10 int. m;: omaha. wkunday. .makch p. vjiz. u 1 v! inancia 1 brNewJlorkCiinti, By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. ia. (ha mm4 Wtm. New Yoik, MitU 7 A t ier i viti!!jtiit movement ht Atf be fore, the Muck tnsflrl ru't moved (rrl May. Apprrntly it mi mtt tr ri under iht ii.fWnre ff ! rmol ttanrtm gUrn out by lh induMtilt Mitip. fiir. 1 lirre iH IfVffal rl lari fJ' Mlmli ! dri rhrri nl .iiti .( the rml' I''JI. Cifrlin to a.me conn ' iit.Je rMmt rrmiuUfrnt liut tiff (hih in P--r.tr lriirr n"J wi tlnti !! iii'trinrt! prrtj'!' hl rxpfctrj) an idit.t' in tUr 'riff ol lrii.V b'l m!ri endnH 'lt4ly itrarlfil siiriti cn. 'il'i U tt lrt ti-- in riit't Hut ! tKftirrrt kiine VMl It affe. l alnl t!d nf material ..m not mini Ull " ! - ika !. of ' rt"'" JVaiurallv It fm't " Iniiont sued, i.iH l ' ' .ready evident in.rull f lrn Hut w h '' ill fcs lh annua ft th kf tl I"" durera, sad lh qu-el.on ntuel J niwi.) kik Ik Miui i" rmie'iuiiinn industry, s far k '' market la .Baa tt. ks ortaxn frm tk f-almi Ikat imI ri ar till kirk or fmm H.niM I ktkr "'' would not lower at tkcmi If rntirl indu-n. dominant. ih " in k stea'tvlns Influent t4af vanr miiki kn ik Muatlon. li4 Markf Itnna. Tk alr.nik ef Ika Iwii'l arl " in Ilia ouiaiamllna; a. I of la Oay. II vialhla lhrouh..ul lk H"l f r)n fian? arcurillaa, fw f M' k h"a a"!4 thia mnnik al kal mukt rallxt ar (irlraa Tht nr rp of ika f irrim nl tk r' url"i h k-t-.i, afnnnf tkam (ka Prt-urk rrpul. ( J'a NM tka I'aal Jnljral low lnn"lnn k lvan.' to n kmk f"r th!f i.ltncy ky Ika Vlrlory la wkirh ' I ll"4. 1'kla ran kaftliy ka maii anyihln n'kar than ltrlalln of looar li . rat Kiirthrr rtrclln In ftrln ii-kanra tir.maht atarlmc to M11S, tka lotrr.l iltira k'aliruarv It trl To Un1r Ik a.ma mailmum, Olhrr Euinp-an rtira fiillowM laillnr Kiporll kmall. Varr murk bUr1. tka fii"' A rartmrnl'a rliaaifli aimn of our January forrlm lrad b rountrlM, waa ul'hhd l.1v. W 'hr Ika atalnnl of lutal porn (ml Imrotla, aa publlakxl kr- wk aio, ah"m our January iori t ha th mallut or ny monlk Aii(il, ltl(. and Ik run.lua of ounnrla li-na than Ika January aurplua tn num. hrr nf )' b-fora tha war. Ik nuratioo of whrr lh akrlnka waa r-aii a. umil parilrular lnlrral. t'nmpirnl wlih .Unuary, 1931. tk rln-rraa In our total oxiort at lMt.MI: t"-lay report kow lhat lll.0,n of tkat drt rm In trad wllk Ktirop nd l4 non.. li In trad wllk tk tkr mmnlrlfa. Kniland. Kranc and Italy. Wkcn our January Import of mrrrkandla from a.-k of k thrrt rnunlrl- lmrard con- idrrbly oyar 1il. on raon for tk rl In foMlun -kno U tvldml. In January, 1!0, poria frrdft lm onrta In our Irad wllk Knftland by 111. O00.O00; In January. H?l. by l9J.0M.0ort: In January. by M4.oon.ono. In tk a-vn month! rndlnir with January, 1920. w ant to Knirland ll.09.in no mor 1han w tonic from krr: tk llffrrrne In Ik rorrraponrilnit prrlod of tk prearnl flaral year waa 3o.rinr.0il0. Tk iport urplua waa l2J7.l00.r0 In Ik i-vrn montka ndinir wllk January. 1914. nut In tkat prrlod our Import of nld from Kngland waa only I3.5(0.00: It waa $110.. OOO.ooo In th n-vea montha ndln( lait January. THE GUMPS k tr ts ftnoka DING-A-LING!! Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith; . J yvtl ww Oiy li ktk, H It". . M"l 1 ll'tt4 H tfi" 'f al4rii lllt" tri, .IH lir4' ri . u li't'l'l, l . k.rt l '. ". IH.V l""- . l'uliM4 n.. .w . t i to ant; ( !'. !in tout ktl.1, t It, .!. .. !; . .t.jll; M.o.i i (l o. t"1 'll. aa; kiirr .! ik 'l r..it.ra aio.r all ! t-'lyi i n, r-..t-ia l IH 4 Wii.d. I! ?JIM a4tum l" "") !r i .ifM". ' "' ; ",d. . .w'i. l-u.k Ui 4 to f. I ll-uli:". I"' ' uM ,V,V f- au.. (. ""' V""" i'ti ttt'y j; bui.d. ill: . J . tuti.l-ta l l.l l-Mtk f r. tir !.. II I Of... out .! '!. ..,! ,l...m Jt r. th "'" ..wrr. NIW "ol I"J """' '4f: lil anl .ii.i lt.'pt. kra lt I ,W,i irajfto h'lir li'H'.'l. '" liii I.....I.. no; 'm."' l..l; l-tti li-; " i)l-l l.t uK fl.'fio l wr. '' t". l . MlHiwaiMai Hour, ! Viiiii.i.p-i, lnin, lr lt I I lour- H.o I'lM'baos'.l 0 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Chicago Grain N. Y. Curb Market New York Stocks Rang of prlcta of th Iradlnx rtocka furnlahrd by Ijgan A Bryan, JtS Faten Trust bulldim: Monday High T,ow Cloi Close RAILROADS. A. T. A 8. P 61, ', 4 "S Haltlmora & Ohio. 8714 S64, 974 J Canadian Paelflo ,W 1U 133S N. T. Central 7H1 78 7 77i Chaa. A Ohio.' 69 VI 681 69 a 61 Ot. Northrrn 161a 76 76a 76 Illinois Central ...100 100 100 ino4 K O. South 84 24H J4'4 24 LrhlKh Valley .... 69 ! 6914 614 Mo. Pao If J1S ?2 N. T. A N. II lti l!i 1614 17 North. Tac 7' 791 79Mi 7H fhlcago N. W 7 4 " 671, 6.H Pennsylvania Ky. 35 Va, 3& 36 Beading C. K. 1. A P 40', 3S 40S 40 South. Tao. 4 8S'4 4'4 South. Ry SOS 50V. 20 T0V, Cht. Mil. A fit. P.. 224 2!'4 S Vnlon I'aclflo ....1:iM4 131 l'la ISlVi 8TKKLS. Am. Oar Foundry.. 16t 160 151 150 llio-Chalmer .... 4B 45H li 4bi4 Am l,ocomotlv...109', 109, 109 109S Haldwln Loco 10f4 104T4 10CV, 105i Bethlehem Steel... 64'4 61 64 6314 Colo. Fuel & Iron 36 2'i 26 V4 2W fruclhl 67 it 66 S 67 i 67 Am. Stel Foundry S3T4 33't 83 32 Larkawanna Stel 46 4 4 8 4 Mldvalo Steel 29 4 29 14 29 S 294 Pressed Steel Car.. 65 H Bit, 65 "i Repuhllo Steel A I. 49, 49'4 49U 491, By. Steel Borings 97 Kloss-Scheffleld ... 3S 34', 34'4 35 ir. 8 Steel 944 93 4 94 'i 94 ', Vanadium 36 'i 36! 3 Si COl'l'KRS. Anaconda 49 481 494 49 Am. S. A Rf. Co. 4SV, 47 14 68 47 Cerro De Pasco.... am 34 344 34 4'hlll 174 16H 17 16 :hlnO J6'4 !' 26 26t Inspiration 40'j 394 39'4 3914 Konneoott 28 28 2V, 28 94 Miami 27 27 27 27 Nevada Con 11 14'4 14 mi Hay Consolidated.. 1 4 U 14 1'4 14 Peneea 14'4 14 14 14 Utafc B. 62 63Vi 624 OILS. Oeneral Asphalt .. i04 68 '4 60 V4 1'4 Cotden 36 34 S3 34 Cal. Peterol 63 61 62 61 Island Oil 1 1 1 1 Invincible Oil 16 16 16 16 Mexican Peterol ..126 123 125 124 Middle Slates 13 13 13 13 Pacific Oil 48 48 4S 48 Pan-American ... 67 66 66 66 Phillips 34 33 34 34 I'lerc Oil 7 7 7 7 Puro Oil 33 31 31 83 Ttoynl Dutch 62 61 62 61 FInclaIr Oil 23 21 23 2t Standard Oil, N. J 177 Texas Co 43 45 45 45 rnlon Oil 1; 17 17 17 Whits Oil 9 9 9 MOTORS. Chandler 73 72 73 73 Oen. Motors ...... 8 8 8 8 Willys-Overland ., 6 6 5 6 Plerce-Arrow 17 16 16 16 tVhlt Motor 39 38 38 39 Studebaker 99 96 99 97 RUBBER AND TIRES. Fisk 13 13 13Vi 13 tloodrlcfc 38 37 38 38 Kelley-Sprlnefleld 43 42 43 42 Keystone Tir .... 16 16 16 15 Ajax 16 14 16 15 V. S. Rubber 69 68 69 6S INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sua; 40 39 89 39 A. O. A W. 1 88 26 27 27 Am. Int. Corp 44 43 44 43 Am. Sumatra 29 28 29 23 Am, Tele. 120 119 119 119 Am. Can. 44 41 44 43 Central Leather .. 35 34 35 35 Cuba Cane 12 11 12 11 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 24 22 24 !2 Corn Products ....107 105 106 105 Famous Players... 84 82 83 83 General Electric. ..167 155 155 157 Gt. North. Ore.... 34 34 34 34 Am. H. A L , pfd. 68 68 68 V. a Ind. Alcohol 45 44 45 44 Inter. Paper 46 45- 46 46 Inter. M. M.. pfd.. 70 70 70 70 Am. Sugar Ref.... 74 73 74 73 Sears-Roebuck ...67 66 7 67 Strom. her? 42 41 42 43 Tob. Products .... 60 69 69 60 VTilson Co 39 39 39 .... WesUElectrlo .... 66 66 66 5 Am. Woolen 88 87 87 87 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil.... 24 24 24 2S Am. Adrt. Chem... 86 36 36 .... Am. Linseed ..... 31 30 30 31 Soaco Magneto ... 38 37 87 37 Oont, Can 60 69 60 .... CaL Packing 72 72 72 Columbia Gas-El. 77 76 76 76 Columbia Graph. ,. ! 2 2 21 fnited Drug 62 61 2 61 Kat. Enamel 87 33 87 S3 I'nlted Fruit . 141 140 140 138 I.orlllard Tobacco 151 151 151 161 Philadelphia Co. 34 Pullman 116 116 115 113 Ponta Alegr Sug.. 41 40 40 40 Retail Stores 41 44 44 44 St. Loots-San Fran. 18 27 28 17 Virsrtnla Car Chem. 34 83 83 .... Total ssles, 666.400. Money Close. 4 per cent; Monday . cl.ue. I per cent Marks Close, .0037e; Monday elo. ,038c. Franca Close, .0906c; Monday close, ,0902c. Sterling Cl, 14.39; Monday eloa. 1159. ' Linseed Oil. T)aluth. Minn., March 7 Linked On V:. 2tlJ; arrlv. 2.59 3.6. By CHARLES U. MICHAELS. Omsk It t, Vlr. Ch!tiir, MVi'li 7. I'rrsiatt'iil itt 113 1.1 In :.t hy liiHt-ff that usual ly act f'ir tj-pru iuUis rtituliinr.t with iitiiii.iu.iii in Liverpool which clncd 6 l-.VtJ lower more than oil set luillinh fpoits on the cih limation. The cloe wa at net lo8r ( I J-.S('i l 7-8c. t orn finished hMi 7-8c lower ami rye off 1-Ac 4a 3-4c, while oats were unchanged to 1.4c lower. Sentiment amongst the iit element w.i generally hearish and there w free clliiij? on all the bulges. 1'ricci had a ranj-e of lfjil l-2c with some of the strongest of the local pro fisional on the Imyinp; kide of the Mnv on the hresks, and while they were able to make numerous sharp huies at thiics they were unable to sustain them. Price Aro Uwer. Thr wis soma buying of May early ky bouses wllk capon connection. At no tint, kowrver, wrr price a, high Ik previous d' rloa. kltnneapolia and Kanaaa City talk howrl mor airengin tkn Ckl.- and MlnnaHlia. May closed about 2c premium du In part to fairly liberal sabs lo eaatcrn mill. Crop report from Ik outhweal sug geat tkat lh outlook la gradually Im proving although MRhir temperatures would be brncfl.lal and fore tk growth long. Th southwest bought here early on prospects of material reduction In the movement tn that cecttnn In tk Immedl at future. Export buslnes at the hoard was mainly In small lots. Tha break In Liverpool wa, aim mainly to an overbought condition. liuenos Aires opened 1M0 lower. Cora Fluctuated. Corn fluctuated rapidly Ithln a range of 4flo with price both higher and lowr than th prevu day'a finish, but ther was free selling on th advance and with tk break in 'wheat the under lone was ratker caay. Cask corn g'lned W compared with tha May. There was a fnlr export business under way ;tk 200.000 buskels sold her to the sea board and 200.00V bushels (old to go to store. No t while brought iSo under Mav with receipts 468 cars. Country offerings were very light. A good' export business, developed In oals at the aeaboar4 with sales of 600, 000 bushels confirmed and prospects of still larger quantities being- disposed of. Buying on Ihe export sales gave the market lnriCDendent strength early and at the extreme prices were c over the finish of the previous day. The late break In wheat led to selling ana me uecunc. Receipts, 100 cars, wlih 100,000 bushels sold to the seaboard. Houses with export connections were good buyers of rye ani the ry and wheat difference continues to narrow. Sales of 86.000 bushels were mad to the sea hoard In the last two days with 60.000 bushels from Minneapolis at 8c over May, track Baltimore. Pit Note. Buenos Aires cabled: "Clearances ot wheat from this country continues in liberal volume and are expected to bo maintained. Goodly quantities of wheat are coming forward from the Interior to the ports to be shipped out on contracts already made for March and April. Port stocks of wheat have been steadily en larging and now exceed 7,000,000 bush els. Weather continues fine. The growing crop of corn Is progressing favorably, with the outlook In most sections quite satisfactory. Clearances of corn continue rather moderate.' Topeka, Kan., wired: "Commercial and banking Interests are optimistic over the outlook for a wheat harvest well up to the lO.year average yield from 11.000,000 acres sown In Kansas. A. snowfall of 3 to 12 Inches over ths state has added to the prospect." Thomson-McKlnnon aald: "Supplies or domestic and bonded wheat In the United States decreased 3.400.000 for th week, and there are numerous indications of an awakening in the flour and milling trade. It Is the domestic situation that has clouded the view of the market, therefore, any betterment In cash wheat here at home will make values more sensitive to th foreign strength." Cash Whent Strong. Winnipeg cash wheat basis was rela tively strong, but there was snld to be little business at prevailing levels. Greek buying was expected to make a big hole in supplies of No. 2 Manitoba in eastern positions. Cash interests are said to be long futures at Winnipeg, and are under stood to have wheat under contract for export and will want delivery on May contracts. A local mill paid 11.71 for a car of No. 1 northern wheat. Generally prices were strong for cash wheat relatively. Export sales of flour mode from here to Constantinople. Minneapolis reported a fair domestic demand for flour. Sales of 200.000 bushels, corn to go to store waa reported. Country offerings of both corn and oats were light In spite of strong bids sent out last night. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. March 7., I Nnr Trt. Mir-h t. -Following is roiitpiart l .t ol l.a) transactions oil I lb .Nw York l uilt tiurkei up In t II j P. ni , i'h salrj vf eh lasu and Ilia , h.frt. low siui l.i. I prices: , INK Mill ALU. lilgll l ow Mi p m 0 ; ij 1 46 '4 16 I 1 10 141 14 11 3 21 41 96 23 77 80 10 7 1 6 61 ti 70 7 62 It. tt 14 5 22 3 2 69 10 3 86 Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I Test. Wht. I May 1.42 ) 1.43! 1.41 1.41 1.43' 1.42! 1.41 143 July 1.21 I 1.21 1.19 1 19 1.21 l.SO'.il 1.20 1.21 Ry. I I May 1.07l 1.08 1 1 06 1.07 1.07 July .96 I .96 I .96 .96 .96 Corn. I I I I May .64 I .64 .63 .63 .64 .63 63 64 July .66 .67 .66 .66 .67 .66! 67 Oats. , I May .41 ,42 41 .41 .41- .41 41 July .43 ..43 .42 .43 .43 Pork I May 20.70 20.70 20.70 20 70 20.70 tird. lilt May 111.85 111.87 hi. 70 111.72 11.80 July 12.00 113 01 11.80 11.90 11.97 nibs, ill! May 11.20 111.20 111. IS 11.15 '11.19 July 110.80 110.87 110.80 110.80 l0.50 New Tork Cotton. New Tork, March 7. Cotton futures receded slowly after an early upturn to day. In the early advance, under the influence of better cable advices and unfavorable crop weather In the eastern belt, th list moved up 20 to 36 points. Trade Interests as well as New Orleans and Wall street houses were buyers; selling came from professional longs, Liverpool or the south. - At idsssion the list was back to a level, 13 to 21 points up, and lone selling met less resistance and prises sagged to about Monday's close In the afternoon. The last half hour was more active, bear months eased I to S points under Inst right and the market closed generally ateady, 5 points net lower to 1 higher. , Spot unchanged at 1S.60e for middling upland. Southern soot markets: Galves ton. 17.75c, i points decline; New Orleans, 17c, 25 points advance; Savan nah, 7.3Se. uvhaneed: Augusta, ll.lje, points decline: Memvhus 17.50c. un changed: Houston. 17.75, unchanged; Little Rock, 17c, unchanged. S.I is. lion A. in t i.sl I I ' l Ainal l.Mtlur ... 9 9 .illl 'lire ! : t bi.ak'j .Sup, .. : : ii Columbia Emerald. 78 It ! I'omiuentsl Motors 6 6 jo lirnter K 0 .r .... (0 :o lutant Minor .... 24 16 li.no lur Mol Ind ..... 13 19 loo t;ii,aon Homed .... 1 16 )0 uien Alu.n lost .,46 46 l:o ootilwyn r'lc 6 I Sua 1 1 il.n I'lt-trt II S I :7"i) Jnienon Ituuber ... oi' I.iul.y Jli Nell .... ( 10 Lincoln Motors .. i 1 100 National Lealo .. 10 10 40 New Jer Zinc ..,,141 139 loo JVerltas Motors ... 84 44 200 Philip .Morris .... 11 11 140uhiIIo Corp com .. 3 3 4ii0 ita.lo Corp pr .... 2 1 2l"0 H J Reynolds H .. 41 43 700 Sou Coal A Iron ..US 95 30 dwift Interna 28 21 30 Todd Shipyards ... 71 77 700 u L A H com ... SO 77 6200 U 8 Rteam 10 10 looo IT 8 Ship Corp .... T 7 SO0 I'nl Prof har .... 1 800 I'nl Retail Can ... 6 4 too t'nion Carbide .... 63 63 7no Wayne Coal 97 95 10 West End Chem .. 70 70 100 Willys Corp 1st pr. 7 7 10 Am Type Kdrs 62 2 100 lent T Sugar 1 1 200 Jbaetman Kodik .. 69 68 100 Gardner Motor .... 14 14 3uo Hudson Man 6 6 100 Jupl Kayser Co.... 23 22 500 Jul Kayser RTS... i i 100 Nat Lenin Unst... 2 2 10 N Ont TAP 9 9 300 Post Cereal 19 69 100 Post Cereal 26 Pyrene Mfg 10 10 100 Rock Salt Mills... 3 3 25 Kep By A h Pr... 36 16 STANDARD OILS. 300 Anglo-Amer Oil .. 17 17 17 600 Atlantic Loboa .... 9 9 9 in iiuineye I'lpe Lin SI 91 91 30 Galena Slg Oil .... 45 44 45 85 Imperial Oil Can ..102 102 102 35 Illinois Pipe Line ..175 173 175 20 Ind Pipe Lin 94 94 94 11 tjniO Oil Z69 Z6B ZDS 60 South Penn Oil ..186 184 184 800 Stan Oil of Ind.... 87 86 87 30 Kureka pd... 94 94 91 300 Ten Mex 34 32 82 40 Southwest Penn .. 68 66 69 INDEPENDENT OILS. 1000 Allied OH 3 3 3 2200 Allied Oil. new ..23 23 23 100 Ark Nat Gas 8 8 8 i;uu noons un 19 18 19 2000 Boston Wyoming . ,67 65 67 600 Carl b Syndicate ..-4 3 4 226 Cities Service ....187 186 187 1900 Cities Serv B ctfa. 20 20 20 600 Cities Serv pfd .... 60 60 60 200 Contl Refln Co ... 8 3 3 100 Cosden A Co pr ... 4 4 4 1600 Creole Syndicate .. 2 2 2 3000 Cushlng Petrol ... 6 6 6 100 Dominion Oil ..... 9 9 9 11000 Engineers Petrol . 67 65 66 300 Federal Oil 1 1 1 20 Gllllland Oil 9 9 9 uo uienrock oil 1 1 1 8600 Hudson Oil 44 r!2 42 1100 Interna Petrol ... 15 14 14 loloOKlrby Petrol 23 22 22 1000 Lance Creek 6 6 6 200 Living Petrol 1V4 1 1 1900 Lyons Petrol 87 84 85 6700 Maracalbo Oil ... 27 26 27 3000 Merldan Oil 10 9 9 600 Merritt Oil 9 9 9 33900Mexico Oil 2 2 2 1400 Mountain Produo . 11 11 11 16000Nob!e Oil 20 20 20 3000 Northwest Oil .... 57 23 23 1500 Omar Oil 75 75 75 4000 Ohio Ranger 10 10 10 100 Produc A Refli: ... 5 5 5 600 Salt Creek 13 13 13 600 Simms Petrol .... 10 19 10 800 Skelly Oil 6 5 6 600 South Pet A Ref .. 2 2 2 14800Texon Oil A Land. 63 50 61 100 Tidal Osage 11 11 11 100 Victoria Oil, new.. 85 85 85 6200 Wilcox Oil 4 2 4 100 Woodburn, Oil .... 70 70 70 68000"Y" Oil A Gas .... 17 15 16 100 Mex Seaboard .... 29 29 29 1800 Mutual Oil ....... 6 6 6 10000 Red Banks 26 25 36 600 Spencer Pet 100 95 100 6000 Stanton Oil old.... 3 13 1000 Stanton Oil 20 20 20 MINING. 200 Alas-Brl C Met .. 2 2 2 6000 Big Ledge 21 20 20 1000 Boston Ely 63 62 62 6000 Bos A Mon Dev ... 40 89 39 2000 Canada Copper ... 21 20 20 2000 Candelarla Mln ... 23 22 22 200 Consol Cop Mln .. I VI 1 1 100 Copper Canyon .... 1 1 1 2000 Cortes Sliver .... 91 89 89 1000 Cresson Gold 2 2 2 1000 Divide Extension ..14 14 14 1000 El Salvador 2 12 2000 Goldfield Con 4 4 4 2000 Goldfield Flor 25 25 25 4000 Hard Shcl Mln 42 41 41 600 Hecla Mining 5 6 6 1500 Howe Sound 3 3 3 21000 Ind L Mines 16 13 14 2600 Jerome Verde Dlv.. 3 3 3 100 Kerr Lake 3 3 3 1000 Knox Divide 6 6 5 1000 La Rose Mining.,.. 47 47 47 3000 McNam MAM.... 7 6 6 2000 Magma Copper ... SO 29 30 4600 Mason Valley 2 1 ' 2 300 Motherlode, clt 7 7 IK 1000 Mohican Copper.... 23 28 23 2000 National Tin 60 60 50 2000 Nevada Ophtr 33 33 83 3noo Nev Sil H M 3 3 8 6000 Rex Con Cop 7 7 8 700 S Amer PAG.... 3 4 4 1200 Tonopah Ex Mln.. 1 1 1 600 Tonopah Res Eula. 1 1 1 1100 United Eastern 2 1 1 1300 Ang Am Corp S A 24 24 24 2900 Bos A Mont Cons. 3 3 3 1000 Big Jim 6 6 6 1000 Emma Sll 2 2 2 1000 Green Monster .... 22 22 22 1000 Harbrouck D W.. Ill 13000 Nixon Nev , IS 10 12 10000 Volcano 47 4 46 BONDS. t Allied Packer s... 70 69 70 9 Aluminum 7s 25. ...101 101 101 4 Am Light A T 6s.. 10(1 100 100 9 Am T 4 T 6s 23. .100 100 100 18 Am T A T 6s 24. ..100 100 100 1 Am Tob 7j 23 102 102 102 6 Anaconda Cop 6s.. 98 98 98 22 Anaconda Cop 7s 29.103 102 102 1 Ang Am Oil 7s,..103"t 103 103 1 Beth Steel 7s 23. ..101 101 101 15 Beth Steel 7s 35. ..102 103 102 1 Can N R Eq 7s. ...105 105 105 1 Cent Steel 8s 93 98 98 8 Colum Graph .... 39 39 39 6 Con Textile 8s 7 97 9J 10 Consol Gas "s ....101 101 101 20 Cuban Tel 7s....l04 104 104 3 Deere A Co 7s.. t7 97 97 1 Galena Slg Oil 7s. .101 101 101 1 Gen AsphaH ta ....101 103 ins 100 Ooodrick Tire 7s.. 98 98 98 2 Grand Trunk s.l4 104 -04 1 Gulf Oil 7 103 103 103 27 Hood Rubber 7s .. 96 96 96 Humble Oil 7s ....100 100 100 US Inter R T 8a 22.. 91 81 81 6 Laclede Gas 7s .... 97 96 96 4 I.tb McNe A Lib 7s 99 99 99 9 Manitoba 7 s ji 2 Nat Cloa A Suit 8s 101 10 lon 5 Nat leather 8s .... 98 98 98 36 NT NH A H 4s ... 79 78 7 10 Phtla Co s 44.... 95 95 96 . 4 Phil Petrol s ..14 14 104 I Philippine 6, ...107 107 1P7 17 Tub Ser Co NJ 7s. 97 97 97 New York Bonds Omaha Produce Nw tork. March T Victory 4 a mad Ik new kirn rrronl of inn 40 m in bona msrkei lodi?', but lh general list, do nie.tlc and foreign, waa Irregular. French, government 7e. French mu nlnpala, lirlpan ts, (jueealand is and Cuba Cans ta wrs atronseat of tk In ternstlnnsl group, Mexicans forfeiting part ot yesterday s advance. rorla and eastern Incomes, at s gain of 1 points, war strongest of th raila. Fractional s.rvanrra wr mad by Head Ing 4a. IU. Paul convertibles snd tk d kentures snd Minneapolis A tit. Louis. Chicago A Northwestern ts and Distillers 6a especially heavy, losing 2 points sack. Consolidated das 7a cancelled most of yesterdays gains, declining 1 and nominal Inaaes war mad by New Haven 6a, Northern Pacific 4a. Virginia Hall way ta. American Telephone ts and Ar mour 4 Via. Tk bond market showed greater Ir regularity later French a Improved, kut Toklo 6s and New Haven 6a loat 1 snd 2 points respectively, snd Liberty issues wers mixed. New York, March 7. Following sre todsy's high, low and closing prices of bonds on ths New Tork Stock Kichanga, nd th total sales of each bond: UNITED STATES BONDS. Sales (In 11,000) High Low Close 303 Liberty 3s .. 96.98 96 98 96.98 1 Liberty 1st 4s .. 97 20 97.20 97.20 6 Liberty 2d 4s .. 97.06 97.06 97.06 103 Lib 1st 4s .. 97.40 97.26 97.40 1133 Lib 2d 4s .. 97.38 97.16 97.36 1743 Lib 3d 4S .. 98.24 98.16 '98.24 1238 Lib 4th 4s .. 97.66 97.34 97.64 163 Victory 1 s. ... 1 00.02 100.03 100.02 692 Victory 4s ..100.40 100.26 100.36 2 U S 4s 80 60 80 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT, STATE AND MUNICIPAL. 7 Argentine 6s ....111 110 110 2 City of Berne 8s. ..109 109 109 66 City of Bergen 6s. 81 85 86 3 City of Bordeau Ca.109 109 109 8 City of Christ s .. 90 89 89 40 City of Copen 6 4s. 84 85 85 19 City of Lyons 6s.. 85 85 86 26 City of Mars 6s ..101 101 101 2 City of R D Jan 8s 111 111 111 2 City of Zulrch 8s.. 109 109 109 282 lan Municipal 8s A 94 93 94 23 lion of Can fs 81.. 98 98 98 24 Dom of Can 6 nta.100 99 99 65 Dutch East Ind 6s. 95 95 95 127 French Govt 7s..l01 100 100 100 French Govt 8s. ...104 103 104 8 Japanese 4s 75 75 76 23 Japanese 1st 4s.. 89 89 89 65 King of Belg 6s... 104 103 104 9 King of Belg 7s.l08 107 107 (8 King of Den 6s... 98 98 9S 6 King of Italy 6s. 93 93 93 6 King of Nor 8s. ,.110 110 110 44 King of Swed 6s.. 100 100 100 28 Rep of Chile 8s 48.103 102 102 1 Rep of Cuba 5s 44. 89 89 89 3 Rep of Uruguay 8s.l07 106 106 39 Queensland 7s ....107 107 107T4 2 8wiss Confed 8s. ..115 115 115 193 UKGB&I 6s i2..105 105 106 66 UKBOSI 6s 22. ..105 104 105 153 UKGBSI 6s 37. ,.100 99 99 60 U S of Brazil 8s. ..104 104 104 11 II S of Mex 4 46 46 46 68 U S Of Mex 6e 68 68 68 RAILWAT AND MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. 11 Am Ag Ch 7s ..100 100 100 21 Am Smelt Es 89 87 88 109 Am Sugar 6 98 98 98 3 A T A T col 6s .. 96 97 95 143 Am T A T cv 6s. .112 111 112 11 Armour A Co 4s.. 86 86 86 11 A T A S F CV 4s 65 87 87 87 1 A T A S F adj 4s. . 80 80 80 6 At Coa Line 1st 4s. 86 86 86 40 Atlan Fruit 7s 34 33 34 2 Atlan Refln 6s ..103'103 103 6 B A O ref 6s 80 79 79 42 B A O 6s 96 96 96 7 Bell T of Penn 7s. 108 107 107 4 Beth Steel ref 4s.. 92 92 92 3 Beth Steel PM 6s. 88 87 87 10 B Ed gen 7s S D..106 106 106 49 B R T C cts 7 S.. 73 72 72 13 Bush Ter Bid 6s.. 89 89 89 4 Can North 6s..l09 108 108 123 Can Pac deb 4s .. 78 77 77 2 Cen Leath 5s 96 96 96 4 Cer de Pas 8s 112 112 112 10 Ches & Oh CV 4s. 83 83 83 U Chea & Oh CV 6s.. 87 85 85 10 C B A Q gen 4s .. 87 86 87 22 C B A Q ref 6s .... 97 97 97 79 C & E I gen 5s ne. 75 74 74 4 Chi Gt West 4s ... 60 60 60 3 CM A STP ref 4B 68 68 68 1 CM A STP CV 4S 60 60 60 12 CM A STP cv 6s... 64 64 64 2 C A N W gen 6s ..101 101 101 ICtKW ....106 106 104 CAN V '.a !' 104 106 11 Chicago Rya ta .. 77 76 77 1 1 it 1 a? 1 gen 4.. a 1 si si C It I P rf 4.. 78 74 74 Chi A West Ind 4S. 70 70 70 3 Colo Ind fa 72 72 11 119 Colo at rnu Itfg 4s 86 86 Sl 7 Colum O A E 6B... 91 tl l 187 Con Uas .s 1 l'9 la S9 Cuba C Bug cv 7s. 0 79 10 6 Cuban Am 8s 106 104 14 4 Cuban It K 7S...in:4 1"! 1" 1 Del A Hud cv 6s.. 91 91 91 145 1) A II U ref ts... 46 46 46 14 Detroit Krtlon ..10i 1110 im 4 Diem .Match 7s..08 108 in 713 I P d N 7.. ..105 104 H'4 67 Puquesn Light 6s. in 101 101 1111 Kris Hen 4 44 43 43 2230 Flsk Rubber 8S..,102 1"Z 1"2 126 Gen F.lec 6S 98 98 . 98 74117 Goodyear T . 31 99 99 99 67 Grand Trunk 6s. ..102 101 101 47 Gt North 6.... 96 98 95 69 Gt North 7S ....Id 10744 1"" I Illinois ten ref 4s. 84 64 84 6 Illinois Cen t.. 99 99 99 17 Inter Met 4 14 14 16 34 Inter Met 4s ctfs. 14 13 14 189 Inter R T 6s 64 6 64 43 Inter M M 6s .... 94 93 94 3 Int Pap ref 6s 4 84 84 6 Invincible nil 8s .. 93 92 92 4 Kna City So 5a .. 9C 85 83 15 Kelly Spring Tl 8s. 103 103 103 6 I. S A M H 4s 26.. 92 92 92 6 1, 8 A M 8 4s 31.. 90 90 90 1 Llg . Meyers 6s ... 94 94 94 3 Lorillard 6 93 93 93 6 Louis A Nash un 4s 89 89 83 3 Man Rv 4s tax ex.. 61 61 61 26 Mar S Ry con 6a .. 87 87 87 1.1 Mex Petrol 8s ....102 101 102 15 Mid Steel 6s 86 86 86 26 M 8 P A SSM 6S.101 101 101 229 M-K A T 1st 4S .. 76 70 16 129 M K A T adj 6a n. 60 60 60 34 M K A T P 1 6s n. 80 80 80 41 Mo Pac gen 4s ... 62 62 62 10 Mont Power 6s .... 94 94 94 Z3 Morris A O 4a. 84 83 84 1 National Tube 6s .. 98 98 98 7 N O T A M 5s ... 67 67 67 43 N T C deb 6 99 99 99 6 N T C col 7s ....106 106 106 2 N T C A S L deb 4s 82 82 82 41 N Y Edl 6 106 106 106 N Y Ky ref 4s ctfs. 33 33 33 31 N Y Tel ref 6s ...102 102 102 11 N Y W A B 4s. 42 42 42 1 Nor A West Con 4s 86 86 86 2 Nor Pao 3s 60 60 60 1 Nor Pac 4s 84 84 84 17 N P G N Jt 6s.,106 106 106 10 Nor States P 6s.... 89 89 89 11 N W Bell Tel 7s. ..107 107 107 1 Ore A Cal 1st 6s.. 97 97 97 2 Ore S L Rfg 4s... 89 89 89 77 O W R R A N 4s.. 78 77 77 10 Pac O A E 5a . 88 87 88 6 Packard Motors 8s. 100 99 100 3 r Pan-Am P (, T 7s. 97 97 97 15 Penn R R Gen 4s 87 87 87 12 Penn R R Gen 6s.. 95 95 95 8 Pere Mar Rfg 6s.. 90 90 90 2 Pierce Oil Deb 8s.. 96 96 96 11 P R L A P 6s 84 83 84 12 Reading Gen 4s... 82 82 82 2 Rep I A S 6s 90 90 90 5 R li A W 1st 4s... 73 74 74 5 R I A A L 4s... 77 77 77 45 S L I M A S Rfg 4s 83 83 83 29 8L&SF Pr in 4s s a 69 69 69 17 S L A S F adj 6s.. 78 77 77 138SLASF Inc 6s.. 62 61 61 SI S L S IV 1st 4s... 49 47 49 287 Sea Air L Con 6s. 102 103 102 13 Sou Pao CV 4s 88 88 88 12 Sou Pao Rfg 4s... 85 83 83 32 Sou Ry Gen 4s 63 62 62 8 Sou Ry 1st 6s 91 91 91 6 S Portl Rico Sug 7s 96 65 95 4 Stan Oil of Cal 7s. 106 106 106 19 Steel A Tube 7s... 98 87 97 80 Third Aven arj 6s. 51 60 60 2 Tidewater Oil 6s.l02 103 102 42 Un Pao 1st 4s ctfa 90 90 90 4 Un Pao ref 4s .... 85 85 85 42 Un Pac cv 43 .... 92 92 92 1 Union Tank 7 103 103 103 11 United Drug cv 8s. 106 105 105 1 U S Real A Im 6s. 94 93 94 67 U S Rubber 6s 86 86 80 66 U S Steel 5s 100 100 100 3 Utah Pow & Lig 6s 90 89 90 10 Vir Car Chem 6s... 91 91 91 3 Vir Rail 1st 6s ... 92 91 91 7 Wabash 1st 6j .... 95 95 95 It West Electric 5s .. 99 99 99 2 West Pacific 6s ... 86 85 85 2 West Union 6S ..107 107 107 29 Westing Elec 7s ..107 106 106 6 Wh & La Kr rf 4s 68 57 68 31 Wilson & Co 7s.. 96 96 96 Total sales of bonds today were 114,- 039.000. compared with 115,378.000 yes terday and 110,762,000 a year ago. Chicago flutter. Chicago. March 7. Trading was still too quiet today to clean up the floor stocks and the tone of the butter market continued easy to weak. Quite a num ber of sales of 93 score were reported at 36c, but the bulk of the business re ported waa at 36c. The medium and undergrades continued In excess of the demand. Fresh cars of centralized 90 score were offered freely at 36 c with out attracting buyers. There was a fair demand for storage cars. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., March 7. Turpentine- Firm, 80c: sales, 42 barrels; receipts, 15 barrels; shipments, 44 barrels; stock, 3,267 barrels. Rosin Firm: sales, 845 casks: receipts. 494 casks; shipments, 922 casks; stock, 64,207 casks. Quote: BDEFGHI, 14.15: K. 14.40: M. 15.06; WG. 15.86; WW, 16.10. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., March 7. Eggs lc lower, firsts, 19c. Butter Unchanged; creamery. 40c; packing, 15c. poultry lc bigher: hens. 25c: springs. 30e. Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 7. Butter Lower: creamery, extras, 36c; firsts, 22$35c; sec onds, 29331c: standards. 35c. Eggs Higher: recelots. 17.852 casi-s: firsts. 22Q22c; ordinary firsts, 19 8 20c; miscellaneous, 2121c. New Tork Produce. New York. March 7. Poultrv Live. meauy; orouers, 32rsne; fowls, 38c; dressed, firm; fowls, 2234c Chicago Poultry. Chicago, March 7. Poultry Alive; unchanged. 1 Robert Oalr 7s .... 96 90 96 6 Sears Roe 7s 22.. 100 1110 100 16 Sears Roe 7s 23 .. 99 99 99 5 Shawsheen 7s ....102 101 101 Solvay A Cie 8a ..103 103V4 103 15 South Bell Tel 7s. 103 102 102 3 Stan Oil N Y 7s 27.105 105 105 6 Stan Oil NT 7s 28.106 106 106 1 Stan Oil NY 7s 30.107 107 107 6 Stan Oil NY s.l6 ins 106 3 Sun OH 7s 100 100 100 21 Swift A Co 7s 25. .101 inn, 1hj Swift A Co 7s 31. .103 103 10S4, 11 Texss A Co 7s ....101 101 ioi 3 Tol Edison 7s 104 104 104 14 Un Oil Prod 8s .... 33 93 93 6 Un Ry of Hav 7s.102 102 102 Vacuum Oil 7s ...107 107 1117 61 Warn Sug 7s 41 .. 96 96 96 7 West Electric 7s ..107 107 1U7 T Winches 7s .... 90 96 96 30 Can N Ry 6s W I 99 93 99 3 Cons Coal Co 6s... 86 88 8 S Fed Land Bank 63.102 10: in; 62 Jul Ka r 7s 99 99 99 FOREIGN BONDS. 31 Argentine 7s 28 .. 98 98 98 4 Russian Cs rtf .. 18 U. 1v, 36 Swiss 5i4s 10ft loo., lf' City Alagrs 8s 99 99 99 Chicago Livestock. Chicago, March 7. Cattle Receipts, 11.000 head; veal calves, steady to 25c higher: other classes mostly steady; top beet steers, 19.35; five strictly choice 1.192-pound steers, J9.50; bulk beef steers, 87.768.60; bulk veal calves to packers, $9.50 10.25. Hogs Receipts, 26.000 head; opened mostly 6c higher; closing lighter weights, strong; others slow with advance lost; shippers bought about 6,000; holdover, liberal; top, $11.30; bulk, $1 0.85 1 1.20 ; pips, strong to 25c higher; bulk desirable 100 to 120-pounders, $10.0010.60; some choice stronger weights up to $10.75. Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts 20.000 head; fat lambs mostly 25c lower; fat sheep and shearing lambs, steady; fat lambs, top $16.00; bulk desirable kinds. $15.50 15.85; top shorn lambs, $13.26; top year lings, $14.25; top fat ewes, $9.00. 8t. Louis Live Stock. East St. Louis, III.. March 7. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head: beef steers, cows and light yearlings, strong to 15c higher;, part load . mixed yearlings, $8.60; top steers, $8.40; bulk steers, $7.0O8.O0; cutter cows, bulls and stockers, steady; veal calves, 6076c lower; bulk, $9.50 10.25; practical top. $10.50. Hogs Receipts 11.500 head: closed strong to 10c higher; top, 11.40; bulk 160 to 230-pound average, 111. 25011. 36. bulk, 230 to 280-pound. $11.05011.20. pigs, 25c lower, $lo.oo10.6; packer sows. 15c higher. $9.50f9.7u. Sheep Receipts. 2.000 head; fat lambs, steady; fop, $16. 00: sheep, strong to 25c higher; prime Colorado yearlings ewes, $9.00. Sioux City Live Slock. Sioux City, la., March 7. Cattle Re ceipts. 2.500 head; market steady to strong; fed steers and yearlings. $7,250 9.00; warmed up fed steers and yearlings, ?;.OOS'7.00; fat rows and heifers, $4.6nr 7.25; eanners, S2.2otft 4.25; veals, $5,000 9.00; feeders, $.".O0'&,7.40; calves. 94.60$? 7.50; feeding cows and heifers, $3.50 5.60; FtocKers. $5.006 7 25. Horrs Receipts. 6.500 head; market steady to strong: butchers, $10.6010.70: lights. $10.70)10.75; heavy niixed, $10.00 fit 10.50; heavy packers, $9.259.75; feed er pigs, $11 on. Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts, 200 head; msrket 25c lower; bulk of sales, $10.60 10 75. Sf. Joseph Live Stork. St. Joseph, Mi.., March 7. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.500 head: market ateady to strong: steers, $6.758.50; cow and heif ers. $4.00f8.:5: calves. $3.509.50. Hogs Receipts. 6.600 head: market steady to 10c higher; top, $11.15; bulk, 110.90111.10. Sheep and I.ambs Receipts, 3.000 head: lambs slow sheep 25f5nc higher; lambs, $14.75815.60; ewea. $8.0569 25. New York Prwlnc. New York, March 7. Butter Unsettled; creamery higher than extras. 374r38c: creamery extras, S7',il'7c; packing cur-nt make No. 2. 20fr2le. Kess Firmer; fresh gathered extra firets. 24Vr:ic: do firsts, 22SF2Ic. Cheese Firm. Furnished by slat ef Nebraska, d. partineni of airiruiiur. butaau of mar kts and msrkviing: LIVK 1'OUI.THT. Wholesale WholMai Buying pr. Helling 'r. Stag f 'l.t V f ta 20 pi ;m 10.21 .Springs 2"'P .24 .:.' liens iltgkO :nt .H .24 tr Hans (heavy) 22 If .11 .2 lit .27 Cocks IJ4 .16 ,l ?0 Duck 189 .71 .23 .24 lleea 169 .11 ,20tf ."I Turkeys 3flt .33 .32 v MtKHSED POULTRY, Stags 26 0 .2$ Springs :.. - Tens ., .2 Ml . n Cork a .200. .21 Ducks 22 79 .34 ieeae 264f .30 Turkeys V .60 Kuun. Select 210 ' 26 No. 1 22 0 24 No. 2 22 it .21 Cracks 10 Ip .23 Case count 6 864 6.1 HUTTKR. Creamery, prints. 31 fr .35 Creamery, tub 29 it .34 Country, brat 204' .21 ,'.'5e .28 Country, com 1W ... .22 if .24 Butter fst, tit a. p ..iw HAT Prairie No 1 upland 110.80 ff It. M No. 2' uplend 8.6010 01 No. 3 upland I.OOp 8.00 No. 1 midland 10.00tjil0.to No. 3 midland 8.60O 9 60 No. I midland 7 .00 s ou No. 1 lowland....... 8 000 9.00 No. 3 lowland 8 00tJ) 9.00 Alfalfa, choice.... 18. 6019.60 No. 1 16 60918.50 Stsndard 14.00016.00 No 3 ll.60fjM3.0i) No. 3 10.00 11.00 Oat straw 8.00(9 9. no Wheat straw 7.000 3.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas, 7ro lb. Oranges, size 216 and larger, $5.6007.00; size 350, $5.6O37.00; size 288, $5.7506 60; size 324. 5.60r 6.00. Lemons, $6.0007.60 box, Grspefrult, $3,6045.00 crate. Apples, acc. to grade and size: Delicious, $3.0004.75; Rome Beauties, $3.003.60; Stamen Wine sap, $3.2603.76; Common Winesap, $2.76 JJ4.00; Spltzenberg. 3.264.00; Black Twig. $3.0004.00; Ben Davis, 13.00; Ort ley, $2.6093.25. Figs, 24 pkgs. 8 OS., $2 25; 12 pkgs. 10 oz., $1.50. Dates, 36 pkgs. per box, $0.76; Hallowli, 146116c per lb; Ex celsior, 36 pkgs., $3.00. Vegetables Potatoes, per cwt.i Neb. Early Ohio No. 1, $2 002 15; Neb. Irish Cobblers No. 1, $2.002. 16; Red River Ohio No. 1, $2.25&?2.60: Colo. Brown Beau ties, $2.50; Idaho Rurals, $2.50. Sweet Po tatoes, $1.76jji2.50 per bu. Celery, $1.26 2.00 doz. Head Lettuce, $5.2586.60 crate. Leaf Lettuce. 5575c doz. Red Onions, 9 lOo per lb. Yellow Onions, 910c per lb. Spanish Onions, $4.2504.60 crate. Cauli flower, $2.502.76 crate. Cucumbers, hot house, $3.003.75 per doz. Carrots, 20 3s lb. Turnips, 23o lb. Parsnips, 3 3c lb. Beets, 2$3c lb. Cabbage, 3 4c lb. Young Southern Radishes, 75 90c Young Southern Carrots, 80c. Young Southern Beets, .90 1.00. Brusaells Sprouts, 25c lb. Shallots, 651970c doz. Green Peppers, 30Q)36c lb. Young Southern Onions, 90c doz. bunches. Parsley, 45 66o doz bunches. Nuts Black Walnuts, 56c lb. English Walnuts, 3036o lb. Brazil, large, washed, 16:8c lb. Brazil, medium washed, Hip 16c lb. Pecans, large, 22 30c. Almonds, sack lots, 28c lb. Peanuts, Jumbo raw, 1213c; Jumbo roasted, 1416c; hand picked, raw, 910c; hand-picked, roast ed, 11 13c Honey (In case), 24 frames to 'case, J5.766.00 per case HIDES AND WOOL. . Beef hides: Green salted, No. 1 (late take off), per. lb.. 66c; green salted. No. 2 (late take off), per lb., 45c; green hides. No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 3 4c; green hides. No. 2 (late take off), per lb., 2 3c; green salted (old stock), per lb., 24c; green salted bull hides, No. 1, per k. 3; grran sailed bull bid. No. I, per Ik.. 1 Mora hide- t.ars. rh, II 60; m. i dlum. 'li, email, sack, 11.64; pony '. snd slues. 1st oil no. fkeep i.lla: tir'n sailed, to slas snd wool. sch, Sortition; sh'arllnse. run salted, as to su snd wool sscn. i tv it .'?. Wool ("hulio fins and H blood. Pal : Ik. jotf-ie, medium or biod. per in,, l4r:ir; low and blood par lb.. 160 1 lie; ourry wool, per in., so. Wholeeai prices of beef ruts r follows. No. I ribs. Jic; No. 3 ribs lie; No, 3 ribs, lie; No. 1 l"in. 2"c; No. 2 loins, 26c; No. 3 I.. in. 21c; No. 1 rnunda. lie; No. 3 rounds, I7r; No. 3 rounda, 14 e; No. I chunks. 10r; No, I rkucka, 0c; No. 3 chu.ks. 1.; No. I Plates, 4c; No. 1 Plates. 6c; No. 3 plalra. 4C. Kansas City llsy. Kanaas City, March . Hay rtesdy lo tt klgker; rhnl.-e alfalfa. 121604 21 On; No. 1 pr.ilrle, $11,00113.60; No. I timo thy. 113.506 14.60; No. 1 clover, 1 1 3.00 14.00. Kansas City drain. Kanaas City. Mo., March 7 Wheat Close, May, 11.29; July, It II tr 1.11 . Corn May. 17; July. 40 c. 9jirp"iv t,,ry Aair VV.y'kBmTJry- BONDS for Investment Each month we send to hanks, eorporationa and individual clients a care fully considered list of hlch-irrade Bonds which we own and recommend for investment. Our March tiat wilt b mailed to you upon request. The National City Company Omaha First National Bk. BMg. Telephone! 3316 Jsekeon 3 J 4 GRAIN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of, grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located al .Omaha, Nebraska " Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Siqux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. Get in touch with one) of these branch offices with your next grain shipment. The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" y r y DO YOU CO-OPERATE WITH HER ? If you were one of the younp; women at the telephone switchboard, wouldn't co-operation and kindness on the part of the public help you to do better work ? Any operator can point to switchboard signals indicating the lines of certain persons for whom it is always a pleasure to establish connections. It will help your service if you co-operate with your - , telephone operator, and accord her the same consideration you would any other woman trying her best to serve you courteously and well Northwestern Bell Telephone Company J U