12 fill: r.EK:. OMAHA. SATLT.PAY. .MARCH 11. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Dav Hearing on Omaha Trolley Fare Ended Live Stock Omaha Grain Chicago Grain Financial ft . jn ,,, (fi.i, l...:...,,. r i 1 - .1 tjt . tui-.l., 4't(U .1 1 fti.t, , .HI,.'. I .!. .!. , . ft . I .. If i ! k . ! ;. I ( si,:! I... a-.- it. ii i ... t. nt ... ir' ; ... I ., .., I ?: f i'r ... .1 :. ll. 't '. a, dl. oa'tiuH ' lit k II (-. I !:. t i.'!. .t,.tl. "-b. t , f ,r;SMPT,iBI i f. Hi .. ! 1,-.H t It- ,1 V.. '. II- I i. .1. I'..- II II ... T i' 4 V .'. lis , .! I N V. It, .tll , ' I' . l M. l;r. I , tj !. .t . I -.ii s it- ..t : . i, i i", ' . . II i, v , ' I I'tlti.... i ti r I H', I '. J. W, lt. .....J... Mr, . i Onulu. Ufaf!"!! 10. LivfrpiMi, innrnci't: ttioilt re- iHin)rJ to pur rLnr of 4fattr. :;"!l'iiuir t tiic start wd, rounJ uu- riungr.i i inr. I line v;i hoiiip iUiUiitii I.i'Iijh .'nij the ejicmrte, in- l(tli. to kOilif fttit ly lrHll of K'toiJ r4iiiK in OkUhcrt'-a anl K.s. llii-re H4i i very (j.mhI clj ol b ly ing on tit hrruk and furly or rr iiaiiicl and the tloe hinlirr than U-t night, com being cprcislly f an ,M MMIIB. Hrc-ipt cf wli-at on t:ie Iota! fx cli4iiiie Htrr 26 ran. ol corn I car, of imh 7 rir, iiiilinii 10.1 car. a Ii r.i i ; l t'i r-'!' . ll.tl'"ITI'iN-. Arffivtr ! ......... '4.I.H. rarWtt'l : ' l-; I' k IMtf i , . . ' l-rii ' kln o .... w ft t n , .1. W. MMflhf (tiailtl A I ttrin I't' km t'a, a,., Of. I'M if' t r intf ll.fflilall i u t tit- f'-itt I'.ttt.r .. m,i..i I'a-kti i. . r .1 II. Itu't It. M It inu- I a, H', II. I'lirr c n 4 nt.'i 4 h" - lfnti. A I i n .Inlin llttri.tr y, I: ii ... .1 II I;.h A In, ...... J;nirt.irt. Ii Itrt... . II Van l-.ni' A -'.. . . M.rlhrltK.r Mi I'-ftl .. o-h-r l-u;.t .-- T"!l : t i . : -t I , . 3 3 41 1 Ml .r i-u t i ; -i ; , .. j Sit :: . .... n ,, . l3 By CHARLES MICHAELS. Chicaea, March JO. I.IquiJt ?rri apparently ran ii cour.e in the etai inarkfK. Whili- Ihtre wa a break of I a I J-4c unilfr the previou day' (niih on wheat. ttii toe wa on a ironi rally, villi price uiirhanif. ed to J. 4c higher, lorn and rau howe iuljiurn rciianfe io wll. in prfMure, corn ifaininc 1 J.4&T IS 8c and cat I'8i7-He, while ryf wa up I .'(ilc. Sentiment wa !ieariIi early, but the break failed to uiuwcr top I on order in tolume and l;iler there v gt'iirral coveriiirf by .liorl on New York Bonds J mul (hipiucnta were U5 iut,'',f report tf a liberal export bu i airauM iM ear a ear aBu. ' w,t'1 to have bmiuht Mi..jiiijii totav eri made ""vny ii mini wifai anil rye (Tlx Bee it the only Omaha Newtpaper which pubhthr the of. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. ! fiii?1 clo of he NfW Yorl1 lt0k tiitnunge ponos.i N. Y. Curb Bonds Omaha Produce i:u 13. tit ., t .'. .... .... I'I ,. t .', i .. .... :i t'ttl . !', I. hMitt. t't rMI of nil iIim a-ni:i)' tfiy i u.,l iilII Kd-Ur run. Quality Ju ir "nil l-w ff " i....t..i .tioiiKi-F if atnrthinit. Thty io now .n-i.th f r h w!. ne P lr tl.. '...n f ' '"' ir.fh.--l. mi rim .ii-l nn-iium Vma ..k to. if i.Ml..n. "''"'' h.hr limn a ! ". n'' t.tliT aratl'a ahoill mt'IV. Vtntrr f .lull antl onk l-lv. bln .t.liy ?:o urnlor th In lorca car.y in lhoin"ri f"",, h",f? ,.m... lUUVti; f.tr l f""'! .b""; :.(iI.J: minon lo fair ,'v"'i.,, STUi h..f.ra. M...J.Hi ch,,a m row.. S.S'1.)0: fair to '.od . S60: romi.mn fair ".. . gu. i-liolra f"dr. 7.0ii7.ii. fair fair flfra. $r..:5.: oorf to choice .ricklr.. $J.flnM5: flr to Itnort lo'k. ra I Sf T.SSi common to fair -topkrr.. . itnaaan- atnrk heifors. l.60t...-. .' i.t.tin- .tnrk ralv.a. Ijib JTS; vit ra1v. M.0010.:&; tait, ate. 3.605.!HI. A. Pr. -o- . Tf,!) 7 Ol) !.... " .tins 7 m I'-..- ... 1 7 S 5--- 9 1" araund lat iiilu' cloe, but bmer than yeterday at tnal alr. t'ah wheat o!d J'i4i" lower. Torn .: lower. Oat, t 1 f jC lnwer. Kye. .'.'. l"wer and barley. 8.V lower. No. 2 vc How bard wheat tdd Uc under May. No. I bard 5H per cent to 00 per cent dark, aold lfK- under May. No. 2 white and rlliMV corn oId 10(5 10' Jc under Slay. No. 2 mixed, ll(u,UJic under May. No. .1 white oai old 5Jic under May bai track Omaha. WHKAT. Xa I dark tarU: 1 cata (imuilr). N. 1 dark har4: 1 cr vry amuti). Sn. I haul wini.r: i far. It ?. No. ; h.r-l wiut.r: I tar. II :C'is 1 rat.. II : -' t.mutivt. tl :. No. 1 h.r.l tnt.r: I tar. l t cr. ft St: .1 ran. II :o; t rar Hi p.r tm lark l. II !J: I rar in pr i-.nl r. ! n. I, ll.il. I rar, II.:: I car uniutt) I It -I. No. I hard; Winl.r: I far (mutl), II fl. N. ? vnli'w bard: I ar. II !; I rar, II Mi t rar. II So. 3 t'tllnw hard: I rar. 11.50. H.tntila yi-llnw: I rar 1.0 rrr t.nt h't ilattiaaritl. II 0). Ni. 5 aprinar 1 car (north. ml. II SS. So. t lilU'.l: I tar i-turunt). 111, I rar iilurum amultyl. 11 1. No 4 mixed: 1-3 rar. 11.10. cons No. J nit; 1 rara. M,c. o. I hlta: I rar. ill-. No. I j.llnw: 1 rar. Hi-. No. 3 .llo: 3 rarl (ihlpptra welfltta). rara. ai-. Ibroiiiili Holland. drnrral N.a. 3 lltiH; 1 car (aprrlal bl II I nr , 3 rara, aOVic; 3 cata, ale; 3 car.. No. oi ; .n,r. No. 1 mlxril: 1 car, 0lr. No. 3 miit-d: .1 ran (uprclat tlllinO, 50.-; I l- rar. tor. No. 3 mlarrt: I rar ((.pf-i.l bllllnK). Sir; t rar laprrlal bllllnm. 44Sr; 1 tar. (n.ar arhlta), 40 He: 1 car, k. OATS. No. 3 whlto: t rar anrclal billing. J3f; 3 rara. 334r: I car. J3'.r, ... 4... ii... ... n'.'.. Ar. . (II .101 .1347 .1I3S bulla, Pr. 7 35 7 0 00 3 2i "tTF.ER") AND 1IEIFKKS. Sit .. '; ,.1til ..t:9t .. " .. 1 .. 70 .. 75$ ..17Pf .. ? t 1 6- COWS. :5 J... F CO ... t 00 10... mi ... 6 25 14... no u... 7 35 PULLS. 4 IS 1--. 4 CALVES 7 00 I--- 30 7 40 ,..1005 ,..1?oj ...104 ,.. ' .. "3 5 SO 75 6 10 15 49 7 10 .1430 4 15 . 1 7 on 4 liO "V Hons Rorrlpta. S,!00 brad. Shipprra 1.0UKlit a frw llRht hoga rarlv ao ati-ady tin inw.r l-ni-krra w.re very alow to atart traillmr and tlto markr-t .levrlor.'l on a basin ll20r lowrr. Light hoRs sold from 310 40 o 310.66 with R top prlro of 310.7E. Mixed leads and butcher wflBhta tio.iojf 10 45, and raeliitiic grades, SS.fiOO 10 "5, with extreme heavlea. 9 00ffl9.6. Bulk of ealra was 310.50 10.60. 1IOGR. Pr. No. Av. Sh. 10 00 42..:4 No. 4 while: 1 nr. H3.a; RIB. No. 1: 1 rar. 3t-. No. 3: I 3-3 rar, Ilc. No. 3: 1 rar. iOr. No. 4: 6-t car. 90i HARLET. No. 4: 1 rar. 6c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND (I'arlow.) ; iar, 33'ic. SIIIPMCNTS. Week Tear Ako. Aao. 40 .11 H4 69 11 4 1 0 1 Week Tear Ago. Ago. .-. .15 47 I : I 0 3 3 0 ' No. Av. Sh. Hi. .373 610 3..2 ... 40..;.M ... 77..?P ... 16..227 ... Pr. io :o 10 30 10 DO 10 "0 10 15 5:1. .36:1 10 40 80 ., 21 It 10 60 78. .224 10 75 Sheep Receipts. 2.200 head. There was a liBht run of lambs today and prices ruled strong; to 10c higher with an early tlearance made. Bulk of lamba within a ' range of 114 85tff15.15, with the top price of I15.S5. No sheep or shearing: lamba were offered today and quotatlona were held to b generally steady. Quotations on sheep and lamhs: Fat lambs, good to choice. 14.7S15 25: fat lamba. fair to good, 14.50'B'14."f; feeder lambs, cood to choice. 313.3OW14.00: cull lambs. $10.0012.00: fat yearlings, light. 312.60 1.1.00; fst yearling., heavy, 39.50 010.60: fat wethers. $7.759 SO; fat ewes, light. IS.00tf9.00; fat ewes, heavy, 16.00 (8)8.60. - FAT LAM RS. Ko. A. Pr. No. Av. Pr 123 fed.. 80 15 15 123 fed.. S3 15 15 151 fed.. S7 15 25 !0 fed.. 87 15 25 Kansa City l ive Stork. Kansas t'lty. JIo., March 10. Cottle Receipts, 6.000 head: beef steers and she stock steady to strong: top steers. 38.35; Colorado pulpers. J7.50fT8.00; best cows. $8.25; others, 31.60; heifers. $8.C0fl'7.0O: ither classes, steady: farmers. .12 75 5.00; cutters, 34.25; odd vealers, 39.00 9.50. Hogs Receipts. 2.000 head: few sales, lightweights to shippers, 10c. to 20c lower; 310.75 paid: bulk others to packers, un evenly ateadv to 10c lower; mixed loads, most, 39.50flll0.00; bulk, $9.769.95: throwout sows. $8. 753. 85; ' bulk stock pigs. 39.96W1O.00: looks 25c to 60o lower. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 10,000 head; classes, weak; best lambs, 315 00; ewes, 39.00. Receipt! Today. Wheat 2 t'orn 6 Oata 7 Kye 2 Barley 0 Shipments Today. Wheat 25 Corn . Oat 13 Ry. I Barley 3 PniMART RECF.1PTS AND SHIPMENTS. Bushel.) Tl.c.lnta Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat 392.000 t'orn 1.312,000 Oat. 639.000 Shipments Today. Wheat 313.000 Corn 952.000 Oata HI H.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Rusheia Today. Tr. Ago. What and flour 314.000 641.000 Corn ; 646.000 606,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlots Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. 48 317 US 136 54 10 65 64 48 656.000 867.000 1,389.000 1,108.000 649,1100 695.000 "Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. 432,000 2,739.000 1.069.000 634.000 112.000 446,000 Wheat Corn Oats , . Wheat Corn . . Oata ., Wheat Corn . . Oats . 24' .ISO . ts KANSAS CITT 62 41 301 98 RECEIPTS. 81 4:! ST. LOUIS 73 .... 63 33 RECEIPTS. 68 49 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Xtlnn.nnoH. 387 176 30: Duluth 88 . 29 63 Winnipeg; .385 243 317 Chicago Livestock. Chicago. March 10. Cattle Receipts, 3.500 head: beef steers, steady to strong: mostly steady: top. $9.25: weight. 1.664 pounds: top. yerlngs, $8.75: bulk bef fteers. 7.5O8.60; other classes, generally steady: bulk, fat she stock, $S.10?6.50; bylk stockers and feeders; $6.607.35; .veal calves, 39. 009.50. to packers. Hogs Receipts, 27.000 head: mostly 15 '?25o lower than yesterday's average: losing- 2540o lower: shippers bought bout 6,000: holdover, liberal: top, $11.30, early: practical limit late. $11.15: bulk. Slo.soifDii.lO: pigs, mostly 50c lower: bulk desirable, 100 to 120-pounders, $9. 25(1? S.50; some-'stronger weights up to $10.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; market, slow, mostly steady: top fat wooled. lambs, $15.75; top shorn Iambs, 313.25; fresh shorn yearlings and ewes, 310.75: Colorado wooled yearlings, $14.00; few fat ewes In odd lots, $8.50 down. Now York 'Sugar. New Tork, March 10. The raw sugar market was firm and higher, with spot prices being established on the basis of SAe for Cubas, cost and freight, equal to 3.92c. while April shipment was quot ed at 2 9o, cost and freight, equal to !.98c for centrifugal. There were sales of 46,000 bags of Cubas prompt shipment at 2Ao and about .".0,000 bags for April clearance at 2ic, cost and freight. There were also sales of about 02,000 bags of Philippine Islands at 3 36c to local and outport refiners. The raw. sugar futures market was firm on Wall atreet and trade buying prompt ed by the higher ruling of the spot mar ket. Trading was active, and closing prices 4 to 7 points net higher. May. 2.63c; July, 2.73c; September, 2.89c; .December, 2.93c. The market -for refined also was firm and unchanged to 10 points higher, with fine granulated now listed at 6.30c. The demand w-aa again active for both local and export account. Refined futures were without transac tions, closing: May, 6.73c; July, 6.95c; September, 6.00c. New Xork Cotton. New York, March 10. Prices advanced a bit under short covering in tne cotton market today. There was better support- ine nower earlv and prices were advane ed 2025 points in the first couple of hours. Factors influencing the market were the better Liverpool cables, the un favorable turn of weather conditions in the south and the strength of securities. Around mldsession business was gen erally auiet and featureless, the market as a whole having the appearance of a good underlying technical position. Aft ernoon trading was on a modest scale. prices dropping off less than 10 points from the top and holding there to the close. Local shorts and the trade sup ported the market in the late afternoon. Spot cotton quiet, 10 points higher, 18.65c for middling upland. . Southern spot markets: Galveston, 17.80c. unchanged: New Orleans. 17c, un changed; Savannah. 17.63c, 13 points ad vance; Augusta. 17.38c, 13 points advance; Memphis, 17.60c, unchanged; Houston, 17.85c, 10 points advance; Little Rock, 17c, unchanged. Ilulll.h. Aa It umi.I when i.rea tr. advam ing, b'll'l.li (, ttt.,1. l-lenllflll, Titer w.ra ..!. tif ( ion t,M.t-k. t,f Na. 3 I'd front h In Hi. I.ama and lh g.n.ral milling a.maitd sltuwe-l Improvement with raripi ;i ..re. th May and July spread fit nnrnn t around lie at i lime, hul e ltr at I ha U.I. rivrrin-ol rlo.e4 4Uvld itr, in einui!hy Willi tit l,r..k in A met i, a lh pr.vi.m. ti.y, but had lull influt-itir aa t'ltua(.i It. irriinii n.i.r titan firrign inaiki-i Winmrrg l weak and lo..l I'ir, tindt-r Chicago, again.! So premium THiii.dav, lt.ort from Hi eotitttHeat Indicated gmxt r. n and anow In section, wh.r It ta moat needed and no apprr It.iKIMn of drought null til lh. prt-..t lime, Arg.ittini r.port. en far Una aea ann aacti i.i. S etio.mi lin.lt. ;. and soma i trior, afloat fur ih I'nli.d Kingdom at. aa d lo have bran diveiinl lo luiiu- patte. torn llprn. Higher. rt.mo! at bedgra against export aal'a of around l.i"0 o'i bu.ltrl late Thur.day and today taua.il torn lo "Pen hihr. Tit utid.rtoii throughout the tiny was tery airong, although there was a hr,-ak at one lime In sympathy ulth whrni. The linl.lt km about (he lop. with sentiment lather bullish, unly 25.000 bushels were reported .old here to lh east, hut bu.l n..s iiiat-Tially exceeded Ihla figure. Willi bid. on lit. tirf.ie of tin for May. Hark Ilaliimore, or ac better than the prcvl ou. day. Hroomhilla' agant estimates lh Argen. tin expot iahl surplus at lOl.ooo non bushels agatn.i Ii4,0o0.0U0 last year. Re ceipts. 210 rare, tiats held within a range of 1c and. In the main followed rorn, although iher wa some buying on reports of a good export business at the ..aboard, pnme.tlo shipping .ales were 105.000 bushels, with receipts III tars. A strong undertone prevailed In rye, and while lit seaboard demand was re ported aa light, good buying of futures was In ertd.nc on an early break and rve gained fractionally on wheat. Export salca of late , have been very liberal. Pit Notes. Th.ra h.a Veen a rood break In grains and the position of holders strengthened by the large export buying or an gr.tna the last few days. Those who believe that the world'a aituatlon In all grain. warrants buying on all breaks, point to the buying of ,ono,000 bushels wteat, torn and lye the last few days by for eigner. It la estimated that about S.000.000 bushela rye have been sold to clear from the seaboard before April 1. Total vis ible eupplv Is around 7.000,000 bushels. Local sentiment la decidedly tulllsh on rye. "Wheat fields are greening up In the southwest and In many of the bar sec tions the grain Is sprouting," said the Modern Miller. "Conditions In the south west have been Improved by rain and snow." The Nye .Tenks Grain company have taken over the Barnes-Fiaszek company at Kansas City. Hoth are Barnes con cerns. Waehburn -Crosby company have paid $400,000 for the Liberty Milling com pany's plant at Kansas City. A great deal of attention was given the purchase of 6,500 bushels No. 3 red wheat here for shipment to St. Louis. Red winter wheat is scarce in all mar kets and is selling closer to May than for several weeks. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Vp.like Oraln Co. no. 2027. March 10. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yest. Wht. May July Rye May July Corn May July Oats Mav July Pork May July Ribs May July i.s;; 1.35 V, 1.17 1.17U 1.05 .94 ; .61 H .61 'i .64 U .64 .39 .41 .40 - 20.00 11.20 111.40 ' 110.1 110.3 1.33 1.07 .62H! 'Itiol .39 .41 1.341J 1.041, .60; 1 C 3 "i .38 .40H 1.37 1.36 1.38741 1.36'i' 1.18 1.174 1.17541 1.174 Omaha He mm Mir. New Voik. March 10,-To Wall .trett, the 1110U iiitereatinu occur, it ncc of today's market wa lite rt. flin in ilie nock exchange call money rate i 3 1-2 per cent. Fluctuation in that branch of the money market have far lc central iuniticance noaday than they en joyed in the day before the federal tcserv system. The charge tor uch loan then lined absolutely to niea. tire the supply of available credit, ranginn for itiManee between the rate 01 1-2 of I per cent in nttdtiini. iner of the trade reaction year 1W4, at d the 125 per cent rate of Decern- her. JW. when credit facilities weie overstrained by aprculative borrow 111? 4, Nowaday the rate on bankeri ic ccptances U a more accurate measure, the "call money rate" be. iiiij largely controlled by the trea. my position of the moment. Never tbflc. a very low call money rate reflect., even row. an increasitiRly easy money situation and today late, except for two days in January when 3 p:r ce;it was touched, i at the low level since midsummer of fttork Market Itrrorert. Today' atoik market recovereit rather emphatically, with Iradinv more widely tll.iributeil than on any prevloua day this week. Most of tit day's advances or. furred In the induntrUI stork, and most of them again rrde. trd acttvlllea of pro fessions! traders, but the market ad vanced, on the whole, easily ami the bulk of the dty's inipiovcment was maintained. o far aa tho news had any influence in tho stock rxihang. attention wns t hl.fly dtrei ted to tne annual reports of the r-tiiitelinker Motor rompany and the ureal Northern railway. Hoth ar e- tepflans to ihe year' results, in their respective- Industries. The (treat Northern, Ilka other rail ways. Increased Its own net revenue from rporation over 1920, through large cur. latlnient of expenst-a and In apite of 121, 500,000 decrease In gross receipts, but Its vrrv large gain In total revenue ram. ft oin "other non-operating Income, which ronaiats of lb extra lltirllngton and Otilncy dividend payments to the two pro-t-rletary rallweye anl poaatbly some set tlement with the government. The state ment suggests, however, that other rail ways than the lireat Northern may in their full returns, make a better showing for 1921 than the preliminary monthly reporta have Indicated, Little Interest Io Steel Report. Not much ir.tcrest mi taken in the Me-1 corporation's unfilled order state ment aa of the end of February. It showed a decrease of 100.609 tons for the month, which at first glance might eem Inconsistent with the increase of mill activities to 65 per rent of capacity sn against 40 lit the tattler part of Jan uary. The separate statements of the 13 re serve banks again sro chiefly remarkable thla week for their evidence of the rapid ly Improving position in the typical "frozen credits'' districts. The reserve percentage of the Atlanta bank, for In stance. Is now 74': It was 70 a week ago, S3 1-3 a month ago and 424 at the end of 1921. Its present reserve ratio la above that of Boston and nearly up to those of Philadelphia and Cleveland. Further Increase this past week brings the Uallas batik's percentage to 53 aa compared with 65 a month ago and the Minneapolis percentage to 72 1-3 against 63 si. This substantial gain 1n strength can mean nothing hut progressive liquidation of tied up rrediia and. In fact, the ac count of "bills on hand" was reduced in the past week 1900,000 at nallas, $2,200. 000 at Minneapolis and $6,300,000 at At lanta. Comparison of this Item with the present week in 1921 gives still more re markable results. Outstanding loans and edlscuunts of these three banks com bined are $137,000,000 below their total of 12 months apa, a reduction of no less than 64 per cent. t'l.i.e ! . .4 j II I. : 1 1 M1j i'i I : r I t" iij , I'm o ; rw lots, lloitds. Sw Toik, M.rttt 10 liiitoati g at tuday'a litgtt, l-iw n.l rtii-'ina' pr.-i ! Iih, m, illa ,, irt, , i, hati., and the llnl mI,- id r.. loud; I oiled htalra lluuda. Kale n 1 1 'imi) 1 1 ik It low 31a I. ill a. nt H H t l.:btly M 4.. . ff I II l I.I l ll.riy .i 4 . M T 14 7M l.ib.ny 3d ', ! It ! 9(4 l.iherly 3d 4'.4'l fl Ui'i Liberty tn !' ;n 124 i. i.ny , .1""'',' lew.1 II. Victory 4 Ii" '! t"i t I'urelgn (,oietnniriil, Mat anil Munlilpal, ale. Iligli low I'll..- tl t'l of l'irditu f. .44 alii. I,i4 !l t'l t.f i'i.. 'ii '. , SO t" I I I ut I.I una Urn . . t 7 I'I of at a ran, rs ... i,l ', ', 1 t'l t'f II l .1411 k.,,lll. lllt 1"", l t'l of '.urbli . ...Ill lli)i, llo, 2 liuli Mum. iul . ... !". ! l of hvlli 7s... 94 II', .', U linttiinnail II. p ... '. '. i no or tan i ;t. ..', . ', no Can I.', limes. "'. ii nutiii i' I ii. i s.'s j; . t4 Fr.n.h tlotl 7ts,l('l !" 1"'". I'rrnch ti.m ...14,4 1M i'l' j.i 4 v.'. r.'.s :- 7 .lap l.i 41,......, -. . si's 3 King of It. if K...03. imi, fl' 4 King of Hflg 7iaa.l'i l7'. lo 73 Kn,ar of I"-ii 6 ... ' 7 King of Ni.r ....,l"9i !", 65 King t.f N,. ... 9. . si'. . l: ll'- of Chile 4ii.l "4 1"J'. 104 1 II fit of I'm .... irni'i, Wii I".'! I-.' e t.f V'l'eti.laiid 7a. IO I'i l"". IJ K.i i'onf..l . . .1 1 :. a 1 1 .'. IIS'. 4 I'K'illvl 3l,s ::..l"4 inj'i l''3'. 10 1 KlllUl i,a 29..ln4'i JOI's 1"4' .w Voii,, il.rin Failoa.Bf Is .en, (.!.! pat ,f ij., s it...... iinn .n li.a , Voik t uiti ..n. ii..ik-l ui lo 2 1 f. m . with ..I.. ea, ., (..j anl ll.s) n ah, law and l.. I .ti.(. liwide, IT A'l.d Pa It, . .. fit, tl , t Aili.-i l . k .. rif, ii it a. i Am I ii. t at I' .,.'.", i, I...", I A.U i r 2J..I..I. i'lii. imis A.tt T 'f t. ; ,e ea', ei, I Ait.mil l 'Li p, ..., MS S J A ii... hi up ia 29. .l03it ) li'4 Arinuur a! io 7a. ..lot'. 1"S'. !.'.'. . !.iMi, r. . llrth klerl 2.1,,, l 14 iitj iirtri ai.ei ,e sa,.,nl.. tut- ran ,ni II y K. 7s i tl 1 '.II !'.,! 11 ,,,.il 1 I'clil ktin-. . .... Sal, i 1 .'luihl'U tlfapn k. 41", J Cup F Ai.n a in I 1 in I it A. .it .. ; (i, ., l" ll 41', rurHi.ti.d b tt air K.brtal, a. ratit.l of ."Him, bui s.j at mr k.'s aad n.'k.nn. Lite P'H I.TIIV, Hltalr.. . Whol'! Majtitig I'r Railing I'r. , . . . I" 1 '. 1. 1 j : o V'il. na l't 114. .., . II. 11. II .nil f ( (llr.ttl I rti k Iltl'k. ...... Ue. l... ,, "I'fiitiia 1 1 -in .., t'.i. U. , lui. 1. . , 1 trr. Turk..' lm Ivl V l mi ' 41 ', tJ f ,t. 1- .,i! Hrle.-I ., I-..' t, N. I ... n... S. 1. 1 t'r.i-l.. . ni J. ni, t'. rutin . s, ... 4 J tun's Jtio'. 1 feamety. i.iltiin ' ' jt teaniery, I11I1. !'' 1 1't'untfy, bent... i,r l-'ti l.i i;o MIKKHKIl I'l'l" .'4 l it ntr. lot ', lav's l '. V I'Klillivl t'., 99', 99' 9114a 14 I' H of flr.ltl ...l'l'i Iu5i lull :l IT H of M.kii'o 4. 41 44 44S 6 U 8 of Mexico (a.. t 6-'4 H Railway and .Mlnellalie.iis lltinds. 1 Adams rrp 4. Ta '. T4 Alas M de i A. 91. 9 99 4. : ii t'..nu.Iid.i.. ilia u . ii, 11. i ,. i,; - .... . a . ff -,. -r. - 1, ?-a."l ii.Hi.iri. H T is 7. . . i; j Kuir mi I lluud Itubi.er I IIUll.l.l nil ,.,,,, 1 inirr it T ;.'.... .114 ti 7 Ki-iin Ci.i.t.er 7...iu-t. l.i I 1....1..1. 11.. ... 7 I. lb McNeill a I, t Nat I i 14 t. . . . I Nat Leather Ill N r N II II 4a 1 ultii, t'HIre 7 r: If I'ltiia i .t a 41. . a I'I. 1,. I.I a. . . I Cil. Her for 2 Hears Kit 7a i'3., 9, 99'. HIS 7 Kliaw.heru 7s lo.", n t, oi, I Holtay i'i ....0;at m;, 0. :; t4 w iii-n Tri 7...I":', in;', ioji. a Kian nil V 7s .1.i.ii7' 1' l, Hian nil N Y ta 3l.i'i, Inn', ..a , II Man nil .V V tftja.lo.t, lint, inf. 1, B Hllll lilt 7. HAL lllltl. ll.l .7 Murlft . t'f. -- .'. lull. IAH 1..1 ''( i Txs. V Co Ii'l ', n'4 lot. ' Tnl KdiBon ' Iftl'. 14'. I4i, : I n t',1 IT". as... l 91 11 . , (i it" u . Ill fTKR. 9 9'a .1"!'. I"l )"1 . 9. 94 . l 'a 74 ill; 5 . . I ' t-i !"i'j nil1, ...I. :,', .. 0. ll'. tl N .1 7s 94 94 .7U4 .17 5'r .; . 1 ir ,litf : ,! ,IU ,;i' , ,24 if .:; .i . 1 : :it .I""!1 4 .1 ..! ,'. , .: t"' .3S ;1 . .- .1. ii! 'Ihe Nebraska Mite K.iiUav t"ni' niianiuii je.icril.iv .put 111 1011 I'tttii. pleted the (finul bianiia," nf the ap I'lic.'itum nf the (I111.1I14 .un! imimil lUuffs Mrert I'.uUay unnpauv lur r .rriii.iiifnt f.iu", 1 he rn.iiiiii have been held in the oliVe ( I'nipilratioii i'tiittuel , I. Lambert, w ho h.i. repioeuted tb" citv in thin rae, '1 he ciiiiiiini"-!"'! .miiii'itii'f d (di a ! jiiuiniiunt that the tiiit'luni iniiip.tnv would be expected to submit a btiif not later th.ni May I and the iit not later than June I. The coin PiUmou' tindiiiK probably will b rendered alnmt Ju'v I. Clay (!oiuity IVt tu .pcak Set mi Andi rtHii, Clay county poet, will spiak at the nurtiiiu id Hit CtiiiiliclhiH .hip i hiti ol Miller park tonitibt. He wa a Rtie-t at the lion ' led Ralph Ih-fkley, 27.14 H.iuman i street. at tnuht. .24 41 Am Ag Cii 7l3..lul' :.5 Am Smelt Ct 95 Am hug 6. 99 M Am T T col Is.. '9'i'i 13 Am T T tv (. .Ill I Am Writ Pap 7s. , . i 72 Armour A Co 4ijS. 87 4 A T ft S F cv 4. 53 79 i 37 A T ft S r gen 4s. 97 1 At Fruit 7s T4,1 104 Jon, kk't ', 981 99 9ii 9 1I2, IK'S SI St nii : 7' 79'i 97'. 34 'a :n At Refln 614. ,...lll.l4 1031. 10.il, II It & O cv 414s.... 77 '4, 77 77i. 1 14 ft n n f 6s 11 9 o :r 11 it o i 971. 9i-4 97 h 6 Hell T of Pen 7,.1"8i, I'I' lOl'a 3 lleth Steel ref 6... 90 , 8 7'j 90 ! Heth Uleel I'M 6... 88 87 1 83 . Uraden Copper i.... 96 94 14 96 '4 12 llkyn Kd gen 7s Sl.lH6t Iii',, 10 B R T Co rtfs 7s st 74 Can Not 611a M8; Can Pac deb 4s.... 77' 3 Ceil I.eath 6s .... 72V, 21 Cer de l'as 8. 1l2t 12 Chea & Ohio cv 44s 84-. 14 Chea at Ohio cv 6s. 861,4 10 Chi & Alton Ss .... f.. 200 C 11 ft Q ref 6s.... 97 '4 60 C ft E I gen 6s ne. 74!. t Chi (it West 4s ,0 2 Chi In L ref 6s. 92 14 CM ft P ref 4'iB. iS'i 13 CM ft SP cv 414s 641, 13 CM SP cv 6s. .. 651,4 14 C & N AV i.en 6s. .101 3 U ft N W 6Hs.,..106i LIU Ky 6S 77 74 1081 77. 112 84'i 85 "4 63 t 74 1H8 112 '4 84'i 86!a 66 97'4 T4t to 19 Chi R I & P gen 4s 82 124 I'M HUF ref 4s 78 '4 5 Chi Lit Sta 6ns 17 Chile Cop 6. 7 CCO & SLOM 4s. 2 Col Industrials 6s. 13 Co & So ref 414s. 68 Consul (las 7s.... S Cor Prod SF 6s... 55 Cub Can Sug cv 7a 744 6914 92 68i; 64 nr. 101 IH6 77 82 78 114i; 11414 4 74 84 78 78 7174 83 ii 80 108H 107 IU8I4 99 -4 99 "i 99 ?i 3 S3 '4 83 II Vacuum nil 7s let 1"? loj II Warn Sug T 41... 9i 96k, 'O, 10 Writ Kir, trie 7..,10rt'4 I 'ins ln44 I Win. he.ter 7';a .. . 98', 7i, 2 Al I'trjer . iff... r.ia j's I Can N Ity .' 99t, 9', 994 2 Col Uraiih. 9. nf.. 3.1 :;S 3.1 5 Nat A.-in 7'a... Mi 9Ji 91', 11 NVNIIa-ll 7a 2i WI 81 74i 7i 6 Tldiil tisag 7s ... M 10 10 6 W (4 E f Ca W I 91 '4 91 14 9414 3 City Altar ...... l"oS 1'IOS 1H0S Koreig n Itond. tt Aigentintt ;s 23... 9i l4 94 i 2 TIUK.iaii 6'ts 19 MS 1S 3 Russian is elf... M'i 1'4 l't 1 Ku.s.an 514a 18i. ! 14'. 64 bwl.B 6'v 1001. j no 100 , 114' 851.4 7914 VI 7 96 ei; 64 S 65 101 106i 77l 82 78 4 I 1.06 Vi .95 j .:si .62m .66141 I I .41 Vil .4111 20.00 120.00 120.00 I 111.40 11.62 10.90 110.65 11.47 11.56 10.90 110.65 lit. 20 11.35 110.55 110.32 1.05H .941,4 .60T4 .61 .63 .641,4 .39 .41 .40T4 20.00 11.22 11.50 110.80 110.50 Sioux City Live Slock. Sioux City. Ia.. March 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 1.600 head: market alow: fed I New York General. eiRer. aim yt-ai jiuns. . i . I f ac e. ii., ; warmt-a -r.i, tr..t, 10 T-lnnr fi..v' i,n t..r. v..rllrim M 5 0 C C It . . t I NeW TOrlf, MarCll JO. 1 BieaQ . rows and heifers, S4 507.50: canners, , "PS" rlr "-'See.oO 60in.3.75: veals. S5.004fS.5A: feeders. I Buckwheat Quiet; American and Cana- 3". 5O7.50: calves. 13 OriHf.7 40 : feertinir .' "ian, $2.46. ncirers, $3.oogi5.oo; stockers. civs nnd 35. ROW 7.50. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head: market gen erally 10SU5C lower: butchers. 310.150 10.30: lights, StO.SSff 10.60: mixed heavy, $9 85(r?10.50; heavy packers. 3S.754S9.23. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.500 head: market weak: bulk of sales. $10.15 jf 10 40. St. Loul. Livestock. Tast St. Louis. III,. March JO. Cattle Ttecelnts. 600: beef steers. sTeadv: qual ity plain: rows easier; bulk, 33.0006.00; other classes steady;' bulk light veal calves. 310.004H0.50. . . Hogs Receipts. 11.000; opened 15?25e lower; closed, 2535c; tower on light medium and heavy butchers: practical top. 311.15: bulk 160 to 260-pound aver ts. 311.00W11.10: packer sows, 10o to IS" lower: bulk, $9.3589.60: pigs, steady. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 400; nom inally steady. St. Jo.eph Live Stork. St. Josenh. Mo., March 10. Cattle R refnts. 6.1 head: weak: steers. $7,000 8 75: rows and heifers. 34.0048.20; ralv.s, 95.50jt9.00; stockers and feeders, $6,250 Koc Receipts. 3.50ft If-ad: steady to 1ir loirer: top, $10.60; bul of aalea, $12S10 60. Sheep Receipts. 3.000 head: lower; lambs, $14.:5fT13.:5: ewes. 38,0083.00. Bar Silver. New Tork. March 10. Silver Foreiga bar, 65 Uc; Mexican dollars, 49S , dian. 12.45. nominal Wheat Spot, irregular No. 3 red, $1.4414; No. 2 hard, 31.4; No. 1 Manitoba, $1.6014, and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.4014, c. i. f., track, New York, to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No. 3 yellow and No. 2 white. 75c. and No. 2 mixed, 7414c, c. t. f.. New Tork, all rail. Oats Spot, quiet; No. 3 white, 474? 47140. Lard Steady; mlddlewest. 111.16011.15. New York Produce New York. March 10. Butter Firm; creamery, higher than extraa, 39i4?40c; creamery extras, 38U39c; creamery, firsts. 35 1? 38c. Eggs Steady; fresh gathered extra firsts. 25'ie26c; do firsts. 24025c Cheese Firm. New York Dried Fruit. New York, March 10. Evaporated Ap ples Firm. Prunes Quiet. Apricots Nominal. Peaches Firm. Ral st ns -Steady. Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 10. Butter Higher; creamery extras. SS14c; firsts, 52 3:', c; seconds. Sir: standards, SS'r. Eggs Unchanged; receipts, 17,445 cases. Flaxseed Oil. Pulutb. Minn.. March 19. Flaxseed On track. 2.58'.4?3.C2'4; arrive. $298X49 :.ik. Minneapolis Oraln. Minneapolis. March 10. Wheat Re ceipts, 387 cars compared with 303 cars a vear ago. Cash No. 1 northern $1.46 1.50: May. $1.41; July. 11.3074. Corn No. 3 yellow, 6014 5 me. Oats No. 3 white, 3314 83374c. Barley 5061c. Rye No 2, 98fB99c. Flax No. 1. $2.602.64. ' Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., March 10. Flour Unchanged to 25c lower. In carload lots, family patents quoted at $8.008.25 a bar rel In 98-pound cotton sacks. Bran $26. 00. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo., Mnrch 10. Wheat May, I1.S41J ; July, S1.134. Corn May, 601,4c; July, ea'ijc. Oats May, 3914c: July, 4llic Kansas City Grain, Kansas City, Mo.. March 1 O. May. 31.2514; July. $1.10. Corn May, 6614 c; July, 69 14 c New York Stocks "Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Thursday High Low Close Close 9714 96 i 96 i 9C4 37 "4 3714 3714 13734 13614 136U 8Hi 80S 80S 6014 69 i 69 S 7714 7 " -Close New York Coffee. New York,- March 10. After opening 2 to 6 points lower under realizing, the market for coffee futures firmed up on the continued steadiness of Brazil, talk of an improving trade demand and re ports of a firm tone in the cost and freight market. May advanced to 9.05c and December sold at 9.11c, or 4 to 8 points net higher, but there was In creased realizing above the 9c level and prices worked back to about the opening figures in tho later trading. May closed at 8.93c bid, with the general market closing at a net decline of 2 to 5 points. Sales were estimated at about 23.000, bags. March. 8.86c; May. 8.95c; July, 8.95c: September, 8.98c; October, 9.00c; December, 9.02c. ' Spot coffee was reported firm witTi Rio 7s quoted at 914o to 9ic and San tos 4s at 13Vic to 1314c Cost and freight offers were 4Tgber on the average, In cluding Santos Ss and 6s part bourbons at 13.05c to 13.40c, American, credits. Chirago Potatoes. Chicago. March 10. Potatoes Steady; receipts. 63 cars; total U. S. shipments. 865; Wisconsin sacked round whites, $1.70 4M.80 cwt.; Wisconsin bulk round whites, S1.S601.SO cwt.: Minnesota sacked Red Rivers, $2.0002.05 cwt.; Minnesota sacked round whites partly graded. 31,6091.70 cwt.: Colorado sacked round whites. SI 5001.75; Idaho sacked russets, S2.00 2.10 cwt.; Idaho sacked rurals, $1.75 1.85 cwt, New York Metals. New Tork, March 10. Copper Easy; electrolytic, spot and nearby, 13c; later, 131314c. Tin Firm: spot and futures, 29.60c. Iron Steady, unchanged. Lead Steady; spot. 4.7004.10c. 5!inc Quiet: East St. Louis delivery, spot, 4.65i?4.70c. Antimony Spot, 4.25c. A. T. ft S. F Bait. & Ohio. . . . Canadian Pacific JC. -Y. Central ... Chea. ft Ohio Great Northern . Illinois Central . , K. C. Southern .. Lehigh Valley ... Mo. Pacific N. Y. ft N. H.... North. Pacific . . . Chicago & N. W.. Pennsylvania Ry. Reading C. II. 1. & P South, Pac South. Ry C. M. ft St. P Union" Pac. ... Am. Car Fdry, Allia-Chalmers Am. Loco Baldwin Loco... Bethlehem Stl. . Colo. F. & I.... Crucible Am. Stl. Fdry. . Lacka. Steel.... Midvale Steel... Pressed Stl. Car. Rep. Stl. .t I.... Ry. Stl. Spgs... Sloss-Scheffield V. S. Steel Vanadium 25H4 5314 25 94 69 6 8 74 6 9 22S 22 2214 m 1711 1714 81 80 80 14 70 6914 69S 36S 36 36 74i 7414 74i,i .... 41 4074 4014 .... 8514 84i 84S 21 14 2 0 74 ?074 .... 234 2314 23 ....133U 132 13274 STEELS. . ,., ....15.) lo5 lea l"4'i) ... 46"4 46'4 46'4 4S4 ....lllii 110 11074 HO 10771 106 luol ' 6! O.-B 0-1 2714 2714 2714 68 14 67 ITS 8414 3314 S3i 3714 136 V 8074 69H 7574 10014 25 60 224 17 14 8014 69 86 74 40S 84 S 2074 23 13214 2 Cuban American 8a.loti 104 1045; 1 Cuban R K 714a. ..1021, 10214 10214 1 I "CI or UU CV US... 92 HI'., 92 19 G ft R O ref 5s... 4614 441, 4S 1 T & It d Im 6s... 79 79 79 10 net Edison Cs....l02 loia; ioi; I nia Mutch 7Ms insit 1081. man. 30 Ditpont 1 N .7S. .111414 ln3 inru; - i-iuques t-igitt bs...in2'4 20 Erio Gen 4s 44 121 Flak Rub 8s 10414 1 General Elec 6s.... 97', 200 Goodyear Tire 8s 31.100 1 C.ranby Mill 8s..., 88 4.1 Grand Trunk 6s....l02'i 262 Gt North 6l4s 96 J8 Gt North 7a 18S 107S IO8I4 i 1111 i-en o's BS'i 116 Inter Met 4iis.... '5 7 Inter M M 6s 94 H 12 Inter Pap Ret 6s... 83 S 23 Invin Oil 8s 9214 6 Kas Cit Sou 6s.... 8554 33 Kei-Sprlng Tires 8s. 107 .1 Lacka l-t'iel 6s 60, 84 14 6 L S ft M S 4s 31.. 91 1 Liggett ft Mey 6s.. 9414 3 Louis & Nash un 4s. 90 14 Mar St Ry Con 6s 87 i 102 H 431i 104 97 '4 9914 88 102 96 14 11121, 44 104 S 97'4 99 S 88 ' 102'4 96 i best 99' 131 94 3i 9214 8514 105 8 414 91 9414 90 87i 99 131 9414 83 S 9214 6514 106 74 841, 91 94 'A 90 8 .10214 10214 10214 101 '4 70S 60S 8014 62 U 9514 67 1112 7Ci 60, 80 621s 9514 6774 9914 10014 Anaconda Am. S. & R. Co Cerro De Pasco Chill Chino Inspiration Kennecott Miami Nevada Con Ray Con Seneca Utah 3014 6914 51 ... 9S .. 36S ... 94 74 ... 36 COPPERS. ... 4 8 74 4 8 4874 S4 74 1714 26 74 30 68 r.o 98 86S 9414 3614 48 S41i 17 26 Famous Players General Electric Gt. N. Ore Int. Harvester.... London Money. I Am. xi. ft 1. pi a. March 10. Silver-Bar, 314d in. p.nr Int. M. M., pfd. . 28 . 2714 . 1414 . 1414 . 1414 . 6314 OILS. General Asphalt ,.61 Cosden 3614 California Peterol.. 6314 Island Oil 1 Invincible Oil .. Mexican Peterol Middle States .. Pacific Oil .... Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil Pure Oil Royal Dutch.,., Sinclair Oil .... Stan. Oil, N. J.. Texas Co Union Oil White Oil 2814 27 144 14U 13 63 30 69 60 93 36 8414 36 48 48 74 3414 1714 26 ii'i 2714 1414 1411 1374 63 64 2714 6714 34H 47 74 3011 69 501J 9714 3414 94 14 48 4814 S414 17 27 ssy. 28 27'4 14 14 14 63 Chandler , Gen. Motors .. . Willys-Overland Pierce-Arrow , "White Motor .. Studebaker RUBBER Flsk Goodrich Kelley-Sprlngfield Keystone Tire . . . . Aiax U. S. Rubber 60 I 60 34 361i 3474 62 52 62 IS 1 1 16 17 16 .126 124S 125 124 13i 13'4 13', tU 4H4 6674 6!'4 66 34 '4 84 74 83 714 714 714 .... 30i 30 SOS 31 ... 6314 61 63 51 ... 23 221 22 23 ...181 178 178 17874 ... 43 45S 46 45 ... 1874 ITS ITS ITS ... 914 S .9S 8 MOTOKH. 17 Ii 60 57 S 35 ... i3f 1:1, .. 10V4 10 .. 6 6S .. 167, 16S , . 38 38 ..103 101 AND 15 9 74 45 16 36S 69 73 14 19 5S 16 28 102S TIRES. 14S 16S SSS 44 18 '4 15 691. INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar A. O. & W. I.... Am. Int. Corp.. Am. Sumatra ., Am. Telephone . Am. Can Central Leather r'uba Cane Cuban-Am. Sugar Torn Products 391, 45 16S 16 69S 40 72 10 514 15 89 101 14'4 38S 44-4 1 15 C9V4 6 Mex Pet 8s 48 Midvale Steel 6s.. 8 63 MSP&SSM 6SS....102 7 M K & T 1st 4s... 76 117 M K & T ad 6s new 60 10 MK&T pr In 6s new 80 33 Mo Pan Gen 4s.... 62 9 Mont Power 6s.... 94 4 New Or T & M 6s. 671i 146 N Y Cen deb 6s. ..100 4 N Y Cen col 7s.... 107 v. 107 107 8 N Y Edison 6 Ss.. 106 14 106 10,6 S NYNH&H deb 63 48 67 67 67 17 N6r ft West, cv 6s. 106 106 106 30 Nor Pac 4s 83 84 85 39 N P O N Jt 6Ss. 10714 107 lO-ij, 6 Nor States Pow 5s. 8a; Sn 89 23 N W Bell Tel 7s. .10714 10714 107i i'D tire & tai 1st us., vt, 3 Ore Ry . N con 4s 65 S 45 0WRR&N 4s. 78 14 7 Tao O & E 6s 88 2 Pac T ft T 5s 94 S 24 Pac it Motor 8a... .looii 2 P A P ft T 7s 97 74 1 Penn R R Gen 4 lis 8714 6 Penn R R Gen 6s. 96 9 Penn R R 614s. .. .106 11 1 Pere Mar Rtg 6s.. 91 S 6 Pierce Oil Deb 8s. 96 28 P R L & P 5s.... 83 32 Reading Gen 4s... 82 ' 8 R G & IV 1st 4s.. 75 41 R 1 A & It 4Ss., 78S 18 S I. I M ft S R 4s 84 39 SL&SFP 4s, ser A 69 74 11 S L & S F adj 6s.. 78 28 S L ft- S F Inc 4s. 62'i 13 Sea Air L Con 6s.. 4914 178 Sin Oil 71is 93 30 Sou Pac cv 4s.... 88 24 Sou Pac rfg 4s.... 85H 39 Sou Pac col 4s.... 79 20 Sou Ry gen 4s.... 63 11 Sou Ry 1st 5s 9111 3 S Porto R Sue 7s. 95 20 Stan Oil Cnl 7s. ...106 106 74 106 3 Steel & Tube 7s... 98 97S 98H a tnira Ave adj lis., 61 "4 97 8514 78 87 9414 100 9711 8714 85 '4 78 88 94 '4 100 It, 37 '4 8714 95 96 105?i 106U 91 S 91S 957. 96 84 85 8274 82 75 76 7 7 74 7 8 14 83 84 69 69 78 74 78 61 62 4874 48 93 93 88 Ii 8SI4 86S 85 79 79 62 62 91 91 95 954 60S 6014 10 Tidewater Oil 6 74s. 10214 101 lt 99 S 90 'i 85 9974 90 85 921,4 92 S 103S 10314 106 106 9314 93 86U 86 96 311.-jea- 40 39 74 40 89 30 29 29 2974 44S 43S 44 43S 28 2874 28S 28 121S 120S 121S 120S , 44S 3 44 44U , 35 367i S5'4 35 124 12 12J4 12 . 2.-.Ti 33 5 3 74 2 3 ...106 106 105S 104 London, per ounce. Money 3 per cent. Discount Rates Short bill.. 5 03 7-1S per cent, three month bills. 3 6-1 per cent Kansas t'lty Hay. . Kansas C.ty. Mo.. March 10. Hav Steady to 11.50 higher; choice alfalfa, 1:4.00025.30. 4 hlraa;e Poultry. Chirago. March 10. Poultyy Alive; lower; fowls, 25c;. springs. ZSc roosters, lie. 84 .153 . 34 ,. SI 14 68 49 46 71 73 68 44 60 74 4774 41 Am. Sugar Ref.... Sears-Roebuck .... Stromsberg Tobacco Products. W:orthlngton Pump Wilson Oo........ Westingh'e Electric 66S Am. Woolen 89 MISCELLANEOUS. Am Cotton OH.... 2ii 26 Am. Agrl. Chem... 41 4114 Am. Linseed .... 31 " t Bosch Magneto ... 39 89 14 Cout, Can 69 'a 63 S 153 34 91 68 48 4514 70 72 67 43 60 4774 41 66 '4 53S 83 153 162 34 34 9114 68 48 46 70 72 67 43 60 47 41 5'4 89 21 41 'i 311. ."9 69 67 48 74 45 70 72 67 43 60 4 1, 42 66 81 23 40 32 J9 69 1 Tob Prod 7s 9914 23 Union Pac 1st 4s.. 90 6 Union Pao rfg 4s.. 85 1 Union Pac cv 4s... 9214 7 Union Tank 7s. ...103 3 United Drug cv 8s. 106 2 U S Realty & I 5s. 94 18 U S Rub 65 86 68 U S Steel 5s 100 100 100 15 Vir-Caro Chem 5s. 97 97 97 74 1 Va Ry 1st 5s 92 92 92 2 .Wabash 1st 6s.... 95S 95 95 7 West E7lec 6s 106 10611 106 3 3 West Pac 6s 85 85 85 10 W & L E rfg 4s 60 60 60 7 W S Stel 7s 97 9 7 74 9 7 180 Wilson Co 7s... 96 9614 Total sales of bonds today were 981.000, compared with $12,279,000 terday and $8,695,000 a s ear ago. New York Dry Goods. New York. March 10. Cloth markets were irregular, but. in some cases, firm ness was noticeable. About 6.000 balca of sheetings have been sold for export during the past week on a basis of lO'jc for three-yard goods. Some fair sized orders have been placed on silk filled shirtings and shirting weaves. Print cloths were somewhat steadier, and bids at lower prices were declined. Yarna were in better inquiry and some large southern yarn mills were preparing to curtail production, because of low prices. Carpet wools were firmer with a rising tendency. Wool goods were quiet, save In sport shades and weaves. Silks were quiet in staple lines, but contin ued in fair demard in high colors. Bur laps were steady. - Cal. Packing .... Col. Gas ft Elec, Columbia Graph. United Drug .... National Enamel United Fruit . 80 . 2 . 66 . 39 .141 73 7TS 73 7SS 2 66 36 140S 141 66 35 73 77 2 391,4 140 Lorillard Tobacco 16 2 74 1 52 152 Philadelphia Co. . 35 34 34 36 Pullman 1161, 116 116 116 Punta Alegre Sug. 39 .19 39 stJVi Retail Stores 45 45 45 45 8t. Louis-San Fr'n. 2874 28 28 2g Virginia Car Chm. 36 36 36 35 Total sales. 839.000. Money Close. 3 per cent; Thursday close. 4 per cent. Marks Close, .0039c; Thursday close. ,0040c. FrancaClose, . 089711c; Thurslsy close, ,089SSc. Kt.mng Close, $1.3654; Thursday close. 14 .:su. ... llnattin Wool. Hn.ton, March lo. The Commercial null-tin tomorrow will say: "There bus been no large volume of bu.ino. put through in the eastern mar ket, this week, but ihero has been rather more looking around on the part of r.r tain mills and altogether there Is a llttl' better ton to tho market. In lh tt.nl there appears to have been no contract ing of moment and but little done In the way of consignment of the new rllp. With the tariff outlook so unrertaln buyers naturally are reluctant to commit themselves very far on tho present level of prices. "Some little betterment Is reported in the New York goods market niostly on medium grade snort rlothes." The! Commercial' Bulletin tomorrow will publish wool price an follows: Michigan and New York fleeces: Deism unwashed. 44Ii.45r; fin unwashed. 344r 36c; half blood, unwai-hed. 3944lc; three elchths blood, unwashed, SHMlc; one quarter blood, unwashed. 37tt'39r. Wisconsin, Missouri end average New England: Half blood. 38U39C. three eighths blood, 37(1 33c; one-quarter blood, 36W37C. Scoured basis: Texas, fine. 12-months. Sl.05ftl.10; fine, eight months. S095c. :allfornla: Northern, $1.0601.10; mid dle county, 95riEt.Sl.00; southern. SOfj-Ssr. Oregon: Eastern No. 1. staple. $l.lO-!.i 1.12: fine and fine medium combing. SI. 0001. 03; eastern clothing, 85090c; valley No. 1, 9095c. Territory: Fine staple clmice. $1,100 1.13: half blood combing, 11.00; three eighths blood combing, 75'o,SOc; one fitmrter blood combing. 63ft"0c. Pulled: Delaine. St. 0501. 10; A A 1.00; A supers. 86090c. ' Mohairs; Best combing, 29 032c carding, 22&26i Dun' Trade Review. New Tork, March 10. Dun's tomorrow will say: Recent betterment in business Is sup ported by the prospect of further gains, although the general situation ia still conspicuously irregular. With rapid and uniform progress not expected, the pres ent gradual and uneven commercial re covery occasions no general disappoint ment and adverse phases now affect sen timent less noticeably. Added reason for a more hopeful feeling appears In the continued rise of iron and steel produc tion, in the diminishing unemployment ff workers and in the further expan ion of building operations, while the im proved financial position or agricultural interests is awakening confidence and stimulated buying of merchanidse. "Apart from the broadening of the 'ac tivities which develops wun mo aavanc Ing seaeon, there Is an Increasing dispo sition in various quarters to undertake deferred commitments along conservative lines and forward transactions are becom ing a more potent factor In some Indus tries. Competition for orders, however, has narrowed profit margins In differ ent instances, causing a closer restric tion of outputs in certain oases, and tho greater discrimination in public purchas ing is reflected in price concessions in consuming channels, The main trend of wholesale quotations this week was also downward. Dun's comprehensive list disclosing a small ex cess of declines." Weekly bank clearings. 56,070,404,000. Turpentine nnd Rosin, Savannah, Ga.. March 10. Turpentine Firm, 81c; sales, none; receipts, 20 bbls. ; shipments, 163 bbls. ; stock, 3,051 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 698 casks: receipts, 694 casks: shipments, 1,176 casks; stock, 64,787 casks. Quote: B. D, E. F. G. II. I, S4.03; K. M, S4.25ijii4.30: M. $4.95; N, $3.30; W. G, $5.75; W, W, $6.00. 1 11, 50 11, 00 ) iillallO 01 T.Ot'd 0U lo.un-ir 10. . S.Snt 7 outf I nu on s no 4P eo 1.6titftS.o 1 . l.i, -A I . t. n 1 a aii tf 1 it tin I II 6" tf 13.90 iniinlr II lu s oua 9110 7.110(9 I, Oil t'ouiilrv, tuiiiiin.it nailer Ki. H 'r, .:? HAT I'r. In No I upl.no.... No. 3 upland No. I upland.. No, 1 Itlid'Mnil a, No, 3 midland.,...,.,, No, I iiiid atnl. ........ No. I lowland., N". 2 lowland.. ., Alfalfa, ibuke No. I , Standard No. 2 It.W Worst straw.. Fni'lTS AND VF.0 ETA BLEU. 1 Fruit. Ilkiiiitt.s. i'-tv"" II'. mange., 1 ! II and larger, r. I'WT i.O; ait ..n, 1 I 4 75; six. 2, $4 00 fl 60; .17. 314, 76ij :'5, Florida Tangerines, per box, SI, on. I.emons, 15 500 r.o box. (Imp- ! fruit, S:t. Dtitrj 3.00 t-rui. Apples, according 1 10 arad and site. IikIIcIhu.. Sl.iotr on; limn IteautiHs. $J (Ins J in; stamen Win.-1 sup, $150ij3.7i: Common Wlur.ip, S I. 004 4 25: rlpltzenburg, ll.l'Hil i; ItlHck Twig. S3. 00; Arkansas lllak.. $';,.t4 00; lien HavlB, S.1.00; Nrwiott Pippins. $.1.00. Ktrawberrir., ttitc q. Figs, California. 24 l-kg. I ot.. $2 25: 13 pkgs. 10 or . $130. 'ate., nroin.d.iry.' 34 pkgs., $6.75 box; llallnnli,' lljir.j lb.; Excelsior, 56 pkgs.. S3 .. Vegetables Potatoes, per rial.: Nebras ka Early Ohio No. 1. $2 0041 J.15; Ne braska Irish l obblers. $2 0O',j 2 15; Colo rado and Idaho While. S2.254t2.60; Red Hivur Ohio No. I. S3.260 2 6n; Oregon Nrt'.d Gems. $2.0503.76. Mweel Potatoes, 1.11'itit. 60 prr bu . Celery, Sl.604r2.00 per dote. Lettuce, Head. Sti.otKg 4.25 crate; Leaf. 650 75c per dox. onion.. Red, So per lb.: Yellow, Sc per lh. I'auliflower. $2.60 crate. Cucumber, hot house. 13.00 4r3.75 per dox. Carrots, l0.1o per lb. Turnips. 3c per lb. Parnalps. 303140 per lh. Heets, 214-e per lb. Cabbage, New Texas, 3 04e per lh. Tomatoes. 60c crate. Young Southern Radishes. .6501.00 per doa. Young Southern Carrots, ,8001.10 per dox. Young Southern Beets, .90 it 1.10 per dox. Young Southern Onions, 9nc per do?. Brunei:. Sprouts, 25c per lb. Shallots, 65070c per dox. Green Peppers, 300361: per lb. Parsley. 45075c per dost, bunches. Nuts Black Walnuts. 5c lb. English Walnuts, MW.ISc lb. Brazil Nuts, large, washed, 16 01 8i! lb; Brazil, medium, 140 ltfo lb. Pecans, large, 22030c lb. Al monds, sack lots, 28c lb. reanuts: Jumbo, raw, 11012c lb.; Jumbo, roasted, 14015c lb.; No, 1 raw, 8 0 9c lb; No. 1 roasted, 11013a lb. Honey In comb. $5.76 0 6.00 case. HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hides: Green salted. No. 1 Hate take offl. per lb. 6tt)6c: green salted. No. 3 (late take off), per lh., 406c: green hides, No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 301 4c; green hides. No. 2 tlHte take offt. per lb. 23e; green salted (old slock), per i'ayi.., green ..iieu nun nines, ,-so. J, per Ik, 3c; green salted bull bides. No. 2, per lb., 2c Horse hides: Large, each, dlutn, each. $2.on; small, each, and glues, 75c0$l.Oo. Sheep pells: Green salted, and wool, each, 6Oc0$1.OO: green salted, aa to ilze and 5c02Oo. Wool Choice fin an it. 10.. Jlirtr-fc: medium or K. hlnn.l ik 18021c: low And lilnnH nmw. IK ua 17c: burry wool, per lb.. 80. . "' Wholesale juices of beef cuts are as follows: No. 1 rib., -"."ic' Mn 0 rlt.- --... No. 3 rib.. 19c; No. 1 loins, 27c- No 2 loins, 25c; No. 3 loins, 21c; No. 1 rounds, 18c; No. 2 rounds, 17c: No. 3 rounSs, 1414c; No. 1 chucks. 10140; No 2 chucks. 10c; No. 3 chucks. 8c; No. 1 Plates, 6c; No. 2 Plates. 6c: No. 3 nlates. p pULBRANSEN '"-PLAYER PIANO WWationaltiVriced Uf1 l'lcrtki I I II II II I V - tTLM mm VTh'trtrmu Country Seat SuburM k i 4-i la-1 IVVKICI 700 600 4495 The Art and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas Street f n 1 ib a 11 i'i $2.50; $1.50; me- pony as to size shearlings, wool each. blood, per Kansas CII?" Produce. Kansas Citv. Mnrch in t,'rm 1 Hie higher: firsts. 20ti?20Ur. Butter Unchanged, Poultry Hens, unchanged to lc lower; 202,",c; springs, 2c higher. 32c. 1'H.aengrr anil t-rright Mrviira. N. Y. to Cherbourg- and Southiiiiin'on ,4(tlTVM Mar. SI Apr. II May t 31 VI'KKTAM ...Apr. 4 Apr. 25 May l HKKKMiARIA . ...May ao.liine'.'ll July II N. Y. to Halifax. Plymouth, Cherboutg and Hamburg, CAROM A Apr.S N. Y to Queen, ton n and Liverpool AIHtMX Apr. J S( ITHIA Apr. 26 May SI June 2L N. V. to Londonderry and Glasgow ASSYRI Mar. 17 Al.l.'F.KIA Apr. S May I'I .lime 10 N. Y. to New Bedford, St. Michaels, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Naples, 1'atras, Dubrovnlk, Trieste ITALIA Mar. lioston to Londonderry, Liverpool aud Glasgow ASSYRIA Apr. It Boston to Queenstown and Liverpool LACOMA MayS May 31 JoneJS Portland. Me., to Halifax and Glasgow SATt KMA Mar.3fl CASSANDRA Apr. ia Montreal to Movlll, and Glasgow ATIIKMA June2rt SATIRNIA July 14 Only Canadian Steamship Line calling at an Irish port. Apply Company's J.ochI Agta. Everywhere. .4 i ' WATCH US 1 Advance Coal Co. New York Poultry. New York. March 10. Live Poultry Steady: fowls. 32033c; dressed steady; old roosters, 18025c. Eclipse Lump, $9.25 Eclipse Nut, $8.75 La Mars, Franklin County, Lump, Egg, Nut, S11.00 Perfecto Semi-Anthracite Lump, S13.00 Advance Coal Co. 1704 Howard Street Phone AT lantic 1813 Classified Advertising Rates 18o per line (count 6 words to line) 1 day. 16c per line per tiay. 3 consecutive day.. 16o per line per day, 7 consecutive days. 14c per line per day, 30 consecutive days. No ads taken for less than a total of 35c. These rates apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisements appear in both morning and evening dally paper for the one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ad. Accented at th followlnr Of fices: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam ?(.. South Side 4986 South 24th,St. Council Bluffs 15 Scyf' St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY FlIoNB ATLANTIC 100(1,-' THE BEE will not ba,-fesponsIble for more than one Incorrect" Insertion of sn advertisement ordereiU for more than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 A. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. L WALKER Mrs. Sadie, passed on at her home Thursday. March 9, 1922. Mrs. Walker is survived by 2 daughters, Miss Bess M. Holbrook and Mrs. J. B. Gietzeu of Omaha ; 4 sons, Wayne H. Holbrook, Georgo W. Walker and Har old E. Walker of Ornnha; Roy A. Wal ker. San Francisco, t.'al. Funeral service Saturday. March 11, 1922, from the home. 3015 Sherman avenue at 2:30 p. in, Inlorment Forest Lawn . cemetery. For information call Croshy-Mnore, Webster 0047. ' JOHNSON Mrs. Evans, died at her resi dence. 6514 N. 36th St., ago 32. Funeral Saturday at 2 p. m. from Trinity Lutheran church, 30th and Redirk Ave. Remains at Johnson & Swanson chapel. JOHNSON William, age 67 years, 3123 Mason St. Funeral from Cole-McKay Co.'s parlors, 2616 F'arnam St., Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Friends weloome. FLORISTS. Service We Solicit Your Consignment of All Kind of Grain to Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City in the careful handling of ail orders-for grain and pro visions for future delivery in all the important markets. We Operate Office at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Hamburg, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Kansas City, Mo. Private wire connections to all offices except Kansas City and Milwaukee. Every Car Receives Careful Per.onal Attention Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" LEE LARMON llH pofiV SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. Farnam. JA. 1268. amain. JA. 1906. L. HENDERSON,JJi07 JOHN BATH, 1804 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. f F. J. STACK &C0., Successor to Stack & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. XkTow AMBULANCE iVo Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmcrs. Phone H AJtHi. Of flee jmaraam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 2224 Cuming. 4th & Wirt. CROSBY-MOORE : WE. 0047. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 2621 Wirt Mirth.. .T. T. nnd Elimore Morrison, StAugu.tnd Kathcrlne CuPps. 1057 ParkTV aVPmUkoSi!riil C.u.'sle Miller, hospital, boy. j. Matt, and Armella Schicker. 2420 South ' Twentieth street, girl. . Nanagorrla and Jesus Garcia, 6023 South -Tnentv-fiflh street, boy. George am t athorinc Fitzgerald, 6922 North Thirty-third avenue. Klrl Gnrrett and Fern Cypher, 2007 North Eighteenth street, boy. E. H. and Mary Mulligan, 3704 Craig avenue, boy. .laun and Paulita Ollvo, 816 Woolworth avenue, boy. Victor and Sophie HnolnskI, 4414 South Forty-first street, boy. Deft the. Elinor if. Smolinski, 2 months, 2414 Oak street. - Marv Llfcbure. 64. hospital. Plana L. Bacon, 69, 3220 South Thirty first street. John Fauhwlrth. 67, hospital. Clara Karnett, 25, 2784 South Twelfth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Glenn E. Margn tz. 24. Omaha, and Pauline C. Little, 24, Mason City, la. William Chri.lensen, :s. Herman, Neb., and Edna l ow ell, 21, Herman. Neb. Lawrence V.. Larson, 22. Herman. Neb., and Anna Towell, 23, Herman. Neb. . John W. Whiteside. 61. Louisville. Neb., j nd C'eclle Whiteside, 34, Marshalltown. Ia Loctan RadiHa. 27, Omaha, and Agatlna Pontl. 22. Omaha. Harold Owens. 14. Central Cltv. N.h, nd Lucille ilellartju. l. Central City, Neb. 4 !-- r... ,--W-r i -