8 lHH KtK: UMAIIA. lllLKfcUAY. MAKUi 16. 1W2. Employes Given Share in Eslalc of Louis G.Doup lorty-Fhe Urnrfiiutir Are Nimcil iti Will Inheritance (!nifi Surjrie lo Majority. Vie me cf the niunty leu them hy their Ute employer, l.ouia i. Doup, it pUnned lv the Awn old limrrt who came into itn!ouWd-fr elth by llie manufiti'iiirtr't will, Med yrlerliv, "In the lunk!" Or Ty l-w ur Inine!" rich r.f the IJ responded to ihe query: "Whit will jou do with jour iiionfy?" 'Jlifir tnhrriunce came is a bit: surprise to all lint the four employe lort to the Utr Mr. Jiip; lUrry F, RrH. 'lliouia Mrl'iratli, Henry . rriu of lohiinliin and rioyd W'athmnti, N'twipaper rrMit'T broke the new i to them, shortly after the lunrh lour. The iuen' oicr hvtk at they rxprr-e, their apprreiation. The five women wiped aav tear of jov. Reward for Service. "I 1'ope to rmitinue the buiiie according to Mr. I )ntirt'c policies." Mid young Reed, tiie rithrst inher itor. . A i reward for hi 21 year' erv ke Doup h ft hint Mures of com pany Mock and $.HWI in cash. . McGrath, the oldest einplnye, lor 30 yearn foreman of the shop, re reived ISO hare and JS.tX'fi in cash; I-'rilz, head falesiiun for 2 year, 50 iharej and $J.ono in cash, and Wath eron the Mme. Violrt Thorpecker. office env ploye for 14 years, and Martha C'oti' tal. eight years, received $2.1)00 each and Lena Srhaefcr. Louise Meeter and Fahne Clair, $301 each. Law rence riaughnian, with A cat In the service, and Jlarrv Sew all re ceived $2,000 each, and Harry Gold- Strom. Z years. $1,000. Goldstrom recently huilt a home, principally by his own labor, at Forty-third and GraYit streets. Mr. Doup expressed much interest in (iotdstrom's undertaking. "Me was always ready to help any of the boys who wanted to buy or tuild a home," said Reed. "He at . V ays told them to go ahead and if they got into financial straits he'd ee them through." -. Doup cancelled an $1,800 note for stock taken out by one of the em ployes, Reed said. , Charities Share. Relatives, personal friends, serv ants and charitable institutions share in the rest of the $500,000 estate. Harry T. Blackburn of De Moines, a cousin, received $40,000. His second wife. Ella Cumings Doup, the income from $20,000 dur ing her life. : Women "prominent in social life who received gifts are Mrs. Bertha Ssloan Allen of New York, formerly of Omaha, and her four children; J.ouise Bennett Millard of Chicago, sistcs of his first w ife; Emily Wake , W train of Springfield, O., and pfortoit and t Thompson Wakeley, sons of Lucius Wakeley. Mrs. Millard, who is the wife of AW B. Millard, son of the late Scna .tor J. H. Millard, is now on a trip around the world. When last heard from, they were, in Chile, South America. ; Amounts of these bequests are a3 follows: ; Anna P. Bertrand, former house inaid in Doup home, $3,000; Eliza beth Kirsch. nurse to Mr. Doup dur ing last illness, $2,000; J. M. Black bum of Des Moines, son of Harry T. Blackbirn, $5,000. Mrs. H. T. Black burn of Des Moines, $5,000; If. L. i,Icss, St. Paul, .Minn.. $5,000; Marv Bennett Wade of Omaha, $5,000"; Jennie B. Brown of Omaha, $5,000; Louise B. Millard, Chicago, $5,000; "Bertha S. Allen, New York. $10,000; Rulh A. Sloane, Omaha, and Minnie D. Keyser of Springfield, O.. friends, $5,000 each: Mrs. W. H. H. Doup. Piqua, 0 $5,000; Elizabeth Robin son, Brooklyn. $5,000: Belle C. Scott, Oak Park, 111., $5.000 Etta R. Bil low and Helen A. Biser of San Fran cisco i $2,000 each; Emilv Wakeley Crain. Springfield. O., $2,000: Mor ton Wakeley of Omaha and Thomp son Wakeley of Chicago, $1,000 each; Sloane Allen, New York, $5,000; Harlan Allen, New York, $5,000; Dorothy Allen McDonald, New York. $5,000. The Visiting Nurse association of Omaha will receive $10,000, the Boy Scouts $5,000 and Old Feoplc's Home $5,000. PULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO htionalbWict(L -branded intncbacK, X ' 111 700 $600 495 The Aft and Music Stoic 151315 Douglas Street PLUMBERS WANTED Open Shop , Plenty of Good Jobs 1 1.02 Vic per hour Higher Wages ; for Competent Foremen Permanent Employment for Competent Men Writ EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION 218 N. CLARK ST. CHICAGO CO. High Taxes Caused by Negligence, Greer Finds ! t(MMia4 lM rft I 'l-nhergrr, Motrhrad and Neville, pish Nui would n"t be up to the lNif and p eking out between the h nglei,' I hen Mr. Carroll turned tooie with both barrel,. "If Mr. I'heln, were really endeav. orii'g to liud a common k round lor 'complaint and mvc hinurlf. ai veil I at hit readers. srttt amgimt of meut agony, he would tugsejt t lc totf where the grater amount of the lax money it being peiit and pot ulily. frum tltrte lindmes tuiiOt s remedy," the Schuyler editor replied. I The plain fact it, we are radiin 4ioiit taxation m eneri. but tins u of little avail until we, get down to brat tack and, determine where tin Breaet outlay ne and then work front specific taset and not genet Not Political Parties. 'According to Mr. Thrift. 'ery eounty in tHr itate, every municipal ity in Colfax county, and every school district in the county it un der extravagant republican adminis tration. Because a contparion of the counties of the state and of all the municipalities and school di tricti in the county reveal the fart that taxes for county, municipal and school maintenance have all been ele vatrd in about the tame degrea. We believe that if this is the contention of Mr. Phelpi that he is sadly tni taken. Krer since the writer has been a resident of Colfax county, the majority of tbe bard of commis sioners has been elected from demo cratic ranks. Every city and village council in Colfax has not, we arc sure, been of the republican persua sion. In fart, we do not believe that many in the county elect councils and tnembert of council from stale and national parlies. We are firmly of the opinion that members of the school boards of the county, and also of the rural schools, have been elect ed more for fitness than to fill any political scheme. In every instance taxes to support the various causes, city, village, and schools, have all demanded increased taxation in about the same ratio. oT further this opin ion that politics have nothing to do with the increase, we find that How ells, which has always been the pride of Mr. Phelps to be strongly demo cratic, is no more economical than any other city or school district in Colfax county." Taxes Will Be Lower. Colfax county will enjoy a reduc tion of about one-third in state, city, school and county taxes for 1522. according to the estimate of Mr. Carroll, which is borne out by other authorities. He made this statement before a mass meeting of 50 farmers and one business man who formed a Taxpayers' Protective league. Most of the wvipf (n county taaei will ariwC front the fail that the annual cue null levy lor the new court hog'r ha been replaced by Usuance of J.'O.'J-KJ in bond, llie budget otiiuate ef the county commiion ert thowt s reduction of only $2,0o) from last scar. Of this ?XX) I rep retented by the (arm bureau' vol. untary cut in it budget. Both the cty and the school district have a urplus of more than JI2.IHI0, partly through having levied more than wa necessary, partly through a de crease in the cost of supplies. If any further aving$ are made it will come a result of the or saturation of tbe taxpaxert under the leadership of John Kopae, conservative farmer, Not, perhaps, that they will be able to elect their men to omce. tut tne mere tiireat of doinit o may force more re trenchment. Some of the mentbiri of this organisation desire to a Out j.te with the third party, but the ma jority at present are bent on picking out the bet candidates from all par tie and swinging the balance of power to them. Saving Big Question. Mr. Kopae admin that bemndi it hard to explain just where the ex tra savings are to he made. Koadsr Well, that's pretty bard to tell We ve got to have roads. But we figure there is waste. School ex penses must be cut. I -don't believe a teacher ought to be paid less than 550 a month or more than 55. School teachers now are paid from JW) to ?I2S month in the country schools. There is much talk of a 10 oer cent reduction, even in the cities. One farmer on the edge of the Schuyler city school district is paying $131 school tax on 70 acres. The average cost per pupil in the county is ?o0, and for the towns $67. Will Abolish Official. But to return to the embattled taxpayers. Although they are farm ers, tiiey wish to abolish the office of county agricultural agent. The county highway commissioner also is on their list, as a supcrf'Vous pub lic official. Either the county as sessor or the precinct assessors must go. according to the plan, which looks to providing more duties for the county board. All told these proposals of the taxpayers' league might save $1 out of every $100 tak en in for county taxes. That saving is not too small to be noticed, and the only question to be settled first ii whether it would work out economically in the long run. Most authorities on tax collection favor abolishing precinct . aeoii, and they are indeed a 'handicap to an equalized lytiem of taxation. Business it getting better in Schuyler, farmer are getting more for their product. An implement AllfcTlaEVET. ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP WITH SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even lirry, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Men- tho. Sulphur, say a noted skin spe cialist, tfecatfse of its germ destroy; ing properties, this sulphur prepared eczema right up and leave the skin irritation, soothes and heals the ecera right tip and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the tor ment and disligurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Mentho-Sulphur from anv good druggist and use it like a cold cream, dealer say that hi trade is double' what it was a year ago and that the farmers are paying i ar.lt. It may be that this scruliuiy of public revenue and expenditures will cmw r cloe s time y get belter, but not before some of the teaching of experience have sunk in. AOS MTIflKM E.ST, CREAM CLEARS A STUFFEOUP HEAD Instantly Optns Evtry Air Passage Clears Threat Too. Endurance, Sell Reliance. Pow. r, Swift and Unerring flight. FARNAM AT THE BOULEVARD WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE at nn LnJ Every business and professional man should tee the neW'type ' , Nash 2 'Passenger Cab tint If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure antiseptic cream into your nostrils, It penetrates through every air pass age, soothing and healing swollen, intlamed membranes, and you get in stant relict. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely s Cream Balm at any drug store Your clogged nostrils open "right up: your head is dear; no more hawking or snuffling. Count fifty. All the stuffiness, dryness, . struggling for breath is gone. You feel tine. SaJe Wr4forl!IFAtlTStdll(VALiDS ASK FOR issr? l!or'i.c!t'? f , me unguu Avoid Imitations Substitutes For Infants, InraHd snd QrJvini Children I Rich milk, malted grain extract fa Povder Tba Original Food-Drtak Fee AS Acs No Cookinc Neuriihlnc Dittlbfc 1 Satisfies the sweet tooth, and aids appetite and digestion Cleanses mouth and teeth. A boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth Combines pleasure and benefit. Don't miss the joy of the HRieLEY'S new P-K-the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! Save the wrappers I Good for valuable premiums fillip jr I ffi ffiy ffiYing 0 wm a BOB Auto Body Building Repairing Painting and Trimming Arthur L. Edson Successor to A. J. Simpson Co. 212-222 North ISth St Phone J A. 0339 USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS Genuine Parts Continental Motoi Timkcn Commer cial Axle Borg & Beck Clutch Hartford Universal Joints and Drives We are the authorized factory representatives for the above specialized units and can furnish you with parts from our Omaha stock. Mail or dcra siven prompt atten tion. Omaha Motor Parts Depot 2574 Harney Street Phon Doug. 7464 BATTERIES "fcf ill . HfeK In the Van . Since the days oF primitive ox-carts, men have delivered goods to other men in all sorts and manners of vehicles. The. modern city found the need of a con veyance that could make short hauls and many stops quickly and at low cost. To meet this need, the electric truck was developed. Propelled by rugged Exide Batteries, these trucks are solving the transportation problem for firms of all kinds the nation over. So, also, the electric passenger automobile, driven by Exides, fits the exacting re quirements of thousands of city dwellers. In mine locomotives, factory trucks, submarines, airplanes and railroads Exide Batteries play an im portant part in the movement of men and merchan dise. But the commonest use of Exides, and perhaps of most interest to you, is in starting and lighting gasoline automobiles. In this field as in others, Exide was the pioneer battery, and is standard equipment on a greater number of automobiles built today than any other battery. When you put an Exide in your automobile you have power that you can depend on and you can depend on it lasting so long that it proves a genuine economy. The Electric Storage Battery Company Philadelphia Serrice Stations Everywhere Branches In Seventeen Citie Whatever make of battery i in your car, you can be con fident of skilful repair work, fair pricea, and responsible advice at the nearest Exide Service Station. THE LONG-LIFE BATTERY FOR Y.OUR CAR J oSaubytAuto Electric Service Corp. 2205 Farnam Street Phone Doug. 5488 AOVF.RTIHEMKNT. No Trouble to Keep Skin Free From Hairs (The Modern Beauty.) There is no need for any woman to countenance superfluous hairs, be cause with a paste made by mixing some powdered delatone with water it is easy to get rid of them. The paste is applied for 2 to 3 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed. This treatment will rid the skin of hair without leaving a blemish, but care should be taken to see that you get real delatone. Mix fresh as wanted. ADVERTISEMENT. , Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduce The answer to most fat people la that It is too hard, too troubleaonie and too dangerous to force the weight down. Mar mo I a. Prescription Tablets overcome (til these difficulties. Tfoey are absolutely harmless, entail no ditinr or exerajse, and have th added advantage of rlMnp nes. A can ts sold at one dollar by all druggists the world over, or send the price direct to the Marmola Co., 481 Z Woodward Ave., PetmU. Mich. Now that jou know thin, you have no eiruee for being . fat, hut ran reduce steadily and easily without going through long sieges of tireeome exercise and atarvaUon diet or fear of had effects. Bee Want Ads Froduce Results. Hotel Castle rIMwP OMAHA- for Cougrhs& Colds u-urtnj-u-u-u-u-1 Qalf f Ttltf f. Ne effttti e vttrwktti No One Need Buyl HRS. Cuficura Before He 1 ' Tnre Tries Free Samples V7 DK S 9as, fWetmet, Ttteore. ffe. ewhars. Sai4 a I sf 9 V D r c.uw,..,; p. t. uu. I Qnt 17 MtUhnltn tW Yv