rilU PEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15. 1922. .fit, , I f: Council to Strike Shingle Dan From New Building Code Original IVoumoii Miininatfd tin tc of l'ool Variety in Future ami Replacement! on Old liuiMing. Proper J 1ic; ion saiiit woo'l rn sliicntrt will t.f t lnnnlatc 4 from the rtvi-ol liuiKiPS rotr brfore it i pic cnlcil U I'lP CTt y council 0 be iiHi! a an nrUiiwiu'f. Muubcr. oi tie city council yr. lri!.iy ai!rmoo!t avrcrd that ihi "tcttoit of the proprd cod should li ' tlic Uci.-ion having been fvuilurf alter rcprrrnativf of the v oivlr n shingle interest prccntcd tt-cir t-f. Gave 15 Years Grace. Tie coilc, a prepared, conlem .':.erl piohiliitwB the ue of ordinary 'iinnlc in new construction and al lowing 15 cm of Rrace in riiei wliere wooden silicic- had been I-!aird before the new cade should into effect. The principal ntiV:cr jesterday afternoon wa K. S. Whiting of Scat tt. secretary of the shingle branch . i.f the WW Cot Lumbermen's ncriatio". He averted that only 2 -2 per cent of the total fire lo .f the country, from 1915 to 1919, wa due to roof tire. Recommended ty Chief. j It. B. Zimmati. chairman of the j -ity building review hoard, an-j rcunced that no material men nor, other outside influence had been re-j MonibIe fr '''c prono-ictl wooden hinirle prohibition. He sa:l tne .IMRTIEMF.T. Radium Increases propuiition reeommrnd'd by chirf i he fre d'Prmen it fire prevention idea. V. V. ( amiif haet. C. W. Tl.nter and C. . Martin al.o spelt Claim Dispute Over Wine Caused Shooting Heated dispute oxer the division of 4(1 caliotit of iue precipitated the ihootmc Mondav nifiht tv Se haitian Vitu-iquare. -8, 11" futh Kleventh atreet, bv hi uncle, Tony Pirrucello. 40. 22l South Eleventh street, according to detective, The mounded man is in St. Joseph hot pita! with three bullet wound. I'irrueello tjave himelf up to po. lice at II yeterdy nmrning and wa orderd held under $15,000 bond. Three Italian witnee, couiinito the principal in the shooting affray, v ere ordered held under bond earn. They are Tony Burruncella, P'ta Tierce street; Tony Bonconda, ftP Pierce street, and Tony Salerno, !7Qj Tierce treet. Cadillac Gives Hansen Reward for Service J. 11. Hansen, head of the J. It. Hansen Cadillac company, has been presented with a large addition to his territory, in consideration of his record in service to Cadillac owners in the Omaha and Lincoln terri tory. Announcement was made today by V. T. Abbey, district sales man acrr of the Cadillac Motor Car company, thnt the Sioux City terri tory, comprising 13 counties in Iowa, seven in South Dakota and seven in northeast Nebraska, have h- n added to Mr. Hansen's dis-trier. Mr. Hansen will sunerintrnd the entire territory front Omaha. . VI ant greatly pleased that our concern is looked on with favor by the great Cadillac Motor Car com pany." he said. "We shall do all in Matters' Motion to Quash Charge Denied by Court Counsel FfiU in Fffort to Indirtmeut l)imuctl un Ground Hut Statute Repealed Fail. Robert Webb, trustee of the de funct Guaranty Securities company, and II. R. Corirr, former cashier bl the company, were railed yesterday by the jtate as witnee to Identify records of the companv showing the Colonial Timber k Coal company transaction, which resulted in in dictments being returned asawt Willard ". Mathews, prendent, and Thomas H Matters. Judge Gos overruled a motion to dimit the indictment charging Matters with aiding and abetting embeirlement in the district court j esterday. Says Statute Repealed. Halleck Rose. Matters' attorney, argued that the cae should be dis missed on the ground that the statute in force when Matters H alleged to hae committed the of- fi ne. was repealed by an act passca tit tebruary, iv.'i. If the motion had been sutainel. by Judge Gos. prosecution or sev eral indictments returned by the special grand jury would have been hampered, according to counsel lor the state, Judge Verifies References, Certificate Filed Here by Progressive Party A lertiiieate containing hf names of Jim men and women was tiled with the election comuii.ioner 5 e- terdav bv the Douglas fount ergani. .tion ff tiif prosffsie party, Ne. Iira.kas ti.irJ piiimcai pany. wmrn was org-intcd at Grand lUnd le cember 8. 1'V.M. Acceptance of this fertu'ieate by the tliriion cmmiioner gives the new party a legal status in this coun lv. aceordirc to the state laws gov rrning the organization of political fartie. The coinniiitee which presented the certiticate stated that the pro- gresie party expects to have a com plete county ticket this year. Anions the signers are: T. S. Fen Ion. North rorty-firt avenue! Uoy M. Harrop. 257o Douglas Ktreet; John F. Murphy. 4J10 Ma berry venue: f. A. and Maude I. Lochray. iJtt'S Brown street; It. I. Komingcr, 2SH Capitol avenue; Robert Hunter, 2223 N street; Anon H. Bigclow, In North Thirty-fifth avenue, and Myrtle L. Fries., JJ- Ames avenue. Two Former Fmploei Held on Furniture Theft Charge Two former trusted employes of the H. R. Bowcn Furniture coin pany. Sixteenth and Howard streets, waived preliminary examination in Central poKce court yesterday on charges of robbery. They are: Oscar E. CltrMian. 492J North Thirtieth street, and Joseph Kneeht. 1631 Avenue G. Council Bluffs. Toliec Judge Wappich bound them over to district court on SI.CKX) (bonds each. James Wyant, former Lack tf Riidium !n Blood May E Secret oi ThinncM and Anmic Sicknens . A notfd authority rcrrntly t ft Tudiuii rT cmifht m Br of raUW and tnken intrrnnlly "red Mood corpusc'M hv Inrrcajird hy 230,000 w(th:n rorl:; eight houm." Ivtdiuni in thi form it perfectly harmless aud is a vpnderful toi l! and hlned r'mrdy. enpecially smonir old rrorle ami the- reu!ti are nothine ahr.r: ef marveloua. A firy!nd of .oirnce stand. rr.lrd. The radium rayt referred to ave thoije confined in Nursdium table', and lire the genuine. A number of load ins drucciats recoitnitini! the enormous lalue theie tablets mint have are now ready to supply the public either throusrh physicians or over the coun'er. They a.-e put up in vials of 210 tablets, each t grain, each holding radium and uranium exide and are Sl.oO a vial. All anemic people should see what th;s marvel of science may do in restoring them to strength, weight and the full round, pink cheeks of robust health. Be Mire tn ask for Xuradium as they are the genuine. They are sold by Sherman t Mcfonnell. TUaton Drug Co., Green's Pharmacy and Ilnines Drue Co. i 1 ft'.l. nnwrr in merit this trlut anr! to SJpn Csiriytfilct i etp the KOod wi" oi Caflir,ac uscrs nvi WI iisis . jn 01tr Mnoic territory. I am sure the Cadillac people womd not have chojen tij to represent them also in the Sioux Citv territory had it not been for the loyal support we have had irnm Cadillac users in this ter ritory." Offers lo Plead Guiltv to' Save Pals From Prison In order to save his pals from go ing to prison . for lite, Richard Emerson, burglar suspect, is willing to spend 10 years in the state peni tentiary and agree not to ask for parole. His pals are Harry Carter and George White, captured Decem ber 26 while attempting to roo the Noyes pharmacy. If Emerson, who was arrested the next day promises together with' the others to plead guilty to breaking and entering, the charge of burglary will not be brought against Carter and White. Emerson took no part tn the Noycs robbery, according to his oath. Charges ITufband Would Not Provide Physician for Htr William C. Cole, retired farmer, was sued for divorce yesterday by Winnie Cole, who charges in her peti tion that her husband would not pro vide a physician nor would he con tribute to her support. ' She avers that he holds a mortgage of $30,735 on valuable lands near North Platte and has stveral thou sand dollars in Liberty bonds and war-saving stamps. They were married in March, 1920. Mrs. Cole has five children .by .a former marriage. ,500 Persons Pay Income Taxes in Person in One Day Today is the last day for filine" income tax returns. The office of A. B. Allen, collector of internal revenue, has been' rushed during the last few days. More than 1,500 per sons paid their income tax in per son Monday. The mail returns are estimated at 15.000. Trail Alleged Burglar. . Through the efforts of Detectives Trapp and Munch, Charles Madsen, former Omahan, wanted here for the robbery of the BerFowitz fur store, 2818 Leavenworth street, last year, was arrested at Denver two weeks ago, according to word re ceived at police, headquarters here. Madsen has been identified as a bank robber at Denver and will not be extradited to Omaha. Kiddies' Colds Can Be Eased Quickly Dr, King's New Discovery will da that very thing, easily and quickly. Don't say, "Poor little kiddie, I wish 1 knew what to do for you!" ,"hen the cough first comes, give a little Dr. . King's New Discory as directed, and it will soon Se eased. It's a good family cough and cold reoiedy, too. Loosen3 up the phlegm, clears up the cough, relieves tne con gestibm,t No harmful drugs. For fifty years a' standard remedy for colds, coughs, grippe. At your droggistSi 60c. a bottle. New Discovery ror L-otas ana vougns Constipated? Here'sRelief JCleanse the system, with Dr. King's Pills, They prompt free bile flow, stir up the lazy liver and get at the root of the trouble. All druggists, 25c. DPBOMWJ WON'T GRIPE , r.fanffs Pills JLSJL XV XX IVf ADVERTISEMENT. SAGE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK It's Grandmother' Recipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. U ( 1 1 That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing" a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. -Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars lie face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old recipe "improved by the addition of other ingredients at a small cost, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" now be cause it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied, ou simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; ly morn ing the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application it be comes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. piANO II TUNED AND REPAIRED AU Work Guarantees) A. HOSPE CO. 1S13 Douglas. Tel. Dwit- SS. Brief City News To Plan Celebration A meeting of the Fontenelle Park Celebration association wilt be held In the city hall next Monday evening at 8. Divorce By Default William Meister, -24, salesman for the Des Moines Drug company, was granted a divorce by default by Judge Sears yesterday. ' Files for Koaii Overseer Thomas Thompson. R. F. D. No. J, filed for the republican nomination for road overseer of District IS, Douglas county, yesterday. Heads Visiting Nurses Mrs. John TV. Towle was elected president of the Omaha Visiting Nurse associa tion at the regular monthly meet ing held in the city hall yesterday. Competition Keen for Bids Bids for pavine; and curbing 43. improve ment districts yesterday morning showed a keener competition than was evident a month &go. The gen. eral run of prices also was lower. Charges Kidnaping George Seidl fled a warrant for the arrest of his former wife. Blanche Seidl, on the charge of stealing; their two chil dren, left in his custody after the di vorce, in police court yesterday. Seeks More ETtdcnoe Deputy County Attorney Henry Beal leaves today for Kansas City for the pur pose of jrettine; additional evidence against Kloyd Churchill, indicted for robbery of the Strand theater last September. Danhaum Files Charge Tn an swer to the shooting charge of Ben Burton, which has been filed against him. Detective Ben Danbaum made out a complaint yesterday against Burton, charging him with shooting with intent to kill. Seeks MaMe Xormand's Maid Lloyd W. Longnecker. private de. tective. formerly of Omaha, is in te city seeking a woman who served as maid for Mable Normand. who is wanted in connection with the Tay lor murder, he said yesterday. Youths Held for Robbery Roy W. Troutman, !2. Hawarden, la., and Castle C. Pritchard. son of a minister at Mansfield. O.. were bound over to the district court under $5. 000 bonds each on the charge of highway robbery, 'n police court yesterday. .ninlncJ, u . O finHit $ 1 ft ., . . iiii,,wjv, mere wa a pcno-i vi uiiw i pleaded guilty to tneit. n the court room while the juiigc Two iujans are being held under retired to the library for 20 minutes . ,nn state's witnesses against Christian and Knccht. Detectivej lcAughe and Franks, who made the ,arrcM. obtained written confessions ! irom Christian and Knccht in which ithev stated thev traded stolen fur- ... y.' r ...i.:t... niture to tne nanans tor wiusaj. to verify reference. "The objection is overruled,' declared upon his return. Prosecutor and Police Judge in Argument Police Judge Wappich and City Prosecutor Frank Dinccn argued in Central police court yesterday over alleged "discrimination between cor porations and individuals.'' The oc casion was arraignment of S. H. Helimas. operating manager of the Omaha Yellow Cab company, for alleged nonpayment of occupation taxes to the city. Dinecn cited i3 counts against the company. "I don't blame anyone for putting off taxes until the last day," said Judge Wappich. "Taxes are too high anyway." . . "Well, there'll be no discrimina tion here between corporations and individual." added Dincen. Judge Wappich continued the case 10 daws. Police Judge Urges Closer Supervision of Students Tolice Judge Wappich announced yesterday that he would write let ters to heads of Omaha schools and colleges, urging that student life be more closely supervised. He stated that he will be more severe in fu ture with students w ho persist in breaking furniture in cabarets and making themselves otherwise objec tionable through use of intoxicants. Oldest B. P. O. D. Dies. Mrs. L. W. Pb", fM! Manlo street, oldest member of the B. P. O. D., died Monday night at the age of 73. She is survived by her husband and tv6 daughters. ADVESTISr.JteJiT. ADVERTISEMENT. If Ym Know Anyone Who Suffers Fron Coitliiitio- READ THIS NOW! Tell them to get a package, of Kellogg'a Bran, cooked and krum blcd! Tell them to eat it every day! Tell them they can throw away pills and cathartics and become normal without the slightest discomfort. Tell them that we guarantee Kcllogg's Bran will give permanent relief from constipation if at least two tablesDOonfuls are eaten reaularly each day (chronic cases eat as much as needed) and that it will cler up a pimply complexion and sweeten the breath; Tell them their family physlcion will indorse KeUog6's Bran for constipation! For. Kellogg's Bran does such great health work for everyone who eats it without the slightest dis comfort or irritation. It sweeps, cleanses and purifies the bowels as nothing else can. It forms no aan- gerou.i habit like pills and cathar tics, which never can give more than ttmporary relief at the same time aggravating an already dangerous condition! " The natural mechanical action of KVllogg'a Bran is astounding to those who aro not familiar with it as a positive and permanent relief from constipation! The great thing to understand is to eat it every day at least two tablespoonfuls, Kellogs's Bran, cooked and krum blcd, is a highly beneficial nature food. It is wondcrfuiiy good eaten as a cereal, with your favorite ce real, or in hundreds of other foods such as pancakes, raisin bread, muf fins, etc. See recipes on box. Children thrive on bran. It builds strong, robust bodies. Be sure your grocer supplies you with Kellogg's Bran. ADVERTISEMENT. - MEN BLIND TO WOMAN'S SUFFERING How many men, think you, have ; .. ...... j l any idea ot . tne pam enaurea ay women in their own household, and often without a murnurF'Thty rave no oatience when the overworked wife and mother begins to get pale, have headaches, backaches, faint spells, or is melancholy and cannot sleep. There is help for every wom an in this condition, as evidenced by the many voluntary letters of recom mendation which we are continually publishing in this paper for Lydia t. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will pay any woman who suffers from such ailments to give it a trial. ADVERTISEMENT. "If I Could Only Belch Up That Gas I Know I Would Feel Better ir l,n vnil fplf. that WaV? 1 1 U uiwu " , " ' J ti ... v. . .nn wished for ionic- now uiku ...- j thing to give you genuine and lasting re lief for Gas T . Don't buy any ordinary dyspepsia an- let for temporary results. Go to a first class drug store,. ask for a bottle of genu ine Baalmann's Gas-Tablets: take three tableta an hour before meals and aenin three before eating then watch. Now cornea a surprise. No more gas, no more mothered feeling, no ditficult Dreaming, and no bloat. yj m Vi a n.,in.nn'i Gas.Tsblets ere not only for the relief, but also for the prevention of Ga.v Most people with Gas suffer 'from nervous Dyspepsia, not com mon Indigestion. Baalmann's Gas-Tablets are sold in ths famaus yellow package for one dollar. Baalmann s lias-iaDicia are jor soie y c-i m. U.r....! mnA all reliable oncrm ,,w,... ... - druggists. J. Baalmann, Chemist, San Fran cisco. ADVERTISEMENT. SOLE WAY TO SET RID OF BLACKHEADS There is one simple, safe and sure wy th.t never fails to get rid of blackheada and that is to dissolve them. To do this get two ounces of ealonitJ powder from any drug store sprinkle a little on a hot. wet sponge nib over the blackheads briskly wash the parts and you will be surprised how the blackheads hare disappeared. Big blackfieads, uttia blackheads, no matter where they ara, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the parte without any mark whatever. Black heada are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretions from the body that form in the pores of the skin. Pinching and aqueeiing only cause irritation, make large pores and do not get them out after they become hard. The cslonite powder and the water simply dissolve the black heads so they wash right out. leaving the pores free and clean and in their natural condttion. , Anyone troubled with thce unsightly b'.emiihrs should certainly trv this simple method. - ADVERTISEMENT. SISTERS OF CHARITY ENDORSE FATHER JOHN'S MEDICINE At the Children's Home in New buryport, Mass., there are an aver age of sixty children under the lov ing care of the Sisters of Charity. In a recent signed statement the Sister in charge said: "We cheer fully endorse Father John's Medicine because in our Home it has become indispensable. We use it, not only for coughs. and colds but also as a builder. We tell our friends that we would not be without it. - We have used it with great success and find it to have no equal as a builder. (Signed) The Home for .Destitute Children, Sisters of Charity, New buryport, Mass. ( In a great many institutions of a similar character throughout the country, Father John's Medicine is what the .nurses in charge 'depend upen to keep the children well and strong. They know" that it is entirely safe because it is free from alcohol and dangerous drugs. To Cure a Cold in One Day Mr Laxmtivm mromo uininejj Be sure you get The genuine bean this signature Price 30c , 0 OKI "EVERYBODYS STORE" Wedimsdlay Is Designated as IHoesefiuirnitBMngs Day inn the Bunrgess-Naslh Store In Our Drapery Department Distinctive Window Decorations New Lace Curtains Beautiful pattorna in bordered effecti and allover ratfbrns. Kina quality material at the exception ally low pricing ef from $2.75 to $8.50 Smart Cretonne Domestic and imported quality cretonne in an unusually complete line. Thcro aro also exquisito linens for alip covera and dainty chintzes for draperica and fancy work. Triced, a yard 39c to $7.00 Burf tsa-Nasa- New Trimmings Colored edgea and fringes, gold braid and other trimmings to com bine with cretonne or chintr. Priced, yard at, from 5c to 65c Drapery Silks Genuine Kapock silks in 40-inrh width. Colors to blend ith any interior furnishings. Wide enough to split for over-curtaini. Triced Yard, $3.50 Fourth Floor r ur mv oui ice vj Auto Show Visitors 000 Things for the Home and Garden It Is Time to Purchase Your Refrigerator Our stocks are now complete at the newly lowered prices. We are featuring a 70-lb. aide icer, golden oak fin ish c a s e, white enamel finish provision cham ber, r e t i n n e d wire shelves, three-door style. Special at $29.50 Bur(.ss-Nash Fourth Floor Are You Planning Your Garden We have a complete line of fresh flower and vegetable seeds and a large assort ment of garden tools. Choicest seeds aro priced, a package, at 5c to 20c. , A few helpful suggestions: Garden Tool Spading forks. Rakes and hoes. Garden hose Trimming shears. Women's floral sets. Mail Boxes Japanned finish mail boxes are 25c and 50c. Johnson's Wax Floor wax of excellent quality, pound, 69c- Burg taa-Nash Fourth Floor , ooo Garden Seed Flower seeds. Vegetable seeds. 11. M. Ferry's seeds. Blue grass lawn seeds. White clover seeds. Sunshine Varnish Quart size priced at $1.15. Pint fc'ize, 60c. Toilet Tissue Large rolls of tissue crepe rapcr, 14 rolls, $1. We are glad that wt have the opportunity of being of service to you, and we know that you will appreciate every accom modation that we 'have arranged for your con venience. Our check stand, where luggage may be left with out charge to you, is lo cated in the Men's nection on the Main Floor; our Barber Shop on the Mez zanine Floor; our Beauty Parlor?, the Black and White Room on the Third Floor arc convenient; our Tea Room, on the Seventh Floor, w ill serve you w ith a special 65c luncheon, and if you arc hurried you will like our Cafeteria in the Downstairs Store. Our ficw spring mer chandise is on display in every section of the store, and we cordially invite you to see it. A visit creates no obligation to buy. r Offerings in Serviceable Dinnerware Service is combined with attractive design and coloring in this moderately priced chiiia. 34-Piece Set, $12.95 Gray and pink border on Pope-Gosser porcelain, the clearness and smoothness of..which resembles a china finish. Service for six. '. - Porcelain Set, $6.95 Attractive floral decoration in gold and white in a white semi-porcelain. Service for six. Blue Bird Set, $6.00 Dainty blue bird patterns with tracery of pink. Service for six. An exceptional value at, set, $6.00. Burgass-Nash China Shop Fourth Floor- , 000 Style Show As a special feature during opening week, "we offer novel entertainment to women who are inter ested in the newest and most approved of the sea son's modes. - ' 2 P. M. and 4 P. M. .. Buracsa-Naah Mam Floor Tea Dance Where you may enjoy the dance or the music with a cup of tea. i Wednesday Afternoon, From 3 :30 to 5 :30 Robert Cuscadeu Orchestra", t ' ' Lisle, Union Suits, a Garment, $1.75 Fine lisle union suits, all of splendid make, every garment well tailored '. and reinforced. No sleeves, knee length style in pink or white. Priced, a garment, $1.75. ' . . . . v' Women's Gauze Vests, eacn,35c Nice Weight gauze vests, with bodice tops, in both regular and extra sizes, 35c. Or three for $1.00. , Burcess-tylash Underwear Department Main Floor New Spring Furnishings for Men Splendid Assortment : Moderate Pricing 9& 1 1 mxm& Men's Caps Correct styles in a wide range of colors and mate rials, including tweeds and checks. Moderately priced. $1.95 to $3.50 Men's Shirts Well tailored shirts of a fabric that will wear well. French check's, neat stripes and plain colors. $1.50 to $4.50 Men's Hats Correct Styles ' The finer hats, includ ing Mallory, Stetson, Cro fat, Knapp, whose vogue is so great among well dressed men. Moderately priced $95 to $1Q00 Burf es-Nih Main Floor Light Weight Underwear Many new lines from well-known makers are here for your selection, including Cooper-Brun-nington union suits garments which assure per fect fit and wearing service. Priced at $1.65 to $4.00 Pajamas and Night Shirts These days bring the need of lighter weigh! sleeping garments. Our Spring assortment is in. All are of splendid make. Cut full and roomy. Plain colors and stripes. Pajamas Night Shirts $1.95 to $4.00 $1.25 to $3.50 Burffss-Nash Maia Floor - Liberty ' Dress Forms Set, $1.00 With oneof these sets you can make your own dress form, one that is ex actly like your figure; for it is made on you. The set complete, $1.00. Notions Coats' Thread, colors only, 2 Inc. Buster Brown Garters, pr., 35c. Buttons, one lot, dozen, 5c. Hair Net, double mesh, three for 25c Button, khaki color, doz., 10c. Underwear Buttons, 3 doz., 25c. Bachelor Buttons, box, 10c. Crochet Cotton, silkene, throe balls, 25c. Safety Pina, all sizes, card, 21Jc. Gold Eyed Needles, pkg., 2ic. Pure Linen Tape, 3 bolts, 10c. Paper Shopping Bags, each, 10c. Collar Band, all sizes, each,. 5c. Middy Lace, all colors, ea., 10c. Burfess-Nash Main Floor , ;i ; Inlaid Linoleum A timely completion to Spring housecleaning is nett linoleum. " We have in stock many new and unusual patterns in high-grade linoleums. Tile effects include the new "Insect" tile in dull colors. Armstrong, Wild, Greenwich and other qualities in 6-foot width. If you will bring in your measurements we will gladly estimate the amount for you. Square Yard, 1.50 to $3.00 Burfeas-Kash Siath Flow J This Store uses no comparative prices thcu are misleading and often untrue