Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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. i
:v er
South Side
lirkf City AY us
Man Is Shot Iiv
Mate After Words
Over Groceries
Uutband Sit Down on I'orch
Following Quarrel Wife
Gets 1'iVtul and Wound
tit r'. V ... h iM i tli rtVe
iif lha tt'Uut toiinitiMiwitf fnf n
tiMIIliUA lr nUlllli I'a Jil'ltfC,
T lift IMIttijiM'nlk'Ttt motor,
vie iia,t f iha depart in'M
i 10 hritiii oiiriiuii c4iiit miter!
Ml Uellll'U-titH nt (tuilday.
Itrkrna rtimUii( CMrlee H,
ril'ltrilK. rUlri vt 111 I'MMUII v
ilalUnlirr company, ttn h l.n Ii
for ill nt rrk, riri4 Iki
1'iiivinjr )eienUy.
Asl Jntiltr lr William OeiwU
rim ii, 51, jjiiimr nt Cumeniua evhunl,
uii-. vostotJjy murium at ln hum
at n.'. Hotitii i:iiih!r tidi tnrrt, af-ti-r
a lung illnra.
U'kIimi I. roup lli'ail Sainwl -Kw
fttxriMiri tons rlt-hlnl Imirman of
lirouti & of lmiKl.i I'ouMiy t No.
I. AtnerU-an IsKiiin. at the rli)n
of i.rtiicr Monday nlslil.
"CiiIIik Msl'l Mum" Annual
Voili-aa nlisht how" mill eivtn
at the I'nivinwiiy (lull Thurmliiy
nlshi, amnlng nt I;I5. liti"r
bn m rvfJ atul ilnm lng Mill follow t ti
f iiiiTiaiiimrni.
T Nf t'anmui I'lay J'rter Tier
nard hltin.'. of Hi. Mary Man
Oitlftie church, la in itmka a, lour of
Kiiiiipo ami are III ' Tttin I'lay"
nt filiiTamiiiiMKnu. lit) m-cured p
luri yrtril.t'.
KIIU loo IUti n. l-cVey, :h
Crown I'tiini necniie, ilfioaill 100
nil lull wait Health ContmlMlnni'r
I'lnlo )mttrUiiy. plai-lng liiiiiai-lf at
tin. top f ilia litt In tlx rat-killing
Sxiwlrnt Cut Ihmn Juilga Wap
pli'li rprfwii-d Ida Ix-llef tlml apert
vr ii m lplng rut clown. when con
front"! with only two turn rhiircil
with tho caenxo In court yesterday
sliaiiitiiii iiM" jil--lhn J.
Woimn in Omaha
May Smoke in I'ublic,
Police Head's Ruling
John Jackson. SO, ' street,
packing houe worker, wai 1iut aii'1 woumlrj at lut Iioiiic at
) yritrljy aliriimn by lui wile,
Anna, witli ..W calibcr revolver, at
mult ol quarrel.
The injured man w ruiliol to
St. Jofph hotpital ljr I'oliee Cap
tkin lirikin, where it wj auml that
the bullet had enterei the abdomen.
Jackum U il to be in a ncrious
Jackson Make Statement.
Jatknon Muted to police that he
liad been titling on the front itircli
of hi home, after having had an
altercation with hi wife and that
hhe came out and ahot him without
warning. Aflrr he a khot he ran
to the corner of Thirtieth and V
ktreets and aauk to the sidewalk.
Captain of J'olii e llriK and of
f:rcr Jackmau and L'rhanec answered
a telephone call reporliiiK the shoot
il'g. and when they arrived at titc
Jackion home found Mrs. I.ukon
nittinjf calmly in the kitchen ol t;ic t;ip through thr rnm
The woman stated lo polire that
the had given her hu-band 55 yes
terday morning at 8:J' to get some
meat and groceries ami that lie
came home at 3 yesterday afternoon
without the groceries and refused
lo give an accounting oi what lie
did with the money.
Unintentional, Says Woman.
"I upbraided Jiim for not" getting
the meat and groceries," gaid Mrs.
Jackson, "and he failed to make any
excuse, but went out and sat uown
on the porch. I got tnv revolver
and intended to fire a shot to scare
him, but 1 Miot a little too high,
never did intend to shot the ma'
Mrs. Jackson was taken to South
Side police station and charged
with - shooting to wound and later
was taken to central station wncre
she will be held pending the out
come of her husband's injuries.
llfia is nothing l prevent
Ouuli womeii (loni smoking. lv
lue tommiMioiirr Uunn saij yes.
terdjy, eouiiiieniin on tn recent
order cf New York police lo prevent
women there from smoking in pub.
"There it no ordinance in Omaha
to prernt women from smoking ifl
public. be said, "and I see no rea.
nn for suth a law. ohkh have
the right lo vote. Why should they
not have the right t smoke f
1'lans for an tlaliorattly (iiriiiched
women's smoking room In the new
Wei Id theater w rre divulged yctr.
dav. The "Kgjptian room, as it
wilt be called, it lo be furnUhed
with wicker chair and dainty little
claret UMi.
Iowa College Head
Talks Here on Farmer
Sympathy for the farmer in
every actixity thould be felt by all
bittine men, declared R, A. Tear,
son. Ames. a., president of the Iowa
state college ol agriculture, at
public affairs luncheon at the Chain-
ber of Commerce ycnterday noon.
itttended hy a large gathering ol
Ames alumni and Omaha business
men. '
"The prosperity of the nation de
pend upon tne prosperity eti tne
farmer." Mr. Pearson declared.
"When the buying power of the
Slinniinii. nitorney. In leaving on uj farmer is lowered there is a general
Two Youths Bound Over
on Boxcar Theft Charge
Bert Miller, 4W8 South Twenty
fourth street, was released, and
Joseph Kirschbaum. 5450 South
Twenty-fourth street, and Ben
Tangeman, Twenty-sixth and Gil
more, were bound over, to the grand
jury on $500 bonds each, on a box
car theft charge, following a hearing
before United States Commissioner
Boehler yesterday.
The youthful trio, who range be
tween 16 and 18, were arrested for
stealing 20 sacks of sugar from a
Rock Island car at Albright.
Mrs. Sophia Smith and Mrs. Cath
erine Petchler of the Good Eaters'
cafe, 2521 Q street, ar said to have
received the stolen property. They
were released on their own recognizance.
thi'er-wei'kH' Ininlnc-m ami iilenmirt-
lli Will Vlflt
I New York -lt.v. Washington ami Jit-
oy City. X. J wlu-m ins moiner
now resides.
Wiiiiim Cunt met Cmiivhtl John
IL Corncm, need farnti r of Auburn.
Neb., in necking the ranrdlMtlnn of
n wiles contrnet for I15.0U0 worth of
Mook in tho Crow Tiro and ltublier
compnny In a ult filed In the dlsirh-t
lourt yenterdny.
Iu IiiKano HiM-plinl William lllih
ter. former oiimha grain m i, con
virted of foigliig hllli of lading, has
been removi-d from Ht. Herimrd hos
pital. Coiinell BliirfH, to Hip utate hos
pltai for the Insane at Lincoln.
Sent to Juvenile Court Six or tho
seven high wlmol hoys nrreiteil Mon
dnv. charged with stealing automo
liilc. were turned over to tho
Juvenllo authorities yeoterdny. The
Fevenlh. Ralph Anderfon. 20, 2215
.Mason street, was lined $25.
Husband Leaves llotiM' Mrs.
Fannie W. Hushes. 273 Fontenelle
boulevard, tiled suit for divorce
agatiiFt Walter J. HuRhes. broker, in
dixtri.'t court yesterday. Phe charg
ed that he packed up and waiKen
out or tne nouso rcunmrj . mm
tho remark he would never return,
Abandons Wife and
Five Little Children
(In Christmas dav two vcars ago,
Rudolph Gcrling left his wile and
five small children here and went
1n Hermanv.
Months went by but the cnunrcn
Hid nnt see their father. Mrs. ucr-
ling got only letters in which her
husband asked lor money so n
could start a business in Germany.
Instead of sending money as otten
as requested, Mrs. Gerling brought
suit tor divorce in nismn wuii jra
terday and charged her husband
with desertion.
The children are Emma, 13; hditn.
11; Hulda, 10; Herman, 8, and
Carl, 6.
il-crra;c of hitsiitc in all lines.
When the farmer i able lo buy
there I an increase ol business.
"Ail lines of business should be
interested in what the farmer is do
ing, how n'nl what he is producing
and the prices he is getting for his
produce, lor all these things have
their reaction upon commerce.
M. J. Riggs, Toledo. O., president
ot the Ames alumni association, in
a short address pointed out the value
of the St. Lawrence waterway to
the middle west and its need of sup
Leo Bozcll Talks
Leo I!. Dozcll. secretary of the
Omaha Real Instate board, former
city editor of an Omaha newspaper,
lectured heiore the lournahsm class
at the Central Mit'li school. Ilis
subject was "I'hc City Editor."
Mrs. E. J. Alex and Raymond A'cx
were severely cut and bruised, and
Miss Catherine Marsolek was badly
shaken up when the automobile in
which they were riding with P.
Welch collided headon with a light
delivery truck driven by Joe Vam
. acka, 2712 M street, at Fifty-first and
Q streets at 8 Monday evening. All
the occupants of the Welch car live
at 4616 South Thirty-fifth street. The
injured persons were taken home.
ICo arrests were made.
Mrg. E. J. and Ravmond Alex
i . .
Are Injured in Auto Crash foy McKelVie to bpeak
at Lions' Club Banquet
With the attendance so large that
it was found necessary to bring in
extra tables to accommodate the
members and their guests, the last
luncheon of the Lions' club to be
given under the auspices of the
March group, ;of which Cub W. C.
Ramsey was chairman, passed off in
a frolic of fuiV and frivolity at Hotel
Rome yesterday.
Gov. S. R. McKclvie will be the
principal speaker at next Tuesday's
luncheon, it was announced by V.
C. Hascall, chairman of the April
group. .
Mayor Dahlman Receives
Handsome Floral Basket
Mayors of all the large cities of
the country were presented with a
handsome "basket of flowers each on
request of an action taken at the
nntmn al convention of the Florist
Telegraph association which met last
week at Indianapolis.
Mayor James Dahlman was pre
sented af basket of flowers by L. M.
Rogers, local florist, on request, by
telegraph, of the Indianapolis con
vention, and the bouquet still adorns
the mayor's desk.
South Side Brevities
A. W. Jones, Insurance all kinds, lowest
posalbl rates. .
Bankruptcy Suit Filed
Against Monitor Company
Involuntary petition of bankruptcy
was filed against the Monitor Pub
lishing company, yesterday in fed
eral court by the Watcrs-Barn-hart
Printing, company and the Bak
er Bros: Engraving company. Judge
Woodrough appointed Earl A. Ed
wards receiver.
. Property of the publishing' fom
pany is listed at $700 in the petition,
which alleges the Monitor owes the
printing firm more than $5,240 and
the engraving firm $299.
Rev. John Albert Williams and
George H. W. Bullock are partners
in the Monitor Publishing company.
Mistake in Lowest Bid
Causes Rejection of All
City Commisisoner Joseph Kout
sky of the public improvement de
partment will not accept Jthe bid of
$35,600 submitted Monday by the
Omaha Sewer Construction company
for he construction of a sewer along
Sixteenth street,' he said yesterday.
He was told by a representative of
the company that a mistake had
been made in figures, making the bid
too low. The other bids submitted
were to high, according to the com
missioner. r ...
Introduce Construction
Figures iu Skinner Suit
Harry J. Bishop of Kansas City,
construction chief in . building the
Skinner packing plant, was on the
stand at yesterdays hearing of the
Skinner-Dold suit in federal court.
He detailed extensive construction
figures. ,
The hearing on an injunction to
cancel the Dold contract to operate
the plant will continue the rest of
the week, it was saiL
Widow Seeks Damages
for Loss of Her Husband
Mrs. Minnie Goldman, widow of
Andrew L. Goldman, who was killed
in a railroad yard accident at Falls,
City, Neb.. June 13, 1921, brought
suit for $25,000 damages against the
Missouri Pacific railroad, in federal
court, yesterday. Four minor chil
dren were left without support,' she
states. Goldman was 51
All Work Guaranteed
1513 Douzlss. 11. Dens. 858S.
Darkens Beautifully and Re
stores Its Natural Color
and Lustre at Once.
Common garden sage, brewed into
a heavy tea, with sulphur ana alco
hol added, will turn gray, streaked
and faded hair beautifully dark and
luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea
and Sulphur recipe at home, though,
is troublesome. An easier way is to
get the ready-to-use preparation, im
proved by the addition of other in
gredients, a large bottle, at little
cost, at drug stores, known as
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound, no one can tell, because it
does it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, takine one small strand at a
time, by morning all gray hairs have
disappeared. Alter another applica
tion or two your hair becomes beau
tifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuri
ant and you appear years younger.
Radium Great
Flesh Builder
Is Lack of Radium in the Blood the
Secret of Anemic
Clinical reports from time to time have
gnen marked emphasis to the tonic effect
of the radium rays scientifically confined
in sugar of milk for internal use. Many
of these reports are so startling as to make
it a question if radium is not an integral
factor in life itself. Take for example the
patient of a Chicago doctor who placed a
time limit on life of one to two weeks. H
was a case of pernicious anemia and yet
under these little radium tablets the pa
tient gradually improved to complete re
covery. There is no telling what this mar
velous element can do. There is no tell
ing what it may accomplish. - Certain it is
that not being a drug, not capable of do
ing any harm, it still remains for the fu
ture to learn if this wonderful radium is
the very essence of what we call health.
For the first time in history these ra
dium tablets are now available for anyone
who, lacking the vim and nerve force to
ward off anemic conditions, may regain
their weight and consequent health. The
table:s are put up under the name of Nil
radium and are sold by leading druggists
at S1-S0 per vial containing 210 tablets.
It is the only tablet containing genuine
radium, so be sure to get Nuradium. They
are sold by Beaton Drug Co Green's Phar
macy. Haines Drug Co. and Sherman
MrConnell. - . '
( TheValue of Health
i Health is priceless. It is absolutely
necessary to success, and it can be
easily obtained. Let a competent
! Chiropractor see that your spine is
" in perfect alignment and let him
keep it so. Consultation and spinal
analysis are free. Lady Chiropractor
in attendance.
i Drs. Curren & Curren I
i Rooms S-6 Weed Building 9
i 18th and Farnam "
s , - Phones Res, KE 3739 . . "
? Office, AT 7945
z: . " - .
Radiophone Fans'
Rights Championed
The somewhat chaotic condition
of radiophone affairs recently took
a turn toward the light when the
United States government stepped-in
nd told amateurs that their rights
would be fully protected and they
would be given ample opportunity
to carry on their hobby.
The Radio - Corporation of New
York, according lo recent announce
ments, will sell all radiophone equip
ment manufactured in this country.
T j J t -II 1 ... .
us ucaicrs win De in most cities to
serve the public with all kinds of
radiophone apparatus. A local elec
trical supply concern will soon be
appointed to supply the needs of
Omaha radio fans. Adv.
1000 $ 3.25
5000 12.75
10000 22.50
$ 3.30
. 12.50
. 20.00
1000 BILL HEADS. 3.25
1000 CARDS . 3.00
1000 POST CARDS. 6.00
MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Send for Samples. We specialize In Office and
Factory Forms and Stationery. QuslrtyHIQHEST-Prlces always the LOWEST.
UrAUrD f-DID DCCC MANUFACTURING 707 Baltimore Avenue
WEAVfcK-oKltK rRt55 stationers Kansas city. mo.
Charges Fraud Used
to Get Citizenship
ritriit Judge will ddde
Monday whether Hryl Ffldnun
fraudulently obtained liil fcond
emcnhip papers.
The fovrrameiit. through A. II.
Bidf, rtaminfr, foniftied 1 1 Idman'e
right id cituenthip in a luring In
fort trar yokrdjy itcntopn, and
attempted U show tluemgU scumI
wituenri that IVIJmmii did uot con
lempUif hringinK his wile la lhi
country after he gt hit riiifn.lup.
Imicid of bringing Hi wife to
this country, Ffldnun married sgain.
It was upon this action that gov
eminent cfficMl got Interfiled ndCJI.trt
alter an investigation learned Hut LIKS 10 lAdlSC DUllCIing
tne mi airs, i tinman ni uroire
lt come o ibis country.
FcMnian staled that h firtt It
did. not want lo come lo Onmha.
Fund by Sale of Bonds
It i claimed thai of the 50,f,fXf1
girls and w mcn in the I'nited M4ie.
cne-half ire married.
Ciiuha r iU l4n M nil JI.tKM'.t-M
ttprih tf 6 tr rent !irt tiwrtg
h.nd April .'4 ia to rfl a lf
lory thih building at I.ighirruth
iii'd lWge sum. milling t, an
tiiiuiwrturiii l.y V her l Netnn,
gund raalted mhi. r'''d4y. No'
lni ihiiiiIhi ol lt. J lit i! Ik-
sohtiiej la buy thr Ikiud. whu't
ill he in ilrmtiniHtikms tl f .'l'.
fl(. f !. ,ml , f.Miitt,
?te 'Want
fit I Iris,
Ad Art Ptisiiir
everybody!? store
A Very Special Offering for Wednesday
Women's Sport and Tailored Suits
In a Great Variety of Styles and Fabrics .
Just GO of these garments,
purchased from one of the
better manufacturer, are of
fered nt a remarkable saving.
Suits for all occasions are in
cluded. Tweeds Tricoline
Mixtures I'oirct Tu ill
Strictly tailored models,
fcmi-tailorcd blouse jackets,
and box coats silk lined
In Three Groups
Burittt-Nath Suit ShopThird Flesr
Was It Named the
There are two good reasone:
First: It fa so easy to oper
ate, and does the work ao rapid
ly and efficiently that it seems
to take but "One Minute" to do
the average washing.
Second: After you have ?sen
a demonstration of the "One
Minute," i't'will take you but
"One Minute" to realize the su
periority of its features over
those of other makes. -Come
in tomorrow for a .
demonstration; it does not
obligate you to buy.
Priced at
$79.50 to $128.50
Terms Arranged (or
Your Convaniaaee
Burf tas-Nash Fourth Floor
Wednesday "500 Yards
Aeroplane Cloth, 69c Yd.
A highly mercerized case
ment cloth of pongee color
that closely resembles silk
pongee. An ideal material
for window drapes and
hangings. 33-inch width.
We advise prompt response
to this unusual value. Mail
and phone orders will be
given especial attention.
Yard, 69c.
New Cretonne Sunfast Repp
Linenized cretonne of 50-inch sunfast repp in
36-inch width in four rose ; and blue. Highly
colors. 49c mercerized. Yard, $2.00.
Burfas-Nash Fourth Floor 1
Floor Covering
Yard 69c
The artistic, durable
floor covering that is sani
tary and inexpensive. A
waterproof covering that
lies flat to the floor with
out curling at the edges.
Pabcolin is an entirely
new product, not a linole
um or a substitute. J3very
yard i3 guaranteed. Seven
attractive patterns in 6-ft.
width. Priced
Yard, 69c.
Burgasi-Nash Sixth Floor -
The Home and Garden
Double Boiler
Each compartment
has handles; 2 quart
size, .
Each, $2.50.
10 quart size, made
of heavy aluminum.
Special, $1.00.
Screen Wire
Black screen wire,
cut in lengths.
Per sq. ft., 3c.
Garden Tools
In standard makes:
Rightly priced.
Spading Forks
A cleaner that will
both clean and polish
all aluminum wear.
Pkg., 35c.
Good Quality
Four tines fork,
with strong handle.
Each, $1.00.
. Garden Rake
Twelve tooth rake,
made of steel, with
long handle.
Each, 59c.
They are made of
selected broom corn,
sewed four times.
Each, 45c.
3-Piece Sauce
Pan Set
1, VA and 2-quart
size, made of durable
aluminum, very spe
cially priced.
Set, $1.00.
Paper Cleaner
That cleans wall
paper, curtains, and
woodwork, and makes
it look like new.
2 cans, 25c.
Garden Seeds
To have a flourishing and fruitful
garden only the best of seeds should
be planted. You may choose from
a complete assortment of tested
seeds. Priced 5c to 20c pkg.
Burgass-Nash Fourth Floor
Our China Department
Syracuse China
It is with pride that we realize
America's china has reached the
perfection of the foregin prod
uct. Syracuse china patterns
have proven the popularity of
America's product.
Service for six, $30.00
Imported China
Czecho-Slovakia china dinner
set in dainty pink, green and
gray decoration. Service for 12.
100-piece set priced at $29.50.
Breakfast Set
White and gold. Complete set
includes six breakfast plates, six
cups and six saucers, $3.39.
Buy Your
Refrigerator Now
English Blue Willow
egg cups and cereals,
40-piece breakfast set.
American Poreclain
A rare offering in American
porcelain. Dainty pink and
green Iloral spray decoration.
Complete service for six, 50
pieces, $9.98.
J- 1 v
34-Piece Set
Pope-Gisser poreclain with
clear white china appearance.
Set includes : 6 dinner plates,
6 bread and butters, 6 fruits,
6 cups, 6 saucers, 2 open vege
table dishes, 1 platter, and 1
gravy boat. Priced $12.95
Burgess-Nash Fourth Floor
Our stocks are
now complete
at the newly
lowered prices.
We are featur
ing a 70-lb. side
icer, three-door
Finished with golden oak
case, - white enamel pro
vision chamber, retained
wire shelves. -Special
Wednesday, $29.50.
urgsas -Nash Fourth Floor
ASale of Sewing Machines
Featuring the "Free"
And other nationally known makes.
20 Discount
New machines that have
become slightly marred from
use as floor samples. All are
in perfect condition. We
urge you to feel at liberty to
come in and try one of these
machines, thus investigating
this saving for yourself.
Features of the Free:
Runs Lighter
Sews Faster
Lasts Longer
Burftas-Nash Fourth Floor
In New England
is a daily renewed dt'
lijllit. ThouHundu of
miles of excellent romtn
with a constantly
changing landscape, al
ways beautiful and in
teresting. For motoring
Ash Mr. Foster
Burt.Natli-Talid Floor
Good Books
A Song of Joy
First, detective stories;
Then, western stories ;
Then, love utories;
And lastly, sea stories.
Try our Hook Shop
for good stories,
Burt.-Nth M.i Floor
Kurly Ku Heir Curleri, for
bobbed hair, 5 curlers in a
box; box, 5c
Embroidery Edging White,
bolt, Sc.
Sanitary Apron Kleinert's,
pure rubber, washable
each, 49c.
Machine Belli Long size
each, 25c.
Finishintr Braid All colors,
bolt, 5c.
Finishing Braid Imported
braid, 6 yards to the bolt;
bolt. 20c.
Shoulder Strap R i b b e n
Fany white, very special;
yard, 5c.
Darning Cotton Fast color,
ball, 2,c.
Burgass-Naah Main Floor
Cotton Hose
2 Pair$l
These are the kind of
hose you will enjoy
wearing, both for their
comfort and service.
Women's full fashioned
hose, without a seam,
hem or rib top, split
soles, in regular or ex
tra sizes, 2 pairs, $1.00.
atargess-Nash Main Floor
More Silk
Hose, Pair $ 1
Another shipment of
women's hose just re
ceived in time for Wed.
nesday's selling. Good,
serviceable silk hose in
black, white, brown and
a few other shades.
Burfets-ftash Main Floor
The Home
Since the greatest in
fluence in right living is
centered in the home, it
should be a wholesome
environment for grow
ing children.
When home life is
made attractive, young
people will appreciate
its atmosphere and pre
fer family circles to
less wholesome associa
A piano adds to the
home the beautv and
amusement that young
peonle reauire durinc
hours of leisure and
The little errand is the
ideal piano for beautv
and quality of tone. It
will add infinitely to the
pleasure, and enjoy
ment of all.
Experienced sales
people will advise you
in the selection of styles
and finishes. Conveni
ent term3 of payment
may be arranged.
Burres-N.ih Fifth Floor
This Store uses no comparative pricesthey are misleading and often untrue j