Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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the hee: omaiia. tit,siav. march ;m. vx:.
Convocation of
Masons Open;? at
Cntlieclrnl Here
I'srly Rrrutrstion Heay
'iiiiirroin Pfgrfrs to Be
Conferred at FuurPit)
Ti l trir,n mnvAfalinn til the A
uenf AcvfH-il h""h Rii of Irtt
Masonry 19 the Valley cf Oniah
iiincj at ib cnhtdrtl Monday
i.iorninir. 1 irly rnritioit wu
l tAv. and a Unit numbrr of Ui
irf brrthrm are I'l aitendance. The
work under direction of itik
I'wgill !Utn. iM, Mvrrign guild
A Urt buwneii meeting of the
a.i lo.lii-i firprfrirft th ronfrrrina'
.. .(.. in ilia Isw1ir , 1'rrfrra
lion. Tlu work ) continued all
Uy, in chame pi Arthur Iheiier
r4nroat. a.u. neraine rnicr 01
l ....... W. Inlliir. Vrt. 1. TIlC
..H'lllll tl(l'"ll .-.--p-, . I t
1 4th dt-srre put on in full form
i4r evrmi g
Tod-iv iHe digrcci of the Roe
Croix vill be conferred, CUrrnrell.
Wilrath. Mil, vie WMer of Scm
per Jidrli rluplcr, bavin charge.
'1 he ltiU ill eemphiel in the
frninir. On Wednesday the wmk
will J.e in the pre-fpt.ry df greet,
under the tre of Alvali M. Smith,
enertt!e preceptor of St Andre I
i.recctitory No, I. The ctiR work,
that r.( tiie roni'tory, will be pre
sented on Thurnday, when the 3bt
degree will he ennlerrcd in the fore
noon and the J2d in the afternoon,
by lohn Emrron-Simpson, 22i, K.
C 11., inMer of Kadosli. ;
The regular1 convocation bauqiiel
il be bW on Thursday, evemntt.
It had been planned that John Henry
('owlet, J.ld. overign grand com
nupder of (he southern juridictio'l
if tlift nicd State, would be here
for the banquet, but be was com.
pelted' to change his engagement. He
will be in Omaha and address the
brethren on the e veiling- of April 4.
Samardick Lands as
Free Lance Rum Sleuth
Robert P.-Samardick, zealous rum
s-lruth fca failed to get a job with
either l'oliee Commissioner Dunn or
Federal Officer U. S. Rohrer after
he bad been released from govern
ment scrvjre at the Canadian bor
der, is coming back to Omaha soon
and bring with him 10 eager sleuths
to ferret put bootleggers, according
to a letter received yesterday from
Samardick by a friend. Samardick
it now in Washington where he was
named an independent "general pro
hibition agent' two weeks ago.
McGinty "Must Pay Alimony
'before Change of Venue
Fraijk" Mc-.Gmty, wealthy real es
tat.,Tftan.mu5t firtt pay alimony to
' the 'divorce trial, scheduled to be
gin Monday, can be given change of
venutODistrict Judge Sears, .who
jailed him .'for contempt of-court,
told him yesterday. ' '
Council 0. K.'s Ordinance
Regulating Barber Shops
The city council committee of the
whole yesterday recommended for
passage the new ordinance regulating
barbers and barber shops. ' A-' fee
of $26Q'-!k chair and a license fee of
$1 witt be charged each barber annually."'
.Chicago Fire Delays
Freight Rate Hearing
"Jl. Jnterutt Commerce com
nunon henring on Ntlu Jive.
itocV freight r4ie vhcdu!ed for yr s
terd4y in Onulu vat postpone en
account of the (? (it in Chicago
Ut rk hen tlio Ittirlingtqn gfil
erjl iiliurt uerr biiintd. anuriliii
to A. 1'. irker, et rctary-lliauaucr
'of the (JmuIu c Mmk rxrliange.
I According ti the tniui tiunon rc
feivril by iir, Mr)Ler fmm Ibiiauo.
! of the ev ii -ine tu be iihnn(te4
by the CurliiiKton. the priiiLipal tie.
(enduiit in the ttcir Inur. a destroyed
in the Chiirfga lie and it is pre
turned that a new date for the hear
ing will be announced at toon at the
tfrft.1 which was dctuuyrd can be replaced.
Brief City News
Ga ult Enters "Race Norman C.
Gault, an attorney, filed in the elec
tion commissioner's office yesterday
for the office ot municipal judge.
Pastor 28 Years Rev. P. J. Judge
begins today his 2Sth year as pastor
of Snored- Heart church, Twenty
second and Binney streets, which he
founded.-- ."
Marrow Seeks Oflice Joa Mar.
tow, -4648 Cuming street, a . bailiff
in the district court, filed for nom
ination on the republican ticket for
reslsitep of deeds.
Hotel Clerk Robbed A man, pre
tending to be a guest, held up Wil
liam Koerner, clerk at the Park ho.
tel. Fifteenth and Cass streets, at 2
yesterday morning and robbed him
of $7. ,,i .
Nino Got Jobs Nine ex-service
men got Jobs yesterday, the first day
of the' employment week campaign
of the American Legion here. There
are about .600 ex-service men in
Omaha without employment.
Asks Mayor's Aid Mayor Dahl
man yesterday received a letter from
Rev. W. I. Pritchard, Elkins, W. Va,,
asking him to help his son, Castle
Pritchard, held here with Roy Trout
man on a Charge of robbery.
Rat-Killing Contest A rat-Wiling
contest was inaugurated yesterday
by Hearth Comriiissloner Pinto with
six prizes, ranging from $75 down.'
Tails of dead rats are to be sent in
bundles of 10 to the health office
by contestants.
Babe Has Smallpox -r- Shirley
Flynn, S-months-old, has been
stricken ' with smallpox twice. She
was taken back to the city small
pox hospital again yesterday by her
mother, Mrs. Walter Flynn, 1117
South Thirtieth avenue.
Marine Guards Recalled Marines
put to guarding the mails by Post
master General Hays a few months
ago have been taken off this service.
"But postal clerks everywhere are
armed and fully able to protect the
mails," Bald. Postmaster Black.
Accused of Car Thert Four de
tectives, armed with snotguns, cap
tured Verne Trulliger. 1422 North
Nineteenth street, at Twenty-second
and Nicholas streets, aa he was driv
ing: a car which they charge he stole
from E. R. McDonnell of Council
Bluffs. . : -
School Forum to Meet The de
liberative council of the Omaha
achool forum will meet in the coun
cil chamber at the city hall Friday
afternoon at 4. The school Forum
Quarterly, publication of the or
ganization, Will ba distributed at the
Postal Rates Raised Increase In
transit rates for parcel post pack
ages to Russia is announced by
Postmaster Black. The cost of send-
rni one pound to European Russia
is 90 cents. 11 pounds, I1.0S. The
rates to Asiatic Russia are $1.32 for
one pound and $1.50 for 11 pounds.
' McKahon Working William Mc
Marion, former president ot tns Dis
abled Veterans' association, paroled
last weelc after pleading guilty to
embezzlement Of -funds. Is at work
in a South Side planing mill. His
father mortgaged his home to get
him paroled and he la working to
pay trim back.
PoatUtconatlpatioo polaoo four blood
-.1 Music Home Where '
You Can't Co Wrong"
A. Hospe Co. Announces a Great Reorganization
Until 9 P.M.
During Thii
Until 9 P. M.
During Thii
and curtail your energy.
If row liver and bowaLa
ark prop-1
feat work
fcrl ti
Mide Uvr
rllla today
ad your
For cSzzineaa, lack ol appadtaj
Ifrarlartia and Uoxchy akin nothing!
can aanaJ them. Purely Tejretablo. .
Wait Pm-Wl DoM-Small Fife
Penclrating, Antiseptic Zfmo
, ..Will Help You . :
Never mind how' ofton you have
tried and failed, you rmr ptop burn
ing. Itching Krzc'iia quk-kly by ap
plying Zemo furnlnhcd by any. dniR
Rlst for 3.10. Kxlra largo bottlf.
$1.00. Healing bcalns the moment
Zemo Is applied! Jn.a short time
UMUully every trace of Estonia. Tot.
ter, rimples, Kash. Ulackliemls and
similar tkin diseases will be re
For clearing the skin and making
it vigorously healthy, always use
Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic
liquid. When others fail it Is the
one dependable treatment for Skin
troubles of all kinds.
Don't Neglect a Cold Every Instrument Must Be Sold Quickly
Mothfira. 1nn Ipt rolda ret nndpr-1 1 . lBBaaasaasaaaaasaaasMBaaaaaaasaaasJBB)
Mothers, don't let colds get under
way; at the first cough or sniffle rub
Musterole on tho throat and chest.
Musterole is a pure, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. It
draws out congestion, relieves sore
ness, does all the work of tho good
old-fashioned mustard plaster in a
gentle way, without the blister. ,
Keep a Jar handy for all emer
gencies,, it may prevent pneumonia
in your home.. 35c .and 65c in jars
and tubes; hospital size. $3.. .,. .
Thousands Have' Discovered
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the
substitute for calomel iiro a mild
but sure laxative, and their effect
on the liver is almost instantaneous.
These little olive-colored tablets are
the result of Dr. Edwards' deter
mination not to treat liver and
bowel complaints with calomel.
The pleasant little tablets do the
good calomel does, but have no bad
after effects. They don't injure the
teeth like strong liquids or calomel.
They take hold of the trouble and
quickly correct it. Why cure the
liver at the expense of the teeth?
Calomel sometimes plays havoc with
the gums. So do strong liquids. It
is best not to take calomel. Let
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its
Headaches, "dullness" and that
lazy feeling come from constipation
and a disordered liver. Take Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets when you
feel "logy" and "heavy." They
"clear" clouded brain and "perk
up" the spirits. 15c and 30c.
Took Lydia EPinkhamY
Vegetable Compound. . '
Read the Result
i... .................... i
i v.i
Gncinnati, Ohio. "I suffered for'
a year with nervous troubles andirreg-
uiarmes oeiore i
took Lydia E.
nnkham a vcg
etable Com
pound. ' My back
pained all tho
time and I was.
unfit for house
work. I was, worn
out if I cooked a
meal, and was un
able to do my
washing. My girl
friends and my .
eister told me if I would taker your
Vegetable Compound and Liver Fills
I would be relieved. After taking
the first bottle I felt better, and ne
glected it awhile, but found I could
not do my work until I was stronger.
So I took the Vegetable Compound
again and now I am the mother of a
19 months old boy. He is fat and
healthy and I am sure I could never
have carried him if it had not been
for your medicine. I recommend your
medicine to all women although I am
young to be advising some one older. ' ,
Mrs. Christ. Petroff, 318 W. Lib
erty St, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1S13.1S Douglas st. Starting Tuesday Morning at 9 o'CIock 1S13-1S Dou
The Greatest Sale of Pianos and Phonographs
in Omaha s History
THE most startling offer ever made an offer that means the placing of more than $250,000 worth of high-grade Grands,
Uprights, Player Pianos and Phonographs in as many homes on terms any home can afford, and at a saving of THOUSANDS
OF DOLLARS to buyers. Read carefully every word of this remarkable announcement.
In announcing the inauguration of this sale, probably the greatest
of its kind ever attempted in Omaha, we wish to take the public into
our confidence and tell why it is necessary to close out this entire stock
at the great discounts offered herein. From the time of our opening in
business in Omaha we have enjoyed the extensive patronage of the
people and attribute it to our strict adherence to the "square deal"
policy, the fine reliable makes of pianos and phonographs we have al
ways sold, our large capital and purchasing power, and the low prices
and easy payments we were enabled to make thereby.
We are proing; to turn every instrument into cash or piano leases within a very short
time." WE WILLr 'E MUST SELL PIANOS! This is the spirit which has crushed
down prices cm p;ood substantial values in standard prade makes. There will be no com
petition in this aale. We can sell these instrument for lets than the average firm who
buys in small lots and on a long time can buy instruments of this grade. Every instru
ment in our store is paid lor. . We buy for cash only, which enables us to secure a cash
discount. We buy in carload lots, which gives us another discount. We do a tremen
dous business, each year. . This volume of business reduces our selling expenses. A com
parison of the pianos we are selling with those offered by other firms will convince the
most skeptical buyer that we give the greatest values for the money.
'I This sale offers you an opportunity that may never occur again during a lifetime.
The moment the piano-buying public becomes aware of the importance of this gale there
will be a scramble to secure these instruments that will clear the floors of every pianj in ,
a' few days, .There is only one way to be sure that you will get one of these instruments
-that is to Call early. Nothing will be reserved. These prices good only during the
sale. No piano will-be sold to dealers or to dealers' agents. We want the people of
Omaha and surrounding country to secure the benefits of this sale.
No reservations. Our immense stock of Pianos, Player Pianos and
Phonographs must be sacrificed at once.
Included in this stock are brand new instruments, some slightly used, others returned
from rental, and a number of slightly shopworn in an unexcelled selection of THE
WO'llLD'S LEADING MAKES of new and used uprights and player pianos, such as:
Apollo, Brambach, Bush & Lane, Cable-Nelson, Davenport & Treacy, Steinway, Hinze,
Hospe,' Jesse French, Kranich & Bach, Kimball, Lagonda, Chickering, Sohmer, Strohber,
Vose & Sons, Knabe, Ivers & Pond, Fisher, Emerson, Crown, Gabler.
We believe that this is the finest stock of the best known pianos ever assembled in
Omaha. The pianos are the product of the most reliable manufacturers in the piano
industry. Every piano, player piano and phonograph is sold with an absolute guarantee'
ry SO RECORD SELECTIONS Are Included With Each (
OU Talking Machine Purchased During This Sale , OK)
j Former ' jj
i. PlCB
l" S200;
H ' Price
ff.fl25 V
1 &U pe'
- . A . v
Theie Phonograph play all rec
ords, including Victor, Columbia,
Editon and Path. These ma
chines are made in the ityle of
cabinet so much in demand. Cabi
nets are different sizes, con
structed of double veneer, fancy
figured wood throughout. Tone
is simply marvelous. Must be
heard to be appreciated.
We include with these machines
this week a jewel point with
which to play Edison records, and
a ' sapphire ball point for the
Pathe records; also a full assort
ment of steel needles. And, re
member, these machines play all
makes of records correctly, in
cluding Edison,' Columbia, Pathe ' ..
and Victor
. Price
OO per
A Warranted Player
A Beautiful Assortment of 12 Rolls Accompanies This Instrument.
Standard Size, Full 88-Note. $2 per Week.
'V.-.y. .
If you are in the market for a Player Piano, it will pay (JjOO
you to investigate this one, Used jJ"
A Player
Special on
Sale Tuesday
The Price:
One of the first
instruments to be
placed on sale
Tuesday is a
player piano. It
will, be disposed
of at the ridicu
lously low price
of $234. The case
is perfectly plain, ,
the tone is soft
and mellow. In
vestigate -tb-is.
used player, bar
gain. A Beautiful
Bench to Match
the Instrument -Itself
Delivery will be ms.le
free into your home
or prepaid to your
railroad station if
you live outside ot
the cityt'
- Your
Own Selection
of 12 Rolls -of
Music i
ains in Used Pianos and Players
The prices that will be placed on these Pianos are the Lowest
that we have ever placed on a Piane in the city of Omaha. The
" Terms are absolutely available to all. " '
You are given'choice of the finest Pianos and Player Pjanos
. in the. world. You are given a broad, liberal condition of sale, as
low as a few dollars down, and you are given the longest possible
time to meet the payments. '
Within one year's time you may exchange the - Piano or
Player Piano you! purchase for any other Piano or Player Piano
of equal or greater value on our floors and all payment made on,
the first instrument will be credited' in full against the second.
We give you a Bench and 12 rolls of Music FREE with each
Player Piano or a Stool with every Used Piano sad Bencn with
every New Piano.
We will allow carfare to any purchaser o
ing in price from $100 upwards and Free
miles of Omaha,
f an instrument rang-
Delivery within 150
1 r
f in
t; ;1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET