rjlt: IJKU: OMAHA. Fill PAY. MA 11 CI I 10. l,.2- Aulo Guest Siu Dodor for Hurls J-lfcuie PJi tt-iuii I )i fni.l. t nt in Action Uroiiplit Iy Vnm;iti Kcallor. !r, l lijiior Sliiiliil, iu!rM 01 lUlirwif, ltioiii;tt iiii i.-r fl'iKiKI iiMtntt Or, ill'.vii H, !ri, il ; i . 1 1 . a'.i of JUlii'tut. fr iniiirus 'n .it n- is-t,itUi wlirn Jr, lift' in.nlutif , ii) vtliuli tlti .. 411 1 1 ti.vlml ii'tn 4 hji l.ul i'iit iiihcr , Ml, t'jtfil llat m'if -n.i'.J -j I (Ai'ii Ih, I11U I) Om.il htr klii ln.J .uiir laii-ni-. Mi lu'iir t In r 1'i'Hiini Ilia! l)r. Stl litovt li n j-l.inr ! 1 .t-,ir krvl. Aitoiil.iitf li I Jr 'i!, tl.r ac ii.lrnl in.tirri".J It. ii lr t"rit l' iiiit lultiiluitf u:i'i miC jii on Piiili-i.. Clothf.lin' Tr!. (Jot tu 'i'riiil Mi'ihlay "ln.. 11 tUt "fiiiil rl.nlu .line" Urn, i:. It. ii. I'. K. Ma'oMiiiiW mni wvi'it l.Hiuii. i't atinni-iii'i: Ifiraiul ,uS'"t JnliueeHrW !' !' injj hmi i4i r u f ( tu 1I1 '" ' Hit; ilrikf. ii liciit!! f'T Mi M Monday, in filril rnurl. Unemployment Takes Decided Drop in Omaha I ti I'li't mil 1 i t (tuuli iiU'lf a i!.,t.r. IKIf.iC WMiMl -vrr JIIU4I, Cnllilll' III riliUiU VPlll' file J iy f, M. .11 !-.. liutij. r ut ilr iiliitiul liititJU ( 'I'f thai"" lie-r df t'lHilliliri. i.t I'll k'i H mire tiiu tu nurt4 H niiloy Hunt unit 4 ,'J.J I'rriHiUk;. UltW 14 W4 kiinll'l 't! mi MM'.! HI ,'o4i wr i'ni. Mr, Lilian riniiati lUt t'.uif '" (.!! .t.'x'il M'i'it ati'l MDiiiiii nut ei nik In If, Tlirv lf Hlill) unAilM Ulmrtr, ilnn-il ntici 411J mlf' mm. lie prnlM lliat I ho mt tfjt. .!J lAe tire t tttf um'rmil.ij,. i,rti aii'i.ilJ l'v f Htlkillli Bi'il ki"f U'i'f' r hi 1 j ii !i pjh-ii. ir titi i l l'U.14 ! 4nj ri' i'l sirtkl in iirjvi'im ni, II1H1.4! iik fi n. 4'rinfn, k ayi, j!m vt!l h iiu'ic hi ilriiunil itijii ft ilu iiu'r4f in huinr ilivil:t'. ' 1 i Iluni"! iliM Ki,rofrinp. Id ln Wlsiuiry. 4. dmchti-r i. Mr. 411, 1 Mr. rhm11.1i K. liilny, i..fih Tkiily'fAiti tirfi. wlut 4 tfVfrity liiiriiril while iUvii'l iWltll lr frtfllll, M 41 1411 VV4trl. al.o at M4rirtii Imnif, II"; Norlli j Tviy..rt,ijli ktrrrl. M.nury 7. Ill jii!iiroing lnly 41 nil Oin.ili.i j i(itit;il. Mir rvrriy l.uiiicj 1 tm ilit 1 41 ami clif't. Friday and Satorday Low Cut Prices Thermos ami Vacuum Bottles $1.50 Full Tint Lac quered Vacuum ttnttlo. Keeps liquids hot or cold QA(. only C lU Men- Look! Cigars Cough Drops All Kinds 2 for 5c Stationery Special 65c FENSDALE BOX OF LINEN A beautiful fabric finish, with 3Af Envelopes to match; only. ...... Jtu I .OS RAMOS CIOARS Mil, I IIhvhmh. l.Hrifc ni.e. Kuch foil . Thii include Caraali, CheiterfielcU, J wrnpped. Hox of 25 Citfars Lucky Strike. Suprt and Black and Whitei. 20c Ificil, Friday and Saturday Only $1.25 Come early. seeley's ' tr HA RUBBER I B. (TRUSSESlO V CURE RUPTURE. f I Inm if ImiullfM. ilap4 r -..-Our Trusses are fitted only by experts who have had years of experience in this work. We carry many different styles and-sizes. $1.00 Toy Phonographs Tlay real music. A world of fun for the' kiddies. 59c each Both for 69c 60c Tube Pepsodent Tooth Taste. 40c Tooth Brush. Your choice of any 40 Brush in our stock. HARD STEEL BOND BOX For protecting valuable papers, poli cies, etc. Fireproof. With 2 keys. Friday and Q( Saturday 0C Drugs, Remedies and Toilet Needs At Low Cut Prices $1.00 Grant's Vita .Vim Tablets. . .8 ! S1.10 Alexander's Vitamine Capsules, at - 8 i 30c "Resinol Soap 12 1 0 liOc Syrup of Fics 44 1 lb. "Ture Test" Cream of Tarta, fi9 30c Rexall Bronchial Salve 2 I C $1.10 Tanlac 83 25c 4 oz. Benzoated Hand Lotion.. 17 60c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream. at -14 Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup . ?1.25 size .94d 6f0 2H 44c1 39tf ...39 .S1.14 85c size 45c size 60c Pape's Diapepsiu . ... . 50c Palmolive Shampoo .. . 50c LaJeune P'ace Powder $1.50 Averistocrat Cream 50c Sherman & McC.onnells .bodium Phosphate, ' Effervescent 39 $1.00 Pyros '..;:846 Herpicide, $1.00 size ' 84d 60c size .44 50c Non-Spi .39 60c Begy's Mustarine 44i 10c Jeraten's Violet Glycerine Soap. It 50c Orchard White 39 75c Q-Ban Hair Restorer 54 5-yard pkg. Blue Seal Sterile Gauze, at 49 25c Colorite or Elkay's Straw Hat Dye, all colors 19d 25c Velour Powder Puffs, pink, large, at 14c 25c Djer Kiss Talcum 17 $1.48 Piver's Azurea Vegetale. .81.1 4 100 S. K. & F. 'Aspirin Tabs,, 5-gr., 34 60c Scmpre Jovenay 44c 60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 44? 25c tube Zinc, Oxide Ointment. ...19 35c Freezone 23 25c Hinkle's . Tablets 19 50c Harmony Liquid Shampoo. .. .39tf $1.20 Scott's Emulsion 89d 60c Doan's Kidney Pills . ..446 $1.00 Lavoris 84 25c Williams' Talc 14 50c Palmolive" Vanishing Cream... 34 25c Melba Talcum 19o 75c Harmony Skin Cream 54J Alarm Clocks Gilbert Make. Guaranteed one year. Perfect timekeepers. Extra djl 1 Q loud alarm bell Ilel7 $2.25 Hercules or Rosalind Hot Water Bottles Guaranteed 1 year. Only $1.19 CANDY $1.00 ITALIAN CREAMS Chocolate covered. Hand dipped. Pound 59c SHAVERS! DON'T MISS THIS BOTH FOR $1.00 ) $1.00 Harmony Lilac Vegetal, the best shaving lotion made, and 30c Tube Rexall Shaving Cream, softens the toughest beard. Pure Foods lb. Opeka Tea, black or green. .34 1 lb. Opeka Coffee 28 35c Symond's Inn Vanilla Extract.. 24b 40c Symond's Inn Lemon Extract.. 24c 75c Ballardvale Grape Jam 39 lb. Symond's Inn Cocoa .19 Vj 'b. Symond's Inn Baking Chocolate for 19 Tk Omaha Bm ia pr aanting itu raadara with an unurpaned Sport Page .11 tk. . n.w in the world of port. MEURALGIA 111 or headache rob the forehead w melt and Inhale the vapora V V A po Rub Ova 17 Million Jan Ud Yearly PIPLES ON FACE 10 YEARS Also On Back. In Blotches. Cuticura Healed. "My trouble began In sort of amall. white pimplea on my faca and back. They were in blotches and festered and scaled over. My clothing aggravated the breaking out on my back, and my face was dia ftgured for the time being. "The trouble lasted about two years. I tried different remedies but nothing cured me. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and af ter I had used two and a half cakes of Cuticura Soap and one boa of Cu ticom Ointment I wae completely heated." (Signed) Miss Clara Hen. gel, R. 4, Boa 19, Denmark, Wis. Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to care for your skin. aaUk rm to K!1 Adw. "tmmi u-MliSfllklMII.Ol- Wrnrr. vkwTSM.Iae. OfailmmitSuidMr. TalrmOc TCmliewn Sm ahm. whbmrt ma. There No Picture Like the Picture of Health The greatest master-piece in the Art Gallery of Life is Nature's "Picture of Health." It I. a mArr.lotu portnrkl of the soman bodratiubat. One beboW.lomcompo.ite detail a true lymbol of .trmttb. It preaenta anaoraof itrikiBsarpearanc. in ita.net ear riara, clear skin, acarklincaraa. .trtmalimbe. Mad; nwraa and firmmQcl.;fairlr Tibrat inf in animatiotl keen, alert, fnh, and epiritad; witb an air of unbounded ecc tides re and a hta. radiant la eoicr and illaminatad with a flew of bop. and eaeerf ulnaaa, Could Mature have taken yorj for or nude) T Snppoaa joa .tudy yonreelf in the mirror of tbe preeont&nd compare your looks, yourfeel ina and roar condition with tbe general characterise, of this picture of the baman body in perfect working order, all parts ef which are aonnd, well organized and diqrased. performing their function. freely, naturally. H Toa fail ra any r'nale point of reaen b'aoc, yon era not the picture of health. It a rmperatrre. then, that yon look to meant to rebuild roar strenath, enemy and yimr to brina; yonr body np to normal tate of eOdancy In all of its parts. ADVERTISEMENT. YOU'LL GET RID OF BLACKHEADS SURE There is one simple, sae nnd sure ay that never fails to got rid of blackheads and that is to dissolve them. To do this get two ounces of calonilo powder from any- drug store sprinkle a little on a hot, wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly wash the parts and you will be surprised how the blackhea'ls have disappeared. Big blackheads, little blackheads, no matter where they are, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the parts without any mark whatever. Black heads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretion! from the body that form in the pores of the skin. Pinching and squeezing only cause irritation, make large pores, and do not get the black heads out after they become hard. The calonite powder and the water simply dis solve the blackheads so they wash right out, leaving the pores free and clean 8nd in their natural condition. Anyone troubled with these unsightly blemishes should cer tainly try this simple method. Knocks Out Colds! IMCO The Great General Tonic Wh.A t von of snhacwtrd mtrvm and phjtiealforesM tiww LYKO, tbe gnst moml tonic. It tanrj tormrv tta worn -oat tim on, rvpiaiib U blood, ertat mw eowtr and ndar o, and rTi BPtrit of tbos who tr wmk. frmtl. Urifoid tad efmurBt th nmult of sidniaM. einsswr train. vnrrrorOTaT work. It's a nliatiabf aptwetur, plM), aid tm dtataoaaadtii fusctioDaJ rnrulfttar of tbe lirer, tuosera ad bswoi. AHlTiiffjtol LTKO. Get a botHo TODAT nd fvi'D as- I to wok nan use u picwe 01 aeajui. tYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Kansas cmr, MO. ifl LTKO l JJ tm l.l.l mmmi omlT. Hh. aectim ? hna. ail eieksiitM. Sale MaaaKfanrt mw YORK For Sale bv Beaton Drue Company. 15th and Farnam Streets, and All Retail Druggists If you have-the slightest sign of a cold, ache or pain here is good news. Get a box of Zerbtt'a Grip Capsule, from your druggist and knock that cold sky high. Contains no quinine. For 15 years this old reliable remedy has been sold millions cf boxes and people everywhere praise Zerbst'a Grip Capsules because they are so effective in quickly driving colda from the system and preventing complications which - might result in pneumonia, La Grippe or influenta. Get a "box today at all druggists, 2oe direct from Zerbst Fharmacal Co. St. Joseph. Mo. Bee Business Boosters Are Busi-ncss-Gcttcrs. Oh, t You Boy fto You Girl! HERE IS YOUR BICYCLE A Genuine jROo "The Best Bike Made Speed? j I'll I , ." YiJSZf . new mimwwwwmsi it a a aaW iiaaait a.ssaBaSBMa Just fun and the joy of earning a bicycle by your own efforts is an achievement of which you will always be proud. The Omaha Bee will reward you for your work whether you earn a bicycle or not, but you will get your bicycle quickly, if you try. . Get to work, boys and girls. , Such an oppor tunity never came your way before. CLIP HERE '- I1 reii, . i . . i r TTi n j ir I I rill out ana return mis toupon i vuai j for your "R00S FLYER BICYCLE" I" THE OMAHA BEE: I want a ROOS FLYER BICYCLE and will start to work ' as, soon as you -furnish me with particulars and subscription blanks. ' rpo ANY BOY OR GIRL who, dur- ing March, secures thirty-five three-month subscribers for the Daily and Sunday Bee, we will give magnificent "ROOS FLYER. This is one of the finest bicycles manufactured in fact, Mr. Roos backs it up with the statement that it is "The Best Bike Made," and he guarantees it against all defects in material and workmanship for three years from the date it is de livered to you. All any boy or girl needs to do in order to secure one of these bi cycles is to secure 35 new subscrib ers of three months each for The Omaha Bee. You have no money to collect in advance, just tell your friends and neighbors you are working for a Roos Flyer Bicycle and have them sign one of the subscription blanks we furnish you. . ( The carrier boy will collect from the subscriber at the end of each week.) Just as soon as you get 353 month orders for The Bee, and the orders are verified, you will re ceive your bicycle. My name is I live at . . . . j My phone number is To All Boys and Girls You will really get your bi cycle on this proposition, as you all know The OMAHA BEE'S reputation for square dealing with its boys and girls as well as with its readers. ... lli MAHA Bee j