Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE nF.F.: OMAHA, Tl'ESPAY. MARCH 28. 1922.
Only Min Out-Stati Tium
Fntrml in Toiinify Tmldy
-5cHili't'ii l.oi'iil SquaiU
Fill Fntrii'P.
KninriU of tin- IIM Ni'trk
ihouM "fluke a !" if tlifv intfiul
to corrpcte fT thr Mate IiowIiiik
honor in the 4mu1.1l NVIiaI4 State
jiin tiurnaincii?.
Tlie "rctl l ttr" tiik rtnit. of
Grnhultfr I.iikI is kIuiIiiIi'iI l ht
Mllrt at the Ouulu Alley. April
7 lo 10. uu'Iii. HiitiiiK tint thrcf
thy period, pin tiiiiililci. front all sec
tions anil corner of N't-lirak:i arc t x
peeled to display their lmlnr abil
ity in tins bur.
Sceretarv H.irrv F.iiUon. Iiinh mo
gul of howling in tin city, li.i ye
of receiving tlir entry lilank fir the
state tournarmfit. Iligli Mogul liar
ry is wondering why the state teams
don t pav I nvlc Nimiirl i rents anu
mail their entry lit the rcrc
tary. Nine State Teams Enter.
Thu far only nine out-Mate towns
have rfjon(lel to Secretary F.Hson's
call. Cnluthhiis will he represented
by the Polutis Brother' shoe t-hop
and the Rex Howling rlnli. while
Grand Inland will ciul the l.vtla
theater . Sfjiiad and perhaps another
team. O'Callashaii & Son of Schuy
ler hat entered the tourney. Another
team is expected to compete from
Schuyler. Hastings will he represent
ed,, although the name of the team
or teann have not heen made public.
North I'latte is sending two squads,
while Fremont is expected to enter
at least three teams.
Lincoln, which was host to the
state pin-topplrs last vear. has not
heen heard from this year, according
to Secretary F.iuVon. Lincoln will,
ro doubt, enter the tourney, hut the
number of squads that will fly the
Lincoln color is not known.
Omahans Entering.
Seventeen Omaha teams have en
tered to Hate. More will tile thi-ir en
try blanks as the opening day ap
proaches. Thrts far, Chase Specials.
Nourse Oils, Ciihson Stara, Dolphin
Jones Grain, Omaha National Bank,
(iordon Chocolates, Greater Omaha j
women. Jioiar aiutaruini, i.atavette
Cafe, Globe Boot Shop, Irishman
Storage, M. E. Smith, Omaha Al
leys, Farnam Alleys, Mclchior &
Son, American Express and Besclin
Kids have entered the tournament.
The entry list closes at midnight,
April 1. Entry blanks should be
mailed to Harry Eidson, secretary
stite bowling tournament, care Oma
ha Allevs, Omaha, Neb.
' .
"Ringer" Causes Pin
; : Team's Suspension
Toledo, O.. March 27. A. L.
Langtry, secretary of the American
Bowling congress, was considering
today what further action he will
take in connection with the Buckeye
Malt Syrup five of Cincinnati, which
in alleged to have used an illegal
howler in the tournament March 9.
Langtry has thrown out the scores
and may bring about suspension of
the team, it was said.
Jsjhis the Man for Dempsey?
THIS young giant, Lu'i Angel Firpo, champion heavyweight boaer
i t South America, it being looked upon at a possible- opponent lor
Jack Dempity, Jn his first appearance in the United State Ktrpo
knocked out hit opponent in jig time, Ftrpo, shown punching the
bag, is 25 year old, stands 6 feet, 3 1-2 Inches, weighs 210 pounds, and
is poisesed with the reach of 76 1-2 inches,
a. "f .V
Si . Si I W 1 r -w. , 1
w aaa. - srv" w
I k. j, -m. . aWsaV
:-r. rj .
I . . : '
Eight Members in New
BodyMichigan Aggies
Expected to Join Soon
South Dakota university has joined the Central conference, which was
organized at St. Paul recently.
Mac Baldrige, president of the "Big Xinc," was notified yesterday by
South Dakota officials that they have decided to affiliate with the new or
ganization. ..
, The Central conference now includes Creighton, University of South
Dakota. South Dakota State, University of North Dakota, North Dakota
State. St. Thomas college, Morningside college and Drake university of
Des Moines.
The Greyhounds' entrance into the$
collegiate pack will be heartily r
Golf Facts
Worth Knowing
Copyright, Sol Metzjwtv
Q. What ia the "Nassau System" ot
connff? ,
A, A three point system fur HcoHnpr a
raond of 1H holvtt One point n the
llrat nine, on a on tha tii'oml nine, and one
an the foil 18 hole. .Suppose A wins the
flrat nln. One up. nntl jrt the wecond
niae. two np. Then they are even on
the two nine, hut H wins on the 18
, aaU l ereditc-fl with one point.
Q. U a player required to tell his op
OPnt the number of stroUea ha has
played if lrt ?
, A, Yea. If h nnswers wrongly and doe
not correct his rror hefnre hia opponent
Jays hia nextt stroke, he loses the hole.
Q. Is there a peuaity for a player's ball
striking that of another's on the putting
A, Not In mntrh play. In medal play,
one stroke, the opponent's hall to be re
played. Q. What Is Hia penalty If a player's
ball strike- himself or 'his caddie?
A. In match pluy, loss of tho hole; In
medal play one stroke, unles within 30
yards of the hole, when It is two strokes.
Q. Where a marker Is provided during
a tournament ia the player himself respon
sible for the proper return of his score?
A. Yen, he la avpected to verify his
card before It ts turned In.
If any golf rules pu;sie you. w rito
ear of th? Sporting lklUor of The
Bee, enclosing stamped return enve-.'-
Aler' ' Maurina, Granc1 Island light
vslfht, who has been showing form In
hti two recent bouts, is naking Omaha
hit temporary training quarters.
Urgo Pyramid
For Piles
Tail Your Friend, What Wonderful
' Relief Is Given by Pyramid Pile
Firt 'try them, then tell your
friends that Pyramid Pile Supposi
teries bring blessed relief in the prl-
W r
vaey of your own home frn itch
tn, bleeding or protruding- piles,
hemorrhoids and such rectal trou
bles. Get a 60c box today of any
druftrist- A single box has often
been sufficient. You can have a free
trial package by sending name and
aedress to Pyramid Drug Co., SIS
- fj ramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
ccived by the other members, as they
will add considerable strength to it.
Marquette and the Michigan Ag
gies are expected to join within the
next month. Both these schools de
clined at the organization meeting
because they intended to affiliate with
another conference which was to in
clude Wabash, Notre Dame and sev
eral other strong schools.
The proposed conference failed to
materialize, however, and these two
institutions are now considering the
"Bitr Nine."
"With these two schools members,
the Central will be as strong as the
Missouri Valley, it not stronger,"
Mac Baldrige said.
Cardinals Rescue
Nurses From Fire
Houston, Tex., March '27. St.
Louis National league players
turned firemen when a building
used here as a nurses' quarters
for the Baptist sanitarium caught
fire yesterday. I
Fassing the burning building,
the ball players jumped from the
taxicab in which they were rid
ing and went to the rescue of
women in the building. '
Three night nurses were asleep
in the building 'when the fire
broke out. They rushed out of
the house in night clothes.
One was burned slightly.
Star Runner Is Lost
to Penn Relay Team
Donald Head, star two-milcr and
relay man of Pennsylvania univer
sity s relay team,
will be lost to the
team for the Ox-ford-Camb
IsF of ceived in New
j loric irom tne
liner Aquitainia,
on which the ath
letes are sailing
fnr F.nrnrtp KtatPfl
Donald Head. that Head had
been operated on for blood poison
ing resulting from a boil on his. leg.
The information stated further
that he will be unable to recover in
time for the races abroad.
"Strangler" Lewis
to'Wiiestle Caddock
Wichita. Kan., March ' 27. Ed
(Strangler) Lewis, champion, and
Earl Caddock, former champion, will
wrestle for the world's heavyweight
championship here. April 13, Tom
Law, promoter, announced today.
Pershing Stadium Not
Safe for Olympic Games
Paris.- March 27. That the Persh
ing stadium is unsafe and might en
danger the lives of thousands of
spectators, if the 1924 Olympic
games are held there, was the gist
of a report read before the Paris
municipal council today by Frantz
Reichel, secretary of the French
Olympic committee.
The municipal council proposed to
make the necessary repairs on the
stadium and bring the plan before
the French Olympic committee next
Friday. But it announced that so
far as the council is concerned the
Olympics must be held in the Persh
ing stadium.
Australians Want to T
. Play Tennis Matches Early
Melbourne. Australia, March 27.
The Australian Tennis association
has cabled to the Belgian Tennis
association proposing that the Aus
tralian and Belgium teams play the
first round in the Davis cup matches
June 26 in New York. The measure
added that if the Belgian association
agreed to this -the Australians would
cable the American association to
fix a date for the games.
Four St. Paul Boxers
Suspended hy "Comish"
St. Paul, Minn., March 27. Four
St. Paul boxers Mike Sauro,
"Shifty" Coe, Fred Lambert and
Bates Cunningham have been sus
pended for periods ranging from 10
months to a year by the Minnesota
boxing commission on instructions
from the National Boxing associa
tion in New York, it was announced
here today,
Mel Stevenson Will
Meet Bud Logan
of Kansas City,
been signed to
Mel Stevenson
welterweight, has
meet "Bud" Lo
gan of Omaha in a
10-round bout at
Y a -5 114 it -i flu i-m
April 3. Stevenson
has been substi
tuted for Harvey
Thorpe, who
broke his hand
during a recent
training bout.
Blondy Spring
er of Lincoln, has
been substituted
for "Buck" Tim
othy in one of the preliminaries.
Springer will meet "Yankee' Sulli
van. Los Angeles Golfer
Wins Over McCauly
San Francisco, March 26. Nor
man McBcth of Los Angeles, title
holder, today defeated J. McCauly,
seven up, and five to play in the
second round of play in the north
ern California ' amateur golf cham
pionship, tournament at Lakeside.
The third round will be played to
morrow,! Other results today were: ' Jack Neville,
former etate champion, defeated - Dudley
Sales. and 1; Dr. C. H. Walter, another
former state champion, defeated J. Law
rence Kelly, ' 1 up; F. R. Upton defeated
O. M. - VUIian, 2 and 1: Lauren Upson,
Sacramento, defeated R. C. Smith, 6 and 4;
J. V. McHugh, medalist in yesterday's
play, defeated Eddie' Twiggs, 3 and :
Vincent Whitney defeated C'apt. Roacoe
Faweett of Portland. Ore., 1 up; George
Ritchie defeated Archie Andrews, 7 and 6.
Morrie Lux to Box
Ray Long Soon
Morrie Lux, Kansas . City, has
been matched with Ray Long for
a 10-round bout at Tulsa, Okl., April
1, according to his manager, Bobby
Evans. ' The ; fighters are wclto
wctghts. ': ;
Western Association
Adopts 140-Game Chart
Tulsa, Okl., March "27. Directors
of the . Western association at a
meeting here yesterday adopted a
schedule calling for a straight sea
son of HO games, opening prii 20
and -closing- Labor day.
The league formally welcomed
Joplin into the fold, this being the
first .meeting held since the former
Western league city -was added to
the roster. $..
Iowa Team Invited
to Attend Penn Relays
Iowa City, Ia.. March 27. The
University of Iowa mile relay- team
has been invited to attend the Penn
relays which will be held at Phila
delphia during the latter part of
April. Since the team is entered in
the Drake relays which is to be held
also in the latter part of April, it is
possible that the board in control of
athletics will not sanction the trip,
State Bowlers Slow Entering Annual Pin Tourney
Entry List
for Whs Kvont
: Closes April 1
Ilcaneaters lh
Need Is Better
Pitching Talent I Weeping Willow
Soon to Bloom
Two Guns Tied
for March Prize
Two HirdicH on One
Hole Is liecord of
California (loiter
n a n a a
luidolpli ami 1 kr ,rc Kmc i
of Da) Aj!nir, MuiiiUi
PiirUan Tenuis Clumps Are
Coiniiip Here for Another
Cry t Cup.
Itwahat IW Ir4 Hire,
Sr. rftfrbure, l la., Martli
Tlme ttho don't U'lifvc tltt khJ.
young pitchers are liccoimittf starter
year ty Jfr liad lirtier consult the
Pravei rotrr. There they'll find
Rudolph siul Gcwkc TKt anticut
gmli put to work by Manaurr Fred
Mitchell ircaue be tiured they
might jttkt have enough lift in their
ytcmt li-'l the U raves up the
gule in the coming M.itf dan.
The names of Kudoth and Tyler
have long rinte tea-cd to be by
words in the bypaths of baseball.
H.irW in 1014 tliee Uo fillows car-
ried the heavv load when the-UravesJ Xo man ran rcMxt a sniffling lady,
were MampcdiiiK to a pennant and but M
I Aiiutlirr iininigration of weeping
JVi.ian athletes will clatter into
America (hi summer.
Mine, Siddiiiu Lingerie, famous,
French racket champi")', will imade
trnnii court of 1 oret Hills and
end.-avor to cry herself into sympa
thetic synthetic trophy. Mine, duln t
do so well aiiaiiiit Mrs. Molla Mai
lry tat summer as her eyes dried up
on her in the pinches.
If they use onions for tennis mar
bles. Mme. expects to sob her wa
through entire tickets of American-ettes.
world's champioii'ihip,
Working Hard.
Rudolph and Tyler are actually
working down here and working
hard. ISotli want to stakee a conic
bark, but they're playing a long shot.
Still Mitchell thinks they're worth
the gamble. Mcbbc so.
Not considering what any of the
pitchers may do, Mitchell think he
will start this season better fixed than
a year 8Ro. The landing of Larry
Kopf of the Reds for the shortstop
role has plugged a spot that was ex
tremely bothersome. Larry won t
hit heavily, but he'll field well, and
that is what Mitch wants. He ex
pects to have the hitters in other po
sitions. ,
The same deal that brought Kopf
included Rube Marquard, the ancient
southpaw. Marquard, unless h sips
at the fountain of youth, will not he
a sensation in Brave togs, but he
will win occasionally and can go in
here and there where a left-hander
is needed for relief. With Kopf at
short and the other infield jobs going
to Holkc at first. Ford at second and
Bocckel at third, Mitchell has no
place for Barbare, who hit well over
.300 last season, when floundering
around the second sack. Barbare
can play a fair game at first base
and he may appear there in place of
Holke when the opposition is em
ploying left-handed hurlers.
, Fly Chasers.
As was the case last year, Powell,
Sonthworth and Cruise will look
after the flv chasing details most of
the time. Against southpaws. Nichol
son will be substituted for Cruse.
This leaves Nixon for reserve man.
For his best pitching bets Mitchell
has Oeschger, Marquard, Fillingim
and McQuillan. In addition he has
Townsend and Morgan, both of
whom were with the team last .sea
son. Of the entire lot, OeschgerYof
course, is the choicest, but Mitchell
thinks he may get good results from
Townsend and Morgan.
There is a new old man here in
Frank Miller, who about eight years
ago belonged to the White Sox, but
never reported. Later he blos
somed out with the Pirates. He had
been on the retired list for two years,
but was reinstated when he declared
his intention of returning to the
Gowdy, Gibson and O'Neill will
continue to corner the catching de
partment. Maurice handed Harry Boyle, Omaha
lightweight, a thorough lacing at Colum
bus last week and two weeks ago knocked
out Bud Lamson.
nis Am.uons aren't good sports.
Lvcry time Mine, cried our girls
crird back at her.
Mine cried so much that every
body's bunions started to hurt.
That's what defeated her. Sudden
change in optical weather caused
strings on her racket to loosen up.
Result was like trying to spot bul
lets with a sponge cake.
We're glad to sec the French girl
champs come over. We make 'em
feel at, home, because our flapper
stars always give them something
to cry about.
Landis Awards
Giants Medals
New York, March 27. Chicago,
which would rather beat New York
at baseball than in population, yester
day punched the ninth inning offer
ings of Hurler Barnes of the Giants,
and the White Sox won. 8 to 7. The
came was olaveo' ai Dallas.
All of which chagrined John Mc-
draw s world champions, for they had
just received glitttring new watch
fobs as world scries presents from
Commissioner Jandis.
While the Chicagoans were out
doing the McGrawites, the other New
York clubs, Brooklyn and the Yanks,
were engaged in a contest over, m
New Orleans. The Brooklyn boys
won, 8 to 5. due to the excellent
hurling of "Dizzy" Vance, a former
ankee. Babe Kuth suffered a slight
injury to his side while at bat in the
third inning and retired from the
game in the fifth.
Drake Arranges Grid
Game With Southerners
Des Moines, Ia., March 27. Drake
university will play Mississippi 'A.
& M. in an intersectional football
game November 25, 1922, at Starks
ville, Miss., it was announced here
tonight by "Tug" Wilson, athletic
director of the local institution. -
Schick Signs Contract
Modesto, Cal., March 27. Maurie
Schick, outfielder, formerly with the
San Francisco Seals, who was re
ported as a stubborn holdout from
the Salt Lake Bees, has signed, a
contract with the Bees, according to
announcement of President Bill Lane
F. A. Mr.lull and Frank J. Veir-
jling tied for fust pure in the March
trophy shoot at the unuha (un club
SuniLy when the former shattered
45 snd the tatter out of SO targets.
Bruce Thorpe was high gun in the
trophy shoot je.terday. 1 his crack
Omaha gun hroke a perfect store in
the fD'Urgrt event. His average for
the month entitles him to second
pri'e in the March event.
I-lot nnre is a hat donated liv
Charlie Black, while trcond prize is
a sport coat donated py right &
Wilhelmy. Marhall ami Yierliug
will probably shoot off their tie for
lrt puce.
The score follow;
ltrh imili) khiwt All fninni
hnl at IS Itriulm Monr, 4; Thi'.
", .iriwii, , nirmip, a: r, i . i mi),
; Mm. Mtiuii. Tilrull, 4); Whit,
inivr. 41; Hil-y, 3 Furry, 41; Ratan.
4); tirllna. 43; Ilayra, 31: Atlanta, 43;
rani, 4: otm, at; l.'a It 'if. 4; Vir.
Una- 41; l.u lluf, 47: lllnkl. 41: N'li
i:lile, S4; W. Mi-t'atrroy, 44; N. H.
L'P'lik", . 4:;' Ji.han-on, 41; tnart. 41.
ImulHra It'il'Ly ahwit. All ronfatania
hot at ti t-ra-ia. Moora, 11; Thorp.
14; : 1lu. In: Mrrlli.g. .
tiinal'a trophy tup aheot. All eon
temania ahm at ti tiru. Thorpa, 2S;
XUr.h.ll, :3; Uailua, 1; Lea Hut, 21;
Li-n lluf, SI.
Trophy ahpnt. All ronl'tlanta ahot at
10 larnel M.ln.naM, ti; I'larkn. 41;
A. i.'lirk. St,; rVhalek, l; Conlln, it;
Dawann, 4t: llnlrttlila-. It.
Imuglaa ahuot. All ronttatanta ahnt
at SI laria. HcDonald, It; l'awaon,
Slnclra ihoot. allihnf handicap. All
coittialuii1 ahot at Si targtta. MrDon
a.d , l:: I'av.ann, Si; Taylor, In Manfol.l,
ta: . Hw-arliiglon, 13; Baldrldga, lft;
I'naannwakl, It; Real, tl; Slmpaon, II;
Oallaa-har. It; Prrklna, II; Tortar, S;
llaalry, i.
Zarp All-Events
Winner in Meet
The annual Farnam alleys' handi
cap bowling tournament ended Sun
day night with L. Edelman capturing
the singles championship and
Charlie Zarp and P. Duncan the
doubles' title of the tourney.
In the all-events, Zarp was high
with a total of 1.798 pins. T. Kinna-
man placed second with 1,757 and F.
Moylan third and Wolf fourth.
The Navigator Cigars won the
team-events Saturday night.
No record-breaking scores were
chalked up during the three days or
bow'ling, although some of (he scores
in the singles 'and doubles were
Edelman rolled a high total of 632
for the $16 prize money awarded
the winner of the singles. R. Maur
er was second in this event with 625.
Zarp and Duncan scored 1,256
pins for high in . the doubles.
The five high bowlers in the three
divisions follow: 1 .
Kim. Pina.
Zarp and Duncan , 1.2.4
Donioratsky and Blocmer 1.150
MathPM-a Rnd J. Meh-her....; 1.13T
Klmmaman and Young 1,1!!
Ripsch and Wolf 1,127
Edelman 633
Maurer 625
Klnnaman 61 S
Rentnn 610
Moylan 60S
Jarosh - ,.. 60
Zarp 1.7
Klnnaman l,i&7
Moylan 1.721
Wolf 1.711
Today's Ring History
Tlilrtj--Srven Taw Ago.
Jai-k MeAullffo von from J. S. Klllngs-
worth, William KUinssworth and John
Sparry, thrae rounds eaen, inew loru.
'Iiilrty-J nree intra ngo.
Oeores liudfrev (Old Chocolate) Unoclted
out Joels Wannof ot England, Stwton, Mix
rounds. . 1
Twify-Tw TraM Aso.
Oscar Gardner (the Omaha Kid) knock
ed out Tatsy Haley, Shawnee, OkL, thre
Kurhteen Tear Alto,
Joe Gana won from Gua Gardner, Sagi
naw, Mich., 10 rounds.
Sixteen lean Ago,
Tommy Purns "(Noah Bruaao) knockefl
out Jim O'Brien In one round and Jim.
Walker in ona round, San itejt, Cal.
T et Fatima 'smokers
tell you
- ..y
" ' ' '
V. 'Aer lurkiik Blt4 afortnti tmt
jus J fas ft the difference!
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Cal,, March 27.Two
birdies on one hole was the phe
nomenal record made on the Sun.
nyside Country club links here
yesterday by Gerald Thomas. Tee
ing off from No. S, Thomas nude
beautiful drive which sailed
straight for the pin. One hundred
and fifty yards down the fairway
flock of sparrows suddenly
swooped into the course of the
ball. Thomas' first "birdie" was
registered when his ball decapU
tated one of the sparrows.
After pausing to mourn over the
death of the sparrow, Thomas
played a full mashie approach to
the green. His ball rolled into the
cup, giving him birdie No. 2. The
hole is a par three.
Omaha Women Bowlers
Defeat Quintet of Hams
Bowling under a 123-piu handicap
in each game, the Greater Omaha
women's iiintrt defeated the llam
Stars at the Omaha Alleys Sunday
nitiht, 2.875 to 2.7''K.
Mrs. Stanton was high among the
women pin tumblers with a total of
574. She also rolled high game with
a score of 219.
McCabe rolled !iinh for the J lams.
"Mac" knocked dow n 005 sticks. 1).
Clark was high for the evening with j
a 234 game. i
TODAY t 1-3-7 nd 9
Prices 50c a ftw, 75c loan,
in Ihe Paramount Picture,
Hie (raatril story ef love lh
scream hat ever known,
"Forever" played to capacity
at the Criterion Theater, New
York, for cifht tttrks at two
dollars admiaaion.
Ftna roods
priced rifU.
(iood llnlmra
Good wvrk.
Every coat
car fully
tried on.
Bvery t a r
ment perfirt
In fit and
style. An
a n o r mously
large atork
to a a 1 e r t
from. Sulla
to oMer, Ki
to JSC. .
lark Xuna
maker la
lllh o.
"An Evening in Hawaii"
Townsend Wilbur 4c Co.
Comedy Skelch, "The Smart Alec"
Weat A Van, Sicklia in
"The Outing"
Moley A O'Brien in
"Puah 'Em Up"
M.tlnc Daily 2.1-P-tvrrr Mlht Sill
And Company
In "Kisses"
Madelin t Derolky
"A Study ia
Isttime a4 Bslifwia
Ed Allan Preaenta TAXIE
ifo t Inttri'ti an.. fitHiti Bu1lf
Jadi and Jfi) (jititD
Topltt fl Pur: A,ms S abl : Pth Htmt
M.lin.-i, lie la Mk. w 7it 11.00 Sll.
and Sua. Nlihm IM la ll.OO; aasis II.2S
Sit, and Sun.
Today'! Winner ol Two Fret Seals
la Auto No. 21,000
Last Times
Limited Engagement
of Four Day's Only
You'll Like This
Splendid Picture
At 11-1-3-5-7-9
Try Today
if you were one of the
thousand vrho couldn't
get in yesterday to lee
MATINEES Until 6:15, 35c
NIGHTS 700 Seat., 40c
Main Floor, 50c; Boxes, 60c
Strand Orchestra
Harry Silverman, Director
Offering an Unusual Program
Miss Beryl Burton
Artistic Singer
Dorothy Chenoweth
Harpist of De Lone Harp School
Added Feature
"The Leather
aaaaaSal i
Mat. and Nite Today
Good ReaVd Seat, 60c
The Phenommally Succetilul Olirln
With Tho. SJlKIn 5. CtlOHMV
Osseins Wonders IHMIV sfosavvs
Positively the Fastest Show In Burleak.
Big Beauty Chorus.
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