) THE PEE: OMAHA. KU.NUAl. MAKU1 K, IVTi TLrlltTs Refused . its hvideiiee in Trade llcnriiisi .Mihrs I'lirimrliiiR lo Prove j PriVr-im'tir Iy Iilcalc ,Wm i.itiuii Rulftl Out. I lie fur iniiirnt ajijurcutly ilJ r iilu:i ynii-fUy in ihe h'4iiiig c( tlie (nli-ul (i4!e ,'('tuiii!itn aint NilirKal ft r 4MmiirnU Whole ..! (Itoifrj' iv.tuiaiion for egri unfair If.i'Ic pr.trliii'. l liiirlr Mi'Ivin Ntff, prosecutor f"r tlie fcilcra! bojid, nu'Ie rrpfiitfl me int i'i iutroilut c in evidence Irt- it i vritMi fy John Mflliop, r srmt.iry f the asuiLitidii, to varU ni uumiCnturrM, iui porting to ii.ht pi ire-fixing. V.. M, Avrrill, I'l'-siilint; examiner, refused to ad tt.it the letters In evidence. A He Mivt. lined chjectionii "f I'mnict V. dry, atl rney for the johbern, that supreme ronrt nctiMons, in the caC of the federal trade commission f sr.tinst the I'olgatc and I'.eachnut companies, permitted manufacturers to set a price upon their product be toie it was placed on the market. Says Boycott Caused Failure. Mrlhnp remains jniperturbahle t! roughoiit t lie hearing, which al- , auy nas progressed inree weens week in Minneapolis. Keff stated Kriday he thought the sitting in Om.tlu would last two or three weeks. lie said he expects lo prove the government's charge that several nniimember grocery concerns were discriminated against and that influ ence was exercised by respondent to prevent manufacturers from selling to notimenthers. He said the Basket Stores' recent failure here was due to a sugar boy cott enforced by the big organiza tion. Exceptions Incorporated, ltc tried lo establish proof of the tobacco situation by obtaining Mcl hop's version of a conference with the head of the Liggett & Myers company, but again objections of counsel for the defense were sus- iiued. AfcV 'ft ,,atl ' ceptions t0 Amerill's i.mgs incorporated in the minutes i each instance. Mellwp, on the stand, denied knowledge of the United Retail Gro cers' association or that he ever had made certain statements with regard to the association. Sessions are held in the Army building. Coventor Proclaims Mar. 20 as Legion Employment Day Lincoln, March 11. (Special.)- Governor McKclvie today issued a proclamation, designating March 20 as American Legion employment 75 Miles of Ice in New Muny Storehouse ! Witt !il -linitMi Mjuii'ijtt I After I ons Mite f4H f f i't I.eal'U and severe illues icvtlrfl week. He 4 7J With l.iiu h4 i.thei Kcllar tiav.hd'hue II if. v!.a W4 l uM..!', over tiiokt it the i'ttJ mil l.ir lu f MelUmiiif, Au-trjl j, J .d . '.miuaied iKilift iidcntU'. lie v,u. i-nif ai. it i j.'H.ur i.i". ! Atl. Uu-U It j KelUr Un cwi 4 !- In tHif Va, Im IJ'. HeftuflJ MUr, world fiiiMui iiMttifiaii. d.ed t ii.ini .i n )ihii.uiii.i ai fr'iow" 1111 iom lie Unt It jmi At" il I" 1 ' j' t A 11 bi (iMiiif l.'K vel.td.., ..ll'i lv n'.r ll'f HlV "I he r.,kirH A4." l;e U-M-' r. hi mite In li.mn iu t.. (I. t ,. When the new municipal ire stor age house at Twenty-first street and Topplcton avenue shall have been filled with 20,000 tons of ice, there will be one 400-pound cake for every two persons in Omaha. The illustration shows the interior of one of the two large rooms, each having a capacity of 10,000 tons. The cakes of ice manufactured at the city plant run five to the ton. When filled, this storage will have 100,000 cakes of he. the total weight of which will be 40,000,000 pounds. The ice department of the Metro politart Utilities district has stored nearly 10,000 tons in the new house and will have it lillca to capacity ne fore the ice season opens. The 100, OOO cakes of ice which this house will contain would, if placed end to end, extend for a distance of 75 miles. Each of the two large rooms is 133 feet long, S3 feet wide and 60 feet from floor to ceiling. The Nebraska Town Is Isolated by Big Snowstorm Beatrice Practically Cut Off by Heaviest Fall of "i ear Trains Are Lost in Kansas. Between now and that date all persons who have employment to give are asked to write to L. L. Dunn, employment secretary of the ( gion, 314 Richards block, Lincoln, 'l"hc governor took this action at the request of William Ritchie, jr., state ccMJimandcr of the legion, who stated thai s, great number of legion members arc without work. Hundreds of Wild Horsey Perish Because f i old Sacramento, Cal., March 11. Hun dreds of wild horses have perished of starvation on the Owyhee desert, es a result of deep snow and cold, according to dispatches from Winne lnucca, Nev. Stockman arriving at .Winnemucca brought in reports of the loss to livestock. The cold Weather hardened the snow to such Jli degree that horses . ;ere unable to reach the grass. Numerous cat tle and sheep also were lost through the record-breaking snow and cold in February. WTiisty Billed as Creosote Seized by Federal Agents New York, March 11. Sixty-four fcarrels of whisky, labeled "creosote," ,and "linseed oil," were seized In a freight car on Statcn Island yester day, after having been traced by pro Jiibition enforcement agentsirom At lanta, Ga. The liquor barrels were placed between barrels of machine pil. The authorities announced that the shipment was consigned by the South Atlantic Paint company or . .1 . - it-- TT-:-J V..l Crtt-fe company of Brooklyn. Grandmother Given Child Divorced Parents Dispute If Mrs. Blanche L. Maben wants to live with her son, Kobert, 0, sne must live with her mother, Mrs. Flora Cadv. mt West Point, Neb., District Judge Sears decided yester dav. giving legal custody of the child to Mrs. Lady. Her former husband, . William b. Maben. from whom she got a divorce in J9'0, sought custody of the child. alleging she was not giving u v'cl Care in Omaha. He is ordered to (nntinue paying her $15 a month. The ancient civilizations of Baby lonia Egvpt Crete Greece and Rome were largely based on wheat, and it is highly probable that the first great wheat fields were in the fertile land between the Tigm and the Euphrates. Beatrice. Neb., March 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) Beatrice was , rac tically isolated yesterday by the heaviest snowstorm ot tlie season, which set in early yesterday morn ing following a light rain.. Ihe snow wet and has drilled but little. Trains are running behind schedule on account of the storm. The mois ture is regarded b farmers as a crop saver and will put the ground in tine condition for spring plowing. Two Trains Lost. Topeka,' Kan., March 11. (By A. P.) Two Rock Island trains arc lost somewhere in the' southwest, a Union Pacific passenger train has been cancelled and a Santa Fe train reached Topeka more than 13 hours late last night as a result of a bliz zard which has demoralized train, telephone and telegraph service through the southwest. Texas Man Frozen. Amarillo, Tex., March 11. The first fatality in connection with the blizzard which had held the Texas Panhandle in a frigid grasp the last two days was reported here yester day with the death of Joe Mitchell, Amarillo automobile tire salesman, whose frozen body was found 40 miles southeast of here yesterday afternoon beside his automobile, stalled in a snowdrift. Today marked the passing of the blizzard's intensity. Train service continues to suffer but with the clearing of tracks, normal schedules are expected to be resumed shortly. Livestock Cases Postponed Washington, March 11. The sec retary of agriculture postponed from Road .Conditions Furnish-rl by Omaha Auto Club Lincoln Hlnhwav. Et Roadi ooJ to JVnison and east. Jlaraballtown ralr: Cedar Rapids report roada bad but cars urn groins through at alow speed. I.ln.-oln Highway, West Roads food to Grand Island. O. Jj. P. Highway Roada toot to un co'n and west. Highland Cutofr. Fair. Oornhusker Hlgh-a' Road Omaha-Topeka Highway Fair. Brtdg at Louisville closed. o Street Road Ooof. Y. A. Road tiood. Kin of Trails NortlJ Roads good to 3i?ouri alley. lair norm. King of Trails Sooth Roada good to - tl-orgo Washington llighivay Roada re ported good. Klack H Us Trail Roads fair to good. Klver to Klrer Hoad Good to Pes toins: Towa City reported raina yester day and. roads were slippery. Whlta Pole Road Good to Pes Moines. t O. A. 8horllo Good. . Hluo Gran Road UHIa rough near iv 1 l 1 m , vinrr.in . I. iv-ather reported clear and warmer at Terr nolnt. - ' '' ADVERTISEMENT Radium, King of Cures TVs have genuine redium sul phate, the Wonderful element that cleans out disease of catarrh, T. B., cancers, asthma, rheumatism, kid ney, spine, tumors, ulcers, nervous ness, pyorrhea, rectum, prostate and female troubles, dropsy, sciatica. heart, stomach, liver, etc., and strengthens every organ In the body. It positively will do it and It remains good forever. Ours Is trio only Kan ium sold directly to the sick for treatment hy themselves, you try it at our risk. Free booklet. Agents wanted. International Radium Co., 156 North Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. March 20 to April 3 the hearing on the complaint against 110 members of the St. Louis Livestock Exchange, order buyers, dealers and traders in that market, charged with having boycotted independent commission companies not members of the ex change. Ducks Reported in Large Numbers at Lake Manawa Lake Manawa is covered with such enormous numbers of ducks as have never been seen there before in the memory of the oldest inhabitants. Hundreds upon hundreds of the birds swim in the waters of the lake and fly about and feed. Many peo ple are going out from Council Bluffs to see the unusual sight. The ducks are protected at this season by federal law. They must not be killed. Nebraskans Are Secretly Married at Sbenandoah Shenandoah, la., March 11. (Spe cial.) Another "secret" wedding was performed March 3 fn Shenan doah bv Rev. A. S. Woodard at the Methodist parsonage. Elmer E. Wilson, Peru (Neb.) school teacher, was married to Miss Mihlrcd I. Wil liams of Nebraska City. pipes shown in the picture are tit-ed for refrigeutor purposes, to ptevrnt the ire melting and "running to gether." This new storage house, plus the ed 9,000-ton house, will give a total storage of 29,00) tons with which to start the season when J "jitney" stations will be opened throughout the city. The ice plant at Twentieth street and Popplcton avenue now lias a daily capacity of 220 tons. The Ice department believes it will he pos sible to increase this capacity to 240 tons per day during the warm weather. Last year the municipal ice de partment sold nearly 50,(100 tons. "IT FOB MP Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" for Grip. Influenza, Cough, Sore Throat and all Colds. Keep handy, carry in your pocket, take a dose at the first Chill. it 40 INDUCES SLEEP No Narcotic, Strictly Homwpatfcie. Vrrt. 30c Mid $1.00. t Uruj: Store, or tent oa receipt of price or C. O. D. Parcel l'oct. Humphrey, tfnmeo. Medicine Crv, 150 William Street, 'ow York. Medical Book free. A New Kind Of Pattern 'Printed' You Lu no Idea how imti'li quicker sewing Is with IM Nr M. all I'altern "It's printed." Mm MSAL 10 Lots of LACES VriiiiT, Uuny, Tl'ITlum ami Vtil Worth I'l'mt 7c to f I Ml prl. Sjilo prii'c, no t" Qt A yard Preparations Extending Over Many Months Results in This Most Timely Event That Starts Monday Morning Silks and Woolens for Next Week Specially Priced for Horn Sewers and Dressmakers Annex Specials for Sewing Week Notion Bargains for Sewing Week Tcrcale, 36-in., 25c quality, 19c Gin'gbam, 27-in., 29c quality, 10c Bleached Muslin, 36-in. wide, 14l9c yd. Marquisette regular 39c quality, special, 19c .Annex Woolens 40-In. New Spring Prunella Stripes, $1.29 You must sco these great values in woolens before buying your new skirts. 56-Incli V el our Checks, $1.79 Strictly all wool. Use this spring for dresses, suits, etc. SILKS 40-In. Crepe de Chine, $1.25 For your new spring blouses, dress es, underwear, etc. 36-in. Chiffon Taffeta, $1.69 Arc soft and high finish; for your new spring dress see these. In nlL the leading- shades. SILKS at 40-In. Satin Crepe $2.95 This beautiful silk noted for its soft draping effect. , 36-in. Foulards, $1.49 and $1.69 They arc all this season's new patterns, in small de signs; large assortment. Woolens 56-In. All Wool Tweeds, $1.88 Iain and liomc ipun effect for -our spring suits, oats and wraps. 56-In. All Wool Flannel, $1.83 Just 1 lie newest eloih for sport v e a r, of nice weight for snriug and summer. SILKS 36-in. Satin dc Chin, $1.39 You will find this a beautiful soft finish satin and in all colors. 40-In. Canton Crepe, $2.95 The season's most wanted fabric; this is a regular $3.50 to $3.75 seller. 250 yd. Easting Thread, per spool, 5c De Long's I lump Hooks and Eyes, card, 5c Coat's Thread, per spool, lc Barbour's Linen Thread, 19c Bee Want Ads Froduce Results. ADVERTISEMENT, LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and No body Will Know. The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to 'grand mother's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenevr her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance this simple mixture was ap plied, with wonderful, effect. But brewing at home is mussyand out of date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old preparation, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally und fvenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two it becomes beautifully, dark and ! ft IV V 1 Ckarm of Motherhood THERE are many homes once child less that now are blessed with healthy, happy chil den, because Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored the mother to a healthy, nor mal physical condition. The following letters give ihe experience of two young women and prove the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in such cases. Dark Kapids', Slinn. "L have taken your medicine Lydia E. Tinklmm's Vegetable Compound when I was a irl for pains, and before aud after my marriage. I now have a sweet little baby boy, and will send you his picture. My sisters also take your medicine a nd find it a great help, itud I recommend it to those who suffer before their babies are born." Mrs. AY jr. Johnsok, Bos 155, Park Eapids, Minn. Iutztown, Pa. "I wish every woman who wants children would try Lydia AV E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has done so much for me. My baby is almost a year old now and is the picture of health. She walked at eleven months and is trying to use her little tongue. She can say some words real nice. I am sending you her picture. I shall be thankful as long as I live that I found such a wonderful medicine for my troubles." Mrs. Chables A. Mehiz, Kutztown, Pa. These Ietten should induce ethers to try Lydia E. Pinkham's fedetable Compound LYDIA E.PINKHAM ricun.irt tu. Lynn. mass. m B B HtfSHMHv iBH IB! T 7 ! EJ. Davis II Hr i Hi rsrnam i. m. uhj ig I LanmnnamiJI I - Wm"TMiB:h II 'BHilf 'MIIIHWlH Perfectly Natural and No Gray You can 6r anything you like vlth your liair aftor you restore it with Mary T. Goldman. Ttaa beautiful, cvfn color is perfectly natural no streaks or freakish discoloration to betray your secret. Nothing to wash off or rub off Mary T. Goldman's isn't a crude dyew but a clear, colorless restorer safev certain ami easy to apply. Mail the Coupon Don't accept any Htatement on faith, but judgo for yourself by results.. Fill out the coupon carefully, and if possi ble enclose a lock of hair in your letter. When you have judged by this test on one lock, get a full-sized bottle fiom your druggist, or direct from us. Mary T. Goldman, Goldman 8Wf St !, Mlfi. I Please send me your FREE trial bot- I lie of Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color IKestorer. The natural color of my hair I is black jet black...... dark brown I I medium brown.... light brown, light I auburn or blond........ I Name.. I Address , Please print your nam and addreai Im m m mmt nmm mm un an mm mm J secxiotx of ke Bee &11 ihe neva B,boul ihe" iftl4-XT ... knew Fi ACE 1 DISFIGURED H PIMPLES Hard and Red. Itchedand Burned. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals, "My trouble began with indiges tion which caused my face to break out with blackheads and "pimples. The pimples were hard and red end festered over,-and itched and burned a great deal. My face was disfigured, and I lost a lot of sleep. "The trouble lasted about a year before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed, in three months." (Signed) Miss Luclla Loper, R. F. C 2, Fcnwick, Mich., July 25, 1921. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum are all you need for all toilet uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum, Stapltlfccll Fra bv Mall. Addrtll: "Catleiiri mMlH. Dnl 1.IUMU. Kw " SoK) imrr wher.. Soapft. Ointment 2t and 60. Talcum 26c. WPXuticara Soap abaTCa without mug. . II Stops Colds Quickly It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold That May Develop Into Pneu monia or Influenza Get a box of Zerbst's Grip Cap ulMuse as directed ami relief he fchij almost icf-tarilly. Just the Uitnjt for rlulrlfen. ZerlwL's tJrtp Oapmilfi are compiled of gmil old reliable nvli known iiifrruiliwits known ami rwitro picnflcft for over 13 yrarn. Nime pftnuuifl without the uame Zerbit'i Grip Cap mlei. At nil drupslstP. 5o or rirrct from 7ERBST PHARMACAL COMPANY St. Juitprt, Mitiouii AOVEKTISKME.VT. Why You Need Iron- To Make You Strong and "Brainy" and Put the Power Into Your Blood To Overcome Disease Germs Uric Acad 4 en 85-Cent Bottle FREE (32 doses) Jusf biuprt you start tho flay worrl',l and tii-ud, stiff lcjs nnl ttrmn jind mus rlrp. an aliin head, lxirnin? am! bartna1 down tmips in thn bark worn out trrfoi tho day boKins do not think you bit. to stay in that condition. Oct Tvi-ll! Bo free from stiff .lolnta, soro musrles, rheumatic pnina, ariiitiflr bank, kidney or bladdor troublrs Start NOW. K jnu suffer from bladder wcaknrsa with burninK. BiuldltiB t.alns, or if vou ara in and out of bod half a dozen tinica at nlKht, you will anprmatB tho rest, comfort arid strcnBtli Ihia treatment gives. Vo will ;ivo you for your own uso on S-cent bottlB (32 doses) FliKK to con vince you Tho WltHaius Treatment eon ouers kidney and bladder troubles, rheu matism an dall other ailtnenis, no matter how chronic or stubborn when caused by excessive uric acid. ('end this notien with vour luttpr to Tho Dr. U. A. Williams Co., Dept. W-MS P. O. Xloclt. East Hampton. Conn. Pleaso semi ten cents to holy pay part cost of posiafto. packiiiir. etc. Wo will mail to you by Tarcei Post, delivery paid, a regu lar S6-cent bottle of Tho Williams Treat. nn-nt (33 TJ't.SKS), without obllRallon or expense. Only one bottio to tho samo d drvss or family. Established 189L'. The food you eat contains carbon. When your food is di gested it is absorbed from the intestines intotheblood. When the carbon in your food conies in con tact with the oxygen carried by the iron in your blood, tha CHTDon wiu, oxyft-eu 7 -i.jl.fj uniteindbyiodoing impoverished blood they (ire off tre- corpuscles highly mendout enerjy. magnified. thereby lirinj you great force, strength and endurance. With out iron Tour blood carries no oxygen and w itbout oxycen there is nothing to unite with the carbon in your food, so that what you eat does you no pood yon do not net any strength from It it is like putting real into a store without a fire. Yon cannot get any beat un less the coal unite with the fire. - The strongest wanpon with which to pre vent and overcome colds, pneumonia, kidney trouble, rheumatism, nervous prostration, in fact almost aay disease cr disease germs is plenty of good rich, pure blood, strength, energyand euduranceandthe greatest energy carrier In the body is organic iron, not metal lic iron which people usually take, but or ganic iron like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples, and like the Iron contained in what is known as organic Nuxatcd Iron, which may be bad from almost any druggist. Nuxatcd Iron often Increases the strength, energy and endurance of weak, nervous, run down folks to two weeks' time. It has been nsed and highly recom mended by former j United States Sena tors, Members of I Con (free. Judges of V. S. Courts, many physicians and pro minent men. Over 4,000.000 people are now using It annually. Satis factory results ara guaranteed or the manufacturers will refund your money. Sold by all druggists in'tablet form only. . Healthy blood or putcles highly magnified A1HEnTIr.EMK.NT. and Thin This is turning an old phrase far about, but modern methods of reducing fat havo made this revision possible. . If you aro ovcrfat and also averao to Physical exertion; if you are likewise fond of tha table and still want to reduce your excess flesh several pounds, do this: lio to your dniKRist for write the Mannnla Company. 4613 Woodward Avenue, De troit, Mich.) and give him (or send them one dollar. For this modest amount of money the druga-lst will put you in th way of satisfying your ambition for a nice, trim, slim figure. ITo win hand vou a caso of Marmoia Prescription Tablets, (compounded in accordance with the famous Alarmoia Prescription), ona of which you must take after each meal and at bedtime until otl beirlti to lose jour fat steadily and easily. Then continue the treatment until your weicht Is what you desire. JIarmola Prescription Tablets ara not only harmless but really beneficial to the general health. Vou don't seed starva tion diet or weakening exercises. Just go on rating what you like. leave exercistnic to too ainietea. cut tak your little lab let faithfully, and without a doubt tha' flabby flesh will quickly take unt ttse'f Wins, leaving behind it your na'UiKl self, neatly clothed in um fksh and trim ruusUes, r