Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Contract Cattle
Feeding Makes
Profit for All
Sfrd County lanum mJ
Moutant lUmlirr
('o-Opirativc LUotwk
( Ymturr ufff.
Shu:irrfl Uddtitia td I fi!.ill mft.
'!ifd ill J-rward county ulirrcbv cat
r vtre ku oy fomucf, me owurr
( ihe ctile sharing tht iHnl)ili
If I of pi 01. 1 an J lo"willl Ihf feed
ft; slum Hut prom v,a returned
t both the nnr ef (lie cattle and
lh iAr Tin. attar. k.fiiitfif
ly various asriculiural organuaiionf,
unhiding the state department of ag
riculture, at one entertaining a poi
1 1 i . i . t . i
i'ic soinmm ir i tic came ownrr ng
liad no feed and lite producer who
I ad no outlet for hi feed.
In tlte latter purt of I VI. a con
tract between a Montana cattle own
er and three Seward cmtnt y farm
in wa negotiated. The owner
outraged to load Hie tattle at In
own expense and all partir agreed
to accpt the cattle wright at load
ing, and allow a lirinkase of 3 per
tent in transit. The owner further
Breed to pay two-thirds of the ship
ping expense, the selling expense at
Omaha, when the cattle were ready
for market, and two-thirdr- of the
lost of any teer by death from the
ittne of shipment until marketed. No
Mcer wa to be valued at more than
$40 in case of los.
619 Cattle Fed.
The Seward county farmer con
tracted to feed the cattle at their own
expense for not more than 120 day,
to pay the remaining one-third freight
and wiling expense, and to receive
rte-third of the net receipt at the
time of market. Some 619 cattle were
fed. divided among the three farmers.
The profit to each feeder was ap
proximately $.'8. plus the hog gain,
less his share, of the freight and sell
ing expense.
The first feeder lost one steer dur
ing feeding and rvjacrc an average gain
4 270 pounds, exclusive of thrink
age. The cattle sold at an average
of $7.38 prr hundred pounds, with a
few spayed heifers in the lot. An
average of 45 bushels of corn per
animal was consumed during the feed
period, about 75 tons of Mlagc and
II tons of alfalfa hay. valued re
epcctively by the feeder at 28 1--rents,
$5 per ton and $11.50 per ton.
The excess of gains above 200 pounds
was divided equally between owner
and feeder.
The second feeder put on an aver
age of 277 pounds and sold at an
average of $7.12 per hundred pounds.
A ration of snapped corn and straw,
crushed snapped corn and atfalta hay
and straight shelled corn, supple
mented with alfalfa hay, was the
feed outline on this lot.
Save Freight Bills.
The third lot gained an average of
257 pounds, divided into 50 yearlings
and 118 heavy cattle. The yearlings
averaged 851 pounds at Omaha and
the heavy cattle averaged 1,1"
pounds. The heavy cattle brought
an average of $7.05 per hundred
pounds, while the yearlings brought
Jg.7.50 straight;. The older cattle were
put on an unhusked corn ration,1 fol
lowed by a dry yard and snapped
corn and alfalfa hay. This soon was
changed to ground ear corn, includ
ing cob. and alfalfa hay. The year
ling ration consisted of a dry yard,
bran, oats.' ear corn and alfalfa nay
ration, followed by ground car corn
and cob meal, augmented with al
falfa. . , t
Another feature pointed out was
the saving in shipment on a feed
and transit billing, eliminating con
siderable overhead expense, as well
as two commissions and two extra
freights. One feeder explains, how
ever, that all cattle cannot be han
dled in this manner. Still another
significant factor pointed out was
that the cattle gainsf each lot indi
cated that each feeder handled them
in a way that the feed given the cat
tle produced similar results.-
Each feeder ran bogs behind the
cattle, the contract providing that
the feeder was to have the hog feed
in addition to the one-third of the
net returns of. the cattle when sold
at market, which gain was another
item of some profit.
Nuckolls County Sale
of Purebreds Is . Success
Nelson The fir?t . annual sale of
the Nuckolls county purebred stock
men was held here and drew a good
attendance. The prices were satis
factory and the breeders are jubilant.
Ti:.i.. r( 1mnc inrlurtinfir five
J. nil ly tj -
summer gilts, sold at an average of
$65 per head. The top brought $107,
paid for a young Poland China sow.
Twelve ehad of cattle averaged. $96
a head, A Shorthorn bull calf
brought $115, and a cftw of the
same breed sold for $128. The sale
was conauciea on inc tuuiuj iau
grounds. "
Scotts Bluff County Will
Establish Pest District
Scottsbluff. At a second pests
meeting called by the Scotts Bluff
County Farm bureau the matter was
thoroughly discussed and definite ac
tion will be taken by establishing pest
districts immediately. Arrangements
are now. being made for the bringing
in of poison by the tarload.
Farmers' Union Notes
Tht tifteity p( building up if
rnt in fo-opeutiv uine o
ciation it tiring rmplia.iired by both
national and Mate uttuut of lh
rarinrr union. In a statement ou
tin subject, W. I', I.ansilon, or
eaniirr and lecturer of the National
r-'armrra union, says; "The year
IVJI was it hard one lor our share
capital or Koclidale societies. There
l ave been some failure, although
lU't so many proportionately a of
private or corporate enterprise. All
association that had rt tip reserve
during good year are coining
through stronger than ever, because
they nowr have the confidence of
their member. 'lhe concern that
have persisted in distributing alJ
their profit a patronage dividend
find interest on capital are not so
favorably situated. Safety in timet
of mre can be assured only by
accumulating adequate reserve. The
het way to do thi without violating
the Kochdale principle i to keep all
the profits on non-shareholders'
transaction in the business for re
sen e or surplus."
Manager' Conference.
A conference of manager oi to
opeiative associations in eastern Nc-L-ratka
and western Iowa will be
held in Omaha April 12 under the
auspices of the Farmers union audit
department and the Farmers' union
state exchange. This will include
managers of elevators and stores,
produce station, lumber yards and
implement businesses. The purpoe
of the conference is an exchange ol
views and experiences on subjects
concerned with the operation ot co
operative enterprises. One subject
that is expected to receive more at
tention than others i co-operative
buying in carload lots by associa
tions located in contittious territory,
with distribution in less than car
load lots from convenient points.
Other subject on the program arc
accounting, merchandising' and capi
tal requirements. A large number
of managers have already signified
their intention to attend. Later in
the year a similar conference will he
held in the central part of the state,
and one in the western part.
Urge Credit Bill.
A. C. Davis, Gravette, Ark., secretary-treasurer
of the National Farm
ers union, is urging members to pe
tition their congressmen and sena
tors to support the Farmers union
rural credit bill now pending in con
gress. The bill provides for the es
tablishment of a corporation, to suc
ceed the War Finance corporation,
for the special purpose of rediscount
ing agricultural paper and taking
care of the credit needs of farmers.
Under the terms of the measure, the
government would supply all of the
original .capital of the corporation,
but this would gradually be repaid
from the profits of the institution,
and when fully repaid the corpora
tion would become a co-operative in
stitution for the permanent use of
Failures Are Few.
Failures among farmers' co-operative
enterprises have not been so
numerous as many persons believe,
according to figures compiled by the
Farmers union " audit department.
The department has record of only
four co-operative stores and one co
operative elevator going out of busi
ness in Nebraska since the business
depression began in September,
1920. This number of failures out of
987 co-operative enterprises in the
tate make a very low pcrcenisg.
There may have bent a tew failure
of which we have run beard." aid
one of the Farmers union auditors
who made this investigation, "but it
is certain that they are very few, foe
we arc in totrdi with practically all
of the to-operalhe association in
the mate."
Interest in Local
Herman "I have visited many
Farmer union local in thiirrrnt
nurt of the tate, but I dare to thai-it-tig
e any local to show a deeper co.
operative spirit or a fuller under
standing of the needs of co-operation
than tho.e people !of" said
Waller Sandiuit of Walthill alter
attending and addrekking a meeting
of New F.nghnd Local No. SJU ot
the Farmer union sis miles wet of
Herman. In addition to the address
by Mr. Sandtiit. a splendid pro
gram wa given by the children .of
the members. New Fngtand local
has a membership of 115: J. C. Hrod
erson is president, and John Obcrst
Dale at Pilger.
1'ilger A Farmers union meeting
here was addressed bv W. F. Dale oi
1'niven.tiy I'lace. a member of the
organising force of the state rarmer
union. He presented the work of the
Farmers' union under three heads
the ocial, the educational and the
economic. On the social side, the
Farmers' union brings the farmers
and their families together for pleas
ure, entertainment and fellowship. On
the educational side, it arouses inter
est in the whole range of subject in
which farmers are interested as pro
ducers and citizens. And on the
economic side it seeks, through to
opcration, to establish justice in buy
ing and selling. Mr. Dale was greet
ed by a good audience.
Speak on Co-Operation.
Craig C. H. Withcy. manager of
the Omaha house of the Farmers'
um'on livestock commission, and
Frof. George Boomer of the agricul
tural extension department of the
state university addressed a Farmers'
union meeting arranged bv the lead
ers in this community. Several locals
in the surrounding territory were rep
resented, and about 150 persons were
present. Mr. Wither sookc of the
work the Farmers' union is doing
in the co-operative marketing of live
stock, and emphasized the import
ance of loyal patronage as a means
to increase the saving made in coin
mission charges, and to reach a point
where the flow of livestock to mar
ket might be regulated and gluts
prevented. Frof. Boomer spoke
along the line of general co-operation
among farmers.
Meeting at Richfield.
Richfield At a rousing meeting of
Richfield Local No. 271 of the Farm
ers union, attended by about 60 mem
bers, C. FI. Withey of the Farmers
Union Livestock commission, and J.
B. Foster of the Farmers Union
State Exchange, ' both of Omaha,
were the principal speakers. Mr.
Withey dealt with the co-operative
selling of live stock, and described
the Farmers Union Co-Operative
Finance corporation now being es
tablished. Co-operative buying was
Mr. Foster's subject. He told of the
savings that could be made in that
way, and quoted exchange prices to
prove his point. Henry Seibold is
Iowa Buys Stock.
president, and E. R. Bell secretary
of this local.
Honey Creek, la. Honey Creek
local of the Farmer union held a
meeting fur the purpose of coiuidrr
ing the ro-operatite purehae of
farni mpplie. J, U. Foster and Joe
Mktiiukiii of the Farmer Union
State Fxcbange, Omaha, were pres
ent. Arrangement were made to
purclu-e a tarload of salt and a
quantity of farm machinery Ironi
the cuhatiiip. Thi local i- under
the jurisdiction of the Farmer
union of Iowa, but iiearurx to Oma
ha makes it advantageous for mem
ber to patronize some of the in
stitutions if the Nebraska Farmers
Ex-Soldier Get Farm. ,
Veteran, Wyo, Among the Oma
ha ex-service men fortunate enough
to tun a farm here in the drawing
of September. IVJI. h J. B. Foster,
manager of the coal and salt depart
ment of the banner Union tate
exchange. Through Mr. Foster ha
been entemled to the oldier colony,
consisting of about 100 ex-service
men, the privilege of buying snpplie
through the exchange, a privilege
otherwise restricted to member of
the Farmers union. Plans are on
foot to organise a local of the Farm
ers union among the settlers. Vet
eran is a new town ou the Union
Pacific North Tlatte Valley line, in
what is known as the Goshen Hole
country. The land is under a gov
ernment reclamation project, and
the main ditch and laterals are al
ready in.
armer s
A well cooked egg dish is always
a welcome substitute for meat for
the light meal of the day. Fiscal
loped eggs, curried, scrambled,
shirred and stuffed eggs, egg salad
and omelet are some of the ways of
using eggs which have a food value
comparing favorably with meat,
milk, cheese and other animal foods.
The following is a tested recipe
for foamy omelet: Four eggs, four
tablcspoonfuls milk or water, one
teaspoon salt, pepper and two tea
spoons butter. Separate the yolks
and whites of the eggs. Beat the
yolks of the eggs until creamy; add
seasonings and milk or water. Then
beat the whites until stiff and cut
and fold them into the yolk mixture.
I'lace the butter in a pan. heat, and
turn the omelet into it. Cook slow
ly (this is an important rule in good
omelet making), occasionally turn
ing the pan so that the omelet may
brown evenly. When the omelet is
set and delicately browned under
reath, place it in a hot oven for a
few- minutes to dry the top. Fold
ami serve immediately.
To fold an omelet properly, first
run a spatula under the omelet to
loosen it, then make a slight incision
with a knife through the middle
of the omelet at right angles to the
handle of the pan. Grasp the han
dle of the pan in the right hand,
placing the back of the hand under
neath with the thumb pointing away
from you. Turn the omelet upon
a platter.
Start Spring Work
Lodgepole Farm work has been
begun, and the soil is in good condi
tion, considering an exceptionally
dry winter. The season is three
weeks earlier than usual.
With the County Farm Agents
Our appl tre they do not pay;
W. reHi it- well- ,
But If we'd all pitch In and pray.
W'4 bavf good fruit to tell.
Manure is worth money if it gets
into the soil. v
The amateur can usually do more
good on the gas engine or tractor
with an oil can than with a monkey
wrench. - '
'' Feed a cow all the roughage she
will eat
When making out the nursery and
seed list, why overlook the flowers?
There are many annuals and peren
nials which do very well here and
add color and cheer to the home. .
Plant alfalfa; it feeds your soil
with nitrogen, your cattle and hogs
with protein, and your, heart with
A. T"ire-TrA bull without a fault
Shnulrt bo on rer farm. '
a, Bi-aalr eCTUt doesn't earn hia aalt; -Beaide.
6 doca aom barm. -
A. II . Da Lone, Agent.
Syracuse Enrollment for boys anJ
girls club activities came In at a rapid
pac last week. Jesse Lyon of TJnadilla
wHl try the acre of corn contest again
this year. Henry Grundman of Osage pre
cinct will help the following boys with
their pig club; Ralph Oopenhaver, Lloyd
Mannachreck, Harvey Halm, Lloyd Co.
penhaver. Harold Meyer, Arnold Doeden
and Paul loeden.
In response to a request for a Junior
meeting In Four Milo prei-inct, south of
Nebraska City, we met with parents and
children In that vicinity. Mls Wllkens
of the state university extension depart
ment and Mr. Wilson explained various
details In connectiin with the different
projects and following this part of the
program, enrollments were taken tor one
garment making and one pig club. Mrs.
John Cole will have charge of the girls
and Fred Thornton will assist the boys
as local leader.
District , north of Palmyra, was the
scena of ft junior session, where the fol
lowing boys signed up for baby beef and
pig clubs: Ralph Dowdlng, Jos Dowding,
Claudo Hutton. Orris Lanning. Clarence
Dowding. William Hutton and Robert
Thompson. George Lannlng has consent
ed to help the boya as local leader. John
Miller of South Palmyra precinct says that
his club will soon be in line for the sea
son's sctlvitles.
Esther Snodgrass, who teaches school
In Harmony district. 10 miles south of
Nebraska City, has taken an active In
terest In club organisation work, hav
ing enrolled the following pupils: Ruth
Sluckenholts, Marie Schlndler. Vera Halt,
Louise Vock. Clarence Cook, Leonard
Hanke. Leo Hauptman. Ralph Hall, Earl
Stuckenholta and George Cook. Earl and
Ruth Stuckenholta and George Cook are
taking up poultry work, while the oth
ers are Inclined toward cooking and pig
Jesse, Wesley and Lloyd Antes of Dis
trict 10 will carry out the poultry work
again this year.
Mrs. Russell of South Palmyra precinct
has the following poultry people In
charge: Maud Wllhclm, Fred Lucas, Dor
othy Lucas, Aura Wllhclm, Aubry Mor
rell, Elaine Springman, Albert Lucas, Au
dry Parkins and Leland Edtvards.
Mrs. Monte Lowrey or uunoar aavises
us that Eunice Helnke, Valera Neal. Mil
dred Helnke. Evelyn Paterson. Gladys
Lowrey and Esther Paterson have start
ed the poultry project.
lola Cole. James Dryden and James Cole
of Camp Creek, whose names were sent
In by Miss Edna Hanks, will perhaps Join
with clubs in Harmony district. Mrs. Dora
W'ebber of North Branch precinct has a
sewing club of nine girls already or
ganised. Pauline Lucas of Palmyra has
signified her intention to carry out the
second year sewing project.
We have at last been able to make def
inite arrangements with Misa Legg. the
clothing specialist, to spend a couple of
days in Otoe county, April and 7, at
which time demonstration will ; be held
on "short cuts'' in sewing.
Farmers are beginning to consider the
advisability of putting in a few brush
dams to control soil erosion before activi
ties In the field demand their undivided
auction. A little time spent in this man
ner pays big dividends and the cost 1
slliht. . .
Several neighbors gathered at Billy
Mannschreck'a and completed the building
of 10 Jams in a ditch that varied from
i to 13 feet in depth and S to IS feet
in width, cutting through a 40-acre field.
Ten hay rack loads of ash brush, one bale
ot wire and SO hedge posts were used.
Battle Creek. Evelyn Scott ia the Madi
son County Calf club champion, Katherine
Thompson the Pig club champion for 19M,
according to announcement by R. M.
Stewart, county extension agent. The
awards entitle the winners to a free trip
to Lincoln for the annual Junior club
week outing.
Clifford and Fred Terry won first and
second place, respectively. In the county
oa atoriea on calf club work for
Much interest la being evidenced In
grape culture in Madison county, accord
ing to Mr. Stewart. Properly pruned
plants produced yields of 8 to. SO
pounds per bush last year, he eays. and
adds that a number of old grape plant
ings wil be pruned for the first time ihia
B. L. Taylor of the department of econ
omics of the state university wis in Madi
son county recently collecting data on the
cost ot production. At a township, meet
ing. Mr. Taylor showed by table compari
sons that last year's exports of corn and
pork were larger than the average annual
exports covering the period from 1908 to
Blair The Washington County Honey
Producers' association will meet here to
morrow, at which time instructive discus
sions will b arranged for the benefit of
county honey producers. Charles Gaudou,
secretary of the state association, will ad
dress the meeting.
"William Iverson, a poultryman near
here had a flock of Black Langshans last
year that netted 70 eggs per day from
about 2o0 hens. The county agent. Carl
Oison, urged him to try a self-feeder.
The result Is that he Is now getting 140
eggs daily from 248 hens.
Jorgen Sorenson harvested four tons of
grapes last year on one acre of land. -The
production brought him 1460. It was the
best crop he had raised and he attributes
much of his success to the fact that he
mulched the acre with Btraw. Several co
operators have announced they will mulch
their vineyard this year.
"Hot lunches for every school chil5 In
Washington county," is the slogan sug
gested by Mr. Olson for the ensuing school
year. Several hot lunch clubs were or
ganised during the winter and results
show that the hot lunch greatly tenefita
the child in schooling, according to Mr.
Geneva Cost of production records kept
by Nebraska corn and wheat producers
was one of the factor that prompted the
reduction of freight rates, on these crops
last fall, Lee W. Thompson, county ex
tension, agents, declares. However, Ne
braska did not furnish as many records
as it should have done, he adds.
"When a larger number of these cost
sheets are put together they tell a story,"
states Mr. Thompson. 'One member of the
Interstate Commerce commission, after
looking; over a number of these reports, was
amazed that such conditions existed in the
mtddlewest. Nebraska as a state should
keep more of these records, not only for
this purpose, but as an inventory of their
own costs. Fillmore county should do
its share. Records should be kept on the
important crops of the county in every
road, district, if possible.
To enlist In the campaign for better
sires, better stock, a farmer is required
only to sign an enrollment blank, use
nothing; but purebred sires of good types
and quality to head all the farm livestock,
but does not necessarily have to own such
sires, Mr. Thompson asserts. "By im
proving the livestock over the entire
county, each farmer can improve his own
stock, so why raise scrubs when it costs
no more, and usually less, to raise good
stock?" asks Mr. Thompson.
Six townships were represented at the
millinery schools, held last week. Eleven
adult and four children's hats were made,
the total cost being $25.31. the estimated
market value, $97, and a vaving of $71.69.
Bach delegate to the project returned to
her township to act as leader.
Crete The Saline county farm bureau
and extension service agents announce the
following platform:
"To supply you with a list of Nebraska
and United States farmers' bulletins; to
'vitalise' Saline country rural schools; to
look up facts and figures for farmers; to
help solve your fram problems; to co
operate at all times; to supply farm la
borers; to fight diseases which attack live
stock and crops; to help eradicate farm
pests; to reply to all requests promptly;
to meet our neighbors and demonstrate;
to build a foundation for better farm
homes In Saline county: to make our
homes place of beauty; to reach all our
S.009 fanners; to help the farmers help
themselves; to urge more purebred live
stock, and to make this your farm
bureau. .
Curtis A creditable savinr through the
functions ef the Farmers' Livestock Ship
ping: association u reported by members
and officials of the association. The as
sociation has the endorsement of the
Frontier county farm bureau and advo
cates the farmer carrying; his products
as near to the consumer as possible.
Weeping Water. The Caps County Farm
Bureau News, the monthly organ of tho
county farm bureau federation, in Its cur
rent issue contains the following state
ment: "Cass comity will' help the Nebraska
Farm Bureau federation whenever it
proves that it deserves our support. The
national federation has made a wonderful
record and has been notified that Cass
county will rent direct, 60 cents per mem
ber to help continue the good work. But
we refuse to collect $4 additional to send
to Secretary H. D. Lute of the Nebraska
federation, under present conditions.
"Cass county was a member of the Ne
braBKfe. federation last year and paid $5
for each member; 60 cents ot this should
have been sont by Secretary Lute to the
American federation. This was not done,
since at the state convention, National
Treasurer Gunnels stated that Nebraska
had assisted with only $500. Nebraska
should have sent Gunnels about $9,000.
"The Cass county board asked by phone
and by letter for a financial report, but
were ignored. We want to know all about
our own business all of the time.
Cass county has one poultry club, one
dairy club, four sow and litter clubs,
one pure-bred pig club and one market
hog club, according to L. R. Snipes,
county extension agent. Two other clubs
will bo organized eoon.
An order for 1.200 eggs at $5 per hun
dred has been received by Mrs. Ray Nor
ris, who hus a flock of 110 White Ply
mouth Rock hens, which have netted a
profit of ,5.35 per hen.
Wahoo. Five blocks will use sires of
good records instead of scrub sires or
others whose blood lines were unknown, it
was decided at the meeting f the Hol
stein Sire association. But one block In
the association has a sire that will meet
requirements, according to W. F. Roberts,
county extension agent. Consequently, the
directors will purchase five sires, the
standard being set at 750 pounds of but
ter record by the two nearest dams.
A solution to be used in spraying or
chards has been purchased by the bureau
and will be supplied at cost. Mr. Rob
ert announces. The solution is for apple
scai,. codling moth worms, blotch, cur
cullo, lesser apple worm and canker worms.
A schedule recommended for application
Is made up of four sprays between the
time the flower buds show pink after
stems have separated, and the latter part
of July. v
Gas engine demonstrations will be held
at HIedik'e farm, March 28. and at
Ithaca. March 2. Decrepit engines will
be brought in from the neighborhood and
worked over under the direction of a spe
cialist from the college of engineering.
Club meeting dates announced ' are:
Homemakers' group at Mead. March ii
Penelope Garment club. Ithaca, March 29
! a,.,,,,,n"'y meeting at Ceresco, March
SO. Millinery club activities, are on the
Increase, the demonstration agent an
nounces the Pohoeeo. Tutan. Swedeburg
end Ashland groupa conducting intensive
The Holstein, sire. King Segis Gerten
Ormsby Lincoln, owned by C. W. Malhew
son. ha been leased by the agricultural
college. Thie, animal Is a grandson of
the former world's record Nebraska cow,
Katy Gerben. The aire welghta nearly a
ton and a quarter. ,
David City Purebred aires and gilts,
valued at $1,155. have been purchased by
breeders through the exchanre of the
farm bureau federation in Butler county.
Support is being given the fsrmers" eleva
tor and co-operative livestock shipping
association here.
I.lnroln sr. Jf. Lawritson. dairy exten
sion specialist, has completed an inspec
tion tour of the dairy herds of all state
lntltutin under the board of control.
Mr. Lawritson reports he was 'particular
ly niessd" with, the herd at the Geneva
Girls' Industrial Home.
Ayrshire Ideal
Breed of Cattle
for Use on Farms
DumI Purjioep Ainu)! Arc
C.mmI Miller ?fll fur
!Wf With Little Di.
torreUrjr Nehta.ka Amhire HimiIm.'
I.iVe ail farmer I have a1a
liked 4 ievt tu i uiilv my fam
ily with iiiiSk am! baiter. My cow
v.erc grade, fart Durham ami part
lertey. tlte lalfr Mpod predomiimt
iiir. 1 found Hut whenever 1 Rot a
male euti it ki practically worth
less. On leepiug (or a thort time a
record of the feed coiiuiiici ly the
cow I found that they were- hardly
giving enough milk to pty for their
ited. 1 began nn invetiiation.
I undertook ti ascertain whether
there wa not some breed of cattl?
that were Rood milkers and of Mich
tie that the male ralve were mar
ketable lor beet without. too much
of a sacrifice. My investigation took
me through the records oi all breed
of cattle, both beef and dairy. I
made two or three trip to Lincoln
and discussed the matter with I'rof.
Davis of the dairy department of the
state university. I wa seeking to
find if possible a breed that embodied
a combination of the beef and dairy
Ayrshire Dual Tvoe.
As a result of my inquiry I l v
came convinced that while the Ay.
shire cow is primarily a dairy animal,
yet they approached more nearly the
dual type than any other breed. I
purchased from the university herd
two aued Ayrshire cows and a 2-year-old
heii'er, all bred to bull from
a heavy milk producing family.
In making this chance ' in my
herd I concluded to buy pure breds.
1 found that the initial cost of a pure
bred was only a trifle more than a
good grade and the cost of keeping
one was no more tluui the other.
With Ayrshires 1 found that if J
could sell a pure bred male for breed
ing purposes now and then, well and
good, if not he could co on the
market for beef with vcrv little if
any handicap. Ayrshire welsh from
1.000 to 1,500 pounds. ThcV can be
bought for $50 for a calf a few weeks
old to $250 for a mature cow, ac
cording to age and oualitv.
Good Milk Production.
Ayrshires as a breed give a little
less milk than the Holstein and a
little more than the Jerseys or the
Guernseys. The butter fat content
of 1 heir milk is considerably higher
than the Holstcins and somewhat
less than the Jerseys of the Guern
seys. The average butter fat con
tent of the milk from 560 cows test
ed officially during the year 1921.
was 4.1 per cent. My two Ayrshire
cows are 15 years old. One fresh
ened in September, the other in Oc
tober. One is giving a trifle less
than three gallons of milk, the other
a little over four gallons of milk
daily. Considering their age this is
a creditable performance.
If I am correctly informed male
calves of this breed both grade and
pure bred when sold for beef are
acceptable by the packers with little
if any discrimination. This with
their creditable milk production is
their chief asset from the fanners'
viewpoint. If there is such a thing
as a dual purpose cow it comes
nearer being true of the Ayrshire
than any other. They are the ideal
breed for the farmer who is mak
ing the cow contribute to the income
of the farm where his chief activity
is growing grain and hogs.
Advisable for Clubs.
I advise boys and girls joining
calf clubs to buy an Ayrshire calf.
If you are interested in Ayrshire
calves, heifers or cows, write me for
particulars. While I have no fe
males of my own for sale, yet I anr
in communication with Ayrshire
breeders from all over the country
and can probably buy them
for you to better advantage than
you can get them yourselves. My
services will be free of charge. I
will be glad to assist any one wish
ing to go in the business in a small
way or otherwise. My compensation
will consist in the satisfaction of be
ing of service in introducing to the
farmers of the state what I consider
the best all purpose cow for the
Farmers Near Callaway
Prepare to Plant Grain
Callaway Spring plowing and
discing has commenced in the vicin
ity, of Callaway. No moisture has
fallen for some time but the ground
is in good shape. A large acreage
of oats and other spring grain will
be sown this spring.
The wheat is in good condition
and seems to be in better shape(than
it was last year.
just say.
to your druggist
Stop$ Pain Instantly
The simplest way to end a corn Is
Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in
stantly. Then the corn loosens and
comes out. Made in two forms a
colorless, clear liquid (one drop does
itl) and in extra thin plasters. Use
whichever form you prefer, plasters
or the liquid the action is the same.
Safe, gentle. Made ina world-famed
laboratory. Sold by all druggists.
Free: Writ Bauer A Blaek, Chicago. Dept.US
far eolnoU book, "Correct Core of the Feet."
Antelope County
Organizes Clubs
1B0 H.-x. iiiul Chi. l'l.rullcl
in l.'t UiiU Fornml ly
SliprriiiUMitlflit of SiIhhiI.
Nel h. J-Vr thf Mt time time j
tiny' and gut.' t!uh lute been
ipon.oted by the iii'Vi' ot iiiicul
tnrf. a concerted rtWt ha been
nude to mterr.t the f'.iUicn and
heir areiiU in Antelope couitiy. A
!mv dub have been urtrd in the
iat. but aiile ft .tin one at Oakdale,
inteiet lu m4 been ufticient to put
the proposition anokt,
t'ounty .MiiterintrnUriit C A.
M.ihruun and V. C. Old of the mate
college cfc agriculture, i.ited rhool
ot the county ttirrinti up intereM in
thi line of work, The rcult wa
hum Mtsiuctory, 1) boy and girl
have asked to be enrolled as mem
bers of thee club. I he inirrcst on
the part of the parent lia al-o been
keen. The result of the campaign
wa the organization of mx poultry
club, live pirf club, one garden club
and one cooking club.
At district No. -W. north of Clear
water. Mr. John Coolcy become
the leader of the poultry club and
W. II. DcC'anip of the pig club.
South of Orchard at district 126. C.
C. Stringfield will lead the poultry
club. At Ncligh there are two poul
try club, one oi which is in cliargi
of Mr. W. K. Staple and the other
Mr. C. K. Ikldin. The pig club in
N'eligh i in charge of K. J. Forsyth.
At Midway, John Forbes is the
leader of the pig club and Mrs. E.
Rich of the ponltrv club.
At FJgin and vicinity four clubs
were organized. T. Ilonry Freoe
is leader of the pig club, Mrs. Freesc
of the poultry club, Mrs. E. C. Born
of the garden c)ub and six girls have
formed a cooking club, and will se
lect a leader in a short time.
TODAY at 1-3-7 and 9
Price SOc; fw, 75c; boxei, $1
in the Paramount Picture,
The greatest atory of love the
screen ha ever known.
"Forever" played to capacity
at the Criterion Theater, New
York, for eight week at two
dollars admission.
Farm Bureau to
Probe County
Tax Problems
Smaller CommiUm Will In
Vfxtipatf I-ocal Cmilition
In AUt in Muling
Hcilui tioim.
Lincoln 'lit appointment ui
penal 1 aim bureau tan cmnniiitrc
in ra.h county, w woik in foitiune
tion with the m committee of ihe
XebM.U Farm Bureau federation
and to properly orgaitbe rch county
(or a ntudied coiKuleratimi of tae
and public rvprrtduure. i recom
trendrd by the Ma orgauiation in
a comnmi'iiation to the county oi
sanitation', F.arly in January the state oraani
nation appointed 4 a commuter
compo.ed of II. 1 Keefe of Watt
bill; ('. Y. Thompson of Wet Point;
Prof. II. C Filley. Lincoln; John P.
Davi. (ieneva. and F. M. iHweeie,
Lincoln. Meinher of thi committer
are not only nuking a tudy of ta
matter of statewide interest, but
will uUo work w ith the county com
mittre in xtudying local tax uev
Probe Local Conditions.
The county committer have been
aked to make an earnest citort to
inform thenuelve on local t con
dition o that the question may be
presented at local meeting, and
when ficure and fact are compiled,
ta give them to loil eountv t
papers for publication. It I .
gr.tej that county ineeting follow 1
the Imal menu's; in order i Lrod
fB the scope tl interest,
Tin county (omntittrr l ava Vi
Iten kc4 14 cnprri " '
other rfiiiiiation hili nuy M
lud)!ng il am subject,
PUn Co-Operation,
Ader gamin spcrinc ol on study and th infoimation
developed at ihe varum inretmi
the committee U asked ta ro-opei
air wii!i tlit county commisslouett
in srrming h greatest ponble re
cluction in fv.peml.ttire without de
tro iitsi the ttlikictuy of county gov.
"With an acta ti committee m
each county to report the inifuritwua
and wi ht of the larm bin can nieui
jier. a wcll-roundrd ntograrn for t
redut lion can be wot ted out and pre
sented to Ihe tle at large. The
possibilities' of a systematic atudir ol
t!;i. kind are s. great that hope
racb fumiiv will undertake the ok
it. net," i declared in a letter ad
dres.ej to ra.'ti county organization
by the state ofnre.
Brilliant Mtiileal Bur Ink
Twice Daily WAELELK Mat. Today
, Final Performance Frldiy Nil
With ths Dancing Wondara
The Fastest Show in Burlesk
anre nrniiirn BfliCCC
nun ncuwutu i inutfl
GOOD-"0 50c s
l.Hl.,' Ticket.. 13s and 25a Every Weak
Day. Baby Carrie,, Garaaa In ina Lossy.
"An Evening In Hawaii"
Townsend Wilbur & Co.
Comedy Sketch. "Th Smart Ale"
Weat A Van Sicklin in
"The Putins"
Moley A O'Brien in
"Push 'Em Up"
Aljce Terry
Harry Myers
Matin Daily 2:t Evary Nlfhl :!
And Company
In 'Kisses'
Mas. line De-rolhy
"A Stuav ta
(rue as Bslawie
Ed Allan Ptwnt TAXIE
l io rl..a.r. an Cm. Bull..
Jark an J. ill. Olbi.i
T.slre st Pe: AeMs'. fablw; feln. M.
Matin..!, IX ta 0c; sos 75a " CI. Set.
as Sua. Niahti. lia ta 11.00; sosis II. is
S.t. sad "
Today's Winner ol Two f ree Seats
Is Auto No. 21,157
Added Feature
"The Leather
At 11-1-3-5-7-9
Try Today
if you wro ons of (
thousand who coulaVt
11 ia ytitsrdsy to
MATINEES Unlit 6:15. 35e
NIGHTS 700 Sests, 40e
Main Floor, 50c Boxes, 60c
Strand Orcheatra
Harry Silvarman, Diractor
Offorinf an Unusual Program
Mias Beryl Burton
Artistic Sinfsr
Dorothy Cbenoweth
Harpist of De Lom Harp School
tftGaAN of the.
CAristie CorwcU
Marry T?mdcr and Ate
Symphony Players'.
Johnson at the oian
To the Producers of Motion Pictures:
Don't you think it would be a splen
did idea for our children to have the
opportunity to see on the screen what
they read about in their United
States histories? Wouldn't it give
them a cleaner, finer conception of
their own country to see a drama of
our revolutionary period enacted be
fore their eyes? Let's give it to them.
"Van 'Jtvtffe tfTittvm
'wo shows ia j;
Now Playing
George Loan Tucker's
"Ladies Must
a sensible choice
for your hotel headquarters
when storming in Omaha
.. c r 0 .
for your business and social
for your luncheon appoint
ments for your after-theater supper
for your evening dinner'
and for dozens of other
purposes that can be satisfac
torily answered only by a hotel
of the high rank and reputa
tion of The Fontenelle
Hotel fontenelle
350 Rooma 350 Baths $3 to $5 a Day
Is more than "empty
generality" at The
Fontenelle. Here, an
especial effort is con
acientiousiy and eon
aiatently made to
beatow a friendly,
polite and pleasant
service and to satis
factorily sdjust any
imperfection in this
charscter of service
that may occasional
ly develop in any
order of things in
volving human be
ings dealing with
other human beinge.