NIE RF.E: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAItCH 28. WS2 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day South Side live Stock Omaha Grain Chicago Grain financial Hi. ..hi, Marvfe IT. t Kill tin t R-ll,tS ,-! l.,.,.l, .!.' ., Mm Oar I th ,. Ml It IS kenie .y I Wreh ti bam tuy )r II Keceti.t ami 4it liim ' lue.t...k lb I nf.i) . ... i.., iiit.4h, Neb. t huui m l.i' l 4 . m. 1 h :j. '. it h. v. Hy ... 114 I'J'. II!' I ni IV. l(. It ', N. tt". I'V , ., N V lt . ct . I'.. II. U l! . - '. II, '! Ill . ' . H. . I' . Illinois i'.-mii.iI l, C U. W, II'. I . -eel lit s . i'lM'oSI rin.N MKAl l.i II. ttif II M, ..II It .. I ... ... ... .. II J II . ir i ... i ,. ; i .. 44 II ... ... ..Ill SI T ... ,, 3 I .. 4 I ... I , , II I ... . . . 3'.j I'll Si i Anu. ur t'uilahr CuMim ii . I mid t'.l..; l-.i ... At. ifi I'm kill " Hm lit t I u .......... .1. w. Murphy nitutiilr ... l unula I'u. kin '.. . v tlo.m l'i Kltitf I' lllSKIII 1'n'klu- I'll. . Hoffman Iii.m, SUyrul-h Vil .. Midwest i'"kihi t'u. umaha kin 'u. . . John limn "on. .. Mo. llriul.a fack. "o.. Ilvniuii Von Mint . J. II. Hull It. l. lwruu tt I'u... v. II. Cher K. (I, Christ la ft . . Jieiinl 4 Fihih ii ..... Hum Co John llsrvey T, J. luKhidtn F. (I, Krllna; KirkpalrHi: S I". l.wi -Mo.-Knn. t r '. I'll.. J. H. It oot t 10. Hlnlley llruH Huliivan VVerlheimir A pi-acn .. Other buci Total Il'l 1 iJ ;i vt si -r.i I! a u bo n llll I ii :s lit l llll : 4.1 I ti :s 1UJ 1 :s u i4 ,313 t 4-4 I "! I? :;i Klii 1 . . HI i .Wi 41.9 . .1,4511 1.440 6.76 Callle .Itceell.ts, ."""' head. Pi'Hy w Inu to th librrnl r.'lii nl purtly on miount of lowrr niitrkfi Kt th trail in ft cnttl very niow wHIi 'rl:- rnontly luiitl'tc lowrr than Friday. Ui't bervti mild around Is 00. Th.-r w a fair demanil for row nd hclfor at aipady to omawhat lower prlrra but (h xanaral traila waa very dull on anything larklnir. romwatltlun from ihlpiiera Near )y half of th receipt were In lh atorker and feeder order anil while attractive of. ferlnir ruled atendy ' the general market alow to 2io lower than tb clo ot lat week. Quotattnn on rattle: Good to rnolr beove, l7.754rS.15. Fnlr to good beoves, IM0gi7.iii: common to fair beeve. fi 40 tV.S5; good, to i liiilce yearllnKa. 7.60 f.,40; fair to good yearling, 7.nojf 7,0; rommon to fair yearling", M.&07.00; good to iholi heifer. 0.67.6O; fair to good heifer. SS.SKffl.7; rholr to Itrlme rows, tb.Mnpt.StO; good to choice iow, 5.36)5.85; fuir to good rowa. 14.60 WS.3B; common to fnlr cowa. I..504.35: good to rholr feeder, SD.90O7.76; fair to good feeder. $.;5igi6.s5; common to fair feeders. 3.766.2&; good to choir tockora. 7.107.76; fair to good atocker. fd.6U7.00; common to fair torkera, 5.76Si.35: tock heifer, 4.5083i6.00; tork co".vs, :l.60(5.:5: atotk calve. S.).7SS7.S5; veal ralve, 6.00jj9.i6; bulls, tags, etc., 3.505.25. BEEF1 STEERS, No. At, I'r. No. A v. Pr. 701 115 8 86-' 7 00 31 ItllH 7 16 9 671 7 25 15 1031 7 60 !0 1293 . 8 00 COW9. 5 1130 I CO 4.. 1!2Z 5 SO 1 1039 S SO 3 1346 S 00 4 1322 6 !5 II KIFERS. 10 1077 25 6...... SRt 6 60 STOCKEKS AND FEEDERS. SO 759 6 60 28 853 7 05 23....... 686 7 40 BULLS. 193 4 01) 1 1210 5 00 I'ALVES, 4 C67 I 65 Hogs Receipts, 7.300 head. Trading whi very alow to get under way today, opening bids ruling sharply lower, with very little demand from shippers. A trading got unilor way sales were from 15(u36o lower. Light hogs sold from $9.60 8'9.7U, with a top price of 19.75. Mixed loads and butcher weights, $9.36&9.60, and parking grades, IH.60jJ9.SS, with ei trome heavies, JS.OOS'S.SO; bullc of aales waa 19.359.65. HOGS. No. Av. 6h. Pr. Ko. A v. Sh. Pr. 60. .334 .. 8 75 63. .322 ... 9 S5 64. .275 70 9 40 69. .275 ... 9 45 73. .253 140 9 50 6S..230 ... 9 55 64. .212 ... 9 60 S5..197 ... 9 65 80. .200 ... 70 52. .171 ... 9.75 Sheep Receipts, 5,300 head. The mar ket was Blow to open, but was fairly ac tive later, fat lambs ruling generally strong to 3 0c higher. Clipped lambs were strong to 25o higher, selling from 812.600 13.00. Wooled lambs sold mostly from $14.40 14.90. with test lambs quoted at 815.00. Sheep were oteidy, moving within the same range of prices. Clipped ewes sold at 87.75 and some 115-pound wooled at $9.10. Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, $14.6541 15.00; fat lambs, fair to good,. $14.00I5.60; clipped lambs. $12.00 W'13.00; shearing lambs. $13,606)14.00; feeder lnmbs, $U.OO13.50; cull lambs, flO.Ooe.OO: fat yearlings, light. 812. 00 33.00; Fat yearlings, heavy. $9.60g10.50; wethers, $8. 00 10.00; fat ewes, light, 89.00 IS 8.60; fat ewe, heavy, 87.009.00. Kanra. City Livestock. Kannas City. Mo.. March 27. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 14.500 head; beef steers, dull; few early sales, lr.ifSSo lower; many bids off more; best held above 8$. 25; many early sales, 8.767.50: she stock, steady to weak; good choice cows, $5.60 6.00 : many plainer lots. $4.255.00; good and choice heifers. $8.00!J7.00; stookers and feeders, steady to 25c lower: stockers, early, $5.50 7.35; feeders, $S.OO 7.25 ; other classes around steady; most ranncr. $2.751.S5: cutters, 83.504.00; most bulls. 83.750 4.50; better grades vealers, 87.508.50. Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head; market opened alow; bulk later sales fairly ac tive, mostly n0i;c lower than last week s close; bulk. 150 and 190-pound weights to shippers, $9.76ir9.S0; few at $9.S5; me dium heavlea and mixed loads, mostly $9.509.65j bulk of sales, $9.209.?5; packer top, $9.70; throwout sows, mostly around $H50; gtocg high around steady; bulk good kind, $9.25j)9.40; best, $9 76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11.000 head; sheep steady; fall shorn 2-year-old Teias wethers, $9.50: lambs strong: 10 cars, $15.00; clipped, $12.75. Chicago Livestock. Chicago. March 27. Cattle Receipts iJ.000; beef steer 15 to 25o lower; top 79.10; few head prima handy weight staers, $9.25; best yearlings in load lots, 89.00; bulk beef ateers. 87.258.15; she stock steady to weak: fat cows and heir ere largely 85.OO.50; bulk canner and cutters, 83.25f4.00: bulls steady: veal ealves steady to 23o lower: bulk vealers to packers, 87.00'8.00; outsiders paid 88.0010.00 for best handy weight calves; stockers and feeders weak to 15c lower. Hogs Receipts 49.000: active: mostlv 10 to 16c lower than Saturday's average: shippers bought about 12.000: holdover moderately light:. top 810.45; bulk 89.75 10 40; pigs 15 to 25c higher; bulk desirable 100 to 130 pounders. 89.50lO.0O. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 50,000: killing classes generally steady to strong; spots S6c higher: fat wooled lamb top, 8W.00; top shorn. 813.60: short Teia yearlings and twos. $U.25(9'12.00; choice 111-pound shorn wethers, $10.00; wooled ewe top, $9.75; shorn ewes top, $8.50; shearing lambs. $14.0014.5ft. ' Slonx City Live Stork. Sioux City, la.. March 27. Cattle Re celfts, 4.000 head; market, 1525c lower; fed ateers and yearlings. $7.00j8.25: warmed tip steers and yearlings, 85.001 7.00; fat cow and heifer, 84.00ff7.00; canners, $2 6O4M.C0; veals. 85.0OSI.00: feeders, $5.0067.15; calves. 84.507.25; feeding rows and heifers, $3.6005.50; stockers, 85.00 J 7.00. Hogs Receipts, 3.60 head: market, 10 15c lower; butchers, $9.50.7O: light, $9.7089.80; heavy mixed, $9.2569.50; heavy packers. $5 S58.60; native pigs, $10 00; bulk of sales. 19.5099.70. Sheep Receipts, 500 head; market, steady. Pt. Joseph Livestock. St. Joseph, March 7. Cattle Receipts. 2,709 head; market 15t?J5c lower: steers, 8SS08S.2S: rows and heifers. $4.2868.60; calves, 8S.ef7.S. Hog Receipt, l.00 head; market 18 e:do lower; top. 89.75; bulk, J9 f.Ot? 79. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. S.80 head; market steady; lambs, 814.J5S16.00; ewes, 88.00 a . 75. Kmm city Produce. Kansas City, March 17. Eggs Un changed: firsts. Sic. Butter Market Is lower; creamery, 42c; packing. lc Poultry Market 1 lower; hen, tic; strings, J5& Ouu!'. Much The io Jj)V receipt t Onuha were (Airly liberal. ArnvU tl 41 tar, agiuut ii cut ltt yttr; corn, Vi cr, g4irui JK eri t far ngti. S-hipnifnL, uh the e a) I . at i trpiiou cf corn, were I'Kiu, eJ o( that grain lirmg repoiird cut ani rniii4rti nh a tislit run Un yer, Diiuiia MH-k ( hct dtetwl IiU.kki lnulirl. iml arc now 2,iS,' ihki buthfl. Com incrt-ased and are now I7S.'.K" I'u.htf. but oan ilnrra.rj .Sj.ixHi buihcli and are now 7n? 1111 I'nilrtl Stair vUilile Jirrrafd, wlifai. I.077.l0 hiuhrUf roin inrrraicd J I J.I'M I'U'll rli ami twin derreaied I.0).0t)0 l.iulirU for I he wfek. lower clilri and weaker lorrisn fM'lungr market caued an eMtif in our tt)y nurkrt. but on the dip cxnorten took the wheal ana price. ncnerallv Mradicd. Demand lor fault crain (or cxiort liowi de tided inn'rovcment. Tlie coniinent were buyers of wlfat. Kul bought rye, while Norway took wine Oktl. Trade in the local market started slow in cash wheat and early aalei w ere made at about 1c lower tow am the close a better demand appeared and prices advanced, the rinse being unchanged to 1c lusher. There was a good demand for corn, and flour offerinRs readily sold Jjc to le and toward the clone prices steadied and were 'Ac higher, some (trades selling; at unrhaneed price. Uats were in good demand at unchanged io j-jc higher and rye ana Dariey un changed. W J I C..I I . No. 3 dark hard: ! car. II. St. V. a riark bard: 1 i-ar. 81.26. No. 1 bard winter: 1 car, ll.Sf ; i tart, t harl winter! I cars, ti ll: 4 car. 1.?J; 1 car (7 per is-nt dark, shipper' welghtx, $l.:i I rar ismuiiyi, ran taniutty), H.K; I car t7 per cent dark), 11.33: t rar. 11.21. No. 3 hard winter: I r C74 per rent daral. II 27; 1 rar, II. I: 1 car. 11.30; 1 rar. 11.21: S car muttyj, ll.J; 1 car (very smutty. No. 4 har winter: 1 cr (mutty), I1.10J 1 car. St .17. . .NO, 3 yellow narq; 1 car, No. 3 yellow hard: 3 cars,; 3 car, 1 21; 1 car. $1.20. No. 1 nrlng: 1-1 cr (dare northern, .mutty). 11,40. m No. 3 prlng: r-0 cr tnorrnerni, No. S prtng; 1-8 car tdar; northern, mutty), fl.30. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (II per cent spring), $1.35. No. 1 mixed: 3-8 car. i.i. CORN. No. 1 white: 4 car, 49V.r: ! car, 4tc No. 1 white: 4 rar. 49 No: 4 rar fshlnoer weights). 49Vic: 1. cars. 49c; 1 car (Special billing), 60 He. No. 3 whit: 1 car, 49c; 1 car, 48 Vic; 1 cars, 4 9 He No. 1 yellow! 1 car, u'.c. Xn s vellow. 6 cars. 491-.C: 3 car. 41c: S car, 49 c; 1 car (shipper' weights), No. 3 yellow: 3 cars, 4vc; 1 cara, c. No. 4 yellow! 1 car, 48c. No. 1 mixed: 3 cars, 48c; 1 car (no bill), 47c. - No. 3 mixeo: 1 3-6 ears. sc; 1 car (special billing). 48c: 1 car (shipper' weight). 48c: 1 car (near yellow), 49c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (shipper' weight), 48c: 1 car, 48c; 1 car, 47 Ho. No. mixed: 1 car tnear yeuowj, use. OAT8. No. 3 white: 6 cars, 33c; S cars, JJViC No. 4 whit: 1 car, 33c. RYE. No. 3: 3 car. 82c. No. 3: 1 car (special billing), 83c; 1 car, 91r. ;o. 4: 3 cars, 90c; U car, 89c. BARLEY, No. 4: 3 cars. 64c. Ramnte! 1 car. 61c. NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlota Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis 175 233 140 Duluth 71 io "3 Winnipeg 344 414 506 UNITDB STATES VIBIBL.r7. Bushels Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat ..37.102,000 38.179.000 20,761.000 Corn ....49,096,000 49,809.000 33.074.000 Oats ....66.293.000 67,322,000 34.813,000 Rve 9.647,000 8.652,000 1,801,000 Dariey .... 1,605.000 1.817.000 2,097,000 OMAHA STOCKS. Bushels Today Tear Ago Wheat 3.143,000 813.000 Corn ......' 1, 762,009 1,907,000 Oat 2,707,000 1,087,000 Rye 870,000 39.000 OMAHA KECEirrtt AND SHirMc.iis, (Carlots) Receipt Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 43 60 38 Corn 91 35S 38 Oats 16 18 7 Rye 9 6 3 Barley 3 6 1 Shlpments . Today WK. Ago ir. Ago Wheat 33 18 4o Corn 83 78 26 Oats 21 11 24 Rye 0 1 0 Barley 3 8 3 PRIMARY EECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (Bushels) Receipts Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 930.000 864,000 728,000 Corn 891,000 882.000 968,000 Oats 653,000 664,000 606.000 Shipments Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 527.000 631.000 654,000 Corn 447,000 1,036,000 474,000 OatS 666.000 84&.UUU OS'.'.UUU EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels Today. Yr. Ago. Wheat and flour 474,000 2,319,000 Corn 854.000 610,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Carlots Today. Ago. Wheat 6 ) Corn 133 98 Oats 77 61 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS, Carlots Wheat 258 117 Corn 87 61 Oats 18 11 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Wheat 110 115 95 Corn 87 84 119 Oats 80 60 63 Br CHARLES P. MICHAELS (twah He Um4 HI,. (huagrt, March 27. AH grain told early down to a new low on the prearnt downturn, later a liev ily ovrrttitd condition developed ai'd enteral short roverinir carrird prices un sharply. The fmih wa t thr top with net gains tf I 7-8 n 2 J-1e en wheat, 7- 't le on corn, jK'.lSHc on cats and M'.'i I 1-- on Hoitt with fatrrn connections were lite early sellers of Miy 'd hnyers of July whea. diiirrenre to about Ue against 14 J-4c ot the finish Saturday. Local traders were decidedly bearish. They told lretlv on the way down. ! tnite the (act that value at the in tide were olf tVu.lO 58c from the high of lat week. May dropped to $1.28 1.2. a new low. At nrt time was July weak. At the inside it showed only under .Saturday's finish. It had a rally of 3 J-Kc from the low, white May advanced 4 S-"c from its low point. Hbort Hunt 4'ever. Eastern trader' aiworntlon of the sur plus Is) the pit raugltt th local riem!it h..rt A lumpede to rur fe.pou. ihle far th upturn. A 1cre of 1 .- n.aoe bushels In III visible supply, re port that Uermany had taken n liberal uunlliy of near crop winter for July August shipment and grn bug report from ( had sums effect on sentiment ftr pri starte.1 upward. Thi r was Ignored hen the market wa weak. Milling demand w. only fair, with ar of to. bushels here. Hrrelpta IS rsr Fore.s.t ns lor wet n.l cold weather over the belt. There wa early liquidation In corn and oala. I'rlrr dropped to a new low on th present downturn. Corn in insiue ws off 4H08HC. eats J.ISO from th hlrh of laat week. May corn touched lU". An expected decrease or Slt.OnO buahela ID th vlslbl uppiy or corn ami the rally In wheat led In short covering nd n strong rally. Both markets de. veloped an oversold condition after val ue started upward. Export demand at in eanora was jair ly good wltb sales of 400.000 buahel corn and 80.000 bushel oats. There 15.000 bushels eat sold to esporter from out. mii markete. Reeelnt wer 384 cara corn and 11 rr osi. Wet nd cold weather Is delaying th seeding oC oats over th greater part of the belt. Rye waa bought by houaea with sea board connections, and with wheat atmng. an advance wis easily attained. A fair tu.lne.s was put through at th seaboard. Pit Note, 1 fc'v erlfrt nf bad rrno advlre from th southwe.t wa a factor In tedylng price In th lat trde In wneat, ana shorts In Mar found Zoerlngs unpleas- niiv livht. The tenor of most of the re port waa that th crop was not showing the Improvement expected. Bennett Kansas cuy ortire wireo: "ri-iiln- mnrftM rnnrta on Srowlng Wheat trnm muik and west of Hutchinson and also around Concordia. On report from southwest Kansa ay not over 10 per cent of the wheat Is up." Kansaa Cltv wired J. Rosenbaum: "Our receipts of the 258 cara are a little larger than expected ana inaicaiwns yumi . laraer arrivals this week than last. Premiums are firm on good wheat, but milling demsnd Is Indifferent.' Crnn conditions for the first half of March re covered In reporta received by the bureau of markets from Its field stat isticiana In the different states. Favor able conditions for farm work are re ported In most of the central and norm em atates. Preliminary work Is well ad vanced In Illinois. In the southern and far western states, Florida excepted, un favorable weather conditions have slowed up or entirely stopped planting operations. Cold weather has made unravoranie crop conditions In Arizona and damaged truck crops In Louisiana. Rains have delayed farm work In California, Mississippi, Georgia. Tennessee and Virginia, causing soma flood damage to lowlanda in certain nlaces. Cold, wet condition of soil has Interfered In other southern states. Indi cations for Increased acreage reported In various sections of the south. Improved prices stimulating movement. Winter wheat conditions In general only fair. Alternate freezing and thawing caused damage In Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. More than usual amount of reseedlng will be necessary In Oregon. Green bugs re ported numerous In Oklahoma. Fair to good conditions In soutn. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By TJpdlke Grain Co. DO. 2627. March 27. tlbettteoricEinicfl. Dy ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. 4mhj le .r4 Wire, New York, March 27. The bond market and the slock market stood out in sharp contract to one another today. o diil the grain market and the oreietii cxilunge market, which in recent weeks have frequently moved in a common d.rrction. Hivy selling" of s ocks, uitmis. Mkahly profeaioiiul in character, drove down prices I to 2 point in a number of active shares partial hrly tnduotriaU, but Liberty bonds, all of which moved forward, led a similar advance in the to -t i n gov ernnicnt loan.-of which t!ie French 44 roe- a full point to while previot t high prices we-e psti ed by the Uelglau 7 1 -2s and three or four European municipal bonds. Wheat, alter falling; hack to S7.J8 1-2, the Iowet price eincc the first week of February, recovered rapidly 4 l-2c a bushel; all European exchange rates lost ground, the tier man mark (joins; to .(Hl.'V 1-4, a new low record figure. Mluatlon 1'rrpletlng. Probably- th rates on other Kurnpean market wer affected by till down ward plunge of til mark: at all events, their recent rise wa "discounted' an much In th way of actual event a to leav them a'llijcrt to shift ot specula tive sentiment Th foreign exchange market M-emul to regrd the mark continued fall with much perplexllv. In deed, on had only to read the Times' rabies of Munlny f'.tm Petlin and I-onduii. respectively, : en rrw completely at nr. silo woth neh rther are th tin tircsititn ill rived by thus two financial rommunltle fimit the reparations com mission' new proposals. nut tne fart should not i overlooked that. In the present conjuncture of Ger man cu'rrncy Inflation and Herman pn. Itllenl confu!')P. the course of the mark I as aul'Ject to sudden apasm of un reiK.inlng hep "r doubt or fear a waa the rnre of gold lit New York when It rnhe.l from 140 tu 13(1 nd back to 144 wllUIn six month during 1869. l'nrtlnl Recoveries, . Th- dorllno In storks wss checked be fore thii close and there wer numerous paitlal reioverbj which, however, were distributed very Irregularly. Kor tho early fall in trice the only reason whlcn seemed to be aei-lgned by Wall street waa that "stocks had gone up too fast." nnd that "it wa time for a reaction.1 These are weighty reasons on the stock; exchange, though they have limited bear ing on th genercl situation. Individual iatementa of railway earn ings In February, a considerable number of which have now been published, are quit uniformly reporting larger net re sults than In 1921, although total net operatinn revenue cf the railways during the month last yenr Increased 149 per vent over 1920. What Is now awaited with great curiosity Is evidence ot me extent to which the greatly Increased "car loadings" of last month will have been translated Into larger gross receipt Durlnu February these weekly loadings footed up stout 219.000 cars. Art. Open. ( High. I Low. Close. Sat. New York Stocks Tear Ago. 49 172 2S5 79 17 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn.. March 27. Wheat- Receipts. 175 cars, compared with 140 cera a year ago. lasn: No. 1 northern, 81.60H1.53H; May, 11.464; July, I132H. Corn No. 3 yellow, 49y49c. ' Oats No. 3 white, 3214 34c. Barley E061c. i Rye No. 2: UiHc. Flax 12 49fJ2.64. St. Tool Grain. St. Louis. March 27. Wheat May, I1.2SH: July, 11.15'i. Corn May, 67ic; July, 0je. Oat May, 37V,c: July. S9ic. Kansas City Grain. Wheat Close: May, 11.20; July, 1.12; September, 11.15. Corn May, iie; July.. iS'.ioi Septem ber, 69 He ' New York Produce. New Tork, March '27. Butter Steadier: cremery, higher than extras. 37i,4 38c: creamery, extras, 37c: creamery firsts. S6364c; packing stock cutrent make No. 2, 22c Eggs Firm; fresh gathered extras, firsts. J7 4:Sc; do firsts. 25 26 "4c: stor age packed extra flrsta, ;8V429c; do firsts. 27 28c. Cheese Irregular: state whole milk flats, fresh specials. 884, 21c: -state whole milk, twins, fresh specials, S8H921c Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. March 17. Potatoes Steady: receipt, log cars; total United States shipments. 868 cars: Wisconsin sseked round whites. 81.606)1.76 cwt.: ditto bulk, 31.70ei.S5 rwt.; Minnesota sacked Red Rivers. tl.S04Jl.65 cwt.; Idaho sacked Rurala. tl.80 cwt; Idaho sacked Russets. 12.20 cwt. Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 27. Butter Unchanged; creamery, extras, 3c; first, 8435c; sec ond. 31(833c; standards, S7t4c Eggs Firm: receipts. 26,293 cases; firsts, !,'Hc; ordinary flrsta. 212H,c; mts ceil.neous. 22S83c: storsge pscked extras, 3SVc; storage packed firsts. 35c .. w York Trod ore. T "Tnrlt. March 27. Live Pouttrr weak: broilers by express. S0e96c; chick ens. S4ec: fowls, 60c; roosters, 18c; turkeys. 350300. Dressed poultry, steady: western chlck- 11.. e4.Ic:, ,ow"' etc; old roosters, 30 $ 2,3c; turkeys. 471? 51c, Flaxseed. mituth. Minn.. March 27. Flaxseed en III. ,-5,6,'S:!4: "rtTi 3 5tK l.SD 1.30K 1.16 1.194 1.10 un .93 .58 .58 .61 .61 tt .84 .64tt .86", .36H .385; .39?, 19.00 10.87 11.15 10.75 10.25 1.3SK i'.isk' 'i.iVtt t.03 4! .94 H .58 '.S2 'i' Wo'tt .37 ' '.'39V; ".Vo',' 19.00 10.87 11.15 10.86 10.30 1.28 l!in 'i.oVyi' 1.01 . M .6874 '.'6'3'tt .3S1i '.88 ..-814 .39 18.76 10.77 10.97 10 75 10.20 1.32 1.33 1.18 1.18K 1.13 1.03 .8414 .58 .68 .62 ".ii " .36 '.S'9' '.Vn' .40 18.7S 10.83 11.05 10.85 i 10.38 1.30 1.30i 1.16 1.16 1.10 1.02'i .92 .68 .57 .61 .61 .64 .36 '.'38 .V9 19.05 10.93 11.17 10.80 10.32 Wht. May July Sen. Rye May uiy Corn May July , Sep. Oats May July Sep. Pork May Lard May July Ribs May July New York Cotton. New York, March 37. Prices In the cotton market went a bit lower after early Irregularity today, but local covering caused a moderate, last hour recovery. It was a featureless session, given up al most entirely to professional give and take Selling soon after the start came from the south and Wall street longs and sup port came from brokers with Japanese connections. After losing a few points, the market at on time was up 1 to 8 points net, but In mldafternoon was 6 to 13 points under Saturday's close. Nearly half this loss was regained in the late trading, the close being at a level 2 to 9 points net lower. Spot cotton vsas quiet, five points de cline, 17.80c for middling upland. Southern spot markets were: Galveston, 17.25c, unchanged: New Orleans 16.25c, 5 points decline: Savannah 17.13 unchanged; Augusta 16.88c. unchanged; Memphis 17c, unchanged: Houston 17.15c. 10 points de cline; Little Rock 16.75c, unchanged. St. Louis Livestock, Eaot St. Louis, III., March 57. Cattle Receipts, fl.000: slow, generally steady on all 4tlllng classes; beef steers closing weak to 25c lower: quality mostly com mon: bulk beef Steers, 86.7r.Sl7.30; top. 17.90; bulk beef cows. 14.76 ft. 6.00; veal calves, largely IS.00S.6O; stockers dull. Hogs Receipts. 11.000; active, 6c to 10c lower; top. $10.45; bulk 160 to 260 pounds, tl0.30H0.40; pigs, steady to 25c higher; bulk 100 to 130 pounders. $8,259 10.15; packer sows, weak to 15c lower, mostly 86.60gr8.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.500; nom inally steady: practically all receipts billed through to nearby feed lots. New York Dried Fruits. New York, March 27. Evaporated Ap ples Irregular; state, 16iJ20c. Prunes Quiet. Callfornias, 618e; Oregons. 814He. Apricots Nominal. Peaches Firm: choice. 1814c; extra choice, 14415c; fancy, 19 30c. Raisins Quiet: loose muscatels. 11 16c; choice to fancy seeded, 1416c; seedless, 1620r. " i Tislble Grain Supply. New Tork, March 27. The visible sup Ply of American grain shows the follow ing changes: Wheat decreased 1.076.000 bushels. Corn Increased 86.000 bushels. Oats decreased 1, 266.000 bushels. Rye Increased 992.000 bushels. Barley Increased 2,000 bushel. New York Honey. New York, March 27. -Call money, firm; high, 4 per cent: low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; eloelng bid. 3 per cent: offered at 4 per cent: last loan, 4 per cent: call loans against accep tances, 4 per cent. Time loans, firm: 81 days. 44 per cent; 9 days. 4 0, 4 per cent: t months. 4 04 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 44c London Metal. Tondon. Kerch 27. Copper Standard, (58. 6s: electrolytic. C64. 6s; tin, 143, 15s; lead. 31. 12s. 6d; sine, 125. Ik Bar Silver. New York. March 17. Foreign Bar Sil ver 84 c Mexican Dollars 19 e. New York Quotations. Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan as Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Sat. High. Low. Close. Close. A., T. & S. P 96 96 96 96 Bait. & Ohio S714 37 37 37 Canadian Pacific. .135 115 135 136 New York Central 86 85 85 85 Ches. & Ohio 60 60 60 60 Oreat Northern.... 72 71 71 72 Illinois Central 101 101 101 .... Kan. City Southern 25 Si'-i 24 25 Lehigh Valley 68 Missouri Pacific... 21 51 51 21 N. Y. & N. IT 19 18 19 19 Northern Pacific... 75 74 74 75 Chicago & N. W... 69 9 69 69 Penn. R. R 37 37 37 37 Reading 73 73 73 73 C R. I. & V 39 38 38 39 Southern Pacific... 85 85 85 85 Southern Railw'y., 21 51 21 21 Chi.. Mil. & St. P. 22 22 22 22 Union Pacific 132 131 133 132 STEELS.' Am. Car Fdry. ...,15S 152 153 155 Allls-Chalmers .... 44 43 43 44 Am. Loco 107 107 107 107 Baldwin Loco 107 105 106 106 Beth. Stl 70 69 70 70 Colo. Fuel-Iron ... 29 29 29 .... Crucible 56 65 56 56 Am. Stl. Fdry 36 35 35 36 Lackawanna Stl. . 48 47 48 48 Midvale Stl. '. 33 32 33 33 Republic Stl. -Iron 51 60 50 51 Ry. Stl. Springs... 96 96 86 86 Sloss-Schef field ... 40 39 39 41 U. S. Steel 94 93 94 94 Vanadium 38 37 38 38 , COrPERS. Anaconda 50 49 49 50 Am. Smtt.-Ref. ... 51 61 51 51 Cerro De Pasco.... 34 34 34 .... Chill 17 16 16 17 C'hino 26 26 26 26 Green Cananea 27 Inspiration S9 39 39 40 Kennecott 29 29 29 29 Miami 27 27 27 27 Nevada Consolida'd 14 14 14 14 Ray Consolidated.. 14 14 14 14 Seneca 13 13 13 13 Utah 63 62 62 63 OILS. fieneral Asphalt... 59 . 57 58 68 Cosden 36 35 36 35 California Peterol.. 53 49 62 60 Island Oil 1 1 1 1 Invincible Oil 18 17 17 18 Mexican Peterol. . .116 115 11G 117 Middle Ptates 13 13 13 13 Pacific Oil 49 48 49 48 Pan-American .... 53 63 62 63 Phillips 35 35 35 35 Pierce Oil 8 8 8 8 Pure Oil 29 59 29 29 Royal Dutch 52 52 62 62 Sinclair Oil 24 23 24 24 Standard Oil, N. J 171 170 171 170 Texas Co 43 42 43 43 Union OH 17 17 17 17 White Oil 9 9 9 .9 MOTORS. Chandler 71 70 70 71 Gen. Motors 10 10 10 10 Willys-Overland ..8 7 8 8 Plerce-Arrow 16 16 16 16 White Motor 40 Studebaker 106 104 105 106 RUBBER AND TIDIES. Flsk 16 16 16 17 Ooodrlch 39 39 3 39 Kelley-Sprinsfield 44 43 44 43 Keystone Tire 17 17 17 17 Ajax 16 16 16 16 U. S. Rubber 60 69 60 60 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar... 39 37 S3 39 A. G. & W. 1 28 57 28 28 Am. Tnt. Corp 42 42 42 42 Am. Sumatra 31 31 31 .... Am. Telephone ...120 119 120 119 American Can .... 45 44 45 45 Central Leather .. 36 35 35 36 Cuba Csno 15 13 " Cuban-Am. Bug. .. 21 20 20 21 Corn Products ....104 103 103 104 Famous Players... 78 77 78 79 Cen. Electric 153 153, 153 Gt. Northern Ore.. 35 i54 35 35 Int. Harvester..., 93 92 92 Am. H. J j., pfd.. 68 68 68 68 U. S. Tnd. Alcohol.. 47 46 47 47 Int. Paper 44 4414 44 44 Int M. M., pfd.... 70 69 69 70 Am Sugar Ref 70 68 70 69 Sears-Roebuck .... 73 69 72 70 Stromsber 45 44 45 45 Tobacco Products.. 61 60 61 61 Worthlngton Pump 49 49 49 49 Wilson Co 39 3 39 .... Westlnghouse Elec 67 66 57 67 American Woolen.. 86 85 86 86 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil 54 Am. Agrl. Chem.. 38 38 SS 39 Am. Linseed 33 33 33 33 Union Bag. pfd.... 56 55 65 57. Continental Can 61 Bosch Magneto 44 43 43 44 Brooklyn Rapid Tr. 18 18. 18 .... Cal. Packing 75 74 74 Columbia Oas-El... 82 81 82 81 coiumnta urapru . 31 4 - Nat. Enamel 34 33 34 35 United Fruit 137 135 137 137 Lorillard Tobacco 147 147 147 148 National Lead .... 88 88 58 88 Philadelphia Co. .. 37 37 -7. .... Pullman 123 121 122 125 Punta Alegre Sug. 39 39 39 38 Retail Store 44 43 43 44 St. Louis-San Fran. 37 57 17 27 Virginia Car Chem. 32 Total sales, 745.800. Money Close, 4 per cent. Marks Close, .0030c; Saturday close. .0032c. Francs Close, .0880c; Ssturday Close, .0908c. Sterling Close, lt.17; Ssturday close, M.38. New York Bonds N. Y. Curb Bonds (The Bee is the only Omaha newspaper which publiahes the ot fuial close of the New York Stock exchange bonds.) New )h4 Iteud.. V.w Y01W, March It Adnr an4 le. Hues In III (..reign ilivl.ion rra t.ui il f the Ittrgular ope nt today tH4 mark't. Kim. 11 7 nt nd A'-"- tin 8 were highr .y I prnnt, while !. got eminent and muoli.i caeed 11. .in 1 it piiitiis. llt-ny Iwiiies heailaifd during h first half ot Ilia Miun, but f.-r th moet part at gain. Hall aere a.'tlta, especially a.inveriible. but In IH4t uuar- t.r the trend waa indefinite. Cub van 7 and strengthened, but Ailanllo Kruit 7. t int roiiper ami several ot the utilities wer loner. New foreign tesurs, including th Or leans I e'ren. h ) railroad and a I .e. ho- M..vkln loan. Were In e)iu', Tulal Mlr ti er 4lu 1 1 4.4S 1,001). I nllril Mute Itonds, Hate tin tl.nno) 13 I. ih !d 4 143 I. Hi l.l 4'.s ., 1144 l ib M 4.B Kll I. lb S', .'') l ib 3d 4',s 14" I .Hi 4llt 4 It Victory S I06 Victory 4 High tow 4'lose , 00 l 00 9n no . t 34 IS s ! . tl,:i M SI SI 23 . pa IS SI 84 SK I . tt 4! tt n S 40 . M 43 H 24 43 .100 04 I'li' Oj lull 04 .11)0,80 100.74 Foreign, Government, Slat aotl Municipal, 7 Argentine Un It 82 S3 114 t'ity Hern as 113 113V 113 II iMv lleigin ....110 1"! lot 17 t'ity llonleanx .. k 86 6 ii Illy Christ SB ....IH) 1"9 !" Si city t'npen 0s ... tl S3 75 i ny Lynns 6 86 86 84 f'liy Marseilles s.. u 84 8 38 t'ity It l Jan Is. ..103 1 iu i iiy zurirn s ....lie, 111 114 10 Hanlsh Muni 8s A. 111 111 111 JI.1 llept Of X.'lll 7.,, li 844 4 I'nmln Rrp b .... so 20 Horn 4"an 5s SI.... tt 57 lom "un f not. 100 15 Put Ka ltd 6 ... 14 to SOi, 17 7 99 J IIO 94 94 103 10314 J02 101 French (lov 7 1.1 French Oov 8 ....101 ins 86 Japanese 4s 76 74 13 .lupanesn 1st 4S.. 10 '.., 38 King Helglum 6a ..l"3'i 12 107 74 69 103 JOS 97 83 23 King Helalum 7V,i.lOH. 109 147 King Iienmark 6a.. 17 t S King Italy 6a ... t4 83 18 King Norway 8b ..113 111 111 37 King Sweden s '...100 IOO14 100 I Rep f'llllo 8 48 ...108 103 103 IS Rep Cuba 6s 44 .. 80 10 S0 4 Rep Uruguay 8 .,M6 1"i 108 .1 Htal WUeellS 7 ..MJ1 1"1 JOS (.1) J wins t'onfed 8 ...118' 11 118 307 I'KllH & 15s 22. .10 104 104 LIS VKliH & 15s 2..105'4 104 104 160 I'KI.H & I5 57. .100 89 44 I) t) Brazil 6 105 104 67 V S Mexico 4s .... 47 46 tl V ft Mexico 6s .... 67 67 1 Alas U M deb 6s A 11 It 105 47 67 1 1 53 Am Ag chem 10t 101 15 Am Smelting 6s.... 89 89 89 46 Am Kugar 6a 98 98 8 IS Am T & T col 6s.. 96 86 6 53 Am T A T cv tie. ..114 118 113 18 Am Writ Pap 7s... 82 81 81 8 Armour & Co 4s. 88 87 83 12 A T tit 8 F gen 4a.. 87 87 87 2 Atl C L 1st 4s 87 87 87 36 Atl Fruit 7s 39 38 38 It Atl Refining S..I04 103 104 27 B & O cv 4s .... 78 78 78 3 B & O ref 6s 81 81 81 18 B & O 6s 98 98 98 10 Bell T of Pa 7a. ...107 107 107 7 Beth Sleel ref 6s... 92 91 91 30 Beth Stl P M 5s.. 89 89 89 6 Braden Copper 6s. 96 96 96 10 B Ed gen 7s s D.107 107 107 0 riusn ier iicig os.. 89 89 . K9 97 .112 3 Cal O & E 5s 20 Con North 6s 24 Can Pac deb 4s 11 Cen Leather 5s 3 Or d Pas 8s . 16 Ches & Ohio cv 4s 86 66 Ches A Ohio cv 6s. 88 1 Chi & Alton 3s ... 68 12 C B & Q gen 4s 87 61 C B & Q ref 6s .. 96 24 C & E I gen Cs ne. 77 19 C O W 4s 61 13 CM S P ref 4s. 69 27 CM & SP cv 48.. 64 31 CM & SP cv 6s ... 66 6 C & N W 6s S C & N W 7s . 95 94 94 109 109 109 77 77 77 96 112 84 87 67 88 96 77 60 58 64 65 108 108 108 I!Jli?4 106 106 7 112 84 88 68 86 96 77 61 68 64 65 3 Ohl Rail 6s 80 79 .79 3 C R I & P gen 4s.. 92 92 92 37 C R I & P ref 4s.. 79 79 79 1 Chi Union Sta 6s,114 114; 114 9 Chi & West Ind 4s. 72 72 72 65 Chile Copper 6s... 86 85 86 1 CCC&SLGM 4s .... 79 . 79 79 iu 1.010 r & 1 bs s 3 1 Colo & Sou rfg 4S 65 4 Colum G & E 6s... 91 27 Con Gas 7s 108 10 Cuba C Sug cv 7s 84 10 Cuhan-Am Ss. . . 7 Cuban R R 7s 85 85 91 107 ' 83 .104 104 304 .102 102 102 85 85 91 107 S3 44 44 61 61 103 104 S3 PS 99 99 101 IOIS4 6 'A 96 107 107 60 60 60 95 84 95 86 85 14 11 60 9.-. 84 95 85 85 14 114 60 95 84 95 1 Del & Hud cv 5s... 94 .94 94 3 3 D & R G ref 5s.... 46 45 45 8 D Sc Jl G Imp 6s... 80 79 79 '7 Detroit Edison 6s. .102 102 102 6 Diam Match 7b..108 107 108 29 D Pont de N 7s..l04 104 104 24 Duquesne L 6s 102 101 101 m r.rie gen 4s 45 . 8 Erie con 4s 61 a risn xtunner 6s.....iti4 7 General Elec 6s.... 99 67 Goodyear T 8s 31. 99 35 Grand Trunk 6s ...102 78 Gt Northern 6s.. 96 t.z lit Northern 7s ...107 1 Hud & Man adj 5s. 60 2 III! Cen ref 4s .... 85 ii 27 Inter Met 4s ... 14 83 Inter Met 4s ct.. 12 96 Inter R T 6s .... "13 Inter M M 6s 1 Inter Pap ref 5s 9 Invincible Oil 8s 14 K C South 5s ... 35 Kelly Spring Tl 8s. 106 106 106 7 Laclede Gas ref 6s. 83 88 89 3 0 L S & M S 4s JR... 93 93 93 3 Lehigh Valley 6s ..102 101 101 16 Lorillard 5s ....... 94 94 94 2 Louis & Naah un 4s 91 9t 91 6 Louis & Nash ref 5sl02 102 102 13 Mar St Ry con 6s. 88 88 88 1 Mar Oil 8s war.... 99 99 99 5 Me Pet 8S 104 103 103 29 Midvale Steel 63... 87 86 87 11 MSP&SSM 6s ...1"2 101 102 20 M K & T 1st 48. .. 77 119 M K & T adj 6s new 60 29 MKH pr I 6s new 82 33 Mo Pao gen 4s..... 62 ID Mo Pac rfg 6s 23.. 99 12 Mont Power 6s 94 It Morris & Co 4s... 84 5 N O T & M 5s 6S 65 N Y Cent deb 6s. ..101 101 301 16 N Y Cent col 7s. ...106 106 106 12 N Y C & S 1 deb 4s 84 84 84 44 N Y Edison 6S...107 107 107 39 n Haven aeo 4s 07 es 67 67 20 N Haven deb 6s 48 34 33 34 43 N Y Ry rfg 43 stfs.103 102 103 II I W &-. B 4s.. 42 11 Nor & Sou ref 6s. 64 . 1 Nor & Wes con 4s.. 864 3 Nor & West cv 6s. 10711 107 t North Pacific Ss .. 61 6.1 17 North Pacific 4s .. 85 ',i 84 T4 13 N P G N Jt 6S..106 106 106 i ivortn ien 'jet vs. . 1 u 7 ltitj l" 2 Ore & Cal 1st 69... 97 20 O 8 L ref 4s .. . 90 7 O V7 R R & N 4s.. 79 19 Pao G & E 5s .... 89 13 Pac Tel & Tel 6s .. 95 10 Packard Mot 8s ...102 0 ran Am f & T is. 97 6 Pa R R gen 4s 31 Pa R R gen '6s . , 10 Pa B R 6s 1 Pere Marq ref 5s 15 Pierce Oil deb Ss 1 R G & W 1st 4s, 5 R I A & L 4s., 8 S L I M & S ref 4s 85 91 S L . S F p 4s SA. 70 !! 8 L ft 8 F adj 6s.. 78 161 S L & S F inc 6s.. 62 2 S L S W 1st 4s.... 77 9 MS Air Line c ss. 494 ,S's Ye'l.. Slji.h -T Call.. leg I I'. 1 vt today iraiixi Hun An lbs timw I'urb .'urb ii. tiiil ip I S II p. in., null ealea if It lU ! 'h high, i"i and lst piur, Itunda, Sal'i ll'ih l CI- 14 Allied Pa. Wer ,. ,i It 79 I Aluminum 7 31. . . . !? !:' I Am, l.i i'rsa r. I" ) le.. SI Ant Tel TH fMo )ua', o S Am Tel i Te . :t o d t Anr,iB,l i i nn is ,, 7'i !' 7 S C..i 7 7.,nl lt let S Ans-Amrr ml 7S.I"4 l"i tl I Ariliaur Ci 7. . ,.i.l 1 1 I lUn.e.Ull k ,,,,,, It Itelh Meet 7 :1..,I1I. 1"1, lll I 4.ih bil 7a Si,., (ill's li'lN ft" I I an I'a. lfio .,.,IIS l"l 1"! S Cent H'r-I 8. ..... s 7 Colum liiaph I ,. 4 4 44 I (Cl,... "I. .Ill Us ... ( 1 Cnp y. H. ."I I".-', I :' I"!', I t up M An a :t.l": l.S l".M 3 Cop Y. A..H t :i,l"t , l"C ll', 3 ('..lie.. I lies 7 !""' 1""' I""!. t lias lull U.Wi 1"' !"' I Peer 4V 'o 7 .. S I empire 'I K .. 7 Si I Hen Aaphalt ...1"! 1" l" ritlnodrlih Tiro ?... t t t tlrand IrunH t .1"' l"''. '"'i S tlulf Oil la in liD'i 1i 4 Mumble Oil 7 ,..,l"l I'M I'M tO Inter It T ta SJ.... 1 IS 71 t Kenn C'Mwr 7..l"7' l''2'i t"l .11 l.aelnle On 7 ... " 10 I.IUbe M. Nit 1S....IM J" I"!) 11 Manltnlm 7 tl Sl tt 1 Nat I.-.lhec 8a .... SW ', 51 N T N II It 4.. 82 l 13 1'hll C tm 41 84 6 ) 3 Philllpa Petrol log 1 4 Dear It.. 7 ::. 100 mi I Hr.i. I loo 7 :i.,..l'i I'm 1"') t Hhawsheen 7 103 t"l ll 8 H..U llcll Tel 7 ...!': ISiV. 1": I Hlan Oil NY 7 !l.l"l 101 104 5 man Oil NY 7 !7.1'i8 108 1 Hun Oil NY 7 31.108 108 s I Swift c Co 7 25..l"l lt VI 1AI S "Witt er Co 7 31. .10: 102 MSS S Te er Co 7 ....lri !l 101 1 To Kdlson 7s 101 I'il'i 1"4 S t'n Otl I'rml 6 ... 81 t; : S3 Vacuum Oil 7 !" I 1" 15 Warn Kug 7 41.... t4 96 8 We.t Kle.tric 7 ..10 l'i ! J7 Winchester 7 .. t t 99 8 Am Toh 7 102 12'4 l'2 5 Can Nat Ry 5m .... 91 t 30 Con 4'oal Co 6s... 87 8? 87 CO Fed Land Hk 6...03 103 103 S Luken Hteei s ...ion jun joo 3 Kings Co L T . 87 87 97 5 Lag We.t Real .... 9 O 99 49 Mo Psc Rv .... 99 91) S9 6 Marlaiul 7a 91 t fl 8 Nat Acme 7s .... 74 74 . 74 64 NY NlfeVH 7a Wt 8:1 82 3ij 1 Slewart Warner 8s. 105 101 105 Foreign Honda. 4 Argentine 7s 23.... 99 S 10 French Oov 4s .... 65 S& SS 3 Rll-slan .S 21 21 21 20 Rusklan 5s 20 20 I'O 5 Russian 6s ctfs.'.. 19 1 19 15 Swiss 0s 101 l"t 3"1 6 Cltv Snlssons 6s... 86 86 86 41 NYXHA H Fr 7sWl f.4 64 64 Foreign Exchange. New York. March 27. Foielgu Ex changeEasy. ' Great iiruain uemana,",: chlics, 14.57: 60-day bills on banks. 11.33. Franc Demand, .09Sc; cables, ,0898c. Italy Demand, .osouc; canies, ,.iuj '.r. Belgium Demand. .0835c; cables, ,083Cc. Germany Demand, ,00;9c; cables, 0029 c. Holland Demand, ,3774c; cables, .3770c. Norway Demand, ,1768c. Sweden .2608c. Denmark Demand, ,2105c. Swltierland Demand, ,1942c. Spain Demand. ,15i".5c. Greece Demand, .04211c. Poland Demand. .(Ili(i2c. Czechoslovakia Demand, ,0171c. Argentina Demand. .3612c. Braxll Demand. .1368c. Montreal .97 1-3 6c. Volume tf .'ft'tler i;lr l'ull Off at ahu Market "Ji filiinie u( (crdtr ilr as i)iute tiiiht Ul wrrk, there 1' .hipped "lit i,(M! hfa l of slmk est tie t the country t''U the Kl msrlet s 114111 t y.-Uut head the week prevu'ii and 6.3"ci lied l"r the correpiidHi' crk in March Ut ycje. tJj thf tattle shipped out Mt week. 2,W4 hrd went to loua. ?,I7 to ,S'rlir4k puinU, 1K7 to Illinois. ) to Vieoniii, .k tu Missouri, .'( to Smtti Uukota and JS to Kansas. Vtiitn Prot'cbt rroiosrtI Mnrtoenth Ltrfft l,ainp Women who live on Nineteenth ircrt between O and Y stieets and on Q street between I'-iuIitf ruth and Twentieth streets prottted to the city council yesterday agsinM p4V iiiK of thcc streets. Thev don't tired the paving and arc unable lo pay for it, they said. ,W txt, rr l..4,. j .,! V"".. m ;" ' ;. 'i ! Steele i..!..!.! i-i., a..b , .... 1 u pii.e . . 'i ' . r . viin. 4 ith...i.l er.wh. it ie 4i 1...M .tftt. Ii. i'l .i... l.iidtg ta.i., efe.. ..k ua, South Side Brevities Omaha Produce Furnished by stat of Nebraaaa, de partment of agriculture, bureau of mar kets and marketing: LIVE POULTRY, Wholesale Wholesale Buying Pr. Selling Pr. Stags 0.13$0.20 IO.16lh.IO.25 Springs 20 .28 .23(f .26 Hens, light 20 .23 .23i .25 Hens, heavy..... .20 .23 .2 3 r .25 Cock 13 .16 ,15ftfi .20 Ducks IS .21 .21 .25 Geese 12 .18 .15ffD .20 Turkeys 25 .30 ...y ... A. W. J.mea, lusuianc alt kind, lowest piweibti. r-,i ORIKNT COAI.T CIRTAINtT. StA. 07. Skll'TII KMAIIA ICR COM "AS". nn a rharge .f hoplifilng, Ann Tay lor. 1443 North Nineteenth street, anil Itn.e Wid Hixth and Webster Hr-. wer fin. d H!t r. h lu f.iuth Kid court. i:nil I Marin, BSIS V street. w hound ever to iltstrii't court under IIii.iihO lm. on a rhsrge of In... 111, a and rb.uly ttuunding John Dow, 3'H Vlret, March 4. Patrick O'ltourk w.i found d"J of hemorrh.ige in hi room at 271S Q street, A deposit slip ahnwin he had 121 In a hank wa found among hi effects. John Knwalskl filed tilt In district rourt against Clyde Kearlnee. special officer f..r Xnmiir'; Poll. Captain John tlrisss, sn.l l'ollri.nin Neo Hayes, Itneri.e Kml'h n. John Kwasirleaskl, eeklng tlO.ono fur nu all. fed assault ilurlnc th packing house strike, . Charle Mit'erholx. Twenty-eighth and R etreete. wa fined ;8; John Itagasv, 5221 South Twent-ghih street, ;5u. snd Joe Jaiinvlih Thirty-first and H street, forfeited a 128 bond In Knmh Side enutt yesterday, g'hey were arrested, on charges of drunkenness nnd disturbing the pesee. Mitterholi and Pagjsy ap pealed the case C hlragn blocks. Ttinge of prices of the leading Chicago locks furnished by Logan it Bryan, 248 Peter Trut building: Armour h (o. pfd , ; 98 Armnnr Leather com 1 - ' t r;iison com ..128 Cent. Mnlor 7 Diiunpml Match , lis War) Motor 4 Ubhr 4 Mnnigoruery-Ward 17 Leather, new 10 Pigcley Wlgg!y 38 Quaker Ont .......136 Htewart-Warncr 37 Swift Co 103 Swift Int J0 C. Carbide , S3 Wahl 5 Wrigley 38 pULBRANSEN PLAYEU PIANO hlionalbiViccl sranaea in inctwK- 1 1 ti'fj ui mm ! I'll IIP smi..,. as , V. rv.r si.. tg.l4 700 '600 495 The Ait and Music Sloic 1513-15 Douglai Street If 593 Knnsn City Hay, Kansas City, Mo March 27 Hay Un changed; choice alfalfa. I24.O0&25.5O; No. 1 prairie. Ill 0OM13.6O: No. 1 timo thy, llo. 504 16.50; No. 1 clover, 113.000 15.00. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., March 17. Flour Unchanged. Bran 133.0024.00. Chicago Poultry. Chicago, March 37. Poultry Alive Un changed; fowls, 25c; springs, 29c; roosters. 13e. Wrilt Far Oir FREE lOOKtOa k. . .'. . . r, fasM-ngrr anil I'rrigiil s.rli'.. N Y to fhciboutg ud Cutlisini'ion wXt liKTWI V ....Apr. 4 Apr.SA Slay It AOIITIMt Meg I MntSI llr.Kt.M. VKI ....Ut .it June ill July II N Y to I'ljiuiiuth. Chrlieqrg A I.,nilntf4 CAKllMl Apr. .May IS June II r.tNMiM I Apr. IN . New York to Q'iee!itun and Liverpool f'AKMMi Apr. lit 'lay II M VI lilt (neal,. pr. 7S Mny XI Jim II HAM IKI I inrwl. .M.iy tu June t July i N Y to Londimderry. C.1s4ow ('Oi l Mill! May J! .tunefl July AM. LIU V June II July l Aug. 1 N. Y. to I.i.nd.indrry, Llverpout ami lilit.g.iW CAMKKOMl ( Apr. Ib.stun to l.undnnderry, l.lverpuol and lilasKi.w AK.HtlV Aiir. Ill A-M HI V Mny '.'I July hrpl. IS It, ..ten to Queenstewn so. I l.lvertol I. OM (new). . .May S May Jl June 2S I'ortlnnil. Me., to llultr.iX n! liU'gow Si ATI RMS Mar. .lit t AS 4 Mill 1 Apr. IS H.. m... u to Movile ml Ol.isgmv ATIII.M4 Jiii.eJII VTIKM July It Apply lompan)' lentil Acts, Kieryuliere MUNN 8. CO. Tower Puildini. CHIf'AOO. ILL. Scientiflo American Bl.lg., WAHUi.NTJToy, V. C. " Woohvorth Rillldlnr. NKW YORK Hobart Hide.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Stags . . Spring ., Hens ... Cocks . . Ducks .. Geese . . Turkeys DRESSED POULTRY. .55. .28 .18(9 .29fli .25 .35(9 .30 .22 .35 .30 .45 .36 .34 .26 ss .20 77 50 81 62 99 94 84 68 41 64 86 97 89 78 88 94 77 60 82 62 99 94 84 68 41 64 86 107 61 Kb 97 90 79 89 94 88 96 102 102 97 97 86 99 91! 77 79 .106 106 as 94 77 79 84 80 78 62 77 49 96 . 96 ISO Sinclair Oil 7.. .103 103 106 99 94 77 79 83 80 78 62 77 49 103 94 89 86 89 62 94 95 97 106 S7 63 101 98 90 7 Sou Bell T & T 6s. 94 94 7 Sou Pac cv 4s .... 89 89 15 Sou Pac ref 4s .... 86 86 . 14 Sou Pac col 4.... 80 80 40 Sou Rail gen 4s... 63 62 44 Sou Rail 1st 5s ... 94 94 218 Sou Rail deb 6 '-is.. 96 95 17 So Po Rl Sn 7s.... 97 97 17 Stsn Oil Cal 7s ...108 108 25 Steel & Tube 7s.... 97 97 75 Third Ave adj 6s.. 53 52 30 Tldewat Oil 6s..lgi 101 11 Toh Prod 7s 98 98 13 V P 1st 4s 90 80 13 United Drug rv 8s. 106 106 106 42 U S Rubber 6s 87 86 87 23 U 8 Steel 6s 101 ions, ini 35 Utah P L 6s... 90 90 SO 18 Va-Caro Chem 6s.. 97 97 7 35 Va Ry 1st 5s 94 93 S3 56 Wabash 1st 6s.... 97- 96 . S West Eleo 6s 100 99 99 19 West Pae 5s 87 87 87 13 West Union Ss..108 107 108 S Westing Elec 7s.. .106 106 106 15 W A 1, F. rfg 4s. 60 69 60 3 Wick Spen Stl 7s.. 96 96 H 53 Wilson & Co 7s.. 97 87 S7 Total sales of .bonds today were 116, 491.000. romrsred with 18.448,000 Satur day and 7,429.nn a year ago. Turpentine anil Rosin. Savannah, a.. March 27. Turpentine Firm, 81 c: sales. 33 bbls.; receipts. 61 bbls.; shipments. 57 bbls; stock, SS7 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales. 133 casks; receipts, 344 casks; shipments, none; stock- 43.145 cssks. Quote: B. V. K. F. 84.02: O. H. 14.07: K. t4.1t); M. 14.70; N, 15.16; TV, 0, 15.70; w, yr. ts.os. EGGS. Select .547) No. 1 !2l No. 2 21 1! Cracks 20 Eggs, case count (per case) ... 6.5091 6.60 BUTTER. Creamery, prints Creamery, tub country, best ... .21 w .22 Country, common .Hfii .18 Fat, Sta. price... .28 HAT. Prairis No. 1 upland tl1.60 (?12.00 No. 2 upland...., ,. 9.50iill.OO No. 3 upland 8.00( 9.00 No. 1 midland 11.00(3)11.50 No. 3 midland..... 9.5010.6o No. 3 midland 8.00 9.00 No. 1 lowland, 9.0010.00 No. 3 lowland 8.00 9.00 Alfalfa, choice 19.00 (6 20.00 No. 1 17.O018.50 Standard , 14.5016 60 No. 2 32.5013.60 No. 3 10.5011.50 Oat straw 8.00 9.00 Wheat straw 7.000 8.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas, per lb 78c. Oranges: Size 216 and larger, f7.008.00; size 260, $6.758.00; size 2B8, J6.507.60: size 324. $6.507.60. Florida tangerines, per box. 15.00. Lemons, per box, $5,500 7.60. Grapefruit, per crate, $3.505.00. Apples: Delicious, according to size and grade,3.503.76; Rome Beauties, to size, $2.36tg3.50; Winesaps, according to size and grade, I1.90&4.00; Black Twig,, ac cording to size and. grade, $3.00; Arkan sas Black, according to size and grade, $2.853.76; Ben Davis, according to size and grade. $3.00: Newton Pippins, accord ing to size and grade, $2.753.25. Straw berries, per quart. 6070c. Figs: Cali fornia. 24 pkgs. 8-oz., $2.25; bulk, pe rib., 1516e. Vegetables Potatoes: Nebraska Early Ohlos No. 1, per cwt., $1.751.90; Minne sota white stock. No. 1, per cwt., $2.00; Colorado and Idaho whites, per cwt., $2.00 2.26; Red River Ohio stock. No. 1, per cwt., $2.00 1 2. 60: Oregon Netted Gems, per cwt., $3.50; Colorado Brown Beauties, per cwt., $2.002.25. Sweet Potatoes, per hu., $1,752.00. Celery, per doz.. 75c(5 $1.85. Lettuce: Leaf, per doz., 7590c; head, per crate, $550ijJ6.50. Onions: Red, per lb., 910c; yellow, per lb., 8(?r9c. Onion Sets, per hu., $2 253.00. Cauli flower, per crate, $2.502.76. Cucumbers, hot house, per doz., $2.603.00. Carrots per lb., 23c. Turnips, per lb., 3 3c. Parsnips, per lb., 33r. Beets, per lb., 33c. Cabbage, new Texas, per lb, 34c. Tomatoes, per crate, $4.00 5.00; lugs. 13.50. Young Southern Rad ishes, per doz., 7Kr9ll.00: Young South ern Carrot, per doz.. 80c$1.00. Young Southern Beets, per t doz., 90c $1.00. Young Southern Onions, per dos., 75 90c. Brussels Sprouts, per lb., 25c. Shal lots, per doz.. 6575c. Green Peppers, per lb., 30Ci)35c. Parsley, per doz. bunches, 45cffr$1.00. Nuts Black Walnuts, per lb., 6c. Eng lish Walnuts, per lb., 3035c. Brazil Nuts: large, washed, per lb., l18c; medium, washed, per lb., 14 16c. Pecans, large, per lb.. 22 30c. Almonds, sack lots, per lb.. 28c. Peanuts: Jumbo, raw. per Ih., llj)12c; Jumbo, roasted, 1315c; No. 1 raw. per lb., 89c; No. 1 roastsed, 11 13c. Honey In comb, per case. t5.50St.0S. I HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. per lb., 5$tic; green salted No. 2. per lb., 45c; green hides. No. 1. per lb., 34c; green hides. No. 2, per lb., 2Q3c; green salted (old stock).' per lb., 23c; green ealted bull hides. No. 1. per lb., 3c; green salted bull bides. No. 3. per lb.. 3c. Horse hides: Large, each. 82.50; me dium, each, $3.00; small, each, $1.60; pony and glues, each. 76c 3 11.00. Sheep pelts: Green salted, n to slxe and wool, each, 60ctl.00; shearlings, green salted, aa to siz and wool, each. 5020c. Wool: Choice fin and half-blood, per lb, 22ff27e: medium or three-eights-tlood. per lb.. 20.23c; low and quorter-Dlood, per lb- 1719c; burry wool, per lb, 89 12c. - Wholesale prices or bef cuts are s follows: No. 1 ribs. 22c; No. 2 ribs. 21c: No. 3 ribs. 16c; No. 1 loins. 34c; No. 2 loins, 2.1c; No. 3 loins. 19c; No. 1 rounds. 6c; r.n. 2 rounds, j&r; ;o. x rounds. 13c: No. 1 chucks, lc; No. t rhucka. 9c; No. 3 chucks. c: No. 1 plates, Cc; No. 2 plates, Sc; No. I platee, 4c, . Omaha-Lincoln Auto Route Good roads via Fort Crook, Plaftsmouth, Union and "0" street road to Lincoln. T. H. Pollock Bridge Co. Plattsmouth Hotel Castle OMAHA 1 3 Convinc ing Reasons why you jet the best service via C.,M.&St.P. 1. Company owned and operated equipment. 2. Company employed attendants. 3. A standard of service that has proven success ful in operating famous trains over 11,023 miles of railroad. To travel over this rail road is to be convinced use the Omaha' Chicago Leave Omaha 6:05 p. m. Arrive Chicago 8:05 a, m. Observation club car, -sleeping cars with draw ing room and compart ments, coaches and dining car. ' Ak us about your trip East. We will be glad to arrange the detail). Phone or call 306 South Sixteenth Street Phone Dougla9 4481 or Union Station W E. Bock General Anient Passenger Department, Omaha Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 71-13678 GRAII WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. IV e Offer You ihe Services of Our Offices Localci at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. Get id touch with one of these branch offices with your next f rain shipment. The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House"