I. II I Fund Slmknl !o Pay for Funeral of Bov Fighter - ' i'rrnts I'liiMe to Meet Iiciic -Iloxrrs Vt'ill Point Local Bov Counted Out by Death in Boxing Match I'rograw. "Tnrd.lt Tmy O'MiUary" U tUti nl the icon ur4 of Um.li it hujlifd in irrt. But tffitfr than tliii i 0r row whidi lurdfiu lie lfrl ( "Terrible TmvV fh'r 1 mo ihfr, Mr. tni Mm. Cliarlft l. licfk, ciiit lite wbhri be en len-J the ftit riiic. . ror thry, living on bitie firm rm tilt n-.rOt aI !'lntnte. hiiif no fund ttisli wliiili to py funeral fapeme ior iiirir on, Tcmlile Terry' quit nhool two yttrt iso, tlrtcrniincd 1o ik hit fortune m t)e ti:e ring lo cirn mnfy to liflp support In parent. Wli'n Bud I.oiun law him pr ring in the Ou""'''"' dub tour months go, be picked him a$ t fctr lett fighter of ability. Iukst eger for the fray, and he took him under hit wine. Tutuxe looki Bright Front then until the ful fall Fri day night "Terrible Terry'." future looked bright. He met two oppo. nents in the ring, nored quick Inockouti over both of them, and cut lu$ proceeds to his lather and mother. Sympathy for the parents, sorrow ing over their inability, to meet fu neral expense for their dead boy. has moved the spoit fraternity of Omaha to iiuuKurate a benefit fund. Donation for burial expenses were Hatted bv Jolmnv Lreeley. manager of Morrie ScbUiler, and others promptly responded as follows: .lohnny Irwin ;J Mnrrle fcrhlalfrr r! I.rnt Melaily J" art M.rdtl hnnrum.n riser .tor ? Arnold Hroar Plan Benefit Program. Jiinmie Hauish sports editor of The t'.vetiing Bee, was appointed custodian of the fund. ' Baseball headquarters, the P. & B. cigar stvc ond Tom Dcnnison ves terdav designated their intentions of coittiibiiting to the iund. At the same time plans were being laid by followers of the boxing game for a b'g benefit boxing program, proieeds of which will go to the aid of Mr. and Mrs. Ilavlicck. Cowboy Tadgctt promptly prom ised he would pay his own expenses from any place in the United States to come to Omaha to bos for the benefit program. Eud Logan made a like promise. Will Donate Services.- - Johnny Crcclcy, manager of Mor rie Schlaifer, declared Morrie would meet Cowboy Tadgett on the pro gram, gratis. Fred Myers said he was sure all nine fighters under his management would donate their appearance on the benefit card. These nine fight ers include Bud Logan. Harry Boyle, Happv Malonc, Yankee Sullivan, Kid Bruno, Gorilla Jones. Jack Tay lor. Teewce Smith and Joe Kale. Bert Muth, promoter of the pro gram Friday night, said the Labor Temple club would hold the benefit program uivdcr its auspices. No date has Jet been chosen. Charles Havlicek (Terry O'Mallory). TELEGRAPH BRIEFS Suicide by Bomb. Toklo, March IS A. mn " eeolte. (talned entrance to 'h ln,.p palace ground, at, noon today n9. threw v I bomb lo tho around, h. P10,;o,n,r,,'m: N In him. On his nothing was lound a document criticism the "T'rLmlt declaring the writer s) Intention to commit recently arrived from. Manchuria. Nut a Bath In Tear. Minnwroll. Minn.. March -cor1f Zincho. charged with vanrancy In muni cipal court here today, sa d he had not had a bath in a yer. Th court sent him to the wnrkhouae for H da)S and prescribed a bath for each day. Orane City Kebatera Win. tton. la.. March 18. Orance City Hiili school here last niRlit won the - rorthwestero debate championship when Its team defeated Fonda Hlsh achool In v a, debate on the Philippine Independence question. Oranse City aupported the netative. rope's l.iberlj-. Rome. March IS. tBy A. P.) Although a aeml-nfficlal Vatican rote deniei that Pope riua Intends to leave the aacred palaces, the way is left open for the pontlffi orpearanre not only on the hai- cony of St. Peter, but also on the por tico which runa the entire length ot the facade. f barlea W. I' flea. Itinn-apolif. Minn., March 18. Charles W Case, 87, pioneer railroad man and former general manager of the Great Northern railn ay, died at his home here oarly today. Reduce Margin of Safely. New York. Macch 18. The arbitration committee of elgtt anthracite coal min ers and operators charged with the task of negotiating a wago agreement m time to avert ft suspension of the mlnea April 1 todav reduced the "margin ot safety" to 10 davs by deciding to delay their first session until next Tuesday. Boy. 13, Sentenced t Ton. Harrlsourg. Ark., March IS. Otlie Cowell. 13. was found guilty of Involuntary manslaughter by a jury hero yesterday and was sentneced to two yeara in the penitentiary for the death of Jainea Grant. 13. who died as a result of a knlfo wound received In a fight with Cowell, over a basket ball game, last February. Educator Knda Life. TVarrenfburg. Mo., March IS. Miss Stella Stillwcll, former secretary to the president of the Missouri State Teachers college here, ended her life yesterday by hansing hrself with a bed sheet at the Nevada State hospital. She was secretary to the president of the Montana unlvereity at Missoula, for four yeara. She formerly , resided in Kansas City, , . American Sing in Berlin. Berlin. March IS. The first American to sing on the German stage since the war, F.thel Frank, ot Boston, was greeted with warm applause at the Berlin opera house, the most exclusive theater In Ger many. The "new Mary Garden," .who studied In Italy and aanr under the di rectton of r.lrhard Strauss In London, ap peared In The Magic Flute, an opera nouse succtbs or tnis season. Death Seals Career of Fighter Just as His Hopes About to Be Realized Charlie Havlicek always wanted to be a prize fighter. He became one. But his career in the professional ring lasted less than two months." Friday night it was scaled by death. 1 Havlicek lived on a farm four mile's north of Florence. He used to walk to the car line in order to reach the gymnasium where he had been in regular training since early last winter. lie was a fine, clean, ambitious boy who did not even swear, his friends say. His parents, farmers,- did not want him to be a boxer, his sister-in-law, Mrs. Joe Havlicek, 5J8 South Twenty-sixth avenue, said. But they finally gave their consent. Works Hard. Charlie worked hard at his beloved profession. And finally came the night of his first professional appear ance, it was a preliminary ngnt m the Omaha Auditorium February 2. The house was packed by 6,000 fan3. Charlie, the farm boy, was trans formed into a human fighting ma chine. He lived up to the name, Terrible Terry O Mallory." His op ponent was r rankie Woods, lerrv knocked him out in the third round. "Bud" Logan, professional fighter, had seen the youth working out in the Queensbury club gymnasium. ' That bov s a comer, lie said. He offered him the benefit of his expe rience, took the boy under his wing and taught him the inside science of the fight game. Fighter Weeps. Under the state law's provisions, Loean could not be his manager. but he and several others interested themselves in the remarkable young boxer. Friday night Lozan wept even w hile he fought "Cowboy" Padgett in the main bout of the evening. For he knew that the young fighter was dvuie in the adtominz room. So decisive had been Terry O'Mal- lory i first victory in the squared circle that he automatically acquired a descriptive adjective and soon was know nas Icrrible lerry O -Mallory." His second fistic battle was with Harry Janney of Dubuque.- Again he scored a knockout, this time in the first round. That was on Feb ruary 21. Flushed with this beginning, the young fighter worked harder than ever. His manager found it was dif ficult to get fighters willing to be matched against "Terrible Terry." Favorite With Crowd. When he entered the ring Friday night, O'Mallory was a 2 to 1 fa vorite. Ray Carter, who delivered the fatal blow, also has appeared in Omaha on two previous occasions. Last November he knocked out Frankic Woods in the final round of a four round fight. And on March 9, in boxing tournament the latest in the Auditorium, he was given a knock out decision over Joe Morocco in the fifth, round when Morocco was "all in." Terry O'Mallory's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Havlicek, were at the fight Friday night. Mrs. Haviicck had baked a pumpkin pie for Terry and lie was to go to their hpmc, 538 South Twenty-sixth avenue, after the fight for the treat. But he did not go. Immigration Holiday. New Tork, March 18. Mrs. Alexander P. Moore (Lillian Russell) returned last night on the Aquitanla from her "assign ment" by Secretary of Labor Davis to study condition In Kurope. She had returned thoroughly convinced, she said, that there should be an Immigration holi day for the next 10 years. The United States was menaced, she said, by the hordes waiting at Kuropean ports of de. parture to gain admittance Into this ountry. Boxing Commissio n Is to Blame, Gene Melady, Promoter, Declares "The fight should have been stopped," said Gene Melady, sport promoter and manager of Earl Cad dock, WTCstler, speaking of the O'Mallory-Carter fight. ' "The tragedy was unavoidable," said Tom Dcnnison, who. with Billie Nesselhaus, went on Carter's bond. "Melady made that remark for personal reasons. And you know what I mean." "Tom Dcnnison knows better than that," came back Melady. "I said the fight should have been stopped, and I still say so. I don't blame the referee as much as I do the boxing commission. "If the commission saw that the referee didn't know enough to stop the bout, then they should have taken a hand in it. The commission is the 'bunk.' " Melady said he thought he saw Boxing Commissioner John Kilniar tin at the program. "I've been watching boxing bouts for 45 years," said Dennison, "and I saw nothing at that fight to war rant stopping it. O'Mallory had the better of it for at least two rounds, I thought." ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Itullan Drmand on Greece. Bnme, March 18. (By A. P.) Italy has sent a new and energetic note to Greece tiviMHuding rrieuse of the steamship Ab basia and complete satisfaction for the recent incidents ot seizure. Rival Irish Groups Arrive. New Tork, March 18. Two rival Irish groups, ore representing the Irish pro visional government and the other, the irreconcilable republican' element led by Kamon Dq Valera. were passengers on the steamship Aquitania arriving here last night. All agreed it was an appropriate day on which to land in America. Cost of W ife Beating. San Francisco, March 11. The cost at wite beating la going to be higher in San Krancisco from now -on, according to Superior Judge Thomas F. Graham. After fining a man Ji yesterday ror applying a lighted match lo bis wife's srm, lis announced that biack eyes hereafter would cost Sr&a each Instead of $150. as heretofore and that kirks weuld be rsised from Sisn each t0 ;io and blows from Set to ilOt. ' CJuradiuiii Stops Pain of Rheumatism and Neuritis The Influence of Thi Remarkable Product of Nature is Entirely Supplanting the Use of Drugs in Many Cases and With Marvelous Results. Except in those esses of extreme pros tration the use of Nnradium in traatinc rheumatic and neuritis troubles is meeting with amating results. In gout, arthritis, stiff joints, in glandu lar swellings due to rheumatic infebtion. in the nerve attacks known as neuritis and in muscular and sub-acute rheuma tism the reliet is often utevnding. the improvement is little short of magical and it is more than likely then will be recoveries to amaze the world beyond any reports haretefcr made for any internal medication. Nuraaium is a small ene-grain tablet of milk augsr in which the infinitely .man radium rays ere caught. Aa they enter the circulation their marvelous, concentrated energy seems to stimulate the processes of metabolism which means that in rheu matic affections the impurities, txidy wastes and irritants are dislodced. "They are changed into products for easy elimi nation and are quickly passed out through the regular channels. Their places are taken by new and healthy material and thus pain and disease disappear. Nuradium can' now be had at $1.59 a vial, ot leading druggists and should be given a trial. Their tonic influence in nervousness, shskiness. tremblings and the invalidism of old sge is truly remarkable. Nuradium can be had at most drug stares and is kept in stock by Beaton Drug Co.. Green's Phsrmacy. Haines Drug Ce. and Sherman It McConnelL mwmp w. ii m hi 1 - a'nww t . - v -. 'Meaensssej i C c xu 1HK HKt;: OMAHA, fct IiiYKtigulicm of Taxes Started in Cedar County Fatal Bout Slug Feat, Not Boxing Contest; Knockdowns Mark Figlit rrirri 5cck Audit of Offi cial' Hooks a nil I'ul'Iit a lion of Af Miif nti lo ItrilWe Lnic'i. Tl'f iclil uWth rHt "IVrrihle I A O'Millmy Ijv ph the Tfity O'MalUH," life 1 riJiv , .iiff ih unl Kui 1,011. niaht nui a Jning ronteu. It tinkled Iinm lii nf Ilartiiis'on. Neb,, March 18 (Sfri J.) In ii effort to reduce liiglt Uvr, fruity JtW fanncri inpl in tlif iVdar rotn'lv- coiirtlmu-e licrc lo (iiuiiM t tic rol'lcm mid rrk a toliiiiiin, Altai itii.fa ttia rillirea linnr&a eA diciiion, rriftlutiom were adoiitcd providing for tit appointment of an iiHTstigating ami iiiliii? eoinmittcc, Hliich tliaU tvork with the rounty bourd in an fflrt lo reduce uf: (or tlie cnii!o ir.c nt of an expert auditor bv tle cniiiity bo4rl to iiule a com plete audit tif the book, ef every county oflicial fince Jniiry I, 1915. and providing (or tlte puhliciticti of the pcrional tax aesiiient of every taxpayer in the county to brinii about an equalization of the taxes being paid. new road work be started for a year and that county ofricials eliminate all extra desks. Owners' iharci of crops in many parts of the county will amount to little mote than enough to pay the taxes and upkeep cf the buildingr, together with insurance and such ex penses. Ditcussion of this quetion at a recent county convention of the Farmers' union resulted in the meet ing in the courthouse. The resolutions are not to be un derstood as an intimation that county officials are to blame, according to fnl V.. I. Roddewic. who acted a chairman of the; meeting. Money could be saved irom me road fund, according to V. H. nv.ara nf I aitret- alate renreseilta- tive from Cedar, by restrictive legis lation wliieii -woum prevent acsxruc trucks. Eastern states, according to fe nT.ara atreartv have found it necessary to place an annual licence of ?.',U00 on tliese trucKn in orncr to keep them off the roads. Glass Companies Indicted Under Anti-lrust Act N'ew York. March 18. The American Window Hlasi comnanv of Pittsburgh, tho Johnston Brokerage company, a Pennsylvania corpora tion, more than 100 window glass m-.r,i,rai-inrrr anr! heads, of three la bor unions in the industry were in dicted by tlie tederal grand jury lor violation of the Shcrmau antitrust law. Bee Want Ads l'roducc Results. ' a niUEging nuti 11, llntLdl 4 tiglitrr of the suu'hlng. toe to loe tie, D'Mallory ripped 11,10 In nppunent. Kay Carter of Sioun City, oon a the opening ong It4d sounded I11 i aner O'Mallory found a will ing advrrnary, one quite as eager lo throw trirui'e and caution to the wind and depend o!ely upon his ability to inflict r,'",ul punishment. i;ioi dr4u in tlie hrst lound and fhnveil freely during the remainder ot the four-round battle. Frances Haydcn Back With Burgcss-Nash Co. "77" FOR COLD A Cold or the Grip starts with a Chill : indicating checked circulation; the use of "Seventy-seven" at once; restores the circulation of the bloQd and stops the Cold. "40" INDUCES SLEEP No Narcotic. Strictly Homeopathic Price, SOc. and $1, at Drug Stores or sent on receipt of price, or C. O. D. Parcel Post. Humphreys Homeo. Medicine Co., 156 William St., New York. Medical Book Free. LEG TROUBLE quickly relieved with our Laced Stocking HO RUBBER S5T WASHABLE eitt (Open or Swollen Limbs Varicose Veina ADJUSTABLE Lacei like a legging. I07S 7o;Vn7. M.25 limb. " Call or send for meas urement Blank No. 35 Corliss Limb Spec. Co 1476 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. . CUT THIS OUT ill!.1 !&ffl PIANOS II TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Dsuslas. Tel. Dour. 55SS. lOTQ section of the feP5 R'J aivc'l'sn '"rracnps KrP"' save for- all advei"" , ' tisinrf vherfe- perfect nepro -auction of- illustratiors is essential. - 4 '1 Franres . Haydeii has returned to tlie nurgess-Nasli company as as sistant to Thomat Regan, buyer of drugs and toilet article?, lor the past two years Mrs Hayden lias been in charge of the toilet goods in one of the olher local department stores. (alltat i lilnfii) ti body m red, Carter wa in the 14111 ioitdiiipn, Int UK and body nt crinuon hue. .rcul kitftldrtn ' niiiked the fsliiins, (liue U'Mallory, viili a cr4liinc blow, ent h' oHnrnt reelinB to his knee. 'I hrr e tmifa Carter knnket down O Millorv be fore the tnul and taUl blow. Once, jnt the grinn niarkins the mi of he third round bad sounded, tarter qrove O'Mallory ihruneh the roie uith the force of a uuch. O'Mal lory bad to be carried back into his corner and there revived lht be m 1 k 'it ti,ht the found which tot hit ln'e. III Ij!S? a iilH ! j : . 3 i COMFAIIY V 3. c. CM. ML A JACKSOH STS. mm nrJflin RPfllPF nn uiaw iiuuii l. I TO DARKEN HAIR!! Sag Tea and Sulphur Turns j Cray, Faded Hair Dark j and Glossy Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyctii's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addition of other in gredients, at very little cost. Every body uses this preparation now, be cause no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dam pen a sponge or soft, brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Small Payment of $25.00 Places a New . $388 Player Piano $1.00 Delivers Any Purchase up to $50 Only a Few of Hundred of Articles Listed Below Coming on top of our already low prices, due to our "Downward Drive" on furniture this event is the greatest value-giving sale of the year offering any article of furniture worth up to S30.00 for only $1.00 down. The sale is for a limited time only. Simmons Week Brings Unusual Values on All Simmons Beds. For Instance: This Wal nut Finished Bed Is In Your Home We have a limited num ber of beautiful and fully guaranteed Player Pianos which .will be on sale to morrow only. Come in early, for these bargains may not last through the day. The special price is a saving of $112.00 to you. Handsome Dresser Well built of genuine walnut veneer with French rlate mirror nnd spa cious s99 Qt drawers c . J4iw7J Tear This Out and Mail at Once. I Na Address I am interested in these bargains and would like to know more about: . I Player Tiano for $383.00. Upright Piano Bargains ' i for. L ----- . J Reduced from $500.00 to $388.00 Remarkable Bargains in Used Upright Pianos First come gets first choice!' of these attractively priced in struments. They look and sound like new. They are the best of the used piano bargains we have had in quite a long time. ' Geo. Steck $140.00 Story & Clark. . . . $200.00 Steger & Son $220.00 Chickering $250.00 Ivers & Pond.... $275.00 "Royal Easy" Chairs in solid oak, comfortably upholstered; push the button nnd back re clines; price Kfs only CJJ If you' live outside, of Omaha and wish to take part in this sale, fill in the above and mail at once. Sdlkr&Jlliielkr Piano & 15r4-;5-18-Dod4e SL Omaha .ADVERTISEMENT. Alkali in Shampoos Bad for Washing Hair ADVERTISEMENT. Englander Couch Bed Com plete with neat cretonne cov ered mattress; gives you a dav enport by day and a (section slides out, civinc you a bed at night for only . . . $17.45 Easy Terms $9.98 HHP i i i i i This rigidly built Bed with 2 inch continuous posts and 1 inch fillers comes in a rich wal nut finish. Realizing a third of one's life is spent in bed and that the hours of sleep have much to do with health nnd general appear ance, we particularly ask your inspection of our new spring stock of Simmons Steel and Brass Beds This Week So beautiful are they, so sturdy their construction and so un-y usual their finishes you wil want one particularly at the low prices and special terms now in effect. Simmons Bed Given Away Simply Visit the Store- Purchase Necessary -No $1.25 Spmstex Mop Outfit At this ridiculously low price you get the famous "Sprustex" triangle oil mop and a large bottle of fine, furniture polish.. Y I I i m I I Moat soaps and prepared sham poos eontain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is Mulsifled cocoanut oil shampoo, for this Is puro and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap and beats anything else all to pieces. You can get Mulsifled at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Two or three teaspoonfuls of Mul sifled in a cup or glass with a little warm water is all that Is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Be sure your druggist gives you Mulsifled. PLUMBERS WANTED Open Shop Plenty of Good Johs $1.02 gc per hour Higher Wages for Competent Foremen Permanent Employmoit for Competent Men Writ. EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION CO. 218 N. CLARK ST. CHICAGO Says Rheumatism Leaves You Forever James II. Allen of Conprrcss Avenue Rochester, N. Y., once a rheumatic crip ple. v.'ho discovered ALLENRHO and with it banished every trace o uric acid and every sign of rheumatism from his body, says that every druggist guaran tees a full pint bottle of ALLENRHU to show the way to complete recovery or money back. It relieves at once and immedTately after you start to take ALLENRHU the rood work begins. It searches out uric acid deposits, dissolves - the secretions and drives rheumatic poison out of the body through the kidneys and bowels. Even in cases W'here suffering has been piteous and painful all traces of this dread disease disappear in a few days. Sherman & McConnell Druy Co. 5 stores can supply you. ECZEMA IS CURABLE Write mi today and I will nd you a trt trial of my mild. soothinK, guaranteed trratnicnl that will prove it. Stops the itching and healj permanently. Send no money just write me that ii all Jou have to do. Address Dr. CANNADAY, 2115 Park Squara Sedalia, Mo. Lloyd "Lloyd's"' attractive, sturdily built loom -woven fiber sulkies with cloth top; collapses into small space for street 1 l O Q C car; this model1. ... V lOVO "Lloyd" Baby Carriages New 1922 spring models, woven in One-Piece ara moderately priced for this selling CQyl CA at only Ps-t.JU Handsome Go-Carts, $9.75 Up Restful Sulkies, $7.95 Up Hoosier Special 50-Pound Tufted Mattress -rAll layer felt to insure a springy softness; has diuc sateen, 4-row roll edge; price $12.95 Bee Want Ads Troduce Results. LTOEBHi Dr. E. E. Paddock, Specialist, cf Kansas City, Mo., has distributed free over 100,000 copies of a booklet on the cause and treatment of inflam mation of the Gall Blad der and Bile Ducts as as sociated with Gallstones jf the liver; Bilious colic. jaundice, gas, indigestion. Just send nsme todsy for this Fr Pok to DR. E. E. PADDOCK, Box OB 101, Kansas City, Mo. Monoay, a big time and labor saving "Hoosier" Kitchen Cabi net with sliding front doors, large aluminum top, bread board, spice cannisters, flour and sugar bin and all those other exclusive "Hoosier" 'features, that is a dis continued factory pattern, will be placed on sale, at . $42.50 Roomy Cedar Chests Made of Tennessee Ked Cedar with carved front and big bag of cedar chips; pri'" ...... I $12.75 r Stately Chifforobe Built of solid golden oak with tall wardrobe, roomy drawers and hat com- tf?Q7 ElY partment; price V tOU Charge Accounts Solicited