Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    I'llt: I'kSl OMAHA. UtU.Sfc.MAY. MAKUl S. Ifii.
Street luiilwav Dcvcrcux Funeral ' Buck lo He (liven
Ifcilclliwiiiislo IWJlWashingtonj olcl Slar xMctlal
. - C ot I his YVekiT"--",',i i' MM i at ;ir u'Uleel
. vjiu.v iii.? i! i j,ulm iin(ttuii 44ug!nr Mr.,
1 ' Mi, r. D. lUrk t,t tin riiy.l . .
Ui.Mv !;rr..ri.i.. i .iimalfi ri.cirrurJ at hrr homllfrniioiiy Will He I rcrrliM
of Value uf ;oniMiiy
J Properly jMil'inithtl In
tr n run: I'd inftt- L,,ti.3
lotion ilui i' e ik n it c
rroi'cry ci i!ie Omila ami louttfi
$11 .W7,'l.i
Tlw fi'i'4i". I-Ki"r, ('Uct the
i Kuir 4' JI'i.'iKtm.M, H':'!''"'
iht Mt.r in4. U- m. climate oi
rrt'nrd brlnif l'U.
"Il i iKiiiiicaiit brtorr l'Mil
he rfnt.iitv had 'l niilr ( unci
frj.fl,." mkI l". i. I'owrll ami Victor
iUoii, rrrri i tine t'tf company.
"V lu'l about 4i i. a lully
rnoipprtl j'om-r f'l.i lit. mr b.trti.
hnj", He. wltcn-4 i'"vv tlif 'oi".
i inv l.'H ti'ito of innlp tr4i'k
ntnl' 57 cars.. I In- oM of thrr.
i-ordinc to tlie voiu'.iny lxM. i
5S,5'X,' 31, and it ha fnirliii'lv
khuwn during the liirig. ilut" t tic
io lue brrn Kr"'ltT."
In In rMiinair. Mr, I orbf api'M
4 lprrri.iliiM tif 75 per rrnt to hi
total of $II..'!7MH.M. thereby rrd'ic
ins it to $l.w"'.lo4 4..
Thome A. Hrown of the railway
iommiMuii as f f the opinion ycf
lerday that tlie lutiin would ,b
enmiudrd tlii week. I he comini
Hion ha been coming M Omaha for
periods of a week at a time Mure tlie
iae Marled about a year. ago.
At tlie conclusion" of the tiearinn
the commiiou will ko over the
thniiMnilt of paRfS of testimony
and exhibit and in two or three
months will announce what it finds
should be the permanent rate to
jteld the company a fair return.
Former Omaha fa Official
Joins Company in Georgia
W. H. Taylor, gem-rat manager or
hr Ontalu lias rompany for seven
sears previous to the aequisitioti of
tit plant bv the city, has joined the
Georgia Railway and Power com
pany a' esccitf've assistant to Tren
ton 'S. ArWw right, president, Atlan
ta Ga. Mr. Taylor remained here
more than a'ycar after the as plant
was sold ti thft city, as unsettled
matters priding required his atten
tion. ,
Mr. TaMor .lias been uientilied
. t - . - : r' .
Vltli the .anoyai ;mrnran "s j
sonation and vttn tne i mica jd
Improvement company.
u IO so
at I'lki nnh I hirty..econd avenue
Onuha. Ut Friday bv the actiden.
il (4tl tf an elcctnc heater into
th bathtub in which Mr, lec.
eu 4 bittiiiiB, tviW place th' aft
creou in RorV Creek cemetery,
V'otttithtumltiic a heavy ran
Mrm, twany pee't!i who had ktio'j j n,.lt f j,
Heverrnv it cnuurttwd ana : l(.
y VumJnillr Al al
rrrrrnlation of Mag l
A 4il
iiilitt.l'iili t: t l'C
v ir rtcr ji will be
Swedish aiid;t'tiiim
womanhood were present 4t,u,rri. n uniirr thf a'ipitv ! the
t of the, i.e k-rave side, which w banked j v., j,j,ir pp.,, .0. .'47. V. I'. W.
i wiiii nowers. nirni ifii-.t.r, i am) L . lifaiil reiu I iuip.
t, I Onuha. C and Waslimgioii i va t mf. a XWnhtt pi the All-
i . . . ... . i- i
trim'!., Mar troupe in irci. riaiur. i
' n. lurk, fattier of Mf. "',rr' chairman of the cincrtaiiiitient com-
ens. is the W4hinst,'' forr'"f,ft1n" i mittee. G II. Oury. coiiiiuander vi
ilent of the Chieaeo ",f
Western Newspaper 1'rion.
Attracts Dealers
In.liM'. Alrmtly Hefl.Ttinp
Iniprtnrnient in I'onditiort
of Aprienliure.
Tiatrr. hundred, of ihem. from
all ovr- the Omaha trade. territory. J
will attend the Omaha auto show
nest week at the Auditorium.' This
is hbnwn bv the reervatiorv of seats
for the Dealers' Frolic Thursday
nisht. March In. at Hotel Fontenelle
Letters were sent out to the dealers
last week and the rcponc bas been
immediate and heavy.
The hVt frolic last year w as so
successful. dealers being crowded
into the banipiet room, and a htin
ihrd being turned away, that the
letters for tickets are pouring in early
this vear.
"The dealer attendance wilt be very
heavy this year." said A. R. N auh.
show manager, "because the new tip
ward trend, resulting from the chain
ed agricultural conditions, is already
affecting the automobile industry.
Sales are starting in good volume
and there is great promise for this
year's business.
"So dealer can keep In touch un
less he attends the Omaha show,
which for several years has proved it
self the big show for dealers in the
middle west."
the poM, will be in charge.
I'lcvioiis to the v.4U'lcvilk' an
American f.'R will be preeiitei to
the pot bv mrmhers of th t i.
Grand Rein f cmps. I'. L Adams,
past commander of the ti. A. K.
v. ill mako tbe presentation spceeh,
and l". K. James. at tommander
of St. Mihiil post, the .speech uf. ac
A gold sue will be pre
sented to I. M. Husk, an honorary
member of the pot bv war moth
ers. Mr. Huek started the cuMom
of placing a gold star on each of
the rackets bearing soldier dead as
they pa-sed through Omaha
t nmi'ihutloiis for the gold star to be giien Mr. I'ncW. were
made bv Pershing. Gen.
Leonard Wood and t!ie governor of
each state in the union.
Thirteen 'hew nukes of passenger
t automobiles arc lifted for exhibition
in coming automobile snows
throughout the United Slates. (
Brief City New
-ri- -s
v i
1 . . I I
'Mayor to Speak Mayor Pahl
rnan will a1dreis the Men's club of
the Florence Christian church at S
Friday evening.
IVuii(t Head II. C. Wood. 45,
JteiMiton, Kan., was found dead yes
terday morning; in it room at 101
North Eighteenth, Mrect.
. Ittiwlim Pair to Part irf. Pearl
S'ohen ln-ouglit suit for divorce
agint Nathan Cohen on the charge
of nonsupport yesterday. They were
married In MinpK;, Russia.
Held on' Theft Charge F. K.
.Inhnson. 1?1S- South Seventeenth
.sJtreet, was arrested Monday niKiit
mv Detectives tiurnett and Danbaum.
if being held for stealing noniis.
ants Another Judge- Maintain
ed That Judge Sears was biased.
'2s'itrM. MeOinty. who Is filing for
ivorce, asiied for a change of venu
esterday. Hlf case will be neara
efore Judge Leslie.
Afraid of " OfT" Ed C.
Lucas, 22, sought p;uteetlon rroni
nolieo Monday nisrht. He said ne
was blue and afraid that he might
try to 'shuffle off." Hu felt better
the next morning.
Troop Gets Cup -Troop 9. Oma
ha council, Hoy Scouts of America,
received the Walter W. Head offi-i-lRne.v
eiin. which it won against 52
other troops at the All Saints Epis
copal church .Monday night.
Osteopathic Clinic The Omaha
Osteopathic association will hold its
free clinic Thursday evening, from
7 to 9. at 532 World-Herald build
ing. Contestants for the $1,500
awards will be taken care of.
Signs Peace Complaint Pearl
Christie and Katherine Dulseon live
together at 2S24 l-'arnam street. But
that didn't deter Katherine from
signing a peace complaint In Justice
of the Peace Bunce's court yesterday
against Pearl.
Campaign for Church A cam
paign for additional funds for the
purpose of constructing a $125,000
church at Twenty-fourth and Ogden
streets, was launched at a meeting
of the Pearl Memorial Methodist
congregation Monday night.
School Fight Settled There will
be no suspensions or punishments in
tbe Central and Technical High
ifhools as result of the small riot
1 Araged in the streets after a basket
ttoll game, according to the princi
pals Ox tne two scnuum.
Cat :yc Girl" Here Women of
Omaha were warned against the
"Cat Eye Girl" by Chief of Detec
tives Van Deusen yesterday. Her
nan-1 is Elsie Webb ad she has six
aliases known to St. Louis police.
She is said to be in Omaha now.
Twins in Three Homes Twins ar
rived in Omaha last week at the
homes of Louis and Mary Ballmeier.
4104 North Thirty-ninth street; Har
ry and Laura Mitchell, 1121 Caste
lar street, and J. J. and Margaret
Welter 1013 South Twentieth street.!
Collects Ancient Pent James
... nn.i. v,-;.., WJ1 TIAKI
vneeian, ;u.o ,nv
o ; hin tnr haulinc ashes for slar-
! .... i-wriernv. 115 South Twenty
! 'i,h avpmi'e. vesterday. The ashes
were hauled in September. 1916. The
account was settled out of court after
a suit had been tllea.
i Infant Will Rooovor Barbara
Jean Stratford, 14 months old grand-
riauehter of G. t. ratterson, su,tri-
tn,.nHpnt of the American Railway
KxDress comDany. -whose neck was
broken when she fell from a divan
in Los Angeles, will recover, a tele
gram received here stated.
Sues Former Rival Arthur Hunt
mhat-rn salesman, brought a J10.-
000 suit for damages in district court
yesterday against Matthew Boyle.
60ZS Chicago street. He alleges that
Bovle. who was one of his rivals
for the hand of his wife before he
as married, has alienated her af
fections. rastors DrUer Fined George H.
Payne was required in police court
tester-day to pay a fine of $7.50 for
iipeeding. He testified that he was
Conveying two ministers. Dr. Frank
iSmith, pastor of the First Central
e"4i;regationa! church, and Dr. O.
if .. Davis of Chicago, to the
saJnion station so they might- make
'onnectiolts with an eaetbound train.
Special Committee Will
Modify Barber Ordinance
Mayor Dahlman and City Commis
sioners Joseph Koutsky and Joseph
Hummel will serve as a special com
mittee of the city council to modify
the barber shop regulatory ordinance,
which was discussed in city council
committee of the whole Monday.
One of the chief objections to the
measure w as the requirement of par
titions in cases where barber shops
ate operated in connection with pool
halls and cigar stores.
Feeling Grippy?
Cold Coming On?
DRY, tickling sensation in tha
thrnet, headache, feverish, eves
arhe. Don't plav with that on-cotnin(f
cold. Get Dr. Kin?' New Discovery
at once. You will like the way it
takes hold and eases the cough, loosens
the phlegm and relieves the congestion
in the eyes and head, and soon breaks
up the most obstinate attack of cold
and grippe.
Children and grownups alike use it.
No harmful drugs, but just good
medicine for colds, coughs and grippe.
Sold by your druggist for 60c
Dr. King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
Tired Out in Half a Day? You
wouldn't be if your bowels were act
ing regularly. Try Dr. King's Pills
for sluggish bowels. You'll keep fit
for wort .At all druggists 25c.
. r. King's Pills
Don't Let That Cold
Turn Into "Flu"
Rub Musterole on the Congested Parts
Grippe, "Flu," Pneumonia ali
start .the same way with a cold.
All colds are congestion and Mus
terole is a simple counter-irritant
which brings circulation back to
normal and helps prevent serious
Remember that messy old mus
tard plaster, how it stung and blis
tered! It did the work all right, but
Oh, it was a. stern measure. KIus
terole has all the healing properties
of grandmother's pet remedy with
out the sting and blister.
Made of pure oil of mustard,
camphor, menthol and other sooth
ing ingredients, it has been used by
physicians for years for treating
"Flu," Lumbago. Grippe, Pleurisy,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache
and Tneumonia.
It was used in our training camps
during the "Flu" epidemic a few
years ago. The T. M. C. A. sent
thousands of jars to France for our
soldiers over there.
At the first sign of a. cold, .get out
the jar of good old Musterole and
rub it gently on the congested parts.
You will feel a warm tingling glow
as it goes into the pores. That sen
sation will be followed by a cooling,
soothing feeling that makes you
more comfortable right away.
If you have fever, ache all over,
take a hot bath, drink plenty of hot
water, rub on Musterole. call a doc
tor, and go to bed. Keep warm and
get plenty of fresh air. Those are
the best precautions you can take
against serious sickness.
Keep Musterole always handy on
your bathroom l shelf. You can buy
it at any drug store.
Son and 65c, in jars and tubes.
Hospital, size $3.00.
Doctor Advised Use of Lydia E.Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Happy Results in Both Cases
St Joseph, 'Missouri. "Both of
my sides swelled and hurt me so
that I could not move or do any of
my work. There was heavy pres
sure and pains through my lower
organs and the doctor told me to try
Lydia RPinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for these troubles. He said I
had this one chance, and if the
Vegetable Compound did not help
me nothing but an operation would.
After taking several bottles I felt
it was helping me and now I am
able to do my own work. If my
testimonial will help others I shall
be glad for them to read it and hops
your Vegetable Compound wilJ do
them as much good as it did me."
Mrs. Wh. Lockman, 613 N. 4th St,
St. Joseph, Mo.
White Plains, N. Y. "I had such
a pain that I could hardly walk and
the doctor said that I needed an op
eration. I was sick for a year be
fore I started taking tout medicine
and I could not work. I saw your ad
vertisement in a little book and that
is how I came to take Lydia & Pi nk
bam's medicines. I have been taking
the Vegetable Compound and Lydia
E. Pinkbam'a Blood Medicine, also
Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills and
used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative
Wash and the capsules and pre
scription recommended. I am doing
all my work and have gained twenty
pounds. I am taking the medicines
still, but I feel fine. You have my
permission to use this letter for the
good of others." Mrs. Mary
Mark, 87 Hamilton Ave., White
Plains, N. Y.
neglectreach a stage when an oper
ation is necessary. But most of
the commoner ailments are not the
surgical ones; they are not caused
by serious displacements, tumors,
or growths, although the symp
toms may appear the same.
When disturbing ailments first
appear, take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to relieve the
present distress and prevent more
serious troubles. Many letters have
been received from women who
have been restored to health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound after operations have
been advised by attending physicians.
Lydia E. Pinkham's PriTat Text-Book upon "Ailments
Peculiar to Women" will be sent yoa free upon request.
Write to the Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co., Lynn. Massa
chusetts. This book contains valuable information.
Cafeteria Special
far WdnJy
Individual Scalloped
Ovkfers. 25c.
urgess-Mash Company.
everybodys store,-
Kodak Enlargement!
!( mum !.(. rl
f'lail.f 'll fc i.l l
r.fc 1.4. '.!. '!
ii y-M
V Uj.
A Special Offering
Spring Dresses
200 lovely frocks Quite the nwt remarkable
values, vc think, of the seaxon, made ponxibJe only
throutrh a very fpecia! purchase from one of the largest
New York manufacturer.
Canton Crcpc
Taffeta Tricotinc
Crepe Knit
Charminjr afternoon drewes. hmart street costume,
coat drefisep, and vivid 5port outfits in honey dew, flame,
pand, mohawk, brown, and navy. Each remarkable at
this price.
A 111
BuriM-Nh TTiird Floor
i i r i
Wednesday's Feature
Hand Made Blouses
X; ,
Unusual quality and
price have combined to
fashion these handmade
blouses of finest batiste.
Tuxedo collars, square or
"V" neck and turned-back
cuffs give the tailored
line, while the dainty
hand-drawn designs, filet
lace and tiny embroidered
dots are appealingly femi
nine. Priced $2.95.
Bur(c-Nah Blouu Shop Third Floor
Odd Lots of Women's
Knit Union Suits
For the women who
wear the medium and
smaller sizes, this sale of
fers wonderful 'savings.
Included are broken sizes
of standard make in low
neck, no sleeve, ankle
length,. in both lisle and
cotton. While they last, a
garment, 69c.
Burgeti-Naih Main Floor
Sheffield and Sterling Silver Tableware
A few of the many itcnis especially featured for Wednesday:
Sterling Pieces Remarkable at 95c Rogers Teaspoons, set of six, $1.75
Sterling and Pearl Handled
Serving Pieces Cake Servers,
Cold Meat Forks, Berry Spoons,
Gravy Ladles, Pie and Ice Cream
Servers, each, 95c.
Marmalade Jars, hand-etched
designs, silver-plated top and
. spoon, 69c
Community Silverware
Guaranteed for 50 Years
Sheffield Silver Candy Baskets
Priced at $3.95.
Dutch Silver Jewel
lined, $1.50 each.
Caikelf, satin
Silver-plated Tea
handle, 40c each.
Straineri, ebony
Burgen-Nash Main Floor
000 1
In the very beautiful Arbutus
pattern. .Wednesday's price,
Sheffield Silver Salt and Pep
pers, specially priced at 15c.
Silver-Plated Knives and
Forks, hand-forged blade, per set
of six knives and six forks, $2.75.
Comprehensive Showing
Gorham Sterling Silver
Housefurnishings Attractively Priced
Dunlap Cream Whips, 89c
"Punlap" cream and egg
whips complete with
crock at, cach...89
Galvanized Pails
12-qt. size with strong
handle. A splendid
scrub pail 29c
Window Cleaner
1 "Ideal" rubber cleaner
made of metal, 12-inch
length 45J
Ideal Carpet Beaters
''Ideal" carpet beater; a beater with
three beaters in one handle, 35
Paper Cleaner
Smoky City wall paper
cleaner not
only cleans pa
per, but wood
work. Special,
2 cans, 25
Galvanized Tubs
Strong and durable.
No. 1 size..75
No. 2 at....85
No. 3 at....95
Iron Skillets
Cast iron' skillet in 10
size, a real value
at 957
Clothes Brush '
Made with solid back,
filled with durable
bristle 50
Johnson's Wax
Johnson's floor wax, the
ideal polish and
cleaner, lb 69J
Floor Brushes
Brush for polishing
floors, adjustable
handle, each $2.50
Cookers of I
all pure!
made panel style; very
special at 81.00
Houtefuraisblnff Section Fourth Floor
Mats, Rugs
Cocoa Door Mats
Mats mado from extra
heavy quality cocoa fiber.
14x24 inches, $1.25
16x27. inches, $1.75
Printed Linoleum
Wood 3iid tile effects of
penuine cork body with
burlap back and heavy
enamel finish. 6-ft. width
priced, a square, 98c.
Braided Rag Rugs
A serviceable rug of
imported fabric in varied
colors to match any bed
room furnishings. Will
lie flatly upon the floor.
18x36-inch size, $3.75
27x54-inch size, $7.50
Burit-Nah Ru Departm-nl
SiAth Floor
New Shades : Curtains
That Are in Keeping With Spring
Shades Made to Order
If you will bring in the meas
urements of your windows we
will gladly estimate the cost of
new shades and rods or we will
revise your old shades and fit
them with new guaranteed Harts
horn rollers at exceedingly mod
erate prices.
Porcelain set with
dainty pink an,d
green floral decora
tions, consists of
Panel Laces
40-inch Tuscan
and Tiron panel
lace curtains
with heavy bul
lion fringe.
Priced each,
Burjea-Nah Fourth Floor
White and
ivory marqui
sette in a highly
mercerized qual
ity. Triced at,
yard, 25c.
6 dinner 6 saucers,
plates. 1 pickle dish.
5 soup 1 creamer,
plates. 6 bread and
6 cups. butter
1 gravy boat, plates.
1 sugar. 1 covered
6 dessert vegetable
plates. dish.
5 fruit 1 open veg-
plates. etable dish.
Nippon China
Cups -Saucers
Blue and white
25c Pair
Burf cti-Naah Fourth Floor
Far the Men
Spring Shirts
fchirt of fine quality, tor
tint in the dot ail which in
sure comfort anil fit. The
new spring patterns in stripes
and checks and in plain col
or.. Attractively priced at
$1.50 and Up .
Rut.M.Nali Mala Hr
Spring Weight
Women's Hose
Women's pure thread silk
stockings made with ix
thread toes, poles and high
spliced heels, double lisle
garter top a quality that
will give real pervice, in
black, dark brown and gray.
All sizes at $2.45.
Buritn N.h Main Floor
You Will Appreciate
The Ideal Darner
It makes darning a pleas
ure. Kasily attached to and
operated on any sewing
Price, 35c
Burjttl-Naih Fourth Floor
Wednesday Offerings
Notion Needs
Kotex Sanitary Napkins,
dozen, 49c.
Finishing Braid, bolt, 2 Vic
Darning Cotton, ball, 2,2c.
Rose Heart Hair Nets, doz.,
Crochet Cotton, ball, 5c.
Safety Pins, 2 cards, 5c.
Coat's, Clark's Thread, col
ored only, special, 2 Vic
Cap Hair Nets, dozen, 50c.
Bust Forms, all sizes, each,
Wire Hair Pins, 100 for 5c.
Garter Elastic, yard, 10c.
Sanitary Aprons, each, 49c.
Steel Scissors, pair, 15c.
Gold-Eyed Needles, pkg.,
"2 Vic.
Wash Trimmings, bolt, 5c.
Burjeti-Naah Main Floor
Specials in Our
Drug Section
Sanitol Eye Bath, 29c.
Vinco Herb Tablets, 18c.
Warner's Lithia Tablets, 24c.
Carbolic Salve, 19c.
Cheerana Tonic, 75c.
Schneck's Mandrake Pills,
Turpo for Colds, 17c.
Dr. Bell's Pine Tar and
Honey, 21c.
DeWitt's Early Risers, 19c
Ozomulsion, 98c.
Prepared Agar, 69c.
Weber's Alpine Herb Tea,
Chloroform Throat Loz
enges, 19c.
Burjeai-Naah Main Floor
Let us demonstrate the
In these days of efficiency
the homemaker, too, thinks
of how she may save time.
The entire morning need
not be spent with the wash
ing:. A VOne-Minute" Elec
tric Washer saves time,
work and the clothes it
washes. Moderately priced
at $79.50, $128.50.
Burfeu-Naah Fourth Floor