'.tie; jit: uAiAu.v, naiuAi. lAixii ss, m Fanners Oppose Soldier Bonus in Questionnaire Only Four of 17 Ilrpliri Ro ff ivn Iiy Congrr man McLaughlin For Cah , fur Wr Vfterain. By E. C, SNYDER, H k.Sl I mniMilm Osnafca lire, Washington, Marth 2.!. Oprcial Irtfgram.) Inirrs r(ly to Congressman McLaughlin's question- iiirf relative ta the ..onus ere Urge!" augturutril toIay. and the prrtentagrs oi those ttjiocii to a eh bonus (or ali!e-botlid men i4int those in favor a very nia UruIIy increased over the replies received yesterday. Lj to tin eve fling the representative (mm the York diritt had received 47 retries out of 4i0 letters sent at random to people hi the fourth district, ror iv three of the 47 replie vote no on t!ie cash bonus, four in favor. A prominent red estate dealer in P.utler county in voting "no" on the McLaughlin questionnaire ays, "I im opfoed to a cah bonus tor the tenon that you have no cah to pay it. The bill now before the house i an effort to avoid any expendi ture of money whatsoever, but will entail a great burden of debt on the future generation." Farmeri Oppose Plan. A well-known citizen of Saline county m!. "I am not in favor of a cash bonus. If sunibitted to a. referendum in Nebraska it would be defeated by an overwhelming ma jority." A farmer in York county says. "Am rfcci'lrdlv eppoteJ to a h bong. 'I he bon nerd business to return to nniul that they can oiW irttead ci reiving en a bor.mto continue iliein in wletiess. A tromhur fanner says, "I am opposed to it on the ground that ra.h bonus to h!e. bodied men u an imull to their patriotism. What the country needs is to pay ofl debt mta'i ot taking en more. Scope It Questioned. hwe the percentage of votes siamst a cash bonus I surprising. peeiopj ty longressman Mc Laughlin's que.tionnaire, "it is hat mignt riave pern etnected from a rtpreentative farming district." said member who has been greatly in tere ted in the outcome of the refer endum. "My ju-Iguicnt is that if the ques tion bad been couched differently. say. are you in favor of adjusted compensation tor et-service men, the vote would have been a revelation. However, the farming districts would he expected to vote according to Mr. McLaughlin's returns. I would like to see vote taken In Omaha or Kansas City or in the bi cities of the eat. where the great majority of the world war veterans are now living and I venture that the vote would te radically dilTerent." ' hador Zeitflrr, an attorney of Omaha, is in Washington on busi ness before the Treasury department. Willard R. Cross was nominated today as postmaster at Moorcfield, Neb. Telephone Pole Burglars Rob Store at Beatrice Beatrice. Xch.. March 21. (Sne- c!al Telegram.) Bigler's hardware store was entered by thieves and a number of revolvers and ammuni tion taken. Entrance was gained through a skylight, the thieves climb ing a telephone pole to reach 'the roof. Girl Says Rickard Asketl Her to Say Another Guiltv TestifiVi Tromoter Took Her and Chum on Auto Ride After Arrert for Alleged Aault. New York. March 22, Resuming here testimony today before preme court jury trying Tex Rick- ard for criminal assault, 15-yesr-oId Sarah Schoenfcld declared that three days after his arrest the sports pro moter took her and Nellie Gasko, a school girl chum, for an automobile ride through Central park and told them to say "another man did it" if they got caught. Kiekard was un der arrest at the time for assaulting Alice Ruck, IS. "Isn't it too bad," Sarah quoted Rickard as saying, "that Alice had to tell such lies about me. I am aw ful, awful sorry for her and wish I could help her." Continuing, the girl said: "lie said we mustn't tell on him because if we did we would be locked up until we were 18 years old and we couldn't visit onr friends and have any more good times." The same week that Rickard was arrested. Sarah said, she went to Nel lie's home and learned that her chum had been taken into custody by the children's aid society. The witness raid she told Rickard about it and he advised her to keep away from Madison Square Garden for a while. In Mnnding up his direct examina tion. Assistant District Attorney IVcora asked: "Sarah, you never were married to this defendant, were )ou?" "No Sir," she replied. Expenses of State Over Million in Month New Tax System I Will Be Planned (Miortie to Name Fiperti Stun Conference on Ques tion Will Be Held. Lincoln. March 22 (SifiUH Total warrants drawn during rcbru-l ry (or expenses of th state govern ment amounted to f t.tJV.J.M!. Thei . t - -1 various pranenrs oi me s'ie ajovrrn.j ment aramst wmcnine warrants were i inca'M jf,rfh :-(PeeUI,-! ruiununa oi .ruiaiia a tit annus tax Uw will bi recommended toj the nut lrgi!ature by V. H. 0i, borne, state tag commissioner. With th s idea in mind the special session t,f the legislature declined to reduce Otborni'i appropriation! so! He might employ an expert to Hudy taxation taws of this Hate at wetlj as thoc of the entire country and foreign countries and draw from ! the bet methods of them atl a bill I would rearrange Nebraska i navinir methods. I - J fi Lr!?.febo"1 (,ve Ni ncu s(i:mri73Sncr,he ' ' ! appointment cf an expert, who . r f mm would spend hit entire time in wavne farmer lops .udtkti undying- the taxation question. v , u llli I !!'' )4t.ift , .. 14 iS ).f.-MU (r'iini ,, , It l l I rt-l"m-ii'( Mun4rf i)ap4rim Sii:!J Sivnl n)rutriii.m I ii l-'U'tllSUl H,I.IUll"li JIO tit tl !'! k4 IUiiiiM In.i.lj. nun rsu Ro4 n.i llrnli rantirui ihin . UJ,Ti it Train Delayed Five Hour Iiy Wreck at Pawnee City Beatrice, Neb., March 22 (Spe cial) The tender attached to west bound Rock Jbnd passenger tram :. on the Fairbury branch jumped the j'1 track near l'anee City, tying up , With Car of Choice Steers Seventeen head of choice 1.274 pound steers received the top price of the day yeterday, 5A50 a hundred. The shipment was brought in from Wayne by C. K. Corbit and showed good handling and were of excellent finisln BanJitj Get 517,000 at Kansas City; Shoot Officer Kansas City. Kan.. March 2:. Three men held up bank mcsengcr of the People's National bank here. took $17,000 and shot and probably fatally wounded Richard Ca.shin, a patrolman, on a downtown street here. I'ronoss's for changea from Nf nraka cituens will be welcomed and many conference between the tat comiuisiioner't office force and peron in Nebraska vitally interest ed will be held in the next tew months. Lack of Moisture and Wind Damaging Wheat in West I.odgepole, Neb., March 22 (Spe. cial.) The storm covering eastern and central portions of the state did not reach western Nebraska and continued dry weather prevails. Farmers say that the severe wind of the last few days is ser.oujiy injur, ing wheat. A I I I I I I rW) 4 3 r& Three FrUndfy Gentlemen EURLEY YDLGDOA N In a hew package that fits the pocket At a price that fits the pocket-book . The same unmatched blend of Turkish, Virginia and BuRLEYTobaccos FIFTEEN HONORED The American Tobacco Company honored cigarettes by choosing for their name the address of its Home Office 111 Fifth Avenue, New York. l . The American public honored the judg ment of The American Tobacco Company by making it one of the four biggest national sellers in less than 18 months' time. We would be honored to have you try them. Oft Guawkntsjed by Which means that if you don't like "111" Cigarettes, you can get your money back from the dealer. FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY Thursday Women's Silk and Breakfast Coats In Four Groups: mim m 19.25 Seven Stylea 1 1 95 1 1 Threa Stylea Quaintly ruffled pockets, trailing sleeves that reveal graceful arms, quilted styles that are softly comfortable without being bulky, these are some of the fascinating highlights in the styles. The materials are rich and heavy crepe de chines and taffetas. Combined with the careful finish and workmanship, they are the basis of the fcuperb values in these garments. ' Dressing Sacques Samples Dressing sacques and bed jackets of all the beautiful pastel shades.. Some daintily trimmed with laces and ribbons, others tailored. 1.00 1.50 2.00 Thursday- a Sale of Decorative 00 Boudoir tl Novelties 0 Elegant and practical novelties bought specially for this sale. Of blue and Du Barry brocade and trimmed with gold braid, the collection consists of - Pin Cushions Cologne Bottles Powder Jars Powder Boxes Bud Vases Candle Sticks Picture Frames ' Telephone Indexes Telephone Screens Hair Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Glove Boxes Pin Trays , In refurnishing your room for the new season, these novelties will make it most attractive. Each article is worth from 1.25 to 2.00 each, 1 A A Special for Thursday ' lwv No Deliveries or C. O. D.'f Third Floor Wal FOR SORE THROAT Don't take chances start right now to reduce the inflammation. The best and quickest remedy la BEGY'S MUSTAR1NE Fine for chest colds, neuritis, neuralgia and rheumatism. Will not blister 30c 60c yellow box. Sleep Sound Tonight Dr. Carter's K.&.B. Tea A generous packue of this oraat vegetable tea for 34c-a fine lautWe-a splendid took for stomach, liver and bowete.Take a hotenpevery night, brew it yourself. Fretful children need it For Sale by Five Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores SAFE AND SANE for Cougjis & Colds TKI, Jtiop U difdrt.l ham ill Ktl. Cjuicfc Tflitf. Wo opiiici. 3Sc rvfTvwh.f . ADVERTISEMENT An Unfailing Way To Banish Hairs (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can- be re moved in the privacy of your own home if you get a small original package of dclatone and mix into a paste enough of the powder and water to cover the hairy surface. This should be left on the skin about two minutes, then removed and the skin washed and every trace of hair will have vanished; No harm or in convenience can result from this treatment, but be sure you buy real delatone. Bee Want Ads Are the Best Bus iness-Getters. ADVERTISEMENT Will Take Off All Excess Fa; Do S'ou hnow that there Is a tlmple. harmless, effective remedy for overfat ness that may be used safely and secretly by any man or woman who Is losing the sMmness of youth? There Is; and It is none other than the tablet form of the now famous Mirmola Prescription, known as Marmoli Prescription Tablets. You can well expect to reduce steadily and easily without goins; through Ions' sfeges of tiresome exercise and starvation diet. Marmola Prescription Tablets ate sold by all Jrugits the world over at one dollar for a case, or you can secure them direct from the Marmola Co., 4611 V oodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich., on receipt of price. ADVERTISEMENT Kidneyj Liver and Bladder Troubles CONQUERED or Money Back For SO yean. .id Dr. Cirey, I have been prescribinsr Marsh-Root for kidney, liver and bladder sicknesa and now that I have retired from active practice I have made arrangements with leading drug gists to dispense thia wonderful prescrip tion at a moderate price, on the money back if dissatisfied plan. Beware of kidney disease thousands die of it every year who ought to be en joying the blessings of life and health. Watch the symptoms. If yon have specks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clam my feet or moist palms, backache or head? ache, you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's Marsh-Root right away. It has wonderfully benefited ts of thousands of cases of kidney, liver and bladder troubles and is the medicine you can always depend upon. Results are guaranteed. NOTE Dr. Daniel G. Carey was a prac ticing physicianfor many years and his great Prescription, Marsh-Root, aided thousands of sufferer from kidney, liver and bladder troubles. Hereafter you can alwaya get this effective prescription in both liquid and tablet form at the Sher man A McConnell t Drug Stores and all reliable pharmacists the eountryover. Keep in mind the name. Dr. Carey's Marsh-Root prescription No. 777. No other medicine can take its place. IMPORTANT Trial tottle of Marsh Koot, tablet or liquid form, ean be secured by sending 25 cents to Dr. Carey Co., Elmira, N. Y. Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap Andrra Hotel Castle OMAHA PLUMBERS WANTED Open Shop . Plenty of Good Job $1.02 tie per hour Higher Wages for. Competent Foremen Permanent Employment ' for Competent Men - . Write EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION CO. 218 N. CLARK ST. CHICAGO sQ IJJL PROSTATE GLAND. BLADDER, KIDNEYS. These three organs are re sponsible tor more misery among men thao all others combined. Paine ia back, tired feeling, getting op el night, premature age, lees eoed vitality, are some of ttr resulta of these troubles. Wo believe we have too best treatment known to qwJeklr correct tnese oieoroere. -Costs nothing onleee it does the work. SJsssi OSSfO BOX 293-1. NASHVILLE, TENN.