A . 1UB B. OMAMA. MU.NlMV. MAKt'H a. m... X 3 f V H 1. yr I a i aajaasajj f I rpi 1 1 'rV..i!-. D,,.AJ 4 fMm'niion la l he!d through, superintendent, who 'n luni perfect inrtV. ariitmiftitf and brxUeepiiifi; vt "OU 5Jii" r4 wi'l !'"' fill ll IiMI.1 K.'llin.'l ' A II H L 1 K 1 IirilIll (I iVUeSaOnS rrepareCl out the utf April 6 and 7. The the cumy runiation, denaim.; .iietnoon, tivi.i, Kuiimwr, ium- .fin lh t:iirM kUiH,!. Vl 11 lYtllUKl iVUlt UIIMU 1 v i f J F i examination, ir held (or tudenU the pUr. and doctor far tl. lurt and (rocraplty. trirt ronte.t I Jur, AM4 r, A f roruni Will meet L ?Y. f'V 1 y Ir ale HinkuhI '? jk 1 vuth hwiwrinnnio 1,1 ''iMTsVr.'i J J Today i Atuacuoni. i . , . - , , tained in the et I questions. iome Thursday Momma Keadme, or- .. . ln , . r tM . Mieu 1h.W t'Uit and loti I Hi r . f iT Sun "Turn to the Kinht" I UiicMn.-Emm4i.o 0''on j0wk) e( hifh UI b nu.lfd cut thPer4an4 wnt.ns; afternoon. Miim.J IVrlJIlMliiry CuittM ,fi.d. h-Un lr. IM Ml 111(1 IMTIOLI IH Brand.ii Tor'w." fraturinir. Vi. iini ,,f ll-atiii '"f "g!"h ,rl4 rl,u" p"' i county riperintendent. John M. hielory. English fompoaitioii. dw lieneva -The ui-r in ihr t Uut 0m, equity superintendent; ! 4,1 U"y ,.;i4 1. 1; Ffriu'ouT , , , m" ? cmpiW br the m department ol M.tmi. aupertntendent, declares, and pl.viotosv. Iranutk- cla. of the d.tUUor Mvcarrt llaughavul and Hf v, I . 1 i Strand Norma Talmadge in i'ffriI It l)eti"illP ! rublic InMruttton (or e in the lo Ihvte tn are tnt to the county Friday Morning Mental aritti. conif.t line wat 1)him4 l amb hMl. I'ontiu. Vi; National ForcnMC Fr.tfrnity "SrfV- v , a W-t.l. Wli'""'i-'- MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMiiiiiiaiiMMMr' 7t HoM Thrff-Ddjr S Dorothy lialeon in "Morait of the r. ,, j lam. . printer rc.idma at f noti.-Nd.raana to Moon-Tom M.x in ' Chai.nf the ;;H ' (e;hhei h j. I'. SMrvr, I Comnrtf. Emnrt-I Vu.i Jr, lirrnwa, 4iu. Somh 'Ihirty- 1 1 Empr L.te Mut Lh. ffon trfd.. when he w (und II ii-t t r U?T he Kn.U"fr-4 iih SvltUW Wife ejriy Sunday -T T TT TT fi 1 M 1 Imluiu.u, la. Simpson collfge Grand Agnei Ayrri in 'lorbid- n,ori1M? J t I I 1 wiil hf tlm mrcra Lr a ho.t of col. drn I ruit." . -1 .IwrieJ the Lratiinr." 1larrfi f II 'orrnjic (ra)crniiy meet in the lorum Flower. Soit nuic. Lovely try. I, t Vltc hrir un!. She ll nl V VI lere in tlmr annual enco,mtera dur- So ro the word. aH V k 1 U J I IvLL V Vi 1 M oir the national convention, Through." featuring Norma Tal- sfj,t,.fr ,n4t he hat Itren -- ,d h., - ! V VJ V - w VJFVJ f w Middle eitrrn college, from Ne- nudge at the Mrand theater. Mwa u,hwi. (h(. ...oven.eut f hf wtfc . (f V lraka. Ia. MikMjiri. Kana and Talmadge play a a dual role in th. f ,( 1( ol)Uilll ,,f ,,r. !the Dab.taa will compete either n Production. Mtc u f.r.f een a v- , fi TwwBfy al Fe,t oMonntrr drbatet with teamt en Monyeen. lio '", ilolan, private detectives to trail ! TTTTT 'XT f 4 ' f TS. "7 mine ta and from the convention, jerted nuitor on her wed'hitg nay, jlfr ,j iViilrwa a II W ' or in !h. national oraiori.al ennteat. then a Kathleen, niece of Mon- Mr. SeMc.r.antl lUrri vcrc r- j 1 al ' A Mil ' I the prpliniinarie of which w ill be yeen. who.e romance i threatened . , , ailli .-.-,, wili, .tlia ;. XI XI . ' ,-, II II - ,-, I held TmMlay, On the closing a flir T. II 0 L OvrfT.P 0 f 0 ( UeTlerin'w'i irr "Turn to the Right.; H-rrU gjajnnl l.i. reha e on a j V V ff- f f-" M M- i university debating team in De All the h. art throb and delightful VV L 1 tMa to c.t vour com. l l I ' II If II I I T 1 1 ll 1 5 Moinej. T. Q. Harrison. William comedy which made the play, "Turn j;!, J.tl -otia- WW II II U j I I VI J (I. VV U J ff , 1'arUx.n and Ralph llrooka are the to the Right." one of the most popu- P-"Ct mV - lie m.lied -lie Y Y VV JJ L J-L VV XL JJL J-L . VA 4 -L- l N'.braska debaters. lar offering of the stage bai been ; !rnlv of troubl- Vr-. ! In tlic oratoriraU for V Kappa -reserved in the screen ver.ion which i ever would liave accomnanicd her" (( Delta naiumul honor llaheeb J. U in it "cond week at -the Sun V' 'j ,X t!e w-irwrk-1 . 1) M.c.nk will represent Nebraska We- theater. Th r;rt..r rr.- ,h ""- " ' "l0""t llte warrica. . ' f levan. Mr. SWcii ik will meet cv- adventure of a country youth who TIirr (lirls re Winners ill 1 isirarK'x? iL-a rf r,S w iiia,,utrr CI There's no mistaking the trend of -.the readers of news- - I State Agricultural college, winner of call to turn to the right is portrayed Oskonh-Thc annual declamatory , AUV'1V IIXIO lCXll VAlVl VX HIV, v- -wr L. S!; ttnfof'i'ne yins. -!;:ai7,vfo patters toward The Omaha Bee. The Bee circulation -rains 2? ber of the crack debating of Heidtl- gram directed the picture. Pauls.-ii the dramatic class and I.ucy papCIO lUWaiU XIIV J 11 LCI 11 CI XJVVw. XHV, X--V WJ. 1C J ,11.11; J, Ssr-?!!: a-51. aSTsSrS for many-months past have but one explanation. The Bee jr jt Vy'fSS"- ?s 2s-sss? is' in high favor as a newspaper and is growing stronger I ( in , the Iowa Mate oratorical contest. 'o and Dorothy . - 7 n.rj Charle F. Neshitt. WolTord col- r? JeB- -M'1! R"1 h regents I'rof. Copcland and l'rof. 1Xnf-h f Vl Ck VOQnDY1 ATmVV Hd 17 f lege, Spartanburx. S. C. ok of f 8'rI h " Wlin IflC 1 CdUGl CVCI V UdV . Twenty colleges have arranged de- nuered in 1 1 dePfe fight M ,, t 4 bate fchedulrs en route to and from mo played y,? P t,vif Iii LodRcpolc. ITofcs-or Xapicr of Lis- Hi- n.-.ti..nal convention. On the He llfr ."lol( w,,,ch n,akcs co and iWes.sor Charles (Jlasncr of 1 ni!it after the convention. Dakota up tnc thrill in tne stop. , rroadwaicr were pudges. nT m 1 T1 1 . I 1 ml T 1 H C O O 1 1 ix1 w, Keidnirrir. rea, ,cf The .ice tt Ai. the wa, Take February, for instance; The Bee gamed 13,263 daily 1 Colorado Agricultural college h " ' 1 r, 1 iArM 1a ,1 1 1 ssiSss rSf-oSeS'ssK average circulation over February, 1921; whereas the largest 5 collcKe- Brandeij theater. The picture is a ' ' ' y ft i T r 1 1-7 OrvO 1 1-1 ! Nonh piatte Tin. From $ ( ' ' gam of any other Omaha paper was only 7,892, and the gam s Lr-xinpton Team in Debate to Blue and Elliott Dexter, remark- Qjy1. ! fl A , i ccc mi r 1 "r I f -Wtt c Hh!X'"rruv j (nfi I tne ther Omaha paper was only 7,232. The Sunday Bee 1 -HaHB mEs -n j i u i 1 gained in the same period 19,834; the second paper 11,418; ' ington; L. F. Sweetland. minister of 'n,.ronlantIC circumstances and as UVl I OlH ! 7 , i , ..,.5,,.,..-: Baa.L,oias the third paper 8,426. , UCrl2!!l . an asylum for life for murder, they TJET, stormy weather, expo.ure, I Willi rWFVi Superior High School Wilis see caqlt other only in vivid dreams. YV sniffles, and the heavy cold ta on. r- . r i. tt - r,,.- t. Dr. King's New Discovery breaks it ap , Dtrict Debating HonorB Cton Ae Moon. quickly and pleasantly, ilead clea-5 . , Supctior.-Thc Superior High - In Chasing th e Moon w hich n h . ifliSEaDiTian Past Five Months Ca ns Omaha Papers . ning. thus carrying off the district tion runs from the ntics of a A. ZTJ' T?13t h -W -aW ehampionshi,,. Their earlier oppon- Jo a flyer on a motorcycle for Mix. NCW. DlSCOVCrV i .1 , x ..V- en.s were Nelson and Fairbury. Eva, Novak has the lead.ng fem.mne Fop Colds and CoUHs (Compared With COrreSpOndmg mOIlths a agOj . t ojner' College Special Addresses Feature Bowels Begging for Help? Dr. Truf. .T. K luncan. who ha. chr. of jpeiWl ;iuuicacs i"1" King's Pill will brine von the ' J 'ilSU McCook Teachers' Meeting J'lar, "orJTboh H A II V ' QITNH A V of ih Mu.i-nt council and faculty mem- McCook There was a large at- Snd liver functioning. Mild but al- LvlJLu 1 D J LLr 1 -Sr cSS'iMffr TVrn? tendance of teachers of Red Willow way, reliable. At aU druggists, 25c " . , . V win inriud mi the niucicnn who hv at- county at the annual meeting of T PROMPT! WON'T GRIPE rrr in - v-n A miir min M mi f M i;h.nha;f: teachers held in McCook. Besides Jjy KmS PUIS THE BEE" - 9.205 THE BEE" "15.184 1 I fM.,1 manner. Th purpo of this (troup the program there were special ad- AS X XVU J X XAX J A A & A J ymJ KT X X A XXXU X X VJT I will ho general promotional work, Includ- jres,es bv ,A. L. Burham, normal , i 1 V-k m c-4 A , itT training inspector; Prof. Gaii Poweii, z- Second Paper - - 4,891 Second Paper - - 7,314 I pains, associate professor of rural education vmmm sr 7 x , . 1 .TXnrzn V2FfA Third Paoer - - - 4091 Third Paner - - - 3 097 ihk closed shop question, by a two to we Hosman, secretary, Nebraska Teach- f M Ag'M . J-lJ-llvl XOpCl ,VtX J.1XXXU lOCl tJfJO I " i;twon. The judge, were? Earl u Ma.t ers association, who enrolled all L ' of the Lincoln Y. M. C. A.. Prof. John tv . ,. ' . .. . 1 etrtvl ,f ' xejinmg and J. h. CHorturf of College present in the state association. Ked I Ihif c - , View. The debata that n to have been Willow expects tO be a 100'per Cent mlmJ 1 'lU O . h"Hd with Hastings was postponed because , . , . .....: of the illness of the Hayings team. The COUnty in the association. JUT l- .'' mm - mm TT VT1 "tEHrEH y . HP. A JL-Jl! Jl M 1L uAI -. i (I ius '-lo 'AdvcfuscFS aid lliose Wio V b rfnouncea that the annual ctunt night, school debating team won a unan- not distres9 his famih. m l W WMMWU MMrf W V XW I promoted by the Y. M. C. A., will be held imouS decision from the local ie- Years ago he determined i I APTh.2s;nlor el." will begin rehearsals bating team. Prof. BengStOt I Of Ne- he would l,a.ve hi, own ' , I for .their play immediately following braska university, Prof. Stubblefield no.me .80n,e..,,!aJ TT A 11 A I prlng vacation. The class Is departing r oan. rolleo-e and Mr Lbcke Of Pnde " Ju'lf'- T"e II 1 II II It I frbm the usual plan and are producing -K? e S B 7 ? j j lu j u is no more noble aspna- II ll II II 11 f their own drama. It will be in the form the State Journal judged the debate. tion. in man's minds than 1 1 Vy(l II fill AM m (l V afimlPII df H YMt of a musical drama written by B. Errol R. Gowdy presided. This is DeWitt S the hope ot owning one s II 1 111 11 II II II AJI 1011 VB fj fTll l ilA 1 II II f7 1 1 fl 1 fl W iorK uouege . boU(ht thjg hom( Jt . York debating teams lost and won from T?ll ' , Tvr' WM ,ile careful aavinir ' Hastings. The negative team, winning in DoHS LllingPOn Win! in was "'t.X . ' J-eJ both debates. Monday the affirmative - ... t 1 J 1? . j-j -F i . team will meet Kearney here The name Cambridge DecIaniatlOIt unt thai t did it. L?t - ' , C'"he PnUo'mVthean Literary society h nua'rtey at XTaUof j FOIVSL ljrOWlllfi abUSlllCSS. 01 2i DUS1I16SS tlliB't RDDGctrS "t0 SflOWe a novel Japanese program and all pf the . f ; Cambridge with 10 con- 6 per annum, with ab- . O O 7 -IT 1 . ww 0W,T7 girls came drossed in Japanese costumes, tonum in uraDnagc amui ju w" solute security ll ,i T T iee . . . n&SsS rtar- I there's nothing so good as advertising m a growing circulation. Harvey Wimmer spoke on the subject ; . RESERVE 401,375 w . 1 Loie.- .j New readers of a paper mean new customers for your busi- follows; President Myrvan B. Canon; jay j tlie pUJjhc schools. A fine jy ,,L - ' A w S?7 wvsuii ness , and mean additional results to vour advertising The dVofunteV v association ' uvkjo, aiiu iuv.au cvivuuivr 110,1 iouito lv JU1 auvciwoiiig, iHtlglgHi'l b"d m'mt'" 1 1 readers of newspapers are drifting toward The Bee.' Let Bee lHiPSr:r.r: ir" 1 1 1 1 J "J advertising "drift" these readers as customers toward your proifram to be given in about two weeks. 4 m t , . oelt supporting store. Keep pace with the growing value of The Bee as an j br.efit of the Sandburr. ssmmmi i m '! Grand Island College cEE? The pillar standing straight upon aClVertlSing HiedlUIxl. rr ASnT.. tb,5!: d. . flfll its base 5cIf supporting and . V- ' ? meeting of the Religious Education asso- Mil ,,n,L. f , - . " ' nation at Chicago. Ill capaoie or supporting other The 22 members of the sophomore class I 1 1 1 1 , . succeeded in furnishing the constituency i 1 1 1 1 tilings. I ftll 4 mm 1 al Wsl . of orand Island college with an admirable II . " . 1 I L - '11 A M ll ! I I IfllOA , . , :mm ' : 'I - n.(k. . ; r.r lheBee Average Circulahon forfebruary, 1922 . J time it adopted a. constitution. - Mil -J- L. f- l j ' , , 1 A dramatic presentation was given by . Ill Stands Upngllt On the SOIld tinan- .1 . j various organisations of the Grand Island II II . , . .. I I L' 1 Pf f fmt Si'ZZt--" cial basis of an ever stronger UallV " l5UO OUnCiaV - 7o.O5 .rrrvsrs. interest account at 1 )uvv yuuwajr tyxju I urged the following: That the Y. M. C. A. Ill . L 1 f f t undertake the management of s bureau II II WIS DaWC DCCORieS Capable 01 " of employment; that the study of foreign 1 lilt " " ' missions receive more attention: that the II 1 1 SUPPOrtinff Self and Others. ' - students plan a more deeply spiritual and 1 1 1 1 It O - .... wm u,i 1 I rrn y1 fs. tl 1 1 t Chadron Normal College ( e f ft V The A. F. P. aociety gave a St. Patrick's 1 1 1 1 S . It av a. aask, aa. a&. I V banquet in the gymnasium. Grean was l.lllllll i i JfT. . Ill 1 T S" JL" Tk. Jmk. used In thj table decoraUons. A large ff I I I f 1 r fl Caw f TV ft T fern occupied, the center of the table. , I I 11 I 1 I V W N. 1 ll 1 ll Kellowtng .Ue dinner a short program I laMaaBaal 11 II 111 f" I MBaU fS The Omaha National Bank Jl JJ. JJ.L JllllJul(LlLllil(LlL II JJvjXj loom of the gym. Small tables were ar- " 1 1 mmmm ma mm " " tammm - ranged about th vm ami the meets FaPRam at 17tfl frM - enjoyed a contest . wiling Sapolie cube . nHHl eTl aUl OtTCei -f Prisea were giren to those receiving high . ' MM 7 fy V 1 , oe!,"fnuf lZo. ""Kear Capital and Sovpiu, $2,000,000 ' ' morning Evening Sunday I I served. e' J I The class in Rxpreesien III presented f c George Bernard Shwa tme-act pnty. "O- ' ' 0 I V Flaherty v. ?." The setting ia laid In ' . ' . V J L Ireland, at Inb!ln Castle, an Irish re- a , , , , " 1 cruiting atalimn. during th summer of aaaaaaasSallaSillisallalaaaBllla 1 ''.-'