ll,.H e-l, f.'.irt llh i KtT tar ft Call IJI't, lor M. Iiergan l.lIRT lln.l.iti Ml. . litll!" OH iilr Hti. ..ff.cr.l Kill PERSONALS. 1MB PULIATION Army tuduairial horn allciie lour eld clutblhf, furniture, t iaa.ln.a. vV cetl4ei, vVe cLairtbut. rti"i l". 4 1 J an dour will rail t'al' end iHapeet our kf h"lnk III. m I.SI4 I'ods fit KATUHVN l7 l.lt.Klf" " kkle 4H. .li sptctalui, Iieald.nr tiK anil. II.. I. ApiMlllltnafll, JA. I.'ta. fn lcftn"l,H.AN'hlfoprotJr. 14 ldrisJIl r'a'v w at. :t. offlc tiovtt, II .. m t.. 4 14 p m. TIIEATRIi'AL ki.lnriral imnw eoeiumee. far play a "4 tariia. at l.l.uen Omaha ilAONKTIC "tithe" Violet Hay 'trnnni llhmauaa. 6 II K lin. AT. 5l,t.HirSiwihwtl'ee nuaiM, hl rorndr Kvanlng 10 l t'M'hll ntaii.srui-iii. K.pcrt maa- N .'", AH 4 HUNT vacuum rlr.n.t., Tea, HA. 1471. MAokAiiK Nun and eve. lm, AT. 1341, AN NOUNCEM ENTS7 Accordion Pleating. Ai'COUMii'n. aid. 1tnif7" box pleating i rovered hiiitena, all atytee: hematiicnliig. biiionhn.a. Wrila Ideal Hution Pleating in. o Brown Block. Omaha. Nrh, TrlrfkntiaJA-OH. nebr. i'LEATiNa ;r':iei,l?,?: mna. una Farnam. Floor. I. u;. Attorneys. . w;. "ATTKUOT". Ik'wyr, movtd to 1 : lrra Truat HMir. AT lk. Contractor!. I arprniar and contrarinr. (rnral raair . ork. rail C. A. IU.n, ha. 111. Will K cauiant ralch ork. AT. 677. Haara. Dancing Academies. KKRP'f? rarnaro atrwt. V1J1J'1 t' Uouln 40. Claaa and prlvata Iraanna. lm lnIrurlira. LEARN to danc at Kalpltio'a kadrmy, rlaaa and rijvala loaanna. DO. 7 Detectives. RKI.IARf.K Petao;! Bureau. Hallway K. Bld.. J A. ;i)64. tllicht. KB. 3H. JAMKR ALLAN. Ill Nevllla Klk. KvManc arnrrd In all caara. AT Untie 1 1311. Dentists X-Ray. CENTAL XRAT8. I0o EAChT a a run aai. an Btcuntlra ui(i. Dressmaking. I;RtS.sIAKINO In your horn. The brat li alwaa rhraprnt. AT. i4d rvrnlnira. XouTaau drrmakln ahp. 43 Panton BlkT i'I.KAMNH tallorlnic aiilta. furaTli A. 6S0V Kodak Finishing. ENLARUEMKNTS. oil colorinf. developing vrlntlnic. Kaaa Studio, lit Navllla Blk films DEVKi.orun free. Tha Knulcn Co.. 107 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W". Martin, Patent Attorney, nil Podge, room tot. Alao Wmhlngton, t. O. I hilp Invenlora all tlielr patenta. Printing. K)UT Prlntlnj Co. SIS 8. IS St. Do. 8647. BRITT Pnnllnit Co.. Sdl Bromley Mlk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS . pwfth ?ivi!r to buv back at amall profit. GROSS JBWELRT CO.. Omaha. Neb.. 402 N lth 8t. Telrphona DO. 04. LEARN to plav and ra popular mualo. I guarantee to tearh you to play piano In twenty. five leaaona. Call daya or vanlnita. AT. 4969. OMAHA PILLOW COM PAN Y". Mnttreagea made ov-r in now tti-ka At hal price of new bed. 1907 CumlnK. JA. 2467. PRKSCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at tha 4 Sherman & McConnell Drug torea. DR. A. C. 8ABIN, RECTAL DISEASES! Suite J10 Arthur Bldf.. 210 8. 18th St. BLACK dirt and fertiliser, ashes and rub bluh hauled. Atlantlo 6721. SCREENS rewired, glaslns. KB. 2701. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. GENUINE Spanish Irather Putold and baby carrlaite. almost new. WA. 6564. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums. lylo Phone, etc.: Instructions, repafrlna; S761 Davenport St. Phone HA. 8867. ".ADR your used piano on a new play ? piano. Balance as low aa S10 per i. nth. A. HOSPB CO.. 1611 Douglaa. TAFP saxophone shop, repatrlnir. moller & Mueller Bldg.. 1614 Dodge. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a (ew unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harm?y Sta. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., !03 S. 16th St. DO. 72S8. ARMY shoes, $2.90. 70S No. 16th. ....... Service... Wa Solicit Your Consignment! of All Kind of Grain to Omaha, Chicago! Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City Wa Operate Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska , Hastings, Nebraska Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Chicago. Illinois Private wire connections to all offices except Kansas City and Milwaukee. Erery Car RaceiT Careful Pronal Attention Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" BRINGING UP Trilb etwc TOO OCAO ZSZ.H TO THE GUMPS FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Hole agenta for the CORONA. Uet our price before yon buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. JA. 41 1. IMS rarnam. GUAfTanTF.K.D typewriters. 12.fi0 and upT Midland office Supply Co., 1404 IorU. Miscellaneous Articles. HARiSSSALE: Complcle plow harness, 127 per et. Cunrord harness, formerly 75, now $48. Stock saddles. $16 snd up. Kent team collar 5.u0. Llnps, Pi-Inch by IS fe.f, $T..90. King crown bridles, round reins. $6. Sweat pads, any size, 6Sc each. Government Ncats Foot Oil, 6 gal., $4.90. Government and officers' dress shoe. $3.90 and up. Midwest Harness Co., 706 North I6II1 St. FOlt SALE FIXTURES CONSISTING OF ONE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, ONE LARGE SAFE AND 1R-FOOT SHOW CAKE. APPLY 3311 Q ST., SO. U VI A. H A. , WB buy, aell eafea, make desk, abow. c.,..., etc., Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., . 8. W, Cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 1724. EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. NICKELS. 15th and Harney. DO. 1173. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J C. Reed. 1307 Farnam. DO. 6148 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. FIRST-CLASS painter wants Job In city. Inside or outside man. Uarney 1646 after . Female. REFINED good all round housekeeper of 48, daughter, 15, wants place, city or country. References. Box Y-1849, Omaha Bee. WANTED, day work, any kind. MA. 4215. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. DO you want to Incraase your Income T Write the National Auto School, 2814 No. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SEWER LA BORER. NO OTHERS NEED APPLY, AT. 1299. 1240 S. 13th St. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. IK, S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Accustomed to making big money; we have openings for several aggressive specialty salesmen to travel and sell our advertising service to bankers and merchants; clean, dignified, legitimate and established business. Ex clusive territory; commission paid daily or weekly. Call to 12 a. m. C. II. Bellows, Room 109. Fontenelle hotel. ill : V - I -- I x It..,. tATt fO rJtONO- ILT S 1 I Mkc a ruu Soon- i ve I J A L0HC ""MC AHf M6ue NtUtXTtf h'-S'J m m fairs- suio'se vne sfcT J "H TUC MlTC tAk AfOU Hih 1 I t I TME A VUU0lNi TV IP I V . Tn aUlSTSLM I A. Ji r . V .in the careful handling of all orders for grain and pro visions for future delivery in all the important markets. Office at Sioux City, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Hamburg, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Kansas City, Mo. FATHER IUilcJ I', a, rii wine AH' WHERt ARC "WO AfiOOT IniRTV 0Ht4 Tm morning L--J C" .ci Ae in now? new r4kC',i MOONHiN i 1 1 r i OlOKl HAV III.K A4AkE. tS'ia OF tt4TO HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Five men who i-an aell .pa clallica ran make $10 per day euaily. Our products are an abluto iiweally. Sells to everybody. See Mr. Obcrineyer. Apply 1 to 4 p. ill., 20; Arthur llldg., 710 8. 18th street. Miscellaneous. I HAVE a steady position tor a good man who ran furulnh $110 cauli . ur lly. Mr. rolllns, 417 Fonieiiellw hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED A housekeeper at once lhat Is willing to raise chickens on share and some wages, and neat and clean, mlddlo sged preferred. Uox V-IM8, Omsha Bee. WANTED Experienced white cook, ltcf erenccs required. WA. 59H. Mrs. E. . ran. EXPERIENCED white girl fur general nnuaeworK. 1 none ,y. ..". cunn. WHITE girl for general housework, no wsshlng. Hsrney 2S"tf. 891 Dewey Ave. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO good waitresses wanted. 1S19 Far nam. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. ANY Intelligent person, either sex, may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $6 to $16 per column; all or spare time: experience unneces- vssry; no canvassing. Send for particu lars. Nstlonal Press Bureau. Buffalo, New York. WANTED Men, ladles and ooya to learn barber trade; blc demand; wages while learning; etrlctly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St, Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1S66 for large llluatrated ( catalog. Addrea Boyles College, Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Bant School of Buslnesa. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglas 6810. ANNIE K. OLASOOW, voice and piano, 608 Karbach Blk. J A. 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. DISTRIBUTORS of profitable auto ne cessities having established busniess In Nebraska want party to invest $2,500 and services as manager. If Interested in real honest proposition investigate. Box B-2U4, Omaha Bee. 1807 FARNAM 5-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for offices, studios, 'dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing home adjoin ing. T. P. Hall, ilt Railway Exchange. Douglas 7406. ANY business sold for cash, no publicity; 10 to 80 days. Northwestern Selling System, Sioux City. FOR SALEOR EXCHANOK FOR PROPERTY, SOFT DRINK PARLOR. APPLY 3311 Q ST., SO. OMAHA. Rooming Houses. 7-RM; steam heat; downtown location, ISOi) and terms. AT. 3797. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam, at 24th. Single rooms with private bath at $10.60 per week; for two, $12.60 per week. Two large outside rooms w.ith bath, $20 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO IIVFJ MEN' only. Single and double rooms with running hot and cold water, also 2 and 3-rootn apartments with private bath and shower. Steam heat, walking dis tance. Brown Bachelor Apts., 608 N. 21st St. Douglas 6644. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW. 16TH AND FARNAM. Special rates to permanent guests. LARGE room for 2, private family. WA 3726. PLEASANT room adjoining bath, private .family, home privileKes. WA 0840. LARGE modern room, hojne privileges; breakfast if desired. Webster ossz. PLEASANT furnished room, in private home. 6710 Mason street. WA-5J07. LARGE comfortable room for two, fine for summer. 8030 California. HA-iiW. FURN. room for gentleman, private home. $15 mo. 3019 Chicago. HA. 245. UNION Hotel, $3 per week and up. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping room I the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Csll at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all part of the city. LARGE front room, everything complete, walking distance. AT 4156. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 707 S. 7th. Council Bluffs. Phone 4S0. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Heat, electric light. $. 2709 Dodge. 1 and 2-room apt, all modern. J A. S136. V TTlVf. Jt.i r m a,.- lvq I7 FX-. K K. Wl WAH DKCLARED THK 13TII Not on tt tX Tt 12 13 OK TMC - UvS MAKE T THt ? Vto tVR. VltARB k tO OtKCi SIT fOW. MFO"0N. -THAI CRttrS OVrf. UlVtS tAJlTCVn FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. 1 V. AK.U and ')! iuiiu.UtU ud to- room apis., clo.o In. Kt avenue. Msry Board and Rooms. Nlt'K riiniits f.ir 2; breakfast If dcetred; modern home. 2jt Many. AT. u5. XrTKAinTtVKrm wiilajs'rd"f7r!, walk. Ing distance. N, Kth. JA. !7l. ItnuMS. humi cooking, garane. WrS ;;!. WANTED Child to board. AT. 9594. FOR RENT-HOUSES. Furnished. SPLENDID S-riKMll Ihmis" Willi garage, beautifully furnished Ihr.iughout with exceptionally high nualliy furniture; huuao modern in every respect; walla camased. Owner built It fr a home. Will rent or sell at reasonable figure. Call AT 2.;4. Unfurnished. lij.SO sTnuTr'nol inoUtrn, eJf 8. 19th St. Douglas 5:151. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, private bath or shower, steam heat, walking distance. Brown " Apts.. 60S N. 21st St. Doiiglss 6C44. NEWLY furnished, recoraled three, and four-room apts.. In splendid lieiuhbor- ' hood, $K0. 4 III N", 39th St. 1IA.31M; MODERN 7-room flat, South inth; furni ture for sale; bargain. JA. 0152 ' Unfurnished. Choice Apartments 6 rooms in the Vrbana. 1317 Tark Avtij soutn expoMiire, newly decor ted; very d.?8irablo. $75. 4 rooms tn the Harold, -7th and Jack son, only $70. ii room") in the Swcetwoort. 41." Sweet wood Ave., Including bedroom, $50 sum mer, $60 winter. Payne & Carnaby Co., "Omaha's Rental Men." 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA 1016. In Q room modern apartments. THE '""DRAKE RENTAL AOENCY. 170S Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2806. ORMOND APTS. Four rooms and bath, second floor, $35; third floor. $50. . Wsl. :tIS. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 4-ROOM apartment with 5-rooni accom modations. Call evenings, AT. 3377; days, JA. 0786. DAVENPORT, 2618-24 Hlldlich Apts., 2 rms. Furnished. Electric lights, steam heat. CENTRAL No equal, comfort and price, 3, 4, or 5-room apts.. apply 220 N. 23d. STEAM heated apartments, 4 rooms, close in. G. P. STEBB1NS, 1610 Chicago. FOUR-rooir. modern brick flats at 2212 N. 21st St., $30 and $35 month. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED Room and board; walking dis tance of 16th and Farnam: private fam ily preferred: give full particulars. Box B-265. Omaha Bee. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. 5 or 6-Room Bungalow WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, IN REFINED NEIGHBORHOOD. WILL LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY. AD DRESS BOX B-127, OMAHA BEE. FOR RENT Business Property. STORE room, 1017 and 1021 W. Broadway; good location for any line of business oi wholesale. 1021 has 10 rms. on 2d floor. . Fine oportunity for R. R. hotel and cafe. Phone mornings. C. B. Red 2060. 1807 FARNAM Storo room. 24x132. If tenant wants more room, will build two stories above, each 66x132, with light on three sides. Thomas F. Hall, 434 Rail way Exchange. DO. 7408. WANTED Party to share "building. Far nam street location. Phone Dougla3 6823 or Jackson 0179. FIRST National Bank Bldg.. 400. Apply very choice suite of offices. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE' HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones Sta. FIRST National Bank Bldg., 400. Apply small office for rent. H. M. Christie, warehouse & track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING. Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY Tarnagco. 1107-11 Howard St FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, pscklog and shipping. BE K INS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 606 South 16th. DO. 416$. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by job cr hr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. J A. 4388. AT. 0230. b20-24 North 16th St. HORSES AND VEHICLES.. HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and aell them direct to the farmere, you get the best that can be made at first cost. Harness that sold for $96 last year. $65 now. Write for free catalog. ALFRED CORNISH CO.. 1810 Farnam St, BAY saddle horse, three gaits, walk. trot, canter, at Elmwood stables; 62d and Dodge; price $lii, kit JliXS AND MAO.lt IX HIU rU Of COtOM IS lMt fcUNUAV fit think AI.TTL& 111 J fHI . All 1UC li'i? MkJ AWftS MflSt fOftluNM OklX- i6 tlNt THAf PVT OvitR ML ON rr . WYYXniJV rV 0iV THE 32 CviT FRtOiV T00 60Nj 1 Kirs Ksl'r FUr Ki U't M7 . . . ... , Mt iOV O tt HORSES AND VEHICLES. Work Horses HEAVY WORK HOUSES Felt SALE. Updike Lumber & Coal Company, nil AMI CIIARI.KS STS. TEL. WA. o:.".7. j POULTRY AND PET STOCK. , CLEANED wheat screenings. $1.75 per ) pounds. A. w. Wagner, till N. 16th. Jackson 1142. jUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD SEDAN IIr U an rnrly 1921 Ton! afdan, n ext'HUnt romlUlon throuKtiout Hn'l fully guarantee!. i.'ar is fqulppptl with nurter and rim. xtra tlrt. etc. Thl In an xrtptinnHl vhIuo at $400 und we cin help you finance it it iieeeary. GUY L. SMITH FORI) Coupe, fully equipped, very good condition, 8325. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO., AUTHORIZED FORD AND LINCOLN DEALERS. Kenwood 01 4 ; . 20th and Ame Av. Will Buy Ford coupe or sedan with starter. Also Dodge and Bulck roadster. Call at 2056 Karnam St. with your car. SOME bargain In used Fords: prompt delivery on new Fords M'CAFFPSY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 8800. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS, Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from $50 and up. Dodge. Buicks and others, $100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St, Central Garage. 1619 OAKLAND touring car. very good condition, 6 good tires. $350, terms, ("all Barrett, HA. 0345 for demonstra tion before 6:30 p. m. UKTTE'R USED CARS AT LOWER PRICES WILL BE FOUND AT THE NEBRASKA OLDSMOB1LE CO., 1STH AND HOWARD. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Salfe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. DODGE sedan, late model, run only 9,000 miles. Mechanically perfect. For sale st sacrifice price. AT. 3610. LIGHT four Overland, elect, equipped, $150, good rubber. Call Harney 1640 after 6. LOOK over our list of usea cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, S056 Farnam St. AT, 7835. WRTT'rT.V SPORTING OOODS IT .1A X A li J. AUTO ACCESSORIES. MAGNETO coil, $2.60; fan, 75o; horn, $1; tubes, 60c. Neb. Auto Parts Co., 1016 Harney. " USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2029 Farnam. Tour, car for Overland tire stock. AT. 9585. HOIvLY. expert auto trimmer. 812 8. 24th. FARM LANDS. Missouri Lands. POULTRY FARM Well Improved 411, fruit, water, health, $785; terms. Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. Nebraska Lands. THE BEST HALF SECTION IN NE BRASKA. Well improved, only a Mock from high school, 4 blocks from business street on paved road to Omaha. Land in high state of cultivation. For quick sale, $300 per acre, easy terms. See G. A. Kull, the land man, 438 Omaha National Bank building. SEVERAL Improved cattle ranches in southern Holt county and centra; Gar field county, Nebraska, for sale or rent. Bargain if taken at once. MAYLARD & CO., Norfolk, Neb. PAT? MS v'ma M- A- Larson, Cent: i iliViUO city, Neb., your wants ! for acreage tracts, farms. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY free; special number. Just out, containing many facts of clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or an investment you are thinking of buying good fan lands, where farmer grow rich, send t once for this special number of Landology. It is free on request. Address Skid-more-Riehle Land Co., 433 Skidmore Riehle Bldg., Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUOEE, INC., 538 Keellne Bldg. TParm T, nunc No delay on western r dl III JUUdllS Njbr. farms, ranches Klok Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat'l Bank. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2718. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen & Co.. Realtors. J A. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead ft D. H. Bowman. Weod Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 2644. Mack's Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. FUR SALE $000 mortgage on Nebraska ranch property, 6 per cent Interest to run three years. Liberal discount if wdd soon. Address WM. N. Parcel. 819 Fourth Ave.. N. W. Miami, Florida- 1 ' Drawn Drawn for SUM MV f.'.t Ft"t PMC yvHtN WAT ful ON "0 ILL MR? Vi- I . xvn i t'tLl'l, l J " l. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WK JUVB practically acid all of uur houses from $.'.,0oa down that ran be handled from 91.000 aa a first payment, balance monthly paymeuta off of our list in the last two week. Tf you hate a properly that can b handled on the sImhb ba.la can assure you quick service. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. r.37 Omaha Nat l Bank I'.Mg. Ho. 171. "Closeln Home Wanted llavo u client with $1,500 first mtg. well secure.!. 8 per cent due 3-yrs and $.".iio cauli f"r rloso In home. Call Mr. Tnllver. AT. 0721 RASPBRi)S.. 218 Keellne Bldg. KB. 1086, List your home Buy your home BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans, Rentala J A. 2561. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 16H2 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. HAVE Inquiries for home do you want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Orlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. fiRTTFINTfi Realty Co. List with VlIUiiMiU , for QUC)t results. 1418 1st Nafl Bk. Bidg. J A. 1966. D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance, JA SaSS. 702 Peter Trust Bldg. To buv or sell Omaha Real Estato see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bit. Bldg. J A ckson 1426 T3 T T? V TTT"!1 Write Tornado and XjirvXV J-J 1 X Windstorm Insurance sr.0 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. OS33. GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. 105 South 18th. AT. 2996. Grove-Hibbard Co. ll0,r 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 4966. Please To Buv or SMI ' Real PXata See D. V. SHOLES CO., 915 Citv Nat. Bank. J A. 0046. 35 years' experience selling homes. Call A. P. TUKEY & SON, 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 4223. WANT 6 or 7-room, well located, In Dun dee, by the first; have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS WK have Investments and exchanges from $3,000 to $6,000. See our listings. BROWNE & TRACY, 542 Securities Bldg. AT. 8360. SEE F. D. Wead & D. II. Bowman. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE Los Angeles apartment house, value $50,000, for Nebraska prop erty. H. H. Glover. Grand Island. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE, $8,000 Brand new home, just beinpr finished; easv term. Phone JA. 2Si0. GLOVER & SPAIN rmDm? AV nC Dundee homes. VJTJ-JV-'Xk.VJiJ VX, VJV. Building site AT. 3024. REALTORS. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trade. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. "WANTED" A live wire to buy this snappy, almost new 5-room semi-bungalow and save real money. Large rooms; interior of unusual beauty; tiled bath; base tub; glassed porch: pressed brick foundation and a lot more; restricted district. Price ,500. Good terms. Evenings call Mead, II A. 0755, or call HA. 0411. Schroeder Investment Co., Realtors JA. 3261. t.38 Ity. Kx. lr.th and Harney. 4009 Wirt St. Do you want a bargain in an excep tionally well built home? Owner forced to leave on account of health. This home built four years, has five large, beau tiful rooms on one floor. All modern improvements coming 1n this year. Large lot, 1110x120. Price $3,000 cash. George F. Jones Co., REALTORS. 232 Keeline Bldg DO 6iW5. Leavenworth Heights Havo a real home now under con struction; five rooms, oak in living and dining rooms; oak floors throughout; on paved street. Why rent when we can sen you a place like this, includ ing lot. all for 8...230? For full particu lars call WA 2812. 7-Room Modern House $5,000 Has 4 rooms on first floor and 3 bed roems and bath second floor; south front lot, 60x140, on paved street; lo cated on Webster St., near 34th. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. JA 0564. Evenings Phone WA 4187. 4108 Farnam Street. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, fine lot and double sarage, and for prie and appointment call H. H. Allen, At. 4260. D. K. BUCK CO. buy and aell homes. for The Bw by McMsnu. uVir : The Bee by Sidney Smith tCoruia-iiti in:;) amis fiiotS kVtit rA,rTLi5 A A MrP4 on. r rnifc REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Own Your Home Start Today, $5.00 Down and $j 00 a month will buy a large lot, south front, level, and In a good neigh Inn hood near Miller park. Build your self a small temporary home nd pay for the lot out of the money you form, trlv wasted In paying rent. Price $260 and up. The Byron Reed Company DO. 0297. 1612 Farnam St, Montclair Bungalow Vivo larna rooms and bat) on one floor, strictly modern with Karate, large lot, ravins; paid, P,i blocks to Harney car; $750 CHsh and $60 ft month. This will pure beat paying rent; Immediate Vonesjton. Osborne Realty Co., Jit Peter Trust Bldg. JAJ22. TWO OF THE BEST NEW R-rooin Kellastnn houses on the mar ket are at 2LM and rwn streets, just off Prettiest Mile. Larpe lawns, plea Punt views. They are priced at $5,600 earn. About $1,500 cash re quired. Please phone KK. 2483 for car. SIX rooms, modern. Are you looking for a home, close In. near school, lust new ly finished Inside, about 10 year old, garden space and fruit. Kid tight fence; $1,000 cash will handle first payment. Ask for Mr. Hays. WE, 8370 or JA. 0200. Just North of Cuming on No. 18th St., 6 rooms, fully modern, oa a street that has a business future. Possession any time. Price $2,800, Terms. Call Mr. Tollver. RASP BROS., 218 Keellne Bldg. AT 0721. MILLER PARK. A beautiful, sightly locution for a home. I have a level east front lot I will build on for you tf you have $500. DO. 7412 days ask for Mr. Carse AT. 3601 evenings. FIVK-ROOM home, $350 cash. 3320 N. 6 3d . Reduced to $2,400. BEST GESTRING.. DO. 6135. 1414 N. 33D ST. Six-room modern, easy payments; buy for a home. Crelgh, (08 Bee. Jack. 0200. South. Close In 1 V4 BLOCKS TO CROSSTOWN CARLINE. Five-room cottage, all modern: paved street, south front. This is a well built house. Owner priced his home for a quick sale. Medium cash payment and small monthly. Price $3,760. For inspection call Mr. Roos, WA. 1667. R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. AT. 8531. 621-2 Securities Bldg. 27th & Poppleton Six nice, lsrge rooms on paved street. This home Is one of the best buys at $5,750 we have had for weeks. You can buy it on terms and have immediate possession. Call Mr. Tollver at RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. Evenings KE 1U86 Easy Payment. . $300 CASH, balance monthly; good, partly modern, neml-basement, 8 rooms, near 29th and Castelar. GIBBONS-STEEL, 410 Peter Trust Bldg. DO 6504. VISIT model home at 2821 S. 34th St. furnished hy Orchard & Wilhelm Co.. built by C. O. farlberg. Open week day 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. ; Sun., 2 to S p. m. Ralstnn Tjott ,200 up 8ma11 p,y- AVrtlSlUIl IJVia mtnt down; easy payments. Phone Stewart, Ralston, 10-W 2207 HOWARD House, not lot, 6 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, fine bath fixtures. Burhank, J A 1523. 33d Oak. 6 rms., mod.. $6,500: tms. A. 6260 Central. $3,130. rive-room cottage, strictly modern with hot water heating plant: one of those close In properties near 24th and Davenport streets. This is a real value and well worth the money. Call Mr. Hanson, WA. 1189, for terms, or office open to 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS, DO. 8380. 210 S. 18th. Ground Floor. Vacant. Clairmont Lot On Fontenelle Blvd.. south of Miami. One of the finest building sites in this beautiful addition. Trice $1,650 and worth It. Call Grant Benson, WA. 1580, evenings. Benson & Carmichael, 643 Paxton Block. AT. T540. Lots 4i acres. Fairacres. something fine. Lot 1, Block 18, Cedarnole. Lots southwest corner 45th Decatur, 60x130. World Realty Co., Douglas SJII. Sun Theater Bldg. L'AST front corner lot. it, blocks from Miller Park, $859. JA. 0564. .HsIAiELMIRVH:- VafAlit. vHXI.ri iti. !.', J r'm k-atifu til s4 .aaua tiaa, I aiu(r linuw. a i ihira k4iai'a. !' Iixi t-H, f i..l., K .-fc, la mil. I kuir ikta ".a tail ir ilum. M4- lil liKiia. K"l'i-a . i AT st.-l "" "iH " ' " i' atja f laiuiKMa A, kataaaa fnh e4 t.tli.M. Mnt al raiwu' r . I kttlU ' A r. t4. "" " iNrTYa i .;"! r ' H K. .... f airt .. It. !? I'alJ ! iu.i, Mil' tta Ale. i h..... 114, IM IrlVt; il..ul4 ai r4 ai4 f(ii tia I'im AMIil.ll 1MUA 4 4 l.i.l Sal llahk J - FINK bih auuiaT fi..n.."i7 !. "" II K. MAN Ml I K. Ii4li. AT !. H I'.iaia lix.i H 4f Cll.'l.'rt'r.ikart "lol,"4lH4 (mi, at tsit H.irn. IH.4, must Mil it vaca. i'i.K . , . . ActeiH. Kcal Acrcapo 15.nrp:ains"" I'.e ly a.r. in rhenlra sad frail, rhtipri ho.44, kal l-laein rollas. ("I l ha h'Ktt a !"" .iMlM.i.f r'foraa'o 1 1(4, a lal snati f ai.iie ana. H.fi ) I u tvtn coiuaa and ana e.'re af gmMit.t, !(. ihi.lt.fi h.a.a ..tia f. 1411, lour ka In far and r lm n4 I'a.fc; l.'.4r.h HI t44i It.U IVa.'h .f a a-rewnt liutijalnw. " lile i(ht and I'lieara, file tie f.uit. aliruhlwry, hi.'l4a Maa a4 at as:1, invvly fiifed, uraU4 rati f II.. rtaaf Htl'MI. 4 6S4i.auiilul l.rmnn lu". a m. hunaaiuw; heauiilul. ii.o: lai rhl ktra hauae. douhla sat4ta. all kinda of t.rarie( fruit ir. and biila: on. ut l ha ll bu.s In Ik ri.aa of ptorwriy m Umahfi $1 4a a. u kan.lla. Osborne Really Co., II" Pai.ia Tru.l lil.lt JA, I. If Miscellaneous. Bargain Homes Twice Below Tar $7.300 Fl.rim m.b'ie4lew. toal4 near Il.l and lrile avenu In Montclair. large living mom i'r froni. dining rem. kttchatt on lb first floor, fini.h'4 In oak. no dandy bedrooms and bath em l ha eei-ond floor, Oak fleora, white enamel fim.h. randy lot, paved streets, garag and rfrUa, t,9 clown, balance monthly. $$, 000 Sevan-room two 'ory alrlrllv modern hour In Miller park alia. net, targe living room, eunrwttn and kitchen on the first floee. built-in features, oak finish and nak flaors. three bedroom, and bath on th second floor, hard f'lii finish. Dandy south, front ot on pav4 stra.t, paving paid. ;.rsa and drive. $1,060 cash, balance monthly. $1,508 Slx-ruom strictly modern bunga low, ftv rooms and bath an lh first floor, finished In oak and one on the second, built-in fea ture., fireplace, bookcases, bollt in features In the kitchen heater, full cemented basement, every thine complete. Dandy east front lot on boulevard, all paid, gara and drive. Handle on reasonable terms. $T,8i0 Seven rooms, full two-story house, located near llanscom park, large ltlng room, aunroom, dining room and kitchen with built-in features on the first floor fin. Ished In oak. Thrse bedroom and aleeping porch and aunroom on tu second floor with oak floor and while enamel flnieh. Full cement basement, furnaco hent. corner lot, paved street all around, all psed. Oarage ! drive. Tart each, balance month 1. f 17,:00--Seven-ronm. full two-story strict ly modern house, located In th very cream of Dundee, three Urge room nsmely, living room, dining room, kitchen with built-in fea tures, oak finish and oak floora. four bedrooms and bath on th second floor, tile bath, oak floor finished in white enamel. F'ull cemented bssement, furnsc heat, ilandv double garage nd drive, paved street, all paid. Will Mil cn reasonable terms or discount for cash. Payne Investment Co. I 6S7 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 1781. BEAUTIFUL 7-roorc. home, built by owner who did not spare money or lumber. Oak floors and finish below, birch and white enamel above; 3 beautiful bed rooms and bath on second; full base ment; excellent hot water heating plant; south front, fine large lot; one block from business center of Benson and car. Price $4,760. $1,600 rash. Easy menthly payments on balance. It you re looking for a home in Dun dee you cannot go wrong In calling na and looking thl property over. Seven rooms; oak floors throughout; oak fin ish below, white ensmel above; 3 ex cellent bedrooms finished In white enamel; splendid sun room and aleep ing porch: large 2-car gsrsge; on car line; close, to school. Price $11,(00. $4,600 cash. Chas. W. Young & Son, 1602 City Nat. Rank. AT. 9661. Evenings, HA. 6051, DO. .4796.; High and Sightly Sunny and Bright Large east front, living room, sun room, east and. south exposure; doubl French doors, with beveled glass Into dining room; breakfast room, kitchen and butler's pantry: four bedrooms, large closets, tiled bath, attic, full base ment, construction of house cannot be appreciated unless seen; large corner lot. double garage. Gallagher & Nelson, 652 Peters Trust Bldg. JA 3382. Crash Boom Bang The price on this five-room, all mod ern home hit bottom hard this week. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedrooms and lath on first floor;floore attic; full cementea basement. It's a real home and a bargain at $4,009 with terms. Evenings phone Mr. Shaver, KE. S78. or Mr. Metcalfe. WE, 2775. . Equitable Trust Co. 1813 Douglas St. AT. 2941. ' WILL BUILD AND FINANCE YOUR NEW HOME. Our material and workmanship of beat quality. Come and look at some of our completed houses. Very reasonable costs. Bring your plans to us for estimates. HASTINGS AND HEYDEN, 1614 Harney fit. AT. t95. CAN BUILD YOU A HOME on small payment down and the balance like rent. Build to suit you and your rent money makes th payments. Can also furnish, you th lot. Call evenings. DO. 6947. New Bungalow Diamond as part payment. J A. SSSf. nononononononoi n S Easy Payment o Houses D o n o n o D o D o D o D o D o D o n 2531 N. 20th Street Good aig room modem house: near school and car line. 2823 Seward Street New four room, all modern bungalow. Yours for $300 cash, and bal ance monthly. 1706 N. 34th Street Very well built, 6 -room, modern cottage. Well worth the money asked. Evenings, call Webster $789, or Harney 0111. S Creigh Sons & Co. Established ISg Jackson 0200. 608 Be Bldf. ODODononononono We are prepared to loan money secured by first mortgages on farms through out eastern Nebraska, or on residences in Omaha. Immediate Action and Reasonable Rat. United States Trust Co. Affiliated with the United States National Rank Doug. 0297. 1612 Farnam St. r