Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BW;: OMAftH. SATURDAY. MARCH 23. 192?.
Bonus Bill Goes
to Senate; After
Passage by House
llaure FpMl t SIuuiW
Somi" Tinn in l'l,ff
Huiue VInre k'e I
Waihrngton, March 24 rai.ed
l.y the bout late ytMrrday by a
ne of J.U ti 70, the tohllm bonnt
bill vm made ready today for lh
enate, Whit Mould happen to H
there VI regarded 8 pruMrmatical,
tul houae roMneiit propmed to
iitr every effort to prevent it trout
leng thrived ti wat the original
bnu meature.
In the lone debate, whuh prccrd
' rf t' e f.iul vi-i in it bou, twin
j ipl rrt re-tutt 4 llit H enl
, Mould It!! t t (till, white ip
' i, "!' wrie ni ever optimUne a
id tnt thaiac f( tu iaaa in t
.fftit lim. li!e,rf Hi ulth
( late, it appeared (airly ferum
jlhat the till oii!t iluititirr for unite
while t ilte titer end vf the cat.
1 not, where already the calendar li
congested with tieatiet and annual
tupp'y bill, wiih the permanent
! tantf bill )tt to be reported,
I Sharp Cbantrt Eipected.
I Tbfit writ ihot wh lulicved
. tlut the tcnaie tmance t omnimre, to
which the bill would be reirrred in
(the natural eyi'e, would make
).' cnangr in it, Ninf aqmmi-
tMt.orj filluert were known to look
t.i the tmate to pa. ineaure pro
wlins int4iu tor inuiuiiie the
bom., but thev were tl"t rft4red
to rrcjut whethrr the mrtnt uould
be Ust or the ue of foiei-n bond.
Prrident Hardmc hao been rep
rrtcttted at looking with favor on the
finaiinnar of the legislation with re'
the right
I limit
to any
over and
Finest Pure Thread Silk
Cascade Tomalo Pearl Seal .Navy China Blue
Algon White Black Henna Rose
Camellia . Shell Pink
Just 150 Sweaters Involved
Be Here Early
These beautiful Royal Ascot pure thread Silk
Sweaters to be offered at $12.60 are without
doubt the most extraordinary values ever of
fered Omaha women.
Beautiful patterns in the weaving, many color .
combinations. You are accustomed to paying
ior similar sweaters three times this sale price.
Beautiful Wrappy Coats
At this popular price we offer assortments
that are quite beyond compare. The clever
ness of the styles, beauty of fabrics and rich
ness of colorings make "them coats which you
will be proud to own.
Smart Polo Coats
Plaid Back
Double Faced
Polo Coats are the nation's favorites, and be
cause of this fact 'Milady must of necessity
be doubly careful as to the style she selecis.
Be certain you are choosing the right Polo
Coat by choosing it at; Haas Bros. Saturday.
Dainty Gingham Trimmed
Dimity Batiste Voiles
- Mere words fail in an effort to de
scribe the beauty of these blouses,
their difference is what appeals.
li. . ,-A special purchase is responsible
for these wonderful offerings.
ffleShop forWomm"
funded fifig-i bond, provided hry
wei in hand before l bill wa
patted. Win! 1 in nifi.qre in
the making by the huu ways and
meant cumiuiuee the e ict'uuve, ac
cording to tome iiiembeu of lltat
romuunrr, tuigrtted delay of W
day lit the belief Hut the treasury
would by then be in poaacuion vl
ionic ol tie lit m. li bontti,
UiKUMion of Veto.
There wa ome 11 the
bou yetierdy aw to whether the
rtUtiit wotna ajiprote the bill in
vt pretfnt fv.rn, with a conflict in
the opuiioita (unreated. Rrirtiita-
five l.ongiaoriii, republican, Ohio,
aiq 11141, wnue i.e wouia rmt pre
ume to e4W for the ci.rruiur, he
lie had rraon ta bfiirve Sir, Hard
ii it would inn the boue meaurc
it it reached hint without change.
On the oilier band. Kcpre.enunve
Niydfr, republirau. New York, who
aid lie bad talked wiih Sir. Hard
ing lat werk, declared he would be
"cacceqiiigly urpnea if the ex
ecutive aigned it.
Responsibility for
Tax Levies Divided
(( imiIIhwmI (rum Un,)
con. miction of the Lincoln hiKliuay
patt tint place hat more than doubled
n value, which i now iitseticd at
$J4,1J5. This increase in value sort
Mine ditlance to explain increase in
the taxes collected upon it. This h,
of count, true a No in many other
caet. But here is what happened
to Mr. Roberts:
ltl ra,
ih h:i
ai t U.r i:t.M
roumy :n it T
icikmii ::.u n.zt
Tuwnhii ....
Tbi;i IJ.4i 1104.31
Here is a case where the atate tax
bas increased by more dollars than
any other. In many ways this is un
usual. It is frequently the case that
measured in percentage state and
school taxes rise about the same. Us
ually, however, the increase of the
state tax in actual money is much
the smaller, since the amount involv
ed it less to start with. Thus, if one
gives a dollar to the state one year,
and the next doubles his contribu
tion, there has been an increase of
100 per cent. If one gives $2 to tome
other branch and the next year
doubles that, this increase of 100 per
cent represents $2 in the one case
and only $1 in that of the state. Mr.
Roberts case is exceptional, among
the remarkable aspects being that of
a very heavy township levy in 1914
and an entire absence of any town
ship levy last year. State taxes show
up here to great disadvantage. Al
most half the increase in his tax bill,
excluding the township item, is due
to state taxes.
Half of Increase for Schools.
Down in Otoe county, in Nebras
ka City, is the residence of Keal
Bryan, assessed at $4,200. The taxes
on this have gone up $72.85 eincc
1914. The treasurer's report shows
that more than half this was for
schools. The city took an increase
.of $21.21. while the state, tax was
boosted $9.49.
J. H. Catron, also of Nebraska
City, paid $99.19 more taxes than in
1914, on his residence. Out of his
total tax of $191.59 he paid $19.31 to
the state. $12.87 to the county, $65.81
to the city, $87.59 for schools, and
$5.85 road tax.
A complete table showing the
ambunt and division of the taxes
paid by H. A. Higgins of Nebraska
City on a house assessed at $3,800
presents the matter most clearly:
IflH. nil. IncrMiic.
Plat. 4.;5 112. R S g.211
County 7.4H .sa .SO
City 25.3 1 42.75 17.41
Rendu a. 2d a.KO .1.(10
Srhool Jl .2S 67.00 35. 7S
Precinct 2.45 x2.45
Tntl 62. SS 1124.45 J61.60
School Tax Tripled.
There has been a good deal or
talk about taxes in Cass county.
Here is the table for the residence
of Martin Frederick in Plattsmouth
which, is assessed at a value of
1914. 1921. Inprea.ii.
State 3.43 t LOS 3.60
County S.3 0.93 1.64
City 22.44 27.30 . 4. SIS
Sen OO I 33. :0 48.20 oj.UO
Death Threat
on Grand Jiifors
in Chicago Case
Mm Probing Cliiiasu Labor
t anJal Hcifivc Warning
Not to Itdum Iiitlitt
ineiil Aguitiftt Leader.
Chicago, March 24, Tin re indict
menu were returned by the grand
jury today at a remit ci n iiivoti
gaiion of an a'lccd euiipiiacy to
thwart j tint ire in recent labor trials.
The indictments naiiK'd William
Ouri". pre.ident of the Chicago l-'Ut
jauitort' union, and Theodore Lodin.
Warning of a reign of
terror that will carry death to
every mrmbrr of the special grand
jury who votes for indictment
gaint alleged perjurer in recent
labor trult were, contained in let
ter made public eterday by Mate'
Attorney Crowe.
Warned by Letter.
One of the Inicri, written in pen
cil. contained I Itis hrirf warning:
"Von are a good at 'bumped ofT.'
oe no on thoe indictments.
The tecond went into more detail
and warned the jurors that, while
they miglit be protectee during the
hearing and trial, after they were
discharged "the works 'will be put
on. 1 tie tecond letter continue:
"Take your choke of bring; bump
ed off or voting no on those indict
ments. Certainly no member of this
grand jury thinks he Is bigger than
organized labor in Chicago, or ran
get away with anything. If you think
you can get away with it, go right
ahead. You will pay the price."
Confession of the existence of a
$5,000 "fixing fund" to insure the
disagreement of the jurors who
tried William F. Quesse, head of the
janitors' union, was reported to be
in the hands of the state's attorney.
Jurors Given Laugh.
Of the $5,000 slush fund, it was
said, only $1,000 was paid to the
jurors, most of it having gone to one
man. Jhe others were promised
money, but after they had voted ac
cording to orders, they were given
the "horse laugh" and told they
would be bumped off if they made
any noise about it.
"Rig Tim" Murphy, convicted of
robbing the United States mails of
$350,000, has acquired a new respon
sibility in Chicago labor circles, of
which be is the admitted czar. A
new musicians' union bas been or
ganized, with "Big Tim's" office as
headquarters. "Big Tim," it is un
derstood, was assisted in organizing
the new union by Thomas Malloy,
Lusliie. agent of the iium'uhi yk'
lure rperaior' union, Ba'ph O'llara,
recently oute4 a bu.ine4 agent ol
the musician' uiii'ii o t Iticigo, i
pieiideiit (if the ri union. Lively
tunes are expected in the ihcaric4l
and oilier place a a reu!t of (tie
new orgaiiiatutn.
An indictment nf ItivlurJ J. IIou
lilun, convicted in the nation-wide
McNanur.1 diuuilte ring, will be
might by the Chicago Undue and
Structural Iron Worker union, it
mi announced. It i rharge, Houli.
lun emberrlfd $t').dni of the union's
fund, Houlihan wa convicted of
complicity in the dynamite t"t and
trrvr two year in the penitentiary
at Fort Leavenworth. I'pon n re
turn, be w at once rc-elnted U hit
former position of financial tecretary
He recently tailed of re -election and
an, audit (if bit bonk, it i claimed,
khowt a fhortage of $10,000. .
Criminal court judge, lung by
charge that they are permuting
criminal lo e.cipe, yrMciday made
emphatic denial that they are influ
enced by the rrinie oligarchy.
Senate Ratifies
Four-Power Treaty
((Minimi from ! line.)
the administration and delivered 1J
democratic vote in favor of ratiuca
tion. Without his assistance, the
treaty probably would have been re
jetted because four republicans broke
away from their party lines and
voted against the pact.
Only two senator were ah: cut
They were Crow of I'cnnsylvania,
republican, and Jonc of cv Mex
ico, democrat. Both would have vot
ed for ratification if they had been
nretent. it was announced.
When the senate met at noon, it
began voting on amendments at
once. By previous agreement, all
talk was out of order. Unusually
large crowds, which thronged the
galleries, grew restive in the monot
ony of roll call alter roll call, un
broken by debate, but there were al
ways plenty of people waiting in the
corridors to till the places of those
who left.
La Follette Presents Changes.
The opposition mustered its max
imum strength on reservations de
signed to convert the four-power
treaty into a sort of league of na
tions. Senator Walsh of Montana
and Senator Robinson of Arkansas
democrats, presented a series of such
reservations providing for the calling
of general free-for-all conferences
whenever the peace of the world is
menaced. One of Senator Walsh's
reservations muttered the high water
mark of the opposition, but was
beaten, 55 to 36.
Senator LaFollcttc of Wisconsin
presented a series of six reservations
and forced roll calls on all of them.
One of them would have required
WWII lllWffl
Totals 144.41 IS7.36 , 142.82
H. M. Wilcox, with a residence
assessed at $920. paid $38.27 last
year and $18.18 in 1914. The in
crease m his state tax has been $1.64
out of a total increase-of $20.09.
Any taxpayer can make a similar
survey of his own tax bill. The mill
levy for each division of the govern
ment is separately printed on the
back of the receipts. It is a simple
matter of multiplication. Any school
child could do it. And, by the way,
it might not be a bad idea to give
the children in the schools some
arithmetic examples based on taxa
tion. The question of taxation,
after all, is properly more one of
arithmetic than of partisan politics.
To admit this is to spoil the effect
of a lot of flowery oratory, but it
would go far toward setting the busi
ness of government on-a business
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Install Post at Hastings
Hastings, Neb., March '24. (Spe-cial.)-rAdler
Allyn Post No. 890,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, had ap
proximately 200 charter members to
night at the first installation of offi
cers, with Josenh'M. Turbyfill as post
commander. P. W. Jeweit of Lin
coln, national department chief of
staff, and Russcl Howard of Lincoln,
department chief of state, and post
commanders of Fremont. Lincoln
and Fairmont were present. A parade
proceeded the installation, the vet
trans appearing in uniform. The
post was named after Adam Adler,
the first Hastings' man to die in the
world war and Capr. Arthur Allyn,
who was killed in France.
Rain in Southern Nebraska
Will Be Benefit to Crops
Beatrice, Neb.. March 24. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Rains fell in this
section of the state today. The mois
ture will improve crop conditions,
nearly three inches having fallen
here the past week.
Staats to File Again.
Lincoln, March 24 (Special Tele
gram.) Representative . George
Staats of Fremont announced here
today he would again be a candidate
for the lower house on the republi
can ticket. Staats was chairman of
the good roads committee at the last
session. . -:
For Cold". Grip -f Influenza
anil nA a rre'.-entlvp. tak LaxativA
BROMO QPIXINB Tblt. Tho canulna
Mara th alcnature nf K. W. Orav (Be
urtToa (at BROMO.) 10c AfJv.
Make Housekeeping Easy
In this age of time, economy, and convenience,
you cannot afford to get along with the inade
quate old coal system of heating water, when the
Ruud Tank Water Heater
can be had at a trifling monthly outlay, payable
with your gas bill, and operated at a low cost
for fuel. This little heater gives yon plenty of
hotwaterand adds immeasurablytoyouroomfoit
and convenience. On display in our showroom,
Price $27.50, Installed
$2.50 Cash and $2.50 per Month with Gas Bill
Your Gas Department is the logical place to
buy gas appliances. Our recommendation on
gas burning appliances is worthy of
, consideration.
Metropolitan Utilities District
Gas Department
DO uglas 0605 1509 Howard Street
This is a used .utocar ton and half truck with a
nearly new Autocar built four post open body with
curtains complete and has five brand new Pennsyl
vania'Vacuum Cup Tires and thick red tubes.
The truck has been used a little over one year, but
has been thoroughly reconditioned, and we guar
antee it the same as if it were new".
The new price for the truck as equipped is
$2500.00, but we offer this one for $1100.00.
W. M. Clement Motor Co.
1814 Cuming Street Phone ATlantic 3782
I he Briibb, and Japanex1 to brog4t
t'uir 'HS agreement. Another would
have conlcried independence en i'e
riii!itiiine. All rrc be4ten by log
1'ropoae Substitute.
Siutar I'oiiirrrn of Ohio, demo,
mt who wanted the league of na
tion accepted with or without rerr
V4tiuna, prnrtotcd a fluid substitute
fur the liraudrgee reservation. li
loervation aiiuply declared that the
t.diiiiiiitr4liim inuat observe couli lini'i.iiiuiu in any proceed
ing under the pad
mild tubatitme wa defeated 7i to
Thrr wa con.ideuble merriment
over the vote on the llraudegeff
team alien, 'Jhe ino-t mil -poked t
ii.iiient of the rrrrv4iion, Senator
Kellogg of Miiinoou, "itched hit.
vote at the jt minute, ami rat bit
li.illnt in favor oi the le.ervaiion.
Only two tenator allowed them-m-Ivc
to be "more rov4h.1t tlun
the king" Spencer of Miout i snd
William of MiskUaippi. A roar of
laughter went up in the nenate when
the two votes against the measure
were announced.
Following the ratification of the
four-power pact. Senator Lodge
called up the aupplcmeiiial treaty
relating to the Japanese main island,
which i not pending.
Band Shoots Family
of Seven in Belfast
(I Mlirw) twai rat Hi I
don 4tmg ilut iii t.ieater London
thrie weie already IS.OOtl men wait,
ing to take up irim in defenit of
At a meeting rpie.ent4nvt
Catholics here today a rr.ohnioii wt
4ed proie.iing ugaiiut 'lhe ram,
IMign 01 murder again. t the Catholic
community," I be rrtoiutioii Urged
that no attempt bad been made by
the authorities to check the a iron-
tie and averted that the legnJalion
proposed by the I't.ter government
would merely reault in legaliriug the
work of the aaaiii.
"The poiiiion ti the Catholic In
l'elut U becoming more di.a.uouk,"
the reoluiion -continued
Joaeph Campbell, a Helia-t city of
ficial, wa thot and killed by a
wsj rr In New Lodge road tint after
Six-Hour Running Fight.
Belfast. March 24.-(Uy A. P.)
A tix-hour running fight occurred
between Ulster special constable
nd Sinn Fciuers 111 the vicinity of
Camckinore, County Tyrone, ye-
irrdy. Til figM.iig t'aile.i wlie
.HI t the peine in motor liiiei wnj
mhuthe4 outside the tjwn. 'Hn
ambushing pHy w f. nceale.l he.
I"i d a "e t.nk 011 (He ioj1h.I
and opened firt at a d ume 01 ,kui
The indict immediately jumped
out of their ci ad engaged lh
attacking band, whuh reireiiel
41-rem the tn!l. '1 be purni.t con,
imued for rerl hour with (re,
ijuet.t etcliaiiget of ahou,
At Iraki hit .imt Inner, ate be
lievrd he been Int. One with
bullet in tile leg, was found under
bed in a home lmh wa raided dm
in lite clu.e ItullrU merer,! ilia
C4let of teveral of the tnrcut, but
none if iheirt wa woundej.
A fluaiility ol rqtiment dropped
by the ambushinc miiv wat can.
Onulia Man Will pcak ut
lunijurt in rliraka City
N'rbiakka C iiy. Neb.. March
(Special.) The tninut banaurt of
Ibe Chamber of Commerce will be
held at the Inijh aehool auditorium
next 'lliiitsday, llmmat C. Cvme
of Omaha i one of the prakcit
t hone n for the evruiug. It I ex
perted that .'ik will attend the ban
Easter Cards
Expressing just that sen
timent of tenderness and
joy you may wish to
convey in your greeting
to a friend or relative
are now on display.
Priced 6c to 23c.
Second Floor
For Spring
Silk .Gloves
To wear with frocks are
Kayser's long sixteen
button length gloves, in
beaver, mode, pongee,
mastic and P'rench gray.
$1.75 to $3.25 a pair.
For the new spring tail
leur one will need a pair
of gauntlets. These are
shown in pongee, mastic,
beaver and white for
$2.50 and $3.25.
Main Floor
Lovely New Blouses
Have Very Low Prices
The Store for Blouses
Never a season of hiore interesting or be
coming styles never prices so attractively
No Thompson-Belden blouse is priced high- 1
. er than $15.00, and this at no sacrifice of
quality. 1
.Hand-made blouses that are exquisite cost i
$5 and less. !
Sport scarfs are $2.95 and $5. 4
Slip-on sweaters, $2.95 and $5.
Sweaters of purethread silk, $25.
New Selections Ready Saturday
Spring Fashions
For Small Boys
Smart little wash suits
with white blouse and
colored trousers in
dark blue, tans,
brown, gray and corn.
$2.75' to $5.
If Attractive suits of pon
gee are shown in long
and short sleeve styles.
If Straw hats in black,
brown, white and light
and dark combinations
are just what the small
boy needs for spring
and summer w ear.
$3.50 to $5.
Second Floor
New Stretton
-Fine cotton union
suits in every new
style, $1.25 to $2.
-Cotton vests in these
styles high neck and
long sleeves, or dutch
ess neck 'and elbow
sleeves, $1.
-Cotton drawers with
either wide or cuff
knee, $1.
-A new garment or pur
chase money refunded
if any one of these
should fail to give
Second Floor
Fur Chokers For
Spring Wear
Brown Marten,
$69.50 -l
Sable Fox,7 If
$28.75 ir
Natural Squirrel,
Fur Shop Third Floor
Concerning Your New
Spring Oxfords
If you would wear the newest of spring foot
wear then you must have a pair of fawn or
sand colored buck oxfords. The fawn col
ored ones have just enough trimmings of
brown calf to make them most eff ective,and
in a like manner, are the sand ones trimmed .
with black patent leather.
Priced $11
Mala Floor
On of our delivery car pae
your door every dy.
. . 2217 Farnam Street
ATlantic 034S
South Side MArket 0050
Saturday at Julias Orkln't Store
1512 Douglas Street
You can buy beautiful dreaaei at
Men's Shop
Spring News
Underwear in Medium
Weights Union made or
separate garments of
lisle, balbriggan, very
light wool or nainsook.
Mansco Union Suits
Made by Manhattan
and as good a3 their
shirts. What better
recommendation? -
Interwoven Hose for
Forty Cents offer high
quality and extra value
for the price. Black and
colors in all sizes.
New Sleeping Garments.
Lighter materials from
Universal and Faultless.
Nightshirts, $1.50 to $3.
Pajamas, $2.50 to $8.50.
To the Left At You Eater
One of the finest equipped rug
cleaning departments in the U. S.
2217 Farnam Street '
ATlantic 034S
South Side MArket 0050