10 'illK BEK: OMAHA. THUUSUAV. MA KOI 16. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day live Stock Omaha Grain Omaha, Marca IS- fle'elyls a its: f'lfi.ial Muioley I ailn.sl v ..li,.ey If ! I hi ..,...,U ame I..I .... . .,11 :l ban. t w.a a,, 14 I . ,, II 111 f .., ...14 HI I , His. . S I II II l4 till 14.4 SI."! II 111 lllll tiiit tj i) .tni" r iivMivk It I tinea t-rk,rd. itmsha. Neb, for 4 Buttr M4IM (lip, HI., KWI 1. It'll lat, lift Khp- r. sr st, r. nr. ........ MMH i t, . I nltm PsHfi H. R ', ft, w. nr , ...... ', N V. H . wl .... ", at, P. W. O. iy . ii. i g , f . H l. It),. ...... , It. I. P, l , ' , H I. I' . I linol trl Hy. .... C . U. W. II) f I ... is "i it it i i i ... 71 II I It II I IT A ' i 11 I ... I I ... 1 I ... TtJ receipts . MrUVSITION MfcAD. tat. Armour o !. I u Lhy lv-ktng L'u... ..!.: II4 PsrkingCo Ill Morris . kllif Co. .... HI tft A to ....I.KI J W. Murphy Moan i t o I iii.ilti parking "o. .... 141 Wlleos Parking o. .... II f'Blea Parking t'o. IKidm parking Co. ... 13 ll.illmen llio 21 M .rt..wlt h & Vail .... 1 l:iln-et packing t'a. ... II P. n.. t litliah Packing to. ... 2 K. Omaha I'aiklng Co.. I Htn'oti A Van Haul .... T3 J. H. Bulla 144 II. l llurtu.f Co. ... IS W, II. rlmk T i:. (I. Chrlaiia 6 Kun ... II Dennis V Francis ...... 41 Kllis t'a I .i.ihn llsrvey Ill T. J. Itighratn 1 v. u. K-iiogg lit Andereon 14 r. I". Lewis 107 Klrkpatrirk 4 Mo.-kan. t. A C. Co... 14 Krrha II J. II. Root Co 241 llo.-natmk lira 1 Hulllvsn llrna. 1 W. H. Van Sant A Co... I Werthslmer A Degen .. 134 Smiley 10 141 91 Hs. i;i I, Out 1 1.-4 Mil 1.131 I.SOS 111 .hp. I. lol i.i: iVi'J l.S.I uther bujere Total ... .1.481 ...1.431 11.114 till Onulu, March 15 Liver,xl surprised Die trade litis morning with eatreme wranes in both futures anij spot. Spot wheal showed the grratrr wcaknril, brink! quoted Jd to Vd lower. Tliia wrak nrii wii reflected in our (ulure mar Let anl prirei at the opening were marpiy lower, i mi u loiiQwrq by a flight rtration. On the al tance there wa irlling by com init.ion hnuiea and extreme weak tieit developed The break ai tamed largely by a lack of tupport rather than heavy offerinci. and the feature of the decline the lack of itop orders reached. Around iniide figures tup- port appeared and pncea rallied Only eight cart of wheat were re ceived in the local market tun morn ing ai compared with 14 cars last year; 47 ran of corn were reported in againt 46 cars a year ago. Ship ments of grain were heavy, consist ing of 44 cars of wheat, cars of corn, 20 cars of oats and 3 cars of baley. Cauli wheat on the local market went at prices ranging from 2 to 3c lower. Corn sold 1 1-4 to 2c lower, oat, 1-2 to 3-4c lower. Rye was 1c lower, while barley was nominally 2c lower. WHEAT. No hard vlnlars 1 t'r, II IT: M cor. (anuttr. II :t No. 6 vallnar hanl- car, pr cant n-it nantaa-ftl, II. no. No. 1 anrln: 1 car. (northern). 11.18: 1 car dk nor. ow I. Il.sn. NO. j aprinc s rara tnortnorni, ii.o. CORN'. Vo. 1 whit-: 1 rar (aurclal bllllni) lv.r; I rar. imr; I rar, 40c. No. I whltrs t rara. 5nr. No. 1 fallow: I rar tahlppora wis.), 10c; r bOp! 1 ara. 40r. No. yrllow: i rara. tloadM eul), Financial Chicago Grain New York Bonds N. Y. Curb Bonds ckra. 4Hc; 3 41c. car, Catllo Roctlptc, J.:00 hd. In "Pit of th ract that roclpt dropped off to ay. tha catlla markot i again vary alow, and whllo soma aalrs of alerra lo.tktd ateady lha (-neral run of bual-n-nm waa dona at weak to 10 15c lower orliea. A fw rhnlra heavy rati I "old at high as III 35. Cowa and helfTa ra about ateaoy, anowina mora aciivny intu i- . I hey did yealerday. Stockera and feed- ra continue rkihar alow and prices to dav were weak at tha preaent decline. guotatlona on cattle: Good to choice heevn. 17. S6DI.S5: fair to good beeves, l.75J 111); common to fair heeves. II. II "lUli; good to rholre yearllnaa. I7.S0J I 10; fair to good yearlings, I . f 5 if 7 . SO : rommnn to fair yearlings, tH.2biiit.Hi good to choice heifers. ln.7ltP7.3b; fair to good heifers, !.'.:s6.lu: choice to prims cowa, lb.9C6r.lO; good to choice cows. 6.36B.6; fair to good cows. 14. SO j'1.31; common to fair cowa, S3.e0fjC4.7l; good to choice feeders. 16.15 67.40; fair tn good feeders, 10 2606.76: common to fair feeders, IF. 6006. 15; good to choice atockers. I7.IWIJ7.76; fair to good stock era. I.407.00: common to fair stockers, Ji.76.3i; slnrk heifers. lt.506S.25: atne-k cowa, lt.25fj8.E0; stock citlves, 15.60 (97.76; veal cslvee. I5.60tfs.60; Gulls, SIC, S3.4UtJS..O. BEKP STEERS. Av. Pr. No. 106S 7 10 10.... T 35 23.... T o COWS. I 60 7.... HEIFER3. 36 31... 1 cars, (ahlnpers wis). 60c (shippers wis.), 4lac; s cars, care. 60c. No. I yellow: 1 car. tivi'l 1 cars, No. 1 mUed: t car, 4'ic: 1 (ehlppero wts. I. 4e.- No, 3 tnisen: I car ismpprre wm., 4Hc; 1 car, 4vic; 1 car (near wnue), 44C No. 4 mined: 1 car. tide OAT& No. whits: S rara, SSc; 1 car, j:io. No. 4 white: 1 rar. SSVic. HTR. No. 3: 1 4-1 ram. 81a; 1-6 mixed train durum and rys, loc. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHITMENTS. tvarioia.) Receipts Wheat Corn Rva rt.l Shipments Wheat V. Corn Oats Rye stags. No. 16.. 20.. I.. I.. .1.V.3 .1121 .1031 Av. .114 .1161 Pr. 17 it T 60 740 I 75 Ill STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 60S S 60 3 J 5 4 36 Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 9 16 61. .266 110 IS 20 0 26 67. .246 ... 9 ;0 35 69. .233 ... 9 40 1 45 78. .198 ... 9 50 I 66 SS 664 6 10 15 863 19 821 f 00 21 677 BULLS. .1405 3 60 1 1900 .1410 4 00 1 1400 , 790 6 75 CALVES. . 348 I 60 21 3S6 I 36 . 241 7 26 Hogs Receipts, 11,600 head. A fair shipper demand today afforded outlet for a. number of best light loads which sold 10P20o lower than yesterday's general market, moving mostly at 19.3169.60. with the top prlro of 9.55. Later market ruled . moutly 1525c lower. Light hogs sold mostly from 9.30I 60. mixed loads and butcher weights, 9.159.30, and packing grades H 609. 16, with extreme heavies, S7.5O0S.OO. Bulk of Bales waa 31.2091.60. HOOP. NO. AT, 6h. 0..32J ... 13. .244 ... 78. .869 ... 76. .231 ... 16. .193 ... Sheep Receipts, 8.000 head. The mar ket on fat lambs today ruled mostly steady, lambs selling generally within the same range of prices but with some strength noted on a few sales. Bulk of lambs sold from I14.C014.75. with choice handywelghts quoted at 114.85. No shear ing lambs were receivd today. Sheep were strong to steady, good quality ewes averaging 126 pounds, sold at 19.00, with lightweights quoted at 9.26. Quotations on Sneep Fat Iambs, good to choice, I14.6014.85; fat lambs, fair to good, 14.0014.50: shearing lambs, 814.00 tt,14.50; feeder lambs. good to choice, UJ.60014.00; cull lambs, St0.00fljil2.00; fat yearlings, light, $12.601S.OO; fat yearlings, heavy, J9.6010.EO; fat wethers, 17.7599.50; fat ewes, light, 8.609.J5; fat awes, heavy, 16.00(38.60. FAT LAMBS. 470 Xsd 88 114 10 Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City, March 15 Cattle Re ceipts, 6.300 head: stock cows, steady to strong; odd animals, $6.256.60; good and choice, loads, 15,606.00; heifers, weak; most sales, 15.756-6. 75; few around 17.00; strictly choice yearling heifers bid, 17.40; stockers and feeders, dulU choice jtockers, 17.60; medium to good kind, 16. 6007.25; all other classes uneven but mostly atekdjr odd vealers, 310.00; practical top, 39.60; many common calves, 15.00 7.00; good and choice heavy bulla, I4.254.80; most canners, 33.0043)3.25; bulk cutters, 34.0004.25. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; open slow; closed active around 10c lower than yes terday's average to both packers and shippers, 110 paid for 180-pound weights; packer top, 19.90; bulk' good 170200 pounders, mostly I9.759.90; 2500300 pound averages, 9.509.70; bulk of sales, 39.4009.90; most throwout sows, 38.259 8.60; stock pigs, steady to 36c lower; bulk good kinds, 19.0089. 25. Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; killing classes, strong to 15c higher; best light wes, 39.60; top Iambs, 116,10; bulk, I14.00S14.76. St. Louis Livestock. East St Louis. 111., March 15. Cattle Jteceipia, e,vuv linu, inw Bir.ii, urei cows and yearlings steady to 15c lower, good 1,293-pound steers, 37.90; bulk, 37.00 7.75; bulk beef cowa, 1 4. 60 5. 60; bulls weak to 25c lower; veal calves generally ateady. bulk, 19.0009.75; top, 310.00; stockers unevenly lower. Hogs Receipts, 13.000 head: market tpened 25o lower; closed - mostly 25050c lower; top, 110.40; bulk 160 to 260-pound averages, 110.00010.25; bulk 260 to 200 pounders, 39 85010.00: strong-weight butchers 10o to 25c lower; pigs 25c to 50c lower; bulk, 17.5008.50; packer sows, 25c lower, mostly 38.2508.55. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 700 head; market mostly steady, good natives. 815; good clipped yearlings, 311.60; heavy ewes, 33.50; wooled yearlings, 313.00. Sioux Gity Lire Stock. Sioux City, la., March 15. Cattle Re ceipts, 4.000 head: market weak, 15c lower; fed steers and yearlings, 37.000 8.50; warmed up steers and yearlings. 35 0006.75; fat cows and heifers, 14.250 7.00; canners, 32.3604.00; veals, 34.000 1.00; feeders, 35.0007.25; calves, 14.100 7.60: feeding cows and heifers, 11.350 1.50; atockers. 15.00 07.00. Hogs Receipts, I.O00 head; market 15 015c lower; butchers, 89.3001.60; lights, 39.5009.60: mixed, 39.0009.25; heavy packers. 38. J5 08.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head: market ateady: bulk of sales, 39.2509.61. 6r. Joseph Urcssock. St. Joseph, Mo.. March 15. Hogs Re ceipts, 1.000 head: 1 5 to 20c lower; top, 39 80; bui::. . 5009.70. Cattle Receipts, 3,7 head: slow, steady to 35c lower; steers. 36.7501.36: rows and heifers, 34.0001.10; calves, 34.6008.00. Sheep Receipts. 3.509 head; steadv- to '-ORg; lambs, Il4.26014.il; ewes. 13.11 09.35. Today. , . 8 .. 47 ,. 3 ,. 3 .. 0 Today. ,. 41 ,.101 Week Tetr Ago. Ago. 13 14 f. 44 16 II 2 3 1 Weelt Tear Ago. Agi. 43 37 125 I 6 8 1 7 PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. tnuahels.) Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat ...... 739,000 689.000 751.000 Torn 914.000 1,931.000 1,102.000 Osts 623.000 753,000 667,000 Shipments Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat 829.000 S10.000 683,000 Com 1,063.000 1,878,000 645,000 Wheat Corn . 1,063,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. (Bushels.) Today. Tear Ago. and flour 220,000 666.000 ' 644. 000 446,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. (Carlots.) Wheat Corn . Oats . Today. 21 133 78 KANSAS CITT RECEIPTS. (Carlots.) Week Ago. 28 468 100 Today, Wheat 73 Corn 16 Oats 9 6 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. (Carlots.) Week Ago. 106 51 Tear Ago. 79 2S2 107 Teir Ago. 94 6t 13 1. ' Today. Wheat 72 Corn 48 Oats 16 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. (Carlots.) Week Ago. 7! 46 29 Tear Ago. 46 64 64 Today. Minneapolis 218 Duluth 185 Winnipeg 348 Week Ago. 220 35 262 Tear Ago. 246 106 106 1 New York Sugar. New York, March 15. The raw sugar market was higher for Cubas, with spot riuoted at 3 6-16c, cost and freight, equal to 3.92o for centrifugal and April at 2c, cost and freight, equal to s. sue. forto kicos an rniiippme is land sugars were unchanged at 3.86c for spot and 3.92 for April. There were sales of 23,000 bags of Cubas for March ship ment, and 65,000 bags for April. 7,000 bags Porto Rlcos due within a week, and 67. 900 bags for April and 49,300 baga of Philippine Islands In port at quoted prices. Raw sugar futures were firmer, al though the volume of business wss light. Closing prices were at advances of 2 and 6 points on covering and renewed buying for trade and outside account, promoted by the firmness of the spot market. May 3.63c; July 2.71c; September 2.88c; De cember 2.92c. There were no changes In refined sugar. with fin granulated listed at 5.30c. The demand was moderate. Refined futures were without transac tions. Closing: May 6.85c; July 6.90c; September 6.000 New York Coffee. New York. March 15. The market for coffee futures van firmer today; owing to higher Rio' exchange and firmer pri mary markets, 'rne opening here was o to 11 points higher and the active months sold 13 to 16 points above last night's closing figures, with May advancing to 8.94c and uecemner to .03c on covering and trade buying. Closing prices were within a point or two of the best, show ing a net advance of 11 to -15 points. Bales were estimated at about 21.000 bags. March. 8.66c; May. 8.91c; July, 8.94c; September, 8.96c; October, 8.99c; Decem ber. 9.02c. Spot coffee was reported In fair de mand at tG for Rio 7s and 13Vi13V2c for pantos 4s. Cost and freight offers av eraged higher. Including Santos 3s and 5s part Bourbon at 12.9013.25c and Vic toria 7s and 6s at 8.70c. American credits. A private cable from Rio quoted Rio 7s at 9.45c, but said the shipper could not offer firm and predicted a falling off In receipts. - Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, March 16. Cattle Receipts, 10.000; beef steers, weak to 16c lower; mostly 15o lower; top, 9.00; bulk. I7.254S 8.25; she stock, steady to weak; spots on In-between grades. 15s lower: bulk fat cows and heifers. 34.754f 6.35; canners and cuttera largely 131503.85; bulls, weak; bolognas largely 14.1004.25; best heavy bolognas, 14.40; veal calves, week to 25c lower: bulk around 38.00; stockers and feders, slow, about setady; bulk, 16.25 7.3. Hogs Receipts 11,000; market mostly 10 to 15c lower than yesterday's average; closing active with part of loss regained; shippers bought about 6.000; holdover moderate: mostly off market; top, 110.60: bulk, 19.86010.35; pigs, 15 to 25o lower: bulk desirable, 100 to ISO pounders, 8.75 09.50. Sheep Receipts 10.000: killing classes uneven: steady to 36e higher, shorn stock gaining most; iop wooled lambs. 315.75; top shorn. 313.36; top shorn ewes, 50; top wooled. 39.40; no choice wooled ewes here; good 86-pound shearing lambs, steady at 114.25. ' Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, March 15. Wheat Re ceipts. 211 cars, compared with 244 cars a year ago; cash No. 1 northern. 11.42 H4S I. 46,: May, 31.37; July. 31.28. Corn No. 3 yellow, 48048Wc. Oats No. 3 white, 3314 0 53c Barley 46 0 60c. Rye No. 2. 93"i094ie. Flax I3.46tt02.62i4. Mlnnempolia Flour. Minneapolis. March 15. Flour Un changed to lie lower; In carload lota, family patents quoted at 37.7601.00 a barrel In ".-pound cotton racks. Bran 126.00. St. Ixrala Grain. St. Louis. Mo.. March 15. Wheat Mar, II. 3844: July, ll.io. Corn May, 6c; July. Sltte. Oats May. 38 jc: July. 40 !4 a. Ruluth. Mlnn..FMjrchtu. Flax seed on track, 2.5402.62c- Arrive. 2.SOH0 3.5Hc Kaoaas City Hay. City, March 15. Hay Vn- EbcNtmljork&nu By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Usuat is Imm4 Mir, New York, March 15. News with a bearing on the financial situation was more interesting today than the movement of the financial markets, wlurli was nio.ily ol negative char acter, lhi news comprised a car loading statement" f'r the opening week of March, much more favorable than any weekly showing in (our months; a report on foreign trade in February with a remarkable shrink age in the exinirt surplus, and an estimate of the country's current steel production as SS to 60 per rent of capacity against SS at the end of February, 40 to 50 a month ago and something like 3S in the earty days of January. . i he car loading figures were note worthy: aside Irom their great m create over preceding weeks, the total exceeded the corresponding week of 1921 by 91,888 cars, or near. iv I J per cent, ana ot iviv Dy l.v, 985 or 19 per cent. On the stork exchange, where the day's transactions ran well above a million dollars, further advance in prices on the early trading was fol lowed by reaction. Large selling tor the account of professional specu lators was in evidence and the stock market ended with irregular nrt changes. These were mostly down ward, especially in the highly man ipulative industrial shares; yet there were some net advances to offset them. That was especially true of the railway stocks, several of which rose a point or more, while others were declining. . Htcrling Opens Higher. Sterling exchange began th day with another rapid recovery which carried th rat to 14.36 '4 or IS cents above Mon day's lowevt, th bottom point of th re cent reaction. At this pru very nearly list If of the loss from the seaaon's high rate of 14,444k had been recovered. Th day's high level was not maintained, how ever, either for sterling or for th other European exchanges. There was nothing In th day's poli tical news to affect foreign exchange. unless th senate's defeat of the first amendment to th four-power treaty should be considered. But the atBtement of our foreign trade In January had con siderable bearing on that market. That the month'a exports should hav h.en 1:38.000.000 less than In February. 1921, and th smallest ot any month since mid summer of 1918 waa In line with the ex perience of other recent months, but It supplemented this time by an actual In crease of Imports. As a result the surplus of exports falls to 134.000.000, as against 1274.700.000 in th preceding February and 1249,900,000 In February of 1919, So small a surplus has not occurred in th second month of any year aince th war began, and It falls far short of th ram month's excess uf exports In such prewar years as 1911 to 1913. Inclusive. On the other hand, and notwithstanding that trouble had begun last month at the Transvaal mines, we Imported more gold than In January. Allowing for th 27. 000.000 excess of gold Imports over ex ports and the similar surplus of 12,300,000 In the Import of silver, th country's vis ible outward balance of February was less than 15.000,000. British Import Slump, It is Impossible to consider this extra ordinary shrinkage from our abnormal "export balancea" of recent years except in connection with the change In the op posite direction shown by th Europenn countries which are most heavily Indebted 1 to the united states. This statement of the American foreign trade In February, with an export surplus less than In ntany prewar years, is pub lished almost simultaneously with Kng land's showing for the same month of the smallest Import aurplua oru record during the war and for many years before. France has reported a similar result In several recent months. There are numer ous influences contributory to these con trasting changes. A great decline in prices, even If all other things were equal, would reduce both export and Import bal ances. The effect of hard times will often he to cut down both Imports into consum ing countries and exports from producing countries. But what will most impress the mind of the people familiar with the history nf American trade after other great financial crises Is that our old-time method of rectifying the situation was to cut down imports radically, increase our exports through reducing prices, and thereby draw on the gold of the outside By CHARLES D. MICHAELS ( H Usm) Mir. Chicago, March IS. A renewal of general liquidation in gram, carried prices mtu new ground on the down turn. There were fewer stop o or deis caught than aenerallv rum-el fd. Local shorts covered toward the last ana the finish was on a g"d rat ly but w 11I1 wheat J-4 n 1 J.4C net lower, com oil 1 Mm . S 8, oats js" i-.'c and rye rsoi.lc lower. e. a S . at.... ," sensational preak ot su,')ii in Liverpool spot wheat was reported by Broomhall, and was responsible for the heavy telling of futures here at the opening. With father genera liquidation, iiifliulinif .elluiff credit' ed to. a local professional w ho has nern very iitiinsii ot late, the May uroppea to 5 s, or ') Mc tin der the recent high, while July a JI.Jl 1-4 was olf 16 cents. Liver pool futures failed to reflect the weakness in spnt grain and closed unchanged, hut had little effect. To ward the last, however, Russell's agent at Liverpool confirmed his earlier report that spot wheat war unchanged and was the main factor in causing the closing rally. I hang In Tan f Sea a. A decld-d change in lh aeneral char. scier or in not nutueabla during nay. inuian prop was reiairteil th New York Stocks Range of prices of the leading storks furnished by Logan & Bryan. 2 48 Peters Trust building: KAIL.KOADS. Tues , day. 97H 38 54 136 83 61j 80 100 2614 69 22 lfc 82 70 37 74 41 S6 21 23 High. Low. CIos , A.. T. & S. F 98 97 97 Baltimore &Ohlo. 384 37 38 Canadian Pacific. .137 135 135 New York Central. 84 82H '84 CBhes. & Ohio.... 61 61 61 Great. Northern... 80 76 88 Illinois Central ...100 100 100 K. C. Southern ... 26 25 26 Lehigh Valley .... 69 69 68 Missouri Paciflo .. 22 22 22 N. Y. & N. H 18 17 17 Northern Pacific. . 82 78 78 Chicago & N. W.. 70 '69 69 Penn. R. R 38 37 37 Reading 75 74 74 C, R. I. & P 41 40 40 South. Pacific .... 86 85 gs Southern By 21 21 21 Chi., Mil. & St. P. 24 23 23 Union Paciflo ....133 133 132 133 STEELS. Am. Car Fdry 153 152 152 156 Allis-Chalmers ... 47 46 46 46 Am. Loco 108 108 108 . 108 Baldwin Loco 107 106 106 106 tjem. oteei t& 64 64 Colo. Fuel & Iron. 29 28 28 Crucible 68 64 55 Am. StI. Fdry 33 33 33 Lackawanna Steel. 48 48 48 Mldvale Stl 31 30 80 Pressed Stl. Car... 68 68 68 Republic Stl-Iron 51 60 60 Ry. Stl. Springs... 97 97 97 Sloss-Scheffleld ... 38 37 37 U. S. Steel 95 94 94 Vanadium 38 87 37 COPPERS. Anaconda 50 49 Am. Smlt.-Ref. Co. 61 60 Cerro De Pasco... 35 35 Chill 18 Chlno 28 Calumet-Arizona . 60 Inspiration 41 Kennecott 29 Miami 27 Nevada Con 14 Ray Con. 15 Seneca Utah Gen. Asphalt . Cosden . Cal. Peterol ... Island Oil Invincible Oil .. Mexican Peterol Middle States .. Pacific Oil .... Pan-American . Phillips Pierce Oil Pure Oil Royal Dutch . . Sinclair OH Standard Oil, Texas Co. .. Union OH .. Whit Oil .. 17 27 60 40 29 27 14 14 13 63 Chandler General Motors Willys-Overland Pleroe-Arrow .. Whit Motor .. 13 64 OILS. . 60 . 36 . 62 . 1 . 18 .123 . 13 ..... 49 .... 56 34 8 31 ..... 63 23 23 N. J.176 173 44 44 .... 18 18 10 10 MOTORS. 72 71 10 10 6 16 16 41 40 49 60 35 17 28 60 40 29 27 14 14 13 63 64 2S 68 33 30 ' 37" 94 38 49' 60 34 17 27 40 29 27 14 14 13 63 59 35 61 m 17 48 66 34 8 30 62 60 36 61 1 17 69 35 61 1 18 121 121 126 13 13 13 48 6 34 53 23 15 44 18 10 73 10 16 40 49 67 34 8 30 61 23 176 44 17 10 72 10 6 16 41 15- 16 16 16 61 63 Kansas changed. Studebaker 103 100 101 iuz RUBBER AND Tints. . Flek 15 15 15 16 Goodrich 40 39 40 40 Ke lev-Sor ngTeld 45 ei i Keystone Tlr .... 16 16 Ajax 16 1 U. S. Rubber ! 61 INDUSTRIALS. . Am. Beet Sugar ..43 41 41 i 43 At.. Gulf W. I.. 51 30 30 30 Am, Inter. Corp... 44 43 43 44 Am. Sumatra .... 32 S3 82 31 Am. Telephon ..124 123 123 124 American Can ... 46 46 45 46 Central Leather .. 84 35 35 II Cuba Cane 19 17 17 18 Cuban-Am. 8ugar. 26 25 26 26 Corn Products. ...104 104- 104 104 Famous Players... 82 ss so " General Electric. .156 155 156 I60H Ot. No. Ore...... 36 35 36 IVi Inter. Harv 93 2 93 92 Am. H. L. rfd.. 69 ' ' IT. In Alco... 41 47 41 48 ripening prematurely, and while supplies os ocean paasag are vety large. H.lgium look Manitoba at th seaboard for Ilia flrat tint In several mo.it lis and there er Intimations of business In now mi, hard winter vis th gulf with premiums for March Insdug ihrr up 3 cents. t.rni'iai ann private report from th southwest showed Improvement In lh ouiiook ror winter wheat. Milling de mand Was slow, allhouah ther are In. dl.-ntlon that Michigan and tihlo mills will h In th market shortly. Local receipt, 15 cars. Heavy selling of corn undee an ...i, for May and 63 cent for July on slop Ins orders carried price off sharply. Liquidation was on snd It was not until May got under 39 rent that ther was SKgrtKsiv buying. Th finish was on a good rally In sympathy with wheat and short covering. Kxnort demand waa limited and domestic aalea were aiiIv 36,000 bushels. (4pot grain was firmer as compared with the May. with receipts 4 csrs. At the Inside figures mlces wer off 1 1 x 1 1 4 a from th recent high. Oats st the low point showed 6U.7Un under th recent ton and around 37 cni ior stay ana s cents for July. Com mission houses gave the market good support and abaorbed th liquidating sales by local longs, a strong rally com. Ing toward the last. Receipts, 71 cars with shipping sales 100.000 bunhels. House Kim seaboard connection wer '"lent buyers of rv futures. whn locil longs anj professionals sold freely. The late atnnvth in other grains mads tn closing; rally. Part of th buvins was regarded as against export sales or deferred ehlpment to Germany. Pit Notes. "Lower hoSS do not m.,. mtiVh nna. because th runs r light and liahl to b. so that products will not accumulate fast anywhere," said a provision broker. Th general trade In cash meats Is or good dally volume.'' Liverpool wheat futures closed with July at a premium over March and Mav. Prospects for wheat in all th Indian provinces are good, except ther haa been som premature ripening. , moons or lam. according to th mid month statement, are 20, 211.000 pounds, against 16.000,000 pounds February 28, and 44.529.000 pounds a year ago. Short rib middles Blocks aggregate onlv 128,. 000 pounds, against 7.672.000 pounds on in corresponding date last year. r-nc current Grain Reporter save th winter wneat prospect In Kansas has materially improved on account of the heavy snows giving moisture to the sol! tne most advantageous manner nos. sible. Th abandoned acreage on account of winter killing will be small and It remalna to he seen how much of the acreage failed to germinate during the fall. The Kansas wheat crop will ap proach much neaj-er a normal crop than was anticipated two months ago. That England has overbought in wheat Is shown by th cables from there the past few days. Buyers have backed away and millers are offering the resell higher priced wheat. Arrivals of wheat and flour have been heavy and the de. rllne of 6fr9d in spot prices, the lattiw on Australian yesterday, reflected th conditions. While England has over bought other European countries hav scant supplies and will have to buy liber, ally for the next four months or more. There is plenty of corn In store for all demands. Germany has bought 1,000,000 bushels of wheat and rye for July-August ship ment. Buying of new crop futures at reduced prices as compared with the spot or nearby saves considerable money. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. March IS. Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yest. Wht. I I I May 1.32 1.32 1.29 1.32HI 1.32 1.31 1.32 1.32 July 1.14 1.14 1.12Ll.l4 1-16 1.14 .." I 1.14 1.15 Sep. 1.08 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.09 Rye May 1.02 1.02 .99 1.01 1.02 1.02 July .91 .93 .90 .90 .92 Corn May .61 .61 .68 .69 .61 I .60 I I .69! .61 July .63! .63 I .61 .62 .64 .63 I Sep. ,65 ,66 .64 .65 .66 Oats II May .38 .3S .37 I .37 .S8 .37 I July .40 .40 .39 .39 .40 Sep. .40 .40 .39 .40 .40 Pork May 20.00 Lard MayMO.75 10.95 11.75 I0.9B 10.90 July 11.00 11.12 10.96 11.12 11.10 Ribs May 10.60 10.65 10.50 10.55 10.60 July 110.10 llO.lO 10.10 10.10 10.17 New York Cotton. . New York, Mirch 15. Near month liquidation tent the list lower in the cot ton market today. Pressure which in the morning forced prices off 7 to 20 points, increased In the afternoon with an un settled undertone evident and March de clined to 17.75c, a loss of .29 points from Tuesday's close. Other than near month options were off some 20$35 points. Wall street longs, as well as the south and New Orleans interests, sold. .Demand was poor, tho market having the appearance of being technically weak. After selling off to 17.57c for May, 84 points under last night, the general list recovered In the late trading, under profit taking by shorts. The close waa 2 points net higher on December, to 27 points net lower on March. Spot cotton was quiet, 25 points de cline, 18.20o for middling upland. Southern spot markets: Galveston, 17.40c. 25 points decline: New Orleans, 16.75c, unchanged; Savannah, 17.25c, 25 points decline: Augusta, 16.88c, 25 points decline; Memphis, 17.25c, 25 points declne; Houston, 17.30c, 20 points decline; Little Rock, 16.7fc, 25 points decline. London Money. London. March 16. Bar Silver 334 per ounce. Money -3 per cent. - Discount Rates Short bills, 3 per cent; 3-month bills. 3 6-16g3 per cent. later. Paper. . . . Inter. M. M. pfd Am. Sugar" Ref . Sears-Roebuck Stromsberg .... Tobacco Products. 65 Worth. Pump 48 Wilson Co 40 West. Electric... 67 Am. Woolen 88 MISCELLANEOUS Am. Cotton OH... 26t 26 Am. ArrJ, Chem.. 40 Am. unseed Bosch Magneto.. Cont. Can Cal. Packing .... Columbia Gas-EI. 80 Columbia Graph, 3 United Drug 69 r.attonai Jfinamei .36 46 72 73 69 47 82 43 . 62 46 71 72 67 46 62 48 40 67 88 39 31 41 60 79 3 15 45 71 72 '68 46 62 48 40 67 88 2 39 32 42 1 78 3 69 36 43 7t 73 67 46 62 48 40 67 90 35 40 31 40 60 74 79 3 70 37 United FTUlt 141 141 141 140V Lortllard Tobacco 152 Philadelphia Co. .37 36V 36 44 flu. Pullman 117 111 116 117 Punta Alegr Sug. 43 42 43 42 S. Porto Rico Sug. 62 62 52 Retail Stores 46 46 46 46' St. Louis-San Fran. 29 28 28 38 Virginia Car Chem. 35 34 35 86 Total sales. 1,182.300. Money Close. 2 per cent: Tuesday Close, 4 per cent. Marks Close, ,003ic: Tuesday close. .0037c. Francs Close, .0S99c; Tuesday close, .0893c. - Sterling Close, 14.34; Tuesday close, 14 28. (The Bee is the only Omaha Nswspaper which publishes the of ficial close of the New Yctk stock cschsng bonds.) New York, Marth 15. There were heavy features to the bond market today, l.iiieriy and utory issues, for example, closing at reactions. In the main, however, increased activity was attended by binher frlces in the foreign group, especially British, Irene h, (tetgiaii and Mexican off jr. ing. Kails were Irregular, presumably as a result of pmlit taking, but even in that group some noisM gains were made, ltilinrs, especially local tractions, tended mainly upward and industrials also improved, cuppers re flecting the belter tone ot those is sues in the stock market. lotal sales, par value, aggregated fl4,8vJ,fiyo. rei-s iln f I ou 313 l.'B .... I.itt l.t 4s ,. I I It) 3d 4 .... SO I. lb t 4',. 1164 I .lb 2d 4s li3 Lib 3d 4s ., :! Lib 4th 4 31 Victor 3 la tins Victory 4a 1 nll.d Hlsle Hands, nigh 14.14 Low S4.ll ClOM 4 7 11.34 st.:s II 3 SI 44 SS ;.4 loo 04 10011 . s: :' si is . SI 44 S1.24 . S7 44 17 32 , Si e4 IS 41 . 17 7 47 34 ,l4 1004 .100 11 100 14 f oreign. Government, Hints and Municipal, feslr High Low tin- 4 Argentina (s t .' i T t'l of Hern Is ...111 110 IIP, I CI of llersm ts ...19 19 109 10 t'l ot llnrdesux 4a.. 11 45 (, 3 t'l of t'hnaliana as. I pi 4, !", n CO t'l uf t'opeu 6S.. 9 'a 21 11 of Lyons 4 5 V, 96 t'l of Marseille Is.. '. k5 S5 IT fl of H l Jan a..l"l I'U IIS 3 t'l of Zurich 111 111 111 34 Dsn Slunhipal Is A l i4V 09 1'ept or heme is.... s.i I limn Rep Is 10 10 Ihttn ('ana 6s 31.. S S3 Doin t an Ss not. Inn SI7 Out Ksa Ind -.... 44 ! f renin tinv 7s..,ioi 34 French Uov Is . IS Japanese 4s S3 40 4 99 14 louv loov ..04i 1"3 104 76 7 74 93 90 4 99 4 23 Jan 1st 4 19 IS IS lot King Belgium la. ..103 1"! 103 41 King Belgium 1s.l0 lot lm 1st King Dentnsrk 6s.. 17 17 97 I King Norway 8 Ill 110 110 SI King 8we,l-n Is ..100 in no 13 Rep Chile 9s 44. .,,104 103 101 IS Rep Cuba 6s 44.... 81 89 9 S Rep Uruguay St.... 104 105 14 4 Sta Queensland 7s. 109 104 108 5 Swiss Confd Is. ..116 116 115 I I'K III A 1 6s 22.104 103 103 124 UK GB a I 6s 29.104 03 103 113 I'K UH A I 6S 37.100 99 99 81 U R Uralll 8a ....104 101 04 11 U S Mexico 4s .... 44 43 4:1 17 U S Mexico 6s 66 66 66 Railway and Miscellaneous Itonds. S Adams Kxpress 4s.. 76 76 71 1 Alss U M drb s A 10 10 10 32 Am Ag Chem 7a.l02 101 103 13 Am Smelting 6s... 81 88 67 Am Sugar s 98 98 48 30 Am T & T col 6s.. 95 95 95 11 Am T T cv 6s. .114 115 116 3 Am Writ Paper 7s 82 61 81 8 Armour A t o 4 Vis. 87 86 8S 8 A T & S V cv 4s 66 79 79 79 42 ATA S F adj 4s.. 80 80 80 1 Atlsntlc Fruit 7a.. 34 84 34 16 Atl Rerfinlng 4s.l04 103 103 16 B A O CV 4s 77 77 77 :z h ft c rer os " 79 xo 67 B & O 6s 97 97 97 io Hen xei or ra 7.i" i"7 10s 3 Beth Steel ref 6s. 91 91 91 S Beth Steel P M 5s 88 88 88 S B Kill gen 7s ser D.106 ins 06 M K T 1 CtIS 7S Sill III 70 7n 3 Cal G & K 6s 95 95 96 41 Can Nor 8s 110 109 109 48 Can Pac deb 4s... 77 77 77 4 central Leather 6s 96 96 96 86 Cerro do Pasco 8s. 112 113 112 13 Ches &sO cv 4 Vis.. 85 84 84 35 Ches & O CV 6s.... 86 84 86 7 Chi A Alton 3s.... 66 65 56 8 C B & Q gen 4s... 87 86 86 312 C B A Q ref 5s 97 96 97 114 C A EI gen 5s new 76 76 76 S Chi Ot West 4s... 60 60 60 3 CM A HP ref 4s .. 68 68 68 15 C M & S P cv 5s.. 65 64 64 1 C A N W gen 5s.. 101 101 101 17 C A N W 6S 109 107 109 A N W 7s. 106 406 106 s K York, M.nk Ii Fullowiuc I raH,iit ii t,f .di tritat'ijis oa lb Saw Vmk t'U'b llond tiiatksl up I lill 9 tn , aim ! ol e. h lean sad tl fc-isn, l and Uat prl., ttoade, fal-s tiih Nr I IS 14 Allied Ps.ker 4s... fl I 4 AlUM.muMi JJ,, lm 13 11 II Ai I, a T s 14 lm li II Ai T T ss il. ,,! !" I" 14 A114 T T sa S..,lo'4 11 11 , I Am T- 1 II lol 11 l"l I Anai-un t'op ... , ! Sat, 14 Aeroa too Ts 8S.,I'U 1! tl' 5 Ang Ant tut T..li 11 l3- S AtniAur .'a ia. ..!"!' I"l l"i 31 ll.rn.il.ll Sa , 99 4', S 4 llelt! Mlerl Ts S3. , .11 0 0', 5 lleltl IMI I tl.,,101 11 13 4 IteiH bi.r 7a 3i,,,ll 9 i' t -ni is 4 11 ar fa 1- pi so 4 lanai.t Tlll. . 47 SI 5 t up K A-.n aa ;t.l: o: I '..p f. A. atl I 34,14 14 t Consul !! 1 n I t'unanl 11. li.li 7,l: l? S l'er A fx. T,, S7V 47 S listens big oil 7 ,.ll ti Aiv 14 tloudrirh Tir 7s,. 9 9 I lirsnd Trunk 4a..loi', e 101, i, T4 Hulf till I ) o A1 7 KuAd liuhher 7 ,, 9t V Sa SO ST S4 141 1 01 S7 ..! 100 1 .111 71 17 81 79". 94 71 si 99 " SS 7a S7 S4 l e'l t llumhl oil 7s S Inter n T Is 13. S Mi-lad ii 7a . t l.lhhy McNeil 7s IS NV Ml A II 4a S Phil i n Is 44.. S I'hll El Il 101 lots I Prs 4 (lain Ts 23.101 0 o SI Pub Ser c NJ 7s,, s 4 3 Robert Hslr Ts .... 94 14 S4 It Hears Ho 7 33.... ". 49 99 7 Chai.ah.en 7s 102 ie: !; S Holvsy A CI S ...lu lI', 101 : Sou It Tel 7a n; n- I Ulan oil NV 7 S&. .14 14 104 I Man Oil NT 7s 24. .105 0t 1a I Mian Oil NV 7s 3I..I4 lol la T Hian oil NT ..104 104 106 I Hun Oil Ts 100 inn 100 II Swift A 10 Ts 26. .101 im 0t 17 Hwift A Co Ts 3I..IJ 1"2 103 IS Teas A t'a "s ,...n lm oi 3 T.il r-.ll.nii T ....104 104 104 11 t'n Oil Prod S ... 91 93 13 I'n Ry llav.ns ts.A4 13 104 is vacuum oil 7s ....107 1T J "7 25 Warn Sug 7s 41... 14 96 ii wiison 10 7s.,,. 9 I Allied Pack a a6 S l.lg We It 7 WI, 94 1 Marland ref 7s.. 94 S Nat A .me 7a.... 93 4 NV Nil A H Ts W'l. 74 5 Ssks A Co fs WI. , 11 3 Sinclair Oil 7s WI. 98 S Tidal Osag 7s ...101 Foreign Itnnds. S Argentine 7 33... 9n 3 Russian Ss 19 S Russian Ss rtfs.. 18 97 as 93 79 99 98 '.01 14 SB ti'i 91 94 13 71 94 96 101 S Ruaalsn 5s 44 Swiss 6 34 City Algera Is., . 1 King Norway 4s. 19 14 18 ...1io 1on mn ..ini 1011 ini ..100 100 100 18i. 19 1 18 Glut lied Advertising Rates l par Its Ireunt s aero la lle I ass, la ,r lie r ass, t r. maa.au. do. 14 (.r tin l-r day, 1 rea.atulu data Its ter I'" r-r dav. IS euna-iuuv tin N 4 la. f.. m4 lha a I.Hal vl lie. TfceM lei- aupiy either Is th l'Hf Sun.lav tie. All al.arlla-m.nl appear In boik iu'ik sad vault's 0aiiy apeis fur lbs ir.au CON TK ACT RATFS ON API'Lli'ATIi'N. Waal (.Is aliened at lh fallowing flee.: MAIN OmCC.....!1lh snd Farnam Sis. Mums a)iiU....,,,.,,,,,44at South Ins, St. Council liiufN ..14 uii at, WANT Al HrfFIVtn MY I'llUNB ATI. AN CIO 104. TMC II KB will nut b r.arenaible far mor than an incorrtri Ins-rilun f sa s.ivariiaaiiiaiit ordered Ivr tnoi tbaa an llm l l.OWNO HOUHsJ rOK WANT AP. Fvaning I diiion.,,.,, ...II 4 A, M Morning Ednloa . P. M. Huiular fc'lition,. 1:01 P, M , baiuiday DEATH t FUNERAL NOTICES, tiutlliTi: :isudll.7ueeed t th$ horn. JJ:i Manu-ieon, n..innir, Manh u. 197 J. as as year, sir. t hrlalis Is survived by his wife. I uu, I.aureni-e fc , and Claud K. l'hrtt:.S daughter. Kaiherm. Margaret and Heinle Chrlaiie; hi father snd molher Mr, snd Sirs. Kdward Tc, Council m.,fr ! 1 4 ai.l.ra ill a. N. W. N 1, hula. 61 1 a. w. J. Johnaun snd Mrs. E, Van Camp f Council Hluffs, I. Funeral a-rvir frum th loulanr, U;S Mandemin, Friday, March 17, 172, SI 4.14 s. m. tu Sacred Heart .i....h a,i ttlnnav at a. lit. In- tantieni Kulv Brpulchr cemetery. For Information tall t'roaby-Mour. WK. 04S. L V 1 : Kl I o LMTu h 11 Leonard, March 14. . --.4 la a.a lWaaaed la aurvlved DV hi wlfs, Julia, snd tw suns, all f timshs; his mother, Mrs. John l.ycH holm of Vermillion, 8. V.; Ihrr brolheis and ona slater. Funeral services Friday at 3:10 P tn. St his reeidenr. 1634 bl'rui-e St. Inter ment For-tt Lswtt rsnnlrry. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn fare! an e.niat.ry iiuunni 11 eras. It i north ol th iinni to, at u Sio, ....( a aim lulling gruundi set fim diaiurlaui by lh iitys giuwib, and I lh laiai i,4 nauii beautiful reuiel.rv In lh a mlii'i., II la a mutual eatnai.r and all In (!.' eafu-tual rr Offirr l lb r.inaiary entfsai sr4 Us tind.s thaaler lllilg. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. THK funeral service for our lai aorhl. ful inssier. Hrot her William u. rnnver wilt be held Thursday. Ha nil 14. 14:2. st th Krntttah Hit cathedral. 3lh and Imuglss Kireet. at 3:30 p. m. Inter, ment si Kurr.t I. awn cstuetery. All Staatar Mason Will asarmbl St th Maanuta temple'. Hill snd Douglas 81s., at 1:30 p. in, to sttend thea ai-rvli'ea. Omaha Produce 77 78 i 92 114 85 84 73 93 110 109 109 99 99 99 77 78 92 114 86 84 72 93 13 C 61 Chi Ry 6s 78 155 C R I & P rfg 4s.. 79 6 C S P M & O deb 6s 92 10 Ch Un Sta 6s ...114 66 Chile Cop 6s 85 1 Col F & I 6s 84 2 Col Industrials 6s. 72 4 Col O 4 G ii. 11 120 Consol Gas 7s ... 5 Corn Prod 8F 6s 38 Cu Cane-Sue cv 7s. 86 85 85 33 Cuban Amrr 8s ..105 104 105 24 Cub R. R 7s 102 102 102 18 Del & Hud cv 6s.. 92 91 92 14 D A R O ref 5s..., 45 45 45 5 D A R O imp 6s.. 78 78 78 S Pet Edison 6s ....102 102 102 4 131a Match 7s ..108 108 108 24 Dupont I N 7s ..104 103 104 8 Tuques Light 6s... 102 101 101 7 Erie Gen 4s 44 43 43 7 FIsk Rubber 8s. ..104 103 103 1 General Elec 6s... 98 98 98 99 Goodyear Tire 8s 31 99 98 99 11 Grand Trunk 6s ..102 102 102 58 Ot North 6s .... 96 96 96 67 Ot North 7s 108 108 108 6 Hud & Man adj 5s 76 78 78 1 Illinois cen ret 4s.. 84 i 1111 Central 5s.. 25 Inter Met 4s ... 37 Inter Met 4s ctfs 203 Inter R T 6s .... 18 Inter M M 6s ... 4 Inter Pap ref 6s, 61 Invincible Oil 8s. 10 Ka Oi Sou 6 7 Kel-Spring Tire 8s. 106 106 106 1 Lack Steel 5s 60.. 84 84 84 1 L S & M S 4s 31... 91 22 Lehigh Valley 6s.. 102 3 Lig & Myers 6s... 95 1 Lorillard 6s 95 8 Louis & Nash un 4s 90 6 Manhat Ry 4s t ex 69 28 Mar St Ry con 6s. 88 44 Mex Pet 8s. 26 Mldvale Steel 6s 99 14 10 60 94 84 93 86 84 99 14 9 69 94 84 92 86 84 99 14 10 59 94 84 93 86 91 91 101 102 95 95 95 95 90 90 68 69 87 88 .103 103 103 86 86 86 11 MSPASSM 6s 102 103 102 77 60 80 62 94 84 68 99 107 97 89 99 77 88 73 84 82 23 M K & T 1st 4a.. 77 77 IS M K A T ad 6s new 60 60 35 MKAT p 1 6s new 80 80 70 Mo Pac gen 4 62 62 5 Mont Power 6s 94 94 2 Morris & Co 4s.. 84 84 65 N O T & T 6s 68 67 72 N Y Cent deb 6s. ..100 99 23 N T Cent col 7s. ..107 106 107 2 N Y C & S L deb 4s 83 83 83 38 N Y Edison 6S..106 106 106 3 N Haven deb 4s 67 46 46 46 18 N Haven deb 6s 48 68 67 07 1 N Y Rys rfg ctfs.. 33 33 33 29 N Y Tel ref 6s. ...102 102 102 32 N Y W & B 4s.. 42 41 41 2 No & Sou ref 5s... 61 60 60 9 No A West cv 6s. .106 106 106 16 Nor Pacific 3s .... 62 61 62 24 Nor Pacific 4s 85 84 85 IS N P O.N Jt 6s,..107 107 107 Z Nor States Pow 5s. 89 89 9 14 Nor Bell Tel 7s. ...107 107 16 Ore & Cal 1st 6s... 97 97 134 O S L ref 4s 89 89 3 O S L con 6s 46 ct 99 99 12 O W R R .: N 4s,. 78 77 6 Pac G A B 6s 88 86 6 Pack Mot 8s 100 100 100 1 5 Pan Am P & T 7s. 97 97 97 26 Pa R R gen 4s... 87 87 87 9 Pa J4 R gen 6 96 96 96 49 Pa R R 6s 106 106 106 5 Per Marq tef 6s.. 91 91 91 S Pierce Oil deb 8s. ..100 99 100 21 PCC & St L 6s.... 73 1 Port R T & P 6s.. 84 18 Reading gen 4s.... 84 Rep IAS 6s 92 4 R I A A L 4s... 79 63 SLASFP 4s. ser A 69 25 S L A S F adl 6s.. 79 23 S L A S F inc. 6s.. 61 4 S L SW 1st 4s... 42 Sea Air L con 6s tit ninciair un f's. 2 S Bell T & T 6s.. 94 21 Sou Pao cv 4s.... 88 6 Sou Pao rfg 4s.... 85 S Sou Pao col 4s..,. 80 14 Sou Ry gen ,4s.... S3 7 Sou Ry 1st 5s 91 78 Sou Ry dev 6s.. 94 22 S Porto Rico Sug 7s 97 17 Stan Oil of Cal 7s. 106 106 106 3 Steel A Tube 7s... 96 96 94 63 Third Av adj 5s.. 60 49 60 11 Tidewater Oil 6s,.102 102 102 3 Tob Prod 7s 99 99 99 4 Un Pacific 1st 4s.. 90 90 90 1 Un Pacific ref 4a,. 85 85 86 5 Un Pacific cv 4s... 92 92 92 4 Union Tank 7s ...103 103 103 53 Unl Drug cv 8s. ...106 106 104 2 U 8 Rea A Im 6s.. 94 94 94 33 U S Steel 6s 101 100 101 35 U S Rubber 6s..., 86 86 86 Z Utah P A L 5s .... 90 10 Vlr-Caro Che 6s... 97 6 Vlrg Ball 1st 5s... 93 3 West Pacific 5s .. 86 7 West Union 6a...los SS West'house Klec 7s.l06 106 106 32 W A L B ref 4s . 66 68 68 4 Wlo Spen Steel 7s. 97 97 97 15 Wilson A Co 78.. 97 96 96 Total sales of bonda today were $14.- 893.000, compared with 112.739.000 yes terday and 19.976.000 a year ago. Furnished by stats of Nebraska, de. partment of agriculture, bursau of mar kts snd marketing: LIVE POULTRY. Wholesal Buying Pr. 10.1610.20 20 .24 .:owi Hens (licaai ... ,:iw Cock 121$ Pucks 18W Gees 1 2 Turkejs 2 Stags Springs Hens (llghIL .25 .24 .16 -3 '.1 .33 Wholesal 6elllng Pr. tO.:or 10.25 .264 .24 .26 .24 .2549 .27 ,16d .20 .234i .26 .160 .20 Stag .. Springs .... Hens ....... Cocks Ducks ..... Gees Turkeys .... Select No. 1 No. 3 Cracks Case count, cac. DRESSED POULTRY. EGGS. .27 . . fx .18 IS) .27S .231 .3i .53 .21 it .20 1 .20 .36 .341$ .248 .20 69 78 61 76 47 76 48 .103 102 103 73 84 84 92 79 69 78 61 76 47 94 88 85 80 62 91 94 97 94 88 85 80 63 91 94 97 90 97 92 86 107 107 90 97 92 6.1 5S 6.30 BUTTER. Creamery, prints Creamery, tub- Country, best ... .20i .22 Country, common .17 ,18 Butterfat, sta pr .23 HAY Prairie No. 1 upland..'. 311.O0ifJ1l.6O No. 3 upland 9.00iHI0.50 No. 3 upland 7.601 8.50 No. 1 midland 10.5011.00 No. 3 midland 10.5011.00 No. 2 midland O.OOfflilO.OO No. 3 midland T.5O08 8.60 No. 1 lowland 8.60W 9 50 No. 2 lowland Alfalfa, choice ""J???? No j , 17.00 18.50 Standard' ' 14.504blS.60 Standard n.oo13.BO iio 3 lo.sown.so Oat straw Wheat straw 7.00 8.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas. 7?So lb. Oranges, size 216 and larger. 16.25(17)7.00; six 250, n.25(S6.75; elxe 288. 36.0016. 50; six 324, l.i.756.25. Florida Tangerines, per box. 84.00. Lemons, 35.607.50 box. Grape fruit, l".50Si5.0O crate. Apples, according to grade end slxe, Delicious. 3.50?6.00; Rome Beauties, 3.00flJS.50; Stamen Wine- sap. 43. 50 81) 3. 7 1: uommon ivinesap. ,.i.w 4.25: Soitr.enburg, S3.2SW4.ini: trats wig. 33.00; Arkansas Blacks, I2.85(fi4.00: Ben Davis, 13.00: Newton Pippins. 13.00. Strawberries, 60c qt. Figs. California, ii pkgs. 8 os., 12.25; 12 pKgs. 10 oz., si.au. Dates, Dromedary. 06 pkgs, 6.7 oox; Hallowli, 1481160 ID. ; Excelsior, oe p.ea 33.00. . . Vegetables potatoes, per cwt. : neoms- ka, Early Ohio No. 1, 42.00p2.i6; Ne braska Irish Cobblers. $2.002.16; Colo rado and Idaho Whites. I2.25(S2.60; Red River Ohio No. 1. 2.262.60; Oregon Netted Gems. 12.65 2.75. Sweet Potatoes, $1.602.6O per bu.. Celery. I1.502.00 per do. Lettuce, Head, $6.00ifB6.25 crate; Leaf, 65i876c per doz. Onions, Red. 9o per lb.; Yellow, 9o per lb. Cauliflower, $2.50 crate. Cucumbers, hot house, 33.09 3.75 per doz. Carrots, zouc per id. Turnips, So per lb. Parnsips. 33o per lb. Beets, 23o per lb. Cabbage, New Texas, 3 is 4c per lb. Tomatoes. 60c crate. Young Southern Radishes. .651.00 per doz. Young Southern Carrots, .80191.10 per doz. Young Southern Beets, .90 1.10 per doz. Young Southern Onions 90c per doz. Brussells Sprouts, 25c per lb. Shallots, 65i370c per do. Green Peppers, 3035c per lb. Parsley. 450)760 per aoz. bunches. Nuts Black Walnuts, 6e lb. English Walnuts, 30(335c lb. Brazil Nuts, large, washed, 16 tie 1 Sc lb; Brazil, medium, 14j 16o lb. Pecans, large. 2230c lb. Al monds, sack lots, 28c lb. Peanuts: Jumbo, raw, llg12c lb.; Jumbo, roasted, 1415c lb.; No. 1 raw. 89c lb; No. 1 roasted, ll13o lb. HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. per lb., 66c; green salted No. 2. per lb, 46c; green hides. No. 1. per lb., 3 4c; green hides, No. 2, per lb., 23c; green salted (old stock), per lb., 23c: green salted bull hides. No. 1, per lb., Sc; green salted bull hides. No. 2. per lb., 2c. Horse hides: Large, each, $2.50; me dium, each, $2.00; small, each, $1.60; pony and glues, each, 76c$1.00. Sheep pelts: Green salted, as to size and wool, each, 60c$1.00; shearlings, green salted, as to size and wool, each. 64J120C. Wool: Choice fin and half-blood, per lb., 2227c: medium or three-elghts-klood, per lb., 20 23c; low and quorter-blood, per lb., 17pl9c; burry wool, per lb., 8 12c. Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as follows: No. 1 ribs, 25e; No. 2 ribs. 23c; No. 3 ribs. 19c; No. 1 loins, 27c; No. 2 loins. 25c; No. 3 loins, 22e; No. 1 rounds, 18c; No. 3 rounds. 17c: No. 3 rounds, 14 c; No 1 chucks, 10; No. 3 chucks, 10c: No. 3 chucks, 9c; No. 1 plates. 6c; No. 2 plates. 6c; No. 3 plates, 4a. Ml'FFKB AIIih, II.. paa-ed on st Imal linsniial Tuesday. March 14, 11:3. Mr, liuffer Is survived bv her husbsnd, A. U liuffer, I daughter, Sir John lleesnn, and I son, Harry liuffer of platlemnuth. Neb. Funeral st PlaHamonth. Neb For. In formation cell Crnahy-Hoore, WB. 0047. MKLInKRO Auguala A, entered Into reat Tuesday, March II, at th ag of 64 years. Funeral services st Ilulst snd Rle peii's chapel, 23d snd Cuming St.. Fri day, March 17. st 2:80 p. in. Inter ment Forest Lswn cemetery. Friend welcome bir.H in, hard Elmer. Infant son of Mr. snd sirs. E. J. Men. passeu on at tocai hoapltal Monday, March 13; 1122, ag S rlays Funeral services from Crosby-Moor Funeral Home. 24th and Wirt, Wedne. day. March 15, 1423. Interment Forest Lswn cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F.J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. XkRorw AMBULANCE sh"Vo Thirty-third snd Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Kmbalmers. Phone HA. 346. Offlc 2311 Fsrnsm. Hulse & Riep&i, Funeral Directors. - 2224 Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE w h A Wirt L' it ooi.i rtrtv i's:Ani FAcrn WATill, CHAIN AND I'lMH., INI TIALS "I. ." "M ItA.k, It.. WAHO. SI4 N. ITII HT. I'O. H. Ui iMT lilua snd liH iwnileil bag In front or near ba III., k.tuea hotel iinlav Hlsin. iinler return ' lh tllm aeltih. b"ll uifira and rtt l r- LdHT Wbii"nd g'een gold bar p'o nh dalmonl .vmsr. Vlued a keep. sab. Itanard, VK4:i. W ILL parly who found m kelbiMik In se lla i a'-, il-aa rHuiii la Oman I', steward otl-ted. FOI'N'I k. Vrlng "holding T"kra fall Omaha. H-. salt fur Mi, SlrMahnn. LOHT 6 smell k-va a bros lestber ras. fail h K n. 0 PERSONALS. Ill K SALVATION Army lii.luatiial hnm sollrlle your old clothing, furniture, inagailnea. Wa ioll.it, Ua dlalribiile. Phone DO. 4I4S sn dour wagon alii rail. Call snd Ineptct our new bums, 1110-IIU-1II4 foils a St. "kaTIIHYN I- Hlf.Klt" Mkla snd scslp specialist. Tt'slda-- work anlioiled At'l'i.l'itin.nt JA l:a. 7lt, A. N.. ChlroprsMor" l"S I' stun block. A T. 114.. Offlc hours. II a. m. tojl :3 . m i:SRBWARl for Information about niv wife snd S yesr-iild boy. Address Peter Buirrs. 1314 South 2wih St. Carlson CANl.'KII Cl'ltKD HV MA II, 4" years' - perlenc. I'r, SI. V. Clark, bullon. Neb. Write bw, L'NIiKK new nianngenienl. Expert ins. a.ne 4"4 VJnili. ApL f THEATRICAL hlstorlisf mas.u malum, for plays and parties, at l.lfhrn's omah j 33A7lNETItiitbs; Violet May ir-almeni with niaaeagea. SI4 H. 1lh. AT. 9111. SULPHUR bath. bwedab maaaage, rhu jrorodv Evening to I. 3"! Bt. IJUh St. M KCIIA NO-THERAP Y", MASH A (75, 31S Neville Blk. 1071. RENT vacuum cleaners. Tie. EXPERT massage. MAHHAtlS Hun and evs spun HA. 310 N. 17th8t. AT. S36i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, sll styles; hemstitching, buttonholes Write Ideal Mutton A Pleating 1:0.. lot Brown block. Omaha, Neh. Telephone JA. 111. NEBR. PLEATING -v;-B- tons. 1104 Fsrnam. 2d Floor. DO. S470. Contractors. PATCH plastering, paperhanglng and re modeling a specialty. WA. 0997. PAINTIN'l and paperbanging. Prices reasonable. KFi. 1300. Dancing Academies iVTT'iVP'CI 'si Farnam street. Douglas 8440. Class and private lessons. Ten instructors. Dentists X-Ray DENTAL X-RAYS. 60u EACH. 18 a full set. 61S Securities Bldg. Detectives. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON ft1.4 Douglas DO. 8244. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET L. HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam. JA.- 1268. JOHN-BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 190S. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing cuncret burial vaults. Recommended ' and for sale by all leading undertakers Water proof, no ateel te rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon .the AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co, 1310 New York Dry Goods. New York. March 15. Cotton goods and yarns wero quiet. Reports from mill cen ters stated that curtailment ot production was Increasing In consequence of the un satisfactory profit margins 1 prevailing. Worsteds were dull In dress goods ana men's wear, but woolens have been rather better. Worsted' yarns were very quiet, with prices firm, due to firmer wool mar kets. Burlaps were firm. Silks dull. Hos iery and knit goods wer In moderate demand. Independent D-tectlve Bureau, 504 Neville Blk. AT. 6301: Mght. WA. 4045; KB, 0465 RELIABLE Detec.!e Bureau. Railway. Ex. Bldg.. JA. 2056. night, KE. 3813. JAMBS ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT lantle 1136. Dressmaking. THE NOUVEAU Dressmaking Shop, 432 Paxtnn Block. Kodak Fini'hine. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Ksee Studio. 213 Neville Blk. FILMS DEVELOPtD FREE. Th Rnalgn Co.. 1607 Howard St Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney. 1713 Dodge. Omaha, also Washington, D. C W help sell patents; models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co. 212 8. 13 St. Do. 8647. BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elks Bldg. Miscellaneous Announcemen Turpentine nnd Rosin. Savannah, Ua., March 15. Turpentine Firm; 78c; sales, 30 bbls.; receipts, 10 bbls.; shipments, 207 bbls.; stock, 1,804 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 179 casks: receipts, 166 casks; shipments, 2,395 casks; stock, 62,253 casks. Quote B. D. E. F. O. H. I . $3.15: K., $4.20.; M.. $4.90; N., $5.26; WO., 15.76; WW., $6.00. Safe Investments in Municipal Bonds Secured by direct city and county taxes yielding from to 6. C. E. Johnson 211 Keeline Building JA ckson 1720 Bldg. y cements. y the yKt Ith prlvsfeg Til A Ml IM I IV We pay xvi.i.uv.ii-'u prio with privilege to buy back at mall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb., 402 N. 16th, St. Telephone DO. 6049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 16c; double edge. 45c doz. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co.. 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, MattieaBesJ mad over In new ticks at half prlc of new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. Writ Fsr On FREE lOOKtOa Lira MUNN 8s. CO. Tower Building. CHICAGO, ILL. Scientific! American Hldx.. WASHINGTON, D. C Woolnrth Rulldlus. NKW TOBK Bobart Bids.. SAN FBANC1SCO. CAL. in BYRD NURSERIES Landscape planning; a specialty. Phone for special price list. WA. 3876. 66th and Dodge. DR. A. C. SARIN, RECTAL DISEASES. Suite 310 Arthur Bldg., 210 8. 18th St. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded et the 5 Sherman A McConnell Drug stores. YARD cleaning and repairing. AT. 2091, SCREENS rewired, glazlngr KE. 2701. FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. typewriters addingTiachines. All MAKES bought, sold, rented snd repaired. Sol agents for the CORONA. Get our price beforo you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. JA. 412. 1912 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, $12.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 15. Butter Higher; creamery extras, 88c; firsts, 83Cf38c; seconds, 3133c; standards, 38c. Eggs Firm: receipts, 15.414 cases; firsts, 22c; ordinary firsts, 1920c; mis cellaneous, 31ff31c. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. March 16. Eggs Firsts. 21e. Butter 2c higher creamery, 42c; pack ing unchanged. Poultry Unchanged. New York Poultry. New. York. March 15. Live Poultry Steady and unchanged; dressed poultry, steady snd unchanged. Cblcaro Ponltry. Chicago. March 15. Poultry Allva. lower; fowls, 4c; springs, 38c; roosters, He, - . GRAIN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa . Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. . Get Sn touch with one of these branch offices with your next grain shipment. ' The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House"