JO EfcE: OMAHA. WEUXtSUAY. MARCH 29. 1M2. Live Stock Cmah. Mrb :, 171 ( . .1 ( ! o. I . l ai.u,l. 'to.-..! 1 lt h4 Cm .'. la.t .n,. 1 ab , :-. It'll ., I . , . : hem lr l"H 14 'H f J.!S 14 ft. rlfit 4 ll"'llln l l!': th t'rHu Ml fcf.l, M..H NrO, f" ft twin 4in al p. . Mans J. in?. I'.KCfclPTS-t-AM eilL H.. He'll II M. W !. R R. !. I--. H. .... tl I Bill! I'efl.' It. It. 4 , A V, W, Ky at II f. it. W. Ht . tl St, I. ! , f ., ii, a Q M , t : t , It W H . l f. K, 11. "' c. It I. V. -. I llltpoia 'nl'l lt . I , tl. w. ity ...- - . 'ml i 11 i i t st u t I i J i i." :' IMM'tlKl I liisli r.i" ('.til li;' . t , .1 A . - . - . . I ifc 1 S Jl i '! :i;l I'U.lahy 1'e'Utlg " .UK I'm kins t u ,. i.i M..ri l'a bilig tu. . . hifl a to Uti I. W. Ilmi'hy Hoatt. t H ..... , , -. Lincoln I'... kll.g I . 1 Wiiu parkin Cii , I U Millia I's-kinC t'u. I'' Huffman III".. MaiarowP It V.ii. . Mnlc.t I'a'kllig " ' f. ! ' . l'..'Uin i' . I tinih !' w. '.i. H.nion Vn Mill . ' 4 II. Hull . 1 1 It, M. HurruM ti ' K. II. Chrii! "' "' Iwniil It trail' i .. I. Kill t'O. Jnnn tUrvty HunlilncP A l'lui . I. T. J. iihrftit I.' r, t). K-II"K "' r p. Mo-Kin. t" t". ".. .1. H. Hoot to.... lit Konluilc )lro. .... ?l Hullivftn llio.. . .... J- W. II. Vn uSiit A l'. M Wwiholmtr : l"n Kmll.y ihr biyr I. I nian l'4'kin i s Kirkpri It Km., .. Kalh.ihlld am ; u.-j li.'. 2i. . l :,uj Totll .T.mii K',t: .t; cm. nlii. 7. too htJ Rm.ipn dinupud Bit iliKliliy Tu.ily mid the mur k.l .huwul ft lttfr lon. Ut'irmna wm braadT unil bolo lu''l - kr n.l hip pint buyrr look th Ut'nirabl ' and cow frcly Hi trdy to imiir figurrn. Medium nd loiiimon tuff of all huiili w In lihci-al auiiply and hoeil no ioli''abla lniproiniiit. In aloekera anil imdfra frcah auppllra were .mallfr than on lunday and the coumry ilcmund broadxr. ao that bunln'.a livelier and prlcM aleady lo troriier all around. Quotation" on cattl: Cood lo choliO bove. T.1) 15: fair lo good beavea. common (o fair beeica. i -J food lo i-holoa yerlm. IJ.SOtf S5! fair lo iood yearhnsa. Is.'r.ft; romnion to fair yearling.. I.3i(.il good to oholca heifeia. Iti.TiW 7.M; fair to oot b.lfera, It.iitl .": huW lo prima t owa, S tDff i.iO; good lo cliolie towa. 3.iO.7S: fair to good row., tt.tiOOi.:! (ommon lo fulr co. 2.f0&t.:6; good lo rhoic feeder". 11.76 ijjf J.40; fair lo good fe.dara, I.I66.75; romnion to fair feed era. iO.SO.!u: good to i-holea aiotkern. I7.O0IJ.J.6O; fair tu good atockera. I6.4UW m .a. . ....... f. ?'.Afll !t.'l. t.vvi t'oioiiiwii ifi r.wvo.. "'"..:-,; I alock htlfera. $4.00ii.OO: IO'k iowb, IJJ.0 ! tr&.u; PlorK raiv.-s. i.i.i.". .n. lalvcn, $8 006 i; bulls, ataga, etc., Jt til 5.S5. BBIT Si t'.e.ns. 14. . SI. nr. 7 in 10.. 1A4I T li ..1121 ..1114 . Aiit 7 3a 1IS3 7 60 ..1391 7 70 . .1511 I 00 7 60 7 ti 7 7S II. I. 50... ,is:s 10. . . 'STKER3 AND HE1FKRS. It.. I.. 5.. .1067 7 00 COWS. . 106 S 00 l!t 55 HEll'EKS. . Ui I 10 BULLS. '"l 2070 4 IS lloga Heielptn. 12.700 head. Trading was falrlv ai-tlvo today on Boud demand from both shipper and packers PT'oe" ruling; generally ateatly to In spots IfflOc lower. Light hogs aold from 9.56.b4 with top prlia of I9.7H. Mixed load and butcher weislits, 3.a0((i9.60 and packing urailea. Is.7ift'9."0 wllh extreme heavlea Is.l'&C 8.75. liulk ot nalca waa 9.3o HOU. n;..!!r.4 70 s 7.'. 2S..3H4 S!...L't:! ... tl) 2a.. 241 liti..MI 70 9 60 :tt. .219 tiNJ33 ... 9 ti" 39.. 204 SJ..;02 IliO 9 70 Bhccp Koralpla. 9.300 hend. ... 9 30 ... 9 45 ... 9 ... 9 63 i'at lamba and prices HIT. I.I UVII MT-i, ....... v.."j . were generally atrong to "ia higher, built of lambs aelling within a range. f 114.60 WIS. 00 with best handy weights quoted . . . . .... j t. ..i.i , ii An tut al ;iti.;;. t-lippea mini's puiu i. ....."v.. 13.S0 paid for one dock of choice handy weight. Feeders were fully steady, five double decks of light lambs averaging around 70 pounds at 13.i5. Sheep were atendy to slions. Quotations on sheep: Fnt lambs, good to choice, tit. lioifi '16.25: fat lambs, fair to good, IH.OHul&.oO; clipped Ittmbs. $l?.2a 13.30; ehearlns lainlis. )3.5011.0O; feeder lamb. 113.0013.60; cull lambs, Il0.0012.00; fnt yearlings, light, !2.uo 33.00: fut yearlltiKs. heavy, S9.50 1 0.50 1 wethers. IS.OOiilo.uo: fat ewes, lisht, 9.t)09.60; fat ewes, heavy, J7.00 9.00. ' FEBDBB I.AMBS. 175 fed 61 11 U ' Knnan City Livestock. Kansaa fity. Mo., March 28. (U, S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 9,000 he:id; beet stoers and she stoik most steady to strong; spots, lusjlio higher lhan yesterday's clone; best yearlings. ls.10: heavy steers, IS. 00: few loads, neu ers. 7,26((i;7.36; most sales hotter grades, 4tS.OOW7.00; medium to choieo cows, 16.25 W6.00; common kind. t.25 4.50; all other ilusses generally steady; best vealers, 4".&0S,I.O; ennnera and cutters, 83.7S 4.00; bulls, mostly, 3."64.50; fleshy feednrs, 17. 05; mont stot-kers, $.007.00. Hogs Kerelpta, 9,000 head; market un tven: opened mostly 10fr20c to shippers and a few packers; closed at about half the advance lost; bulk liKht shipping weights, 9.S0( 9.85; top, 110.00; 2253U0 rounders, mostly to packers, 19. 609. H; hulk of sales, 9.2589.00: packer top, i thronouts, sows and slock pigs around steady. Sheep and Lambs' Receipts. 9.000 head; sheep, steady;, fresh shorn Texas wethers. IS. 769. 00; lambs, generally 2fto higher: most early sales choice Colorados. lU.lO'tP shora lambs, fl2,7o; late arrival unsold. . Chlcngo" Llvestoek. ' Chicago, March 2S. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; fairly active, generally steady to strong on beef stoers and she stock; apots on beef steers, higher: top, 9.25 for load of prime 1.2S0-pound steers to be fitted for ahow; next highest prices, 19.00; bulk beef steers, I7.25fe8.25; bulk tat she stock, 5.00e'6.50; bulls, mostly steady; bulk bolognas, 14.254.35; veal calve, steady to 25o lower; bulk. 17.60 J8.26 to packer: Blockers and. feeders, slow; about steady; bulk. IS. 25 7.25. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head: slow, few early sale 6c to 10c higher; market largely steady to 10c lower than yester 'day' average: lighter' weights off most; closing, active; shippers bought about 4.400; holdover, moderate; top. 110.50: very few over 110.40; bulk, 9.75ffil0.40; pigs, strong to 16c higher: bulk desirable, 100 to 130-pounders. 49.50 10.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 13.000 bead; uneven, steady lo 25c higher: clos ing1, weak: fat wooled lamb top, 111.10; bulk, 116.00; bulk shorn lambs. 113.00 913.60; wooled yearlings. 114.25; shorn Texas yearlings anJ ewes, 111.75; shorfi wethers, 410.00: wooled ewe top, I10.0O. St. lAuia Livestock, East St. Louis, March 28. Cattle Re ceipts. S.000 head; beef steers, steady to strong: spots. 10c to 15c higher: bulk, 97.00tf7.75; light yearlings opened steady; closed easier, top .00: beef cows, bulls, rami era and stockers. steady: veal calves, 25o to 60o lower; bulk. Is.5039.75; top, 41.00. Hoga Receipts. 11.000 head; opened active, steady; top. Iia.60 for two loads: bulk 160 to 240-pnund averages. 110.36 010.45: closed, weak to 10c lower; prac tical limit late, 110.35: pigs. 25c to 60c lower, mostly ls.5ogj.8S; packer sow, lie lower, 48.506 60. Pheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.500 head; aetive. mostly 15c to ?5c higher; choice Colorado lambs. 111.00; choice clipped lambs, 111.50; natives. 114.60; sheep, steady; ewes, 19.00. St. Joseph Uve Mock. St. Joseph. Mo., March 28. Hogs Re ceipts, 6.000 head; market steady to 10c higher; top. 19.10; bulk. 19.5099.80. Cattle Receipts. 2.000 head: market generally steady; steers. 16.508.25: cows and heifers, I4.2e.23; calves. 15.00$ 7.60. Sheep Receipts. 4. 000 head: market strong to 25c h'rhcr; iimbs. 114:5615.;;; . I9.eng9.7i. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day 1 1 Omaha Grain i riiiul.ii. March .'8. of hfi in t'le Onuli4 market fnr 3t tar. i84it 2H car Ut jfr, I't rn. 4? rr, ai4iiil 2i car, lout of !i .'rain.. Kl Mr. tompjiril wiih $t tri ytr f8. Miiiuiiriitt 6i turn ure Unvv t V7 C4r out of toul nut niovrinriit ti Mn tT4 uf ill kiii4. ami ci'tniurtd tvhli "J cn It f4r. Firigii new a not tapreiaUy lu!IiIi tlii niornin, but report! iruin Okialioma ami Kantat trre inure pcasnuotic regnrdiuK the uroii"B wheat crop. It wa Uo 4ii i-cIm ? of ustt tva being tJ layrd in lltmoia arul Kan4 oil ac count of ttft w e-athfr. Import ilrmaiul fur cali Hlifat au oil Mcrf naitl ! be only niotl rrjif, but sooil fvr com and rye. 'J lie demand in the local market vai MifVicit'iit to alMirb the otTeriugi r.iul all ianiple were well cleaned up. tali wheat went at price ranging from l'fiic liinher than yesterday, t'om wa a ready late at lWJc liinh rr value. Oat sold fi' liighrr. Rye wa generally tiuchaiiRcd. white bitrley wa nominally unchanged. WIIKAT. No, dark hard: t rar f.muMv), II 31. N't. I hard winter: tar. II. H, I iar. II No ! har.t winter: I iar. II Jit ara. 11?!',; I tar. It at par ianl; I tar lunutljl. l :iu; J nr i.niuilil, ,;7, Vo i hard K-iiitor: I tar, H i.; 1 tar, II ?l '. I .e i-nra. tl :l, Kainpla liai.l vliitee, I rar tl i per rant beat ilm'd. II 10 No. t sallow, hard: I rar. l ii. No. J yellow, hard: S rata. II :l. Hnniil apring: I tar I nor. apring fronted). II is. Sa. I milled' I rar ttl'irum II 1?, No. ! mixed: I rar Idurumi, II II. ffir.X. No. 1 hit: J rara. 4lr. No. I oilite, I iara, ale No. 3 wliiie; S taia. oi,c. No. I yellow: 1 rar. Mr. Vo. J yellow: 4 c-ara, llr. No. 3 yelluw: J rata, &1r; 2 i-ara. I0;e. No. S tniK'd: I iar, (near white), 0r; I iar. (anerlal billing i. tJi,.': : iara. tie; I ar, 4;e. Nn. .1 mixed: I car, IIS per rent molr. ture), tit; 1 iar. lit per tent mo.aiure;, 4'u. OATS. o. S white: 1 iara. 5i,e. No. 4 whtta; 1 iar. :a"4i. nvE. No. 4: 15 iae, 0e. BARUtV. No aalea. OMAHA ItKCEII'TS AND .Sill I'M ENTS. ti'arloit.l Itacelpta Wheat .... Corn Oat llyei Barley .... Hhtpnienta Wheat ..... Corn Data Ky Twluy. Wk. Ago. Vr. Ago. 49 :t M Today. .. 11 . . Wk. Ago. Tr. A so. is iai It 8 4 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. I Bushel Receipts Today, Wk. Ago. Wheat oss.OOH 729.0HO Yr. Ago. r36.Otl0 5 '.4. OHO 394.000 Yr. Abo. 647.000 1,09 0110 6:1.000 Corn 691,000 777.IM10 Oots 473.000 520.000 Shipments Today. Wk. Atro. Wheat 413.0U0 368.000 Corn ....... 661.0110 474.000 Oats ' 544.000 646.000 KXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels Today. Yr. Ago. Wheat and flour 629.000 410.O0O Com 484.000 301,000 CHICAGO RBCKIPTS. Carlots Today. W"k Ago. Y'r Ago. Wheat IS ' 31 71 Corn 234 205 357 Oata 116 124 81 KANSAS CITY RKCEIPTS. Today. W k Ago. Y r Ago. .... 10". M 85 2 23 14 13 6 6 LOUIS RECEIPTS. Today. W'k Ako. Y'r Ago. 84 111) 61 ,...61 oil S3 23 25 43 NORTHWESTERN" WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots Today. W'k Ago, Y'r Ago. Minneapolis 141 102 134 Iiuluth 39 58 156 Winnipeg 773 915 302 New York Coffee. New York. March 28. The market Tor coffee futures was reactionary today. It opened 3 to 11 points lower because of less favorable Brazilian cables, large clearance from Santos and other Brazilian points and considerable hedge selling against lower cost; and freight offers. The market closed rather easy at 7 to 9 points net decline. May contracts early in the day sold at 9.42c, but dropped later to 9.35c and the whole market closed nt near the lowest of the day. Owing to the quieter spot market and the change in Brazilian markets, there waa less support through commission houses than was noted on Monday. Sales were estimated at about 42,000 bags. May, 9.87c; July. 9.30c; September, 9.18c; De cember, 9.18c; March, 8.1 Sc. Sppt coffee was less active at 10c lo 1 0 i n for Rio 7s and 13sio to 14c for Santos 4s. Cost and freight offers were unchanged to a little easier, including Rourbon 3s and 5s at 13.25c to 13.50c: part Bourbon 4s and 6s. 13.2513.50e and 1 Rio 7s 9.65Jr.9.70o. American credits. New York Sugar. New York, March 8. The raw sugar market was qulep and prices were a shade easier. Spot Cuhas were ouoted ' at 2 6-16c. cost anil freight.' ec,ual to ' 3 92o for centrifugal with April at 2c," equal to 3.98c' Jt was rumored that operators bought 15.000 bags of Cubas second half April shipment st quoted prires. although no business could be con firmed. The market for raw sugar futures was fairly active and prices were lower under scattered liquidation, prompted by the easier ruling of the spot market. Final bids were 3 to 4 points net lower, May. 2.50c; July, 2.r8c; September, 2.85c, and December, C.90c, ' In refined, prices were unchanged at 5.40c to 6.50c for fine granulated with tho demand still light. . .In refined futures there were sales of a few lots of July at 6.10e, an advance of 10 points over the previous close. Final prices wero unchanged to 10 points net higher: May, 6.90c; July and Sep tember, 6.10c. Sioux City Lire Stock, Sioux City, Ia March 28. Cattle Re ceipts, 3.000 head: market, stockers and feeders, weak; few steers. 1525c lower; butcher stock nearly steady; fed steers and yearlings, 7.oo8.00: warmed up steers and yearlings, I3.006.75; fat, cows and heifers, I4.00sr7.00; ranners, 12.60 4.00; veals. Io.009.00: feeders, 45.000 7.00; calves . I4.50ffi7.25; feeding cows and heifers, S3.505.50; stockers, lo.OOgj) 7.00. Hogs Receipts. .7.600 head: market E 15c lower) butrhars, l9.40Sjl9.65: lights, I9.65S9.75: heavy mixed, IS.754f9.35; heavy packers. I8.25ift8.60: stags, 46.25 6.50: bulk ot soles, I9.35g9.85. Sheep Receipts, 500 head; market steady, New York General. Xew York, March 28. Wheat Spot, steadv; Xo. I red. 11.401; No. 2 hard, 11.41: No. 1 Manitoba. I1.56H, and No. 2 mixed, durum, 11.36 !4, c. i. f. track New York, lo arrive. Corn Srot. easy; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, 7314c and No. 3 mixed, 73c o. I. f. New Y'ork. all rail. Oats Spot, quiet; No. 2 white, IG'.ic Other articles unchanged. Minneapolis drain. Minneapolis, Minn., March 2S. Wheat Receipts, 141 cars compared with 134 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern. 11.49 ffl.52S: May, II. 40: July. 11.32. Corn No. 3 yellow, 48 1) 49 Uc Oats No. 3 white. SSftoiTic. . "Barley 60963c. Rve No. 2. 94'lSi95Hc. Flax No. 1. 12.492.64. Dry Hoods. New York, March 28. Cotton goods were barely steady today with the de mand quiet for print cloths and fine cottons. Sheeting were stesdy and yarns essier. Heavy weight burlaps sold on a basis of 6 cents for 4-inch 10H ounco goods, a rtse of over a cent a yard In a month. Silks were quiet Kansas CHj Grain. Close Wheat May, 1.19; July. SLOTH; September. 11.05. Corn May, 62; July, SSHc: Septem ber, SITjc.' St. Loot. Grain. St. Louis. Mo.. March 28. Wheat May. I1.28H: July. 1 ,lii. Corn. Slav. 57 -c; July. 69H&6IHC. 0ltSi STltc; July, 14 -Uc ! 1'arlots Wheat . . . j i.'orn ..... oats Si - t"a riots Wheat ... Coi n . , . , . Oats Chicago Grain 'i By CHARLES P. MICHAELS. Ilatab Ha I H Wira, C'liirago, March The ictiati of the gMin inarktta ua tlaptint ing to all tlaate tf tradtrt today. i'rit r fluctuaied etraiitally with in a fair range, Ihtr tln.ed will) wheat S-Mi- Juwrr for May and 18 OiiUs higher on the deferred fu turt, torn l-.'c luuer. tau un changed and rye l-.c luuer It 1 4c h'gbrr, L'lifavorable crop rt porta from paru ul Kana, Ukldhouia and Ne braska, alter pricei had dropped I (n I I 2c in the early trading, brought about an advance of 2 In wheat. Miort were forced to cover 6ii the way up, On the bulge there vtaa telling by liuuoea with eaotcrn conueftiiin. On the break the ra bmight July freely, waking rapid price change. Tit eatly .li li. w aa lb retult f .kn lit .irrM,i hi. h off '.d In tha t. of In aittanea in Anierlian ha pievio a da White Ilia i baraeter of i la r'iii iflHii'a ma aomewbaf ilianujet. iiig. Hoy Pol tHiekiHl, lo any taut v.ili Iumii( f.lera from Hi. rnuntry, Ktiyirt ii. iimn. I low and da- hand Hull villi liberal larrynvar at ni l.oui" and Im'ixi t'liy. Loral miliina atea wci. iii.oio bJ.lirl. fr. elp'ii, 14 taia ( am It lrallr. Com f lurlunlr.! In lh (am artatie miniier aa wheal, early only to rally and lia do'l i. unaitt, lb undei. en. KlllB trrtvv fit th laal, Trada main1.' of j lupi 1 1, .nailer. Ktporler wrr after corn her and at nutaide mar. I'.rta am) mad liberal purehaea at Oinab for ahlpnieni lo the gulf The atrd reported"u bu-hel aold abroad. July lorn in Mvarpnol i-loaed tjd lowar. Immeniii' hmiiin demand waa alow with ale. of ;,oo bualiela, llerel.l. tl ear. nata allowed lnduendenl aireneth duo i lo wet and rold waatbrr delaying aee.linc. i and in aomo pari of llllnnia apring work I I' already 14 day later Uian lot year. I Shipping demand wa alow with aale of i id noil bushela: recnpia. to car. I Tmde In r wm alow, tha fealnra i hejiiir ih Iki) iiic by honee with -. I board iniinet tioii. Norway waa after re at the seaboard and took J00,oo4 I,,,,.,.,,? u" "r "' Number 3 on Iraik eold tl : fit Salt. W ith th trim tor pr(0i at timid the trj.le la KM" mar t(n.loii to July ntil ScptemlM r wheat which Iflltni: loer tA May uml uliowinir the moht ft rend li. The Mny-Jitry up rem I m rloie t4'nv km Mount with fHfttern i onfienlftnn er Urit. early buyers of Julv nfi'l later fee acllera. ftriiatH tu new crop futures uf wheat l attributed to large. purcltatffl hy fur oigtier v ho &r anll to have taken the auiplua off 1li inarUet, muUitig It more re.ponlve to any new buy in if. A pup'liciK of in.flftO buniela new wheat waa made from a central Illinois point to day by a CliU-awo firm at a prife aanl to have figured out ellKhtly lets than Juiy prue, track Chicago. fur t ion Wheat T)ia traders are at aa aa to the ex portable aurplua of wheat in Argentina. Broomhnll mtlmated It today at 1-9.-OoO.OtiO butbe!a. plua a doubtful carry over of ;4.000.'00 bunhela. whilo Rusaell reported It at UI.0D0.0o0 bushels. So far tiiia aeann Argentina has xportad 47.00O,OkA buliM Sir Jnnica Wllcon In a Inn ff review of the world's wheat situation figure that at the end of the froi year, there will be a -urplufi of 80.000.000 bus hula In exporting countries, compared with J2A. OoO.omi Iniahelrt the previous year and I' 28,000. 000 bushela two yearn aa;o. World's Import need for the season are figured at U10.000,0t0 bushoW. inrludinx Russia, fompiTed with 603.000,000 bushels Inst year. iSo far thin season wortd'a apparent disappearance has been 38,000. 000 buehels in excepji of last year. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike drain Co.. DO. 2627. March 21. Art. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yes. Wht. May I I I I 1.32UI 1.34Vil 131', 1.32-i 1 1.31 -Si' I 1.32 I 1.18 I 1.20HI 1.17 al 1.11. I 1.18-l I I 1.19-.S I 1.11 ' LIS' I 1.11 I 1.121,, 1.33 1.32 1.18i 1.18H LIS 1.12 H 1.03'i .94 14 .18 H .58, .62 W, ".65" 36 ; ".39 H ".40 .40 ia July Sept. Rye May July Corn May I 1.11151 I I 1.1 I I 1.03 1.04 i i.o; .94 ).0Uj .94'fll .94 .Hi1-, . .59-S .62 ' .65 Vi i .BS 'i I , . .38. , .6T"I .61 HI . .64 Til .37 " .3711 , .3911 '.ioisV .6SH '".6iii -58H .58 '4 .61 -V, .61 i I July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May Lard May July Ribs May July .61 .64, I .36?. ".391, I. ,sc; ".hi'' .391, 39 .40',, .405,1 I 118.75 jlS. 75 18.75 118,75 118.75 10.83 111.05 'lin.85 110,30 I I 110.90 IIO.02 Il0.13 110.87 (10.10 I 110.85 ll 0.35 110.87 111. 10 111.10 110.15 110.35 110.87 110.37 110,87 110.37 Foreign Exchange. New York. Starch 28. Foreign Ex change Steady; Great Britain, demand, 14.361,4; cables, 44.3674; 60-day bills on banks. 84.33, ' France, demand. .0901 ; caDIes. ."9nivj, Italy, demand, .0507: cables, .0607V5. Belgian, demand. .OSSoli; cables, .0836. OcrmaJiy, demand, ,0030Vi; cables, .0030. Holland, demand, .3769; cables, .3772, Norway, demand, .1770. Sweden, demand, .2605. Denmark, demand, .2098. .. Switzerland, demand, .1940. Spain, demand. .1553. Greece, demand, .0433. Poland, demand, .0002H. Czeeho-Slovakia. demand. .0173, Argentine, demand, .3600. Brazil, demand, .1360. Montreal, .97 1-16. New Y'ork Col Ion. New York, March 28. In the quietest session of the year, the list gained some little ground in the cotton market today. In the late forenoon spot house selling, combined with a little local liquidation, forced the active list back on a level with the previous close. In the afternoon local support lent firmness to the market. Prices moved upward. At the, close they were up 2 to 10 points net. The im provement reflected better Liverpool cables, continued wet weather in the south and firmness of securities. Spot steady, 10 points advance, 17.90c for rfiiddling upland. Southern spot markets were Galveston, 17.35c, 10 points advance; New Orleans, 16.25c, unchanged; Savannah, 17e, 13 points decline; Augusta. 16.88c, unchanged ; Memphis, 17. unchanged: Houston, 17.25c, 10 points decline; Little Rock, 16.75c, unchanged. New York Produce. New York, Starch 28. Butter Steady; creamery, higher than extras. S7i381sc; creamery extras, 37 U 37 Vic; creamery firsts, 3537c; packing stock, current make. No. 2, 21Vj22c. Eggs Firm. Cheese Unsettled; state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 2021c: state whole milk fresh twins, specials, 2020c, New York Money. New York, March 28. Call Money Easier; high, 4!i per cent; low, 4H per cent; ruling rate, 4ti per cent; closing last loan, 414 per cent; coal loans against acceptances, 3"i per cent; time loans, firm, 60 days, 41i4Si per cent; 90 days, 4 1-4 4 i per cent; six months. 4i4H per cent; prime mercantile paper, ik 44 per cent. Chicago Fotatoes. Chicago, Slarch 28. Potatoes, weak; re ceipts, 66 cars; total V. S. shipments. 677 cars: Wisconsin sacked round whites, 41.5031.70 cwt.: Slinnesota sacked red rivers. 11.60 cwt.: Idaho sacked rurals. 11.75 1.85; Nebraska sacked round whites, 11.70. New York Metnls. New York, Slarch 28. Copper Easier; electrolytic, spot snd nearby, 1240: later, 12tj-Sl3c. Tin steady, spot and futures, 19.12c, Iron, steady, prices unchanged. Lead, steady, spot. 4.70!g4.SOc; sine quiet. East St. Louis delivery, spot, 4.704.75c. Antimony, spot. 4.25c. TMed Fruit. New York, Slarch 88. Evaporated Ap ples Qul.r. Prunes Firm. Apriro's Nominal. Pesches--Firm. Raisins Dull Knnsas City Bar. City. Slarch 21.- Kans-s changed. -Hay Un- Duluth. Minn.,IlaMan!n 25. Flaxseed. :.j115.'.sJc I Financial V EbcNt&UflTi itau. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Ilasak Hm lH M l. New York. Maah .U On the eMhanne, today wai marked by irregular retotery from the de cline of the day beiore. A number of totk advanced a point or more, but mo.t of the day'a channel were fractional. Thi merely idivvted, a (he .Imk market ha thpwii on sev eral recent occasion, that under present condition pecnlative "at tarka" do not call forth the promi. tuou ellinu; by aciual holderi which inch demonttraiktn u.ed to eaue a year ago. Whether we may not before very long be confronted with ome diiitnctly unpleaiant turn of event in the senerat neu i an other question: thing have been moving uvoraniy tor a pretty long consecutive period. German mark recovered slightly if meaiured in numerical difference very aubtttan tially. if meanurcd in the percentaKe of advance from Monday .OO.'V of le to today ' .00.11. Monday' irni wesknea found par. hapa partial atpUnalloii hi the . bh4 repmi of to Ueruian chancallor' an. pounrninl, that day, of bK puri.o. lo lajet'l a Miia.repiabl Ilia (!!. ' quid pro qua In ihir pr..i..ed r.uu. lion uf lb. burden uf tparti.oie. taptrlene of til past fw )mii make. th. world lako lh ra.ullant klUuilon leaa Kiave'y than tha Uormana nt to tab It which prhup .kplalli. II. mark a covery todiy. tihr European ibaii late, alt.i advanced, but th. thing a.omrd lo be only on o.-MUtlon of in iuriHaa swib of jirlceg which I always apt to laat for som tinio after really uinv.meni of value ha b.n conirieie.l. Ksacily th am. vprlnclpl ha lately been governing lb purpoaaieiia nuctuaiion of (rain and cot ton pi Ice Kveu now, in oc.a.lotutly hear an li.lerrating enlinate, though not often on an courageous a lb ltulan torn miar'a of the Ruaaian grnin crop, cabled today from Mnaronr. iTh. Ruln harvest of 1 -i, a fnrrahadowed Una eminent authority, will b "about one-half ih av.rag brfor th war." conalili rinc I hat llu1.! u.ed than to raia 100.000,01.0 to 100.000.004 buah.l. that it haa no seed lo plant from the crop of 1121 nor railway to tarry th crop, and ron.ideriug sUo that the rommlaaar emlim-ted the 1121 crop at buahela, on cn only be reminded of lb. mountain of piled up wheat which lb Herman enpecled lo find when they vtnt Into aoutbern Kuaala in 118, Th curious Irregularity with which the Increase In railway earning, during Feb ruary was distributed, i shown by th fact that or 24 of lha more Important road which have thus far made their statement ' th Itro.a receipts of etuetly one-half were larger than In February, 1121, and of the other half smaller. A crmnilation telegraphed from Washington. and covering 61 railway., makes their sggrrgat Increase In gross earnings 13,052.000 or only S?i per cent. Thi Is less lhan one-third of the total num ber of road included In the commission final showing and the percentage of In ci ease may be changed by subsequent Individual statements. New York Stocks Rjinge of prices of th leading stocks Turmsnca ny Logan A Bryan, xtiei. Trust building: RAILROADS. Mon. High. Low. Close.;iose. A.. T. & S. F 964 96H 94 6'i Bait. & Ohio 3 l 37Vt 38 37'S Canadian Pacific. ,135H 135 135' 135t, X. Y. Central 86 Ches. & Ohio 60', 60 H Ot. Northern 71 71 Illinois Central ...101 ion. Kan. City Southern 24 4 24 H S6i Sol, 60 14 71 H 101U 24 H 68 H 21 '4 20 T4 74 H 69 381, 73U 39 85H 21 H 60 71H 101H 24 't Lehigh Valley 68H Missouri Pacific... 21 V, N. Y. N. II 21 N. Pacific 7544 C & N. W 70 Penn. R. R 38 U Reaiiing 7314 C. R. I. & P 39'4 Southern Pacific... 85 V, Southern Railway.. 21 H Chi., Sf. & St. P.. 2114 21 18i 74 It 69 t 7"3 14 38H 8614 21 II 744, 6954 3754 73 3874 854 2114 23 111 2114 2114 Union Paciflo 133 132V4 133 STFJELS. Am. Car . Foundry. 154t4 153 154 153H Allis-Chalmers ... 44 V4 44 4414 43 '4 Am. Locomotive..! 10 14 107". I0914 10714 R'win Locomotive. 107'4 106 107V4 106U Bethlehem Steel.. 7114 Colo. F. & 1 29 Crucible 66'i Am. Steel Fdry... 36 '4 Lackawanna Steel. 4844 Stldvala 8teel 3414 Pressed Steel Car. 69 V4 Rep. Steel & 7 6114 R'y Steel Springs.. 9614 Sloss-Seheffleld .. 41V4 U. S. Steel 94'4 Vanadium 3944 7014 704 1 01, 29 65 "i E514 48 324 6914 61 14 96 14 4014 9414 38 L'S 564 3 6 14 48 33V4 69 H 6114 96 14 4114 94 6', 38 14 49'4 6H4 16 54 27 4014 29 56 3 5 48 3314 6054 9614 3914 94'., 3854 49 "i 51 'i r.t'4 14 74 26 14 3914 2914 27i 3454 14, 13 54 62 14 COPPERS. Anaconda ......... 60J4 49H Am. S. & Ref. Co.. 61 si 60T Cerro De Pasco Chili 7 Chlno 2714 Inspiration 4014 Kennecott 29?, Miami 2714 Nov. Con. 15 Ray Con. 144 Seneca ......,.. l.'t'4 Utah 6314 . OILS. 16 4 261, 40'4 28 5, 271-4 34H 1414 134 6214 29 E7H 15 14H 135, 6214 59 14 S 614 114 Gen. Asphalt . 6914 68 14 6914 68 4 Cosdcn , 36 Ss'i K 36 Cal. Peterol Island Oil . . Invincible Oil Mex. Peterol Middle States Paciflo Oil . Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil .. Pure Oil .... Royal Dutch . 63 615, 614 62 . 1V4 1 114 1 1914 1774 19 17 ..11814 11614 11814 11654 335, 13V 135, 13'4 4954 63 '4 35 Vt 8 54 29 "i 63ii 49 43 4954 6214 3514 814 29 62 63 3554 8 29 s4 6254 6254 355, 854 29 62 14 Sinclair Oil 2444 2414 24 Stand. Oil, N. J. .17 2 54 1 72 17254 171V4 Texas Co. 4314 42 54 4614 43 1714 1744 954 . 9V4 union Oil White Oil .... Chandler Gen. Motors,... Willys-Overland Pierce-Arrow . White Slotor ., ... 1754 1714 ... 954 954 MOTORS. ... 71 14 7014 7054. 7054 ... 1014 10 1014, 10 ... 8 754 754 .... 1714 161, 1654 1654 ... 3914 3914 S9I1 Studebaker ..10 6 54 105114 10654 10514 RUBBER AND TIRES. Fisk 16 54 16 V 1654 1614 39 44 ' 1754 14 60 Goodrich Kelley-Sprlngfield.. 4414 4354 4414 Keystone Tire 1814 1741 1754 AJax 16 54 1 6 54 1 6 54 U. S. Rubber 605, 60 6054 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar... 3954 3914 3914 3 A., G. W. I..,.. 284 2854 284 2814 Am. Int. Corp 4 2 54 4 214 42"4 42 Am. Sumatra 3154 3154 3154 31 94 Am. Telephone.... 120 14 120 120 120 American Con 46 45 4614 45 Central Leather.,.. 3 6 54 3 6 3 6 3 5 54 Cuba Cane 1514 15 15H 15 Cuban-Am. Sugar 22 2014 2174 20'4 Corn Products 1044 104a, 1045.103Va Famous Players.., 7854 77 T4 78 54 71 General Electric. ,154 154 154 153 O. N. Ore ,1614 35'4 3554 , 3554 Infl Harvester.... 94 a Am. H. & Lt pfd.. 69 17. S. Ind. Olcohol. 49 92 54 68 14 4714 4414 70 6954 72 54 45 6154 4914 39 6714 9414 69 ?4 4S 45H 70 7014 75 45 6154 60 3914 67 '4 8614 92 U 6814 4714 44H 6954 70 72 4 4554 61 49 59 67 8614 Int'l Paper, 4 514 7014 7014 7554 45 62 Infl sr. Sf. pfd. Am. Sugar Ref... Sears-Roebuck . . Stromsberg Tobacco Prod . . . . Worthington P. . . 6014 Wilson Co S9H West'house Elcc. 67'4 Am. Woolen 86 "4 86 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil... 2414 2 4 54 2 414 Am. Ag'l Chem... 39 3814 39 Am. Linseed 3 3314 3314 Union Bag pM.... 6644 66 66 4 Brooklyn R. T.... 18 14 1 U 18 '4 Continental Gas... 61 54 61 54 61 54 Csl. Pscklng 75U 75 7514 Col. o. & Klectric. I2'4 8114 Col. Graph 34 3 ' 3 National Enamel.. 3514, 35 3551 United Fruit 137 137 137 3814 3354 55 1854 74U 8214 3 4 14 137 147 88 Lorlllarrl Tobacco.. .... National Lead ... 88 Philadelphia Co... 3714 Pullman 124 Punta Alegre S'gar 4054 Retail Stores 4514 St. L. A San Fran. 28 Virginia Car Chem. !414 88 88 37 '4 37 37 12214 12 3 54 1 22 3954 40 S94 41 S, 45H 4314 27H 28 27 34 34 Total sales, 642.000. Money Close, 4 It per cent; Tuesday's close. 4 per cent. Slsrks Slonday' close. .0030. Francs Close. .0890; Slonday close, .0890. . Sterling Close. 14.3414; Slonday' close. 14.37. New York Poultry. New York, Slarch 28. Poultry Live, easy; broilers by express, 60 90c: roost era, 16c. Dressed, steady, unchanged. New York Bonds U (Tht Beg is tht only Omaha newipaper which pubhahe tht I. ficial clow ot tht New York Stock exchange bonds.) Vm VofH, March M Follotst" ' 141. 4 R.4I1. low H.f fln.lN' frli of Bma an lha New Vo'h bio. a e,rang, l Ih total him vt rack bond. I nil.) (Mate ha4. Sale Ha ll 44 St. ... 4 l.m I.i 4 , t I II. 14 4. .. it tan ii 41,. It l.ib 14 4'. :-4 Lid li 4'.. . :.i i.i mi . iiiih .. !4 I K 14 I I law 11 f I I 4 14 II II t. l.S I'lut II . 14 14 II . : in .ii l l.4 . . ICIOl. 3 11 Vbi.iry 4. a .,14 14 farsign, GiniMeal, Malt anil MunlripaL S Atf'RMu & M t, II 4 :y li-rn. II3H III III! I t'ily !n a ,,,11 lei's 114 II t'lty Itonleaus 4. 41 I'll I'apen IS .. II Cur I.) on. 4 ... i) t'ii). M.rrllU. , li cur H l Jan I . I t'liy un.h ... 3 luni.h Hum I A, II I'epi ina I. I I 'mil t'att I ll.II. UK 4S 'H . . . . ". .10! i' IS s s s l.l I, iaH ins ins II. lll4 HIS Ill's M5a 4'a 4". I II 14 t'om Can It. nulnlii I.4. 11 37 I'm li K India .. 1414 '. I French tH ......14 lO.'S l"S' tl French ........l7' oS 41 Japan. la 74', 74H 74'( i Jap l.t 4', , IIS S II Klngdm lielgmm aloS l2S I"' 44 K.lin llelgmm 7Sal' loS l' 7; Ka.lm n-iiiiiaiW I7 17 ; 13 kalin Italy It,.. 14 Kadm Norway aa. .Ill HIS HI. 15 Ksdnl Sweden . MO'i loot, looi, I flap 4'hll t 146. .101', il4 3S I Hep Cuba I 144,. 0H 0H 10 37 Rip Uruguay ..,104l. lul7, 1 II Musanslsinl : ....ions ln'i 104 ? Swi.a Confrd I....I1', II It 1 1 KnfUHl 14. IIU'li'l. 10IS lf4S It? I KofiiHi 114a 12 10s 104,', lot", t'KMHI IS 131 ion , t. 36 U 14 llraul a 10( in 0 .7 1' S ll.mro 4a 4I4 47 'i 474 4 V a Miro la i;te li1 6H Railway a ad Miscellaneous llond. I Adam Ksp 4 ... 71 71 71 1 Alaska. OM d I A II II II 7 Am A Ch 7i,s....01', 10014 mm 11 Am Smelt t IIS H 'a 74 Am Sug Is ', i, lis 0 Am T T vol 14 S '. ' 4' Am T T ' H ..11 11.1's 114 1 Am nrn rap .., 1 2 12 14 Atmour A Co 44a.. 17 4 1 A T n V -v 4.63 7 I A T 45 8 F adj 4. II II A T A 8 F gen 4a.. II I At Co Lin 1st 4.. 17 '4 II At Fruit 7 37 '4 J7'4 79 U'4 M S I7S 37 1154 1 7S 37 1"4S 7, 1 Atl Itefm IHa ....104S 14 27 H O CV 4 Us 78'- 71 I BIO ref 4 12 11 R sV O I II 2 Rell Tel Pa 7s 107 '4 II Huh Rt'el ref Is., II 14 llelh Steel PM I.. I Rraden Cooper 6a. , iH II Rkl Kill gen 7 SD.107S 3 Rkl R T C r 7 s. 72 14 23 Bush Term Bldg 6s 89 S 7 Can North 64e.. ..101 50 Can Pao deb 4s ... 77 "4 ms IIS 107H 7S 12 3 19 49 S 6 H 9 14 107H 10J1, 721 721, 8 81 U 108 54 1H84 77H 77 4 96 H H 17 17 83H 84 112H 11214 88 88 87 87 9t.'i 96 4 77 77'i 4 Cen a cons 6a. . , 12 Cen Leather 6a .. 5 Cen Pac 1st 4s... IS Cer d Pas 6 11 Ches .4 Ohio cv as . 96 it . 97 . 84 .11214 88 2 C n A Q cen 4a 81 21 C B & Q ref 6s 16', 1125 C K I gen 6s ne. I Chi C.t West 4s ... 15i 3 CM S P ref 4 lis 61 61 68 H 6414 65H 102 61 68 '4 64 U 6551 13 CM AS SP ev 4Hs.. 6414 .1 c.M Sf cv 6s ., 1 C & S W gen 6s. 8 O & N w 61,s ... 14 Chi KJ-S 5 13 R R I a P gen 4s. . 6 .102 ,108'4 . 79 H in: 10 8 54 1 0 8 54 78 is '. 91, 8 82 13 1 92 C. R I & P ref 4s.. 785, 79 961 5 C 8 P SI A- O de 6s 96 H 96 H 1 Chi Union Sta 614H2ii 1125, 112H 6 Chi & W Ind 4s... 7214 73 H 53 '.4 54 Chile Copper 6s.... 86 8314 86 1 Colo F & I 5s 85 85 85 10 Colo & S Rfg 4 1Ts. 88 87 H 88 20 Columbia G & E 6s 9114 91 9114 31 Con Gas 7s 109 10714 108 IS Cuba C Sug cv 7s.. 83 54 8 3 8 3 54 2 Cuban Am 8s 10414 10 4 54 1 0414 3 Cuban Ry 7V4s 1024 102 102 33 Del & Hud cv 5s.. 94 14 94 15 Den R G ref 6s..., 5414 45H 4514 29 D & R G Imp 6s... 7954 79H 78?4 12 Detroit Edison 6s. .10254 102 102 38 Du p de Nem 714 s 10 4 44 1 0 3 54 104 32 Dupuesne Lt 6 10154 101 10J54 20 Erie Gen 4s 45 4414 45 5 Erie Con 4s 6V4 6S 6'4 6 Fisk Rubber Ss.. ,.10414 10414 104'4 4 Gen Elec 5s 9 9 54 9 9 '99 54 68 Goodyesr 8s 1931.. 9914 9954 99S 13 Grand Trunk 6s ..102 1 0 1 54 1 0 1 74 51 Gt North ilil .... 9;i 9654 96H 60 Gt North. 7s 1074 107S 107 5 Illinois Cen 654s. . '.- S9'i 9874 9874 16 Inter Met 4 54s.... 14V4 14'4 1414 .5 inter mat t-s ctrs 1214 lis 176 Inter R T 6s 61 6014 34 Inter M Sf 6s 9554 95 11 Inter Pap ref 6s... 84 83 54 10 Crucible Oil 8s .... 96 'l 96 1 K C South 6s .... 86j 86 8 Kel-Spring Tire 8s. 10614 106 1 2 6014 9654 83 74 96 14 86 54 106 84 ' 89 9314 5 Lacka Steel 5s 50.. 84 '4 84 3 Laclede Gas ref 6s. . 89 89 1 L S & Sf S 4s 28.. 93V4 9314 3 L S A St S 4s SI.. 92 91 14 3 Lehigh Valley 6s . .101 i -101 4 10154 2 Lorlllard 6s 9414 9414 9414 5 Louis & Nash un 4s 91 91 91 11 Louis A Nash re 5S102H 10 2 54 1 02 14 7 Manhat Ry 4s t e. 69 59 74 69 54 13 M S Ry con 6s.... 8 8 54 8 8 14 8 8 54 4 Starland Oil 8s w. 99!4 99S 9954 26 Slcxl Petrol Ss.... 10 3 54 1 0314 1 0 3 54 51 Midvale Steel 5s... 87 86 54 87 3 M & S L ref 5s... 3814 3814 3814 II M f g SSM 6S.1(I2 102 102 9 St K & T 1st 4s. .. 7714 77 "4 83 M K & T adj 6s ne 604 . 6014 17 St K & T p 1 6s n. 82 8154 7' 5054 82 6214 99 '4 94 61 Aio J'ac gen 4s.... 2'4 11 Slo Pac ref 6s 23.. 9954 13 S1ont Power 6s.... 9454 1 N O T li II 6s 6154 9954 9414 68 54 68 i 211 H y t; deb 6s ....10114 10154 10154 6 N Y C col 7s. 10614 106 10S14 1 N Y C A SI, d 4s. 8414 8 4 54 8 4 14 41 N Y Kdi 614s, 10744 10754 10714 18 NYNH & H d 6s 4 8 6 8 54 6 7 54 68S IS N Y Ry ref 4s ct.. 3314 33 3314 31 N Y Tel ref 6s 10 3 54 1 0 2 54 1 0 2 74 14 N Y Westch 454s.. 43 42 4254 2 N W cv 6s.. 107 10674 107 , 6 North Pao 3s 62 6174 63 3 North Pac 4s..... 85 85 85 60 N Psc O N jt 6145.10614 IO614 10654 J3 N States Power 6s. 8 9 54 8 9 54 8 9 54 61 Nw Bell Tel 7s 10754 10654 107 7 N Ry of Cat 6s 102 101 101 14 46 Ore ft Cal 1st 6s.. 9954 9 7 54 9 9 54 17 Ore Sht Line rfg 4s 9 1 9 0 54 9054 3 O Sh L con 6s 1946 99'4 9954 9954 71 Ore-Wash Ry-nav4s 79U 7 8 54 7 9 2 Pac Oas-El 5s 8 9 54 8 9 8 9 14 7 Packard Sf 8s 10254 102S 102S 11 Pan-Am Pet-Tr 7s. 98 9714 98 9 Penn Ry gen 4 54s. 881 8754 8814 24 Penn Ry gen 5s.... 9 6 54 8 6 44 9 6 22 Penn Ry 614s 10654 10614 10614 12 Pere Marq rfg 6s.. 94 93 93 54 99 34 84 . 9354 80 8414 70 78 62 1 Pierce Oil deb 8s. 99 1 P C C & St L 5s... 94 8 Reading gen 4a . . . 8414 ' 3 Rep I & S 6s 9354 6 R I A L 454s.. 80 17 S L I M & S re 4s. 84 11 SI, & SF p 4s SA.. 70 18 SL & SF sdj 6s ... 7854 43 SL & SF inc 6s. ... 6214 8 Scab A L con 6s.. 4954 9454 84 9354 80 84 14 7014 7854 6254 49 Vj 4954 .76 Sinclair Oil 714s .103 10354 10314 1 Sou Tell T & T 6s.. 94 94 94 85 Sou Pac cv 4s, ... 90 64 Sou Pac ref 4s.... 8614 5 Sou Pac col 4s.... 8114 7 Sou Ry gen 4s .... 63 27 Sou Rail 1st 6s... 9414 44 Sou Rail dev 54s. 96 60 So Po Ri Su 7a ... 97 54 44 Stan Oil Cal 7s.... 106 4 Steel & Tube 7s 97 20 Third Ave adj 6s .. 63 8954 86 81 14 ' 6354 9354 9654 97 10574 91 '4 90 8614 81 6354 94 54 96 97 10554 9714 63 101 98 54 65 9054 63 6 Tidewat Oil 654s. .101 101 6 Tob Pro 7s 98 9854 11 T St L ft W C 4s ct 66 65 41 U P 1st 4s 9074 90 32 U P cv 4s 9314 9314 9314 Union Tank 7s 10314 101 107 14 United Drug cv 8s. 106 54 1 06 54 1 06 25 U S Rlty & Imp 5s 9 4 54 9 4 4 9 4 54 27 U S Rubber 6s.... 87 86 87 34 U S Stl 6s 10154 101 U ini 54 14 TTtah Pwr Lt 5s. 91 90 91 65 Vir-Caro Chm 6s.. 9714 97'4 97'4 5 Virginia Ry 1st 5s. 94 9 Wabash 1st 6s 97 1 West Elec 5s 99 4 West Pac 6s 87 92 97 99 87 93 97 99 87 17 West Union 6s...107 107 107 15 W Hs Elec 7s 106 10614 106 3 W Lk Erie rfg 4s 60 60 60 8 Wlckwira S Stl 7s. 9654 9654 96 37 Wilson & Co 7s.. 97 96 97 Total sales of bonds today were 115.698, 000 compared with 115,353,000 yesterday and 39,959,000 a year ago. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Slarch 28. Turpentine Firm, 81c; esles, 83 bbls. ; receipt. 25 bbls.; shipments, 5 bbls.; stock, (64 bbls. Rosin Firm; safes. 741 casks: receipts, 444 casks; shipments, 116 casks; atock, 63,473 casks. Quote B. P. V... 14.00; F. O.. 4.00'9 4.05; IT., 4.02e4.05; L, 14.0519 4.07 ; K.. 4.10iji4.20; SL, 14.6564.70; N., HlOtfS.SS; WG.. 5.6e5.70: W5Y.. 15.10. Minneapolis Floor. Minneapolis, Minn.. Slarch 28. Flour Unchanged. Bran :3.C03:i.OO. II N. Y. Curb Bonds v New Vmi.. lUnli : 1'i.lioaii.f la a -OMiilelo l. 1 uf ia.ia IishmciiuH nil lb .V. V'"4 Cu'U llund niaiket up I'll p m, wi'h WlM of M.-H imim awl in nigh, low and it .i. a, ie 11 h S AlliM lari,ar a ,, I Aluiiiiiium la 81. I41W pm. , 11 It .1 ,loji; jit 114 ,ll', Mi', le:i, . I"S l"S lias .ll', ll ll l"J'o laj'i l3'i . I Am I if 47 T'ao aa S Am T T n 51, Am r a t .-4- I Am Tobacco 7a II l A nt con l op aa I An. cos Cup S :.,ll', .ij'4 14 Armour t'a la ...lais ma', lui Hath Steal t ;i.,,ill. I, lull, 1, nn. siifi I'll'. I Can Nat Ry an la Id lot i.( 101 4 ll ui, .log ', ., 4 1 lni, ini, ti.n, 1031, llt luji, ti fan I'arltle ... II I Vol st.l I I t'nlr Stv 7a t'.., 3 1 uu.,4 tla a ,,,, I I'nlitol lla Halt 7 3 t'uian T-l It) ... I fudahy 7 ,. I I'mr k Co 71,. . 14 ilomlib h , Tire 7a. I Hun. I Trunk I', 4 Hood Itubbnr 7a . in. i, ini ini'i I'M .4 l"l' 1.4, l"J,S ', 11 77 I ml 4 1"4 )li'm 14 ;s 4 .103', . 'a ,1IS l!S i.i, I'U 13 I llumblo mi 7 ., I Inttr It T 7 .. . U liner It T I 33.. 7 77 I K-imarou C..p 7. .Inj'4 l." 4 l.ilibi Mi Neil 7a ..o luo SOI Manitoba 7. ', 4 I llnrrte Co ;i,i ll ii 1 Nat clo Kul ..,111314 inn, t Nut leather .. .. 4 Y N II a 11 4s.. Hi, .", I Phil la sa 41 ISH ' . 14 I'hllllpa I'.iiu 7',.14 101 l"u her Co J 1 41 Searl 11 mi , ;;. 14 Sear Koa 7 it 3 Sbawubcftt 7a . I Skelly oil 7S 10 Sou Hell Tel 7 I't M'4 , Ions loS 1S .nni, I inn, loot. .11 o:i, ,l(i;i, 103 S .I0JS l"J't l"2's to;", l3S 104', 105 Man till ,V Y is 7 Stau cii NT 7a 2 I Stan Oil NY 7 '.';. Stan oil NY 7 :. I Sian oil N'T 7 :. 1 Stun Oil NY ', I'), 4 Stan Oil N'T 7 31. 31 Sian HI NT ,. 104', li'4't I "i', lei l6S 10iS lost, Au in 1011, mil, ii., I'll', OT', in.', mS 104 lot 10 1. in toH 1 sun oil too-., ions tons 31 Swift Co 7 JI..I0.1. I0JS l"3S I Tetk a Co .I0IU 101s His 3 To Kittson 7 ..lots 1 0 1 H lots 1 I n oil Prod I .. II" I' I 1. 7 Fill R Hav 71js .102', l2's I la.uuiii Oil 7s ...,lo.i, 06i, 10 Wsrn Sug 7a 41.... fl't 16's 1 Weal Ulrc 7s 0S 12 Wilson Co 7 1...... 19', 19 s 3 Allied Pack M Wl .7 117 6 Can Nat lt. ia Wt l.'i, l.'H 17 Cons Coal Co is... 87 8ti o'4 l"', 10il. 9i, 17 -'i 17 34 Del a Hud Si,. ... 9, Si, 50 Fed Land Hank 5a. 101', 103', lu-.'. I Jul Kir 7s ... 99 99 I 39 Mo ro Iteg 6 Wl 91 94 '4 94H 3t 2. 13 , nt 19 , 20 2014 7 Nat Acme i;i, 10 NY.VH H 7 17 Noam F..II 6 1 Sloss-Shrr . , Saka it Co 7 Wl, ia .', .14 93 74 911. 19 ' 99 S 20', 201-j 101H 84 4 07', Foreign lloml.. 151 Argentine 7 23 ... 99 32 Russian OH ctfs.. 20 , 18 Russian IH 20i 63 Swiss 614s 101", 3 l liv Sol. 6. 46 10 Frankfort 4s ..... . 4 4j XY.MUII fr 7s Wl 67', 101 16 4 67 H ( llii ago Storka. Range of prlcea of the leading Chicago stocks turn, shed by Logan & Bryan, 218 I'etora irusi nuililliig: Close, Armour Co. pfd Armour Leather common.. ... 12H . . 66 ...127 54 Cudahy Ldlson common ..... tuntlnental Slotor Earl Slotor Llbby Montgomery-Ward National Leather (new).. Plggley W'lggly Stewart-Warner Swift ' Co Swift lot Union Carbide . 3', . 414 . 17 , . 101, '. :',9 . 38 .101 . 20 . 66 5; wahl Wrlgley . 65 .100 Omaha Produce Furnished by atat of NobrasKa, de. partment of agriculture, bureau of mar keta and marketing: LIVE POULTRY, Wholeaat Wholeaale Buying Pr. Selling Pr. Stag 0.13(8I0.20 0.I6(S,0.26 Springs 20 .26 - ,23 .26 Hens, light 20 .23 .23 ,25 Hens, heavy 20i ,2:1 ,2::ig .26 Cocks 13l .16 .150 .20 Ducks 18iS .21 .21 .25 Geese 12 .18 .16 ,20 Turkeys 25 .30 ... DRESSED POULTRY. Stags 25 .27 Spring 2 ((6 .32 Hens 28 .30 Cocks IS .23 Ducks , 29) .35 Geese 25 .30 Turkeys .35 ,45 EGGS. Select 24 .25 No. 1 22) .23 No. 2 21 g .22 Cracks 20 ... Eggs, case count (per case) .'. . 6.30 6.60 BUTTER. Creamery, print Creamery, tub Country, best ... .21 fi) .22 Country, common .16 .18 Fat. Sta. price... .28 ... .30 .34 .20 HAY. Prairla No. 1 upland .S11.60 12.00 No. 2 upland. . 9.60 i 1.00 No. 3 upland 8.00 9.00 No. 1 midland 11.0011.60 No. 2 midland 9.5010.60 Xo. 3 midland 8.00 9.00 No. 1 lowland 9.0010.00 No. 2 lowland 8.00 9.00 Alfalfa, choice 19.0020.00 ?0. i , 17.00 18.60 Standard 14.60150 No. t 12.60(3113.60 No. 3 10.5011.60 Oat straw 8.00 9.00 Wheat straw 7.00 8.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas, per lb.. 7148c. Oranges: Size 216 and larger, S7.OO0g.OO; size 250, 6.758.00; size 288, J6.507.50: size 324. 6.607.60. Florida .tangerines, per box. 15.00. Lemons, per Box, 15.60 7.50. Grapefruit, per crate, I3.605.00. Apples: Delicious, according to size and grade,3.503.75; Rome Beauties, to size, 2.353.50; Wlnesaps. according to size and grade, ll.904.00; Black Twig., ac cording to size and grade, 13.00: Arkan sas Black, according to size anil grade, I2.S53.76; Ben Davis, according to size and grade, 13.00: Newton Pippins, accord ing to size and grade, I2.753.25. Straw berries, per quart, 6070e. Figs: Cali fornia. 24 pkgs. 8-oz., 32.25; bulk, pe rib., 1516c. Vegetables Potatoes: Nebraska Karly Ohioa No. 1, per cwt., 1.76ffll. 90; .Slinne sota white stock. No. 1, pcf cwt., 12.00; Colorado and Idaho whites, per cwt., 32.00 2.25; Red River Ohio stock, No. 1, per, cwi., .i.uma-i.ou; uregon jNettea tiems, per cwt, 12.50; Colorado Brown Beauties, per cwt., 2.002.25. Sweet Potatoes, per bu., tl.752.00. Celery, per doz.. 75c 11.85. Lettuce: Leaf, per doz., 7590c; head, per crate, 5506.50. Onions: Red, per lb., 910c; yellow, per lb., 8149c. Onion Sets, per bu $2.253.00. Cauli flower. per..r.rate. 2.502.75. Cucumbers, hot house, per doz., I2.603.00. Carrots per lb., 254 3'4c. Turnips, per lb., 3 3c. Parsnips, per lb., 3543c. Beets, per lb., 33c. Cabbage, new Texas, per lb., 34c. Tomatoes, per crate, 14.00 5.00; lugs. 83.50. Young Southern Rad ishes, per doz., 75c1.00; Young South ern Carrots, per doz., S0cSl.00. Young Southern Beets, per doz., 90c f 1.00. Young Southern Onions, per doz., 75 90c. Brussels Sprouts, per lb., 25c. Shal lots, per doz.. 65 75c Green Peppers, per lb., 3035c. Parsley, per doz. bunches, 45c1.00. Nuts Black Walnuts, per lb., 5c. Eng lish Walnuts, per lb., 303oc. Brazil Nuts: large, washed, per lb., 1618c; medium, washed, per lb., 14 16c. Pecans, large, per lb., 22 30c. Almonds, sack lots, per lb., 28c. Peanuts: Jumbo, raw, per lb., ll12c; Jumbo, roosted, 1315c; No. 1 raw, per lb.. 8549c; No. 1 roastsed, ll13c. Honey In comb, per case. 55.602 6.00. HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. per lb.. 66c; green salted No. 2. per lb., 46c; green hides. No. 1, per lb., 34c; green hides. No. 2, per lb., 23c; green salted (old stock), per lb., 23c; green salted bull hides. No. 1, per lb., 3c; green salted bull hides, No. 2, per lb.. 2c. Horse hides: Large, each. 12.50; me dium, each, 12.00; small, each, 11.50; pony and glues, each, 75cll.00. Sheep pelts: Green salted, as to size and wool, each, 60c$!1.00; shearlings, green salted, aa to !. and wool, each, 620c. Wool: Choice fin and half-blood, per lb., 2?27c: medium or three-eights-tlood, per lb., 2023c; low and quorter-blood, per lb., 1719c; burry wool, per lb., 8 12c C'htratro Trodurf, Chicaifo, Slarch 28. Butter Hi?br; creamery extras, 81c: flrsta, 34,,i$37c; seconds, 32a34e; standards, 37 Sc. Egrcs Tlleher; receipts. 27. 175 ca: ftrsta, 23t23Hc: ordinary firsts. 21 lVc, mlrr4lianeous. 2-Q23c: storase packed extras, 26c; storage packed firsts, Classif y Advertuinj Kites .j Mr ina trauul 4 old la ! I l.o far In. far ., I i li pee i wr a, t 'i aa Ito pr nn Pr' i'. J aii. a. .a Vo aa u.a for lax lhan I".' l I" Tha. i.i-. apfii nar la l I'.'" ' Ilea. AH .-' in both Him Hi' sd HW.M ! " tl fur th ana is.'i. 1 vhmiui t a iTi a oh I Al'rl I.'AIION. I Want ad. ci'pl4 Ih fo!li I fir: I MAIN OFFICK 17ln a4 r'Vl ' i..inh Hid... .,... .... ' t' t01111.1i muff., t a-1' A.N r Aim HHi'UVLn MT 'IIOl ATLANTIC I. . TUB HKB will hoi b. apooa!bl '" Rim. than on imatsl iinu r as 4t.ll Hml a'dM4 lf JM "'"'i.osiNH iioiBa run wMf i'a, li-lilna F.Mi.m , ....... .11 A, M. Morning i:4uio ,. . HusdarVdusm . . . v . . f M . M'Ma iBIiATHlkTuNlRAL NOTICES, HNVIi:Mlleiiiian""Au'u.l. a 41 e. 114 l l i S is-. Tn4, W I!J. of iiflcMniimia. t h rmn. in A.hiaml, Nrb, tl I .ornt.d by wife, lladiara, fi (, two I.i. iiher.. 1 'hi. 1 1.-. iid W illtaio and hi filir, William F H.lf ll,ui uf iiitih until abuul I b-. l un.ral arrtirr si Hutu. 4 lti ai : p, nt. sjiui.l.)', April I, V A V A I .sTlN K-a" J " II a r. h7 1 , l.'3; 73 yeata; l hi" lim, li MH aural. Iie.r4.rd la url4 by hi Maiv, and one ton. II. II Van Alailu in the pii.tal arrvii in, l uiieml -rvl, e will ba held from Hrailry t. Imnanc rbaprl, tt mluraday, Mnr. li r. al i ncloik i m Interment I'meit lawn criiiir), yri.mla Intiled OIKSI'.I.M tN'-WHtliiin, enlrred Into rl at lila home, 1 1 . muiIi llh Si Tu lay iiii.riiii.a. smnh al Ih of 7i ywar", Funeral arrtlrea 1 111 KrtUllt.'e M. niorial church Tbuie.Uv, Marrh 30. at ?:S0 p. m. Iiilcr.n.iii ..i Uo cm. tcry. Friend, ate w.I.ihii.. SI'VtiY Win. J . age fcl '.sini la vived by In. wife, ibree biuilieie, John, Peter and David, Iwo .tt-i., lira. W. liani 4 'hi itin of VVi4'.m,:t! ai,d Sir. Story O'liay of St I'aul, M.m KiineLl ThuiMlay moiiiiiig finm rl-, ilcnca I7HI 1 barl-a St at . "n a 111. I Holy Family rhmch a 111. liner. I luent Holy Sepulibcr teniMrri. 1 Ft'llAN Wlllord F. died listen aa 1 year.. He It aurvlvrd by ni paiema, Mr, and Mrs. Waller Foran 1 uiipiui i.euiicauay inornins irvin residence of hi. Philip Foran. 191 Win Si , al 1:30 a. in. Sacred Heart church at 10 a. m. In terment Holy Sepub her ceineieiy. . What Will The Market Do Next? KEEP POSTED Important development contained in thi. week' market review regarding the following securities: Bethlehem Steel Island Oil Great Northern Southern Ry. Am. Smelt 4 R. U. S. Rubber U. S. C. I. Pip General Motor U. S. Steel Col'bia Graph. Bo.ton A Mon. Texas Company Write for free copy P. G. STAMM&CO. Members Consolidated Stock Exchange ot New York 35 So. William St., New York French Cities 6 External Gold Bonds Non-Callable Due 1934 LYONS Next to Paris as a center of finance, trade and manufacturing. MARSEILLESOne of the greatest seaports of the World. BORDEAUX Important commercial and indus trial center with one of the finest harbors in France. Price yielding about 7.65 The National City Company Omaha First National Bk. Bldg. Telephone 3316 Jackson American Telephone & Telegraph Co 130th Dividend The regular quarterly dividend of two dollars and twenty-five cents per share will be paid on Saturday. April 15, 1922. to stockholders of record at the close of business on Friday, March 17. 1922. On account of the Annual Sleeting of the stockholders, the transfer books will be closed at the close of business on Fri day. Slarch 17. 1922. and reopened at 10 a. m.. Slarch 29, 1922. H. BLAIR-SS1ITH, Treasurer. - . - Direct Obligation County City Municipal I Bonds 4 to II Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes ( ft Company J H. E. HARRIS, Re. Mgr. 701 Peters Trust Bid;. Doug. 6813 p 1 J II Municipal Bonds ARE Safe Investments We own and offer an extensive list of high-grade county, city and school bonds at prices to yield from 4.50 to 6 per cent free from federal income tax taxable only 1 mill in Nebraska. United States Trust Co. Affiliated ivilh The United States National Bam 1612 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska BURIAL VAULTS, I I!l4!t !( ! aies. S" Utlil aiwaai44 4 fa ...a a ai bMiag Marlaitv (. aiiaal, a inrl W) . aia a.. ... e..4 io i fiM4H't HkAIIMtl VAltf waf4a4 tim.i. Cariaia iiitl 4l . Ill ,.Hiii - j.,-,f -ex . vt-a-c'WAsv I'gpgriwr" FUNERAL DIRECTORS. - "F. J. STACK & CO., IvntM. la fia-W a reir r,;BAnuLANb,a!i. ThlMl lkli " Far "HKAFEY & HEAFEYr I 4 Fmhalmoia Phew HA - i.ffi fii r'.'M. I!ult& Ricncn. fusaial le-ai SSI .(iming, FLORISTS LEFLARMON ..r. C n,sii.nii('V, ut rtf if,- JOIIM PATH. 14 rism, JAl BIRTHS AND bEATHS. t'red u4 fcibel liib'rtest. :U! tlu'l iri.i. girl, , , . , ,k lianlel and Ann Shlll.r, ?! Nor'k Tani'lh ir.t, mrl lame and W KaaMn. M "' Tni'l eircl, girl. .... Harry and l.U'4 MllrtwH. lift I t.lar strcl 11111.1, g"l '! Soy. 1 hath- and luul.h llagan, Toiyf,il lr.l, IU.I thrust, bay tiu.t aa.l l.dHh Frnin. ll Tvaniy-eisih , boy: , Si'inu-i nd Slary Vah.n, hoH'"'l. ; ll-rn.rd and He Fe. hpli.l, "'. Jam and lUnean, hospital, boy Augu.l and Lillian Reiasr, 17 Sou'h Llrhi tub alr.-i, girl. FiaaN and KKuneih Sl. h.lUa. Jill Hnuih TlilHi-.'.th alteel. irl liny snd Wilhelmln Mrrill. 141 North Th'tly.e'ond ane.l. hoc, .... Iloto and Julia Jo.'pf, 1443 South Thirteenth trwt. boy. Hoy and Slildr.d apenc.r, S1S Ua air. el. boy . , llnnt and Fllr.ali.lh Soul., ho.i.ttal. g.rl. John ami Dorothy Nmky, ill Bomb t j Umteriith aircel, girl. ilui.ei.p and Sl'. liana Piccolo. 714 I'.er, aireel. boy, loaeph and Matilda Bomb.:, hospital, bnv Yr-ii. nd Marl Morl.n. 70S South 8 I leenili ureal, girl. ileotge and Clin.tln, 7i'l Si'lltll Silleenlh trtl, boy, lludo'.f and Anna r.rasU. i33 South Tiiy-thir.l .treei. boy. Frank and Helen Rcllb.lm.r, IttT South Cghlrenlh street, girl. Heath. Alhina One Li.aa. 14. 3111 South Twelfth .trrel. Virginia banford. II. 41 rtorrnca boulevard. Dorothy K. Annln. I. 174S South Twenty-. treat, William Joseph Snodgrii, li, 3404 8011th Twelfth street. N. Creene, 41. hospital. John 11. Ire.gbton, 71. 404 North Twen tieth street. 1 Mary J. Davl. 77. 3411 South Thirteenth Street. Marea Bloomqulat, I, tilt Lari mora avenue. Henry J. Crainplon, IS, 16:1 North Twentieth Joseph Kolar, 14. hospital. Carolina Zlpp, 73, 410 North Twenty second. Charles p Llnd.ley, 4. Boqu.t hotel. Tom McCarthy. 49, hospital. Ida Slay Rualind. 64. 1601 T.afayctt. Harry SI. Chs.e. 33, Pullman hotel. MARRIAGE LICENSES. I 1 na roiiowing couples dsv oeen issuea 10 weu: Thomas J. Kennedy, 21, Omaha, and Mildred Hooker, 20. Omaha. George Couray. 84. Omaha, and Bessi Marble, 35. Omaha. Adolph Bonknl. 21. Omaha, and Ella Sleek, it, Oman. Thad Slaughter, 34. Omiha, and B trli llenson. 27, Omaha. istTfoWd'tTre LEFT O.V SOUTH-BOUND ALBRIGHT CAR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. BOR TOtf SHOPPING BAG CONTAINING CHILD'S CLOTHINO. REWARD. SIARKET 3200. 13 RISWARD for return of mink fur choker lost Sunday, Slarch 2. Victor H. Roos, HA 2406, LOST Hand bag containing 110 bill, 6()n In silver, some email change, key and small black purse. MA. 0375. Reward. LOST Tortoise she:i glasses. Call collec tion department U. S. National dur. Ing working hours. Doug. 0361. Reward. LOST FRI. NIGHT BLACK TRAVEI. ING BAG BBTW EKN CASTLE HOTEL AND DEPOT. REWARD. HA. 6647. LOST Black setting from ring with let ter D. Reward. Call Slarket 1740, ask for M. Dergan, LOST Diamond pin on Dundee car or be tween Kllpatrlck's and Rlslto. Reward. Walnut 2808. LOST beaded bag downtown Saturday evening. Reward. Call days. AT. 6886. LOST SI. L, Ins. policy, on Crosstown car. Bertha Johnson, reward. WE. 6647. LOST Between 24th and 40th on Far. nam; top coat: liberal reward. HA. 357. 110 RRWARD for rings lo.t at Empreas vtaruen eaiurnay. weDster bmii. LOST Gold mesh bag, liberal reward. Call MA. 0436. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home ollctts your old clothing, furnltur. magazines. We collect. W distribute. Phone DO. 4134 sn dour wagon will call. Call and inspect our new bom, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St, KATHRYN L. RILEY Skin and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment, JA. 3264. roflcnn DR. A N., Chiropractor, IS Kjd.1 1SUI1 pajton block. AT. 1747. Office hour, 11 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. THEATRICAL historical mosque costumes, for play and parties, at Lleben'a Omaha MAGNETIC bath; Violet Ray treatment with massages, 614 S. 19th. AT. 9381. SULPHUR hstha. Swedish massage, chi ropody Evenlnga to 8. 201 Sn. 20th St. BLACK dirt and fertilizer, ashes and rub. blsh hauled. Atlantic 6721. UNDER new management. Expert inaa sage. 404 N. 16th, Apt. 4, RENT vacuum cleanera, 75c. HA. 1U71. SIASSAGE Sun. and eve. aptm. AT. 6365. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, -box pleating; covered buttons, ail styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA-1936. NEBR. PLEATING :V,dC bC tons, 1806 Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 6670. Contractors. PATCH plastering, paperhanglng and re modeling a specialty. WA. 0997. Moving, hauling of all kinds. JA. 2318. Dancing Academies. It"pitppQ 1818 Farnam street. ii-LJ-LJ A Douglas 8440. Clasa and private lessons. Ten instructors. LEARN to dance at Kelpine's academy, class and private lessons. DO. 7850.