ni THK mi: OMAHA. WK0NKDAY. MARCH 'Ji. 9i2. It t' osa Dntim XRy. ACST4U K.RAT H'aYll. I (4lt Ml, ! S.'ertt ie It eg Dmcnvft, . AT s4 ; .,, H A. . Ikt flKI Uhl B"lvV,t Huiteu. Peiieer ri.M, J4 ., nfki.kB.4il sAHgeaLta, til Miiie"HeT i4..e t4 It Iuiii Ill' Pum4kint (lttl'M4KV ria.Sur Ik te. t !. tk)t a'i ;n lifinl sbp 4IJ I eH"JHiW i.VAslNT'uu"ikV', i'i-"wt, u Ko&ik Finishing-, ..M tH'jKNt.Nia, ell cele'laf, 4e.eloptt, nrtmm IMiid'e til EtHe Mm flftl il.vM.''l'MrHie The fndgi, lf Mie.l4j.. Pitnt Attorney!, j"W")titiu, l,ili.r"XiiIH. ifl? naii, in A;t Wstiiiiigten. Ii. h.ip ,t lll.lf pelell'S. Printing. Vjii'i rniwiiii fTifj . u"i. ifTiuf. i-kh r T'r.(iiiiif V v w &t "til W. MiictlUntoui Announcctienu. diamonds 'us:: te hay beck tt email pruM, .1ut JfrtUT Cii, umht, Nk. l H. Kid M f nt. "4. 04Utk,M ploe.d. kl'l ' """ I""1" lixv, h- a iiJ tubbi.'i hauled, and clifl Ait. AUsnlie U.'l, OMAHA PILI.Ov"0d7'ANV. Meiti'ss' m4e ever In "' el hl P"' n.w bed ll"t lumif. J A. t. fiviut nVbi-LKII' l'.stid.e.e planning a aptt-ialiy. I'hone fr lcul plica li. WA. $!, ln and J"' f HMCHlW IONH earefully compounded al ibe I HhermeB e McCnitill'ftig euie. pn.'AToT'ialllM, KKCTAL mrAr". ulte lit ArihMLirtl4Ui'; . K. It rrNNSH'., 1)0 I4" til Beilasy Mi-hangs Hldg. cVkKN'S rewired. :lnf.KK. SIM. FOR SALE. Furniture nd Household Goods. "GaTStoves, Duofolds, ttory beds, ets of dinint rlikirn. flint Irnikeim ami an miunualW laraa inaunt "f furmiur "HI n aui'llun WHnrn.lay. lirli :. kturllnu lomnllv ftt I 'iU tl. Ill Stephenson Auctioneer 1 rapliol Av. AT. .V ilKNUINB Brminh Ifalh'r liil mi 4 baby rawlagft almost-ow. "V .IIM : (am h-at: ilnwniown locaiton, u: rHii. at, JJfi. Piinog and Musical Instruments. VnIT"rii uaiiallyfliil lalkiug mai-hlnr. luntlird malm, .Mfuril. !.. t siphnaon Aurtlon. H not aula In Ilia Tuilay au-tiun a mli'iiy Vlrlr Vi-rola Hh rwrda ami inalixfany i omnia ivl Inlklni niui-lilncM mil k Mi a' Vtlnc4"i)'. . , Stephenson Auctioneer lion Capital At. AT. r.; OKO. A. BMITH Il'r In drumi. ayto. vImim. ale: Intiructlom. rpalnn: :;tt lpport St. Phona ha. ;t7. TRADE iur wcti piano on a new play iiiiim takc uioDtiona hoi'. rcrilrlni,-. ar piano. Balani- ai low a 110 par month. -A. HOflPB CO.. uta uouiiaa. rhmolUr Mullr Hldg.. 1C14 Dodga. Clothing and Fur. DUNDEE WOOI.ES MILLS. For aula, a fw unclaimed, all-wool "riundaa" aulti, rhaap. altaratlona froa. XorHiwMt Cor. 151h and Hrny Si a. kT'BS rumodrled. rllnd and rleantd. ICNEKTER ALASKA FUR CO.. . rJ 8. Hth Bt. DO. Hit. ARMY thoM. 13.10. 1H No. 16tb. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES. AH MAKK3 bought, aold, rentrd and rrlrd. Sola agenta for tba CORONA. Cat our prlrta befora you buy. Evary machlno guaranteed. - Central Typewriter Exc. J A. 41. 1U Tamam. lil'ARANTKBI) tj pcwrltna, 118. SO and up. Midland Offlca Hupply Co... 140 Dodga. Miscellaneous Articles. Cooking Utensils, Dishes, mlaiallanou ltama of Yry dcacrtp Hon ud In a hom. will ba found at ih STEPHF.NSON AUCTION". WedMa- day. at l0 Capitol avenue.. ivE buy. aall aafea, make deaka. ahow. rfa, etc;. Omaba Fixture 8upply Co., 8. w. I.; or. mo anu iuugiw. " - - THE Kelsey Omaha Nurjerlea offices aalea ground. 17th and Capitol Ave. Trees ana anrupa nt ifuuwu .. EXPERT gewlng machine repairing. 15th and Harney. DO. WANTED TO BUY. t J DESKS DESKS DESKS New dtaka, tued aeaKa oougni, eoia ana traded., J C. Peed. 130T Farnam. DO. 14 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. FIRST-CLASS painter Mant4 ,1ob In city, inelde or outslda man. Harney 166 after . . Female. WANTED, day work, any kind. MA. 4315. Laundry and Day Wort ALL kinds day work. Colored. WB. 5470. HELP WANTEDMALE. Stores and Offices. jfKNEXPERIgNCED TNTHB FOLLOW- ixot . m-BWO wsr CLEANING, SPOTTKR. BODY BUILMNU. BOOT PAINTER, APPLY KMPLOYERS' FRKK EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 1911 HARNEY STREBT. ' YOUNCi men. over 17. desiring govern ment posltlone, 1130 monthly, writa for fre lift of positions jiow open. J. Leon ard, (former Civil Service examiner), 0 F.ctultabte Bldg.,' Washington, P.- C. Professions and Trades. MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS Kxperlenced on tariff or catalog work. Permanent position. No labor troubles. Stats present position, last and' pre vious positions neld with length of time in each. K. J. DONNELLEY & SONS CO.i ,131 Plymouth St., Chicago, 111. WANTED Uood blacksmith and horse shoe at onoe; 'steady work, good, wages. J. V.' van i;imve, ntinn naup. t. DO you want to Increase your Income T Wrlta the National Auto School, tili No. oth 81, Omaha, for catalog. , WANTED FIRST-CLASS SEWER LA BORER. NO OTHERS NEED APPLY. AT. i:. 1340 S. 13th St. ATTORNEY Business lor sale, weatern town. Address B-216, Omaha Bee. Ufi S. 1 4tn. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. Salesman Liiieh'and Art Needle Work. Exceptional opportunitj for addi tional Income for man' having' estab lished connections with department store trade. Our housekeeping linens are sold to the linen department, and our stamped linens to the art departments and nedle work shops. Wo prefer a man already carrying lilies appealing to these departments, but. not conflicting. Address reply to Derryvaie Linen Co., Inc.. 33 East d -St.. New Tork City. WE have vacancy for a real He-Man salesman. Preference given to the imddlo aged man. Specialty selling an advantage, but net essential. This la a preposition for a man wh f look ing for a remanent connection, and not a get-rich. quick scbame.. -. The man who can deraonstrata ho has selling ability and ability to- handle other men will have the greatest op portunity for further and quick act vsncement. Call at 43$ Securities building sfter 10 a. m. Salt Salesman Wanted Experienced, to travel mid dle west handling mIi from Kansas fields. State age, experience, salsry xpectsa. Address Sox T-1MS. Omaha Bee. . j BRINGING UP -Vl UNTIL THE gumps HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Aci'toiucd tu making big money; uo have openings for scverjil aggressive specialty sulermen to travel snl eell our nilveriistng service to bankers and'a: rlfan. dignified, legitimate anil established business. Kx cluslve terrllory; roniinlslun paid dally or weekly. Call 9 tn i a. m. C. 1L Mellows, Itoom 109. Kontcnclle hotel. SALESMEN Kive men who ceil sell ape claltiea ran make 110 per day easily, our products are ati absolute nces.vity. Sella to everybody. See Mr. Obermeyer, Apply 1 to 4 p. m.. S07 Arthur Hldg., 10 S. nth street. Miscellaneous. Egg Packers Wanted KXPKRIENCKP ECO TACKERS WANTED. APPLY Omaha Cold Storage Co.J T1I AND FARNAM STS. I HAVE a steady position for a good man who can furnl&h libit cash security. Air. Martin, Room 417, Foulcnelt'o HoteK HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. EXPF.RIKNCED SPOTTER. APPLY EM PLOYERS' FRF.K KMPLOYMBNT SER VICE. 1911 BARNEY STKKET. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED while girl for general housework. Phone WA. 3303. Falracrea. WHITE girl for general hounework, no washing, Harney 2S06, 3010 Dewey Ave. WANTED While maid for general houae work. Call WA. 1435. HELP WANTED. ' Male and Female. ANY Intelligent person, either sex, may earn $100 to 1300 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $5 to $15 per column; all or spare time: experience unneces sary; no canvassing. Send for particu lars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, New York. HELP WANTED. ' i Male and Female. MEN. WOMEN, IS over, wanting govern ment positions. Railway mail, postoffice, other positions. Salary ll.4O0-$l.80O. ' Experience unnecessary. Full particu lars free. Wrlta (J.- W. Bobbins, Civil Service Expert, formerly with govern ment, 171 Pop Bldg., Washington. D. C. WANTED Men, ladies and ooys to lesrn barber trade; Dig demand; wages wnne learning; strictly modern. Call or wrlta 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL N1QHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for larga Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College, Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 230 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas SSI0. ANNIE F.. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 503 Karbarh Blk. J A. 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANY business sold for cash, no publicity; 10 to 30 days. Northwestern Selling System, Sioux City. 1807 FARNAM 5-rooin apartment, , com pletely modern: suitable for offices, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing home adjoin ing. T. K. Hall. 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas 7406. FOR 8ALB1 Soft drink parlor, doing a good business; must sell quick; owner leaving city. Apply S311 Q street. South Side, or call Market J 064 and arrange for appointment. ' FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of cholca desirable rooms in sll parts of the city. A service thst benefits both advertiser and room seeker. FURN. rfus. with prlv. bath; warm, com- rortapie, cneertui: prices reasonable, aay or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANFORP. 19TH AND FARNAM. HOTEL HENSHAW, 36TH AND FARNAM. Special rates to permanent guests. Fl'RN. room for gentleman, private home. J1S mo. 3"19 Chicago. HA. 3ISS. S31 S. 36TH Delightful room In lovely modern home. Garage. HA. 47al. CLAREMONT HOTEL 17th, 2735. near Jack- L'NTON Hotel, $2 per week and up. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO tba better housekeeping rooms la the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free ropy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Heat, electric light, $6. 27f Dodge. HAXSCOM park district 2 t. Harney "516. Irortt rooms. Board and Rooms. ROOM and board for 2. 258 Marry. AT. 9"5. modern lurne. T14 N. 19TH ST. Desirable homelike room: private dining room. AT-5560. ATTRACTIVE rm. with board for S. walk Ing distance. 32 N. :6th. JA. 2781. r . i y i nonw vf.vee Noyitt mai- v THZM Nit'U- tOXt OUa 6O00 OMClt- ' ourr vtcuYMwr nvu. so 6o l 1 nr." l II l ' m r,.iz0r i i ii FATHER I've 4.0T TO ,T OCT TONK,HT.tOllU PCTCND I'M AiLlXP MAislE RtTiRCt) .rUvr;: IT YOWlt "MAT vrrac FOMB FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. LADY employed will r. nl furnlched -room house on car -line, reaerwng bed room for own use. lix H--15. Unfurnished. 13- 606 iiik not modern. S3i S. lDlh bt. fioiiglss Mil. KiiTRKNT-or"sale JTlii Bristol, " rms; will decmate. lio'iglaa 51. l'OR RENT "mom modern bouse. 1H30. Evenings call IH. 7434. JA. ! and 3-room apts.. all modern. JA. 313 6-riiomT( ovTi kT l . w i';:.3. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished.- NEWLY furnished, reilc-ornied three and four-room npts.. in splendid u'iithlior hooil. i.O. 41ft V. !!llh St. HA. 3114. Unfurnished. For Rent. l'p-to-dste flve-rimiTi partmpnt. Close in. Reusonaoio rent H. A. Wolf Company, Atlantic SlfiO. Aftr p. m. call iJouglas f.t)fi.,. In Q room modern apartments. THE tl "DRAKE RENTAL' AGENCY. 1701 Howard St. AT. 1708. JA 8806. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 4-ROOM apartment with 5-room accom modations. Call evenings, AT. 3377; days. JA. 0786. TWO five-room $22.50 and $25. Harney 4673. anartmentn for rent 1021 S. 20th. Phone DAVENPORT. 2K18-24 Hlldricll Apis.. 2 rms. Furnished. Electric lights, steam heat. FIVE-ROOM apartment, beautifully deco rated, an Ideal location. Call HA. 2189. 4-ROOM semi-basement apt. in Alma Apts. Tioublas 6790. Harney 2002. &TEAM heated apartments. 4 rooms, close in. G. P. STEBBINS. 1610 Chicago. FOUR-room modern brick flats nt 2213 N. 21st St., $30 and $35 month. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. 5 or 6-Room Bungalow WITH -MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. IS REFINED NEIGHBORHOOD. WILL LEASE WITH OPTION TO BIHT. AD DRESS BOX B-127, OMAHA BEE. FOR RENT Business Property. 1807 FARNAM Store room, 24x132. If tenant wants more room, will build two atorles above, each 66x132. with light on throe sides. Thomas F. Hall, 434 Rail way Exchange. DO. 7406. FIRST National Bank Bldg., 400. Apply very choice suite of offices. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE! CO.. 11th and Jones Sts. FIRST National Bank Bldg., 49.0. Apply small office for rent. ELECTP.IC lighted garage. 527 N. 40th. WA. 2873. H. SI. Christie, warehouse & track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SH I PPINO. Phone Jackson 0281. FIDELITY 8TOcBa 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF- WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and BEKlNs'bMAHA VAN- AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contraots taken by Job or nr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 630-24 North 16th St HORSES AND VEHICLES. HARNESS AND SADDLES. Wa make them ourselvea and sell thsm direct to th farmers, you get the best that can be mad at first cost. Harness that sold for $95 last year, $65 now. Write for free catalog, ALFRED CORNISH CO., 1210 Farnam St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. CLEANED wheat screenings, $,1.75 per 100 pounds. A. W. Wagner, 801-.N. 16th. Jackson J142.' BUFF Rock setting eggs. $1.50 per set ting: $7.50 per 100. KB. 0854. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD SEDAN Here Is an early 1921 Ford Sedan, 1n excellent condition throughout and fully guaranteed. Car Is equipped With start er and rims. Extra tire. etc. This Is an exceptional value at $400. and we can help sou finance it if necessary. GUY L. SMITH ' Factorv Blemished -Tires . Retail Department. -Drlva up to tba Sprague Tire Co., 18th and Cuming Sts. Better Used Cars AT A Lower Price wilt h found at th Nebr. Oldsmobile Co., 18th and Howard, ak. MY-HYMC J V5, ( fc ?TAn UY I C tUTN LY CBJ) fXCTlRCD J . CAirXU i ft FORGET HlOULbN T Bt 50 HABT WT UH tO AO Vkf VINO TO IS S0Ol SPOILIW V3 ALL- ANP CMun. was roum to 9t to Of oO- WfV COHtlkiUkLLM KA6blN) AOOY Mt V0tt)U VNCLt 0M AurrAUA.- YtUtS ALU VTTtt PBEN0? ABWT "YOU- 1 ttUH I 1 t III "I VU K?f I 1 1 ' 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ISEAL USED CAR B.VllOAINS. Cash or Time, Buy or Sell. Tuple, from $j0 and. up. Dodge. ISukks and others, $100 nd UP. Konl bodies winter t"l'S. iut.n.sTUOM ALTO bAI.ES '0., 1314 Harney bt. Garage. 80MK bargain In need Fords; . prompt delivery on new Fords M'CAFFlf "IV MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Rcrvlca Htatlon. 15th and Jackson Mta. HO.'3li0i). aWIKIB :H'PK LATE ll MODKU WIRE WHEELS. -5 TIRES. PEKFEl'T 'IINiT10N. CHEAP. CASH Hit TERMS 2053 FARNAM ST. DO. fsi.7. Bl'ICK TiU'RINYi REF1N1SIIKD. PER. FEi'T CONDITION. A ItEAI. BAR. GAIN. CHEAP CASH OR T1MR PAY M ENTft 2H,',2 FA R A M ST , DO. 8087, BUY A OUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Salfe Investment. 2$th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1170. LIGHT four Overbuld. elect, equipped. $l.r.o. good rubber. Call Harney 1646 after 6. LOOK over our list of used cars. THK AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. ?nr,6 Farnam St. AT. 7833. ww t nr P1 tTvi ' ti no oooi vs ""11 1-1 1 J X ALTO ACCESSORIES. MAGNETO coll. $2.60; fan. 75c; horn, It tubes. 40c. Neb. .utu Parts Co., I0K Harney. TOURING enr, good condlilon. to ex change for Overland tire stock. 1TA. 4415. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2030 Farnam. ONE 1019 Special 6 6750. Studebakcr. Harney HOLLY, expert iiuto Lrimtner. 812 S. $4lh. farm Lands. Nebraska Lands. Improved Quarter Section Exceptionally well improved 160 acres, about 2 miles from Holdrege, Neb., the county seat of Phelps county. This town is one ot the best In the stato from a market, educational, and pro gressive standpoint. Fine place for stock snd produces good vvhejit yield. For terms and description write . F. E. Young, Trustee. Holdrege, Neb. Improved Farms 40 Miles From Omaha I have several farms near Herman, in Burt and Washington counties that can be secured on attractive terms. These have the richest soil that can be found; they are all under cultivation; well Improved and will make fine homes for good farmers. " i Write E. W. Burdlc, Herman, Neh. Near County Seat I can offer five exceptionally well Improved farms and ranches at at tractive prices. These are within 10 : miles of Holdrege, Neb., county seat of Phelps county. Neb., one-of the best agricultural counties in stale. Some are all farm land, while oth ers, make an excellent stock propo tiitlon. R. M. Terrll. Holdrege, Neb. ,700-Acre Ranch 700 acres.- 100 acres In alfalfa; fine Improvements; good water: a wonderful place .for hoga and rattle; loading pen and railroad siding track on ranch. Also have exceptionally well Improved all around stock farm mile from town. For terms and particulars write. E. E. MEGRUE, SCOTIA, N KB. SEVERAL Improved cattle ranches In southern Holt county and central Gar field ,-county, Nebraska, for sale or rent. Bargain If taken at once. MAYLARD & CO., Norfolk. Neb. PARTVTQ Write M. A. Larson, Central 1 aTXAlUO ritv. Neb., your wants for acreage tracts, farms. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY free; special number, Just out, containing many facts of clover 'land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or an investment you sre thinking of buying good fan lands, where- farmers grow rich, send at once for tbt? special number of Landoiouy. -It la free on request. Address Sliid-more-Riehle Land Co... 433 Skidmore Richle. Bldg.. Marinette, Wis. Wyoming Lands. 60LDTERS resldence. 640-ni're homesteads, 7-month Duff. Casper. Wyoming. FINANCIAL. Loans. Money to Loan $30.00 to $500 m VniwUiiLA T.v.., T7 T.e?9 than Icgat rates monthly pay f 45CTCK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. UiUAriA IAJAjM UU., " Karharh Block. Tel. J A. S2H6. Southeast corner lvlii and Donglas 3'.e. ft JIuCS AM M4GUC IN rt OK tOtOKS IN lilt M.APAV t'U. tUC ME NOT VMOULtNY CAtt IP rrtirr that ypwo Bt That yoo weren't c iv v,Autt MLAX MY FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. Wi: lnn ash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. i;. h. mht:i:f. inc., M Kee,ie HHr. t'ofm T vine M dolay on western drill .LiUUIldfi,,. farms, rim-bea Kloba Investment Co.. 45 Um. Nst'l bank. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. H'KEF.FK ItEAI. KSTATK CO., 1018 Olii. Nat. Ilk. Bldif. Jackson 718. FIRST- inoitgag loans nuda promptly on Omaha reul estate, Sliopen Co., Realtors. J A. 423. 134 Keellne Hldg. $1"0 to $10,000 made promptly. F. U. Weed - l. H. Bowman, cad Bldg. Stocks jndBondS; LinERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 3t44; Macks Bond House. 1131 1st Nat. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat l. Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. FOK SALE 16.200 inorlgage on Nebraska ranch properly. 6 per cent Interest to run three- yenrs. Liberal discount if sold anon. Address W M. N. Parcel. 519 Fourth Ave.. N. W. Miami, Florida. REAL ESTATE WANTED. List jour home Buy your boma BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans, Rentals. JA. 2561, Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 1603 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. HAVE litqulriea for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A, Grlmmel, Omaha Nat1 1 Bk. Bldg. Grove-Hibbard Co. 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 4056. Homes to Please 35 years' experience selling homes. Call A. P. TUKEY & SON, 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 4223. GT?TTF!NTfr Realty Co. List with VJXVUJ-JiMlVjr u for oulck results. 141 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. JA. 196. V. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance. 823fi. 703 Peters Trust Bldg. JA To buv or sell Omaha Real Estate seo FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'! Bk. Bldg. JA cltson 1426 T T t TaT XT T1 T1 Writes Tornado and DllVXVJ-iXX Windstorm Insurance 350 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 105 South 18th. AT. 2996. WANT 6 or 7 -room, well located, In Dun dee, by the first; liava casn. isox ui, Omaba Bee. D. V. SHOLES CO., 915 City Nat'l Bank. JA. 0046. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS West Farnam 8-room brick venere: soutli front: close to car line: good location. Hot water heat, 3 fireplaces, oak finish. . Will consider a 6-room house. Stucco duplex, 7 rooms each side: S bedrooms and sleeping porch: oak fin ish down, oak. whito enamel up; tile bath and vestibule; south front, ex cellent location, convenient to car and school. Shows 13 per cent gross. Will consider a small apartment or flats. World Realty Co., DO. 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. $3,150 Close In. Just a short distance from the High school and Oreighton college, we have a cottage that is. modern with hot water heat. Paving, Is paid. Can ' be purchased on a $1,000 down. Call Mr. Cliiida, HA. 5306, or office open to 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY, Realtors. DO. 8380. 210 S. 18th Ground Floor. WE have investments and exchanges from $3,000 to $6,000. Seo our listings. BROWNE & TRACY, 642 Securities Bldg. AT. $360. SEE F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Fireproof Omaha Apartment New, handsome, unusually well de sign"' and constructed modem brink, concrete and it eel apartment building; large lit; fine location; contains 26 five roora apartments with six-room accom modations and every convenience; ln tprior and exterior finish and the ffuest throughout: no vacancies; all leased to Hood tenants; his waiting1 list; income $:i3.000 per year on reasonable rental ljsis; upkeep low ; rentals pay all ex penses, including interest or long time loan and return, in addition about 51,500 per month net. Price $;i30,000. Owner fan use one or more- tracts of clear or nut unreason a lIy encumbered, legiti mately priced Nebraska, Iowa or middle western land for actual $20f.00f) equity, or will tak part exchange or cash anrl exchange and carry balance balc on property. Box D-102, cmaha -Bee. ACREAGE WANTED. Kor 2S3 acres of good improved farm well fenced, good black soil; price $75 per acre. Loan $t;,000: equity fer 10 to 4i acres elope to Omaha. J A. 2413, S19 City Nat. Bank Rldg. 100-ACIlK MisMiuri rfver bottom corn land S 'i miles nort heast of Atchison, Kn., renting for half ntnrtKairc; $1.M0; price, S-l.V Want Nthrii.-kn land. U. O. Con- tAhl. Hasting. NH. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. GEORGE & CO. I REALTORS. AT. S0:4. TTTFTr I II ILJ I A IKU s- OM1 2 I tf T MY CtOVtVi OUT I riNO I'M 0K"N OUT 'Ll. MAvf TO Drawn Kl aiuaktar. inam'T NMOtftW ABOUT I'l I Dg MAPll" WW ' YO fOkrr YMT haty r MtAST- CWtvTtR HU. CHCSTOt A4T ArMli- mY XO BtCOkAt. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE, $8,000 GLOVER & SPAIN Benson. FIVE-KUO.M BUNGALOW located In Hensnn on N. 59th St.; a bargain; small payment clown; ati'M like rent: strictly modern; oak floors; oak finish; full remcnted base ment; all In flrst-clawi sbspe. Ready to move In. Call Evenings. HO. 6947. Florence. NBTHAWAY sells and trades. KK. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. LEAVING CITY $1,000 CASH 11CVS LARGK MODERN II'IMB 7 ROOMS AND DOUBLE OARAGE Huill right throughout, lots of closets, good attio and full cement basement. Will accommodate large family nicely, ot you csn easily rent 3 or 3 rooms. Nb-e location on 35th St., north of Bemis Park, near Harney car and Technical High school; good double garage; pav ing paid. See It today, it's a bargain at $0,300. Terms $1,000 rash, balance $55 a month. Who gets It? D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 712 Omaha Nafl. DO. SS90. Evenings; WE. 0832: HA. 5912; KE. 2834. NEED 7 ROOMS? WE HAVE 3 Homes, each strictly modern throughout each house has 4 nice bedrooms, attic and full basement; nicely located on paved streets, with good garages. Terms $1,000 to $2,000 cash: priced very rea sonable at $6,300 to $7,500 each. If you need a large house, save time, phone us now,' we csn please you, no trouble to show you -through. D. E. BUCK & CO., 742 Omha Nat'l. JA. 2000. Evenings, WE. 0S32; HA. 6942; KE. 2834. Leavenworth Heights Have a real home now under con struction. Five rooms. Oak in living and dining rooms. Oak floors through out. On paved street. Why rent when we can sell you a place like this In cluding lot all for $5,250. For full par ticuars call Walnut 2S12. MX ROOMS, $350 CASH Here's a beauty, 214 blocks to Harney car; near school: lot, 60x130; fruit snd shrubs. Dandy big rooms; vacant now. Better see this as price is only $4,000. SHOPEN & CO.. Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. $5,000 $1,250 CASH, s-room modern. Excellent location. Full lot, double garage; paving paid. Evenings. KE. 2825. WA. 1980. HOME REALTY CO.. 1019-20 W. O. W. Bldg. DO. 8124. QUICK .possession, new six-room, one floor bungalow, big rooms. Leavenworth Heights. $1,500 down. Call Jackson 3261. 41 DODGE; 8 rms. ft. 500; terms. AT. 5250. D. K. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. North. Brand New Home $6,500 Terms J.ocated at 16th and Emmet we have just completed a full two-story home with nix lnrtr rnnmi nnrl hath. Ttnait tlful oak floors throughout. Choice dec- orations and lighting fixtures. Many up-to-date features. All Improvements paid. Evenings call Mr. Mueller, KE. 2S71. George F. Jones Co., Realtors. 232 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 6636. $500 CASH AND $37.50 A MONTH buys neat, modern bungalow cottage. Large rooms, nice pantry, good plaster ed basement, d.indy lot. four nice cherry trees, and chicken house. Price only i $3. 550. Nonrrttdent owner says sell it. See it today; it s a bargain far a small toD.' E. BUCK & CO., 742 Omaha Nat l Bank. JA. 2000. Kvenlngs; HA. 5945, WE. 0832. KB. 2834. North Side Bargain, $5,250 Snen rooms, oak finish, hot water heat: four rooms first floor, 3 bed rooms and bath up: large lot; 2 blocks to our. $1,000 rali will handle. Call Osborne Realty Co., 330 Peters Trust Bldg. J A 22S2. Exceptional Buy Just listed, flvo-room bungalow, si! n one floor. Room for two more up stair.. Living room and dining room ha-vij beamed ceilings; built-in bookeapes and buffet: lot is 50xi:9; 1 block to car line. This is a well built house. Price J.'.SOO. Kor inspection, call Mr. Koo. WA. H V. Cf.AKlv CO Mr ANY. Uealtors. Atlantb- 2t-2 Je..-uritiea Hldg. TWO nv THK Ts KST I NEW '-room KKiaMime h)j?i' :. ti: His' k-rt are ;t :-Cd aid Brown eitets. .lust ff 'rettiet Mile, T.arse Inwns, pi-apant views. TiV-y arp prh ed at S.VtV". earn. About IVM". vn r- luirM. jHlea-e ohont KE. 2152 for cat. , Drawn for The Bee by McManui N tU PKt Vo t0T OHti t0T- for The Bee by Sidney Smith (Uptnihti id: J) UTTUt f AMILY tlTHtW AliAY5 lT L 1 1 Lv Yt AND AfiOY W-C )Y ywwk- t iWT MX wjlV ' rvm -C THAT COtAPN'T I- ir.rY, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BRAND NEW KFl.ASrONE HI NGALOW. 24x12 containing 5 real niouiN and bath, buffet and other built-in features; all oak and iMiaiui'l !liiii.h, into of the i-laMicst bungalows in Mintic l.ut-a. ready to move risnt in. about $ rash will do, bal.iiiio tn suit, bee us bcfuie buy ing RASP Ll:OTI!L'Ki. ilJ Kcclinc lias. AT. 0721. Montelair Bungalow Kivo larne rooms and bnth on one flnor, htrictly tmidrrn wiih garng. large lot. paving paid. 1 blcx-ka to Ilnrney car; $;:o cah and :o a month. Thin will fuio beat paying rent; Immediate) 1'O.sestiliin. Osborne Realty Co., 530 Teters Trust Bldg. .IA. 222. WANT A HUM E. T have the lot and can finance a home for you if you have some cash and can make fair monthly payments. Call for Mr. 1'arse. DO. 7412, days. cTis?:"7roLOTifR7ipciiTToL. On Spencer street, 6-room lmui.e, all modern, priced et a bargain. Cull llr. McCallum. HA. 0130. RASP BROTHER3 213 Kceline Bldg. AT. 072L FIVB-ROOM home, tiaO cauiT 3320 S 63d. Ttcduced to $2,4"0. BEST & OESTRING, DO, 613.7. 1414 N. 33D ST. Hix-rooin modern, easy payments; buy for a home. Crclgh, (OS Bee, Jack. 0300. South. $5,750 Five-room bungalow, east front on paved street, paving paid. Near Wind sor school. Well built, nicely finished and in first class condition. Easy terms. Shown by appointment. Call Grant Benson Sunday and evenings, WA. 1560. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Atlantic 3540. Building Lots $260 and Up $5 Down, $5 Monthly Buy one of these large lots and build a temporary home. Stop paying rent. Close to Fontenclle Blvd., school and store. The Byron Reed Company 1612 Farnam St. DO. 6207. VISIT model home at 3821 S. 34th St. furnished by Orchard & Wilholm Co., built by C. G. CarlbPlg. Open week days, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 2 to 5 p. ni. Ralston Lots "tt" IX; payments. Phone Stewart Ralston. 10-W. Vacant. LOTS On S. side of Larlmore Ave., between 24th and 27th Sts. will sell on easy payments or will build to your order. AT. 3540. FINE DUNDEE LOT. S. M. corner 63d and Dodge St.. 126x 80 feet; price $5,000. Owner. 3310 Myr tle Ave. Phone HA 3023. FINE High South Front Lot. $125. H. S. MANVILLB, Realtor. AT. 2403, 615 Peters Trust Bldg. CHOICE Parkwood lot. 44x638 feet, at 6651 Florence Blvd., must sell at once. Call KE. 0460. SOUTH front lot. north part Dundee, $950, ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO., JA. 0064. EAST front corner lot. 1?4 blocks Miller Park. $850.. JA. 0564. from y HI lU-jff This Man Got Into a Peck of Trouble lie hud made several real estate deals, all through Realtors, and they were all satisfac tory, never a "slip up," never a "come back." Then he decided he'd make a deal "direct," - he'd quit using the service of men who are ex perts in real estate transactions. ITe did make the deal "direct," and is a few days he was in court. ITe has now lost over $1,000, and his deal is still "tied up." He is now consulting with a Realtor on this deal; every day, trying to get out of it without losing any more money. He has also decided that all his real estate trans actions hereafter will be handled by Realtors. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD itonvilt e Realtor! ) FEAL ESTATE IMPROVED. ! Aiir4(. Real Acreage Ilu renins l ' tt t&a ii- -.trf - , . ... -,.,,. - ..a a-..,. nLb.ti iie, sisal $-iii, ', the Ii t h nuiid eiati.ii " r'm-4, m ll ii II i. ium tt' sa l e. .a f -,ni,rt iwu ililiki-u ." aeme l-U'i, four Me-ha isr eM Ylm u4 l'4rl lit rasa aiil liaad' II, 1M- 1'e.ib .f e lei,l bunas', I. libt and furii.i. f it tie dull, sliiiihb-ly, rhl'Am kawl as4 gr-g, iiierW f.-ired, !fcalpd el nl II, a ricaf iM.tiluls, . iui li,utfli! ;.fioni flui eeilll' buns ', kuauiiful. !: ! tikh hnii. iivubla .', a' k.n.ts if beannt 'mil ire's aid brii, tne of lbs tr butt In i of prop-ely n I'ni.l.S, II S si will usfiia, Osborne Rcaltyt Co., I ! I'sisis Trim Hlg ,M ? ' MibcdUncoui. I Hariiain Homes Twice Helow Tar IT, tor"iie Afn semi-bunvslaw, le-4i4 ItAr .il and alyrtt avenue tn MoiitiUir, Uige liilnf team erf eae fiout, limine rini klicbeu ee lit fir.) fi-.or, ninth.. I in eak, imii bdtnoina en4 bath en ho a 'oiid floor. Ink floors, ahue .i finish, tsndy lot, iis.4 I i -l Saras, sad dtHS, $1 $ llitHIl, li.i.lue llinntbli. l o s veil mi'in lea ainrtr s'rlrllv ril"rii h"U' in Miller perk dis trict, 1. 1,. living ie.Mii siinrenm and kii hen mi lbs lint liner built'tit f.-siiirrs, u,iK finish end i.U floni. tbiec bdriHtnis end b.ih on th .e,-end floor, bard pine 1iiii.Ii. i4iiily snuih fruel lot en .itel, pi.iiig ps'd. end ilrne, iLeetl asb. b.un. m inontbll-. II. .00 M. i. .in .irmly ini-dern l uius-Inn-, fue rooms end bain a fbe first floor, fluisheit In esk end ohm on the secund, bulll'ln fee tuie.. firi place, beokrsses, built- . In fretuns In lb kilt hen beater, full renientrd bssemenl, every tlili'g I'ompleie Dsndv essl front let on boiilenrd. ell paid, gsrage and drive. Handle en reasonable t.rme. 7,li0 bien rooms, full tuo s'orv house. near llanscotn paik, laige living room, sunroom. dining loom and kitchen with built-in f..ture on the 'Irsi lloor fin ihd in oak. Three bedreome snd sleeping per h sud sunroeni on the second floor wild noors end white enamel flni.n l-'ull rrment basemen!, furnace bent, corner lot. paved street ell srouiid. all paed Garste ai' drive. Part iah, balance month. I. IK.IUO-.btiven.ronui, full tuo slery etrlrt ly modern houe. lor. ted tit the verv i rcsm of Dundee, three Urge rooms namelv, living mom, dining , loom, kitchen with built-in fe Hires, osk finish snd oak floors, four bedrooms and belli on the eicrnd floor. til bath, oak Honrs finished In white enamel. Full icitteiued haenient, furnere heal, lamlv double garage and drlie. paved etre.t, all paid. Will sell on reasonable terms or discount for l sell. Payne Investment Co. I.'.l Omaha Nat. sl.nk RMr. Do. 17l. Fifteen excellent I tiilding lots, ell 10-foot fronisge: splendid, growing, new eddl flini; 4i built and under construc tion In the lust year; 60 more bouece lo be built thie ycer adjoining Clairnionl. I'ennnt duplicate these lete tn Omaha fur the money $5.00 cein and li.Ot) per month. Eeautirul 4-rnom siucro home with fi-rooin accommodations; less than two years old; hot water heat; a wonderful home foi' the price and terms 14,200 $5.00 cash, $31.50 per month. Strictly modern 10-room solid brick home; good repslr outside and In; beautiful lot with shrubbery and fruit: good chicken houae. Price. $5,600, $2,000 cash. Chas. W. Young & Son, 160J City National Bank. AT. Eveuings:. HA. 6061, Klfi. 1331. or DO. 47$. Ideal Home Pine Street Nine-room home, all modern, large lot. screened In porch, garage; Ideal for remodeling Into duplex; price attractive. Gallagher & Nelson, 662 Peters Trust Bldg. JA 3311. New Bungalow Kiamond as part payment, JA. $5H. Storage or Trackage Entire third floor for rent. Elevator, lights and trackage in wholesale district. POuglas 4780. 1307 Leavenworth. gBOl lonononoaonon o D o D o D o D o D o D o a o O D o a o a o D o D o a o Owner Says Sell Quick Don't ask -what be wants sar what you'll give. It's worth $7,500. BUT you can buy this S-room bungalow for less than $6,E00 with terms. Living room, dining room, kitchen and den down, 2 large bedroomi end bath up. Oak floors and finish, white enamel, full basement, large corner lot, double garage. Close to ear and Windsor school, near Hanscom park st.d Field club. You'll know it's a BARGAIN. Sundays phona Mr. Shaver. KE 3768, or Mr. Metcalfe, WA 2776. EQUITABLE TRUST CO. 1813 Douglas St. AT 2945 o nonocaoaoaoaoi oao Kountze Park District $4,500 Consists of 6 rooms, full basement, corner lot, east front, very reasonable terms. Ha. 4415. H. W. VOLLAND 710 Peters Trust Bldg. At. 9SS5 I 1