Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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.Miilclleimm IVged
lo Adjust Prices
' for Farmere Aid
lliarlr l'iij:t). Ait.itit a
J'i'rnUry WallT, Dularc
FurlliT Jmioii I Nr-nl.
rI fur IWMril).
Lii.r..ii. Mfih J I i . ul Tilr
irum ) i lurle. V. I"ui i"'
ti-trtll -ijfy (. ..tM.u'.nifi-, an. I
f..rmT rl'-r i.-l ii.iinir Mc' -t, Hc Ntlna.ka lurm-
IT, in a Hl I'll III l.rte lud-ltf MS"l
llic im!i!rti'4i i. 4'!jt?i iur
lanii'f wiuM ! ili!iil ! II
ll l tUir 1'i.nliiie ..f iiifjta
il Inc.
"t)ritr iiicr-t' in farm tirm!
i!'pi lk'lit triliiLiiiiii in tfie
iiuiMlrtitan'a fi:UH, ill '""d lf
irfii thr iv i(ivui'i di the farm
awl llic tuiihf irmlii1 ( the l4t
lory i .till rm)i I'iciImhi;," Mr.
l'liK-liy di-Jari-d.
Says Fair Profit Needed.
TrKiity ami titic- r.m
only be ii4tirl ttlun the farmer
un K' t K'lll' llHIItf litfl'll 4 1 1 v 1 1 '
nit i'f liu ituilnt. A I'ir iroi it
for the urnirr iuul a fur ituiit fr
the mi!ilciii4ii mti-t In- rt -lore'l.
Ci'iitiiitiiiiK. Mr. I'uk! v iffdnifi
iiiitiM-t lniMinu Uw lie upward
trend of tin I'Mfln-l on rn. wluat,
imIi aii'l Iniilcy li.i'l riih.iiiird the
value of ruliii i lirhl li v Nc
ltk. uM3 alll .in li iJakot.l
until t M.itt-h !. $7S.7:JM. Thi
nurciHf i a'ii'rtiotit'l lo llic three
Malr a f.iilnu :
.v.iitli l..kot.i. 5U."(M'.m: X
l.ia.k. J.'I.N'.iUal; Iowa. S4J.I6.-
I First Prosperity Step.
''Thi i a t'irt -tii toward pro.i-
pi-rity lor the f.irnict: the reduction
in the cost of his tK-i'ChMlirs fliOliM
he the next,"' Mr. TiiK-hy said.
Secretary of .Nisriiiilttirc J lent y
I. W allace has j.laceil Mr. TiiRey
ir charge of reorganisation of the
public contact work of hi depart
ment, which iticluiles itiiiitf of
jianiiihlels niotiiin picture ami
ether activities dealing directly
with the public
The f ir-st tiling Mr. l'itnley did
was to consolidate mk fanner pui'Iica
lions into two, a saving of S-'5,0CO
a year.
"And T believe we arc giving bet
ter service with the tsvo," 1'uRsIey
said. '
Secretary Wallace has combined
three of tJie departmental bureaus
into one, meaning a saving of $-'K),-000
a year. Mr. Pnslcy announced.
Son of Maud Booth Held
for Hearing on His Sanity
Loi Angclci, March 28. Charles
B. Booth, 34, son of Maud Balling
ton Booth, bead of the Volunteers of
America, i in the psychopathic ward
o: the Los Angeles county hospital,
awaiting a hearing today as to
' his mental condition before the
dunacy commission. He was arrest
ed in Santa Barbara Saturday by a
, private detective employed by his
, The Rev. E. P. Ryland, president
of the board of trustees of the Los
Angeles branch of the Volunteers,
swore to a complaint charging Booth
( with insanity. He said he had taken
this action in the interest of Mrs.
Booth and the Volunteers.
Lenine Asks Communist
i to Cease Dreaming
.' Moscow, March "28. (By A. P.)
iPremier Lenine, discussing recent re
ports of his illness, appeared yester
day before a secret meeting of the
all-Russian communist congress and
spoke two hours, according to to
day's accounts of the meeting, which
was held in the Kremline palace.
The soviet premier made many
, sarcastic and witty remarks while
appealing to the communists to cease
dreaming and theorizing and get to
work. Otherwise, he declared, the
communists could not hold their own
in the impending struggle with the
capitalists for control of Russia.
Ranking Tennis Players
Enter Middle State Meet
v Philadelphia, March 28. Many of
the ranking tennis players of the
United States, including William T.
Tilden, II, world's champion, arc en
tered in the middle state . indoor
tournament which will be - played
here Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
One former world's champion, ' 14
lormer national champions, six state
and two sectional champion are
among the entries.
Amundsen Back in N, Y.
Xew York, March 28. Captain
Roald Amundsen, arctic explorer,
, returned today on the Stavangerf
iord from a visit to Norway and
conferred with those who will-be as
sociated with him in his attempt to
drift across the arctic basin. His
expedition will set out from Seattle
June 10.
: With Amundsen was Lictit. Oscar
Omdal, Norwegian air force ace,'
who after special training and ex
perience in flying under adverse con
ditions, will accompany the expedi
t lion. lie will be one of the pilots to
hmdle specially constructed Amer
ican cruising airplanes. The other
rilot, Lieutenant Dahl, now is on his
way to the coast via the Panama
are an essential factor in .
promoting healthful growth
Scott's Emulsion
is far richer in the fat 1
soluble A vitamine 1
than cream. It aid
growth budds health !
PRICE. l-30 and 80a,
Sen Bow. BtoiwrfiiH. N. X
CTabtets or emotes)
Miners and Operators
Both See Long Fight
,N'e Voik. March 28Afier a
rtk of fiirluniuarjr tkirmUhmg tht
miner and operator' sulirAimnitief
on ge foiurwt n'oi4iion !
tUy agfcr4 ilut nrulirr ide could
lc.k r an ty vitury in the prr
nit fonfretn-e. Ibe miner,
th VnowMg tiut firry itthr4iiie
ff.lljrrv in th I'nued Mae
itiiit,H'ei and will ffae ii.duti"n
oil 1 1. d4ie turd, ii-rt their men
4fi "willing to ijn on a lung vii4
lion I llu. thry .ay, ihey ii lake
Ihfir uri'e !hirh ut the wlml
Mttution in iho 4i.ihr'iie industry
m in r)rc union labor,
The operatur alo rKre a will
iiigne.. ilut the mmr h4'l fene
prdiiciii8. ieniprarily, Tbey have
uke a ixitiiive ttand a4iint any m
irf4e in itimi-r' uifi and lusc an
iioiimed their intention of uin
reiy meant to nrsfttiate a new roic
trait on a li 'f decreae from
llic prrM-nt liedule.
(!ourt Killing Mav
Prevent Taxation
ol "Intanpililts"
Judge Lftton Deridei IJoiuli
and Warrants of Muniri
ialitie Kxempt Under
Lincoln, March J8.-Bond and
warrant iued by municipalities or
liter public Rovernmeiflal subdivis
ions of the state are exempt from
taxation under the new constitution
of the state of Nebraska, according
to an opinion banded down today by
.fudge Charles 15. Lctton oi the
state supreme rourt.
The erTcct of the opinion render
null and void that section of the
I,-,., iiaia rfvrnne taw enacted a
year ago. which provide that a uni
form tax ot one tnui ne irvirq ui
bond and warrant classified as "in
tangiblc property."
The opinion reverse a ruling of
the district court of Furnas county,
where suit brought by Laura V.
Droll and other holders of Beaver
f:,., munirirtal warraflt tr) TirCVeilt
tl.eir being assessed and taxed, wa
The suoreme court interpreted
that section of the constitution
whiVh av that "property ot state
and govenrmentat subdivisions to
l-e exempt from taxation" to include
bonds ana warrants as necessary
irstrumentalitic of government.
Mexico City Police Court
Judges Strike for Back Fay
M.vl..., nti- ' March 28. The
poiicc court judges of Bclcm prison
went on strike yesterday oecausc im-ir
salaries bad not been paid by the
lAr-, Jiiirirl C nnsz-niientlv the
liuriai vn.- v. " .' -
crnr nf rasps usually tried on Mon
day morning did not come up.
1 lie ,iu men wno are Known as
"nrnfocclnnpl inrtcpii " left their desks
, 1 i .j . j r " ' ' -
.,,1 in Ktv tnarrlipH tn flip Ottice
of Celestino Gasoa. governor of the
federal district, l ne governor gave
tUmm aceuranros that ihpir salaries
would be paid and the judges re
sumed tneir duties tnis aitcrnoon.
Treasurer of Pittsburgh
Company Commit3 Suicide
Pittcht.ralv March 28. William
XfA'ikk trpacnrpr anrf ilirector of
the Vanadium Metals company of
this city, and prominently connected
with other vanadium interests, com
mitted suicide by shooting in Aiount
riomnno Mirri.. vpfprdav afternoon.
according to a telegram received here.
Mr. McNabb had Deen in poor
Cement Production Increases
Washington, March 28. Stocks of
Portland cement held in the United
States at the close of February were
almost 1,000,000 barrels in excess of
those held at the end. of January,
while production for February was
only slightly less than in January, tne
geological survey reports.
February production was 4,:e,uuu
barrels. Stocks on hand February 28
amounted to 14.310,000 barrels.
jacrntjto Jj.ja
t m art . mj- m rr- rA jr . v v ircssEr- rorjZusji n n ii
VfAV4L ywVaVrVLlirtJUb II )feKSaV Sl50per . eluding flfl
r v , r ii . iMmjmzr0&&. :r . .
.Morehead Mav
Rake Wet Issue
. Among Demos
Aiiiiuuiii'erneiit t'f l ull City
Mini fur (.'tuigrfM Thnj;lit
Certain t Hrinj Vol
rtead Coutnm'r).
Irf.ieulu. March tSptcul Te!c
t'lii.i l)i-i,inii aniioiiiuenieiit iroin
John II. Mrrh-I at Fall l ily
iiijfit that he Ha'i ui"l Mr v iieno.
eraiic noiiiiiiaiKHi far coinjre in the
Mr. I iliitrii I i. l.wlVrli IIOKII Hi an
atiiiiance of the aimg of a wet and
dry i-Mie in t:ie iicmcn'ratic pri-
Big Double Program
Check That Cold
Right Away
A SUDDEN chill sneezes ituffy
feeling in the head and you have
the beginning; of a hard cold. Get
right after it, juxt a soon as the sniffles
tart, with Dr. King's New Discovery.
For fifty years a standard remedy
(or colds, coughs and grippe.
There are no harmful drugs, nothing
but good, healing medicines, that get
right down to the trouble and help
You will soon notice a change for the
better. Has a convincing, healing
Uste that the kiddie like. Good
fnr rratinv rntiphv. All r!niroicf W
Dr. King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
a man is a failure in business, many a
woman in her home, because constim
twn stores up poisons that enervate
and depress. Dr. King's Pills make
oowels act naturally. 25r.
bl-KUJVUT! WONT uiun
Griffs Pills
in Your Work. Man 1 1 I II I IUI
nrjwajjT! wont emre II II I I ' ' TT 1 I l i - i
IIU3 II Mr , r7N Heard to be .ppreciated. II II.
mm i- Pte. m mm m it r rs- - i twv 'vv s s r m w. i i v 1 11
LEADS do not jam in a Redi
point pencil. It's built so
tightly at the upper end but
' feed freely and smoothly thru
the tip.- This feature is called
the Velvet Feed.
Ordinary pencils force lead
thru a hole smaller than the
lead itself. That's a forced feed.
Redipoint's Velvet Feed
eliminates the, inconvenience
of leads binding, breaking or
powdering inside the point. It
assures you of (continuous
writing service.
Yet the Velvet Feed, like the
other superior Redipoint fea
tures costs you nothing extra.
Redipoint is the same price as
other mechanical pencils. Ask
your dealer to show you this
better pencil.
Made and Quarantecd by
Redipoint Pencil Division
Saint Paul, Minn.
pat. eF.
M WITH THE V AUTOMATIC PUSH-BACK 1 1 rvA aea. afT'yi "ety---- im':--;.- uwimr : tBssssmmmmmimfri 1 1
Mrrbtad't animiiiKriiieiit, in tlie
(4VC oi petition hrm circulated to
put Charles W, liryan n the eon
grekiioiul ticket, W4 accrpted a an
end to reported gentlemen's agree,
uent l.riween weiring lacliiiiH on
hf demotiaiic ba4 on an
miderttaudins that Itrvau a. to
no enitotltion in t ! itrmurir
tot cnigre in thi titiii-t.
See Prohibition Threatened.
Aryan's (rieudt declared More
luad'a entry vith tu will-kit. un
wet fi'llown'.e and ttiuvirtiou iudi
i4lc-d Nebraska wa one i,( the
tlegrouud hoen by the wet frif
to j.ut niiticicut men in rougrete to
kill the VoUtead ait.
Bryan follower deilared that WiU
l-ani Jenningi Uryau would return
Id Wbrakt to wage the fight of
prohibition and init upon a dry
di niocrauc ticket to present to the
Bryan Make No Comment.
Charlet W. Hryan declined touigtit
Added Feature
Purchase How
i i 1 1 77v- av'ir- wjt i ii i i vi i iw
III C7yr J : a ' U " P.tho record.; al.o . full .. sort- Jl fLZ
inri 1 -.ii. - 1 - 11, 1.1. -mt .., . in mm 1 "ui-KI T?i Xi . n.,1 'C . ..a it.Yft TJ ' -nwnnwjwwwwiwwanwwwwjMPjiWwwwwjwwwwwiiW4Wa W
tii nuke any K'lnimiit a to whether
he would change hi plant again and
gil into the piiiMiu a a dry caudi
dale for governor of would continue
to priiitii a I'f iimni ir nomuia
l urn Icr rougre . he circulated and
arecpt the Morrhrad di ly ot wihei
that the tnld lie ken dear fur liiui.
Ituiu and iiok at lieutrii-f.
lU'atriie, Xcli., Murih J8.i,Spe.
cil Tib ; rain.) -. cold ram, lum
hH to Mi"w, tiiu-d thi vtiiu of
the i.iie Monday night, ' he tent
pr.iiure dropped to- the irerrim;
1'ojtit ami pcilrntrian found it dif
In nit id gi t about town on account
ol the icy walk.
CWCWVJt 'wtt vura
Malint Daily 1.18 Evtry Nlht til."
Atti Compwiy
In -KliMt"
Madrlln A Doralhy
"A Study la
Imm in
i d AH.n Preaant TAX IE
tk and Jlli lilbxm
Tt-prTwl Am. "aVt f Mbit . Palht Hwt
Mtllnm, IM U lik i hm'm tn II. 00 !,
4 kya. Nlfh l It II.Mj Ml
tW. .
Taday'a Wlnnar ol two Fraa &aat
H Aula N. 21,000
"An F.ypnlne In Hxtin"
Toiifiid Wilbur & Co.
Cnmwly Miclrh. "Th mirt AW
Will A Van Sicklin In
"Th Oulinf"
1 1 Molry 4k O Brin in I
-Puth 'fcm Up"
t I , ii mmmm
Hog I'iirner' "Life' Savrr,"
5 j DdMiuii County Shipper
"t ainirr' pioiit are in lve iock
thi )ear" aid Ui'lum Ivred, wh i
brought a load of wrll-finibrd uef
lo the local nuik.t riciily l.-i
which he received a hundred,
Mr. Kfed, who purtcd laiuung in
Haw ou county in I, aid that b;
bad done pretty well and ilut iiwt
of the money he bd made W4
througli raiting rat'le and i,i and
not by the tale of hi grain. He ba
reined front activity, but ba t
kiin who are handling bi tarnik in
i)uwun county,
"ILk have been the l-fe 4vu
CAristie Comedy
Xarrjf Tthxdtrarut At
Synpbony Pltyerg.
Johnson at the oian
and Save Big Money Before
No Home is complete without a BEAUTIFUL PLAYER PIANO! If you haven't
one you are missing a great deal in life. Come in during this Sale and talk
it over with us.
It ia impossible to describe the wonderful savings to be made at this Sale in this
limited space. AH we can say is, come in at your very earliest convenience and see
for yourself. You'll be agreeably surprised when you come here.
Pianos, Players and Phonographs at a Great Sacrifice
Don't ask us how we can do it! All you're interested in is the fact that you are NOW
enabled to buy Pianos and Player Pianos at unheard of prices. And don't overlook
the fact that many of these Pianos and Phonographs are BRAND NEW and of the i
rinest manes, uur protits are
terms will be arranged so that
f r li e faMiier, 4,J Mr, Ifecl, 'but
.Ihrre ba bru Money mi cat
jtle win ii Lti iaie fbem )'iurelf.
I We bae time more o4d ol cattle
I hi the rc .. i, (,! n
jlhetu in mini il.e nuikit imprutfi,
!a t think there will be ait inciraej
! in cUe pi ice oni "
At 11-1. 3-5.7-9
We Swear
'. nvr scrxa.d a
photodrsma, a mora mt
Ojiunt creation, than
MATINEES Until 6.15. 3Se
NIGHTS 700 Seat. 40c
Main Floor, 50e Boxes, 60c
Strand Orchestra
Harry Silverman, Director
Offaring an Unuiual Program
Mia Beryl Burton
Arlittie Singer
Dorothy Chenoweth
Harpist of Da Lona Harp School
Open Evening
torgotten we want to dispose of the pianos. Credit
you will have an extra inducement to buy.
50 RECORD SELECTIONS Are Included With Each
Talking Machine Purchased During This Sale
Theta Phonographs play all rec
ords, including Victor, Columbia,
Edison and Pathe. These ma
chines are made in the style of
cabinet so much in demand. Cabi
nets are different sizes, con
structed of double veneer, fancy -figured
wood throughout. Tone
is simply marvelous. Must be
heard to be appreciated,
We include with these machines
this week a jewel point with
i which to play Edison records, and
a sapphire ball point for the
Pathe records; also a full assort
ment of steel needles. And, re
member, these machines play all
makes of records correctly, in
cluding Edison, Columbia, Pathe
and Victor
Tr4t (!oiiprrMii,nt Via
KfMiIt .f Am. W'tai.
Wifiiiu r-n. its, Mrfi.ii
( iii4u l.utuu V, t'.ui.h at
ihr I I'll trMk dioiiiii, uli.i in
uirnl iu 4 n autiiitioliile .mi luii ne4r
kobev, Tea, March IS, died line
u.t night.
TODAY at 1-3-7 and 9
Price 0c few, 7Sc bo, ft
in the Paramount Picture.
1b greatest story of oo tke
scream ha ever known.
tWevtfJra Plctmtt
George Loan Tucker's
"Ladies Must
Sale Ends
Until 9 P. M.
Now Playing
I Price 1 ?,
I s9fs
Price I
J)?lOOpTr1 I
g A week I'