t - I THE FEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1922. 10 Annual Drake Relay Games Largest in History of Big Event Many Western Teams Plan to Knler Meet Large .Niimlu-r of ILcr Aililnl tn Original Program Cim. Will lAtni.l Uv r Two-Day IVriotl. By FRANK LOOMIS. JR. World's Champion Hurler, Hit Mid aiirtg.d lirAe reUy will I. hv it the Kf,tlt oulJ'inr re meet that ltd ever been held by Hi .he university, ami i ruitnidrred tlie l4iKrt cut I.M.r irl.iy name t ihr vrrt. There lave Wren Urge number i event alliil l lf iiouul program Jiiilt will extend rr two days in tra.! of oil'. Ai'l ! and m. All vctern team are .lannnm on cnd ii H their quartet. ( runner and ,in-ial event per liirmer t IV d.iv instead of Fbank. . LfOAil.JR, M nine in tlu-e t'ttmpetitiK in me renntyivani . lay at I ranklin field on the Mine day. This action of conflict tW part when the western school were not considered, when they held the national college meet last June, by the eastern institutions, and Kenneth Wilson, athletic director of Drake, could not see any reason to give way to an eastern date. Des Moines Great Track City. The city of Des Moines is one of the greatest track cities to uphold this sport, and nothing will be left tnturntd to advertise the meet. The games have been overwritten by the irrrat Des Moines committee, and rain insurance will be carried so that each team will be insured for large part of its expenses rcgard vs of weather conditions. The relays are divided up into three sections, university section, college section and high school section. The universities will exchange batons in !. one-quarter mile, one-half mile, one mi!e. two mile and four-mile re lay, while the college section will cover in one-half mile, one mile and two-mile relavs. The high school lads will have two added relays ever the college section with the shuttle and medley relays. Nprrial Kvent. tn addition to the n-lay vnt I hem will b nln epecial eifnt- f"r lmll iilnnl nthl'lr o tak rir follow: mo yard dmh. 10 yard hlH hurdle. 440 yard lurdlo. ,hluh Jump, broad Jump, pole vault. lS pouiid .hot put, rtlxua throw, and Javfltn throw. Two aildd event. thl vear r the 440 yard hurdlea. and , the .print relay of 440 yard, for unlvcraltlea. Tho 440 yard hurdlo event la becoming more, popular .Ince the Olymple game.. a ml. event hna alwaya been held over there, but la apparently new to our hur dlea. Oua Pearh of Notre Paine. preen. r.. Ilunal champion, will be aent to the mark In till, event nnd hould have thhiKa hla own way. altHoUKh Tatteraon of Dra'w may give, tho Notro Dame atar a eloe lave. All leading teams of tho weatern eon. ference will have, their teams entered oa will moat of the Missouri Valley te.imt. Cnai-h Harry Olll of Illlnola haa a romll ruitlon of runnera that will ho hard to brat In the one-mile, two-mile, and four mil event, although the Ames quartet v.-h'ch defeated tho orange and blue in tho lyo-mile last eir, will be on hand to de fend their title. Tho Amea runners eet a reeord last year of 7:52 2-5 aeconds which will probably not bo touched. In the colleg aection the instUutioi'S do not gather from the distant schools,. al though 'Tug' Wilson has extended th in vitation to all .mall colleges In bJth Illi nois aid Nebraska In hopes of drawlna mom competition against the Iowa col- .Cffes. Kutrv blanks will be mailed on April 1 v itli tho rlo.lns time for entries on April IT. hls Is the fir. t tin largest .-uldjor .t of relay games-in the west R:1d is ;ilo ii5ii'ng of outdo ir track. Tccumseh to Vote on , Sunday Baseball Issue tccumseh. Neb., March 29. (Spe cial.) Baseball fans circulated a pe tition in Tccumseh and secured a number of signers asking the city council to submit the question of playing baseball on Sunday in Tc cumseh. at the regular spring elec tion, on April 4. Tccumseh is a closed Sunday town. At a special meeting of the council last evening, an ordinance was passed which will put the proposition on the ballots and submit it to the voters. . i Jayhawks Elect Captain ' Lawrence, Kan., March 29. raul Endacott, guard on this year's team, was elected captain of the University of Kansas basket ball five for next vear at the annual dinner given by the Athletic association here last night. Endacott is a junior engineer and his home is in Lawrence. Jack Sharkey Wins. New .York, March 29. Jack Sharkejv local bantamweight, was given the decision over Willie Spen cer at the end of their 12-round bout at the Pioneer Sporting club last .night. Golf Facts Worth Knowing Copyright. IMS. Q. What are tho specifications of tne standard ball? . There I no standard hall. There are certain limits within which ball for tournament play must conte. If It wW" us much as 1.6S ounera (aTO rdupola) , , it must be least I S Inches Id diameter. It can weigh more and be larger, or weigh less and bo smaller and tlll come within h spaciflcatloa. Q. Is ther a pen.lty If a player acci dentally drop a lub In a sandtrap In getting ready to play a stroke. A. Not unless the elnb hit the ball ur Improves the lay of It. Q Can a player sols a club on the sloping baph of a trap If th bank, is covered with grass- . Yes. Properly sneaking that la not a peat of th hasard. Q. Ar there any conditions under which a ball may be moved without pen rlty in a haiardf . . Yen, If it should happen to lie on or within a elub length of a drain cover or water pip or any tool or equipment ed In the upkeep of Ihe rmirr, that might haa accidentally been left there. It must he dropped In the hacard. Q. What is to be don where it is Im possible to drop a ball in a playable place when a condition arises, where the rules call foe It to be lifted and dropped? A. In sneh trem eases, the rale allow the bail t ba placed, not nearer the hole. If any eolf rules pintle yon, writ tho snorts editor of The Dee, enclosing stamped return envelop '3jsV , i .Record Out-State Entry List Expected in State Bowling Meet Lincoln Will Iv-id Mre than 0 Tram to Itif: FinTuur 1117 April 7 to 10, ImluMtc. Willi the entry it for the annual Nrtiroh t.Ut bowling tournament nheduled to cloe next .tiirday evenini. outtte and local tcim jre ilding the mail itli I'"" enirv Id.nU, The tourney d.te. arc .Vi.nl 7 t. 0. , AiiTdmii to heercury lurry t.i'l on, the Urue.t out-Mate entry lt ever recorded in a ttc tourney ill be tiled tin year. Town through out the utc that never More even figured on entering the tournament Willie Hoppc Loses Second Block of Match Jake Siliaefer Vina Second Day's Play in 18.2 Title . Tourney ly 300 to 186 Score. Chicago, March 29. Willie lloppe tcnight gave one of the gamcst exhi bitions of billiards in his long career, but was unable to overcome the spectacular playing of the champion, Jake Schaefcr. in their 1.500-point, 18.2 ballliiie match for the world's title. 'The second block of play ended with "Young Jake" still in the lead. 1,000 to 952. Schaefcr won last night's block. 5H) to 48o, which one time led his challenger .WO to 97. The champion started with rapid scoring runs of 157 and 14.1, which took the heart out of Hoppe's fol lowers, but only stiffened the back bone of the veteran, who as a boy in his 'teens nearly two decades ago, beat the world's greatest players. Hoppe's lips tightened perceptibly , as he sat m his corner watching i Schaefer's perfect work in the first I two frames, and when the challenger tailed to score in bis third inning the match appeared to be over. Schaefcr. however, weakened in the final frames and Hoppc came back with l.H in his sixth frame, passing Schaefcr in the next inning with a run of 167. At the start ot tonight's play Schaefcr was the Hoppc of last night. lie played with precision that was perfect, while Hoppe was very unsteady and the breaks were all against him. As the game progressed the luck shifted and the champion at one time seemed certain of defeat. Schaefcr left the balls in good position for his first shot tomorrow night, when the final 500 points of the match will be played. Schaefer 157. 1 4:1, 36. 18, S3, 27, 11. 58 500, f.OO 1.000. Average tonight, 62 H: grand average, 58 14-t". Hoppe 4.1, 64. 0. 71. 17, 134, 1B7 4SB. 466 952. Average tonight, 61 3-7; grand average, Wrestler Blinded by Fall in Mat Bout Spokane, Wash., March 29. Ivan Scimcns, 175-pound wrestler, suf fered a temporary dislocation of the vertebrae, resulting in blindness, when he was hurled on his head in the fourth round of a wrestling match with Tom Grant, 186 pounds, here last night. The referee award ed the decision to Grant. Lewis Flops Lfcitinen. Des Moines, March' 29. "Strang ler" Lewis successfully defended his world's championship wrestling title here last night by defeating in straight falls Armos Laitinen of, Fin land, European champion. Lewis won both falls with toe holds. The first came in one hour and 13 min utes and the second in three man utcs. Silver Bat and Ball Prizes for First Homer Reading, Pa.. March 29. William H. Luden of tin's city has donated a silver baseball and bat of regu lation size to the Reading Interna tionals to be awarded to the first player who drives the ball over the center field wall in an International league game at the local park. Luden also has donated $700 in cold to be awarded for home runs in the Inter national games scheduled for Read ing this season. Beatrice Signs Player9 for State League Team Beatrice, Neb., March 29. (Spe cial.) Several players . have been signed by the Beatrice league ball club among theni being Hollie Dull, pitcher, mainstay with "Stub" Life's semi-pro team last season: Y. H. Browning, catcher, who hails from Rushvillc, Mo.; Taylor Jackman and Keith Clark of last year's Filley club. Jackman is a pitcher and Clark an outfielder. Veterans Reports for Team Gothenburg. Xeb.. March 29. (Special.) With Holmes, Karr, Karlson, Haynes and Karskadon of last year's squad in suits again, the. .t.t . l. . v1 iwvii ius;.i cnuui lldltl ICdlll J1UI1- ses to gather in a few honors this season. The team is scheduled for four meets, beside being listed for the interscholastic pentathlon, in which, last year, they ranked sixth out of the 200 schools entered. Ren Aton and Harry Burke are coaches. Lincoln State League Manager Signs Players Three baseball youngsters, all am bitious to attain fame in the national game, have been added to the roster of the Lincoln State league club. Manager "Buck" Beltzcr hss an nounced the acquisition of "Cy" Wil liams, a pitcher from Giltncr, Xeb.; E. V. Gabriel, outfielder from Grand Island. Xeb., and Dewey Laws, Kearney, Xeb., pitcher. t'sve ent in their entry U.tih. to the secretary.' Mare than JO rut-ttate team will compete, Oi this number, 10 will epreent Lincoln. I'rohrn Row, Kejtrice, listings, Grand !Und. t-reiiiunt, Wahoo, Columbus. North Platte and Schuyler are among the state cnlriei. Tcnty-i Omaha team will enter the tournament. The Omaht rlh league, following the doe o( the loop lt night, entered two team. The Nebula Tower. L'nited States National Bank, First National Hank, l'uiveray Auto. Standard Oil, Armour, Keel Printing, Master Hakert, Banker Reserve, Whittle, Murphy-Uid-ltt, Federal Kfterve and Krug Special will be among the late entries. Baseball Dates for 1922 Season Kollewlnf at date iii th ma baseball rtriuiii; th open and rloelni Jor and, minor leagu Opeoing .... April 11 ... April 11 ....April 11 i... April l ...April 11 ....April 4 ...April 11 ...April 14 ....April tn ....April 14 ... April II ... May 1 ... Mar t ....April 1 .... April 14 ....April 17 ....May IS ...May 14 tprll S (Inelltf Hate, Oct. I Oct. I Oct. Kept, it Kept. M Orl. IS Mrpt. 14 Kepi. 24 Keil. 4 Kepi. II Kept. 4 Krpl. 4 Nepl. 4 Kept. 4 Sept. 14 Kept. Kept. 4 Kepi. 4 Kepi. 4 Aug. Kept. 4 National , Amertrait Ameetra Ami, InteraaitonHl ... Soulhrra Awn., I'aelfle oal.. M Mlrrn r-lera., etrra) Awn,. Teiaa , hoilIN Allanllr.. Mlrhlcan-Ont... Meatern Int.... tlrainla l'lJinon4 Appalachian..,. niua itiuge klly tMiiithwealern,,., Klorlda Mat.., Ml.ab.lppl tal. ...April a ...May I Farmers at Columbus Protest High Taxes Columbus, Neb., March 29. (Spe cial.) Discussion of the taxation question of the Platte county Farm ers union resulted in the adoption of resolutions as follows: Whereas, This state and this coun- ' ty arc burdened with a greater load ! of taxes than ever before in their his- tory, be it Resolved. That vrp rfrm.'itul o full day's work and an honest days work for every dollar of public money e.v pended either on road work or else where; we demand that no state of ficer at Lincoln nor any county of ficer at Columbus be allowed to em ploy at public expense any deputv unless it is impossible for a full qualified officer to fulfill all the du ties of his office during reasonable hours. Ortego Matched to Fight Mike Gibbons St. Paul, Minn., March 29. Bat tling Ortego and Mike Gibbons, mid dlewcights, have been" matched to meet in a 10-roud no-decision con test here April 8, it was announced today. "j ' Dentists Organize Cluh in Western Nebraska Sidney, Neb., March 29. (Spe cial.) The Western Nebraska Den tal Study club was organized in Sid ney, embracing dentists from North Platte west and from Scottsbluff south, for the purpose of studying improved methods and new develop ments in connection with dental practice and to improve the know ledge and technique of dentists. The following were elected offi cers: Dr. A. B. Kerns, Scottsbluff, president: Dr. R. E. Witham, Sidney, vice president; Dr. M. E. Pcttibonc, Sidney, secretary-treasurer. The club started off with 15 mem bers. The next meeting is to be held in Sidney in October, y Oshkosh Girls After Post-Season Games Oshkosli, Neb., M arch 29. (Spe cial.) The girls' basket ball team of the Garden County high school has played 10 games, most of which have been with superior towns, and have won every game. . At no time have they been in danger of losing the decision, with one exception, and that was with the Alliance high on March 3. The girls would like to 'play a post-season game with some other high school team in the west ern or central part of the state to de cide the championship of that part of Nebraska. All inquiries will be answered. a Grand Island Brunswicks Win City Pin Honors Grand Island. Neb., March 29. The Brunswick bowling team not only won out in the city champion ship scries of ganes arranged by the six leading teams of the city, but has settled any doubt by defeating the Lyda which, though participat ing in the organization of the series, did not play its games, on account of the sickness of its members. After the series had been played and. tiie members of the team had recovered the Lydas challenged the champions, but the result w-as three straight victories for the Brunswicks. Shenandoah High-Athletes Awarded Cage Monograms Shenandoah, la., March 29. (Spe cial.) Basket ball "S"s" have been awarded to seven members of the Shenandoah high school basket ball squad. The players who will get the. letters are Stibbs, the GJassgow brothers. Hunter, Boyd, Tompkins and Dunbar. Select Pershing Stadium Paris, March 29. Pershing sta dium was definitely accepted today as the site for holding the . 1924 Olympic games, thus ending the deadlock over the question that has existed since last July. Postpone Ball Game San Francisco, March 29. A second postponement was necessary today of the Chicago Xational-San Francisco coast Icagx baseball game here. Wet grounds made piay ing impossible, Coach Dawson to succeed Fred Luehringj Xelraka I'ootball Mentor Will Take 0,er Athletic Directorchip fr In ilefinite lVriol. Lincoln, Neb,, March 2"). (Special Telegram.) Coach rtd T. Dawson, dean of men and acting athletic' di rector at the L'niver.ity o Nebraka, will take over I he actual athletic di icctnr.hip and will continue in that capacity for in inJifiiiit-f period. Thin announcement was made by Chancellor Avery this morning. A dean of men Mr. Dawson will take over a portion of the work which Executive Dean Carl C. Lng berg lias been handling. 1 'hoc two ofticials are now working out a plan whereby their officiil dj.i. s shall be ;paratrd. The work of the athletic direc tor's office w ill be carried on by cap- ; able assistants during the periods 1 when Athletic Director Dawson is ! busy with his football team. X. T. t Chaddrrtou has been assisting in the I office since F. W. Luehring left. ' Coach Dawson plans to open 'spring football practice as soon as the Dusker baseball team arrives i home from its southern trip. The , work will be intensive ami Coach j Dawson plans to devote practically all of Ins time to his prospective c'cvcn' ' State League Given Class "D" Ranking Auburn, X. Y., March 29. Secre tary John H. Farrell of the national association of professional baseball clubs, yesterday announced that the application of the Western league for an increased salary limits has been denied by the national board of arbitration. The board voted that the franchise and players of the Joplin (Mo.) club in the Western league had been transferred to Denver, Colo. The Nebraska state league lias qualified for class D rating with thc following territory: Lincoln, Nor folk, Beatrice, Fairbury, Hastings and Grand Island, Xeb. C. J. Miles of Grand Island has been elected president. Today in Ring History Thirty-Three Tear Ago. .Tack Ashlon knocked out Joo Lannon, Stillwater. R. I.. 19 roumla. Twenty-Seven Years Ago. Jimmy Barry against Ca.-per Leon, draw, Chicago. 14 rounds. Twenty-W Tears Ago. Young Orlffo (Abert Griffiths), won. from Eddie r:urry. New York, 10 rounds, sixteen Years Ago. Mlka Donovan knocked out Kid Burns, Rochester. N. Y five rounds. eleven Year Ago. I.esch Crosa (Dr. I.ouis :. Wallack), knocked out Jo Bedell, New York, two rounds. Five Years Ago. Speedball Haydcn won from K. O. Olll, Columbus. K. M.. six rounds. Four Years Ago. Soldier Bartfleld (Jacob Bartfeld), against Jack McCarron, no decision, Tnll ndelphla, six rounds. Strand Sunday GLORIA Swartson in 'Her husband's fTRADEMARKj She wear at the best dressed wo man in New York forty gorgeous gown creation the last word in fashion. Attention Piano Buyers Before you purchase vy-our Piano or Phono graph, get our low prices and easy terms. Schnoller & Mueller 1514-16-18 f Prion Dedf.St. rlSnO lsV Douf.t23 : iP Barney Burch Releases Catcher. Three Pitchers Victoria, It, March 2. (ipe. rial Telegram.) The Cialveston Sanderab will be guest of the Omaha UufTaloet here (or two day, Thursday and Friday, at Kiovista park. Harucv P.unh today stalled bis pring eh aning of the squad He Kiit Catcher Koch of Victcna. Pitch er Bowman, Treon and Noddy; In fielder Waiie and Outfielder Amen, with "Buck' Mapleton. manager of the Greenville club of the Mississip pi State league. Pitcher Smith, who was recently released bv Ittirch, liat already reported to the Green wood team of the same league. In fielder Obst drew hi unconditional release yesterday and left immediate ly. Jeljtn.i has been turned back to the Henryctta (Okl.) cluh. Amen'a place in left field will be filled by llermauu, secured from the Detroit Tigers, who have been in spring training at Augusta, (la. This athlete has the reputation of being a hard hitter and good fielder. Mike Finn left this morning for Little Kock, Ark. Before leaving le announced that Pitcher Stokes would join the squad at San An tonio. Stokes has been working out with the Toledo (O.) club which is doing its spring training at Bristol, Tenn. The Omaha squad is chuck full of confidence since its d frat of the New York Giants' Vannigans. The pitching start' has been welded into a corps of hurlcrs that is sure to be second to none in the Western 'eague. Drugmann. Uauingartner, Okric. Cofliudotfcr, "Wigington and TWO DAYS MORE TOM MIX "The Leather Pushers" in ''Chasing the Moon" - . ."' i tV -. r . , COMING SATURDAY, Ralph Connor's Stirring Story, "Cameron of the Royal Mounted" At 11-1-3-5-7-9 We Swear we've never screened greater photodrama, a more mag nificent creation, than Smiling MATINEES Until 6:15, 35c NIGHTS 700 Seats, 40c Main Floor, 50c; Boxes, 60c Strand Orchestra Harry Silverman, Director Offering an Unusual Program Miss Beryl Burton Artistic Singer Dorothy Chenoweth Harpist of De Lone Harp School "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" I Mat. and Nit Today Good Rcs'v'd Seat, 50c tiu iha-H..allv sueeoMful Offorlna IOE .fST TZT TATI musical HURTIG'S a a - - - au JRLESK wim tii HI I hit SL Cnanrer i Dtaclat Woadtn !"""' Potltlnly tht Fiitnt Show la Burlnk. ! Bit Beauty Choro. . LADIES' TICKETS. I3C-2SC EVERY WEEK DAY 1 Bst. Mat. m: ' The Brni Ton Girli" Win j Barrr and Doualia. I Bee Want Ads Produce Results. mm and Three Fielders W ilson, and I'-urth liime!f. wiH be well able to take taie vt the pitch .tu burden lr the IturTalue tint yfr, Ihe entiie squad enjoyed a full day's re today and will go out and do battle with the lialve.tnian to morrow afieruoon and Hblav alter noon, these tuo game, torn hiding their tay here. South Dakota Loop ' Gets Three Omahans Three Omaha ball player who have performed mi ninny league, in previous years will play this season in the South Dakota State league. They are Clitf Hogg, outfielder: Kay Maxfirld, pitcher, anil F.ddic Trum nier. All were with the Wateriown club in the Dakota league last year. M E ATm TODAY t 13-7 and 9 Prices 50c few, 75ci bog, l WALLACE REID ELSIE FERGUSON in the Paramount Picture, "FOREVER" The greatest story of love the screen bat ever known. ALL SEATS RESERVED 1 Now Showing 'mm CJiACXlAX ',( m vfttmaMi Matinee Daily 2:15 Every Night o:!S William Gaxton And Company In "Kisses" Cameron Sisters Madeline Dorothy "A Study in Rhythm" Emenoa and Baldwin Ed Allen Pretente TAX IE - Leo Flanden and Ggiwt Boiler JacK tudTtiiU Glotoa HARRY PELF Toalci ol Day: Amop'i Fabli: Patha Ntwt MatiDui, ISo to Mo; wail 75o and $1.00 Sat. and Sua. Night. ISo to JI.W; lomo SI.2S Sat, and Sun. Today'a Winner ot Two Free Seat I Auto No. 8,197 Viudevilfe&Ptctunt mm wo shows it ote. NEW SHOW TODAY MARY MILES MINTER "Her Winning Way" The story of a man who was painfully shy and a girl who was not. EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION "Wild Men of Africa" Series No. 4, "The Land of the Pygmies" IN OBAN of the, taPY LETTY CArcstie Comedy BOBBY VERNON mHokusPokus 7arrt7?rader and Acs Srnphorr Players. Johnson at the oian EMPRESS NEW SHOW TODAY Three Days More HAMLIN A MACK ALEXANDER FIELDS ,n in "The Two Recerda" "Two of the Idle Rich" WINTON HAP A BROTHERS MARY HAZARD n in "On Time" "Watth Yeur Step" Groceries In Thursday's Sale K.rr Green Tshlt fure Miiple Piiiar, flavor, tn gallon eaii. at....-lf)t Gallon C'ni Corn 8rup t, per run 15 Pel Monte tUliuou. r cm, tt ,. IS-o. fan rUrdiiir in tomslO lauca ,.."St t Cans Sardines in Oil. on sals for Ii3t Large Cans I'eacbes in rup, each 231 folder's Tomato Soup. at ir tun 0 Apple lllojinoiii Milk. 16- o can & l-3 Curtis Olive', lilue Mbel. on sate nt Velio. utone or Winilmlll rreapTve., anftorleil flavors Jar IM) 10 lb. Wtdtt or Yellow Com Meal 10t tor., l'kg. Macaroni or f-'pagbctt), for ....7!it 3 lbs. Choice. Lima Deans on sale fur i!5 Fancy Dlue Ross Hire. per lb ',; Toilet Soap, assorted, per bar at It -lu. Sack D. II. Flour. at per hack ....$1.85 2Mb. Sack Rye Flour. at per sack 70 C4-lb. Sack. Wheat Gra ham Hour 80s 1Mb. Sack Rye Graham Flour, rer sack .... 70 Imported Tapioca, at, per lb. 10 10 lbs. rure Guaranteed Sugar for 5Dt Fruit Dept. 01R FRUT i M.UV.. T .4M.fi 31 AKKKP, THE TALK OF OMAHA Freeh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, each 8 k " Fancy Cucumbers, each at 15c Green Onions or Radishes, at per buncb lie Fancy Green or Wax Beans, lb. 30c Fancy Green Cabbage, per lb., at 3c Cauliflower, lb. 15c Extra Fancy Egg riant, each, at 25c Large Stalks California Celery, each- 10c Spinach, extra fancy, per peck, at 35c Sweet Potatoes, lb. 5c Solid Head Lettuce, at, each 10c Nebrsaka Grown Potatoes, per peck, at 35c Large Soup Bunches, each, at 5c Choice Box Apples for Thursday, only ' $2.39 Cooking Apples, lb. Grape Fruit, large size, at, each 10c DRIED FRITTS OF ALL KINDS Thompson's Seedless Hal sins, lb. 23c Choice Italian Trunes, per lb., at 17 k Fancy Shelled Pop Corn, per lb. 3 k Choice Muir Teaches, per lb., at 20c 15-oz. Pkg. Seeded Rai sins, each 12 k Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per lb., at 12 k 10-ox. pkg. Excelsior Dates, per pkg. 10c Fancy Washed Brazil Nuts, lb. . 15c Shoes In Thursday's Sale 1.0MIVHMIDE run, ii w Women's Huede rum pi la brunn. black and may leather, trimmed wiih (iondyear melt nolea. All Uea and widths ft urn A to ' These pump for merly sold at 17.00, while lucy last, at- S1.9S WOMi.N'S KID OXKlKDS, U Women's Fine DU-k Kid Oxfords and one and to straps, with beat quality oak soles and Cincinnati made. Size from 3 to s $3.50 HOYS III I niLKS, at c--V.il Boys' brown Bluchers and bills. Goodyear stitched. SUes 1 to 6',i. at $2.50 March Wall Paper Sale At 29c Roll New tapestries, 6ft neu tral shades on fine stock; with latest borders and bands. At lie Roll Bedroom paper, in plain, stripe, floral stripe and chintz patterns. Sold with new cut-out borders. At 5c Roll An assortment ot light and dark papers for any room. Sold only with borders. SPECIAL At 24c Roll 30-luch new blended har monella, color fast; beau tiful papers, in rose, blue, brown, gray and green and brown with latest decora tion. For your best rooms. Quality Meats Regardless of Price Choice Native Sirloin Steak, lb: 25 Choice Native T-Bone or Porterhouse, lb. ..33J Choice Native Shoulder Steak, lb 12'2 Choice Native Rib Botl- ing Beef, lb. ....... 5 Choice Flank Steak.. 18 Pork Chops, lb 20 Cone Leaf Lard, lb.. lit First Quality Sugar Cured Skinned Ham ....35t Fancy Tub Creamery Butter, lb ....35 Just received Another shipment of the welt known Smlthfield Tlrgiiiia Hams. 1 Coffee and Tea Specials for Thursday Our Famous Golden Cof fee, per lb. 25c 4 lbs. for 90c Diamond II Blend Cof fee, lb. 33 k Haydcn's Ankola Blend, per lb., at 40c Breakfast Cocoa, lb. 8 k Our Best Ceylon Tea, per lb. 69c Gun Powder Tea, lb. 37c