run m:i:: omaua. makcu u, m-:. is CEMLTKFFt- S. Forest Lawn BRINGING UP FATHER (.ft JlUi ASU MAGGIE IN HJ1I. pace 0 ,ou in int unoav utt Drawn for Tho Be by McMtnui ii(0.t !; i fft( a t ... r, km.' r.t ft i Il l fKtrl1) f 111 it I H..U j !( f UtfaMsi DA titf IUtH.,$ l'N"4, ' f M M .. -l.nt I lt j Mk rth h. Ut a 4 j Mutt 4Mt,fjt iriut it i'i t 1 i It I l.tMfUtl I.. !(, n,i f ' BURIAL VAULTS. ! ilti'MH.' r!lH WOll U'tl j gte. H. iHcuitad ( I Ire III 4 ui-lellsUe HtlPt. I proof, b il in U 1 In n up"" the l liiMHIIll il.AI.ISit VAI I.P . if.i4 "mail bii.i.i lluri tii.ll in., if WCLL- I CLtAHtTiYiXI II a, . . ' ' U POME, ROsE.R F LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. I.OKST I ! (. I. t , fa. 1 niit.iiihig ! m.all t ht en. p-thr rtrfi .r pteimig atwut ; I 4... pirMM I'llllli tll.llM and IM.iin t end k-fi iihiiv 11 mr, ! Wt,, stf igiii pi... ai ndiiti e ' f'lrnUh ait'tre.a fop liiirrview I l;i.,.n.t, 11 . n.ero.ui.t, p..,. imih 1 M, U uUft IUII, or !'. II M, iimaba Hr, , J I.V'AT Airedale .u nut t...,i,il, i,l. j l'ppni . ue, au-wre l til bam tf H. !' al II V jri I.HhT'-'l iirt'luv Hlltnmin. tliiiitti. ip. 1 nt rm. Miiiu: iii sin wi mil ln?, ). I lllux tii. nl 11m mi Itiit hi'it H.n.o,, and liMi.ttoii. ia, i omit. - J 1 (IS r -li''liti lm viiiiK t'Jg frnul il.l . I'lMK (llinull, llflMal.l. ImiiH. VOU MA.O COTTER KT m.o home ot wax or LIAOLC TOOTMCLOUP VITM h ALL THAT I LU ikv, the; RCWHO A COOT WW. 1 .an1 'mx in YE I OOtT tAW THE MOtT CCAUTIFOU OWN FOR120O IN A ViNOO W JU'oT CRAZY 1 ooyr IT L 1. u -si 48$ l'LL,TAKG,A CHAHC& BY WAY or; oat ALLCVr I WOULON T HAVC A NICKEL, IF . r 311 r) :t for C ftAfuwe v'e. lie PEAL J STATi: lJWPKOVtO- tl7li.lW ! , 4 y4tf4 tliMI, I - tilHP P.HI MP VHH.l " North, tf-Koom Homo ymKH Mil ir it rM rt 1 wui f i.i im pt.t ulk ll ! ! i lit lug IMHt '! IKIK, ll lk" i I kiutiMi, llitt l ""i ; ibrMi (.ii.n.ii.. b ! Uit !'. rMi. (Wr, CO i,uir fiiiiH. firl l'""n Mil Inn. t4; full -mcul4 bn"l Klill fiMp ftii, ntt la nil .u m ip 4 imii ""I H m '! Ibt I'tflfllllMH: Hi iUh la p I'fl'P'l in pil imi4 in. . I lim '4ii riant -I. il M' p;'4 II t . I.AHK , HRAI.K'U" IJI-IJ HPtiMiu. AT THE GUMPS--- rtj ir in mi on i. ihe si.MiAt ere SHK IS GONK, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN Drawn for The Bee by Sidney .Smith (l o(i) 1 It Ul I It. it PERSONALS. Ladies, Look mi laat k rpitl inwpr purf. a pm 1 nttiallnti it chain.fta anil lainlia' tiwil 1 this nl(. 11 cuta. A-lilrraa I Mot v-1.'i. f'tnaha TIIW RALVATKI.V Arinv l,om. , tour M rldhliif. furnliurp, 1 maaaainpa. K. inllri l. Ua diatntiuip. Phntf 1h. ill!, an il.nir cnn will rail. . 'II and Inifpri nur upw bom, 1110- '. '.'i-'r'.ti JL,0,, BL. KM hariaina In . io nli r. ih7.-Ta." 1 ii In St. 10 Uojala, $i) 19 I n- I narwoniia. 3: so an4 ii.. I,. i Cnilth, j l:i and up. .Midland tuflra Sun'ly Co., ' I'litK. , WIl.Jj lr. t rlalit plraaa mil ngani or (111 iii.n adilrraa for Inlervlrw r'aar.llin tlia rtionil. H v. Mhrrwooil, liu Ha Joih. j -!!'r1 r "" "!' Hp. SVART1.M aaionit rlaaa cif Walla.-a rp-dut-lna- by miialo nirihoil MonUav - 1 nlnit. T to I. Ilamllinn Annn, Apt. It, I -'all avpninm. No jihnna ralla. kATiTRTNTihiT.Kf nkln ant aoalp apprlallat. Bpate-- work anlicltpd. Anpolntmpnt, JA. KM. Pavlann A. N.. Chlropra.'tor. Il vctuauu palton b0rk. xt. ;?. 'ifflra houra. II a. m. tn (:30 p. m. CANl'KR CCRKD BY MAIL 4i ypata' p i pprianra. Dr. M. V. riarK. Sutton, Nrb, I Writ now. 'THEATRICAL hlalnrli-al in.nuua co.iiiiiipiT j fr Playa an 4 parttpa. at f.lehrn'a. Omnha 1 JI A I N ET IC ba t ha rvioIptilay-frPatinpnt with munit'i. 6H H. lih. AT. ankl. Sll.rHUn hut ha. SariHlUb imiaaalP. chv ' ropody. Kvpnlnga to I. Stic Ho. ;oth Rt, ; VNIifclt upt nianaiccinflnt. Kxpert nias aacP. 404 N. 16th. Apt. 4. coNTttT vuviAt Swjuu scrnttY she LiV AH AMtCA-J FtAVYV AL0NGilT Of A. Pr. CACTU? PlANT a- 1 ANOYME PLA- AlK TXCltMY tE v1it fa wET AMilt SVt KitVER. TH0U6HT CF U- I SKC WOUtfM Y MAKR. CLt E COWi? M IHE TM i.Mt MAt THC SwttLttT TAtH Of OVERALL'S IN Tw T M7:l. sur SAPTo HE- vjHpVT HC tSH'T VAMC- WC LOOK JUST AS rUNNS to Hid. ajTV A, -5ILVC VAT AMD A tP.NCL ALiT COAT Af A CANE, AS A CltJM VnOJL AT r 1 in iir: l 1 i Lz: V . . L I f I U L' t a AVkVl THAT I0V2 VUS to i OR A Hfrt OK. SopVa-LIHINvt-SUC AS0. MtMP I tMWY HAVE. OVVRALVS- VAMYLfr TO VHOUl 1 t LVL. a)0L TXtM- T0tt HER. HAT Tll.M OM OVlCt AE A fASi.AfcC $750 DOWN Nar Sm llaimliim A -l Iipu.p aim at.4 tia'f flan, j.-t ty ! pm rani ail '' a'. I i" !' I4.1 . ail Mii. ii'il. KpiikwI vr o((hp, pco $ p in AMOS CHANT CO., REALTORS. Iiitupi.a ?. ?! H l"h, tfoiiH'l I'I""! CiosriFllarpains, $:.7D0 U S'pith lull, f.'ii MipMp arailiti'UK. t i,h. n p.. nil 4 looma an.t ImiIi f (!"nr. I rooina U'air; nn an.l ahaim ttpaa; lti all ll.. I"1 t"li. ta. an ,ri pnvniffttp r j. TtjiiifN! "i ' N't'1 r' l'HHK rttniu I' . rt.p u.aii..i. ppiwiillait hall, lulng l.mni, iIiiiip rnom anil fcH'li'tt rtan: l liit l'"t piHiina aid ih up: am ! tn.'it. m: n tilivii to rtr. I'rl' l i.l. T'fina Northwall & .Johnson. tt.i 74. J :4 ri'-. tilt 11M "RUILT15Y 'OWNKR A beautiful rmmi Ihihk t'o'v hi Xihtia l.uaa. ialt fiiii.h f.uo .liiinl..iia pp.aa.felon at OIM'P. IT" a iM'ili.i I-. I4IH0. f, V li.iatmrk, .' I'Ptrn Trnt rtlda AT, !(. AlT i'AI.i Klll""i.' ni'", $!t pooitia, fttrt'tp.n p.ppi haul Trtni. IIKUT A l KM III Si i I mi. tV.. South. FOR SAI E. Miscellaneous Articles. ' W in. atnra a piano fur iti uc; tlrtn. tVA. 16U. JIKOHANOTIIERAIT. NpvIIIs Blk. 110 i-lllt MASSAOK, HUNT vacuum clpanera. 75c. HA, jMaaaaiTA Sun. and pve. K XPERT maiwaie. S10 Aptm. AT N. ITth St. 1071. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCOHDION, alda. k 11 if p. bo plpatlng, ' covered buttons, all atytps: hematltchltiK. buttonholre. Writ Idral Jiuttoo A I riratlnit Co, lot Brown block, Omaha, ' Nab, Telephone JA. 13. :NEBR. PLEATING '.'.f: itora. 10 Farnam. td Floor. PO. H70. Contractors. 1'ATCH plaatetinr. paperhangitnc nd re niodpllng; a apei-lalty. WA. 099f. Dancing Academies Ippar Iptia TafP'C'P'Q 118 pffW. ..HI'MtJ t w DousrirM into, triaaa and I private Irsiona. Jlpn lnatrurtora. -T A M'MUKK of throw rtiaa. era r fa, UUlily rare, lau-n ntowpra, rakpa, apadua and fltlur mierellaneoua Itema are In eluded Iu the Saturday afternoon Sle pheiiaon Auction, liOJ t'apitol Ate., 1:30 p, m, YF, buy. aell enf. make Oeaks. ahow ma-", etc., Omnha Fixtura Supply I'o., S. W. Cor. 11th and lwiglaa. JA. 87-4. EXPERT eewlng jnarhlno repairing. MICKELS. 7Rth and Ilarnpy. DO. 17J. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used d..ka taught, traifpd. J f. Rred. 1:107 Farnam, anld and DO. tiHb BKST Income property Jt.noo will buy. Owners, rleor residence preferred. H-110, Omaha Hee. WANTED SITUATIONS. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTKD A competent whlta gill i-ooUIni;. Apply 5(i6 H. S2dAv WANTKD A romiiptrut aond maid, ply 'Jii S, SJd Ave. fur Ap- Miscellaneous. WANTKD Experienced inoilPls fr annu al alyla ahon-. Apply Ocnoral Mmiager'a office. 4th floor. THK HUAXPF.IS STORK. Betwppn 10 and 1! ui'lock. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Fl'KM. rroa with prlv. bath; warm, cum fortable, cheprful; prlcea reasonnble. day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT 4701. PS. ' Housekeeping ooroaS Ti"iEcriiii3 yfo MOVING AND STORAGE "WHEN MOVING" FACKINQ STORAGE SF1IPPINQ Phon Jackson 0288. FIDELITY Ja 1107-11 IToward St. the bptter houarkccpltyl inoma la tha dirpitory fumlahed t, odvcrtiaer and rnom hunter. VVil" It Bee office for free copj !.' a'lulNg desirable vacanciea In all par'Ki ,,f the city. LHI)J,'n''h.VuP-keepihK and alpeping looma. h';.erythlng furnlahcd complete. 2424 j'.lonra. , Female. ClTr SOLICITORS WANTKD by Ihl, ac cident IIKALTH DKPARTtM''i-:NT of th COLUMBIA LIFE I'.VSIK ANlE COMPANV. A good policy' f.,r tho In sured, sold on an easy, .Junyinont plnn. rieaaant and prqltyf.e employment for lady and gentlemen solicitors. Call st office, Sndfioor. Iron Building. N. W. Co'V-Wilt and Farnam Sis. i LIGHT housnkecping rooms tor rent. quire mi r.nn. iiu. In FIREPROOF WAr.EHOUSB Hi -;ite locUed rooms for household goods ani pianos, moving, packing and bkkR'JWaha V-SL AND STOnAGE. SOS South Hth. DO- 4i8 NORTH 22d One room and kitchen- ett. modern, furnished. WE. i'44S Four-room Apt., on car line. 15EFINKD widow wiinis position aa linue?'! keeper i-i widower's home. JGox Q'.so, Omaha Uee. y HELP WANTg..-lMALE. JDyfrtists X-Ray ; 1 DENTAt. X.BATS. S0o EACH. fvjji ,,t. 619 Securities Pldg. Kodak FinishinK. ilNLiltOEWENTS. oil coloring, developlna. S'intlng. Kaae Studio. 21 S Neville Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Enln Co.. 1607 Howard St Detectives. ES. .Independent Peterthe Bureau. 304 Neville I Bik. AT. 6501: night, WA. 4"45: KE. 0465 ItELIABI'.E ! Ev. Bldg.. Detective Bureau. Railway J A. 205S: tilBht. KE. 3812. 'JAMES ALLAN. 512 Neville. Bik. Evidence I secured In jail cases. AT lautlo 1 130. Printing. I EDDY" Printing Co. 212 S. 13 St. Do. 804? i HRtTT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bids. Patent Attorneys. ;J. IV. MARTIN, patent attorney, 1712 I Podge, Omaha, also Washington. D. C. We help sell patents: models made. Miscellaneous Announcements. uRlaa s;4t. 1IES3 ET. DIAMONDS X PZU V heat price with privilege to buy back at small profit. '.BOS5 1 JEWELRY CO., Omaha. NeJ., 402 N. 1 ath St. Telephone DO. 6049. ItAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. c: I double edge. 45c doa. Mall orders i so- licited Omaha Sharp Co.. JOj N 16th. 'dr a. c. SARIN. RECTAL lUSBAS'iis'. j SuiteJJAOj)UBI.lK.JSSOiJ; OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattieaaja , made over In r.ew ticks at half price ot new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 24fi7 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug stoics. ,.tflttS.-ajbd Offices. MEN 18. over, wanted for government positions. Kail" ay mall, postotflre. other positions. Salary J130 month. Ex perlence unnecessary. Write for free in formation concerning positions and In struction. Columbia Hrhool of Civil Service, 1T1 Pope Bids- Washington, D. C. CLERKS, young men, over 17, desiring government positions, IK'.O monthly; Writo for free list of positions now open. J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), OuS Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. m Professions and Trades. DO you want to Increase your income? Write the National Auto School, 2814 No. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. Wanted Mn. ladles ami aoa to learn barber ttade; big demand; wage while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodfce ft. Trl-Clty B.irber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAI SCHOOL NH1HT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, romptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad snd wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 156S for Urge Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles. College, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sam School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. ::o Omaha Natloual Bank Bldg. Douglas f. ? S 0. BUSINESS CHANCES. MOI.ER BARBER. COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. j SCREENS rewired, glazing. KE. 2101. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ming. Wirt 0047. MAGNIFICENT overstuffed velnur ilavenr rtnrt with lircaitie cnair in iuhk u, i.. hogany and walnut furniture of vari ous kinds Is offered at the Saturday Stephenson Auction. 1509 Capitol Ave. Before buying new furniture see what we offer. ' ONE gas and one coal range witi water back. Kenwoed 4 789. Pianos and Musical Instruments. 1 CEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums, ivln ' phones, etc.; Instructions, repairing; 1 2761 Davenport St. Phone HA. 2967. TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. Balance as low as $10 per month. A. HoSPE CO- 1M3 Douglas. TWO pianos, mahogany console style talk ing machines, with records, are included In the Saturday Stephenson Auction. JOHN TAFT saxophone shop, .repairing. I Schmoller ft Mueller Bldg.. IMP Dodge. Oak welfth CASH for all kinds of une.l pianos. Phone I Clothing and Furs DUNDEE WOOLEN .MILLS. ?"or sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. rSVthwest f or. lath and Harney Sts. ea oed. n:RB remodeled. rellned and KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. t03 S. 15th St. DO- Salesman Manufacturer of auto mobile tires, operating wholesale branch in Omaha, has two perm anent positions open m nearby territories. Line in nationally advertised and well frtabiishrt. Thia company snd its product Ptmid Bpcnml to none. These welling jolt Ions ofTor better than nvpraern opportunity to me!i who will actually work anl have selling ability. Trpvinu aellinjr -pprienpe In nur line not necr3srtry H!tl,om?h ii clean and successful salon .record is. "We would liko to ta!l tu tltw man who dors not ordinarily an swer advertisement and who probably is employed row. Commission plan of payments and we can sell you on our proposition if we ara sold on you. Job-hunters and changers please disregard this advertisement. Call Mr. "Frown, Room 127. Fontenelle Hotel, daily after I p. m,, Sunday from 9 to . Mr. Investor. Here's your only chance to buy some good bargains: I theater at 13.200. 1 theater at 13.240. 1 theater with ?1.200 duwn and the balance on terms. 1 ladles' and gents' furnishing store. Will sell at involve of stock. An ideal location. Price $3,700. t cafe, on busy corner. Up-to-date in every way. Open from & a. m. to 2 p. m. Owner leaving city. Will sell at sacrifice price, 51,000. Will not accept trado on property or land. Come and see me; office hours 10 a. m. to I j. m. : or write Board and Rooms. HASKELL ST.. 2932. pleasant room for one or two gentlemen, A-l meals. HA " 6S0I. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 4 ROOMS and bath, modern except heat. 312 North 27th Ave. Carl Sorensen. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. A IT- 1 rm- kitchenette, bath, to party buying fur., or will ex. for Ford. Fur wicker sun-room. After I p. m,, AT. 9738. 545 SOUTH 31 ST ST., 2 rooms, private bath: for two gentlemen or couple em ployed. HA. 4330 WELL furnished 3-toom apartment on West Farnam car line. Box B-112, Omaha Bee. FURNISHED water heat. St. apartment, 2 Walnut 2529. rooms, hot 2420 Wirt i'Wo trew apts- everything fur., employed, couples preferred. S28 S. 29th. HA. 1822. H. Peterson, 21 N. 22d St. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Only drug stock and fixtures, about 56,000, in Burr. Neb. (population 200), In brick building 25x60 with liv ing rooms In rear; part of flxturea rent with building. Can lease reasonable. Electric lights: good territory. Can show large sale; will sell fast. Write for particulars. L. Ii. Tetracek, Burr, Neb. FOR SALE Harness shop: complete equipment In excellent condition; small stock: good farming locality: no com petition. Write W. H. Camahan, Primrose, Neh FOR SALE Soda fountain, fine condition, ivory and gold finish: wall appartus cheap: "3 miles from Omaha Address E. S. BrciUing, 218 W. 12th St., Fre mont. Neb. FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms, hot water heat. WA. 2529. 2420 Wirt St. Unfurnished. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. south exposure: the Urbana, 1317 newlv Tark Five rooms, decorated; iu Ave. S73. DELIGHTFUL APARTMENT. In the Ilillcrest at 24th and Jones, consisting of 4 rooms with 6-room ac commodations; beautifully decorated and. in splendid condition. Rent re duced to $55 summer and $03 winter. MODERN FLAT. C9 S. 19th St. five rooms and screened porch; two bedrooms: close in. $53, TARTLY MODERN FLAT. 2914'i Farnam St.. modern except furnace: six large rooms; handy to everything. $05. PAYNE . ('.VRN'ABY CO. "Omaha's Rental Men." 61 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. HORSES AND VBHfcTJ3; HARNESS AND SADDLES. V We make thero ourselves and eel. them direct to the farmers, you get the best that can be made st first cost. Harness that sold for $9i last year, 63 now. Write for free catalog. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. HAY $10 per ton. A. VV. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. JA-1142. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED Ancona and White Wyandotte cockerels for sale. Mrs. H. B. Philips, 6703 N; 35lh. KE. 3790. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, $1.50 for 16. Mrs. L, S. Rice. 1913 Emmet. WE. 2911. A HEAL 20-ACltE FARM at a bargain. Three miles fiom Deaf and Dumb Institute at i'ouih.iI Bluffa. Owner toe old to rare fur it anil It Is a dandy place. Extra good 4-room cot tage, nearly new. Large bam. Mod ern chicken hous and yards. Sis or seven ai res alfalfa. About 1 acre bear ing vineyard. Strawberry bed which produced last year over $150 worth of berries. One-quarter acre rai-pcbrrlea, a few cherries and plums. Lota of shade and evergreen trees and shrubbery In yard and a very beautiful site for a home. Good roads to the city. Price Including a lot of Implements, tools and good horse. $7,000: terms on part. McOEE HEAL ESTATB COMPANY, 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Nebraska Lands. Pirdps County I have five -jiceptionally well Im proved farms ana ""V" " ,u"1 '. within 10 miles county WHITE Wyandotte ' Rose Comb setting eggs. Fred Maroee, 3801 Boyd. KEN. 4103. EXCHANGE canaries for chickens. Market SS01. HATCHING eggs. FINE R" Wr. Ya rds. KE-1'389. I. Red Cockerels. WA. 2780. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1S07 FARNAM o-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for offices, studios, dontal or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing home adjoin ing. T. F. Hall, 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas 7406. CANDY KITCHEN and soda fountain. new fixtures complete. located on good corner in Waterloo, la. Sell for $3,000, Worth double this price. F. O. Talley, 111? Mulberry St..- Waterloo. Ia. FOR RENT A good room for moving picture show in growing suburb of over 3.00O population. For particulars ad dress T. J. Halloran, Eioux City, la. 2009 Riverside Blvd. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Agents to sell Nash .Marcel Hair Waver,, patented, nonlnjutious to hair. Sblls on its merits. Good propo sition to good agents. Nash Marcel Waver Co., 115 Haight St.. San Fran cisco, Cal. Miscellaneous. CLEANING, tailoring suits, furs. H A. 6804. RMT shoes.- $2.9". 706 No. 16th. Fl'R cap for sale. Webster 4105. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed.. Central Typewriter Exc. JA. 41S. 191S Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, $12.$0 and up. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. STANDARD. i- The best varnish on the market, $2.59 per ga-on while It lasts. Shenrin 41 Williams' mised paints. 2 S per gallon. 241! Wright St. , Bee Business Boosters Are Busi i ufi-C;tters, ANY intelligent peraon. either sex. may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding lor newspapers; $& to $15 rer column; all oe spare time: experience unneces sary; no canvassing. Send for particu lars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, n. r. WANTED White Janitor for apartment house. I,iving quarters furnished. Ref erences required. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Harney. AT. ni"n 42x132 plate glass front; cement floor, steam heated; excellent for garage. F. D. Wead-B"wman Co., AT. 0151. A STOCK of shoes in a going concern at Ord for sale at once by trustees at a bargain. Davis & Davis, Ord, Neb. DRUO STORE, $5,000 proposition, quick sale. $3,590 cash. Phone MA. 4219. ONE general merchandise store for sale Or trade. Box 372, Mead. Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WILL pay girls tuition through business college for doing some light office work. Give age and education. For Interview write Box B-D4. Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. FOR personal Instruction in shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, banking, etci call DO. 7774. WANTED Piano player, kitchen. 1518 Harney. Olympia Candy Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES wanted; good commission: city work: Omaha company. Call Room ; Wead Bldg., or Phone DO. 6S04. Household and Domestic. WANTEI Refined. educated, healthy lady. 26-29. wholesome rook, for west ern ranch. Must come from No. 1 fa tri ll v. ppf-;nitP. complete reference neces sary first letter. Box T 18:4, Omaha Bep. - . - WHITE gill for general hou.ework and cooking; go home eights. Walnut 4551. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam.. at 24th Single rooms with private bath st $10.60 per week; for two, $12.60 per wepk. Two large outside room with bath, ?29 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO T.TVE. 30TH ST., 602 S. 3-i'lit. flat; bath, elec tric lights; in good repair; oil modern except heat. $23.50. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721. WILLIS Ave., 2230 Strictly modern, at tractive brick five-room flat; rent $30 CORK1N, 9!9 Omaha Nat'l Bldg- Omaha. 1 o O room modem apartments. THE "DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1703 Howard St. RENTAL AT. 9708. JA. 2805. Peters Trust Company, WHERE (JMAHA RENTS. TENTH STREET 1123 South. 6-room outside apartment, strictly modern. Do. 6392. MAPLE ST., 1816, attractive modern 7 room apartment, tile porclu $60 and $60. LEAVENWORTH. 2422V nished partly modern. , 4-room $23. AT. unfur- 9370. STEAM heated apts., 4 rooms, O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. close In. COME TO THE NE BRASKA 0LDSM0 BILE COMPANY TO DAY AND BUY ONE OF OUR USED CARS, PRICED FROM $100 TO $1,000 THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY A USED CAR. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. NEBRASKA 0LDSM0- BILE COMPANY, 18TH AND HOWARD STS. ATLANTIC 1770. fires " ' Factory Damaged. Bargain Prices. Retail Dept. Sprague Tire Co., 18th and Cuming. lloldrege. cat of Phelpa county,.0" which 1 can make very attractive inV'ccmen.s. .-. n o of these are practically rfl farm la""; others are Idcul for slock TusHiB and nil have very fine IntprovcHS"'"- lc interested write R. M TKjLI Holdrege. Neb. Central Nebraska Stock ranch. 700 acres, 1"0 acres In alfalfa: fine improvements: good water; a wonderful place for hogs and cattle; loading pen and railroad siding track on ranch. Also have exceptionally well Improved all-around stock farm mile from town. For terms and particulars write. E. E. MECiRUE. SCOTIA, NEB. REAL ESTATE WANTED. List jour home Buy your horoa BINDER & OTIS, 1W1 Estate, I,oana, RenUli. JA. gStl. To biiw op pM Omohrt !; I Kiate FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA rkaon 143S Charles W. Young & Son Rest Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 16"2 City Not. Bk. AT. 68. DEL. MAN, Real Estate, Ins. AT. 6250. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. SEVERAL Improved cattle ranches In southern Holt county and central Gar field county, Nebraska, for sale or rent. Bargain if taken at once. .MAT LARD & CO., Norfolk. Neb. WRITE M. A. Larson, central City, Neb., for folder about truck raising oppor tunities In acre tracts. Wisconsin Lands. Fireproof Omaha Apartment. New, handsome, unusually well de signed and constructed modern brick, concrete and steel apartment building: large lot; fine location: contains 26 five-room apartments with sli-room accommodations and every convenience; Interior and exterior finish and the finest throughout; no vacancies; all .leased to good tenants: has waiting list; Income $33,000 per year on reaaonable rental basis; upkeep low; rentals pay all expenses. Including Interest on long time loans and return. In addition about $1,000 per month net. Price $330,000. Owner can use one or more tracts of cisifr'"or"ri0e 1m.V:.vJ,'i VrrtTnnVVA; legitimately priced Nebraska, Iowa or middle western land for actual $200.00 equity, or wtll take part exchange or cash and exchange and carry balance back on property. Box D-102, Omaha e. t ritiuMS Tlt AM tMSTFUR $.,:no FAST TF.LMS l.tnuiii lioti.p. modern Pwpt h.n. arranged for S fntitiHe.. lot t"ixl"4 We i an handle thu mi lerma of line rash ami $.0 pr mcnth, with MincMi'in n sh-ni not Ice. Hansen Investment Co. H14-U l)ouia St. AT OJl. $500 DOWN Will give y ou pnns".tnu of a t o st-t v house with rooms and ball. Tb'a place Is strictly modern. In 'sir ahap Street U paved ami pahl for. Near the car line. 'sll Mr. Chuila, ILiruey 510'.. or (fit.e. open to 8 p. in. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS, Toui 8380. 210 S. lSih. Ill O'lli.t Fluor. LOTS On 8. tide of Lorimo-e Ave. between S4th and !7ih Streets Win sell on easy payments or will build to our order. AT. 1540. Ralston Lots input down: easv payments. Phnn Stewart. Ra Islon. 1"-W. $200 DOWN WE can exchange your Income property for the thing you want. BROWNE & TRACY. 642 Securities Bldg. AT. $360. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee LANDOLOUY free; special number, just out, containing many facts of clover land in Marinette county, Wisconsin. If J for a home or an investment you are thinking of buyinff good farp- lands, where farmers grow rich, send at once for thin special number of Landology. It Is free on request. Address Skid-more-Riehle Land Co., 433 Skldmore Riehle Bldg., Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOTIOEE, INC., 638 Keeline Bldg ern I farm T.ncma No delay on weste dim JjUdllb Kebr. farms, ranch Klok Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat'l Bank. LIBERTY bonds ana stocks bought and sold. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOVV & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank Building. OMAHA HOMES-EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2716. The best home In Dundee. Seven rooms: sunroom, sleeping porch; all quarter-siwed oak below and whito enamel above; 4 bedrooms and fine bath; doubln garage: near 61st and Un derwood. This Is a real buy. Price $11,500. We have some extra fine homes In Dundee at right prices. For informa- Chas. W. Young & Son, Evenings, AT. 9668. HA. 6031, KB.' 1338. Cottage o' 4 rnm partly modern. Block and half off the tat line and convenient to good school. Price l,8ee. Cell Mr. Mitchell. Kenwood 0799, or office, open to 9 p. in. e. -AMOS, GRANT Q,T... REALTORS, intM punojri "it is r 'S Olit "Osr. cnnrt COLORED, 6 to 8-room, modern, smalt Sayment down, balance like rent. E. M. avis. 2630 Grant St. WE. 24:0. NEW houses, $1,000 down; Hanscotn park district. C. O. Carlbcrg, Realtor. Jsck son 0585. SOUTH front lot. north part Dundee, $950. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO., JA. 0064. EAST front corner lot, 1 blocks from Miller park, $850. Jackson 0564. D. E. BUCK CO. buv snd sell homes. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Vacant. WE sell LOTS and LOTS of LOTS. Call Mr, Forbes, AT. 6220. H. S. MANV1LLE, Realtor. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. AT. :4":!. Acreage. I WANT A -SEDAN. Five rooms, completely modern. In fine Dundee neighborhood; 2 years old. Will take a sedan as first payment Atlantic 350J evenings. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. AUTOMOBILE owners, garagemen. me chanics, repairmen, send today for free copy of this month s issue; it contains helpful, Instructive information on over hauling, ignition troubles, wiring, ran buretors, storsge batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest, Butler Bldg., Cincinnati. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords from $50 and up. Dodgo, Buicks and others, $100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops GOLDSTOM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. FOR RENT Business Property. 596 SQUARE FEET of real office space for rent in the Electric Bldg- at the low rate of $1.68 per square foot. This of fice has two large windows fronting on Fifteenth St. We will divide this room to suit tenant. Inquire AT. 3100, Mr. Jaard. Special 1918 Chandler 4-passenger coupe. In good condition. $EO0. Terms. HA. 0345. New paint Job; Mr. Barrett. SOME bargain In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms in all parts of the city. A service thst benefit both advertiser and room seeker. BINNEY ST., 1801 Very desirable large front room in a real home, for S gentle men. Near car line and good cafe. References. Webster 2563. PHONE WA. 0374. if you wish beautiful room In quiet home; Farnam car, gar age, references. CLAIRMONT HOTEL 17th. near Jackson. . Rooms and kitchenette apartments. Ask for weekly rates. DO. 2736. HOTEL SANFORD, lth and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent g-ueata. SWEETWOOD AVE.. 410 Attractive sleeping rooms in modern brick flat, loe in. SLEEPING rooms for rnt. St. $.. .- - 94a N. 25th CLEAN. r.oojf. WARM, WELL FURNISHED 655 S. 26TH AVE. 1K07 FARNAM Store room. 24x132. If tenant wants more room, will build two stories above, each 66x132. with light on three sides. Thomaa F. Hall, 434 Hall way Exchange. DO. 7406. TO LET 30,000 square feet. 1108-10 Howard. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. JA. 0564. 1320 Farnam. SEE us for light, comfortable offices in the heart of the business district. Bents lower than most places. Call room 409. Finance Bldg- 1817 Douglas. TEL. JA 3066 Near Fontenelle hotel, ground floor space, suitable for high class offices or any retail line. 24TH ST., 2511 N. Store room, just north of Lake Et. Modern. Reasonable rent. Call L. N. Bunce, Atlantic 6953. TO LET S and 6-room apartments. 3520 Cuming. W. FARNAM SMITH CO JA. 0564. 1320 Farnarn. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones Sts. JA. 01522.1 for any in floor room. 20x50. suitable '. Central location. H. M. Christie, warehouse lc track'ge prop. F. D. WEAD AND BOWMAN CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. ESTIMATES furnished tin storage and moving. Contracts taken bv Job or hr. Globe Van Storage Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 20-;l Korth 16th SU BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Salfe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. TRANSMISSION cover, $3.50; timing gear cover, 60c; crank shaft, $2. Nebraska Auto Farts Co.. 1016 Harney St. FOR SALE Studebaker 4, 16 model, $160. Just overhauled and In first-class con dition. AT-1762. 716 N. 23d. WHITELY 'We fix everything." Metal or Rubber. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estato. Shopen t Co Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keeline Bldg. $1 fin TO $10,000 made promptly. F. Wend & Bowman Co., Wead Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 3644. Mack's Bond House. 1421. 1st Nat. J. H. M1TI-IEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS Buy From Owner Leaving City. My new 7-room house all modern, one car garage, oak floors throughout, oak . finish down, white enamel up. Lot 60 by 360. Price $2,850 House cost to build 6,495 One-car garage IW Total vatue of property. ... $9,745 Will sell house with furniture for $3,970 cash and $1,250 balance on long time, total selling cost $7,220. Good location, clone to Harney car line, and close to good business corner now, near new high school. Do not bother unless you have cash of $3,970. If you buy without furniture, cash payment is $3,500. Address Box B-113, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED, NOW is the time to sell. If your home is tor sale we would upnreciate tho listing. George F. Jones Co. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List it with t . A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair, 2039 Farnam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 612 8. 24th. FARM LANDS. California Lands. ? ? California ? ? Po you aver expect to buy a home there? Then send now for eur booklet "The Inside Id Real Estate." Ford'a Federated Factors, til Will Building, San Francisco. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul. Mian. Montana Lands. FOR SALE Judith Basin (Mont.) land, guarantee H per cent on Inveetmcnt. Write R. C. Hurst Stanford. Judith Ba sin. Mont. BIRKETT 5:r'!,7,2or",'.P.".d 350 refers Trust Bldg. JA-0633. V-JIV tj U1N 1VJ us for aulck results. 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bidg. JA. 1966. NEAR Clnlrmont, we have a splendid home which is a real bargain. You could not build the house alone for price asked, to si' nothing of garage and nice south front lot wilh paving all paid: 7 rooms. 4 bedrooms, oak finish and floors. Full cemented basement with fruit and coal room. Close to car and school. See it today; $6,000; $1,500 cash. Charles W. Martin & Company, Realtors, 737 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 01S7 $1,600 Small house, three big lots. In the West Center district, one of them with a foundation 24x24 on the ground. Phone Mr. Weyerman, Atlantic 14ul, or office, open to 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS, Douglas 8380. 210 S. 18th. Ground Floor. DUPLEX WANTED. Have three cash buyera. Call F1KE & PRICE. JA. 24)9. GEORGE & Co.oDrut,dVb. REALTORS. omes g. sites. AT. 3024. JA D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance. 3236. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. TO buy or sell real estate see D. V. SHOLES CO JA. 0046. 915 City Nat. Bank. Grove-Hibbard Co. S27 SeeurltiPS Bldg. AT. 4956. Home to Please, LIST your homes for saie with us. We have the customers. PAYNE: INVEST MENT CO. Lots From Owners. L. K. FHOSTAK, JA. 155$, OR HA. ISI2. A Picture Bungalow Located in C'lAirmont; real Elaatic stucco, pebble dash; & room, oak and white enamel finish; full bement and floor drain; full lot; the nicest house in thu addition; near car lino. J1400 cash will handle. Price reasonable. Do not fail to see this. D. E. Buck & Co., 12 Om Nat'l Bank Bldg. . JA. 1000, Pero, WE. 0832; Newlon, HA. 6J42, Buck. KE. 2834. COUNTRY HOME IN TOWN" DELIGHT FUL SIX-ROOM HOME. NEAT AND MODERN; TWO WONDERFUL LOTS, FRUIT. SHADE, HEDGE; CORNER. LIKE A PARK; IN BENSON. NOTH ING LIKE THIS OFFERED BEFORE FOR $5,600. CALL SCHROEPER IN VESTMENT CO. JACKSON J261; EVENINGS. HARNEY 0222. TWO etory. six rooms, close to Harney car. Large living room, dining room and kitchen down. Three nice bedroom and both up. Full basement, bot air heat; paved street, entirely modern. Price, $6,230. Term. Northwall & Johnson, DO. 7487. 604 Electrle, Bldg. BEMIS PARK Rir roema; Itot water heat: one block from Uarney car; sea this; $5,600; easy terms. JA. 3s. GLOVER & SPAIN, Quarter Acres $5 Down, $5 Monthly ' Located southwest of Omaha, Field rhjb and only a few blocks south of Tenter St. Trice i45. The Byron Reed Company DO. 0297. 1613 Farnam St. Miscellaneous. SIX-room house, not new, but a homo worth the money. On paved street; pice neighborhood: strictly modern. Priced for quick rale. Only $1,600. For particulars call WA. 2S12. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSES. Located north In Benson, on 59th St and right at Bivcrview park. Will build to suit on your lot or will furnish lot. i Small down payment, balance like rent. DO. 694 7. BUILDING COSTS are very reasonable. Let us figure on your new home. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Harney St. NEW 5-room stucco bungalow, oak fin ish, built-in features. Pricee $6,000. Norris & Norris. Jackson 4270. I Farm for Rent, T T.anrl thnfc npvnr fails to tirr). Land that never fails to oro- duce. Choice farm for rent. Due to change in plans, I offer my country hame of 125 acres, rich farm land, with modern; improvements of $12,000, for rent for one year, with option of sale or rent for longer term. This place is located in Platte Valley, on main line U. P., about 100 miles from Omaha, near county seat, half mile from new school, on main high way, like pavement. Twenty acres alfalfa, 80 acres farm land, balance blue grass pasv ture. A farmer can take 20 brood sows and 6 milk cows and run hogs in the corn and alfalfa and net $3,000 pel year at present prices. Farm fenced hog tight, with run. ning water. For particulars M. B. Gordon, Owner; Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Or call by phone after Morw day, March 13th. MI$MWIat(an I $50,000 To loafl on O m a h a real estate. Straight 1-year loans. No monthly payments. Reasonable interest rates. NATHAN SOMBERG Realtor 1308 First Nat. Bank At. 07 S 0