TUG BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH 23, 1923. Chorus Girls Battle Over Leading Man One IV llele Daniels Ait iu County Jail After Slaving Policeman in the Fare. I'rcmont, N'cb., Marth 24 (Spe cial )PrfHy M-rcin Sims, nicmbfr ui road show playing h Fremont, pii'l $1 in pvlii'c court because of jcilou outburst llmt resulted in Ikbc Daniel act at the county jail for on night. . C larpcnirr, manager of the show, appeared in court in behalf of the actress, explained the case and pleaded Riiilty to the charge of di turbing the peace. Admit! Popularity. Manner Carpenter, who i aNo the leailine male character of the company, admitted that Marcia and llahe Van Urunt, another chorus girl, are rather fund of him. After the show Marcia was not feeling well and Carpenter escorted her to her rooming huuc. Ha be, Carpenter'a declared fiancee, heard of the undue friendship and hurried to Marcia'i home. In wrathful tones, she gave vent to her feelings until Carpenter toothed her ruffled feelings with explanations and apolo gies as they returned to their hotel. Hair-Pulling Match. Meanwhile Marcia became jealous over Carpenter'a return o her rival and in a few moments she appeared at the hotel. She awoke the occu pants of the hotel in her verbal at tack upon Babe, which soon develop ed into a hair-pulling match. Jean Watson, another "member of the company, tried to protect Babe and she also became the target of Mar cia' anger. The night clerk summoned police. Marcia refused to quiet down and when Officer Sam Blair attempted to take her by the arm, she slapped him soundly full on the face. That was too much for the policemen, and Marcia was carried, nearly bodily to the police station Lack of comforts at the city jail resulted in her trans fer to the county jail where she re mained for the night. . This morning she awoke in tears and distress, thoroughly repentant when she was allowed to return to the fresh air once again. Scottish Rite Reunion Closes More Than 1,200 Thirty-Sec-ond Degree Mason9 Attend Closing Banquet. The spring Scottish Rite convoca tion came to an end Thursday with i banquet served to more than 1,200 3.M degree Scottish Rite Masons by the Scottish Rite Woman's club at the cathedral. Frank G. Smith, 32d, presided at ihc banquet, and ad dresses were made by John F. Poucher, AZi, Ki U ll.; Artnur A tack, 32d; Ora S. Spilman, 32d, Pierce, Neb., and John V. Bandy, I2d. Humboldt, Neb. The Masonic quartet sang and the DeMolay band pbyed. Vincent Hasci.ll was elected presi dent of the Albert Tike class, second section. Rev. Arthur Atack was pre sented with a ring of the 32d degree jy his brethren in the clasi. John Henry Cowles, 33d, sover eign grand commander of the south ern jurisdiction of the United States, will be the guest of the Omaha brethren the evening of April 4, it was announced. An unusual number of 33d degree Masons were in attendance yester day afternoon at the presentation of the work of the 32d degree under di rection of John Emerson Simpson, K. C. C. H., master of Nebraska consistory No. I. Gen. Tinley Democrats' Choice for Governor Dcs Moines, la., March 24. (Spe cial Telegram.) C. L. Herring of Des Moines was asked to run for th; United States senate by the demo cratic state conference yesterday and promised to make the ra,ce if the other candidates suggested also ac cepted. . ., Brig. Gen. Matt Tinley of Council Bluffs was selected for governor and two women were asked to run for state offices. Ogallala Makes Profit on Its Municipal Plant Ogallala, Neb., March 24. (Spe cial.) The municipal light and water plant in Ogallala was operate at ' a net profit of approximately $7,000 last year. Total collections from light, "water and steam amounted to $30,000. while the total expenses were $23,000. Out of this $7,000 profit the city bought and paid for a new $5,000 steam engine which has ; been installed. -Twenty-four-hour electric service is provided at a cost of 15 cents, 12 cents and 10 cents per K. W. H. for lighting pur poses and 6 cents for power and heating purposes. Pawnee City Business Man Injured in Fall on Stairs Pawnee City. Neb.. March 24. (Special Telegram.) VV. N. Brooks, prominent business man, was ser iously injured at 2 this morning when he fell -down 14 steps after losing his balance. He was going to the kitchen of his home and ap proaching the stairs in the dark stepped off unexpectedly. His should er, back and three fingers were badly sprained and two bones In his ankle were broken. To Head Japs at Genoa Tokio, March 24. (By A. P.) The Japanese delegation to the Genoa conference, according to an informal announcement - today, will be headed by Baron Gonsuke Hai- hayshi.. ambassador to Great Britain. His immediate assistants will be .Viscount Kikujiro Ishii, president of the council of league of nations, and Kogo Mori, financial commissioner in London and Paris. . The Dancing Master By RUBY U. AYKES. CrM'fkl )MI rilfafcxfe taatere. a raaalf lift, u u. ! ha rlr cuih. Thar k la kail. Mi ltU kMUi lkMina k-1r w 4m4f, k nu4a Irarfc Bad lb mmn rlcH km Ik tttn mrmr. 1 k air ' Ik) Ifca (alkartna lakM ll uw k la rat ! a irire, Ilk, aanta wr.a. la lak k la daiara, fclliakMk ralallirt tall k-r lhl aa la !( tMtkari Ikat ka ta aai4, aa4 ffcal aka la mM i mt alas Mala. uiaMa't rla, alia kam aka aaaaa saw, aira. Walla aaaeia kl aha kJnii kiM. Mar laaira kaa awlr f IN. Mi , a ika rilr kara k- rwLallvaa (raal ka a .hastily Ikal ha twaa aer. I"al laarfca a I" dac, kka rwiwim aa rapidly Ikal Madam aMla, faataw laarkar, as. late rkata t bar. I Sarawr. mnHht maa, la la par l ha kill. Nana, fai'a aaarlaa Barinar. epntlae kar aalila a4 Bliaakxh la la lake ka slara al aa tkl. kllHHi '. JSaw Ilk) Ik I (rallnaa4 fraaa teelrrlay.) It' dear of you to let me have IV the said gratefully. "It'i only because I nromiied Pat. was the answer, "lies been such a port to ma I'd walk barefoot front one end of the world to the other if he asked me to. 1 hen the laughed. ashamed of her vehemence. That had all been before tea, to Elizabeth was rather hurt and sur prised when later in the afternoon Netta suddenly turned disagreeable again. "I told you I didn't want the frock," Elizabeth protested, flushing. Til wear my own." "And Tat would be furious!" Xctta snapped. "No, of course, you must wear it. I promised. And you'll have to get dressed toon; he'll be here at 7 o'clock. Elizabeth glanced at the clock; it was a quarter to 6. Only another hour, and then her excitement faded as she looked at Nctta's drawn face. "I wish you could go instead of me," she said impulsively. She went over to where the elder girl lay on the couch and bent to kiss her, but to her surprise Netta jerked her head away. "You are a little liar," she said savagely. Elizabeth drew back. "Why, what do you mean?" she stammered. Netta grew remorseful at once. She caught Elizabeth's hand. "Nothing. Ira a bcastl Kiss me. and don't look so hurt. I hope you'll have a good time and get through all right. There, run off and dress." Elizabeth kissed her hall-heartcdly. A little chill had fallen upon her when she went to her room. Shi stood for some seconds, making no attempt to dress, a troubled look in her eyes." What had Netta meant? But she dismissed the thought. The wonderful niaht tav before her. and she meant to give herself up entirely to its enjoyment. She knew she would not tail, she had never been more sure of her self. Her eyes shone like stars when presently she looked in.the glass. . Her hair seemed as it it must have been dressed by magic fingers. Every soft wave lay in picturesque imolicitv. and the narrow band ot silver with which she had bound it seemed to intensity its fairness. She wondered what her aunt and Dolly would say'.-jf they could see her now. And Walter Sneath poor Walter, whose last letter she had forgotten to answer. She turned away from the glass, glowing with happiness. This new, present excitement had wiped all thoughts of Mme. Senestis from her mind. The fact that she was to dance with Pat Royston seemed of far greater importance than the fact that some day she might be a pre miere danseuse. As she opened her bedroom door she heard his voice in the sitting room opposite, and she stood still with a flood . of unconquerable shyness. What would he think of her? Would he think she looked as sweet and dainty as the mirror had de clared? It cost her an actual effort to walk into the room where Roy ston and 'Netta waited. ."Well, here I am," she said nervously. She looked at Royston timidly. End yet with a kind of demand to be recognized as something more than the ugly duckling she had been they first met. But his eyes rested on her casual ly enough and a!! he said .was: "You are punctual. I am glad. I like to arrive early." He turned again to Netta, and Elizabeth stood by with a little cold feeling of disappointment. She was not to be the center of RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED THE racking, agonizing rheu matic ache is quickly relieved by applying Sloan's Liniment freely, ll Penetrates without rubbing. For forty years, folks all over the world have found Sloan's to be tho best pain and ache liniment. Ask your neighbor. You can just tell by its healthy. Stimulating odor that it is going to do you good. Sloan's Liniment is clean and non-skin-staining. Keep Sloan's handy for those sudden Ind unexpected attacks of neuralgia,1 lumbago, sciatica, lame back, stiff, joints, sprains and strains, bruises,' Sad weather after-effects. At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. SHOD (51: Linimentra attraction, after all, it seemed. The mirror had bed to her. She clipped into her cloak. She heard Royton tayimt good night to Netta and telling her to take uic of licrflf. "I ahall fee you tomorrow," he added. I'lialieih walked out of the room and drtwititalrt. he forgot to ty good night to Netta; when Royitort joined her the wat Handing at the open door, lookiuir into the gray evening with somber eyes. There was a UMiab waiting out id "I ant s'ad you are punctual.'' Royston said again formally they drove away, and Elizabeth atuwrred: "You told me to be ready at 7, and o I was, of course." She was hurt by lii indifference. She thought that he might have said something ahiflit her frock. Mie was very childish stilt in many ways, and rresently, when the silence had jjrown unbearable, she broke out: "Don't you don't you like my frock?" lie turned, looking down at her with a wavering smile: "Yes, it's a very pretty frock." His tone was enigmatical, but to Elizabeth it sounded merely form ally polite, and the shrank aay from him into her corner. ((onllnuril In Th Iti-a Mnnrtajr.) Attorney Knows Hut Won't Tell Where C. II. Went Is Lincoln, March 24. (Special.) Although J. 11. Ready of Omaha, attorney for C. H. Wciitz, former cashier of the American State bank of Aurora, knows the present where abouts of Wentz, he argued before the supreme court today that he is not obliged to tell. Wenta- is out on $10,000 bond pendincr an appeal from a district court embezzlement conviction. Since the conviction other charges have been filed and Sheriff J. E. Howard is seeking hi in. Joy Rcinhardt. Hamilton county attorney, argued to ihc supreme court that it should set a date for Wentz to appear in court or forfeit the bond, signed by his uncle, T. J. Lumb. The court took the question under advisement. AOVKKTISK.MKNT. MRS.LULA VAN N FULTON, ARK, v - ' Suggests to Suffering Wo men the Road to Health Fulton, Arkansas. "I used Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound tor a soreness in my side. I would suffer so badly ev ery month from my waist down that I could not bo on my feet half the time. I was not able to do my work without help. I saw your Vegetable Com pound advertised ma newsnaner and gave it a fair trial. Now I am able to do my work and don't even have a backache every month. I can not praise your Vegetable Compound enough and highly recommend it to those who have troubles like mine. I am willing for these facts to be used as a testimonial to'lead all who suffer with female troubles, as I did, to the right road to health." Mrs. LULA Vann,Box43, Fulton, Arkansas. It's this sort of praise of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, given by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, that should cause you to consider taking this well known medicine, if you are troubled with such symptoms as painful peri ods, weak, nervous feelings, misera ble pains in your back, and cannot work at certain times. STARTS TODAY Added Feature ROUND TWO "The Leather Pushers" To the Producers of Motion Pictures: Danton and Robespierre, leading spirits of the French Revolution, have lived for us on the screen, but v ; why not give us Patrick Henry and John Hancock, leading spirits of our own Revolutionary Period. . FATHER OMAHA Gustafson Wins Victory in Grain Growers' Fight PrcaMcnt of Orponuatton lifU iti Tft Vote Ku. niori of Another Split Are Heard. Chicago, March 24. rrotracted wrangling between factions of the I'nited Stales Grain Growers, Inc. at the first annual convention of the organization, wa brought to an end yeterday by a victory for .'resident I.'. J I. Gustafson over an anti-admin-iktratiou clement. Kfforts of a com promie committee appointed to smooth out all differences ere un availing and finally, on a test vote taken after spirited debate, the id- JP Aro you having trouble with your skin 1 Is ll red. rouaft. blotchy.. ich.no? Relief nd htaltri lie In a jar of RESItlOL 5oofhinq and ritaUm) AnVERTINEMCNT. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets That'a what thouaands of atomach sufferers are doing now. Instead ot taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment dogged liver and disordered bowela. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver In a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes Indigestion and atomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, eoated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief. Eat what you like. ISc and 30c. EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE TENNESSEE TEN in "Plantation Ptlm" ROACH 4 WILLIE KAK8E McCURDY 4 GIRLIE In Th. Up.li). O.wi "A Touch .1 Nitur." M.rt.1 THREE BOYS in Pap, Harmony and Ji Mat., 2 P. M. Ev'n'c a P. M. MEMS Today LAST TWO TIMES The New York Winter Garden's Mot Stupendous R.vua 1921 Presenting WILLIE HOWARD EUGENE 26 Colossal Scenes 2300 Costumes All-Star Cast of 150 Including 75 WINTER GARDEN BEAUTIES 75 TOMORROW NIGHT -At 7 and 9 Thereafter 1 37 and 9 WALLACE REID ELSIE FERGUSON In the Paramount Picture "FOREVER" Reset-red Seats All Performances PRICES: 50c, a few at 75; Box, $1 'OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Mat. and Nita Today Good Res'v'd Seat, 50c Th. Phtaammslly Sucemtul on.rlas joe ,tit 75- TAT' ,us,c1- HURTIG'S ' ' ' to" IURLESK D.'Sion", Niblo & Spencer Poiltlvily th. Fs.tnt Show Is Burlnk. Bit Bfttuty Chorut. LADIES' TICKETS, Oe2Se EVERY WEEK DAY NOW SHOWING TURK TO THE RIGHT "KIDDIES" Attend the Matinee Today 15c INC. TAX FOR CHILDREN under 12 years old FATHERS AND MOTHERS The mansKement highly recom mends this photoplay for chil dren. It teaches wonderful and besutiful thoufht. ministration rrrrivr4 .'."& 0trt an 4 the nti-sfuiiiii.i ration faction 11.941 votfi, Thia Jl!wt ai uVrn on parliamentary qurtion, tut h lotting it the anti.idmiiiiitr:ioa farrr, conrrdej thrir ieinu .Mi hough admitting thrir lots, the opposition element gv indications ttu; the ailministratUm victory rttight be ait rnipty one, ina.mucli a it woiiK trnJ to atiruatt the support of Urge groups of grain, growers in Illinois, NonU lUu, Oklahoma, an. J T'M. rrf.ijfiil UuM.don anj his followers, however, held that with the opposition routed and a new board of directors elected in sympathy with the administration, the organisation would operate successfully". Jiidu'atu n that the gram grow era might not hat the complete support of the North Dakota producers came when the delrgation from that utt prestnted, after the test vote hd hern taken, a resolution to the effect that the grain growers there moiiM operate a a state unit and would only work with the national organ, iation insofar at it provided facili tie for handling gram. Norfolk Man Enter Umr fur CougrrM a IlrpuMit ati Norfolk. eb JUicli .M. M-ttulrwIle llavrns, retired ttal r and liusincs man, )u lM a. a candidal lor coiiuift-s in the lliiid litrut on the rrpultJicait titkrt. Mr, I latent ha been in the mercantile or banking hutnrtt in Hooper, 1 re snout. Winner and liloomfirlJ. it. ll if 4 i Hi 1? ill s il II If SI il If I II ll ll Barker's Clothes Shop "The Home of the Two-Pant Suits" B The Home of f i i wo 1 Itlhiel rate America's Finest Clothes Sold on Virtually a Maker to Wearer Price Basis THE man and young man who seek the fullest measure of value for hit clothes dollar is the man who buys at Barker's. A remarkable demonstration of value giving is going on in this store every business day of the year. - I Jazz - Golf - Sport Conservative Models No matter what your clothes ideas may be, as long: as you want style and quality, Barker's should and ultimately will be your clothes buying; head quarter. f i 4 i r I Compare These Values! r i Our New MerchandisincT and Sales Policy Make These Wonder Values Possible. THREE FAMOUS VALUE GROUPS No Greater Assortments of Spring Suits Can Be Found in Omaha Today. BARKER'S IS AN OMAHA OWNED STORE AND CONDUCTED - IN THE INTERESTS OF OMAHA PEOPLE The Extra Pair Doubles the Wear A moment's reflection will convince that the two-pants suit is by big odds the logical way to buy. 1 Our Cash Policy Means Money Saved We have eliminated ground floor rentals and uncollectable charge accounts, which mean to you bigger values. Zmammmmmi pisiiiiiiraiiiiiiBonii Gaberdine Top Coats They are loaded down with good style, just the coat you need for Spring wear, absolutely waterproof and exceptionally dressy in appearance. 1 1 $1750 iff 22 00 55 Barker's Clothes Shop Securities Building. Second Floor. 16th and Farnam. n n i ft. i II i ll!!lil!4ia!!lli,IIIW!iniilll!il!ll!!ll!p:lli!llilliilllllllll!l 11 Is i 3 il 3 n IS si p si ii I! is li ii si ill JJUJaJaaaW.LtaZl l 'II y VI Tir-.' ffr 9mmtr 1. t f " 1 1 a. It at 1 1 JS 4 iJi Fassenfer and Frtlrht SCTVlem. N. T. to Cherbourg and Southampton MAVRET4NIA ....Apr. 4 Apr. SS May 1ft AQCITAMA Apr. 11 Mar May 23 BERENGARIA ....MsySO Jane SO July it 1. Y. to Plymouth, Cherbourg; & Hamburg; r A ROMA 'Apr. S May 13 June 11 PANNOMA Apr. 18 Also calls at Halifax. New York to Queenstown and Liverpool ALBANIA (new). .Apr. 1 CARMANIA Apr. 19 May 17 SCYTHIA (new)... Apr. JS May S4 Jane it SAMARIA (new). .May 10 Jnne I July N. Y. to Londonderry and Glasgow ASSYRIA May 18 June 19 COLOMBIA MayS7 Janets July tt K. Y. to Londonderry. Liverpool & Glasgow CAMEROMA (new) Apr. Boston to Londonderry. Liverpool and Glsegow ALGERIA Apr. IS Boston to Queenstown snd Liverpool LACOJflA (new). ..May S May SI June Portland. Me., to Halifax and Glasgow rAWtANPRA Mar. SO SATIRMA Apr. 13 Montreal to Xovilis and Glasgow ATHENIA June!3 KATI RMA July It Only Canadian Steamship Line calling at an Irish port. Apply CempaBj'a Local Asia. Erecrahere Last Two Times MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Early Curtain TONIGHT at 8 JANE AND I rP KATHERINE kl-aW la "THE NEW DIRECTOR" Lady Tsen Mel Dana CUudiua a'nd Lillian Scarlett THE FOUR CAMERONS ThrM Mclvln Brsthtri JAMES DOYLE and EVELYN CAVANAUGH Tnle el Ply. Aw'l FlSlM. Pith. Nas. Mid.. ISs ta SOc; Same TJo 4 II Sat. 4 Sua. NIM, ISe ta S: 8om. J 1 , 25 Sit. aad taa. Today' Winner of Two Free Seats la Auto No. 21.40S Only One Artist Could Majestically Bring "Smilin' Through" to the screen, TALMADGE Now Showing: Today and Next Week I VzuJevlffeS' Retort f Two siowt ii.OM. NOW PLAYING NAOMI CHILDERS "COURAGE" FOX COMEDY "BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" - FOX NEWS MUTT AND JEFF Photoplays Shown at 12-2;30-5-7:30 and 9:45 :USE BEE .WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS;