Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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The Dancing Master
t.llaafcaili (aajaera, aaaattr lri, ta
ilf hrt (Mr aaaalaa. T- aa ae M
kail, aa Mi ar-alf aa amla4
liw 44ri fcaaja-saaaa lrak M
th, aaa alasbas ska atki. r.
lha al .! Ik Ik hrlRfl aM
lakea, alia aiMMi hrf I. I'll fce
Iftaa, 1.11k MM MMHI, laaSI ha I
, ftisahalh'e nliUM. lll k lka
lia U) 4uwl laarfcafi Ikal k fc aa.
ilxl m4 kl aha nat t a kim
aaaia. yilsabatli'a Ual, M kHI aba
wade nr haana. im, ) krr war bam
saerla ki". kul ka awl rr.
NIMtaa c. Mail' kaaalk kut
M rJeia him. Il'f uarla taataa ka
Ian. kka tr la I ha H a ft 4 .wn
Irdlr. naaia ai tuala. kka kaaaataa
vualnl4 wii H aar, aaaaa.
quilt, aaa i.Ha bar kawa. .Saw aa aa
a lid ka Marti
iCcnltnuxi Irons fMisMay )
Rwurm flushed srarlet when he
nw i;it:nl'rth; then he took a quick
tndi? toward her.
"VI.;it on furth are you doiiis?"
lit; 4kfd. He poke hurriedly and
!ii voire sounded a if he were an
,ty. Without waiting (or a reply
he went lack, closed the door and
ame back again to where the lat,
w amazed and cmlurraaed to
"What are vou duiug Itfre?" he
peated roughly.
F.lirabetb rose t- her feet, the
nervoui color flooding her face in
jatchrs, her lip ttemolinf?.
"J rame to s'e Miss SiaiiKer. I
me -anyway, 1 lan't tre what
btiMiioa it is of yours," hc adlcd
lie hardly heeded her words.
"How do you know Mist danger?"
he asked. Mill with that queer note
in hi voice; then, seeing her distress,
he added more gently. "I beg your
pardon, but I was so surprised. I
never dreamed will you please tell
me how you came here?"
His gentleness disarmed Elizabeth;
she answered readily enough. "I met
Miss Sanger after after I saw you
the other day. We were both stand
ing in a shop doorway out of the
tarn and we spoke and and 1 told
her that 1 wanted to learn to dance,
and and she said that she knew
someone who would teach me. She
gave tne her card, and, so. when I
got my money, I came. I've only
;usr come,
Royston glanced quickly ct a clock
an absurd little gilt affair which
stood among a heap of silver trinkets
on a rosewood table; its hands point
ed to 7.
He took up Elizabeth's gloves and
yurse from a chair where she had
laid them down.
"Please let mc take you home," he
said quietly.
Elizabeth cried out; she put her
hands behind her back and her eyes
grew defiant.
"What do you mean? I am uot go
ing home any more. I hate living
with my aunt; nobody there wants
me. You can't take me home! I've
KOt a perfect right to be here." She
broke off agitatedly, and then, as if
struck by the hardness of his face
ihc added, passionately: "If you're
afraid that I can't vay, I can! I've
ijot .10 pounds, 1 can pay perfectly
Royston flushed and bit his lip
"Have you paid-Miss Sanger any
thing?" he masked 'curtly. j
Elizabeth took her purse from him ,
and opened it eagerly. 1
"No, but but I can, of course. 1
don't know what you've got to do
k with her, but I suppose she was
'(thinking of you when she said she
knew someone who would teach ms
to dance,, and I can pay you as well
as I can aNyoue else-'
Royston opened the door.
"Vou will please let me take you
home," he said flintily. "Miss Con
yers, you don't know what you are
doing. It's scandalous that your aunt
Ices not look after you better than
to allow you to go about as you have
done, picking up acquaintances in
this fashion. I know you're very
voting, but" 1
Elizabeth interrupted anguly.
"If you are here, why should I not
be here? I'm not going home. I'm
iioing to see Miss Sanger I'm soi8
to wait till she conies in."
lie moved suddenly from the door.
VHere she is," he said.
He walked over to the window and
stood looking out, his back turned
to Flizaheth.
There was the sound of a cosing
door outside and footsteps and a
naU-'i e song, and the next moment
Enid Sanger walked into the, roonr.
The song died away on her red
dened lip and she "looked swiftly
from Elizabeth's angry face to the
silent figure in the window.
' Hullo, Fa, sorry I was out when
vou came. Hullo, Miss Conyer.
you've found your way here at last
then! I was beginning to give you
up. If you will come into the other
room "
Royston turned. '
"I am just going to take Miss
Convcrs home," he said. He looked
it the elder girl with steely eyes.
"Miss Conyers and I have met be
fore," he added.
She raised her brows, flushing in
annoyance; then she laughed and
-hrugged her shoulders.
'Oh! so that's it, is Ht" she said.
" nd you're going to play knight er.
rant, eh?" she looked at Elizabeth.
"Wei., are you going with him?"
she asked.l .. I
Elizabeth took a switt step for-
ward. ,
"I came to see you, I will stay
with vou." she said. ... ,
Enid Sanger laughed; she leaned
rgainst the door and looked at Roy
sion triumphantly. - ,
"You hear what she says! Pont
b a fool, Pat I I'm not going to hurt
the kid. She wants to learn to
dance, and I was going to introduce
her to you for some lessons, that
was all. She can pay, if it the
money you're scared about."
Elizabeth never forgot the anger
in Royston' face or the savage note
in his voice as he answered r
"You can cut that out; it doesn t
go down with me, you know. Miss
Conyers should never have ome
here, and she is going home to her
people now and with me."
Elizabeth cried out, "I era not! I
am not!" She looked from one to
. the other with eyes of feverish ex
citement she could not understand
what was the matter but she made
a little run toward Enid and caught
her hand.
"I came to see you; tell him you
want me io stay."
Enid dragged her hand free: she
looked past the girl to where Roy
ston jtood. then she shrugged her
houltJers again, - 7 " -
"You'd lirttcr go if he o,
or there'll be the deuce i juy," she
id, tvunii-ally, he utoH-d uut
of the room, tcro the narrow hall
nl tip.tatr., breaking iui into
the refrain of the opg tt the piano,
"Won't V'3 lie My 1-itHe
r.libeth turned Ioa'.v to Pat
He very pale but ije met
her without flincliii'it
"Well, arc you ready?" he uUi.
Elirabtth wanted l' TrUw, she
fell that ahe hated Mm as he Mood
waiting m confident that the would
obey. Then (he rralird l" uelef
it would be t. it lii-r will anaint
his; but h trade wie last effort
"SupiJirjf I trfu-; I
If anthiunl In Tlia lira Muinlai )
,ommon oense
Are You Off-Key With Yourself?
If thoughts of spring do not nuke
you feci more ambitious, more happy
and more comident, there is some
thin; wrong wiih your niake-iip.
You are out of tune with nature.
You arc off-key with yourself.
Probably you have had a hard time
during the, but there i some
thing about the contemplation of
warmer and brighter days with
pleasant weather, that should arout.e
a hope that spring will bring you
more joy.
If you do not look forward to
spring as a time when you will be
better able to overcome problem
before you, you have lot confidence
in yourtelf.
If you have lost confidence you
are not trying to better yourself.
Faith and energy are needed back
of the desire to master difficulties.
You must have faith, energy and
desire to amount to anything.
Forget your troubles of the past,
sc. far as influencing your future.
If the past misfortune contained
a losson for you, remember it, and
press. on eagerly to put in practice
th! lesson learned.
Live in the future work for the
future exert yourself with tlie t
lief that the future contains your
best good.
(Copyright, 12!.
Gained 1 6 Pounds
and Am Brimful
Of New Life and y
Energy, Thanks to
says Thos. J. CyDoti'
nell, JS6 State St.,
Rochester, N. Y. Tan
lac, by its action on the
digestive and assimila' '
tive organs, builds up
the entire system,
brings back the glow to your
cheeks, the spring to your
step and the glorious feeling
of buoyant health to every
fibre of your body. At all
good druggists.
Woman Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkhara'j Vegetable
Cccpoaad Makes This Offer
Cumberland, Md. "My mother
gave me Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble ciompouna
when 1 was be
tween thirteen
and fourteen
year old and was
going to Bchool
because I Buf
fered with paina
andcould not rest.
I did not have any
more trouble af
terthatuntillwas married, then I
always was trou
bled in mv back while carryinir a
child and could not do my work until
I took the Vegetable Compound. I am
strong, do all my washing and ironina
and work for seven children and feel
fine. I always have an easy time at
childbirth and what it did for me it
will do for other women. I am willing
to answer any woman if ahe will
write asking what it did for me."
Mrs. John Heieb, 63 DUley Street,
Cumberland, Md.
. Mrs. Heier's case is but one of
many wo constantly publish recom
mending Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound. She is willing to
answer your letter. Writ? to her.
fV ..a
easy way
to heal
A pure ointment
that has brought
joy fo thousands
tortured by skin
.SeoHiinq uid Htalinq
11 n . I
Hankers lvxpiain
Charge on. Checks
Credit .Woriutioii l.i.tcn to
Talka Iy .'inuiae Mm on
NtTfMity tt Mof,
The rorni'y for the receut it'
rl.ion of the Omaha Clearing lioue
t nuke a etv!ie charge for hand
ling check on cut-of town tank
4 "m U'ntd Thursday ttisht at the
monthly dinner pf the Atsoeution
(4 Credit Men by local bankerf, Th
dinner as given at the Chamber cf j
''Somebody mut ray for 'moving
money' and the bank cannot afford
to do it any longer." said O. T. Fait,
man. "Hank are do in it busmen to
day on u cloie a margin a any
other b'uiiic- h'iue and ran no ,
i.t wi. . '
longer ator "ie exprn. nc one
whe benefit .hould r)'"
The tax levied for eNchange will be
1-S of 1 per cent, according to T. t
?...! -ii.. ....... in i.
j ft'.,,'.. ilir KflltlC l, viHK.t "
total .iMM"i a, nc tain, i.u
forcement of the .evolution begin
March 15.
The federal rcerve bank was held
responsible for doing away with a j
tcrvice cnarge exaeieii in tne past.
South Sit bank charge a carry
lug fee of $1 for every $1,000, one
banker reported. Dale Clark. J. II.
Rexten and C. I. IJrinkman atoo
V. D. Church at Carrolton
Is Destroyed ly Fire
Cliddrn. Ia.. March 10. (Special.)
The I'. B. church at Carrolton wa
completely destroyed by fire follow
lug an explosion of the furnace with
which it wa being wasmed in prep
aration for an aid society meeting.
No one was injured.
Only a little of the furniture was
saved. The loss is $.1,000 with $1,
800 insurance. The edifice wa dam
aged last fall by lightning and the
repairs just completed. It wa built
II years ago and plans are already
under way for rebuilding. 1
I Iks Cite Hirth.Jjy Cake
to Eddie Yoy t Theter
Tddie Toy, that "promising
youni" aetor en the Orpheum stage,
got surprise piny Thursday rht
at the Orrheurn in honor of Itl fcJth
birthday. Cdde i"d ti of the young
Ivy are "t the bill this eck.
Omaha LUs occupied boxes and
Eddie, who is a member of I'lks
lodge. New York, So. t. was called
bttoie the curtain, n here V.. C. Page,
tn behalf of the local Flks, pte
tented him with a birthday rake
(earing ($ randies, the work "f
Mr. J. If. Killian, 1701 South Fif
teenth street.
After the show, Eddie, the sue
'M'U' J'o. with Muiuier Hilly
Hyinc a'td lew invited guest
nude nurry at birthday party.
a isHtMHss rv
Four More Day in Which to
1'ile Income Tat Krporti
Only ijur more days are left In
which to tile last year' Income ux
A penalty i invoked f'r .ho who
fail ta do so, A. H. Allen, collector
of internal revenue, warn.
"We'll probably keep open until
midnight Marrh 15, but those mak
ing returns the next niornin. will
have to tudcr the penalty," lie em-phaitrd.
Ladies' Fine
Admiration is the word that will de
scribe your feelings when you nee
these graceful new models. We com
mend our present unusual showinjr
of Spring footwear for your con
sideration in economical buyinjr.
Flapper Pumps
In patent leather, one
and two strap styles, low
heel. Very new, at
9g05 io ?yO."5
Palint Oxfords
New fcpring creations, in
all the very latest styles.
Moderately priced, at
$rj05 f 745
320 South Sixteenth Street
Phenomenal Special
Purchase Sale
The moat extraordinary event of its
kind Omaha has witnessed this season.
Actual $30 to $40 Values
Tweed Suits Tan, Navy and Black
Tricotine Suits Sizes to Fit AH
Capes, Coats
Each with new pot of beauty
and originality. Priced Saturday
AH the new wanted color ,
Dretse such as these would ordi
narily sell at $25.00 and $30.00.
$1. 95
I rail
I x
sra jsarm k. Tarr a ar m
Beautiful beaded Canton crepe,
soft satin crepe, taffeta, etc.
Frocks for all occasions,
- -r aev mm a . m Mm awsiaar m ara ss sssi s mmmm 1
A Millinery Purchase
That Surpasses All Our Other Events
Divided into Two Large Lots
LOT 1-
Actual Values to
$6 JO, choice
One of the best offerings in quite some
time. The kind 01 nats tnat appeal to
women who like pretty things, in a
variety wide enough for
everyone's taste.
LOT 2-
Actual Values
$7 SO to $10
For Saturday
Only All the
New ' Wanted
v - " 1
I k
OQ KSfCr fgfarg
16th and Jackson Streets
Your Credit It Good
t 4. . -a-
! Two Groups of Our Higher Priced
j Spring Dresses
Go on Sale Saturday at
For this unusual event we have gathered together a be
witching variety of becoming frocks in Canton crepes,
taffeta, crepe knit, creponge, georgette, etc., with pic
turesque, bouffant and circular skirts with different
treatments of sleeves. Styles- that might have come
right out of Vogue, Saturday at $24.50.
New Arrivala in Millinery Fashions at $5.95 Up
New Spring Suits at $29.50 Up
New Spring Coate are $14.75 Up
NEW SPRING TOOT WEAR Pumps and Oxfords in satin, patent
leather and kid for street or dress
wear, low or Spanish heels so much in vogue Oup
Saturday Only!.
$1.00 at
These delicious Chocolates are "fresh
stock," being made right here in
Omaha. They come with assorted
whipped cream centers, hand-dipped
in a thick coating of chocolate.
Extra Special!
10-Inch Records
29c !
At this sensationally lour H
price you will find hits by
Bert Williams, Marion
Harris, Irving Kauffman,
Van and Shenk, Art Hick,
man's Dance Orchestra,
Paul Boise's Dance Triu
and many others.
A Sensational Sacrifice of 200
Real Merit
Select Those That
Suit You Best
16529 La Paloma
18705 When You're Gone
I Won't Forget.
35509 I'oet and Peasant.
18821 Kentucky Home.
18020 In the Garden.
64666 Eileen.
87524 Whispering Hope.
Thousands to
Select From
Meet Your Friends
Saturday at
15th and Harney
I Spasmodic Cronollfrs
relieved by ona application cf-
V VapoRuo
Over 17 Million Jan IW Y-dg
Just Apply This Paste
and Hairs Will Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets.)
The judicious use of a delatone
paste insures any woman a clear,
hairless skin. To prepare the paste,
mix a little of the powdered delatonc
with some water, then apply to the
objectionable hairs for two or three
minutes. When the paste is removed
and the skin washed every trace Of:
hair will have vanished. No pain at
tends the use of the delatonc and it
will not mar the most sensitive skin,
but to insure results, see that you
get real delatone.
Chests i
Special Purchase of High Grade Chests That
Regularly Sell for $22.50, Saturday
Just Pay a $1 Down Then $2 a Month
We eannot recall a time when Cedar Chests of this quality in such
beautiful designa were offered at such a low price,
FOUR OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS the product of one of
America's best makers. Big, roomy cheats every one
built of genuine Tennessee aromatic Red Cedar, of full thickness,
some bound with brass trimmings, locked, corner joints, easy roll
ing casters, strong extension hinge and an extra bag of fragrant
Cedar Chips.
These Chests Will Give Years of Service
As they are highly finished with two coats of extra heavy, trans
parent piano varnish over genuine, bleached white shellac. Sale ia
for One Day only, with saty terms of Si Down, then 92 Month.
your druggitt today.
Yeast Vitamine Tibleti should he aaed In
connection with organic Nuxated Iron. With-,
out nranic iron, both food and YtUminaa are
bmlutely uaeless, u your body cannotchaos
inert, life 1cm food into living: cella and tmua
nnlem you have plenty of organic iron in your
blood. Organic iron takea upoiygtn from your
lunga. This oyunated orianie iron unitea
with your digested food as it is absorbed into
your blood just as Are unites with coal or
wood, and by so doinir it creates tremendous
power and energy. Without organic iron in
your blood your fond merely passes thro, your
body without doing you any good.
Arrangements have been made with the
druggists of this city to give every reader or
this paper a large fl.oo package of Genuine
Yeast Vitamine Tablets absolutely fte with
every purchase of a bottle of Nuisted Iron.
I for Re J Blood, Stranjth and Endurgrrf I
Stave With Cuticura Soap
The healthy up-to-dte Cotioira
way. Pip brush in hot water end
rub on Cuticura Soap. Then toss
lather on fact and rub In (or a mo
ment with fingers. Make a second
lathering and shave. Anoint ny ir
ritation with Cuticura Ointment, then
wash all off with Cuticura Soap.
Nothing better for sensitive skins.
Swab b-S rtT Vifl. A Wtms
..(cTm. Dwt (.UlanSI.HaM"Sasaa S.wsaV. OinUMutW . TmlnatBat.
BSSPCvticara Soap abavaa witkaat arasv